Table IWA_TaskSwitchEvent

Task switch events. A task switch event is created if a task element creates and / or ends tasks.


Primary Key Name Type Length Precision Can Be Null Default References Action Hints Comment
true TaskSwitchEventId BIGINT false Identifies the task switch event.
false TaskElementId BIGINT false IWA_TaskElement(TaskElementId) ON DELETE CASCADE References the task element this task switch event belongs to.
false CaseId BIGINT false IWA_Case(CaseId) ON DELETE CASCADE References the case this task switch event belongs to.
false ExecutionTimestamp DATETIME false Timestamp when the event happend.


Name Columns Hints Comment
IWA_TaskSwitchEvent_TaskElementIdIndex TaskElementId
IWA_TaskSwitchEvent_CaseIdIndex CaseId

Referenced By

Foreign Table Column Comment
IWA_Task StartTaskSwitchEventId References the task switch event that causes this task to start.
IWA_Task EndTaskSwitchEventId References the task switch event that causes this task to end. Maybe null if task is not yet finished.
IWA_StartTaskData TaskSwitchEventId Identifies the start task data. References the task element event that this start task data belongs to


Object DeleteTriggerName
IWA_TaskSwitchEvent IWA_TaskSwitchDeleteTrigger


Object Strategy