
This section describes the hotfix procedure for all Linux distributions that are not built upon Debian and it’s apt package mechanism.


  1. Download the latest Axon Ivy Engine hotfix version that matches your main release

  2. Stop the running Axon Ivy Engine instance.

  3. Rename the directory of the previously installed Axon Ivy Engine: e.g. from opt/ivy/engine-8 to opt/ivy/engine-8_backup805

  4. Unpack the hotfix version of the Axon Ivy Engine into the directory where the previous instance was running: e.g. to opt/ivy/engine-8.


  1. Use the Migration Wizard to migrate crucial configuration files to the new Axon Ivy Engine. You can start using the wizard by starting the new Axon Ivy Engine. Browse to the Axon Ivy Engine URI (e.g http://localhost:8080) and click on Setup Wizard > Migration Wizard.

  2. You may have customized files from in the old installation directory. Those have to be copied manually to the new installation directory. The files to copy depend on your setup:

    1. Applications: application installation files that contain your deployed projects/PMVs. If you configured to let applications live within a sub-path of the Axon Ivy Engine, copy them to the new installation directory. To avoid this step in the future, it’s best practice to deploy application files to a static directory outside the Axon Ivy Engine installation directory. You can check the file directory of an application in the Engine Cockpit.

    2. Webapps: the webapps/ivy directory may contain customized error-pages or libraries. If you have done customizations in the webapps, copy the changed files manually to the new installation directory.