Migration Wizard
The Migration Wizard helps you to migrate crucial configurations from an old Axon Ivy Engine to your new Axon Ivy Engine environment.
The Wizard is expected to be run from a downloaded and untouched Axon Ivy Engine. Please consult the Migration chapter for detailed instructions when to use the wizard on your operating system.

Start a new, untouched Axon Ivy Engine.
Browse to the URI where the engine runs: e.g., http://localhost:8080 .
Migration Wizard
->Migrate Engine
in your Browser.

Provide the old Axon Ivy Engine installation directory to the Migration Wizard.
Click Load location
The Migration Wizard will make up front checks if the engine can be migrated.
You can inspect all the tasks which will be done and click on Start.
The wizard will select the best migration scenario for you, and then ask for your consent.
Wait until the Migration Wizard has completed.
Restart the Axon Ivy Engine.