Relation between task and note
Primary Key | Name | Type | Length | Precision | Can Be Null | Default | References | Action | Hints | Comment |
true | TaskId | BIGINT | false | IWA_Task(TaskId) | ON DELETE CASCADE | MsSqlServer , MySql | Identifies the task, the note belongs to. | |||
true | NoteId | BIGINT | false | IWA_Note(NoteId) | ON DELETE THIS CASCADE | MsSqlServer , MySql , Oracle | Identifies the note that belongs to the task. |
Name | Columns | Hints | Comment |
IWA_TaskNote_TaskIdIndex | TaskId | ||
IWA_TaskNote_NoteIdIndex | NoteId |
Object | AsAssociation |
IWA_TaskNote | true |
Object | NoReferenceUseTrigger |
TaskId | true |
NoteId | true |
Object | NoReferenceUseTrigger |
TaskId | true |
NoteId | true |
Object | NoReferenceUseTrigger |
NoteId | true |