Default Pages
With default pages, you can change the default workflow behavior by simply providing a custom implementation in your Axon Ivy project.
For example: Once a user has completed a task, he will be redirected to his personal task list. The default task list is workflow-driven and may be too technical for your end-users. With a standard process, you can easily provide a branded and use case driven task list that fits perfectly into your domain.
To customize a default page, you need to do the following:
Implement a process with a predefined process start signature in an ivy project. See the following subchapters for more information.
Deploy the Axon Ivy project with the customized standard processes in the application.
Optional: If you have multiple projects which provide the default pages you may need to fix the provider in app.yaml.
1# app.yaml located in e.g. <configuration>/applications/myApp/app.yaml which actives the portal default processes
2# By default the Axon Ivy Engine auto detects the default pages. If you have multiple default pages
3# provider you may need to fix the provider here by defining the library id.
4# The library id is <group-id>:<project-id> from the ivy project deployment definition.
6 DefaultPages: ch.ivyteam.ivy.project.portal:portalTemplate
To customize default pages, you have to implement processes with a predefined process start signature. The following default pages can be customized:
Default Page |
Process Start Signature |
Application Home Page as the entry page to the application. |
DefaultApplicationHomePage() |
Task List with all tasks the current user can work on. |
DefaultTaskListPage() |
Process Start List with all processes which the current user can start. |
DefaultProcessStartListPage() |
End Page which will be displayed to the user after a task or process is completed. |
DefaultEndPage(Number endedTaskId) |
Login Page which comes up whenever authentication is needed. |
DefaultLoginPage(String originalUrl) |
Error Page which visualizes error on the front end |
no signature: globally defined in web.xml |
Frame Page as the entry page to embed a given URL in a frame. |
DefaultFramePage(String relativeUrl, Number runningTaskId) |

Task List