Table IWA_SecurityMember

Security members can be user or roles


Primary Key Name Type Length Precision Can Be Null Default References Action Hints Comment
true SecurityMemberId VARCHAR 210 false Identifies the security member.
false Name VARCHAR 200 false Name of the security member.
false MemberName VARCHAR 201 false Member Name of the security member. This is the Name and a '#' as prefix if the member is a user.
false DisplayName VARCHAR 200 true Display name of the security member.
false SecuritySystemId BIGINT false IWA_SecuritySystem(SecuritySystemId) References the security system this security member belongs to.
false Enabled BIT false 0 Security member enabled (1) or disabled (0).
false Type INTEGER false Java Member type: role (0) or user (1)


Name Columns Hints Comment
IWA_SecurityMemberNameIdx Name
IWA_SecurityMemberMemberNameIdx MemberName
IWA_SecurityMemberDisplayNameIdx DisplayName
IWA_SecurityMemberEnabledIdx Enabled
IWA_SecurityMemberTypeIdx Type
IWA_SecurityMember_SecuritySystemIdIndex SecuritySystemId

Referenced By

Foreign Table Column Comment
IWA_Role SecurityMemberId
IWA_User SecurityMemberId
IWA_Case ActivatorId References the security member who was set as start activator (user or role).
IWA_Case CreatorId References the security member which has created this case. Maybe null if the user who created this case was an unknown user.
IWA_Case OwnerId Owner Fields References a security member who owns this case. This field can be null.
IWA_Task WorkerId References the security member that is working or has worked on this task.
IWA_Task ActivatorId References the security member who can resume the task (user or role).
IWA_Task OriginalActivatorId References the security member who originally was set as task activator (user or role).
IWA_Task ExpiryActivatorId References the security member who can resume the task after the task has expired (user or role).
IWA_WorkflowEvent UserId References the user that has driven the task or case which has triggered this event. Maybe null if event was triggered by an anonymous user.
IWA_SignalEvent SentById
IWA_AccessControl SecurityMemberId References the user that this access control grants or denies the permission to. Must be null if RoleId is not null.


Object Strategy


Object Enum