The Administrators page allows you to manage users with administrator privileges. Any changes are stored to the ivy.yaml file.
You need to specify an email address for administrators. The Axon Ivy Engine send notifications of critical events to the administrators, e.g., license violations.
Changes to administrators will only take effect after you restart the engine.
System Database
In the System Database page you to manage the system database configuration. Any changes are stored in the ivy.yaml file.
Please refer to the Setup Wizard documentation on how to configure your engine’s system database.
Before you save your configurations, be sure you can connect to the database. Otherwise you may have problems when restarting the engine.
Changes to system database will only take effect after you restarting the engine.
In the License view you can upload or renew a license. If you have a valid license you see a table with all information about it. On the right side you have a life overview of your active sessions with the ability to kill sessions.
Web Server
In the Web Server view, you can quickly change your Tomcat Connectors or reverse proxy server settings. There is also a data panel which shows you all the headers of the current request and how the engine generates some URLs.
You may also get some messages here. These appear if the URL of your browser and the external base URL or the configured base URL do not match. If this is the case please refer to how to properly set up a reverse proxy.
System Configuration
The System Configuration page displays an overview of all your engine configuration settings. Configurations in grey represent default values. If you want to edit an existing configuration, click on the Pencil button. Clicking More allows you to reset a configuration setting or view the complete configuration file.
Application configurations are not shown in this view. You can see application configuration settings on page Application Detail.
For more information about the configuration, please refer to the Configuration section.
SSL Settings
These settings define the key and trust stores to be used for SSL/TLS client connections.
A key store is used to read client keys (certificates). This is only required if a server requests a client certificate in order to authenticate the client.
A trust store is used to specify trusted server certificates or certificates of certification authorities. An SSL client authenticates a server by using the certificates in a trust store. If the server provides a certificate that is signed by a certification authority known by Java then the system trust store can be used. If the server uses a certificate that is self signed or signed by a unknown certification authority then a custom trust store can be used. The custom trust store must contain the server certificate or the certificate of the unknown certification authority.
![SSL Client](../../../_images/engine-cockpit-SSL-client.png)
- Key Store Settings
- Use custom key store
If selected the key store configured below is used to read the client’s key. A client key is only necessary if the server requests SSL client authentication. If not selected the system keystore is used. The system keystore can be configured by setting the Java system property
.- Key store file
The file containing the client keys.
- Key store password
Password used to read the key store file.
- Key password
Password needed to decrypt the key. If empty the key store password is used instead.
- Key store type
The type of the key store (e.g., JKS or PKCS12). If empty the system default type is used.
- Key store provider
The security provider used to read the key store. If empty the system default provider is used.
- Key store algorithm
The algorithm used to read the key store. If empty the system default algorithm is used.
- Trust Store Settings
- Trust store file
The file containing the trusted server certificates and/or certificates of certification authorities.
- Trust store password
Password used to read the trust store file.
- Trust store type
The type of the trust store (e.g., JKS or PKCS12). If empty the system default type is used.
- Trust store provider
The security provider used to read the trust store. If empty the system default provider is used.
- Trust store algorithm
The algorithm used to read the trust store. If emtpy the system default algorithm is used.
- Key & Trust Store Certificates Table
In the certificate table you can view all the certificates of the store. You can see whether the certificate is valid or not. If you move the mouse cursor over the icon, a message is displayed explaining why the certificate is no longer valid. You will also see information about the alias, subject, algorithm and expiry date. It is possible to add or delete certificates as needed.
- Other SSL Settings
- Enable insecure SSL and HTTPS connections
Manipulates the JVMs default SSLSocketFactory, so that untrusted (self signed or outdated) certificates are silently accepted. This could for instance be useful to generate a Webservice stub from an insecure WSDL location.
- Modification of certificates
Key and trust stores can also be created and modified (generating and importing certificates and keys) using a graphical key tool such as KeyStore Explorer or the key tool included in the Java Development Kit (JDK). More information can be found in the JDK documentation.
The SSL Client trust- and key store settings are currently only considered when sending mails, for REST client calls, CXF Web Service client calls and when loading web service definition (WSDL) files.
TLS Connenction Tester
With the TLS Connection Tester you can test secure connections to WebServices (SOAP/REST) or active directories (LDAPS). This can be tested directly in the Engine-Cockpit next to the connection tester. Supported TLS standards are detected and reported. Currently trusted certificates are printed and untrusted certificates are reported.
![TLS Tester](../../../_images/engine-cockpit-tls-tester.png)
Config File Editor
Configurations applied in the Engine Cockpit are stored in files. The Config File Editor lets you review and modify these configurations.
In the right upper corner, you can select the configuration file to be shown.
While editing our prominent YAML files, you have a rich set of authoring features at hand:
Validation: keys used within the YAML files are validated against the official schema. So invalid values are being blamed with a warning marker.
Completion: by pressing CTRL+Space the context completor helps you to identify and select valid configuration values or keys.
Help: by hovering over keys you get context-specific documentation right where you are editing.
Formatting: YAML content has strict formatting rules, and the editor takes care that whitespace indents are correct and in effect.
Note that all our text-based configuration files are editable, though the authoring features may be limited on some.
If your engine runs with a Editions license, your are able to define a Cluster. The engine cockpit will provide a Cluster navigation menu item. It shows you an overview page of your running nodes and a detail view dialog if you click on one of these node.