Interface IDataCache

public interface IDataCache

A Data Cache is a container for data cache groups and therefore as well for data cache entries. A cache is always bound to either a Session or an Application, is related to its host lifecycle and manages all cache entries for their given scope.

A cache can be categorized by the API client in several groups to deal with similar entries in one go.

This is a public API.
  • Method Details

    • getEntry

      IDataCacheEntry getEntry(String groupIdentifier, String identifier)
      Returns the cache entry corresponding to the given group name and identifier
      groupIdentifier - the name of the group the requested entry is part of
      identifier - the identifier of the requested entry
      the requested cache entry or null when not found
      This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility NOVICE.
    • setEntry

      IDataCacheEntry setEntry(String groupIdentifier, String identifier, Object value)

      If not already existing, creates a new cache entry with the given identifier and value. The entry is then added to the given cache group (which itself is created when it does not exist already)

      If a cache entry with the given group/id exists already, it's value will be replaced.

      The lifetime is set to infinite (-1).

      groupIdentifier - the name of the group the cache entry should belong to, must not be null
      identifier - the identifier of this cache, must not be null
      value - the data to be cached
      the created or changed entry
      This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility NOVICE.
    • setEntry

      IDataCacheEntry setEntry(String groupIdentifier, String identifier, int lifetime, Object value)

      If not already existing, creates a new cache entry with the given identifier, lifetime and value. The entry is then added to the given cache group (which itself is created when it does not exist already)

      If a cache entry with the given group/id exists already, it's value will be replaced.

      groupIdentifier - the identifier of the group the cache entry should belong to, must not be null
      identifier - the identifier of this cache entry, must not be null
      lifetime - the lifetime of the cache entry in seconds; -1 for infinite lifetime
      value - the data to be cached
      the created or changed entry
      This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility NOVICE.
    • getEntries

      List<IDataCacheEntry> getEntries()
      Returns a list with all entries of all groups
      the complete list of cache entries; null if no entries exist
      This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility NOVICE.
    • getEntries

      List<IDataCacheEntry> getEntries(String groupIdentifier)
      Returns a list of all cache entries of the given group
      groupIdentifier - the name of the group
      the complete list of cache entries in the given group; null if no entries exist
      This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility NOVICE.
    • getEntries

      List<IDataCacheEntry> getEntries(IDataCacheGroup group)
      Returns a list of all cache entries of the given group
      group - the group
      the complete list of cache entries in the given group; null if no entries exist
      This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility NOVICE.
    • getGroups

      List<IDataCacheGroup> getGroups()
      Returns all cache groups
      the complete list of cache groups; an empty list when the group with the given name does not exist
      This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility NOVICE.
    • getGroup

      IDataCacheGroup getGroup(String groupname)
      Returns the group with the given name
      groupname - the name of the group
      the group or null if no group with the name exists
      This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility NOVICE.
    • invalidate

      void invalidate()
      Invalidates all groups including all their entries within this cache
      This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility EXPERT.
    • invalidateGroup

      void invalidateGroup(IDataCacheGroup group)
      Invalidates the group with the given name and all the cache entries within this cache group
      group - the group to invalidate
      This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility EXPERT.
    • invalidateEntry

      void invalidateEntry(IDataCacheGroup group, IDataCacheEntry entry)
      Invalidates the data cache entry with . This is a convenience method for getEntry(String, String) combined with IDataCacheEntry.invalidate().
      group - the data cache group of the entry to invalidate
      entry - the data cache entry to invalidate
      This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility EXPERT.