Table IWA_Application



Primary Key Name Type Length Precision Can Be Null Default References Action Hints Comment
true ApplicationId BIGINT false Identifies the application.
false Name VARCHAR 40 false Oracle Name of the application.
false Description VARCHAR 2000 true Java Description of the application.
false OwnerName VARCHAR 40 false Oracle Name of the owner of the web application.
false State INTEGER false The state of the web application. The states are defined in the java enumeration ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.ActivityState
false FileDirectory VARCHAR 500 false Oracle Directory where Xpert.ivy stores the files of the application.
false SecuritySystemId BIGINT false IWA_SecuritySystem(SecuritySystemId) References the security system this application belongs to.


Constraint Name Columns Hints Comment
UNIQUE IWA_Application_NameIndex Name


Name Columns Hints Comment
IWA_Application_SecuritySystemIdIndex SecuritySystemId

Referenced By

Foreign Table Column Comment
IWA_ProcessModel ApplicationId References the application this process model belongs to.
IWA_Library ApplicationId References the application this library belongs to.
IWA_CaseMap ApplicationId Reference the application the case map belongs to
IWA_Case ApplicationId References the application this case belongs to. This is redundant with ProcessModelId -> IWA_ProcessModel.ApplicationId and is introduced for performance reason.
IWA_Task ApplicationId References the application this task belongs to. This is redundant with CaseId->IWA_Case.ApplicationId and is introduced for performance reasons only.
IWA_WorkflowEvent ApplicationId References the application this workflow event belongs to.
IWA_IntermediateEvent ApplicationId References the application that this intermediate event belongs to.
IWA_SignalEvent ApplicationId


Object ConvertEmptyStringToNull DeleteTriggerName
IWA_Application IWA_ApplicationDeleteTrg
Name true
OwnerName true
FileDirectory true


Object Strategy
IWA_Application ALL


Object Truncate
Description true