Additional information for tasks that were created because of a signal event
Primary Key | Name | Type | Length | Precision | Can Be Null | Default | References | Action | Hints | Comment |
true | SignaledTaskId | BIGINT | false | IWA_Task(TaskId) | ON DELETE CASCADE | MsSqlServer , MySql | Identifies the signaled task | |||
false | SignalCodePattern | VARCHAR | 200 | false | Oracle | The signal code pattern that was matched | ||||
false | ReceivedSignalEventId | BIGINT | true | IWA_SignalEvent(SignalEventId) | ON DELETE SET NULL | MsSqlServer , MySql | Signal that was received and matched this pattern |
Name | Columns | Hints | Comment |
IWA_SigTask_RecvdSignalEventId | ReceivedSignalEventId |
Foreign Table | Column | Comment |
IWA_TaskSignalEventReceiver | StartedSignaledTaskId | Id of the signaled task that has been started after the signal was received |
Object | Strategy |
Object | NoReferenceUseTrigger |
SignaledTaskId | true |
ReceivedSignalEventId | true |
Object | NoReferenceUseTrigger |
SignaledTaskId | true |
ReceivedSignalEventId | true |
Object | ConvertEmptyStringToNull |
SignalCodePattern | true |