ivy.webserver.yaml (a part of ivy.yaml)
2# -------------------------------------------
3# Axon Ivy Web Server Configuration
4# -------------------------------------------
6# This file shows all configurations of the internal Web Server of the Axon Ivy Engine.
7# https://developer.axonivy.com/doc/10.0/engine-guide/configuration/
9# Copy contents of this reference file to 'configuration/ivy.yaml' before adjusting them to your needs.
10# https://developer.axonivy.com/doc/10.0/engine-guide/configuration/files/ivy-yaml.html
12# By default this configuration enables all available features
13# of the Axon Ivy Engine so that all capabilities that might are used
14# by a workflow project are accessible.
18# Any configuration value of this file can be set in alternative sources.
19# * environment variables: of the operating system can set app config entries.
20# Their key must be prefixed with 'IVY_'.
21# E.g. use 'IVY_CONNECTOR_HTTP_PORT' to override the port of the http connector.
22# https://developer.axonivy.com/doc/10.0/engine-guide/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#overriding-configuration
26# == REST Service Settings ==
28# Configures the RESTful services provided.
29# [restart required]
31 # Controls the REST servlet interface. If disabled no REST resources will be accessible.
32 # Calls to remote REST services are still possible.
33 Enabled: true
34 # Provides the general CSRF protection via 'X-Requested-By' header for REST services.
35 CSRF.Protection: true
36 # Controls whether the REST resources for the mobile app under '/{application}/api/workflow'
37 # is available or not
38 MobileWorkflow.API: false
39 # Controls whether the REST resource for remote deployment under '/system/api/apps/{application}'
40 # is available or not
41 Deployment: true
42 # Allows the service developer to get diagnostic information about request processing by Jersey.
43 # Those diagnostic/tracing information are returned in response headers (X-Jersey-Tracing-nnn).
44 # On productive environments this feature should not be turned on.
45 # [enum: OFF, ON_DEMAND, ALL]
46 Tracing: "OFF"
50# == Miscellaneous Settings ==
52# Session identifier will be renewed on login to prevent the 'Session Fixation' attack.
53Session.RenewIdOnLogin: true
55# Name of the Ivy servlet context. Use a simple name without any special characters (e.g. ivy).
56# [restart required]
57WebServer.IvyContextName: ""
59# Disable it if you don't use the Mobile Offline Dialog feature.
60# [restart required]
61OfflineDialog.Enabled: true
65# == Web Server Connector Settings ==
67 # https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/config/http.html
68 # [restart required]
69 HTTP:
70 Enabled: true
71 Port: 8080
72 AcceptCount: 100
73 Address: ""
74 AllowTrace: false
75 CompressibleMimeType: "text/html,text/xml,text/plain,text/css,text/javascript,application/javascript,application/json,application/xml"
76 Compression: "off"
77 ConnectionLinger: -1
78 ConnectionTimeout: 60000
79 DisableUploadTimeout: true
80 EnableLookups: false
81 MaxHttpHeaderSize: 8192
82 MaxKeepAliveRequests: 100
83 MaxPostSize: 2097152
84 MaxSavePostSize: 4096
85 MaxThreads: 200
86 MinSpareThreads: 10
87 NoCompressionUserAgents: ""
88 ProxyName: ""
89 ProxyPort:
90 RedirectPort: 8443
91 RestrictedUserAgents: ""
92 Server: ""
93 TcpNoDelay: true
94 ThreadPriority: 5
95 URIEncoding: UTF-8
96 UseBodyEncodingForURI: false
97 UseIPVHosts: false
98 XpoweredBy: false
99 # https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/config/http.html
100 # [restart required]
101 HTTPS:
102 Enabled: false
103 Port: 8443
104 AcceptCount: 100
105 Address: ""
106 AllowTrace: false
107 ClientAuth: NONE
108 CompressibleMimeType: "text/html,text/xml,text/plain,text/css,text/javascript,application/javascript,application/json,application/xml"
109 Compression: "off"
110 ConnectionLinger: -1
111 ConnectionTimeout: 60000
112 DisableUploadTimeout: true
113 EnableLookups: false
114 KeyAlias: ""
115 KeystoreFile: configuration/keystore.p12
116 # [password]
117 KeystorePass: changeit
118 KeystoreType: "pkcs12"
119 MaxHttpHeaderSize: 8192
120 MaxKeepAliveRequests: 100
121 MaxPostSize: 2097152
122 MaxSavePostSize: 4096
123 MaxThreads: 200
124 MinSpareThreads: 10
125 NoCompressionUserAgents: ""
126 ProxyName: ""
127 ProxyPort:
128 RedirectPort: 8443
129 RestrictedUserAgents: ""
130 Server: ""
131 SslProtocol: TLS
132 SslHostConfig:
133 # The names of the protocols to support when communicating with clients.
134 # Multiple protocols can be enabled by separating them with a comma.
135 # [restart required]
136 # [examples: SSLv2Hello, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3, all]
137 Protocols: all
138 TcpNoDelay: true
139 ThreadPriority: 5
140 TruststoreFile: ""
141 # [password]
142 TruststorePass: ""
143 TruststoreType: "JKS"
144 URIEncoding: UTF-8
145 UseBodyEncodingForURI: false
146 UseIPVHosts: false
147 XpoweredBy: false
148 # https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/config/ajp.html
149 # [restart required]
150 AJP:
151 Enabled: false
152 Port: 8009
153 Address: ""
154 AllowTrace: false
155 ConnectionTimeout: -1
156 EnableLookups: false
157 MaxPostSize: 2097152
158 MaxSavePostSize: 4096
159 MaxThreads: 200
160 MinSpareThreads: 10
161 PacketSize: 8192
162 ProxyName: ""
163 ProxyPort:
164 RedirectPort: 8443
165 Secret: ""
166 SecretRequired: false
167 TcpNoDelay: true
168 ThreadPriority: 5
169 TomcatAuthentication: false
170 TomcatAuthorization: false
171 URIEncoding: UTF-8
172 UseBodyEncodingForURI: false
173 UseIPVHosts: false
174 XpoweredBy: false