Table IWA_Note

Notes are made by users and can be assigned to tasks and cases


Primary Key Name Type Length Precision Can Be Null Default References Action Hints Comment
true NoteId BIGINT false Identifies the note.
false SecurityMemberId VARCHAR 210 true IWA_User(SecurityMemberId) ON DELETE SET NULL References the user, which has written this note. Maybe null if the user who has written the note was deleted.
false UserName VARCHAR 200 false Name of the user, which has written this note. This is redundant with field UserId. This field will hold the user name even the user is deleted and the field UserId is set to null.
false Timestamp DATETIME false redundant with UserId in case user is deleted The timestamp the note was written.
false Note CLOB false Java , MySql The text of the note.


Name Columns Hints Comment
IWA_Note_SecurityMemberIdIndex SecurityMemberId

Referenced By

Foreign Table Column Comment
IWA_TaskNote NoteId Identifies the note that belongs to the task.
IWA_CaseNote NoteId Identifies the note that belongs to the case.


Object Strategy


Object DataType
Note String


Object DataType