Table IWA_Case



Primary Key Name Type Length Precision Can Be Null Default References Action Hints Comment
true CaseId BIGINT false Identifies the case.
false BusinessCaseId BIGINT true IWA_Case(CaseId) ON DELETE SET NULL MsSqlServer References the business case
false Kind INTEGER false 0 Java Case Kind: Initial Case, Business Case, Case
false SecuritySystemId BIGINT false IWA_SecuritySystem(SecuritySystemId) References the security system this case belongs to.
false ApplicationId BIGINT false IWA_Application(ApplicationId) ON DELETE CASCADE MsSqlServer , MySql , Oracle References the application this case belongs to. This is redundant with ProcessModelId -> IWA_ProcessModel.ApplicationId and is introduced for performance reason.
false ProcessModelId BIGINT false IWA_ProcessModel(ProcessModelId) ON DELETE CASCADE Java , MsSqlServer , MySql References the process model this case belongs to.
false TaskStartId BIGINT false IWA_TaskStart(TaskStartId) ON DELETE CASCADE MsSqlServer , MySql , Oracle References the task start from which the case was started
false ActivatorId VARCHAR 210 true IWA_SecurityMember(SecurityMemberId) References the security member who was set as start activator (user or role).
false CreatorId VARCHAR 210 true IWA_SecurityMember(SecurityMemberId) References the security member which has created this case. Maybe null if the user who created this case was an unknown user.
false CreatorTaskId BIGINT true IWA_Task(TaskId) ON DELETE SET NULL References the task that has triggered this case to start. Maybe null if case was not triggered by a task.
false Environment VARCHAR 200 true References the environment which this case uses.
false StartTimestamp DATETIME false Time the case was started.
false EndTimestamp DATETIME true Time the case was destroyed or done.
false BusinessCalendar VARCHAR 200 true The name of the business calendar used for this case
false WorkingTime BIGINT true Java Sum of all working times from tasks of this case in seconds
false BusinessRuntime BIGINT true Java Business duration in seconds (business time between start and end timestamp)
false State INTEGER false Java The state of the case. See java enumeration ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.CaseState for possible values.
false Priority INTEGER false Java
false Stage VARCHAR 200 false Stage
false OwnerId VARCHAR 210 true IWA_SecurityMember(SecurityMemberId) Owner Fields References a security member who owns this case. This field can be null.
false Category VARCHAR 200 false Category


Name Columns Hints Comment
IWA_Case_BusinessCaseIdIndex BusinessCaseId
IWA_Case_SecSystemIdIndex SecuritySystemId
IWA_Case_ApplicationIdIndex ApplicationId
IWA_Case_ProcessModelIdIndex ProcessModelId
IWA_Case_TaskStartIdIndex TaskStartId
IWA_Case_ActivatorIdIndex ActivatorId
IWA_Case_CreatorTaskIdIndex CreatorTaskId
IWA_Case_WbppIdCrtTmstmpSttIdx ApplicationId , StartTimestamp , State MsSqlServer , MySql
IWA_Case_WorkingTime WorkingTime
IWA_Case_BusinessRuntime BusinessRuntime
IWA_Case_Category Category
IWA_Case_EndTimestamp EndTimestamp
IWA_Case_StartTimestamp StartTimestamp
IWA_Case_CreatorIdIndex CreatorId
IWA_Case_OwnerIdIndex OwnerId
IWA_Case_StateCreatorIdIndex State , CreatorId

Referenced By

Foreign Table Column Comment
IWA_AsyncProcessCaseData CaseId
IWA_TaskSwitchEvent CaseId References the case this task switch event belongs to.
IWA_Case BusinessCaseId References the business case
IWA_CaseLocalized CaseId References the case this name and description belongs to
IWA_Task CaseId References the case the task belongs to.
IWA_Task BusinessCaseId References the business case the task belongs to. This information is redundant to get fast query times.
IWA_WorkflowEvent CaseId References the case this workflow event belongs to.
IWA_CaseMapBusinessCase BusinessCaseId
IWA_CaseMapEvent ProcessCaseId Case id of the started, ended or destroyed process
IWA_CaseNote CaseId Identifies the case, the note belongs to.
IWA_CaseCustomStringField CaseId Identifies the task this custom field belongs to
IWA_CaseCustomTextField CaseId Identifies the case this custom field belongs to
IWA_CaseCustomNumberField CaseId Identifies the task this custom field belongs to
IWA_CaseCustomTimestampField CaseId Identifies the task this custom field belongs to
IWA_BusinessCaseData BusinessCaseId


Object AsParent BusinessClass CustomFields Enum FilterQueryDataType SecurityMemberLegacyFields
IWA_Case ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.ICase true true
Kind ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.internal.cases.CaseKind
ProcessModelId true
WorkingTime NUMBER
BusinessRuntime NUMBER
State ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.CaseState
Priority ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.WorkflowPriority


Object Strategy


Object IndexName NoReference NoReferenceUseTrigger
BusinessCaseId true
ApplicationId true
ProcessModelId true
TaskStartId true
IWA_Case_WbppIdCrtTmstmpSttIdx IWA_Case_ApplicationIdCreationTimestampStateIndex


Object IndexName NoReference NoReferenceUseTrigger
ApplicationId true
ProcessModelId true
TaskStartId true
IWA_Case_WbppIdCrtTmstmpSttIdx IWA_Case_ApplicationIdCreationTimestampStateIndex


Object NoAction
ApplicationId true
TaskStartId true