Table IWA_ProcessModelVersion

Process Model Versions represents an ivy projects


Primary Key Name Type Length Precision Can Be Null Default References Action Hints Comment
true ProcessModelVersionId BIGINT false Identifies the process model version
false ProcessModelId BIGINT false IWA_ProcessModel(ProcessModelId) ON DELETE CASCADE Java , MsSqlServer , MySql Identifies the process model this process model version belongs to.
false VersionNumber INTEGER false The version number. This number starts at 0 and is then increased by one for every new version.
false Name VARCHAR 200 false Oracle Name of the process model version. This field can be used to give the process model version a user friendly name.
false Description CLOB false Java Description of the process model version. This field can be used to describe the changes to the older version.
false State INTEGER false The state of the process. The values of the state are defined by the java class ivyteam.webapp.workflow.Activity
false ReleaseState INTEGER false The release state of the process. The values of the state are defined by the java class ivyteam.webapp.workflow.ProcessModelVersionImpl
false ReleaseTimestamp DATETIME true Date and time when this process model version was released.
false ScheduledReleaseTimestamp DATETIME true The date and time when this process model version should be automatically released.
false ProjectDirectory VARCHAR 500 true The directory where the Xpert.ivy project that belongs to this pmv is stored. If null the project directory is located at the standard location under the application file directory.
false ProjectName VARCHAR 200 false The name of the project that belongs to this pmv
false ProjectHash VARCHAR 32 true MD5 hash of last deployed artifact.
false Changed DATETIME false Java The time the process model version was changed.
false ChangedBy VARCHAR 50 false Java , Oracle The user who has changed the process model version.
false ChangedFromHost VARCHAR 50 false Java , Oracle The host where the user has changed the process model version.
false NumberOfElements INTEGER false Holds the number of elements this process consists of.


Constraint Name Columns Hints Comment
UNIQUE IWA_ProcessModelVersion_ProcessModelVersionIdVersionNumberIndex ProcessModelId , VersionNumber


Name Columns Hints Comment
IWA_ProcessModelVersion_ProcessModelIdIndex ProcessModelId

Referenced By

Foreign Table Column Comment
IWA_Library ProcessModelVersionId References the process model version this library belongs to
IWA_CaseMap ProcessModelVersionId Reference the process model version the case map belongs to
IWA_TaskElement ProcessModelVersionId References the process model version this process element belongs to.


Object AdditionalSetMethods AsParent AttributeName DataType Truncate
IWA_ProcessModelVersion set(Name, Description, NumberOfElements, ProjectHash, ChangedBy, ChangedFromHost, Changed)
ProcessModelId true
Description String true
Changed lastChangeDate
ChangedBy lastChangeBy true
ChangedFromHost lastChangeFromHost true


Object Strategy
IWA_ProcessModelVersion ALL


Object NoReferenceUseTrigger
ProcessModelId true


Object NoReferenceUseTrigger
ProcessModelId true


Object ConvertEmptyStringToNull
Name true
ChangedBy true
ChangedFromHost true