Table IWA_TaskStart

Elements or part of elements where tasks can be started


Primary Key Name Type Length Precision Can Be Null Default References Action Hints Comment
true TaskStartId BIGINT false Identifies the task start.
false TaskElementId BIGINT false IWA_TaskElement(TaskElementId) ON DELETE CASCADE References the task element this task start belongs to.
false StartRequestPath VARCHAR 200 false Request path to start the process of the task.


Constraint Name Columns Hints Comment
UNIQUE TaskStart_TaskElementIdStartRequestPathIndex TaskElementId , StartRequestPath


Name Columns Hints Comment
IWA_TaskStart_TaskElementIdIndex TaskElementId

Referenced By

Foreign Table Column Comment
IWA_Case TaskStartId References the task start from which the case was started
IWA_Task TaskStartId References the task start where the process of this task can be started.
IWA_IntermediateEvent TaskStartId References the intermediate event element that this intermediate event belongs to.
IWA_TaskSignalEventReceiver SignaledTaskTaskStartId Task start on which the signaled task has to be started if the signal is received.


Object Strategy