Table IWA_Role

Roles are organised in a tree. Every role has a parent role with one exception the Everybody role.


Primary Key Name Type Length Precision Can Be Null Default References Action Hints Comment
false RoleId BIGINT false Identifies the role.
false Name VARCHAR 200 false Oracle Name of the role. The name identifies a role within an application.
false DisplayNameTemplate VARCHAR 200 true Display template for the name of the role.
false DisplayDescriptionTemplate VARCHAR 200 true Java Display template for the description of the role.
false ParentSecurityMemberId VARCHAR 210 true IWA_Role(SecurityMemberId) ON DELETE CASCADE Java , MsSqlServer References a role which is the parent role of this role.
false SecuritySystemId BIGINT false IWA_SecuritySystem(SecuritySystemId) References the security system this role belongs to.
false IsDynamic BIT false Is this role a dynamically created role.
true SecurityMemberId VARCHAR 210 false IWA_SecurityMember(SecurityMemberId)


Constraint Name Columns Hints Comment
UNIQUE IWA_Role_RoleIdUnique RoleId
UNIQUE IWA_Role_SecNameIndex SecuritySystemId , Name


Name Columns Hints Comment
IWA_Role_ParentSecurityMemberIdIndex ParentSecurityMemberId
IWA_Role_SecuritySystemIdIndex SecuritySystemId

Referenced By

Foreign Table Column Comment
IWA_Role ParentSecurityMemberId References a role which is the parent role of this role.
IWA_RoleProperty SecurityMemberId References the user this property belongs to.
IWA_RoleRoleMember RoleSecurityMemberId References a role which has a relation with the role referenced by RoleMemberId.
IWA_RoleRoleMember RoleMemberSecurityMemberId References a role which has a member relation with the role reference by RoleId.
IWA_UserRole RoleSecurityMemberId
IWA_UserSubstitute SubstituteRoleSecurityMemberId References the role for which the substitute user substitutes the user referenced by UserId in case he is absent. This field may be null. In this case the user references by SubstituteUserSecurityMemberId substitutes the user referenced by UserId for the tasks the user is responsible for. Which means he can see and work on the tasks the user he substitutes is responsible for because the user is the activator of the tasks. If the field is not null. The user references by SubstituteUserSecurityMemberId substitutes the user referenced by UserId for the tasks the user is responsible for because he owns the role referenced by SubstituteForRoleSecurityMemberId. Which means he can see and work on the tasks the user he substitutes is responsible for because a role the user owns is the activator of the tasks.


Object Strategy


Object ConvertEmptyStringToNull
Name true


Object AsParent ParentCanBeModified Truncate
DisplayDescriptionTemplate true
ParentSecurityMemberId true true


Object NoReferenceUseTrigger
ParentSecurityMemberId true