Table IWA_WorkflowEvent

Workflow Events occurs if the state of a task or a case changes and can be used to build a history of task or case.


Primary Key Name Type Length Precision Can Be Null Default References Action Hints Comment
true WorkflowEventId BIGINT false Identifies the workflow event
false SecuritySystemId BIGINT false IWA_SecuritySystem(SecuritySystemId) References the security system that this intermediate event belongs to.
false ApplicationId BIGINT false IWA_Application(ApplicationId) ON DELETE CASCADE MsSqlServer , MySql , Oracle References the application this workflow event belongs to.
false CaseId BIGINT false IWA_Case(CaseId) ON DELETE CASCADE Java , MsSqlServer , MySql References the case this workflow event belongs to.
false TaskId BIGINT true IWA_Task(TaskId) ON DELETE CASCADE MsSqlServer , MySql References the task this workflow event belongs to. If it is null the workflow event belong only to the case.
false EventTimestamp DATETIME false Timestamp when the event happend.
false UserId VARCHAR 210 true IWA_SecurityMember(SecurityMemberId) References the user that has driven the task or case which has triggered this event. Maybe null if event was triggered by an anonymous user.
false EventKind INTEGER false Kind of the event. The values of the kind are defined by the java enumeration ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.WorkflowEventKind
false AdditionalInfo1 VARCHAR 200 true Java Addional information (1-5) about the event. This data depends on the kind of the event.
false AdditionalInfo2 VARCHAR 200 true Java Addional information (1-5) about the event. This data depends on the kind of the event.
false AdditionalInfo3 VARCHAR 200 true Java Addional information (1-5) about the event. This data depends on the kind of the event.
false AdditionalInfo4 VARCHAR 200 true Java Addional information (1-5) about the event. This data depends on the kind of the event.
false AdditionalInfo5 VARCHAR 200 true Java Addional information (1-5) about the event. This data depends on the kind of the event.
false CaseState INTEGER false Java State of the case at the time the event was logged. If the state was changed by the event the state after the event is logged.
false TaskState INTEGER true Java State of the task at the time the event was logged. If the state was changed by the event the state after the event is logged. Maybe null if this is an case event.


Name Columns Hints Comment
IWA_WorkflowEvent_SecSystemIdIdx SecuritySystemId
IWA_WorkflowEvent_AppIdIdx ApplicationId MsSqlServer , MySql
IWA_WorkflowEvent_CaseIdIndex CaseId
IWA_WorkflowEvent_TaskIdIndex TaskId
IWA_WrkflwEvnt_EvntTmstmpIdx EventTimestamp MsSqlServer , MySql
IWA_WorkflowEvent_UserIdIndex UserId
IWA_WorkflowEvent_EventKindIdx EventKind MsSqlServer , MySql


Object Strategy


Object IndexName NoReference NoReferenceUseTrigger
ApplicationId true
CaseId true
TaskId true
IWA_WorkflowEvent_AppIdIdx IWA_WorkflowEvent_ApplicationIdIndex
IWA_WrkflwEvnt_EvntTmstmpIdx IWA_WorkflowEvent_EventTimestampIndex
IWA_WorkflowEvent_EventKindIdx IWA_WorkflowEvent_EventKindIndex


Object NoReference
ApplicationId true


Object IndexName NoReference NoReferenceUseTrigger
ApplicationId true
CaseId true
TaskId true
IWA_WorkflowEvent_AppIdIdx IWA_WorkflowEvent_ApplicationIdIndex
IWA_WrkflwEvnt_EvntTmstmpIdx IWA_WorkflowEvent_EventTimestampIndex
IWA_WorkflowEvent_EventKindIdx IWA_WorkflowEvent_EventKindIndex


Object AsParent Enum Truncate
CaseId true
AdditionalInfo1 true
AdditionalInfo2 true
AdditionalInfo3 true
AdditionalInfo4 true
AdditionalInfo5 true
CaseState ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.CaseState
TaskState ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.TaskState