Ivy Archives

There are two different types of Axon Ivy projects available. Normal Axon Ivy projects are used to develop artifacts. Artifacts in those projects are changed frequently. Once the artifacts of a project are developed and stable you can export the normal Axon Ivy project to an Axon Ivy Archive. Archives are pre-built Axon Ivy projects that are stored in one single *.iar file.

You can import Axon Ivy Archives to a workspace like normal Axon Ivy projects. All artifacts of an Ivy Archive can be viewed but not edited. Archives contain all built artifacts. Therefore, they do not have to be built or validated again in the workspace. As a consequence, Axon Ivy Archives will improve your workspace build, refresh, and update times.

There are multiple ways to create or import Axon Ivy Archives:

  • Axon Ivy Archives can be exported and imported.

  • Axon Ivy Projects can be packed (archived) or unpacked (unarchived) inside the workspace.



Axon Ivy Archives are not validated automatically. You can start the validation manually by using the context menu.