Table IWA_IntermediateEvent

Intermediate events


Primary Key Name Type Length Precision Can Be Null Default References Action Hints Comment
true IntermediateEventId BIGINT false Identifies the intermediate event.
false TaskStartId BIGINT false IWA_TaskStart(TaskStartId) ON DELETE CASCADE References the intermediate event element that this intermediate event belongs to.
false SecuritySystemId BIGINT false IWA_SecuritySystem(SecuritySystemId) References the security system that this intermediate event belongs to.
false ApplicationId BIGINT false IWA_Application(ApplicationId) ON DELETE CASCADE MsSqlServer , MySql , Oracle References the application that this intermediate event belongs to.
false TaskId BIGINT true IWA_Task(TaskId) ON DELETE CASCADE References the task that is waiting for the intermediate event. Maybe null if no task is waiting for the event.
false EventId VARCHAR 200 false The event identifier. This identifier is used to identify the event over multiple systems.
false State INTEGER false The state of the intermediate event. See java enumeration ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.IntermediateEventState for possible values.
false EventTimestamp DATETIME true The timestamp when the event was fired. Null if event was not yet fired.
false TimeoutTimestamp DATETIME true The timestamp when the event timeouts. Null if event does not timeout
false TimeoutTaskStartElementId VARCHAR 200 true The identifier of the task start element where to start a timeout task.
false TimeoutAction INTEGER false The action in case the event timeouts. See java enumeration ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.IntermediateEventTimeoutAction
false AdditionalInformation VARCHAR 2000 true Additional information provided by the intermediate event bean


Constraint Name Columns Hints Comment
UNIQUE IWA_IntermediateEvent_TaskStartIdEventIdIndex TaskStartId , EventId


Name Columns Hints Comment
IWA_IntermediateEvent_SecSystemId SecuritySystemId
IWA_IntermediateEvent_ApplicationId ApplicationId
IWA_IntermediateEvent_TaskStartId TaskStartId MsSqlServer , MySql , Oracle
IWA_IntermediateEvent_TaskId TaskId
IWA_IntermediateEvent_EventId EventId
IWA_IntermediateEvent_State State
IWA_IntrmdtEvnt_TimeoutTmstmp TimeoutTimestamp

Referenced By

Foreign Table Column Comment
IWA_Task TimeoutedCreatorIntrmdtEventId References the intermediate event that causes this task to start because the intermediate event has timeouted.
IWA_IntermediateEventData IntermediateEventId Identifies the intermediate event data. References the intermediate event that this intermediate event data belongs to.


Object DeleteTriggerName IndexName NoReference
IWA_IntermediateEvent IWA_IntermediateEventTrigger
ApplicationId true
IWA_IntermediateEvent_TaskStartId IWA_IntrmdtEvnt_TaskStartId


Object DeleteTriggerName IndexName NoReference
IWA_IntermediateEvent IWA_IntermediateEventTrigger
ApplicationId true
IWA_IntermediateEvent_TaskStartId IWA_IntrmdtEvnt_TaskStartId


Object Strategy


Object IndexName NoReference
ApplicationId true
IWA_IntermediateEvent_TaskStartId IWA_IntrmdtEvnt_TaskStartId