Table IWA_Task

Tasks belongs always to a case


Primary Key Name Type Length Precision Can Be Null Default References Action Hints Comment
true TaskId BIGINT false Identifies the task.
false CaseId BIGINT false IWA_Case(CaseId) ON DELETE CASCADE Java , MsSqlServer , MySql References the case the task belongs to.
false BusinessCaseId BIGINT false IWA_Case(CaseId) ON DELETE CASCADE MsSqlServer , MySql References the business case the task belongs to. This information is redundant to get fast query times.
false SecuritySystemId BIGINT false IWA_SecuritySystem(SecuritySystemId) References the security system this task belongs to.
false ApplicationId BIGINT false IWA_Application(ApplicationId) ON DELETE CASCADE MsSqlServer , MySql , Oracle References the application this task belongs to. This is redundant with CaseId->IWA_Case.ApplicationId and is introduced for performance reasons only.
false ProcessModelId BIGINT false IWA_ProcessModel(ProcessModelId) ON DELETE CASCADE MsSqlServer , MySql , Oracle References the process model this task belongs to. This is redundant with CaseId -> IWA_Case.ProcessModelId and is introduced for performance reasons only.
false StartTaskSwitchEventId BIGINT false IWA_TaskSwitchEvent(TaskSwitchEventId) ON DELETE CASCADE MsSqlServer , MySql , Oracle References the task switch event that causes this task to start.
false EndTaskSwitchEventId BIGINT true IWA_TaskSwitchEvent(TaskSwitchEventId) ON DELETE SET NULL MsSqlServer , MySql , Oracle References the task switch event that causes this task to end. Maybe null if task is not yet finished.
false TaskStartId BIGINT false IWA_TaskStart(TaskStartId) ON DELETE CASCADE MsSqlServer , MySql , Oracle References the task start where the process of this task can be started.
false TaskEndId BIGINT true IWA_TaskEnd(TaskEndId) ON DELETE SET NULL MsSqlServer , MySql , Oracle References the task end where the process of this task has ended. Maybe null if task is not yet finished.
false WorkerId VARCHAR 210 true IWA_SecurityMember(SecurityMemberId) References the security member that is working or has worked on this task.
false WorkerSessionId INTEGER true The session identifier of the session user that is working on this task. Note that the session identifier is always set if the task is in state RESUMED whereas the WorkerId is only be set if the session user is known.
false ActivatorId VARCHAR 210 true IWA_SecurityMember(SecurityMemberId) References the security member who can resume the task (user or role).
false OriginalActivatorId VARCHAR 210 true IWA_SecurityMember(SecurityMemberId) References the security member who originally was set as task activator (user or role).
false ExpiryActivatorId VARCHAR 210 true IWA_SecurityMember(SecurityMemberId) References the security member who can resume the task after the task has expired (user or role).
false ExpiryPriority INTEGER false Java The priority of the task if the task is expired.
false ExpiryTimestamp DATETIME true Timestamp on which the task expires. If it is null the task cannot expire.
false ExpiryTaskStartElementPid VARCHAR 200 true MsSqlServer Name of the exception element on which a expiry task will be started if this task expires. Null if the task cannot expire or if no expiry task should be started.
false IsExpired BIT false Flag which indicates if the task is expired.
false ExpiredCreatorTaskId BIGINT true IWA_Task(TaskId) ON DELETE SET NULL MsSqlServer , MySql , Oracle References the task that causes this task to start becuase the original task has expired.
false TimeoutedCreatorIntrmdtEventId BIGINT true IWA_IntermediateEvent(IntermediateEventId) ON DELETE SET NULL MsSqlServer , MySql , Oracle References the intermediate event that causes this task to start because the intermediate event has timeouted.
false DelayTimestamp DATETIME true Timestamp till the task is delayed. If it is null the task will not be delayed.
false State INTEGER false Java State of the task. The state values are defined by the java enumeration ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.TaskState
false RequestPath VARCHAR 200 false Oracle The path to resume the task. Note that this column holds the path to resume the task from state SUSPENDED or state PARKED. In state SUSPENDED the column has the same value as column StartRequestPath in the references IWA_TaskStart table.
false OriginalPriority INTEGER false Java The priority of the task.
false Priority INTEGER false Java
false StartTimestamp DATETIME false Timestamp on which the task was started.
false EndTimestamp DATETIME true Timestamp on which the task was set to state DESTROYED or READY_FOR_JOIN. Null if task was not yet set to state DESTROYED or READY_FOR_JOIN.
false BusinessCalendar VARCHAR 200 true The name of the business calendar used for this task
false WorkingTime BIGINT true Java Time a user worked on this task in seconds
false BusinessRuntime BIGINT true Java Business duration in seconds (business time between start and end timestamp)
false FailedTimeoutTimestamp DATETIME true Time the task timeouts from state FAILED to state SUSPENDED or JOINING to state JOIN_FAILED or JOIN_FAILED to READY_FOR_JOIN
false NumberOfFailures INTEGER false Number of times the task has failed to be resumed and executed (System tasks only) and or number of times the task has failed to join.
false NumberOfResumes INTEGER true Number of times the task was resumed
false Category VARCHAR 200 false Category Field Category
false IsUpdatedOnStart BIT false
false IsOffline BIT false 0


Name Columns Hints Comment
IWA_Task_CaseIdIndex CaseId
IWA_Task_BusinessCaseIdIndex BusinessCaseId
IWA_Task_ProcessModelIdIndex ProcessModelId
IWA_Task_SecSystemIdIndex SecuritySystemId
IWA_Task_ApplicationIdIndex ApplicationId
IWA_Task_StateIndex State
IWA_Task_StartTimestamp StartTimestamp
IWA_Task_EndTimestamp EndTimestamp
IWA_Task_WorkingTime WorkingTime
IWA_Task_BusinessRuntime BusinessRuntime
IWA_Task_NumberOfResumes NumberOfResumes
IWA_Task_CategoryIndex Category
IWA_Task_WorkerIdIndex WorkerId
IWA_Task_ActivatorIdIndex ActivatorId
IWA_Task_OriginalActivatorIdIndex OriginalActivatorId
IWA_Task_ExpiryActivatorIdIndex ExpiryActivatorId
IWA_Task_StateActivatorIdIndex State , ActivatorId
IWA_Task_StateWorkerIdIndex State , WorkerId
IWA_Task_StartTaskSwitchEventIdIndex StartTaskSwitchEventId
IWA_Task_EndTaskSwitchEventIdIndex EndTaskSwitchEventId
IWA_Task_TaskStartIdIndex TaskStartId
IWA_Task_TaskEndIdIndex TaskEndId
IWA_Task_ExpiredCreatorTaskIdIndex ExpiredCreatorTaskId
IWA_Task_TimeoutedCreatorIntrmdtEventIdIndex TimeoutedCreatorIntrmdtEventId

Referenced By

Foreign Table Column Comment
IWA_Case CreatorTaskId References the task that has triggered this case to start. Maybe null if case was not triggered by a task.
IWA_Task ExpiredCreatorTaskId References the task that causes this task to start becuase the original task has expired.
IWA_TaskLocalized TaskId References the task this name and description belongs to
IWA_TaskData TaskId Identifies the task data. References the task this task data belongs to
IWA_WorkflowEvent TaskId References the task this workflow event belongs to. If it is null the workflow event belong only to the case.
IWA_IntermediateEvent TaskId References the task that is waiting for the intermediate event. Maybe null if no task is waiting for the event.
IWA_TaskNote TaskId Identifies the task, the note belongs to.
IWA_TaskCustomStringField TaskId Identifies the task this custom field belongs to
IWA_TaskCustomTextField TaskId Identifies the task this custom field belongs to
IWA_TaskCustomNumberField TaskId Identifies the task this custom field belongs to
IWA_TaskCustomTimestampField TaskId Identifies the task this custom field belongs to
IWA_TaskLocation TaskId Identifies the task, the note belongs to.
IWA_TaskSignalEventReceiver WaitingTaskId Identifies the task, the entity belongs to. This task will be destroyed if a signal is received that matches the pattern.
IWA_SignaledTask SignaledTaskId Identifies the signaled task
IWA_SignalEvent SentByTaskId


Object AsParent BusinessClass CustomFields Enum FilterQueryDataType SecurityMemberLegacyFields
IWA_Task ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.ITask true true
CaseId true
ExpiryPriority ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.WorkflowPriority
State ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.TaskState
OriginalPriority ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.WorkflowPriority
Priority ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.WorkflowPriority
WorkingTime NUMBER
BusinessRuntime NUMBER


Object Strategy


Object NoReference NoReferenceUseTrigger
CaseId true
BusinessCaseId true
ApplicationId true
ProcessModelId true
StartTaskSwitchEventId true
EndTaskSwitchEventId true
TaskStartId true
TaskEndId true
ExpiredCreatorTaskId true
TimeoutedCreatorIntrmdtEventId true


Object DataType NoReference NoReferenceUseTrigger
CaseId true
BusinessCaseId true
ApplicationId true
ProcessModelId true
StartTaskSwitchEventId true
EndTaskSwitchEventId true
TaskStartId true
TaskEndId true
ExpiryTaskStartElementPid VARCHAR(100)
ExpiredCreatorTaskId true
TimeoutedCreatorIntrmdtEventId true


Object ConvertEmptyStringToNull NoAction
ApplicationId true
ProcessModelId true
StartTaskSwitchEventId true
EndTaskSwitchEventId true
TaskStartId true
TaskEndId true
ExpiredCreatorTaskId true
TimeoutedCreatorIntrmdtEventId true
RequestPath true