Security members can be user or roles
Primary Key | Name | Type | Length | Precision | Can Be Null | Default | References | Action | Hints | Comment |
true | SecurityMemberId | VARCHAR | 210 | false | Identifies the security member. | |||||
false | Name | VARCHAR | 200 | false | Name of the security member. | |||||
false | MemberName | VARCHAR | 201 | false | Member Name of the security member. This is the Name and a '#' as prefix if the member is a user. | |||||
false | DisplayName | VARCHAR | 200 | true | Display name of the security member. | |||||
false | SecuritySystemId | BIGINT | false | IWA_SecuritySystem(SecuritySystemId) | References the security system this security member belongs to. | |||||
false | Enabled | BIT | false | 0 | Security member enabled (1) or disabled (0). | |||||
false | Type | INTEGER | false | Java | Member type: role (0) or user (1) |
Name | Columns | Hints | Comment |
IWA_SecurityMemberNameIdx | Name | ||
IWA_SecurityMemberMemberNameIdx | MemberName | ||
IWA_SecurityMemberDisplayNameIdx | DisplayName | ||
IWA_SecurityMemberEnabledIdx | Enabled | ||
IWA_SecurityMemberTypeIdx | Type | ||
IWA_SecurityMember_SecuritySystemIdIndex | SecuritySystemId |
Foreign Table | Column | Comment |
IWA_Role | SecurityMemberId | |
IWA_User | SecurityMemberId | |
IWA_Case | ActivatorId | References the security member who was set as start activator (user or role). |
IWA_Case | CreatorId | References the security member which has created this case. Maybe null if the user who created this case was an unknown user. |
IWA_Case | OwnerId | Owner Fields References a security member who owns this case. This field can be null. |
IWA_Task | WorkerId | References the security member that is working or has worked on this task. |
IWA_Task | ActivatorId | References the security member who can resume the task (user or role). |
IWA_Task | OriginalActivatorId | References the security member who originally was set as task activator (user or role). |
IWA_Task | ExpiryActivatorId | References the security member who can resume the task after the task has expired (user or role). |
IWA_WorkflowEvent | UserId | References the user that has driven the task or case which has triggered this event. Maybe null if event was triggered by an anonymous user. |
IWA_SignalEvent | SentById | |
IWA_AccessControl | SecurityMemberId | References the user that this access control grants or denies the permission to. Must be null if RoleId is not null. |
Object | Strategy |
IWA_SecurityMember | ALL_REMOVE_UNUSED |
Object | Enum |
Type | |