Release Notes

13.1.0 (upcoming)

We suggest to install this update release if you are suffering from any of these issues.


Portal 13.1.0-m270

New Features

  • XIVY-1259 Assign a task to multiple security members

  • XIVY-4598 Add configuration if notifications are sent if user is absent

  • XIVY-6207 Prepare all Engine provided file uploads for virus scanning security

  • XIVY-9803 Replace Z

  • XIVY-10805 Deprecate methods for displayNameTemplate and displayDescriptionTemplate on public API IRole interface

  • XIVY-12120 Upgrade to the latest GLSP version (v2.3.0)

  • XIVY-12292 Validate annotations of Data Classes and their Attributes

  • XIVY-12545 Add support for large displays in CSS

  • XIVY-12655 Integrate Data class editor into Web IDE

  • XIVY-13132 Add attribute validation (data, logic, cms) to the Form editor

  • XIVY-13255 Z-Layer: Remove aspect driven impl of

  • XIVY-13435 Add concept chapter about how to setup multilanguage support

  • XIVY-13545 Better keyboard support with read-only tables in inscription views

  • XIVY-13943 Revise the documentation of the Extensions chapter

  • XIVY-13985 Make file editable when choosing metadata-option ‘file’ in variables editor

  • XIVY-14267 Z-Layer: Deep review round and apply Feedback

  • XIVY-14268 Measure and optimize Performance of S-based Process RDMs

  • XIVY-14401 Improve validation message UI design of Variables Editor

  • XIVY-14432 Improve process animation for NEO designer

  • XIVY-14434 Support lanes and pools without Z

  • XIVY-14462 Improve Variables Editor performance for large amounts of Variables performance

  • XIVY-14489 BaseUrl configuration per security context instead of Engine

  • XIVY-14745 Add user detail page to dev-workflow-ui

  • XIVY-15008 Improve Market integration in the NEO designer

  • XIVY-15022 Improve keyboard support for variables editor

  • XIVY-15026 Show badges on the Attributes in the Data Class Editor

  • XIVY-15034 Add editable DataTable-Component

  • XIVY-15035 Add Action Buttons and Custom Columns to DataTable

  • XIVY-15096 Add basic new CMS editor

  • XIVY-15293 Action to stop/reset the engine in Neo.

  • XIVY-15335 How can we support multiple languages in NEO

  • XIVY-15429 Remember the state of collapsible sections in inscription masks

  • XIVY-15465 Wrap/unwrap without Z

  • XIVY-15480 Drop Server Control Center

  • XIVY-15482 Form Editor V2

  • XIVY-15486 NEO Designer V2

  • XIVY-15487 Data Class Editor V2

  • XIVY-15489 Inscription View V2

  • XIVY-15504 Validate user input on the create artifact dialogs in NEO

  • XIVY-15509 Remove migration support for LTS 8

  • XIVY-15527 Improve application view performance in the Engine Cockpit performance

  • XIVY-15561 Drop Case Scope Override (deprecated since v8)

  • XIVY-15562 Remove deprecate APIs in workflow

  • XIVY-15630 Improve keyboard support for Data Class editor

  • XIVY-15631 Improve keyboard support for Form editor

  • XIVY-15632 Improve keyboard support for process editor

  • XIVY-15633 Improve keyboard support for neo

  • XIVY-15680 Format numbers and display units in Monitoring views in the Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-15682 Add Excel export to slow request detail page in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-15683 Add a docker sample of how to export Axon Ivy-specific metrics by using OpenTelemetry to Prometheus

  • XIVY-15686 Code editor shows constructors of a Class

  • XIVY-15687 Search function for callable processstarts

  • XIVY-15704 Support for Complex Objects in selectOneMenu with Converters

  • XIVY-15706 Remove all Z-based process model code

  • XIVY-15719 Email Input lacks validation when created with Form editor

  • XIVY-15723 Introduce new license for Axon Ivy 13 LE

  • XIVY-15765 Improve validation message UI design of the Data Class Editor

  • XIVY-15774 Reuse port of Axon Ivy Demo Engine if port is free again

  • XIVY-15775 Show logged in user in NEO and provide a logout button

  • XIVY-15777 Improve performance of ProcessViewer#isViewAllowed API performance

  • XIVY-15815 HTML Dialog (Form, JSF) Preview

  • XIVY-15822 Consider strict override for JSF resources

  • XIVY-15825 Localized values for custom field string fields

  • XIVY-15829 Improve security documentation security

  • XIVY-15831 Update 3rd Party libraries for LTS-10 and LTS-12 that have critical or high vularabilities

  • XIVY-15832 Setup dependency-track, sbom builds, and renovate security

  • XIVY-15841 Improve unknown-thirdparty element handling in schema-processes

  • XIVY-15850 Extend task inscription view to allow to define task activators and expiry activators using a data attribute of type list

  • XIVY-15851 Handle multiple task activators in dev-workflow-ui

  • XIVY-15861 Better support keyboard within editable tables

  • XIVY-15867 Improve email editor input Field

  • XIVY-15870 Support Windows new lines (\r\n) in jvm.options file on Linux systems

  • XIVY-15878 Remove the ability to start NEO Designer from PRO Designer

  • XIVY-15890 Add project filter for processes view in dev-workflow-ui

  • XIVY-15891 Keyboard shortcuts overview panel for editors and NEO overview pages

  • XIVY-15892 Change system database field IWA_Task.NumberOfResumes to NOT NULL

  • XIVY-15897 Add a hint in doc to activate Proxy for IIS as reverse proxy

  • XIVY-15901 Re-establish connector/label support in schema

  • XIVY-15943 Add a tool to add and delete content objects in the new CMS editor

  • XIVY-15944 Add a language tool to add and delete languages in the new CMS editor

  • XIVY-15945 Enhance the language tool to manage the language columns in the CMS Editor

  • XIVY-15962 Show error message on pmv detail page in the Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-15983 Improve IvyListConverter for other datatypes

  • XIVY-15989 Externalize all NEO Designer labels

  • XIVY-16007 Update bundled Windows and Mac JRE to Temurin 21.0.6

  • XIVY-16014 Add listener property to the behaviour section together with the Update Form on Change option

  • XIVY-16015 Add an attribute chooser to the Text output component in the form editor

  • XIVY-16016 Project import into NEO as readonly

  • XIVY-16034 Provide a way to extend the known mimetypes

  • XIVY-16047 Improve performance of variables runtime for large variables files

  • XIVY-16048 Login pages should return a HTTP error code 401 if login fails security

  • XIVY-16062 Drop support for the PrimeFaces Serenity-Ivy theme

  • XIVY-16088 Add .msg to known mimetype list

  • XIVY-16096 Store the user’s last login time

  • XIVY-16102 Enhance query API to order by translated values


  • XIVY-10033 NoSuchElementException when running a REST client whose name in the workspace is not unique

  • XIVY-10124 Streamline IFrame break-out scenarios with the Portal for OAuth-logins security

  • XIVY-10541 Strange error message if Maven projects in a module build use a different version of our Maven plugin

  • XIVY-11656 Old versions are mentioned in the product documentation

  • XIVY-12035 Duplicated UUID in YAML config after renaming REST Client

  • XIVY-13010 Dragging process elements out of the window leads to a visual bug

  • XIVY-13325 Overriding configuration using system environment variables not working as expected

  • XIVY-13816 Ugly new-task notification message after the task has been deleted

  • XIVY-14101 Deadlock after BPMN export in PRO designer

  • XIVY-14935 Moving process elements to negative area reset not all moved elements in the Process editor

  • XIVY-15037 “View or Session Expired” errors after login because too many session renews

  • XIVY-15430 Ending the system database name with ‘go’ results in an error on creation (MS SQL)

  • XIVY-15525 Ensure exceptions are logged if something goes wrong when migrating the Axon Ivy Engine

  • XIVY-15587 Importing Portal from the Market into NEO designer does not work

  • XIVY-15608 After a project conversion Data Classes are not built

  • XIVY-15665 Ignore/remove “no explicit encoding set” warning

  • XIVY-15666 Overwriteable Variables in the Variables Editor are not updated after installing a dependency from the Market

  • XIVY-15673 Renew Axon Ivy License action does not work in the Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-15681 Project tree does not show errors of process after converting 11.3 into 12

  • XIVY-15688 The link to the Engine Cockpit does not work if an IvyContext is configured

  • XIVY-15689 Direct application URL returns ?Page Not Found? after Engine restart

  • XIVY-15690 Engine startup screen displays 100% before all Applications are loaded/started

  • XIVY-15709 Project conversion should cover changed default file encoding

  • XIVY-15710 Engine console output on Windows is unsightly

  • XIVY-15711 SQL Exception “too many parameters” error with Microsoft SQL Server as system database and a lot of roles

  • XIVY-15713 Usernames with special characters crash engine after neo workspace creation

  • XIVY-15714 Form not fully deleted when recreated with the same name

  • XIVY-15716 Alternative conditions ignores changes of new NEO process

  • XIVY-15761 Original URL query parameters are missing after a redirection to the DefaultLoginPage

  • XIVY-15778 Show a Bug-Dialog if install market-artifact does not work

  • XIVY-15783 SSO wrongly converted to ivy.yaml if there are no identity provider settings configured

  • XIVY-15792 Hibernate Envers throws an Exception when using a Java enum

  • XIVY-15799 Invalid Data Class namespace quick fix not working

  • XIVY-15823 Unable to rename CMS entry with case change only

  • XIVY-15833 Process entry points were not found by system tasks during the Engine startup

  • XIVY-15834 Java agent cannot be loaded on Windows if the path of an older JRE is on the PATH environment variable

  • XIVY-15847 API-Browser doesn’t render parameters nor result objects

  • XIVY-15848 Copy an HTML Dialog breaks the project

  • XIVY-15849 NEO websocket connections are not closed

  • XIVY-15855 Combobox in Engine-Cockpit - Roles only displayes 10 Roles in dropdown

  • XIVY-15863 Non-column Form elements can be added to a Table via drag-and-drop or copy-paste in the Form editor

  • XIVY-15864 Unable to scroll the welcome page in workspace overview of NEO Designer

  • XIVY-15865 IDP Demo fails to run in NEO Designer but works fine in PRO Designer

  • XIVY-15872 Add type property to DataTableColumn in f.json

  • XIVY-15874 NullPointerException when indexing workflow data when numberOfResumes of a task is set to null

  • XIVY-15886 Copy/Paste into HTML Dialog Editor Searchbar does not work

  • XIVY-15887 Installing Portal 12.0.3 does not reload missing project portal-component

  • XIVY-15888 Custom Valve leads to an incorrectly coded file name on file upload

  • XIVY-15895 Graphic Graph view in Engine Cockpit shows strange “null [0]” string for Axon Ivy Engine node

  • XIVY-15900 Repositioning Process-Elements using multi-select mouse-pointer does not save new position

  • XIVY-15904 DB-Step-Inscription provides no feedback if there is no connection to the db

  • XIVY-15954 Dev-workflow-ui switch user no longer works for users with no password

  • XIVY-15956 Dataclass validation “Attribute should not start uppercase” should be a warning

  • XIVY-15961 Update doc about IIS script needs maybe to be unblocked to run

  • XIVY-15967 TLS Tester shows always empty custom truststore in result

  • XIVY-15972 Engine Cockpit rest client test does not work if a feature uses Ivy API

  • XIVY-15982 Request Start custom fields browser should insert macro expression

  • XIVY-15985 Dev-Workflow-UI shows only first Case Owner ond Case Detail view

  • XIVY-15988 Faces initialization does not work in dev environment with Java 21.0.6

  • XIVY-15992 Dev-Workflow-UI secure switch user feature security

  • XIVY-16006 IvyScript completion do not list reliable types in function params

  • XIVY-16011 Doc: update docker paths

  • XIVY-16013 Select all (Ctrl+A) in inscription view also selects all process elements on windows

  • XIVY-16031 Unauthorized login message is displayed even though the application is running fine

  • XIVY-16035 In the form editor Titles of Fieldsets and Panels set via CMS are not prettified

  • XIVY-16036 Process Viewer in the Dev-Wf-Ui does not work in NEO

  • XIVY-16037 Write app.yaml in Cockpit do not refresh configs

  • XIVY-16071 Copy paste of Start Event process element does not adjust link property

  • XIVY-16072 Press Enter key on a Form activates Cancel instead of Proceed button

  • XIVY-16075 Inscription view db activity SQL definition browser not working sometimes

12.0.1 (2024-12-13)

We recommend to install this update release because it fixes stability issues!


Portal 12.0.1

New Features

  • XIVY-13132 Add attribute validation (data, logic, cms) to the Form editor

  • XIVY-14730 Disable editing meta data of overwriting variable in Variables Editor

  • XIVY-14821 Add a simple config text file editor to the NEO Designer

  • XIVY-15021 Analyse keyboard support for editors and NEO Designer

  • XIVY-15134 Provide options for Entity association in the Data Class editor

  • XIVY-15433 Merge inscription view and process editor client GIT repos

  • XIVY-15526 Improve badges in the Form view of the Form editor

  • XIVY-15533 Provide a Condition builder for alternative gateway condition expressions

  • XIVY-15584 Add Keycloak as an identity provider security


  • XIVY-10755 Simulation in designer with auto HTML Dialogs is broken

  • XIVY-13010 Dragging process elements out of the window leads to a visual bug

  • XIVY-13563 Quick Action Menu Popup opens outside of the Process editor window border and cannot be used

  • XIVY-13716 Attributes and methods of super interfaces not shown in JSF code completion

  • XIVY-13778 IvyScript field lookup fails if child and parent classes have fields with the same name

  • XIVY-14131 Thread safe WebService process start procedure

  • XIVY-14585 Memory leak in persistency association caches for empty associations

  • XIVY-14935 Moving process elements to negative area reset not all moved elements in the Process editor

  • XIVY-15007 Can not login with NTLM preemptive authentication since CXF update from version 3.5 to 3.6 security

  • XIVY-15349 Fix Ivy project build with iar dependency in NEO designer

  • XIVY-15542 Process mining viewer loses values when navigating into embedded sub process

  • XIVY-15577 After migration to LTS 12 workflow documents can not be downloaded

  • XIVY-15578 Never show external name in overview page if it’s ivy security system

  • XIVY-15580 NPE in dataclass editor after converting project from 11.3 to 12.0

  • XIVY-15609 Can not upload documents to S3 if there are special characters like Japanese in the filename

  • XIVY-15621 Converting of Axon Ivy Project to LTS 12 corrupts classpath - some src entries like src_dataClasses are missing

  • XIVY-15623 NEO Designer shows the Engine start page without styling

  • XIVY-15634 IvyFileServlet should support new document data storage

  • XIVY-15643 Error while deploying demo app because JSF ViewState secret generation fails

  • XIVY-15645 NullPointerException while rendering HTML Dialog because the renderKit is null

12.0.0 (2024-11-28)

We recommend to install this update release because it fixes stability issues!


Portal 12.0.0


  • XIVY-15417 Update OpenSearch to 2.18.0

  • XIVY-15372 Update the “Data Class Modeling” chapter in the documentation

  • XIVY-15334 Facelift the process element icons in the Process editor

  • XIVY-15256 Update GLSP to nightly v2.3.0

  • XIVY-14997 Raise bundled JDK for Axon Ivy Engine Windows and Axon Ivy Designer Windows/MAC to

  • XIVY-14982 Introduce new license for Axon Ivy 12 LTS

  • XIVY-14968 Update to Eclipse 2024-09

  • XIVY-14967 Drop support for Windows Server 2012 and 2016

  • XIVY-14952 Update to Primefaces 13.0.14

  • XIVY-14947 Give the default ivy Freya theme a facelift

  • XIVY-14847 Adjust the default branding colors a bit so the usages have a better contrast ratio (at least AA)

  • XIVY-14844 Update the whole user interface documentation

  • XIVY-14570 Minimum require Maven 3.9 version for the project-build-plugin

  • XIVY-14508 Support database Views in the database process element

  • XIVY-14505 Upgrade OpenTelemetry to 1.42

  • XIVY-14393 Count same user in different security context as one named user for license check

  • XIVY-14222 Generate distinct Release Notes for Ivy-Core associated artifacts like Portal, etc.

  • XIVY-14115 Upgrade Hibernate from 5.4 to 5.6

  • XIVY-14114 Upgrade Apache CXF from 3.5 to 3.6

  • XIVY-14065 Update database products supported for the system database

  • XIVY-14055 Allow to use the Migration wizard for hotfix/service updates (important for traditional installation on Windows and Linux)

  • XIVY-14044 Revise the migration documentation

  • XIVY-13094 Java 21

  • XIVY-12683 Get rid of the global default data class in ivy projects

  • XIVY-8973 Update to Eclipse 2024-03

  • XIVY-2250 Support Primefaces Dialog Framework

New Features

  • XIVY-2942 Convert data class to entity data class and vice versa

  • XIVY-3231 Export roles and permissions for all users for security audit security

  • XIVY-4611 Add slow/history views for REST Client, and WebServices to the Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-5446 Migration Support

  • XIVY-5504 Unnecessary persistent cases in Web Service Process Start

  • XIVY-5533 SSO configuration per security system instead of Engine security

  • XIVY-5560 Migration wizard asks for a new license if the old license does not fit (optional)

  • XIVY-5561 Migration wizard moves relative /app, /data, and /files directories

  • XIVY-5931 Migration wizard copy custom ErrorPages to the new Engine

  • XIVY-5992 Form Editor

  • XIVY-6810 Make features and properties of REST and WebServices editable in the Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-8564 Do not validate a project if the project version is not up to date

  • XIVY-9533 Understandable user synchronization behavior

  • XIVY-9601 Update process element icons in documentation

  • XIVY-9730 Move jvm-module.options to bin folder and make jvm.options in configuration/jvm.options optional

  • XIVY-9849 Improve Migration Wizard

  • XIVY-9863 Update documentation images with automatic process editor screenshots

  • XIVY-10039 Process Editor V2

  • XIVY-10302 Show task and case notes on the details page of the Dev Workflow UI

  • XIVY-10310 Detect Designer http.port when running @IvyWebTest

  • XIVY-10625 Warn on applications page of the Engine Cockpit if a PM has no released PMV

  • XIVY-11609 Specify which widgets the new UI editor should support and how to map data, logic, and CMS

  • XIVY-12038 Reconnect the process editor to the backend if the connection was lost

  • XIVY-12231 Add schema for the DocumentStorage part of the ivy.yaml

  • XIVY-12286 New data class editor

  • XIVY-12288 New web technology-based data class editor

  • XIVY-12289 Add and delete attributes in new data class editor

  • XIVY-12291 Edit attributes in new data class editor

  • XIVY-12443 Support Ivy and Java file for documents stored in S3

  • XIVY-12682 Warning if a variable name contains underlines

  • XIVY-12909 Use OpenAPI to create Web IDE REST clients

  • XIVY-13095 Update bundled JRE to Java 21

  • XIVY-13129 Add CMS browser for text attributes in the Form editor

  • XIVY-13130 Add data browser for value attributes in the Form editor

  • XIVY-13131 Add logic browser for action attributes in the Form editor

  • XIVY-13137 Support for Ivy Components in the new Form editor

  • XIVY-13140 Integrate the Market into NEO

  • XIVY-13261 Adapt UI mock for the Form editor (toolbar, etc)

  • XIVY-13376 Improve the Permission UI view in the Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-13384 View missing certificates found by SSL-Tester and provide an action to add them to the Truststore in the Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-13385 Three-state widget for permissions tree in the Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-13537 Consider the old active environment when migrating configurations of an old Engine to the new app.yaml files

  • XIVY-13608 Adapt CustomLogAppender example to Log4j2

  • XIVY-13624 Add a Data class attribute component palette to the Form editor

  • XIVY-13626 Add a property to set a custom required message to components in the Form editor

  • XIVY-13631 NEO Designer

  • XIVY-13636 Use new schema based processes in the bpm.exec test suite

  • XIVY-13637 Add visual diagram information to the new schema-based process implementation

  • XIVY-13638 Re-implement heavy process modification operations like wrap, unwrap and CO using the new schema-based process implementation

  • XIVY-13640 Remove old SWT-based inscription masks

  • XIVY-13642 Add Combobox component to Forms

  • XIVY-13643 Add Checkbox component to Forms

  • XIVY-13644 Add Radio component to Forms

  • XIVY-13645 Add DatePicker component to Forms

  • XIVY-13646 Add Table component to Forms

  • XIVY-13647 Add Fieldset component to Forms

  • XIVY-13649 Add more unit and integration tests for the Form editor

  • XIVY-13665 Use Java 21 to build, execute, and develop Axon Ivy and Ivy projects

  • XIVY-13756 Remove UserDialog descriptor

  • XIVY-13802 Show validation messages in Variables editor

  • XIVY-13897 Analyze startup performance of a productive Axon Ivy Engine with multiple projects performance

  • XIVY-14000 Add Playwright tests for Variable editor

  • XIVY-14003 Adjust Variable editor to latest UI design

  • XIVY-14010 Provide process mining viewer

  • XIVY-14023 Add a method to CaseQuery to filter cases the current user or any of his roles is involved

  • XIVY-14031 Add a check to see if there are applications still with a path IWA_Application.FileDirectory

  • XIVY-14032 Do not convert projects on Engine start instead provide a button in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-14066 Remove Restart button from Migration wizard

  • XIVY-14099 Prototype NEO overview page with a list of processes and open/create a process

  • XIVY-14100 Prototype how a user can log into NEO (inclusive user management, workspace management)

  • XIVY-14102 Integrate Form editor into NEO

  • XIVY-14104 Integrate Variable editor into NEO

  • XIVY-14139 Provide GEO-locations of tasks over the Workflow REST API

  • XIVY-14152 Add TLS connection testing for Databases (JDBC) in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-14216 Include reference to the Portal release-notes in the ivy-core release-notes

  • XIVY-14262 Password encryption for Variable editor

  • XIVY-14263 Show available Variables of dependent projects in Variable editor

  • XIVY-14264 Convert Variables with dots in their keys to corresponding mappings during project conversion

  • XIVY-14269 Setup test infrastructure for NEO and implement first tests

  • XIVY-14270 Add process execution/simulation in NEO

  • XIVY-14273 Remove the old HTML Dialog editor (WYSIWYG part)

  • XIVY-14276 Add REST endpoints to watch and build Data classes

  • XIVY-14278 Improve docker experience for Axon Ivy Engine

  • XIVY-14292 Engine Health Check

  • XIVY-14293 Add initial Engine Health Check infrastructure

  • XIVY-14357 Improve UX for adding Variables in Variable editor

  • XIVY-14370 Show name and description of start event process element in Engine Cockpit Start Events view

  • XIVY-14371 Prototype the support of multiple case owners

  • XIVY-14373 Log the whole request and response of a REST or SOAP call (client and server-side)

  • XIVY-14388 Check if the old Axon Ivy Engine is running before starting migration

  • XIVY-14423 Show information about the system database and its tables, triggers, and indexes in the Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-14428 Improve process start chooser in inscription mask

  • XIVY-14486 Show Info instead of Warning if ‘-’ is present in a variable key

  • XIVY-14543 Prevent the browser from showing an authentication dialog if a REST request responds with error code 401

  • XIVY-14547 Integrate process animation feature into VS Code extension

  • XIVY-14561 Make system databases accessible from the container host in docker-samples

  • XIVY-14572 Update to Eclipse 2024-06

  • XIVY-14579 Support isIn(List<Integer) and isNotIn(List) for Integer columns in Task and Case Queries on LTS-10

  • XIVY-14580 Optimize system database LEFT JOIN queries with WHERE filter

  • XIVY-14582 Create more/better indexes on task- and case-related tables for better query performance performance

  • XIVY-14586 Deploy workspace from NEO to an Engine

  • XIVY-14587 Export & Import NEO workspace to and from ZIP

  • XIVY-14589 Setup public demo environment for NEO

  • XIVY-14593 Adjust the look and feel of dev-wf-ui to NEO design

  • XIVY-14594 Improve Overview pages in NEO

  • XIVY-14614 Integrate new Data Class editor into NEO

  • XIVY-14644 Prototype to replace ElasticSearch with OpenSearch

  • XIVY-14649 Use Virtual Thread for the Action Dispatcher in the GLSP Process Editor and Viewer

  • XIVY-14650 Allow to change the Marketplace URL so that Marketplace developers can change it for development

  • XIVY-14657 Add statistics to the dev-workflow-ui

  • XIVY-14658 Improve Task and Case lists in dev-workflow-ui

  • XIVY-14659 Show case and task notes in dev-workflow-ui

  • XIVY-14684 Improve Starts page on dev-workflow-ui

  • XIVY-14718 Add quick action bar to components in the Form editor

  • XIVY-14719 Convert custom Data Classes storage format to JSON

  • XIVY-14720 Adjust UI design of dev-workflow-ui

  • XIVY-14725 Add Select component to Forms

  • XIVY-14726 Use workspace API in VS Code

  • XIVY-14728 Badges to simplify how data/logic/CMS bindings are displayed in the new Form editor

  • XIVY-14750 Add System Memory, Java Heap Memory and System Cpu Load Health Check

  • XIVY-14751 Support undo/redo in the Form editor

  • XIVY-14753 Allow to delete elements per drag and drop in the new Form editor

  • XIVY-14777 Validate persistent flag of Data class attributes

  • XIVY-14787 Record and display started processes in dev-workflow-ui which are started from inside the process-editor

  • XIVY-14791 Remove Debian package

  • XIVY-14805 Outline component for Form and Process editor

  • XIVY-14809 Add icon attribute to Text component in the Form editor

  • XIVY-14810 Add general properties readonly, required and visible to any component in the Form editor

  • XIVY-14812 Create a new JSON schema version for Forms and provide a converter for the 11.3 version

  • XIVY-14814 Add TextArea component to Forms

  • XIVY-14820 Activate NEO in Engine demo mode only and provide an entry point

  • XIVY-14823 Add a “Add Role” button to the role browser in inscription views

  • XIVY-14827 Support embedded processes in the new Process editor outline

  • XIVY-14832 Remove SOAP WebService tester from inscription view

  • XIVY-14846 Add health checks for database and REST client connection pools

  • XIVY-14893 Add “Create from data” action in the Form editor toolbar

  • XIVY-14920 Update bundled Elasticsearch to 7.17.23

  • XIVY-14984 Add a Panel layout component to Forms

  • XIVY-14987 Support multiple case owners

  • XIVY-14993 Add action to convert a Form into an old JSF xhtml-based HTML Dialog

  • XIVY-14994 Support jump to belonging Data class and Process from the current Form editor

  • XIVY-14998 Show validation messages in Data class editor

  • XIVY-15006 Mark Mac Designer version LTS 12 as Beta

  • XIVY-15024 Deprecate old workflow APIs

  • XIVY-15028 Add “Number of digits” property to number input component in Forms

  • XIVY-15045 Add a Type browser in the Data class editor

  • XIVY-15059 Add new Ivy 12 splash screen

  • XIVY-15067 Add log if WebView2-based browser can not be created

  • XIVY-15076 Make Panel and Fieldset component collapsible in Forms

  • XIVY-15077 Removed the default project Data class. Each process gets a new Data class by default

  • XIVY-15081 Switch from Elasticsearch to OpenSearch

  • XIVY-15097 Make region of AWS S3 document storage configurable

  • XIVY-15104 Show context path of HTTP session in session monitor of Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-15123 Add an “Add to CMS” quick action in the Form editor

  • XIVY-15125 When creating Forms or CallSubs from a Process the created Data class should have one attribute with the type of the Process Data class

  • XIVY-15128 Improve Engine index page

  • XIVY-15136 Improve performance of GLSP Client and Server performance

  • XIVY-15137 Integrate the new Data class editor into the PRO Designer

  • XIVY-15138 Improve the usability of the new Data class editor

  • XIVY-15176 Revise naming, labels, and texts in Neo with PM

  • XIVY-15183 Better human-readable IDs for the Form editor components

  • XIVY-15184 Support Process editor Extensions palette in Neo

  • XIVY-15193 Improve the project detail overview page in NEO

  • XIVY-15198 Refine workflow notes API

  • XIVY-15200 Write a “How to start with NEO” chapter in the documention

  • XIVY-15201 Update process modelling documentation

  • XIVY-15243 Improve log file naming

  • XIVY-15281 New and improved IvyAsyncExecutor API

  • XIVY-15282 Add help buttons to Variable, Data class and Form editors that link to corresponding documentation

  • XIVY-15286 Report endless looping requests as health message in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-15295 Release 12

  • XIVY-15318 Create News page for release 12

  • XIVY-15319 Write Migration Notes for migrating from version 10 to 12

  • XIVY-15424 Create NEO designer workspaces per user and only visible to the creator

  • XIVY-15483 Variable Editor

  • XIVY-15516 Add emotional welcome page to NEO designer

  • XIVY-15524 Show installation directory of the Engine in the Cockpit

  • XIVY-15531 Add a favicon and improve browser tab titles of the NEO designer

  • XIVY-15540 Improve Function-Browser in Inscription View


  • XIVY-10025 Inherited REST-Client icons are duplicated into the JSON process model

  • XIVY-13757 Microsoft SMTP service throws concurrent connections limit exceeded

  • XIVY-13977 Engine Cockpit user gravatar images broken if no-internet-connection or gravatar blocked

  • XIVY-13984 Fix a wrong URL in the documentation of the Designer’s openapi.json

  • XIVY-14020 Rules do not work if executed by @IvyTest in the Designer

  • XIVY-14033 Copy configuration files in Migration wizard only copy a subset of configuration

  • XIVY-14075 File uploaded with p:fileUpload cannot be mapped to nested process data

  • XIVY-14112 Deadlock after open many projects

  • XIVY-14132 CaseMap deployment validation does not check for missing stages or missing processes

  • XIVY-14148 Cannot provide an argument with whitespaces to the EngineConfigCli

  • XIVY-14149 CMS copy of deep trees is not working reliably

  • XIVY-14150 CMS copy & paste of large, shallow structure results in NPE

  • XIVY-14187 Consider Ivy-Context for “Generate Schema” operation in the Persistence Configuration editor

  • XIVY-14192 Process Viewer allows editing of the model resulting in errors

  • XIVY-14204 NPE in Database Inscription View when changing the Query Kind

  • XIVY-14214 Eclipse Marketplace does not work

  • XIVY-14247 Don’t sync a user when logging in with Azure Entra ID and UserSynch.OnLogin is disabled security

  • XIVY-14251 When showing web notifications the user gets synchronized with the identity provider security

  • XIVY-14257 Renaming a CMS folder takes forever

  • XIVY-14274 Process SVG export broken

  • XIVY-14365 RuntimeException in workflow statistic API if you have a case with a category of the format “Procurement/Request”

  • XIVY-14382 Autocomplete overwrites search input of tables in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-14397 File#makePersistent fails if the directory structure does not exist

  • XIVY-14414 NPE when directly navigating to /demo-portal/starts after starting Axon Ivy Engine

  • XIVY-14415 Slow Designer and deployment due to frequent application configuration reloads performance

  • XIVY-14430 Colorized connectors are not showing the execution state in the Process editor

  • XIVY-14437 Siblings are not created correctly during variables.yaml conversion

  • XIVY-14510 Cannot change language and formatting language settings of externally managed users in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-14525 Eclipse workspace occasionally blocked after installing Market product

  • XIVY-14652 Fix deadlock in the process model version’s project state check

  • XIVY-14655 Microsoft IIS script is broken because Enable Proxy does not work

  • XIVY-14667 Primefaces Datepicker throws a runtime exception on invalid-date inputs

  • XIVY-14729 Reconnect lost connection from web editors to backend after OS hibernation

  • XIVY-14786 Data classes are duplicated during data class to JSON conversion on Windows

  • XIVY-14795 Variables without a value in variables.yaml are changed to "null" when saving with the Variable editor

  • XIVY-14798 False positive validation problem after removing the expiry error handler of a UserTask

  • XIVY-14830 Reconnect Process editor after Windows hibernate

  • XIVY-14845 Fix dev-workflow-ui tasks and cases search and ordering

  • XIVY-14856 persistence.xml conversion fails if it includes special characters (umlauts, etc.) on Windows

  • XIVY-14953 Improve UX of Monitor/OS view in the Cockpit

  • XIVY-14992 Jump into does not work with Process Viewer if the target is in a dependent project

  • XIVY-15025 Making a change in an input field moves the cursor to the end of the input field in Variable and Data class editors

  • XIVY-15030 Can not start process start which is not shown on the start list out of the process editor

  • XIVY-15135 Thread safe loading of Process standard module

  • XIVY-15151 Show problems of elements in embedded sub-process on parent activity

  • XIVY-15153 Copy/Paste shortcuts do not work in Monaco editor in PRO Designer on Windows

  • XIVY-15166 Rename Elastic Search to Search Engine in the documentation

  • XIVY-15167 Forms are not built after changes in the Data class or logic Process in Neo

  • XIVY-15197 No longer list all Records in JavaDoc Public API

  • XIVY-15265 ivy.var does not work after importing an existing Axon Ivy Project

  • XIVY-15284 False positive “Unkown variable ivyWorkflowView” Form editor validation problem

  • XIVY-15292 Data class is not built after modification in NEO

  • XIVY-15332 Fix small issues for the LTS 12 release

  • XIVY-15411 Force delete action of the process model in the Engine Cockpit does not work

  • XIVY-15532 The value of a file variable is not read from the file under certain circumstances

  • XIVY-15555 OpenAPI reference generator broken if endpoint uses javax.validation constraints

11.3.0 (2024-05-23)

We strongly recommend to install this update release because it fixes security issues!


  • XIVY-14062 Update to Primefaces 13.0.10 and Primefaces Extensions 13.0.10

  • XIVY-13923 Support X-Forwarded-Host and X-Forwarded-Port

  • XIVY-13903 Preserve namespace mappings on web service generation

  • XIVY-13858 Respect custom Microsoft reverse proxy header setting ‘Front-End-Https’ for Azure Application Proxy (X-Forwarded-Proto)

  • XIVY-13800 Use Base64 to store passwords in YAML files

  • XIVY-13771 Update Elasticsearch to 7.17.19

  • XIVY-13760 Support migration for ready-only configuration files scenarios (Kubernetes)

  • XIVY-13695 Add canWorkOn and isInvolved filter to workflow statistic API for cases

  • XIVY-13583 Migration Wizard should ask if web.xml or context.xml should be copied or not

  • XIVY-13553 Update Primefaces to 13.0.x

  • XIVY-13523 Make IvyScript Deserializer work with Collections that have no constructor such as java.util.EnumSet

  • XIVY-13503 Case in-sensitive role mapping for Novell eDirectory user synchronization

  • XIVY-13496 Resurrect background colors of swimlanes

  • XIVY-13489 Update process editor palette icons (embedded sub + BPMN activities)

  • XIVY-13485 Move process editor canvas with arrow keys

  • XIVY-13458 Introduce an option to show more roles in the Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-13378 SSO with a JWT token on Entra ID based security systems

  • XIVY-13362 Option to define the number of backups of application config

  • XIVY-13262 Allow configuration of proxy for Microsoft Entra ID synchronization

  • XIVY-13208 Add a REST API endpoint to get web notifications

  • XIVY-13207 Add a REST API endpoint to get information about the current user

  • XIVY-13206 New workflow/startables REST API endpoint that provides similar information like processstarts but with custom fields and also Case Map starts

  • XIVY-13172 Improve UX of logs view in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-13154 Changing a setting in Engine Cockpit should work even in a container with read-only ivy.yaml

  • XIVY-13152 Ease the creation of system database in Oracle by using a default ‘ivy’ tablespace

  • XIVY-13007 Upgrade bundled Elasticsearch to 7.17.16 security

  • XIVY-13001 Link to Application Home from Engine Cockpit Applications view

  • XIVY-12994 Rename Azure AD to Microsoft Entra ID

  • XIVY-12879 Configurable mapping of Entra ID attributes to Axon Ivy fullName of user

  • XIVY-12632 Provide an API to get the URL to open the task detail page for a given task

  • XIVY-12593 IIS install and setup script enhancements

  • XIVY-11624 ivy.yaml schema editing support for most prominent entries

  • XIVY-10166 Entra ID OAUTH Login for REST-Endpoints provided by the AxonIvy Engine

  • XIVY-8505 Show helper lines when moving or inserting a process element in the process editor

  • XIVY-5559 System database migration should be executed by the engine migration wizard

  • IVYPORTAL-16765 Upgrade to Primefaces 13

  • IVYPORTAL-16655 Quick Search in Dashboard Case & Task List LE Impl., GUI Test & Documentation

  • IVYPORTAL-16309 Grant “edit external link”-permission to Portal Admin by default

  • IVYPORTAL-16089 QR-Code for Axon Ivy Mobile App

  • IVYPORTAL-15964 Correct navigation inside the Case Information dialog

  • IVYPORTAL-15448 Statistics - Standard Chart Set

  • IVYPORTAL-14996 Permissions documentation improved

New Features

  • XIVY-3498 Provide details page links in the new task notification

  • XIVY-9680 Remove system database only conversion and autoConvert of system database in ivy.yaml in favor of migration wizard

  • XIVY-9799 Add option to project-build-plugin to automatically use latest minor release with ivy.engine.version.minor.latest=true

  • XIVY-9802 Inscription View

  • XIVY-9834 Prototype how to replace Z-Layer with a new process model

  • XIVY-11195 Notification

  • XIVY-11582 Document how to set up URL rewriting for IIS

  • XIVY-11636 All ivy.yaml features as a schema for config-editors

  • XIVY-11709 ThirdParty element Inscription Views

  • XIVY-11800 Tech Dept: Remove Z-Centric code outside component: Level 2

  • XIVY-11806 Improve IvyScript LSP javadoc presentation

  • XIVY-11890 Provide metadata for known custom fields in the new Inscription View

  • XIVY-11891 Provide metadata for known tags in the new Inscription View

  • XIVY-11935 Improve generation of db query classes

  • XIVY-11980 Variable editor for VSCode extension

  • XIVY-12139 Create a GLSP process viewer-only bundle

  • XIVY-12264 Integrate TLS-connection-tester to Cockpit

  • XIVY-12272 Better respect SecurityContext borders in Inscription LSP and other protocols

  • XIVY-12411 Cookie primefaces-theme-mode needs SameSite attribute value security

  • XIVY-12441 Show migrated YAML contents, in ConfigFileEditor

  • XIVY-12445 Improve Rebuild & Redeploy

  • XIVY-12479 Run VS Code playwright tests with openvscode-server

  • XIVY-12549 Add function browser to new Inscription View

  • XIVY-12550 Add Category Path Chooser

  • XIVY-12551 Add Database Browsers

  • XIVY-12586 Upload and download configuration files via Engine-Cockpit

  • XIVY-12739 Add canWorkOn filter to workflow statistic API for tasks

  • XIVY-12783 VS Code project explorer improvements

  • XIVY-12796 Notification templates per task

  • XIVY-12797 Add an expandable code editor to the new Inscription View

  • XIVY-12831 Support Microsoft Teams notification for other security systems than Microsoft Entry ID too

  • XIVY-12890 Correctly handle notification channels per security context

  • XIVY-12891 Dynamically generate config UI for notification channels

  • XIVY-12892 Publish VS Code extension to VS Code market

  • XIVY-12913 Add help button/link to new inscription views

  • XIVY-12919 Improve Process Editor loading experience

  • XIVY-12934 Integration tests for notification channels

  • XIVY-12978 Remove Portal Express from our documentation (getting started)

  • XIVY-12983 Add Spanish translations to notification (mail) messages

  • XIVY-12991 Measure the performance of notifications

  • XIVY-12992 Data type browser should display different default types depending on the location it is opened

  • XIVY-12997 Cancel button in HTML Dialog should work also with required input fields

  • XIVY-12998 REST tester improvement in the Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-13035 Set theme-specific (dark/light) class on the body tag to enable theme-specific CSS rules

  • XIVY-13055 Improve the handiness of the Inscription View

  • XIVY-13069 Raise Primefaces to 11.0.13 to fix CVE-2023-5072 security

  • XIVY-13072 Improve REST client JAX-RS and Java documentation on how to close a response to avoid connection leaks

  • XIVY-13085 Provide a public API to send notifications from projects

  • XIVY-13091 Add role selector/browser to inscription view

  • XIVY-13093 Upgrade GLSP to 2.1 to get helper lines and ghost element feature

  • XIVY-13127 Generate .xhtml from UI meta json

  • XIVY-13128 Initial new HTLM Dialog editor with limited support for Labels, TextBoxes, and Buttons

  • XIVY-13133 Design UI meta JSON format

  • XIVY-13134 Communication between Html Dialog editor frontend and backend

  • XIVY-13138 Establish Inscription web socket connection via backend

  • XIVY-13139 Make VS Code Java Extension work with Axon Ivy Projects

  • XIVY-13143 Support create User Dialog and Sub Process via Inscription

  • XIVY-13147 VS Code extension should support Dev Container and GitHub Codespaces

  • XIVY-13150 Implement the mail, MS teams, and web notifications as designed by the UI/UX designer

  • XIVY-13156 Improve the search speed of the function browser performance

  • XIVY-13158 Improve ProcessViewer for real-world use cases

  • XIVY-13165 Improve Process Editor performance with huge processes performance

  • XIVY-13167 Enable process editor validations on the engine

  • XIVY-13205 Add a new response header ivy-Reset-Task that contains the task ID in case a task is canceled

  • XIVY-13240 Choose the correct theme for Process Editor

  • XIVY-13253 Adopt Table Design for the new Inscription View

  • XIVY-13258 Reuse inscription view components in form editor

  • XIVY-13260 Throw an error if a user absence is created with a later start date than the end date

  • XIVY-13306 Move REST Resources from the server to its own web-ide bundle

  • XIVY-13307 Skip creating indexes in system database during migration if they already exist

  • XIVY-13318 Allow configuration of a proxy for Microsoft Teams Notification

  • XIVY-13346 Find sub-process start in the application of given case

  • XIVY-13347 Check Engine Cockpit and Dev Wf UI for insecure escape=”false” security

  • XIVY-13360 Support java.time classes for engine REST endpoints

  • XIVY-13363 Set stack depth of flight recorder in jvm.options

  • XIVY-13374 Upgrade to Primefaces 11.0.14

  • XIVY-13377 Implement first simple Layouting in Form Editor

  • XIVY-13418 Log information about what every migration wizard task is doing during the migration

  • XIVY-13428 Only load active tasks in-memory when joining tasks performance

  • XIVY-13446 Show warning and filter IvyScript-incompatible variables in content assist

  • XIVY-13448 Remove legacy app.yaml deployer from old location

  • XIVY-13462 Don’t migrate WebSerivceId, WebServiceFramework, WsdlUrl and RestClientID to app.yaml for users who have changed the framework and forgot to deploy with ‘override configuration’

  • XIVY-13463 Improve performance of Engine Cockpit role detail view of roles with a lot of users performance

  • XIVY-13484 Improve performance of search engine view in Engine Cockpit performance

  • XIVY-13488 Native property to restrict HTTPS TLS Protocols on Engine Port security

  • XIVY-13494 Inscription view support ivyScript LSP hover capability for Monaco

  • XIVY-13498 Apply TLS connection tester review feedback

  • XIVY-13504 Explore building Ivy projects by Java Maven extension

  • XIVY-13506 Javadoc/Description window not displayed correctly within the single line code editor

  • XIVY-13507 Provide completion for classes in IvyScript Monaco Editor

  • XIVY-13508 Boolean operators in auto-completion for boolean expressions

  • XIVY-13510 Inscription view: apply the latest UI design

  • XIVY-13517 Flush deployment log on each write to get instant feedback

  • XIVY-13570 Improve performance of loading configuration files performance

  • XIVY-13577 Do not hash administrator passwords in the database if they are not hashed in ivy.yaml to improve performance performance

  • XIVY-13578 Do not load app configuration multiple times on engine startup performance

  • XIVY-13581 Add API to search for startables by id on workflow context and session

  • XIVY-13607 Remove ModProcessChangeListener to avoid frozen Designers

  • XIVY-13627 Generate .xhtml dialog in the target folder with template files

  • XIVY-13635 Implement all ProcessElements schema based

  • XIVY-13639 Implement default process for notification settings

  • XIVY-13641 Integrate the new HTML Dialog Editor

  • XIVY-13666 Verify Mod>Json migration works the same as on LTS 10

  • XIVY-13774 Improve get session count implementations

  • XIVY-13775 Validate the role name and prevent using reserved names

  • XIVY-13804 Add option to create .f.json instead of .xhtml for New HTML Dialogs in New Wizard

  • XIVY-13805 Integrate variables editor into Eclipse designer

  • XIVY-13806 Streamline inscription view tabs

  • XIVY-13807 Trigger .f.json build if it is saved in Web IDE

  • XIVY-13820 Release 11.3

  • XIVY-13821 News Page, Migration Notes for 11.3

  • XIVY-13888 Variables YAML designer validation if a variable exists multiple times in unrelated projects

  • XIVY-13927 Doc: Improve multilingual name and description

  • XIVY-13987 Request Start: Error if Trigger-Checkbox is selected but no output flow is connected

  • XIVY-14027 Cleanup Primefaces 13 Migration

  • IVYPORTAL-14671 Add mulitlingual support to the dashboard names and widgets

  • IVYPORTAL-14678 Adapt Notifications To Final Design And Function

  • IVYPORTAL-14904 MultiLanguage Support for external Link Widget

  • IVYPORTAL-15093 Prototype quick Global Search for Processes

  • IVYPORTAL-15292 Statistics - API and storage of charts and settings

  • IVYPORTAL-15491 Quick search on process, task and case widget

  • IVYPORTAL-15538 Statistics Part - Statistics on the dashboard

  • IVYPORTAL-15543 Define approach for complex filters on task and case widget

  • IVYPORTAL-15544 Case Widget - Complex Standard Date Fields & Standard String Fields

  • IVYPORTAL-15562 Refactor LE portal-test (gui-tests) to selenide 2/3

  • IVYPORTAL-15563 Refactor portal-test (gui-tests) to selenide 3/3

  • IVYPORTAL-15572 List available Statistic Dashboard Widget

  • IVYPORTAL-15574 Process Information - Customization Support

  • IVYPORTAL-15575 Complex Filtering

  • IVYPORTAL-15613 Statistics - Multi KPI per Panel Support

  • IVYPORTAL-15729 Task Widget - Standard Fields

  • IVYPORTAL-15836 Case Widget - Custom String Number Timestamp Fields

  • IVYPORTAL-15837 Case Widget - Complex Standard Fields

  • IVYPORTAL-15933 Make portal-user-examples and portal-developer-examples not depend on Portal

  • IVYPORTAL-16021 Custom Action-Button for Cases

  • IVYPORTAL-16025 Case-Widget - Complex Filters - GUI-Tests & Screenshots & Documentation

  • IVYPORTAL-16038 Documentation and Clean up for Statistics

  • IVYPORTAL-16080 TaskTemplate Icon Customization

  • IVYPORTAL-16086 More Information Process Page

  • IVYPORTAL-16131 Notification Stream Dashboard Widget

  • IVYPORTAL-16132 Notifications Settings Link & Full screen Notifications Page

  • IVYPORTAL-16147 Custom Case Field on Task Widget

  • IVYPORTAL-16211 Improve release Portal process with Express

  • IVYPORTAL-16246 Adapt new Default page for Task/Case detail

  • IVYPORTAL-16254 Correct alignment of the custom column on Dashboard case/task widgets

  • IVYPORTAL-16274 Hide Notifications Bell when Web-Notifications deactivated

  • IVYPORTAL-16295 SPIKE UI-PoC for Portal Chatbot

  • IVYPORTAL-16308 UI Integration and Styling - Widget configuration step

  • IVYPORTAL-16339 Error when parsing number field

  • IVYPORTAL-16344 Task Details - Task Status Banner

  • IVYPORTAL-16347 Replace deprecated method: ISecurityContext.getExternalSecuritySystemName()

  • IVYPORTAL-16354 Task Widget - Custom Fields

  • IVYPORTAL-16355 Task-Widget - Complex Filters - GUI-Tests & Screenshots & Documentation

  • IVYPORTAL-16408 French wording reworks

  • IVYPORTAL-16420 Make Menu Entry Dashboard Customizable

  • IVYPORTAL-16422 Hide Case ID

  • IVYPORTAL-16423 Hide profile settings when user doesn’t have permissions

  • IVYPORTAL-16426 Fix warning from Portal

  • IVYPORTAL-16450 Wrong typo cms in News widget

  • IVYPORTAL-16462 Exception when Reset password

  • IVYPORTAL-16465 Use JSoup library in Java to sanitize input to prevent XSS attacks

  • IVYPORTAL-16523 Improve warning popup when leaving an opening task

  • IVYPORTAL-16528 Prevent Dashboard Scrollbar because of Padding

  • IVYPORTAL-16578 French Translations Business Details

  • IVYPORTAL-16689 Consolidate Role/user name in the dashboard configuration dialog

  • IVYPORTAL-16691 Task widget information displays technical category name

  • IVYPORTAL-16728 Improve ExternalLink UI

  • IVYPORTAL-16730 Error appear when reserve task

  • IVYPORTAL-16751 Standard Process for notifications

  • IVYPORTAL-16820 Show Scrollbar in setting multiple languages dialog for LE


  • XIVY-6821 Error 409 if the same user starts a task in a different session

  • XIVY-8066 Designer breaks if you install additional plugins

  • XIVY-9800 Migration wizard task ‘system database backup’ does nothing

  • XIVY-12544 Fix typos in HTML Dialog Themes documentation

  • XIVY-12562 CMS Browser for Mail inscription mask

  • XIVY-12966 Deploy REST services for released PMVs

  • XIVY-12981 Restart button visible in Engine Cockpit bundled with Designer

  • XIVY-12985 Raise drools to 8.44.0/7.74.1 to fix CVE-2021-41411 security

  • XIVY-12999 Engine Cockpit should not write defaults to ivy.yaml file

  • XIVY-13004 A cluster slave node cannot start sometimes because of PersistentObjectDeletedException

  • XIVY-13006 OperationNotSupportedException if one sorts tables of start events, intermediate events, security systems, or flight recordings in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-13034 Notification settings on a User are ignored for Tasks assigned to a Role

  • XIVY-13052 Cannot select and therefore copy code/expression overlay in the mapping table

  • XIVY-13053 Cannot start Elasticsearch server if another instance is already running

  • XIVY-13104 The BPM error dialog leaks too much information to the end user security

  • XIVY-13107 System database migration from LTS-8 to LTS-10 fails with “Cannot insert null into IWA_SecurityMember.NAME”

  • XIVY-13108 Potential Resources Leaks in Microsoft Teams Notification

  • XIVY-13119 User and Role Editor throw ClassCastException on save

  • XIVY-13126 Connection leak if one does not commit/rollback JPA transaction but closes entity manager correctly

  • XIVY-13146 Fix typos in error messages in ProcessDataPersistenceService

  • XIVY-13164 Workflow REST API provides wrong process and task start links

  • XIVY-13226 Flickering in developer workflow UI when using dark mode and frame-based dialogs

  • XIVY-13236 Broken link to documentation in engine file deploy/README.txt

  • XIVY-13246 EL conversion fails if the value of an attribute contains a new line

  • XIVY-13257 DomainUserName class is missing the toString method for logging

  • XIVY-13277 Improve project deployment documentation

  • XIVY-13308 Improve application view and deletion of App, PM, PMV in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-13321 Show error if the project in the designer workspace has a newer major version

  • XIVY-13322 Support inout mode parameter in SOAP WS inscription view

  • XIVY-13330 Axon Ivy Engine can not be started after migration when ‘system’ security system already exists

  • XIVY-13334 Can not synchronize user for ActiveDirectory or Novell eDirectory if referral contains a reference to another directory

  • XIVY-13335 StackOverflowException at test runtime on the creation of IvyValidatorFactory

  • XIVY-13343 Designer freeze during build

  • XIVY-13345 Update documentation about counting NWU and CCU

  • XIVY-13358 Role mappings and other configurations are not migrated if the app has the same name as the security system

  • XIVY-13396 Fix exceptions in ivy.log when using migration wizard and copy keystore and trust store files

  • XIVY-13397 Migration Wizard file diff removes backslashes in the comparison view for Windows path

  • XIVY-13398 Loading CMS with over 3MB size fails

  • XIVY-13399 Can not add workflow document for anonymous users

  • XIVY-13475 Copy already existing app.yaml during migration to all env folders so that the runtime behavior for loading configurations is still the same

  • XIVY-13479 Respect security context when re-indexing business data in Elasticsearch

  • XIVY-13481 System database config can get lost after the migration wizard finishes

  • XIVY-13492 Migration Wizard complains about the wrong database version if you don’t have access to the system database

  • XIVY-13499 Alternative gateways lose condition when it is wrapped

  • XIVY-13500 Jump into embedded sub takes current viewport which may be wrong

  • XIVY-13505 CallStack information on the End or Page End element might be wrong

  • XIVY-13539 Add logs to analyze slow engine startup due to password encryption in config files performance

  • XIVY-13584 IvyTest is not executable under Windows if paths contain special chars

  • XIVY-13587 New task email notifications are interrupted after trying to send to an invalid email address

  • XIVY-13593 Edit Variable dialog in Engine Cockpit has a layout problem

  • XIVY-13595 Add p:ajaxExceptionHandler to Setup wizard in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-13622 Fix critical CVE-2024-1597 of PostgreSQL driver security

  • XIVY-13623 Fix high CVE-2024-25710 and CVE-2024-26308 of Apache Commons Compress security

  • XIVY-13625 Redirect to the wrong URL when clicking on Login with Microsoft with IIS as a reverse proxy security

  • XIVY-13628 Fix medium CVE-2023-44483 of Apache Santuario XML Security security

  • XIVY-13632 mod to json conversion switches the default value of “attach to case” flag

  • XIVY-13677 Process element is moved on text selection in inscription mask

  • XIVY-13721 Colors applied to the Alternative gateway are lost

  • XIVY-13730 InaccessibleObjectException due to missing java.sql add-opens

  • XIVY-13769 Don’t synch a user on login over SSO if UserSynch.OnLogin is false in ivy.yaml

  • XIVY-13789 Sometimes IvyScript errors are not marked properly in Monaco editor

  • XIVY-13792 Generating WebService client fails due to invalid target namespace

  • XIVY-13809 Handle the underline character in typedefs in CXF soap client

  • XIVY-13859 Documentation: still talks about “environments”

  • XIVY-13890 Engine sometimes can not start because of ConcurrentHashMap recursive update

  • XIVY-13892 Primefaces project conversion fails with HTTP response code 429

  • XIVY-13894 CMS import ignores (eats) empty columns

  • XIVY-13895 Designer hangs when deleting opened (unchanged) CMS entries

  • XIVY-13928 Rest Services from inactive PMV’s are loaded

  • XIVY-13949 Process editor connectors sometimes not visible after inscription view resize

  • XIVY-13952 Error in web service YAML deserialize when endpoints are empty

  • XIVY-13958 Do not escape special characters in web notifications

  • XIVY-13988 Do not load environment-based configurations as they are no longer supported

  • XIVY-13989 Designer deadlock while stopping process engines (git branching)

  • XIVY-13991 Tasks are sometimes not joined

  • XIVY-14019 User synch resets manually changed language back to identity provider language

  • XIVY-14061 NPE in Engine Cockpit in rest client detail view if rest client is only defined in app.yaml but not in the project

  • XIVY-14082 Dev-WF-UI leaks all cases if you use a filter security

  • XIVY-14140 Error Icon for error processes

  • IVYPORTAL-15916 Session expires despite user interaction on the UI

  • IVYPORTAL-16225 Welcome widget get Javascript exception

  • IVYPORTAL-16226 Cannot load process in combined mode

  • IVYPORTAL-16227 Dashboard process widget does not show image for External Link type

  • IVYPORTAL-16233 Portal Permissions not set to role Everybody when deploying the portal

  • IVYPORTAL-16307 Error on display Widget information of Task/Case widget

  • IVYPORTAL-16428 XSS Vulnerabilty in Portal security

  • IVYPORTAL-16476 Process Steps do not render correctly

  • IVYPORTAL-16551 Queries of task and case widgets have unnecessary extended parts

  • IVYPORTAL-16560 Process doesn’t work in the custom process widget

  • IVYPORTAL-16564 Process Labels cutoff

  • IVYPORTAL-16579 Incorrect alignment header of Case/Task widgets when has vertical scrollbar

  • IVYPORTAL-16739 Screen reloaded if TaskTemplateIFrame has ‘taskUrl=blank’

  • IVYPORTAL-16809 Edit Permission Doesn’t Show Predefine Permission

  • IVYPORTAL-16825 Too many external Links lead to bad performance

  • IVYPORTAL-16872 AJAX indicator block the error dialog

  • IVYPORTAL-16910 Error when leaving a task due to ITask.getCase() throws exception

  • IVYPORTAL-16924 Process chain is missing after migrating to Portal 10

11.2.0 (2023-12-04)

We strongly recommend to install this update release because it fixes security issues!


  • XIVY-12876 Upgrade library Guava to the latest version 32.1.3

  • XIVY-12875 Upgrade library Log4j to the latest version 2.21.1

  • XIVY-12874 Upgrade library Apache Tomcat to the latest version 9.0.83

  • XIVY-12873 Upgrade library CXF to the latest version 3.5.7

  • XIVY-12872 Upgrade library OpenTelemetry to the latest version 1.32.0

  • XIVY-12871 Upgrade library MariaDB JDBC driver to the latest version 3.3.0

  • XIVY-12870 Upgrade library Swagger core to the latest version 2.2.19

  • XIVY-12869 Upgrade library classgraph to the latest version 4.8.164

  • XIVY-12749 Support Azure onPremisesExtensionAttributes in user property synchronization

  • XIVY-12665 Make total fields limit of business data configurable in ivy.yaml

  • XIVY-12663 Upgrade to Primefaces 11.0.12

  • XIVY-12575 New option on engine launchers (AxonIvyEngine.exe, AxonIvyEngineService.exe, AxonIvyEngine, etc) to restart the engine

  • XIVY-12543 Update JVMs to the latest October 2023 PSU releases security

  • XIVY-12501 Allow to deploy application zip file that only contains configuration (e.g. app.yaml) without any project

  • XIVY-12396 Store packed projects as .iar files instead of .zip files on the engine

  • XIVY-12359 Cover more task cancel scenarios with IvyWorkflowBean

  • XIVY-12353 Support Postgres 16 for the system database

  • XIVY-12244 Allow to add a role to an unmanaged user, even if the role is managed by an identity provider

  • XIVY-12219 Trace mail communication

  • XIVY-12053 ControlCenter and AxonIvyEngineService should run as Administrator by default

  • XIVY-11671 Move session files to the work directory

  • XIVY-11669 Tool to migrate applications to another security context

  • XIVY-11597 Add HEALTCHECK to axonivy/axonivy-engine docker image

  • XIVY-11531 Support MariaDB 10.11 LTS and drop support for MariaDB 10.3

  • XIVY-11515 Web-Tester Login API to streamline authentication of a user

  • XIVY-11493 Support JAVA_OPTS_IVY_SYSTEM as VM option on Windows

  • XIVY-11368 Improve user synchronization logs

  • XIVY-9347 UUID for task and case

  • XIVY-9197 Axon Ivy Engine Docker image for linux/arm64/v8 OS architecture (MAC)

  • XIVY-6929 ViewExpiredException if a user clicks on a close link and afterward on another link on the same dialog

  • IVYPORTAL-15848 Dashboard - Cover Loading… by Skeleton for Task-List & Case-List Widget

  • IVYPORTAL-15702 Improve “deployment of dashboards”-Documentation

  • IVYPORTAL-15294 API to create a link to the task and case details page

  • IVYPORTAL-15289 Support process order in process start widget on dashboard

  • IVYPORTAL-15215 Support Translation of News in the News Widget with DeepL

  • IVYPORTAL-15126 Improve pagination for case list on the dashboard

  • IVYPORTAL-15124 Dashboard Tasklist - Export To Excel Function

  • IVYPORTAL-15121 DeepL Portal-Dashboard Translation Support

  • IVYPORTAL-15023 Adapt mutiple languages for full task and case list, excel file

  • IVYPORTAL-15004 Improve Business Case Details Function

  • IVYPORTAL-14897 Improve Dashboard Widget Order and Spacing / Responsiveness

  • IVYPORTAL-14469 Dashboard Import-Option on the UI

  • IVYPORTAL-14468 Dashboard Export-Option on the UI

  • IVYPORTAL-14138 Dashboard Multi Language Support

New Features

  • XIVY-2938 Timer start event with CRON job like configuration

  • XIVY-4071 List Jobs in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-4422 Suppress task notification for certain tasks

  • XIVY-5352 Remove the application file directory column from the System DB

  • XIVY-7646 Add cron jobs to our job framework

  • XIVY-8147 Polish serialization of rarely used elements

  • XIVY-8868 Migrate to Apple’s new notary tool to keep the signing chain functional

  • XIVY-9173 Migrate security system config to identity provider config

  • XIVY-9182 Provide LDAP/JNDI default configurations with the new config approach

  • XIVY-9850 Remove outdated DataWrapper bundle

  • XIVY-9860 Remove Z-Centric code outside of the ‘components’ bundle

  • XIVY-10514 Add an extension point for Managers

  • XIVY-10526 Support debugging Elasticsearch problems in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-10544 Add App and PMV to inscription view protocol context

  • XIVY-10713 Add S3 as blob storage provider

  • XIVY-10757 The first entry in CMS should be created with the language of the local system/user instead of English

  • XIVY-10761 Upgrade to tycho 3.0

  • XIVY-10816 Wait a certain time on the availabilty on external Elasticsearch by startup to install the templates

  • XIVY-10873 Add Callable Start element in the new inscription view

  • XIVY-10875 Add E-Mail element in the new inscription view

  • XIVY-10937 Document networking requirements for cluster environment

  • XIVY-11194 Replace all daily jobs with CRON jobs

  • XIVY-11200 LSP backend for Alternative-Gateway

  • XIVY-11201 Browser for Azure Active Directory security system

  • XIVY-11213 Java Flight Recorder view in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-11276 Remove support for WebPage activity

  • XIVY-11279 Adapt UI-Mockups for inscription view

  • XIVY-11282 Improve configuration file migration by adding a file version

  • XIVY-11350 The Market shows the wrong versions for the current Designer

  • XIVY-11369 OpenRPC specification for our inscription LSP

  • XIVY-11441 Add validation and content-assist to the Engine Cockpit Configuration File Editor

  • XIVY-11447 Add Alternative gateway element to new inscription view

  • XIVY-11460 Undo support for new inscription view

  • XIVY-11461 Evaluate an HTML/Text template technology/library

  • XIVY-11462 Design and prototype notification service

  • XIVY-11470 Improve validation message if a process identifier exists multiple times

  • XIVY-11485 Provide an additional path to identify the affected widget in validation messages

  • XIVY-11491 Java workflow statistic API

  • XIVY-11494 Add boundary elements to the new inscription view

  • XIVY-11495 Add Signal and Error Catcher start elements to the new Inscription View

  • XIVY-11519 Add more statistics and debug information for jobs in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-11521 Add generic actions to the inscription LSP protocol

  • XIVY-11557 Upgrade Build-Infrastructure to maven 3.9

  • XIVY-11583 Streamline Start-Event names

  • XIVY-11598 Prototype attribute browser for the new inscription view

  • XIVY-11599 Add start event and intermediate event views to Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-11623 Support own reader thread for poll and asynchronous process execution in start event beans

  • XIVY-11638 Add a notification framework with Web notifications

  • XIVY-11639 Send New-Task Notification via Notification Service

  • XIVY-11668 View to analyze memory leak problems (class histogram) in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-11675 Macro editor for new inscription view

  • XIVY-11703 Add StartRequest element to the new Inscription View (Request, Trigger sections)

  • XIVY-11704 Add WebService start element to the new Inscription View (Task, WebService)

  • XIVY-11705 Add Program (Start, Intermediate, Activity) elements to the new Inscription View (Start / Event, Editor)

  • XIVY-11707 Add process inscription to the new Inscription View

  • XIVY-11710 Add Error End element to the new inscription view

  • XIVY-11711 Add database activity element to the new Inscription view

  • XIVY-11712 Add Web Service activity element to the new inscription view

  • XIVY-11713 Add Rest Client Call activity element to the new Inscription View

  • XIVY-11719 Add Spanish and complete German and French translation for Primefaces components

  • XIVY-11767 API to call Call Subs with a certain signature in all released PMVs of a security context

  • XIVY-11798 Add CMS browser to the inscription view (as blueprint/preparation for the integration of other browsers)

  • XIVY-11848 Build engine launcher for Windows with MSBuild Visual Studio 2022

  • XIVY-11945 Rollout validation messages for every inscription view

  • XIVY-11946 Add a mail notification channel

  • XIVY-11947 Add notification subscription management to the Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-12007 Reliable Delivery Queue for Notifications

  • XIVY-12024 Pimp Macro read mode inputs by replacing macro expressions with badges in new Inscription View

  • XIVY-12042 Improve documentation about variable password type evaluation

  • XIVY-12117 Allow to delete roles in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-12207 Add a concept chapter about Notifications to the documentation

  • XIVY-12212 View for User Substitutes and Absences in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-12217 Drop Mail Settings Preferences in Axon Ivy Designer

  • XIVY-12242 Cache default configuration of Identity Provider in-memory to boost performance performance

  • XIVY-12245 Prototype a MS Teams notification channel

  • XIVY-12253 IvyScript LSP completion hints for known types (Duration, BpmError, etc)

  • XIVY-12261 Add SSL view in Engine-Cockpit to configure SSL settings

  • XIVY-12290 Improve Content Management System (CMS) performance performance

  • XIVY-12355 Reduce the size of OpenAPI-browser (swagger-ui web jar)

  • XIVY-12367 Cleanup stored notifications in system database periodically

  • XIVY-12390 Remove existing mail notification infrastructure

  • XIVY-12409 Add a user state filter to the roles panel in the Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-12423 Improve custom fields meta documentation

  • XIVY-12490 Update third-party libraries (like CXF, SnakeYaml)

  • XIVY-12493 Update HTML Dialog chapter in Designer guide

  • XIVY-12538 Custom Editor for Program elements with new Inscription

  • XIVY-12541 Notification templates for simple notification messages

  • XIVY-12548 Add data type browser to the new Inscription View

  • XIVY-12552 Discuss inscription view UI design

  • XIVY-12557 Simple MS Teams Notification Channel (with a technical user)

  • XIVY-12574 Restart the engine from the Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-12602 Move inscription view into the process editor as Master/Detail

  • XIVY-12667 Threema connector to send secure messages

  • XIVY-12684 Release 11.2

  • XIVY-12741 News Page, Migration Notes for 11.2

  • XIVY-12800 Ensure consistent UI/UX for Inscription View

  • XIVY-12807 Rest client trace should also display request data if an entity is used

  • XIVY-12844 Boost deployment by no longer loading workflow resources into the memory of the system app while deploying

  • XIVY-12861 Improve the user synchronization log with the reason why a user is synchronized

  • XIVY-12866 Upgrade library victools to the latest version 1.32.0

  • XIVY-12867 Upgrade library maven-model to the latest version 3.9.5

  • XIVY-12868 Upgrade library networknt.validator to the latest version 1.0.87

  • IVYPORTAL-14234 Enhance external Link Widget by Image

  • IVYPORTAL-14348 Move the public APIs of portal to portal-components

  • IVYPORTAL-14382 Simplify dashboard configuration journey

  • IVYPORTAL-14450 Remove library of example process start images from portal

  • IVYPORTAL-14457 Configuration of Global Search Scope performance

  • IVYPORTAL-14459 Prevent embedded pages to grab focus on dashboard

  • IVYPORTAL-14577 Make express an independent marketplace item

  • IVYPORTAL-14594 Remove old non-iframe support

  • IVYPORTAL-14663 Introduce CaseBusinessState

  • IVYPORTAL-14667 UI updates for the News Widget

  • IVYPORTAL-14813 Forgotten Password - Change Password Message security

  • IVYPORTAL-14837 Document Custom Fields used by the Portal

  • IVYPORTAL-14903 Introduce TaskBusinessState

  • IVYPORTAL-14962 Update documentation about creating/displaying notes in Portal

  • IVYPORTAL-14981 Text of Task and Case widget on dashboard edit mode is disappear

  • IVYPORTAL-15010 Dashboard Case list widget: Export To Excel Function

  • IVYPORTAL-15014 Consolidate status names of the Dashboard Task widget and its export file

  • IVYPORTAL-15019 Improve ExternalLink process on Dashboard

  • IVYPORTAL-15025 Improve pagination for Dashboard Task list widget

  • IVYPORTAL-15027 Improve alignment for the Dashboard Process widget

  • IVYPORTAL-15047 TaskTemplate-8 using Freya theme instead of Serenity

  • IVYPORTAL-15053 Process start in dashboard not align correctly

  • IVYPORTAL-15058 Some issues on Task Analysis page

  • IVYPORTAL-15065 Trivial UI bugs

  • IVYPORTAL-15091 Add attribute “emptyMessage” for UserSelection, RoleSelection components

  • IVYPORTAL-15098 Error when open statistic info of Case widget on dashboard

  • IVYPORTAL-15102 Use UUID for task and case process parameters security

  • IVYPORTAL-15120 Calendar in create absence dialog not consistent

  • IVYPORTAL-15132 Allow SVG as a picture format within the portal (External Link, Welcome Widget, etc)

  • IVYPORTAL-15163 Migrate old portal customization - Step 1 Removal

  • IVYPORTAL-15171 Disable “Clear Expiry” function when task is destroyed

  • IVYPORTAL-15173 Remove obsolete date format from My Profile

  • IVYPORTAL-15175 Remove primefaces-calendar-en-us.js

  • IVYPORTAL-15180 Improve absences UI

  • IVYPORTAL-15195 Case name is not nice

  • IVYPORTAL-15198 Improve text when cannot find the process for Custom widget

  • IVYPORTAL-15209 Update Portal Cronjob Trigger document

  • IVYPORTAL-15211 Migrate old portal customization - Step 2 Callable Approach Implementation

  • IVYPORTAL-15212 Adapt External Link import image base64 data format

  • IVYPORTAL-15272 Adapt dashboard migration

  • IVYPORTAL-15295 Process start widget, Custom widget, Process Viewer - Rework “error” screen

  • IVYPORTAL-15296 Small typo in the documentation

  • IVYPORTAL-15305 Task details page alignment is not nice

  • IVYPORTAL-15306 Text color of task/case state different in dashboard dark mode

  • IVYPORTAL-15308 Portal Customization Rework - load submenu items

  • IVYPORTAL-15309 Process Order in Process start Widget on Dashboard - Part 2 Custom Order

  • IVYPORTAL-15318 Update UI for ProcessViewer widget when cannot find process

  • IVYPORTAL-15321 Adapt multi language and translation for Import dashboard

  • IVYPORTAL-15323 List available Custom Dashboard Widget

  • IVYPORTAL-15326 Migrate old portal customization - Step 2 - Update Developer Examples

  • IVYPORTAL-15360 Integration of Dashboards by URL (PRES Support)

  • IVYPORTAL-15379 Boolean Value hidden in Portal Admin Config

  • IVYPORTAL-15386 Documentation lacks new Portal Deployment Approach for version 10

  • IVYPORTAL-15417 Migrate Task Business State

  • IVYPORTAL-15428 Hide more Information Link when not additonal Information is shown

  • IVYPORTAL-15445 Performance: Portal load dashboard even when opening task list, task details

  • IVYPORTAL-15446 Improve absences in Portal

  • IVYPORTAL-15452 Share-Button in Case and Task Details

  • IVYPORTAL-15453 Dashboard direct link support

  • IVYPORTAL-15485 Multilanguage title cannot apply to the user language title

  • IVYPORTAL-15487 Overwrite HTML Dialog Customization Support

  • IVYPORTAL-15489 Custom Task Delegate & Document processes Customization Support

  • IVYPORTAL-15490 Autofocus on Dashboard Widget Filter Pop-up

  • IVYPORTAL-15518 Unify PojoConverter

  • IVYPORTAL-15551 Notifications Basic UI & Lazy Loading

  • IVYPORTAL-15552 Notifications Part 3 - (Channel subspriptions etc)

  • IVYPORTAL-15561 Refactor portal-test (gui-tests) to selenide 1/2

  • IVYPORTAL-15568 Notifications Part 2 - Mobile, Filters & Bulk-Read

  • IVYPORTAL-15611 Remove Express related code out of Portal-component

  • IVYPORTAL-15620 External URL stealing autofocus

  • IVYPORTAL-15647 Filter item line is broken

  • IVYPORTAL-15680 Remove legacy dashboard support and documentation

  • IVYPORTAL-15703 Change export/import of dashboards on the ui to be an array

  • IVYPORTAL-15816 Remove dashboard JSON “styleClass”: “new-widget”

  • IVYPORTAL-15826 Remove legacy feature “add language” from Portal 8

  • IVYPORTAL-15829 Remove legacy dashboard examples from portal developer examples

  • IVYPORTAL-15830 More complex filters on case widget view mode

  • IVYPORTAL-15839 Clean up duplicated code related to ProcessStartAPI, ProcessStartCollector, ProcessStartUtils

  • IVYPORTAL-15841 Update documentation related to Portal single and multi applications

  • IVYPORTAL-15940 Remove polyfill in Portal

  • IVYPORTAL-15943 Correct documentation related to reorder dashboard

  • IVYPORTAL-15957 Add new widget dialog not good when statistic chart has long name

  • IVYPORTAL-15959 Replace portal quartz by provided core functions

  • IVYPORTAL-15970 UI overlapped when scaling Process Viewer

  • IVYPORTAL-15972 Update External Link document relate imageContent

  • IVYPORTAL-15984 Dashboard - Cover Loading… by Skeleton for News Feed, Welcome Widget, Process Viewer

  • IVYPORTAL-15991 Notification “Only unread” button does not working as expected

  • IVYPORTAL-15992 Migration for image type

  • IVYPORTAL-16024 Process chain with custom icons

  • IVYPORTAL-16053 Adapt new 11.2 APIs for ProgrammedStarts

  • IVYPORTAL-16112 Text on process widget not clear

  • IVYPORTAL-16117 Error in Case widget information

  • IVYPORTAL-16127 Remove usages of email notification settings

  • IVYPORTAL-16150 Check notification render

  • IVYPORTAL-16160 Hide Notification Buttons without function

  • IVYPORTAL-16161 Rework notifications UI


  • XIVY-3858 Managed Beans not working after deleting ‘processes’ folder

  • XIVY-3885 Mail Notification does not work with a disabled HTTP port

  • XIVY-4481 Uploaded Files does not recognize when the username has changed

  • XIVY-4535 If I reconfigure the log file location in log4j2.xml cockpit will not show any log files

  • XIVY-5095 MySQL can not be migrated if the database name contains “-”

  • XIVY-7745 ActiveDirectory configuration of user properties to AD attribute is not case-insensitive

  • XIVY-8666 CXF web service NTLM authentication failure security

  • XIVY-9210 Strange exception javax/servlet/jsp/jstl/core/Config when calling non-existing xhtml page e.g. /dev-workflow-ui/faces/home.XHTMLblabla

  • XIVY-9844 Long start-up time in @IvyTest performance

  • XIVY-10142 User and role detail view in the Engine Cockpit makes thousands of database queries to load permissions

  • XIVY-10189 Certificate import not working in Designer SSL preferences

  • XIVY-10530 SQLServerException in user details view in Engine Cockpit with a lot of roles and SQL Server system database

  • XIVY-10604 Project Graph view fails to load because of an NPE

  • XIVY-10837 Update Maven Project sometimes causes process data class related validation errors

  • XIVY-11174 Cannot generate OpenAPI client from huge YAML file

  • XIVY-11242 Engine cannot start because of NoClassDefFoundError

  • XIVY-11318 Elasticsearch is calling Axon Ivy Engine in the Traffic Graph view instead of vice versa

  • XIVY-11342 No error is reported on UI if I try to log in but am not able to because the session limit has been reached

  • XIVY-11343 Error in the log after license upload in the setup wizard

  • XIVY-11346 Do not log “triggering indexing because of outdated template” if no objects exist to index

  • XIVY-11352 Resource leak in Engine Cockpit when downloading logs and generating support report

  • XIVY-11358 Two dependent projects that both contain web service clients cause Ivy validation problem warnings

  • XIVY-11363 IvyTest AppFixture API should allow setting config lists

  • XIVY-11367 If the filename of the license is named ‘demo.lic’ the Axon Ivy Engine does not recognise it

  • XIVY-11370 Default values of IdentityProvider user synchronization properties are not respected

  • XIVY-11409 Freya theme switch does not apply to newly started processes

  • XIVY-11411 NPE problem marker on all Rest Client configuration files in the workspace if one has a corrupt UUID

  • XIVY-11445 Improve and correct documentation regarding Duration type

  • XIVY-11471 Relax the process start path format validation

  • XIVY-11484 Improve mod to p.json process conversion from 8.0 to 10.0

  • XIVY-11525 Maven project build plugin fails to validate ivyScript on Windows if the .m2 directory is located on another drive than the project

  • XIVY-11577 Reconnect of an output arc of an alternative gateway is broken

  • XIVY-11578 WebSocket protocol not supported for Apache httpd and IIS proxy configuration

  • XIVY-11579 Problems adding languages to CMS with script/encryption specified

  • XIVY-11589 Duration.clone() only clones the seconds instead of all fields

  • XIVY-11600 JUnit IvyTest not working if a project is packaged

  • XIVY-11652 Improve new ivy project wizard Default Namespace generation

  • XIVY-11657 Can not compile a project with the maven build plugin if there are special chars in the path

  • XIVY-11667 Project conversion does not work in Dev-Designer if the portal version cannot be evaluated

  • XIVY-11727 Exception when Axon Ivy Engine will be stopped directly after starting

  • XIVY-11740 Function Browser in SWT Inscription mask does not open

  • XIVY-11758 Project conversion fails if one HTML Dialog View file can not be converted

  • XIVY-11766 Could not remove User Dialog because Dialog was already deleted

  • XIVY-11799 Correctly spell e.g., and i.e., in the documentation

  • XIVY-11801 Improve Signavio BPMN2 compatibility

  • XIVY-11995 Don’t allow the creation of a new security system with the same name as an existing security system in the Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-12052 Empty Locale not supported as user language

  • XIVY-12077 IllegalStateException Project was closed or deleted. Class loader is no longer accessable after deployment.

  • XIVY-12125 OpenAPI code generation fails to create date-time instances

  • XIVY-12129 Project conversion 8->10 of org.primefaces.model.DefaultStreamedContent does not work

  • XIVY-12130 After project conversion 8->10 an IvyScript macro that expands in.anyNumber introduces a breaking change

  • XIVY-12131 Data attribute names in IvyScript are case-insensitive which leads to confusing results

  • XIVY-12134 IvyTest fails to work with custom Valve installed as drop-in bundle

  • XIVY-12240 Engine Cockpit Logs view does not show content on Debian-based installation

  • XIVY-12256 Windows Service Registration - Quote path, work with quoted path

  • XIVY-12325 NPE in ServiceManager during startup of enterprise engine

  • XIVY-12329 IvyScript content assist shows a lot of attributes for

  • XIVY-12330 IvyScript content assist broken for

  • XIVY-12366 Custom application property migration to YAML file fails

  • XIVY-12397 Engine fails to boot after migration due to SecuritySystem with the name ‘System’ from an older version

  • XIVY-12398 Migration of an Engine to LTS 10, creates an unneeded ‘demo-portal’ SecuritySystem

  • XIVY-12502 Engine Cockpit needs refresh when changing the configuration of a Web Service Client

  • XIVY-12503 Engine Cockpit re-creates deleted database property on browser refresh

  • XIVY-12520 The language of the user will be set to empty after every user synchronization

  • XIVY-12525 Axon Ivy Engine must be restarted when IvyComposites interfaces (XHTML) will be changed in a deployment

  • XIVY-12528 Executing a database step in a loop is slow performance

  • XIVY-12558 New task and daily task summary emails are sent to disabled users

  • XIVY-12560 Role selector shows invalid entries (CREATOR, etc) on start elements

  • XIVY-12583 ivy.var.XXX does not work at all if a variable is defined in variables.yaml without a default value and overridden with a value in app.yaml

  • XIVY-12584 Remove dialog element from dialog logic’s process palette

  • XIVY-12664 Application start fails if app.yaml’s can not be written

  • XIVY-12678 IvyTest runtime error because of non-breakable circular DI of IvyValidatorFactory

  • XIVY-12743 Weird behaviors when clicking Enter in different Engine Cockpit views. E.g., role gets deleted when you press enter in an input field

  • XIVY-12766 RestClient can not make OAuth2 authentication if OAuth2 provider returns expires_in as String instead of Integer

  • XIVY-12769 The Sessions view in Engine Cockpit does not work if an HTTP session has been invalidated

  • XIVY-12773 NPE in Engine Cockpit when using custom authentication feature for web service client or rest client which does not follow a naming concept

  • XIVY-12798 Thread context logging is broken

  • XIVY-12827 ClassCastException if one tries to grant or deny certain Portal permission in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-12845 ViewExpiredException if one refreshes the process viewer in Portal

  • XIVY-12887 JSON Inscription view and History view do not show initial selection

  • XIVY-12929 Designer can freeze while adding a new Data Class

  • XIVY-12941 Inserting EmbeddSub creates multiple outputs on previous element

  • XIVY-12964 Deployment of all REST services of all applications on an Engine fails if there is a problem with class scanning in one single project

  • XIVY-12965 Sometimes a ResourceException is thrown during the Export of a project into an IAR file from the Designer

  • XIVY-12970 REST Client connection tester in Engine Cockpit should not report error on error code 400 (BAD REQUEST)

  • XIVY-12987 Can not log in to a second security system if there are multiple security systems with same Entra ID (Azure AD) configuration security

  • IVYPORTAL-14989 Security vulnerability in portal functional processes security

  • IVYPORTAL-15011 Exception when load filter set has filter condition of custom column

  • IVYPORTAL-15046 Browser refresh starts again a new process instead of refreshing the current user dialog

  • IVYPORTAL-15104 Display wrong default language in iFrame and language setting

  • IVYPORTAL-15114 Process is not populated when editing Dashboard Process Widget

  • IVYPORTAL-15165 “More Information” link not show on dashboard

  • IVYPORTAL-15299 Dashboard Process widget: cannot select External Link

  • IVYPORTAL-15307 Process chain causes error when setting step with JavaScript from IFrame

  • IVYPORTAL-15327 Permissions not updated

  • IVYPORTAL-15357 Case category in case list displayed incorrectly

  • IVYPORTAL-15364 Express end page not work properly

  • IVYPORTAL-15418 Reset password email has wrong format

  • IVYPORTAL-15434 Iframe height in TaskTemplate calculated after Primefaces load UI inside

  • IVYPORTAL-15553 Fix statistics expired chart not filter correctly

  • IVYPORTAL-15618 Fix process item not display correctly on dashboard

  • IVYPORTAL-15619 Portal without menu frame not align correctly

  • IVYPORTAL-15639 Cannot find callable subprocess from override HTML dialog

  • IVYPORTAL-15799 Fix Process Viewer doesn’t work on Portal

  • IVYPORTAL-15815 Exception with UUID on Case note history

  • IVYPORTAL-15920 NPE when load filter set of a dashboard widget

  • IVYPORTAL-15963 SQLServerException error in Statistic page

  • IVYPORTAL-15994 Wrong number of task and case in dashboard widget information

  • IVYPORTAL-15997 Process Widget Sort By Index Bug

  • IVYPORTAL-16114 Exception in compact process

  • IVYPORTAL-16170 NPE when load Portal configuration page with old JSON

11.1.0 (2023-05-03)

We strongly recommend to install this update release because it fixes security issues!


  • XIVY-11241 Update DocFactory to Aspose version 23.3

  • XIVY-11187 Provide a validation warning for empty variables in variables.yaml as they are ignored at runtime

  • XIVY-11171 Add filter method isIn(…) to case, task, user, … queries

  • XIVY-11088 Show Elasticsearch watermark configuration in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-11074 Upgrade bundled Elasticsearch to 7.17.9

  • XIVY-10909 Proxy support for project-build-plugin

  • XIVY-10863 Preconfigure (comment) the designer for debugging in Designer.ini file

  • XIVY-10861 Html Dialog editor should auto insert curly brackets

  • XIVY-10804 Configure watermark of bundled Elasticsearch server

  • XIVY-10797 Make docker images OpenShift compatible

  • XIVY-10794 REST endpoints should not be chunked by default

  • XIVY-10790 Pretty print JSON response in REST service if query parameter ‘pretty’ is added

  • XIVY-10747 Designer should work without a connection to the internet (offline)

  • XIVY-10710 Move workflow REST API end points from application to security context

  • XIVY-10632 Demonstrate Database Activity in a demo available at the Market

  • XIVY-10610 Trace request and response for REST services

  • XIVY-10525 Improve Elasticsearch documentation

  • XIVY-10524 Display Elasticsearch documents in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-10451 Provide JMX attribute lastUsedByThread and lastUsedByCallStack for database connections

  • XIVY-10312 Use business states of task and case in dev workflow ui

  • XIVY-10268 Show error timestamp on error dialog

  • XIVY-10229 Trace cluster communication in Slow Requests view on Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-10183 Health checks should not count as licensed sessions

  • XIVY-10174 Pre-configure a Temurin JVM on Linux Designer

  • XIVY-10170 Add download button in Engine Cockpit to download Branding files for re-use

  • XIVY-10131 Show URL in Slow Requests view in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-10130 API to iterate over all business data of a certain type

  • XIVY-10123 Common redirect URI for all Azure-AD calls

  • XIVY-10090 Trace Elasticsearch queries

  • XIVY-10079 Enable/disable auto import of Axon Ivy project dependencies. Provide explicit action to run it.

  • XIVY-10071 Improve session monitor in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-10014 Support LDAP-based Oracle JDBC connection URLs

  • XIVY-10000 Update swagger libraries to codegen version 3.0.36, core version 2.2.6, parser version 2.1.8

  • XIVY-9962 Update YAML editor to version 1.9.0

  • XIVY-9852 Streamline L&F of project HTML Dialogs in Portal and dev-wf-ui

  • XIVY-9830 Show server messages in new process editor as notifications

  • XIVY-9801 Support PostgreSQL 15

  • XIVY-9789 Add orai18n.jar to support any Oracle collation (e.g. Japanese charsets/collations)

  • XIVY-9744 Support UTF-8 for MS SQL Server 2019+ and replace deprecated data types TEXT and IMAGE

  • XIVY-9380 Upgrade Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver to Java 17 baseline

  • XIVY-8994 Project converter to migrate from Portal 8 to Portal 10

  • XIVY-8453 Context menu and quick fix to encrypt password variables in variables.yaml

  • XIVY-8289 Support Microsoft SQL Server 2022

  • XIVY-3529 Introduce business-relevant states for tasks and cases that are understood by end users

  • XIVY-3166 Delete tasks and case instead of setting them to ZOMBIE state

  • XIVY-2923 Support In-Queries in Business Repository Query API

  • XIVY-2813 Use utf8mb4 instead of utf8 for MySQL Database as charset

  • IVYPORTAL-14897 Improve Dashboard Widget Order and Spacing / Responsiveness

  • IVYPORTAL-14874 HTML in Task & Case Description

  • IVYPORTAL-14783 Process start in Dashboard, Name and Icon clickable

  • IVYPORTAL-14705 Add Portal modules to install in Designer

  • IVYPORTAL-14700 Optimize performance of Processes Page and “Processes Widget”

  • IVYPORTAL-14599 Support TaskName Overwrite in IFrame Task Template

  • IVYPORTAL-14587 Introduce a Version Number into the Portal JSONS

  • IVYPORTAL-14579 Add Portal Converter to Documentation

  • IVYPORTAL-14572 Introduce new Cardframe option to Portal iFrame Dialog Templates

  • IVYPORTAL-14388 Welcome Widget: Allow html code in the text, enhance positioning of image

New Features

  • XIVY-3142 Show and manage active sessions in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-3415 Optimize business data getAll() / getAllInfos() on search result to execute less system database queries performance

  • XIVY-7545 Remove JNA library from Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-7819 Remove UIInfo from InscriptionEditor Factory

  • XIVY-8346 Resurrect DataClass attribute combine refactoring

  • XIVY-8445 Improve manual download of market artefacts

  • XIVY-9172 Synchronize user properties from Azure AD

  • XIVY-9217 Make sure replacements are replaced everywhere in documentation

  • XIVY-9776 Introduce new licence for Axon Ivy 11

  • XIVY-9811 Export workflow data to Elasticsearch to provide performant statistics API

  • XIVY-9891 No longer convert legacy serverconfig.xml to ivy.yaml

  • XIVY-9898 Ease session leak detection by providing more information why a session is created

  • XIVY-9912 Improve system database query performance by no longer using complex database views performance

  • XIVY-9913 Process editor toolbar should be white in light mode

  • XIVY-9920 Remove views from system database

  • XIVY-9921 No longer list all columns in select clause for system database queries

  • XIVY-9955 Prototype technologies for web based process element inscription views

  • XIVY-9957 No longer full qualify columns in where, order and group clause if not needed for system db queries

  • XIVY-9988 Add missing indices on foreign key columns in the system database to boost deployment performance performance

  • XIVY-10017 Improve IvyScript parse performance

  • XIVY-10018 Improve performance of Portal Processes page performance

  • XIVY-10022 Invalidate HTTP sessions when destroying ivy session security

  • XIVY-10032 Refactor process data cache from a global to a session cache

  • XIVY-10042 API to get all web startables (also invisible ones)

  • XIVY-10050 Refactor Elasticsearch tests to JUnit5

  • XIVY-10072 Add a Business Data performance test to the performance test suite

  • XIVY-10084 Prototype integration of our web views into Theia + VS-Code

  • XIVY-10085 Prototype Ivy-Script integration with Monaco editor

  • XIVY-10102 Add an installer for Designer plugins into the drop-ins folder. E.g., dmn-table or express-importer

  • XIVY-10132 Improve performance of CMS resolution by caching file store performance

  • XIVY-10139 Read locale of CMS resource form URL parameter and not from the session

  • XIVY-10154 Index workflow task in Elasticsearch

  • XIVY-10156 Optimize TaskQuery for canWorkOn and isInvolved performance

  • XIVY-10164 Improve performance when invalidating an HTTP session performance

  • XIVY-10171 Write log entry if a configured default pages project does not exists

  • XIVY-10181 Build in communication between frontend and backend process element inscription view prototypes

  • XIVY-10182 Integrate the process element inscription view backend prototype into our Engine

  • XIVY-10184 Transparent concurent user session count

  • XIVY-10188 Prototype tree table mapping component for process element inscription view

  • XIVY-10190 Don’t handle user in different contexts as same user

  • XIVY-10191 No longer support AJP for reverse proxy (Apache, IIS) integration

  • XIVY-10196 Improve starts page performance in dev-workflow-ui performance

  • XIVY-10255 No longer require the availability of an external Elasticsearch server while starting Axon Ivy Engine

  • XIVY-10277 Provide API to query statistic data for tasks

  • XIVY-10278 Reindex of task data in Elasticsearch

  • XIVY-10279 Allow to query statistic data about task custom fields

  • XIVY-10293 Provide start parameters on IWebStartable

  • XIVY-10307 Do not call getStartables() if filter changes on the dev-wf-ui starts page to improve performance performance

  • XIVY-10317 Remove support for Axon Ivy environments

  • XIVY-10329 Remove dependency to Java AWT UI technology

  • XIVY-10338 Remove system database migration before 8.0

  • XIVY-10339 Integrate new inscription prototype into Designer as view

  • XIVY-10340 Integrate new inscription prototype into Eclipse Theia

  • XIVY-10343 Provide context to IvyScript LSP

  • XIVY-10344 Refactor inscription server

  • XIVY-10351 Show common tabs in new inscription view for every process elements

  • XIVY-10393 Replace JEST client library with a plain Jersey client to talk to Elasticsearch

  • XIVY-10410 Remove dynamic scriptDialogID from HTML Dialog process element

  • XIVY-10427 Handle default states in new inscription view

  • XIVY-10445 Prototype workflow statistic REST API

  • XIVY-10464 Document that you cannot override an already overridden thing

  • XIVY-10490 Split process model domain to multiple bundles

  • XIVY-10506 Define serialization format for process element configuration by using POJOs

  • XIVY-10507 Performance tests for Elasticsearch task index

  • XIVY-10508 Workflow statistic API next step

  • XIVY-10509 Finalize mapping tree table UI for inscription view and backend

  • XIVY-10527 Only provide documentation for latest minor release

  • XIVY-10547 Remove IvyScript visibility support

  • XIVY-10577 JSON schema for process models

  • XIVY-10591 Move java class IvyDefaultJaxRsTemplates to ‘’ bundle

  • XIVY-10634 Introduce a builder for WaitUtil

  • XIVY-10646 Enable standard substitutions in .dot files in the documentation

  • XIVY-10648 Distribute all third-party licenses with our products that require redistributing

  • XIVY-10669 Do not trace sensitive payload of REST request and responses security

  • XIVY-10705 Replace the issue list in debian changelog with a link to the official release notes

  • XIVY-10706 Improve DataClass combine attribute feature

  • XIVY-10707 Index workflow cases and provide statistic API

  • XIVY-10709 Add filter to workflow statistic API

  • XIVY-10712 Stabilize inscription view backend

  • XIVY-10769 Add static method ‘of(…)’ to create a PID and deprecate PID constructor

  • XIVY-10796 Remove HTTP header “Server” completely

  • XIVY-10826 More schema POJOs to replace aspect-driven process element serialization

  • XIVY-10836 Read process inscription without parsing XML performance

  • XIVY-10864 Remove the logo link in mail templates

  • XIVY-10870 Improve reindexing performance of Task and Case indices

  • XIVY-10872 Add process caller tab to inscription view

  • XIVY-10874 Add Task Switch Gateway to inscription view

  • XIVY-10876 Eclipse Theia IDE based Designer with process editor, inscription view

  • XIVY-10936 Provide a UI in engine cockpit to view and modify all role mappings of Azure AD

  • XIVY-10967 Enable Engine Cockpit in Designer

  • XIVY-10969 Improve start-up time of Axon Ivy performance

  • XIVY-11005 Inscription view LSP backend for Request Start Start/Trigger tab

  • XIVY-11006 Inscription view LSP backend for REST service

  • XIVY-11007 Inscription view LSP backend for Web Service Call

  • XIVY-11008 Eclipse Theia IDE based Designer for Windows and Mac

  • XIVY-11012 Log warnings in ivy.log for invalid app.yaml configs

  • XIVY-11089 ReleaseNotes must be generated using new JIRA installation

  • XIVY-11103 Create system db on Engine startup

  • XIVY-11104 Elasticsearch index won’t be updated if a referenced object will be deleted

  • XIVY-11120 Release 11.1

  • XIVY-11143 Inscription view LSP backend for Start & Boundary Events

  • XIVY-11168 Inscription view LSP backend for all missing element types

  • XIVY-11178 Auto generate inscription view protocol stack for TypeScript

  • XIVY-11183 Threads view in engine cockpit that shows thread information and allows to create thread dumps

  • XIVY-11184 Remove “add variable/configuration” feature from Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-11185 Improve release notes in documentation with release date

  • XIVY-11299 OpenAI ChatGPT connector for the Market

  • XIVY-11317 Hide “Model loading in progress” info messages in Error Log view

  • XIVY-11330 Hide ClientAbortExceptions about webjars resources in ivy.log

  • IVYPORTAL-13254 “News” Dashboard Widget

  • IVYPORTAL-14351 Reorder Dashboard Widgets in the selection Dialog

  • IVYPORTAL-14519 Adapt Ivy URLs in the documentation to the correct format

  • IVYPORTAL-14562 Move process images from portal to portal-components

  • IVYPORTAL-14573 Clean up big files, move jar files to dependency

  • IVYPORTAL-14576 Hide “Show Welcome Guide” Checkbox in “my Profile”

  • IVYPORTAL-14586 Update vulnerable dependencies

  • IVYPORTAL-14602 Error case list widget item click

  • IVYPORTAL-14604 The Preview button of ProcessWidget configuration does not work

  • IVYPORTAL-14658 Remove Zombie state and related logic

  • IVYPORTAL-14660 Unify processPath, processStart in dashboard/task list/case list configuration

  • IVYPORTAL-14661 Correct/Unify custom widget configuration

  • IVYPORTAL-14662 Remove outdated section form portal documentation

  • IVYPORTAL-14669 Not display the reservation option if task is not persisted

  • IVYPORTAL-14728 Adapt Portal after ivy remove IEnvironment

  • IVYPORTAL-14813 Forgotten Password - Change Password Message

  • IVYPORTAL-14816 Custom widget supports hidden Ivy processes

  • IVYPORTAL-14826 Add X button to close context menu

  • IVYPORTAL-14831 Streamline all the groupIds to com.axonivy.portal

  • IVYPORTAL-14847 Dashboard Process Category Filter doesn’t show categories correctly

  • IVYPORTAL-14871 PortalNavigatorInFrameAPI of portal-components cause frame in frame issue

  • IVYPORTAL-14886 Portal logo in dark mode

  • IVYPORTAL-14968 Update Welcome Widget Header Image for 11.1


  • XIVY-2985 EL content assist in Html Dialog editor does not work most of the time

  • XIVY-3113 Business data search API is restricted to read maximum 10000 results

  • XIVY-3312 IBusinessCase API not visible in designer

  • XIVY-7770 Wrong JSF validation warning in HTML Dialog editor with fluent API methods

  • XIVY-8621 Bad performance of user detail view in Engine Cockpit if user has 1000+ roles (permission tree lazy loading) performance

  • XIVY-8698 Bad performance of Applications Page in Engine Cockpit performance

  • XIVY-9205 Maven (M2E) workspace resolution for JAR attachments in IAR is broken

  • XIVY-9365 Can not create PDF_A documents with DocFactory

  • XIVY-9435 Log Log4J configuration problems to ivy.log

  • XIVY-9543 ClassLoading error on HD with primefaces objects on method-signature

  • XIVY-9566 CMS resources cached from browser in previous language

  • XIVY-9625 Improve empty custom-fields.yaml file and documentation

  • XIVY-9658 CMS tree refresh not working for external changes

  • XIVY-9714 Process history view is not in sync with process editor selection on Windows

  • XIVY-9719 Designer email simulation should use correct mail address

  • XIVY-9721 Missing information on process elements on the info menu (e.g. code of script step) in the process editor

  • XIVY-9722 Browser refresh starts again a new process instead of refreshing the current user dialog

  • XIVY-9724 Process element can be move to negative coordinates if pools or lanes are present in the process editor

  • XIVY-9741 Running multiple IvyTest which uses the same EntityManger fails

  • XIVY-9745 Importing an old project with dependency to old Portal projects is a big pain

  • XIVY-9763 ClassLoader error in maven project build plugin when validating ivy-processes

  • XIVY-9777 Select Breakpoint in Breakpoint View causes IvyScript validation error

  • XIVY-9822 Browsing public API classes in external browser fails

  • XIVY-9824 Drools DRL editor does not work with Java 17. Document to use Java 11.

  • XIVY-9825 Screenshot of new process editor (e.g. swimlane) are outdated in documentation

  • XIVY-9826 No sources provided for javax.* bundles

  • XIVY-9828 Delete or hide default security system if not used in Engine Cockpit security

  • XIVY-9832 Install button in Axon Ivy Market sometimes disappear

  • XIVY-9833 Make links shown in Designer or Engine to the documentation version aware

  • XIVY-9847 Improve styling of Primefaces Freya DataTable paginator

  • XIVY-9861 White flickering in Dev-wf-ui with iFrame and dark mode

  • XIVY-9862 Different Pools and Lanes in same diagram are loaded in wrong order

  • XIVY-9887 Open content object browser in IvyScriptEditor causes IllegalStateException

  • XIVY-9925 External variable files in project configuration are not correctly encoded on Windows

  • XIVY-9930 Conditional breakpoints not supported on some process elements (Alternative gateway, End event, Embedded Sub, …)

  • XIVY-9948 Bad Performance of StandardProcessStartFinder with many Apps and PMVs performance

  • XIVY-9975 Delete packed project (iar) in Designer does not remove it from the CMS view

  • XIVY-9979 CMS view doesn’t show when project is packed (iar)

  • XIVY-9980 CMS delete API does not work correctly

  • XIVY-9982 The string truncating mechanism for Microsoft SQL Server with UTF-8 characters does not work properly

  • XIVY-9987 Export a process to an SVG image does not work in Designer

  • XIVY-9989 Start deployment is not thread-save and leads to flaky tests

  • XIVY-10008 OpenAPI3 request body types in ms-graph are not resolved

  • XIVY-10021 Maven libraries are not filtered in the AxonIvy project tree

  • XIVY-10028 Designer start is slow in development environment

  • XIVY-10031 REST Form-Payload field order must respect field order from inscription mask

  • XIVY-10051 Generic third-party elements not usable with new Process Editor

  • XIVY-10057 Improve Update Version, Release Notes, and Changelog builds

  • XIVY-10101 Security-relevant information is shown in the Slow Requests view of Engine Cockpit security

  • XIVY-10105 Session leak with async rest service over SSO or Basic Auth on timeout security

  • XIVY-10107 ClassCastException in UserDialog attribute browser

  • XIVY-10110 Rest Call element is sending list query parameters with brackets

  • XIVY-10111 Workflow cleanup does not delete document files of cases

  • XIVY-10112 After restart of Designer or Demo Engine workflow files are still there

  • XIVY-10117 Navigating in Engine Cockpit generates a lot of system db queries to count users performance

  • XIVY-10122 Hide sensitive RestClient properties on detail view in Engine Cockpit security

  • XIVY-10126 Database configuration are not shared along dependent projects

  • XIVY-10146 Task notification mails can’t be sent when session limit is reached

  • XIVY-10153 NPE in portal start time cleaner when tracing is enabled

  • XIVY-10160 Stream API throws InaccessibleObjectException in IvyScript

  • XIVY-10162 The REST service view in the Engine Cockpit shows/tests not expanded URIs if URI templates are used

  • XIVY-10165 Log Viewer in Engine Cockpit cannot handle compressed log files

  • XIVY-10173 Key shortcuts for debugging (F5..F8) do not work if process editor has focus on Windows

  • XIVY-10176 Isolated OAUTH Token store to avoid services unexpectedly share common authentication security

  • XIVY-10192 NPE during project validation leads to false positive problem markers

  • XIVY-10193 Property dialog in Rest Client config shows wrong description default value for some Jersey properties

  • XIVY-10195 Use webpack production mode for integrated process editor

  • XIVY-10209 Could not register MBean in Designer because of InstanceAlreadyExistsException

  • XIVY-10218 Parameter filters of LazyDataModel7 load method contains FilterMeta objects instead of filter values

  • XIVY-10230 TextFieldsOperation.containsAllWords(java.lang.String) is no longer byte-code compatible

  • XIVY-10243 Small UI issues with the right aligned template and Freya theme

  • XIVY-10251 Sometimes an IlegalStateException is thrown when parallel web service calls are made

  • XIVY-10265 Setting the original or expiry activator has no effect if it is parked and the parking user is no longer a member of the new activator

  • XIVY-10266 Setting the activator does not reset the task if it is parked and the parking user is no longer a member of the new activator

  • XIVY-10294 Fix Snake YAML unsafe deserialization vulnerability (CVE-2022-1471) security

  • XIVY-10299 Writing a content object value with the method bytes of ContentObjectWriter does not invalidate file cache

  • XIVY-10308 Zombie Designer instances are making WebTests hard to run

  • XIVY-10314 Deleting a SecurityContext causes a PersistencyException

  • XIVY-10315 User Detail and Role Detail Views in Engine Cockpit shows wrong “Selected Application” link

  • XIVY-10316 SecurityContext mismatch between WorkflowContext and HTTP session if a new context is created

  • XIVY-10396 Boundary event disappears if wrapping it into an embedded process

  • XIVY-10419 Save does not work after performing a refresh (F5 or CTRL+R) in the process editor

  • XIVY-10435 Elasticsearch traces do not appear in Traffic Graph in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-10440 NPE in ValidationPreferences leads to a lot of false problem markers

  • XIVY-10447 REST config editor is blocked because of Jersey properties documentation evaluation takes too much time

  • XIVY-10448 User from Azure AD gets disabled when group filter is set but not role mapping is defined

  • XIVY-10449 Can not synchronize users from Azure AD if locale can not be parsed

  • XIVY-10463 Configuration of thread pools (CorePoolSize, MaximumPoolSize) are not considered during Engine startup

  • XIVY-10495 Conversion from restClients.restConfig to rest-clients.yaml fails if first contains special Unicode characters

  • XIVY-10500 Roles from dependent project can not be selected in inscription editor Task tab

  • XIVY-10510 Could not start embedded Axon Ivy Engine if required Java Maven artifact was imported to workspace

  • XIVY-10515 OAuth2 callback-URI broken when using OAauth2 REST client

  • XIVY-10529 ivy.log on Designer does not contain log messages of ch.ivyteam.** and runtimelog.** loggers

  • XIVY-10555 Remove third party library information from ReadMe

  • XIVY-10593 Potential resource leaks with Azure AD integration

  • XIVY-10659 IvyScript type interference for Lists broken

  • XIVY-10664 Prevent XSS attacks with escaping data in Slow Request and MBeans view of Engine Cockpit security

  • XIVY-10674 Session cookie should have secure flag set if X-Forwarded-Proto is set to https security

  • XIVY-10675 IVYSESSIONID-* cookie should set the secure flag if request is secure or secure cookies are configured in web.xml security

  • XIVY-10676 Reduced size of Embedded Process results in errors when inserting new elements

  • XIVY-10690 NPE when hovering over a variable in IvyScript editor that is not declared

  • XIVY-10694 After Excel import in CMS there are some entries which has a different new line format

  • XIVY-10708 Exception on getStartables() if the responsible role on a process start is deleted

  • XIVY-10748 Problems in offline Designer if a market product has dependencies to other market artifacts

  • XIVY-10788 Multiline labels on process arcs (edges) are not saved properly

  • XIVY-10803 Strange validation errors because process model cannot be read

  • XIVY-10808 OutOfMemoryError due to process data class that cannot be found during process data deserialisation

  • XIVY-10813 Exception during system database cache invalidation if entity is read from cache while invalidating

  • XIVY-10831 Bad performance of system database association cache invalidation performance

  • XIVY-10845 ‘any’ sql statements are only validated on UI but not by process validation

  • XIVY-10855 Windows standby (hibernation) disconnects the process editor

  • XIVY-10857 Bad default namespace in the New Axon Ivy Project wizard

  • XIVY-10859 Do not allow same qualified name for Data Class and User Dialog

  • XIVY-10860 The Designer should enforce to use lower case data attribute names

  • XIVY-10868 Branding logo is not considered in notification mails

  • XIVY-10918 Cannot create new admin users if named user license exceeded

  • XIVY-10923 Field value of p:selectOneMenu should appear left-aligned when using frame right template

  • XIVY-10934 Ivy behind IIS (not AJP) - configuration seems not to set up X-Forwarded-Proto and other proxy headers. security

  • XIVY-10947 Index case or task data not up to date in case multiple changes are done in a short period of time

  • XIVY-10963 In HTML Dialog views only the first EL expression in a attribute value is validated

  • XIVY-10982 ClassCastException during validation of EL expression with enum type == or != null

  • XIVY-11029 Engine Cockpit does sometimes not display the name of a role

  • XIVY-11036 HTML Dialog editor preview can not handle flex grids used in our html-dialog-demos

  • XIVY-11037 Task modifications can cause multiple new task emails

  • XIVY-11068 Enforce REST application/url-encoded params serialization as String

  • XIVY-11091 Deployment should fail if a project with an unregistered thirdparty element is deployed

  • XIVY-11109 HTML dialog logic methods not validated as bean properties in EL

  • XIVY-11110 Favicon.ico in Engine Cockpit is not available

  • XIVY-11140 Hide normal sidebar logo in collapsed Freya side menu

  • XIVY-11161 EndPage from file selector should always use ‘/’ instead of ‘’ as file seperator

  • XIVY-11163 CMS entries are shown with the wrong icon and can not be opened from the Search view

  • XIVY-11172 NPE in Designer annotation processing when project has dependency to packed iar

  • XIVY-11173 Menu ‘Maven’>’Update Project’ opens demo processes

  • XIVY-11197 REST form params/multipart enforce Object as String

  • XIVY-11208 Dev-Wf-UI tasks search is showing data which shouldn’t be visible

  • XIVY-11209 Dev-Wf-UI task responsible shows user abbreviation instead of display name

  • XIVY-11246 NPE in dev-wf-ui when switching user on task or case detail

  • XIVY-11254 Project-build-plugin does deploy dependent packages in wrong order for IvyTest and IvyProcessTest

  • XIVY-11259 Custom mail processes don’t work if the web.xml session cookie secure flag is true

  • XIVY-11266 User and role workflow counts are always 0 in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-11309 Import of test-project from the Market throws exception

  • XIVY-11310 User synchronisation with Azure Active Directory fails if userPrincipal has special characters like # in it

  • XIVY-11319 Ivy persistence can not persist new objects if database table already exists

  • XIVY-11325 Debugging ‘jump into’ action does not work for embedded sub process element

  • XIVY-11332 Engine migration-wizard broken with Debian package

  • XIVY-11334 Engine fails to update symlinked configuration directory

  • XIVY-11340 IndexOutOfBoundsException on Engine Cockpit users/roles view if no app is defined

  • XIVY-11344 IIS installation scripts fails when configuring the termination of HTTPS

  • IVYPORTAL-14497 Cannot change language in My Profile (like de_AT, de_CH)

  • IVYPORTAL-14509 Dashboard permissions autocomplete works incorrectly after unselecting all permissions

  • IVYPORTAL-14637 Fix broken links in documentation

  • IVYPORTAL-14645 Portal Permissions are granted automatically after restarting engine

  • IVYPORTAL-14655 Fix Process Image cannot load image when separated Portal app

  • IVYPORTAL-14712 Changing language to Japanese causes NPE in Portal 10.0.1

  • IVYPORTAL-14851 Login does not work https://axonivyengine/{myapp}/login

10.0.0 (2022-10-17)

We suggest to install this update release if you are suffering from any of these issues.


New Features

  • XIVY-6684 Group user synchronisation properties in external security system security

  • XIVY-8449 One single way to migrate an engine

  • XIVY-8727 View Permission property on processes security

  • XIVY-8821 Release 10

  • XIVY-8825 Better document all ways how a Licence can be installed / changed

  • XIVY-8902 Project dependency: strict version rather than range

  • XIVY-9031 Bump license version to 10

  • XIVY-9214 Testing and fix some small 9.4 Bugs

  • XIVY-9298 Remove support for Oracle12c and test with Oracle21c as system database

  • XIVY-9332 New Process Editor: Back to BPMN compatible icons

  • XIVY-9338 Implement paging when query all transitive groups of an user

  • XIVY-9373 New frame-10 template which uses full width on big screens

  • XIVY-9394 Stabilize Mavenizer Workflow

  • XIVY-9433 Doc: Change Getting Started so TOC feels more like in other areas

  • XIVY-9444 Adapt portal-performance tests performance

  • XIVY-9466 No javadoc/source in Designer for LazyDataModel7

  • XIVY-9530 Warn if the project to convert Primefaces 11 has build path problems

  • XIVY-9573 Doc: Fix TOC in Getting Started

  • XIVY-9591 Upgrade libraries

  • XIVY-9596 Support CLOB, BLOB and byte[] values in Sql Query Dialog

  • XIVY-9609 Doc: Update concepts and engine guide entries for application lifecycle and multi-tenancy

  • XIVY-9615 Remove support for Microsoft Server 2008

  • XIVY-9616 Remove support for postgres 9 and 10

  • XIVY-9617 Remove support for mysql 5.6

  • XIVY-9618 Remove support for mariadb 10.2

  • XIVY-9631 New process editor: visualize negative area on element move/resize

  • XIVY-9632 Dev-WF-UI: gray labels for detail pages

  • XIVY-9644 Java options for add-opens/exports in own config file

  • XIVY-9655 Migrate project-build-plugin to Maven 3.6.3

  • XIVY-9656 Remove deprecated DeployIarMojo from project-build-plugin

  • XIVY-9712 Support iGrafx Flowcharter as BPMN2 import

  • XIVY-9734 Release 10.0 Market Artifacts

  • IVYPORTAL-13819 Control access to process and case map viewer based on permission

  • IVYPORTAL-13932 Adapt multi applications

  • IVYPORTAL-14130 Dashboard Custom Widget - Hide Header and Overflow

  • IVYPORTAL-14145 Application name into page title for password managers

  • IVYPORTAL-14170 Portal Dashboard Header Widget

  • IVYPORTAL-14176 Portal Login - Changes to Support Azure AD

  • IVYPORTAL-14177 Change Edit Task and Case Name to new API

  • IVYPORTAL-14293 Move Portal Components to the same level as Developer Guide in Documentation

  • IVYPORTAL-14305 Process widget in Full mode takes lots of spaces

  • IVYPORTAL-14335 Update Portal Documentation to include manual ways to hide tasks and cases

  • IVYPORTAL-14343 Change Standard Dashboard

  • IVYPORTAL-14344 Change label “Deputy” to “Substitute”

  • IVYPORTAL-14347 Replace CMS references in JSON Config files

  • IVYPORTAL-14392 Chart widget title problem umlaute/special character


  • XIVY-3394 Deadlock in Java Editor with Content Assist

  • XIVY-9195 Sometimes 404 for different pages in engine cockpit

  • XIVY-9208 SubProcessCall via REST does not allow Overrides

  • XIVY-9241 Engine Cockpit Yaml Editor Ctrl+Space sometimes not show up

  • XIVY-9271 Creating a security system with illegal names in engine cockpit is possible (e.g. ?)

  • XIVY-9320 Embedded Sub start and end should display the connected element

  • XIVY-9348 Sometimes save does not work in new process editor

  • XIVY-9392 Browser caches Engine process viewer too hard

  • XIVY-9398 project-build-plugin validation fails to use m2 deps

  • XIVY-9401 Update Designer quick start tutorial (some texts still refers to old process editor)

  • XIVY-9402 Fix Designer help button (F1) issues

  • XIVY-9403 Rename HtmlDialog: references are not updated

  • XIVY-9406 SSL Client Preferences: Enable insecure SSL requires designer restart

  • XIVY-9407 Designer Overrides open replacement causes editor error

  • XIVY-9408 Overrides Editor does not show overridden content objects

  • XIVY-9437 Opening the Html Dialog Editor fails with a NPE when building palette entries

  • XIVY-9438 PMV cache cleaner job fails with a NullPointerException

  • XIVY-9453 Eclipse workspace blocked after changing files manually

  • XIVY-9459 Workflow-Demos: Procurement flow - request log is always empty

  • XIVY-9460 EndPage can not handle backward slashes when xhtml view is selected

  • XIVY-9462 After login via Azure AD: the session in the portal application seems not to be authenticated

  • XIVY-9467 Primefaces widgets calendar and datePicker do not work under Linux sometimes

  • XIVY-9471 Don’t migrate non existing role mappings from db to ivy.yaml

  • XIVY-9508 Market installer fails: as mavenizer already supplied dependency

  • XIVY-9512 Project Conversion is offered and runnable for IvyArchive projects

  • XIVY-9515 Security System Detail page in engine cockpit shows Azure Active Directory instead of ivy Security System when no provider is configured in ivy.yaml

  • XIVY-9516 When changing identity provider in engine cockpit it removes all settings according to the security system

  • XIVY-9518 Font Awesome Icons are not working in dev workflow-ui if the root is blocked

  • XIVY-9520 Rename “Connectors” in process editor palette to “Extensions”

  • XIVY-9521 Users synchronized from Azure Active Directory won’t get disabled if they do not exist anymore

  • XIVY-9522 Engine Cockpit can not handle usernames with #

  • XIVY-9523 Migration of an App with an external Security System goes wrong

  • XIVY-9534 IRole#createChildRole creates new role always at top level

  • XIVY-9544 Execution in designer is slowed down by invisible animation in the background

  • XIVY-9545 NPE: Cannot invoke “WorkflowProcessModelVersion.getName()” because “pmv” is null

  • XIVY-9546 Create new ProjectConversion for updating project-build-plugin using EngineConfigCLI

  • XIVY-9547 Design-Time Classpath duplicates libraries from dependent IAR projects

  • XIVY-9548 New Process Editor: Wrap into subprocess not possible for single activity

  • XIVY-9549 New Process Editor: Wrap into subprocess error

  • XIVY-9550 ELException: Error reading caseMap on type CasesDetailsIvyDevWfBean

  • XIVY-9556 Process editor command “Fit to screen” truncates head of model

  • XIVY-9558 Can create role in security context A with parent in security context B (by API)

  • XIVY-9561 DocFactory subprocess is not converted correctly

  • XIVY-9562 Designer workspace is locked through concurrent refresh operations

  • XIVY-9563 New Process Group Wizard broken in empty GIT project

  • XIVY-9578 (Mac) SSL Client Preferences: default key/truststore files do not exist

  • XIVY-9585 Mail steps do not properly migrate html mails when content comes from cms

  • XIVY-9587 ivy.cms.getContentObjectValue() no longer fallbacks to default value

  • XIVY-9589 New process editor: color menu edit out of button if color name is big

  • XIVY-9590 Dev-Wf-Ui theme switch causes browser console log

  • XIVY-9594 WebEditor missing freya style

  • XIVY-9595 Doc: Fix links to tools-reference (renamed to reference)

  • XIVY-9599 Streamline Theme mode of WF-UI with Process Viewer

  • XIVY-9600 Designer at times not able to start due to Plugin-Activation failures

  • XIVY-9602 Deletion of Security System in the Engine Cockpit causes error

  • XIVY-9608 Stop Threads of the process editor on closing

  • XIVY-9610 Wrap to subprocess: Ugly gate/waypoint positions

  • XIVY-9612 Primefaces attribute renaming during project conversion may not work if tag contains spaces before >

  • XIVY-9624 Engine Cockpit: Show running spinner while deployment

  • XIVY-9626 project-build-plugin must not automatically migrate projects during build

  • XIVY-9627 Freya Theme: Scrollbars in Chrome/Edge are always light

  • XIVY-9628 New process editor: copy to negative area is possible

  • XIVY-9662 cms.getSupportedLanguages() returns empty locale

  • XIVY-9713 Labels are positioned somewhere after a BPMN import

  • XIVY-9716 Process Editor is not always showing up the Quick-Action Bar

  • XIVY-9738 Can not convert some process mod files to json

  • XIVY-9739 Don’t associated mod and json files with new process editor

  • XIVY-9740 No error in conversion log when a process could not be converted to json

  • XIVY-9751 Dialog Editor can not handle dialog components

  • XIVY-9756 Warning in ivy.log when Process Editor in External Browser is closed

  • XIVY-9770 Superfluous log warnings in designer “no validator for label-edit”

  • XIVY-9772 Import in cms from URL does not work

  • XIVY-9791 New projects should have java17 per default

  • IVYPORTAL-14328 Error when adding a welcome widget to private dashboard

  • IVYPORTAL-14349 DateUtils throw exception when using MySQL as System-DB

9.4.0 (2022-09-13)

We strongly recommend to install this update release because it fixes security issues!


  • XIVY-9127 Upgrade CXF web service library to version 3.5 to support Java 17

  • XIVY-9112 Upgrade Jackson to version 2.13.3 to support Java 17

  • XIVY-9091 Update DB drivers to support Java 17

  • XIVY-9065 Make role to external group mapping configurable in ivy.yaml

  • XIVY-9057 Upgrade Hibernate to version 5.4.33.Final to support Java 17

  • XIVY-9056 Upgrade Guice to version 5.1.0 to support Java 17

  • XIVY-8950 Set string parameters as Unicode to false to improve MsSQL Server performance

  • XIVY-8949 Set name of IvyProjectClassLoader to improve ClassCastException

  • XIVY-8914 Support PrimeFaces <p:barcode> component

  • XIVY-8877 Enable parallel class loading in IvyProjectClassLoader

  • XIVY-8702 Support OpenAPI inscription for xml-payload

  • XIVY-8671 DB Activity with macro-edit support and toolbar actions

  • XIVY-8670 Robust Database Activity scripting

  • XIVY-8669 Update log4j to 2.17.2

  • XIVY-8503 Translate WebPage Activity Inscription to SWT

  • XIVY-8481 Show Gravatars in Engine Cockpit for users and admins

  • XIVY-8266 Support Windows Server 2022

  • XIVY-8253 Auto-detect StandardProcess.DefaultPages

  • XIVY-8206 Update designer guide Deployment chapter

  • XIVY-8108 Allow to define a global BpmError message in CMS

  • XIVY-7968 Allow deployment of own webapp directory per application

  • XIVY-7959 Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.17

  • XIVY-7519 Upgrade to Lucene 8.4

  • XIVY-7505 Support Windows 11 for the Designer and Engine

  • XIVY-7485 Add Websocket support to tomcat

  • XIVY-7371 Document how to build a docker image with maven in the project build examples

  • XIVY-7236 Open task in IFrame or not, depending on embedInFrame custom field

  • XIVY-7218 New EngineConfigCLI command to convert IvyProjects

  • XIVY-7027 Add an Import Wizard Item to directly import Portal

  • XIVY-6933 Improve notification mail subject for new tasks

  • XIVY-6924 Upgrade to Eclipse 2022-03

  • XIVY-6292 Maven plugin should bind standard maven resources plugin to IAR lifecycle

  • XIVY-4601 Provide a Public API to create dynamic roles

  • XIVY-3200 Translate Webservice Tab of WsStart Event to SWT

  • XIVY-3162 Translate DB Activity tab to SWT

  • XIVY-3155 Translate EMail Activity Inscription Tabs to SWT

  • XIVY-3100 Expose usage of Deprecated API in ivyScript code editor

  • XIVY-3085 Translate Complex PI Inscription tabs to SWT

  • XIVY-3081 Provide an example of how to run Axon Ivy Engine in Kubernetes

  • XIVY-3063 Scope business data to a security context

New Features

  • XIVY-632 Support multilanguage in task names

  • XIVY-1026 CMS API without creating a list to replace template

  • XIVY-1973 Support multilanguage in case names

  • XIVY-2854 Use same SecurityContext/WorkflowContext for multiple applications

  • XIVY-2980 Introduce the next ivy version in JIRA during version raise build

  • XIVY-3314 Enable cms templating with different locale

  • XIVY-3492 Brand Axon.ivy Engine and/or Ivy Application Prototype

  • XIVY-3572 Easily change colors and icons to match the brand of a customer

  • XIVY-3824 Upgrade PrimeFaces to version 11.0

  • XIVY-4421 Multilingual task notification mails

  • XIVY-4534 Rethink the CMS concept

  • XIVY-5283 Streamline concepts for application configuration

  • XIVY-5607 Support Azure AD as security system

  • XIVY-5609 Refactor security systems to identity provider

  • XIVY-5610 Make identity provider configurable

  • XIVY-5611 Login page must support identity providers

  • XIVY-5647 Upgrade to MyFaces 2.2.15 and Tomcat 9.0.64

  • XIVY-5850 Unpack IAR to its original location to preserve GIT status

  • XIVY-5945 Multiple Applications share Security and Workflow

  • XIVY-5958 Analyze and document requirements for multi app, multi engine, multi mandates security contexts

  • XIVY-5960 Analyze what features of Tomcat can be used to support multiple Application per SecurityContexts

  • XIVY-5991 Next Generation Process Editor

  • XIVY-6241 Beautify toolbar and quick action bar

  • XIVY-6392 Update SnakeYaml to 1.31 official release

  • XIVY-6627 Modern CMS structure

  • XIVY-6638 Prepare for SCM ready ivy process serialization

  • XIVY-6668 Monitor slow requests in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-6704 Add annotation quick action for nodes

  • XIVY-6710 Support change custom icon on new process editor

  • XIVY-6711 Improve Connectors on new process editor

  • XIVY-6712 Debug support for new process editor (Eclipse integration)

  • XIVY-6713 Support Keyboard Shortcuts on new process editor

  • XIVY-6717 Create element quick action in new process editor

  • XIVY-6747 Improve JSON Process format

  • XIVY-6826 Auto synch problem markers in new process editor

  • XIVY-6827 Improve data model handling in new process editor

  • XIVY-6849 Update our debian package and to Adoptium as soon as debian package is available

  • XIVY-6870 Simplify and streamline Process label formatting

  • XIVY-6871 Simplify and streamline Process coloring options

  • XIVY-6900 Language and formatting handling concept

  • XIVY-6919 Upgrade docker images to eclipse-temurin based images

  • XIVY-6923 Upgrade to Java 17

  • XIVY-6962 Replace process file format with a more developer friendly one

  • XIVY-6963 Replace CMS File Storage with a more web IDE friendlier format

  • XIVY-7091 Improve and refactor animation in new process editor

  • XIVY-7109 Ease connector testing - overriding configuration in a generic way over AppFixture

  • XIVY-7138 Document

  • XIVY-7161 Configure Data.AppDirectory and Data.FilesDirectory in Setup Wizard

  • XIVY-7162 Improve user guidance after migration wizard

  • XIVY-7178 Remove element style ‘classic’ -> use only ‘bpmn’

  • XIVY-7186 Developer Workflow UI

  • XIVY-7196 Support any file types in the CMS

  • XIVY-7264 Easily change icons and colors to match customers CI/CD

  • XIVY-7265 Add Branding View in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-7285 Content Management Documentation

  • XIVY-7306 Show message if new process editor is started without webview2 installed on windows

  • XIVY-7335 Automate changelog+ReleaseNotes.txt updates after releasing

  • XIVY-7340 Automate Axon Ivy release announcement for community/flarum

  • XIVY-7345 Add option to clean up data caches in developer workflow UI

  • XIVY-7347 Concept meta data for custom fields

  • XIVY-7376 Implement language concept

  • XIVY-7379 Support CMS write operations on engine

  • XIVY-7448 Concept format of colors and texts in process JSON and GLSP editor

  • XIVY-7459 Integrate new GLSP process viewer in engine

  • XIVY-7460 Add more deprecated features to the deprecation web site

  • XIVY-7468 Export and import CMS in XLSX format

  • XIVY-7493 Beautiful CMS public API

  • XIVY-7500 Responsive Deployment trace output in the Engine-Cockpit

  • XIVY-7516 Introduce Security Entity in System Database

  • XIVY-7517 Reference User and Role by SecurityMemberId instead of the primary key UserId and RoleId

  • XIVY-7520 Split search system from core features

  • XIVY-7525 ColorPicker for the Engine Cockpit Branding view

  • XIVY-7535 Support read-only and iar mode in new process editor

  • XIVY-7536 New process editor as default process editor

  • XIVY-7537 Remove the old AWT based process editor

  • XIVY-7618 Provide more details in error message why a PMV cannot be activated

  • XIVY-7635 Improve Database Execution History in Engine Cockpit

  • XIVY-7639 Enable ivyScript validation by default

  • XIVY-7655 Release 9.4

  • XIVY-7671 More url parameters to configure the Process Viewer

  • XIVY-7691 Leave and

  • XIVY-7720 Improve navigation in new process editor

  • XIVY-7767 Make page size, delay time and period time of WrongBusinessCaseState job configurable

  • XIVY-7772 BPMN Nodes creation support in new process editor

  • XIVY-7773 Market connector element creation in new process editor

  • XIVY-7811 Color picker to name and define custom colors in my process

  • XIVY-7820 Add Rule Activity to element palette in new process editor

  • XIVY-7822 Direct start of a process via the start element in the new process editor

  • XIVY-7826 Provide new PrimeFaces Theme Freya

  • XIVY-7850 Improve viewport of process editor

  • XIVY-7873 Improve log if a database lock cannot be acquired

  • XIVY-7885 Snap Connector bend points to grid

  • XIVY-7924 Drop support to connect Annotation/Note to Arc/Connector

  • XIVY-7956 Improve animation

  • XIVY-7957 Show process / case map behind a case / business case

  • XIVY-7966 Evaluate the performance of UUID keys in system databases

  • XIVY-7967 Provide a new look and feel for Axon Ivy 10 (Freya)

  • XIVY-7969 Navigate from new process editor to process data editor

  • XIVY-7977 JSON Process polishing for 9.4

  • XIVY-7980 JSON based data format to store processes

  • XIVY-7981 Migrate Datawrapper centric configs

  • XIVY-7991 Migrate to Java 17

  • XIVY-8036 Project conversion for PrimeFaces 11

  • XIVY-8043 Use Freya theme for cockpit

  • XIVY-8044 Use Freya theme for dev-workflow-ui and other core pages

  • XIVY-8048 GLSP uses a Dispatcher Thread for each websocket connection

  • XIVY-8105 Role handling and deployment in multi app security context

  • XIVY-8106 Concept for workflow documents

  • XIVY-8107 Concept for security system centric configurations in app.yaml

  • XIVY-8113 Remove CallAndWait element and its third-party equivalent

  • XIVY-8122 Improvements for multi app security system

  • XIVY-8123 Auto-Login in other apps in same security context

  • XIVY-8150 Merge and Switch to JSON Processes

  • XIVY-8154 Document and write migration notes for multi app security

  • XIVY-8162 Meta information for custom fields

  • XIVY-8170 Check dev-workflow-ui and run it isolated in an own application

  • XIVY-8172 No longer change security system of an application

  • XIVY-8205 Missing index info in tooltip of Input and output arcs of gateways

  • XIVY-8215 Documentation: General overhaul

  • XIVY-8254 Move EmailNotification settings to ivy.yaml (SecuritySystems)

  • XIVY-8275 Prepare update to Eclipse 2022-06

  • XIVY-8312 Deprecate PI element and AWT Inscription Stack for removal

  • XIVY-8338 Engine Cockpit test database connection without save

  • XIVY-8355 Reuse ivy session on first rest service call on another application

  • XIVY-8369 GLSP Editor should not reports errors in a dialog

  • XIVY-8372 Enhance project migration UI to let user control what is converted

  • XIVY-8397 Provide API for Process Viewer and Case Map Viewer Url generation

  • XIVY-8398 Measure and improve performance issues introduced by .json process format

  • XIVY-8401 Problems using Icon libraries in HtmlDialog editor

  • XIVY-8416 Use Freya theme for ivy demo projects

  • XIVY-8446 Trim Freya theme for Axon Ivy

  • XIVY-8504 Update to latest glsp client/server

  • XIVY-8512 Move from Bitbucket to GitHub

  • XIVY-8555 Add system overview to engine cockpit

  • XIVY-8557 Add layout.js to LTS 8 templates

  • XIVY-8584 Properties or JSON Inscription view flicker hard if select elements with marquee tool in new process editor

  • XIVY-8623 Multilingual name and description for task and case

  • XIVY-8624 Prototype multi language fields in system database

  • XIVY-8681 Improve Maven workspace experience

  • XIVY-8707 Update to PrimeFaces 11.0.5

  • XIVY-8754 Show all signal and error boundary icons in new process editor

  • XIVY-8768 Add clear delay function on a delayed task

  • XIVY-8775 Report deprecation warnings for dev-wf-ui / engine-cockpit

  • XIVY-8784 Improve Scroll behavior in new process editor

  • XIVY-8838 Use custom field meta in dev workflow UI

  • XIVY-8852 Documentation: Use Correct Company and Product Names

  • XIVY-8859 Update API documentation for File

  • XIVY-8864 Implement Azure AD as identity provider

  • XIVY-8875 Beautify process

  • XIVY-8888 Replace all “Ivy” only mentions with “Axon Ivy”

  • XIVY-8912 Check Cluster Documentation

  • XIVY-8951 Enhance performance test to check if DB configurations are active

  • XIVY-8961 Ease the migration from ivy 8 to 10 for customers

  • XIVY-9008 Beautify Process Editor: Label handling

  • XIVY-9009 Beautify Process Editor 2

  • XIVY-9107 Document identity provider (azure / ldap)

  • XIVY-9123 Release 9.4 News Page and Migration Notes

  • XIVY-9202 Allow to login local users when external security system is not available

  • XIVY-9206 Doc - standardize images for SketchViz compatibility

  • XIVY-9216 Doc - Unify code/code-block role

  • XIVY-9234 Doc that preserveHostHeader must be set on IIS

  • XIVY-9262 PR Titles and Commit Messages: Allow for Dependabot generated messages

  • XIVY-9327 Update Graphics to newly supported Azure AD

  • XIVY-9337 Doc: include all node presets in graphics for WYSIWYG

  • XIVY-9397 Redirect to originalUrl after successful login with Microsoft

  • XIVY-9399 Raise Execution Environment to JavaSE-17 in designer.targetplatform

  • IVYPORTAL-6250 Statistics - New Charts - Cases by Category - Bar Chart

  • IVYPORTAL-6463 Password validation in Portal

  • IVYPORTAL-10050 Improve BusinessCase History in portal

  • IVYPORTAL-10238 Avatar/Picture for users and roles

  • IVYPORTAL-11427 Dynamic scaling for Charts

  • IVYPORTAL-12038 Support application favorite process and default charts customization by Variables

  • IVYPORTAL-12241 Support Opera as browser

  • IVYPORTAL-12346 Provide the possibility to add own menu items to User Menu

  • IVYPORTAL-12394 Behaviour when clicking on a task in task list

  • IVYPORTAL-12576 Create user guide document for new dashboard

  • IVYPORTAL-12638 GUI tests for task widget of new Dashboard

  • IVYPORTAL-12650 Improve handling of params with iframes

  • IVYPORTAL-12666 Create additional dashboards at runtime

  • IVYPORTAL-12747 Unify visibility rule for new dashboard vs full task/case/process list

  • IVYPORTAL-12849 Improve absence management

  • IVYPORTAL-12902 Process starts for Teams

  • IVYPORTAL-12943 Portal in Axon Ivy Market

  • IVYPORTAL-12963 Portal Login-Background using branding

  • IVYPORTAL-12985 Mention all Portal settings in document

  • IVYPORTAL-12998 Process Widget does not work correctly when user switches view/edit mode

  • IVYPORTAL-13015 Search in Cases and Tasks list in Portal - Space characters are not filtered

  • IVYPORTAL-13017 Findings and improvements dashboard

  • IVYPORTAL-13060 Expand icon is displayed when preview Combined Process

  • IVYPORTAL-13069 Category is not displayed if changing process type from full mode to compact mode

  • IVYPORTAL-13070 Filter options of process widget are invisible in edit mode

  • IVYPORTAL-13071 Reorder dashboards

  • IVYPORTAL-13080 Filter panel of widgets not disappear when open Manage Filter while widget is expanded

  • IVYPORTAL-13081 Saved filters not updated when add/remove filter while widget is expanded

  • IVYPORTAL-13087 Preview of Process widget not change to new selected process

  • IVYPORTAL-13111 Primefaces 7.0.25 - p:fileUpload ajax status issues

  • IVYPORTAL-13171 Log out AJAX error to console

  • IVYPORTAL-13178 Edit Wizard UI

  • IVYPORTAL-13179 Create new Dashboard Wizard

  • IVYPORTAL-13180 Edit Private / public dashboards

  • IVYPORTAL-13187 Portal Admin setting displays config with different language

  • IVYPORTAL-13190 JS error when open case details on Portal LE

  • IVYPORTAL-13194 New Process visualization for process start

  • IVYPORTAL-13197 Add default column Actions to the task and case widgets

  • IVYPORTAL-13198 Optimize Task Details page size

  • IVYPORTAL-13199 Edit widgets and reset UI and behaviour

  • IVYPORTAL-13249 Remove warnings in Portal doc related to absolute URL

  • IVYPORTAL-13250 Improve filters in full task and case list

  • IVYPORTAL-13283 Migrate to Primefaces 11 in Portal

  • IVYPORTAL-13290 Fix reorder mange column of configuring case list dashboard

  • IVYPORTAL-13293 Split dashboard process widget to separated modes

  • IVYPORTAL-13317 Bring the statistic widget from old dashboard to new dashboard

  • IVYPORTAL-13318 Support “Expiry task” feature from basic wf ui in portal

  • IVYPORTAL-13375 Change default sorting of new dashboard (task/case widget) to “Creation date DESC”

  • IVYPORTAL-13399 Apply new FREYA Theme to Portal

  • IVYPORTAL-13402 Enhance style of the tab view to switch between dashboards

  • IVYPORTAL-13406 Portal inside Portal when open related task in Case Information dialog

  • IVYPORTAL-13408 DataTable Showcase not work as expected

  • IVYPORTAL-13415 Add checkbox on the business case to enable/disable history from subcases

  • IVYPORTAL-13416 Add link to show more documents on 1 page

  • IVYPORTAL-13452 Support call original case information when using iframe

  • IVYPORTAL-13478 Role Assignment module in Portal

  • IVYPORTAL-13491 Support portal styles for portal components in IFrame for v10

  • IVYPORTAL-13561 Change repo for Portal artifacts to

  • IVYPORTAL-13607 LE Performance problem related statistic

  • IVYPORTAL-13615 Convert p:dataGrid/dataList to p:dataView due to it is deprecated on PF 11

  • IVYPORTAL-13621 Changed parameter “case” to “caseId” for task templates

  • IVYPORTAL-13635 Problem Engine Installation 9.3.4 with SQL Server

  • IVYPORTAL-13641 Remove custom varchar in document

  • IVYPORTAL-13645 File customization.css is removed on Portal master but without migration notes

  • IVYPORTAL-13658 UI improvement on devices

  • IVYPORTAL-13698 Sticky Dashboard navigation

  • IVYPORTAL-13745 Avoid overlapping starts of a job with the CronByGlobalVAriableTriggerStartEventBean

  • IVYPORTAL-13771 Performance issue with TaskUtils.findTaskUserHasPermissionToSee

  • IVYPORTAL-13778 Remove portalStyle project

  • IVYPORTAL-13788 Related cases can not be destroyed on case detail page

  • IVYPORTAL-13805 Remove usages of IApplication#current

  • IVYPORTAL-13814 Admin role cannot see destroyed related cases

  • IVYPORTAL-13815 Some tables on Case details page are displayed not good

  • IVYPORTAL-13840 Can not change number of items/page if select value greater than total items

  • IVYPORTAL-13845 Use Frame Mode for Case Map example

  • IVYPORTAL-13849 Apply language concept

  • IVYPORTAL-13850 Consider only custom fields with meta data in portal dashboard

  • IVYPORTAL-13857 Move dashboard configuration user menu to own page

  • IVYPORTAL-13858 Combine PortalKit and PortalTemplate to one project

  • IVYPORTAL-13910 Component for process and case map viewer in portalcomponents

  • IVYPORTAL-14017 Adapt Serenity theme for portal-component

  • IVYPORTAL-14039 Statistic Chart improvement

  • IVYPORTAL-14073 Update user document for case/task filter permissions

  • IVYPORTAL-14129 Adapt securityMemberNameAndAvatar component for project portal-component

  • IVYPORTAL-14145 Application name into page title for password managers

  • IVYPORTAL-14161 Enhance portal components examples and documentation

  • IVYPORTAL-14170 Portal Dashboard Header Widget

  • IVYPORTAL-14308 NPE with Statistic widget after session timeout


  • XIVY-2436 String value with size > 100 is cropped in CMS

  • XIVY-2872 Mail steps adds wrong attachment to the email

  • XIVY-4020 Process Editor selection move: removes ARC kinks

  • XIVY-5023 Swagger UI cannot be displayed in internal web browser view

  • XIVY-5074 CMS getChildren on Engine in wrong order

  • XIVY-5093 NPE on Import Wizard (Existing Projects into Workspace) if packed project (iar) is selected

  • XIVY-5458 Content of E-Mail Step inscription cannot be edited on Mac Designer

  • XIVY-5459 DB inscription can sometimes not be edited on Mac Designer

  • XIVY-5861 No Buttons visible in E-Mail Step Tabs on first open

  • XIVY-6425 Query in DB Activity Step does not get validated

  • XIVY-6463 DB Activity loses query configuration when renaming a table

  • XIVY-6748 Fix 404 in dev-workflow-ui if no projects imported

  • XIVY-6752 DB Activity write-query doesn’t evaluate functions

  • XIVY-7184 404 Error on Backend API in Engine Cockpit if application context is not started yet

  • XIVY-7227 REST client properties and web service client properties values are not updated

  • XIVY-7237 CVE-2021-44228 : Log4Shell remote code execution - Update to Log4j2 version 2.15.0 security

  • XIVY-7253 Maven dependency appears twice in Axon Ivy Libraries

  • XIVY-7254 Wrong member type due to transitive dependency (Cannot cast from a to a)

  • XIVY-7257 Unique constraints violation with multiple projects defining the same role

  • XIVY-7258 False positive validation errors, complains on AXIS2 usage for empty WebService Clients

  • XIVY-7262 CVE-2021-45046: ThreadContext DoS - Update to Log4j2 version 2.16.0 security

  • XIVY-7275 Optimize market custom installation (CTRL + ALT + I)

  • XIVY-7284 Fix typos in developer workflow UI

  • XIVY-7314 CVE-2021-45105: infinite recursion in lookup evaluation - Update to Log4j2 version 2.17.0 security

  • XIVY-7334 Show dev-workfluw-ui even if no project is open in designer

  • XIVY-7343 NPE when accessing PMV which is not linked to an existing project

  • XIVY-7349 CVE-2021-44832 : RCE via JDBC Appender - Update to Log4j2 version 2.17.1 security

  • XIVY-7408 Ivy is not able to read ivy project artifact version and group id from parent pom

  • XIVY-7466 Windows Launcher Binaries broken: could not load module libraries of jre/bin/server/jvm.dll

  • XIVY-7501 Character based content from CMS are served in ISO-8859-1 instead of UTF-8

  • XIVY-7507 CMS pages are served always with default OS encoding

  • XIVY-7530 Function Browser does not work anymore in old AWT based script editors

  • XIVY-7541 REST Client process element does not store OpenAPI enable/disabled state

  • XIVY-7594 Fix duplication because of GLSP server

  • XIVY-7673 ivy.vars are only resolved in RELEASED pmv but not in DEPRECATED pmv

  • XIVY-7683 Change case of user name in AD will not be synchronized security

  • XIVY-7688 Other user input is lost if Referral or Dereference Aliases is changed in Engine Cockpit AD setting

  • XIVY-7701 Bad performance of macro expander and CMS if override project is configured

  • XIVY-7716 migrate-project command corrupts mod with third-party elements

  • XIVY-7731 Project configurations of deprecated PMV are not available during runtime

  • XIVY-7746 Error in Engine Cockpit LDAP Browser on nodes that has an escaped LDAP Name

  • XIVY-7766 NPE in Log when deleting a project

  • XIVY-7780 CMS inline editor does not work on Linux

  • XIVY-7808 Changing project dependencies (with our editor), removes iar-integration-test packaging

  • XIVY-7810 GLSP Error sometimes when opening, closing, packing, unpacking projects

  • XIVY-7821 Tab navigation and type selection does not work on Parameter table

  • XIVY-7856 IllegalStateException “project resources of pmv ‘xyz’ not found” during startup of cluster slave

  • XIVY-7922 Missing icons without an internet connection

  • XIVY-7926 New process editor has encoding problems if start label contains e.g <>

  • XIVY-7928 New process editor can’t open process in test projects

  • XIVY-7944 jsessionid in PrimeFaces resource URL if no session is set yet security

  • XIVY-7948 Role substitute still valid even if role was removed form user

  • XIVY-7971 CMS import is slow when cms is huge

  • XIVY-7972 Resource not found warn log if a mail is sent with authentication

  • XIVY-7974 ctrl + s does not work in the new process editor under Windows

  • XIVY-7975 Make generating the database schema for environments work again

  • XIVY-7978 CXF does sometimes not find the operation on a cached endpoint

  • XIVY-7992 ConcurrentModificationException at cluster node startup

  • XIVY-8001 SubProcessCall PublicAPI needs system and ProcessModelVersionReadAll permission

  • XIVY-8010 Internal Case Map Editor does not work under Linux

  • XIVY-8025 IAR packaging fails to include dependencies from reactor

  • XIVY-8047 Cant set custom icon of subprocess call if the called process start already has a custom icon

  • XIVY-8083 404 errors when trying to start a process when tasks need to be reset during docker container start

  • XIVY-8115 Error Boundary Event on Call Sub Process throws IvyScriptCastException instead of catch error

  • XIVY-8125 Eclipse Key Bindings not working in new Process Editor

  • XIVY-8151 TaskSwitchGateway is not updated with Tasks after output connectors added in the new Process Editor

  • XIVY-8199 Can’t select any operation after re-generating wsClient to different namespace

  • XIVY-8246 Cluster slave instances always responses status 500 after it is started successfully

  • XIVY-8250 CMS cache not invalidate after deployment

  • XIVY-8252 Failed to create the part’s control when opening CMS editor

  • XIVY-8272 An NPE error is sometimes logged while cluster slave is started

  • XIVY-8279 ivy Project conversion 80000-94000 failed because of arcStyle

  • XIVY-8280 Improve double click action on elements to open inscription

  • XIVY-8281 Problem with Umlauts in element inscription

  • XIVY-8314 Prioritize RELEASED PMV over other PMVs on Strict Override evaluation

  • XIVY-8334 Frame problem in designer if a process is started via Process Editor action

  • XIVY-8371 f:convertDateTime no longer works with IvyScript Date, Time and DateTime data types

  • XIVY-8400 NPE in “Browse Dossier Demo (Lazy)” in Workflow Demo

  • XIVY-8402 Improve stability of GLSP server

  • XIVY-8422 Rest API servlet crashes after jersey model validation error

  • XIVY-8429 OpenApi code generator error dialog don’t show full error result

  • XIVY-8462 Remove googleapi font request from dev-wf-ui

  • XIVY-8500 Could not read maven project since eclipse 2022-03

  • XIVY-8549 IOException if DataTable is embedded in DynaForm and Composite

  • XIVY-8566 Multiselect autocomplete not working with Serenity and PrimeFaces 11

  • XIVY-8603 CMS file with underscores does not work

  • XIVY-8633 Multiple Users can start the same Task of a User Task

  • XIVY-8634 Default color may is listed twice in the color palette in the new process editor

  • XIVY-8686 Project conversion does not work on re-deployment

  • XIVY-8697 Referenced Error Start and Error Boundary unlinked after changing BPMN activity type

  • XIVY-8704 Bpmn2 export produces strange waypoints with json processes

  • XIVY-8733 Designer crash after pressing Ctrl-W in new process editor

  • XIVY-8759 Link on Axon Ivy Logo is broken in dev-wf-ui in Designer mode

  • XIVY-8781 mod to json conversion fails on incomplete lane-data

  • XIVY-8783 colors used multiple times in the same process are lost

  • XIVY-8790 Deployment and License Upload not working if REST Servlet is disabled

  • XIVY-8807 Custom icons broken in new process editor

  • XIVY-8815 json-serialization omits multiline conditions

  • XIVY-8824 PersistencyException when deleting a role in the cockpit with PostgreSQL

  • XIVY-8830 DB insert/update script-editor produces false positive errors and invalid statements

  • XIVY-8841 Avoid flickering process-lines on ‘migrate-project’ command

  • XIVY-8843 Bend points loose if element is added onto connection

  • XIVY-8849 Insert element on connection which has an bend point is maybe wrong

  • XIVY-8904 Email header content cannot be deleted in the inscription mask

  • XIVY-8926 ITask.getCategory throws NPE if project of task PMV is missing

  • XIVY-8933 Portal cannot create add hoc task for case if case is not in same application as Portal

  • XIVY-8995 Removing REST Client does not remove the generated .jar file

  • XIVY-9058 DB migration 8 to 9 writes outdated values to app.yaml

  • XIVY-9061 Deployment validation asserts wrong number of Task outputs

  • XIVY-9076 NPE on ICustomFieldMeta.tasks() if a project is missing

  • XIVY-9102 PMV details views fails with an NPE while reloading its state

  • XIVY-9103 Re-Deployment of a base project activates manually stopped dependent ProcessModels

  • XIVY-9156 Cockpit system database save problems with additional properties

  • XIVY-9201 RuntimeLog view occasionally not showing any logs

  • XIVY-9207 Execution of job SynchJob failed due to user language

  • XIVY-9209 InX undefined for TaskSwitchGateway connectors

  • XIVY-9211 Default error page does not work in Designer and Engine

  • XIVY-9213 Search in engine cockpit variables overview does not work after switching tab.

  • XIVY-9215 Link on error page to home page broken

  • XIVY-9233 Blanks in Base URL let cockpit fail

  • XIVY-9242 Backend API page in cockpit not working with context

  • XIVY-9269 Engine Cockpit: Role Detail View is not working when no Application exists

  • XIVY-9270 Some System DBs accept multiple roles with same name if whitespace is added

  • XIVY-9281 Opening inscription fails on pre 8.0 project with an NPE

  • XIVY-9284 Engine Cockpit branding image upload shows error even if upload successful

  • XIVY-9297 Inscription editor blocked for several minutes when editing large object trees

  • XIVY-9299 REST method browser takes over 20 seconds to display methods

  • XIVY-9336 Engine Migration Wizard: Buttons should be aligned to the correct window

  • XIVY-9342 User and Role count in the title is not updated if security system is switched

  • XIVY-9388 Can not cleanup JSF view scope when HTTP session expires

  • XIVY-9395 Error Log “Error automatically configuring OpenTelemetry SDK” when executing IvyTest or IvyProcessTest

  • IVYPORTAL-13134 The left menu marks the wrong item selected

  • IVYPORTAL-13140 My Profile on Ivy Portal 9.3

  • IVYPORTAL-13165 Admin user cannot edit/delete absences of normal users in the current or future

  • IVYPORTAL-13450 Rounding position when scrolling task list

  • IVYPORTAL-13539 Delegation task disables user selection if previously entered incorrectly

  • IVYPORTAL-13544 Absences configuration did not work on the same day

  • IVYPORTAL-13804 Language support is not handled correctly

  • IVYPORTAL-14018 State not loaded when apply saved filter in full task list

  • IVYPORTAL-14147 Back link of custom Case Details, Task Details pages does not work on Firefox

  • IVYPORTAL-14152 Portal Widget Resize

  • IVYPORTAL-14152 Portal Widget Resize

Changes before 9.4.0

Release Notes Axon Ivy 13.1.0 (Diavolezza)

! - Critical: We strongly recommend to install this release because it fixes this security issue!
* - Recommended: We recommend to install this release because it fixes this security or stability issue!
+ - Suggested: We suggest to install this release if you are suffering from this issue.      

Changes in 9.3.0, 10.12.2021

We suggest to install this release if you are suffering from any of these issues.

+ XIVY-2219       Story          Allow to design looping processes with error handling
+ XIVY-2405       Story          Provide German locale for primefaces calendar widget
+ XIVY-2629       Story          Analyze and improve how to cache system database entity in multi engine environment 
+ XIVY-2645       Story          Engine auto-create a backup file after deploying
+ XIVY-2654       Story          Drop Legacy AXIS Web Service Call support
+ XIVY-3225       Story          Deployment Options per Ivy Project in Full Application Zip
+ XIVY-3471       Story          Replace JSP based Designer web pages with JSF
+ XIVY-3525       Story          Created new Html Dialogs with a Cancel Button 
+ XIVY-3570       Story          New API
+ XIVY-4394       Story          Reduce cluster communication overhead
+ XIVY-4609       Story          Remove Configuration Editor
+ XIVY-4894       Story          Drop persistency layer abstraction in CMS
+ XIVY-4934       Story          Limit number of nodes in Enterprise Edition Licence
+ XIVY-5024       Story          Document how to setup and run a scalable engine
+ XIVY-5084       Story          Add cluster test that starts and stop nodes under load
+ XIVY-5265       Story          Remove redundant TaskStart, TaskElement, TaskEnd data from database
+ XIVY-5421       Story          Migrate rest clients to rest-clients.yaml
+ XIVY-5513       Story          Upgrade to Primefaces 7.0.24
+ XIVY-5527       Story          Create new ivy projects with maven nature
+ XIVY-5573       Story          Stabilize generated Body123 interfaces for OpenAPI evolutions
+ XIVY-5600       Story          Right aligned and top aligned labels for new Html Dialogs
+ XIVY-5624       Story          Deprecation Log for Custom Application Properties API + Global Variables API
+ XIVY-5653       Story          Drop CMS Page feature
+ XIVY-5654       Story          Drop Page Archive
+ XIVY-5656       Story          Migrate external databases to databases.yaml
+ XIVY-5657       Story          Migrate web service clients to webservice-clients.yaml
+ XIVY-5658       Story          Migrate environments out of config cms
+ XIVY-5659       Story          Migrate formats out of config cms
+ XIVY-5812       Story          Analyse possible technologies and competitors for the next generation designer
+ XIVY-5814       Story          Prototype process editor as GLSP editor
+ XIVY-5873       Story          Rollout Tags concept to all process elements
+ XIVY-5891       Story          Rollout parameter description to Html Dialog Init Start, RequestStart, WebService Start
+ XIVY-5908       Story          Apple signing approach ready for LTS usage
+ XIVY-6054       Story          Clarify valid external files use-cases with variables.yaml
+ XIVY-6086       Story          Do not merge configuration from default environment and a custom environment
+ XIVY-6090       Story          Enhance GLSP process editor prototype with important ivy features
+ XIVY-6091       Story          Prototype Debug Adapter Prototcol (DAP) implemenation to debug process execution
+ XIVY-6092       Story          Add animation to the GLSP process editor prototype 
+ XIVY-6096       Story          Show selected app and env on service detail pages in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-6162       Story          Can not connect with jconsole with included JRE (windows/mac)
+ XIVY-6164       Story          Integrate Preview of next generation Process Editor into designer
+ XIVY-6216       Story          Replace splash screen, about dialog and logo with new ones
+ XIVY-6217       Story          Support modern document file extensions in CMS
+ XIVY-6224       Story          Respect process model version hierarchy when loading configuration
+ XIVY-6236       Story          Document how to setup NGNIX as load balancer for cluster
+ XIVY-6242       Story          Integrate new demo portal app
+ XIVY-6245       Story          Setup Development and Test strategy for GLSP / NodeJS
+ XIVY-6248       Story          Variables Installer for Market products
+ XIVY-6274       Story          Integrate Portal migration code into ivy core
+ XIVY-6276       Story          Improve JMX settings and documentation
+ XIVY-6314       Story          Use core commands for new process editor
+ XIVY-6317       Story          Integrate new developer workflow UI
+ XIVY-6324       Story          Improve Market access in Designer
+ XIVY-6325       Story          Add value 'no-cache no-store' to http header 'Cache-Control' for Html Dialogs
+ XIVY-6334       Story          Improve PrimeUI Javadoc and streamline methods
+ XIVY-6337       Story          Streamline read/write of YAML models 
+ XIVY-6353       Story          Support ${ivy.var.*} in configuration files (ivy.yaml, app.yaml, REST, SOAP, External Database, etc.)
+ XIVY-6359       Story          Improve Public API documentation
+ XIVY-6378       Story          Improve LDAP browser dialog in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-6379       Story          Add application name to User and Role Detail pages in Cockpit
+ XIVY-6381       Story          Limit number of deployment artifact backups
+ XIVY-6388       Story          Analyze how we can avoid deployment with docker images
+ XIVY-6396       Story          Configurable location for New Projects
+ XIVY-6406       Story          Support search for User with its full name in Role detail page in Cockpit
+ XIVY-6434       Story          Open processes tagged as 'Demo' automatically
+ XIVY-6455       Story          Add additional ivy project tree filters (business, tester, etc.)
+ XIVY-6456       Story          Document file located in projects should be open with internal Eclipse editor
+ XIVY-6477       Story          Include PrettyTime library into core
+ XIVY-6492       Story          Synchronize deployment in cluster
+ XIVY-6493       Story          Support all available elements in new process editor
+ XIVY-6494       Story          Refactor, improve and add new quick actions in new process editor
+ XIVY-6495       Story          Create a process editor feature list
+ XIVY-6496       Story          Command Framework for new process editor
+ XIVY-6500       Story          Log classloader and stacktrace if class was loaded with deprecated classloader
+ XIVY-6520       Story          Release 9.3
+ XIVY-6522       Story          Migrate non portal custom application properties out of system database to app.yaml
+ XIVY-6542       Story          Role based entry point on welcome screen
+ XIVY-6548       Story          Painfree AXIS2 webserviceClient migration to CXF (9.3)
+ XIVY-6558       Story          Maven dependency problem after importing Amazon connector
+ XIVY-6559       Story          Streamline Configuration and Definitions Folder in ivy Project Tree
+ XIVY-6561       Story          Monitor number of incoming HTTP/HTTPS/AJP connections in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-6562       Story          Add Process Element Execution Statistics to Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-6595       Story          Upgrade Primefaces from 7.0.17 to 7.0.23
+ XIVY-6623       Story          Loading environments is slow
+ XIVY-6625       Story          Copy all configurations from configuration directory when migrating
+ XIVY-6647       Story          Update cluster documentation and demos to latest changes
+ XIVY-6648       Story          Handle Cluster Mode in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-6652       Story          Improved menu tool bar for new process editor
+ XIVY-6661       Story          Make synch on user login configurable
+ XIVY-6689       Story          Support custom icons on gateways in new process editor
+ XIVY-6700       Story          Make internal Elasticsearch server port configurable
+ XIVY-6709       Story          Pool and Lane editing in new process editor
+ XIVY-6731       Story          API to provide parameters of a process starts for Portal
+ XIVY-6738       Story          Set log context value requestId to the provided trace id of tracing tools if available
+ XIVY-6755       Story          Improve doc about responsibility in task tab
+ XIVY-6767       Story          Update CXF to latest 3.4.5
+ XIVY-6783       Story          Split Designer-Guide to smaller chapters
+ XIVY-6790       Story          Project conversion on deployment
+ XIVY-6791       Story          CaseMap starts should be treated like process starts in dev-workflow-ui
+ XIVY-6802       Story          Improve doc about case persistency in usage of business data
+ XIVY-6804       Story          Drop support for library.libraryconfig 
+ XIVY-6825       Story          Support Copy/Paste in new process editor
+ XIVY-6828       Story          How to versionize market meta information and installation
+ XIVY-6899       Story          Make dev-workflow-ui more developer friendly
+ XIVY-6910       Story          Support Postgres 14 as system database
+ XIVY-6912       Story          Improved public API for testing if a session has roles
+ XIVY-6925       Story          Create News web page for 9.3
+ XIVY-6926       Story          Provide public API to call code while permission check is disabled - Sudo
+ XIVY-6928       Story          Upgrade to latest GLSP version
+ XIVY-6930       Story          Provide public API that provides information about the ivy runtime
+ XIVY-6951       Story          Move plain jsp pages from cms to webContent
+ XIVY-7023       Story          Demonstrate RestClients dealing with XML payloads
+ XIVY-7073       Story          Support maven-module workspace layout
+ XIVY-7084       Story          Update to PrimeFaces 7.0.25
+ XIVY-7171       Story          Document deprecated features
+ XIVY-7185       Story          Open process start in IFrame or not depending on embedInFrame customField
+ XIVY-7195       Story          Upgrade to latest tomcat 9.0.55
+ XIVY-6566       Improvement    Improve performance of CXF webservice calls
+ XIVY-6635       Improvement    Cockpit LDAP Browser should select the configured node on open
+ XIVY-6729       Improvement    All filters/search in Cockpit should filter full text (*filter*) and not starts with (filter*)
+ XIVY-6735       Improvement    Report missing strict Override Project resolutions
+ XIVY-6799       Improvement    Save of Process model should be one IO operation
+ XIVY-6932       Improvement    Add public API ISecurityContext.current()
+ XIVY-6933       Improvement    Improve notification mail subject for new tasks
+ XIVY-6940       Improvement    Add public API hasRole(String) and hasRoleAssigned(String) to UserQuery
+ XIVY-4391       Epic           Scale engine horizontal with Docker/Kubernetes
+ XIVY-2120       Bug            Do not start error process while rejoining tasks
+ XIVY-3122       Bug            JaxRS Client API does not work in non-web server request threads (e.g SYSTEM user threads)
+ XIVY-3610       Bug            deploy.options.yaml as part of an ivy project (iar) is not considered
+ XIVY-4450       Bug            Drag & Drop CMS-Objects to XHTML broken
+ XIVY-4707       Bug            Unique constrain violated exception when trying to create process start within multiple threads
+ XIVY-5160       Bug            Tasks executed by System have other ContextClassLoader than executed by a user
+ XIVY-5261       Bug            IllegalArgumentException: taskElement.kind must be X but is Z
+ XIVY-5453       Bug            Designer switches to Process Model perspective after defining an override process
+ XIVY-5905       Bug            CXF WsSecurity feature fails at runtime with classloading failure of: SAAJMetaFactoryImpl 
+ XIVY-5933       Bug            Slow TaskEnd frame redirect, causes JSF end users to wait and see white pages
+ XIVY-5935       Bug            Can't query for Boolean values with Ivy.repo().search() after migrating to LTS 8
+ XIVY-5943       Bug            Can't define a large list of ignored JAX-WS policies towards the same namespace
+ XIVY-5944       Bug            CMS export throws UnsupportedCharsetException: Big5
+ XIVY-5977       Bug            Can't distinguish inherited and locally defined member in EngineCockpit
+ XIVY-5987       Bug            Can't open any HtmlDialog occasionally until restart, due to FacesConverter NPE
+ XIVY-5988       Bug            Can't inscribe with OpenAPI support, due to empty schemas
+ XIVY-5990       Bug            Case integrity violation exception when setting up multiple cases by API in Designer
+ XIVY-5993       Bug            NullPointerException when searching SubProcessStarts
+ XIVY-6055       Bug            The datatype selector occasionally selects the wrong type
+ XIVY-6061       Bug            Wrong additional configuration entry for list values in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-6070       Bug            Rejoining of tasks does not work on CallAndWait 
+ XIVY-6072       Bug            p:columnToggler toggles wrong column on click
+ XIVY-6073       Bug            Content and Formatting chooser offers only English locales
+ XIVY-6075       Bug            Variables in external files have encoding issues under windows
+ XIVY-6094       Bug            User search in Cockpit shows wrong users
+ XIVY-6097       Bug            ivy.var in inconsistent state before deploying at design time
+ XIVY-6113       Bug            Editor layout overflows on long WSDL or REST URIs
+ XIVY-6148       Bug            Corrupt Call-Sub element in process if added via Connector-Browser
+ XIVY-6152       Bug            Can't open context menu on ErrorBoundaryEvent
+ XIVY-6159       Bug            DocFactory installer fails with NPE when opening demo process
+ XIVY-6160       Bug            Icons of 'callable sub' rendered as ERROR on IAR project
* XIVY-6184       Bug            Do not show text provided in request URI in error pages
+ XIVY-6233       Bug            Process editor preview in Preferences page does not show any elements
* XIVY-6234       Bug            JSessionId encoded in redirect URL if application home is requested
+ XIVY-6239       Bug            Scrolling in process editor is extreme slow when using mouse wheel
+ XIVY-6247       Bug            deploy.options.yaml as part of an ivy project (iar) is not considered
+ XIVY-6284       Bug            Common java package prefixes are not displayed in Axon Ivy Projects in flat package presentation
+ XIVY-6285       Bug            Timeout while activating PMV during deployment
* XIVY-6302       Bug            Session Pollution (Memory Leak) in HTML Dialogs 
+ XIVY-6303       Bug            Unreadable deploy.options.yaml (no read rights) is deleted but not considered
+ XIVY-6323       Bug            NPE when using non-standard decorator icon in process template
+ XIVY-6358       Bug            Webservice input parameter mapping omits top-level type
+ XIVY-6366       Bug            Global Variables list does not get updated in Cockpit after change when filtered
+ XIVY-6375       Bug            NPE when copying a Rest, WS or DB Call element
+ XIVY-6382       Bug            Can't use OpenAPI inscription of ivy-generated openapi.json
+ XIVY-6393       Bug            DB Inscription connection is broken
+ XIVY-6405       Bug            Slow process engine execution because of thread context logging
+ XIVY-6438       Bug            Console output when migrating an Axon Ivy Engine
+ XIVY-6439       Bug            Migrating CXF web service clients of a running Axon Ivy Engine 
* XIVY-6447       Bug            Write password properties encrypted to app.yaml
+ XIVY-6487       Bug            Project conversion of RestClients from XML to YAML is broken for multiple environments
+ XIVY-6513       Bug            Formats from a migrated engine with legacy projects won't work
+ XIVY-6535       Bug            Generate OpenAPI clients with generic 'allOf' references
+ XIVY-6564       Bug            Be compliant with JDBC Connection and Statement specification
+ XIVY-6601       Bug            M2E NPE after Updating IAR with Maven libs
+ XIVY-6602       Bug            NPE after importing connectivityDemos+Test from Ivy-Samples wizard.
+ XIVY-6607       Bug            Improve Documents API performance if the creator/modifying user does not exist
+ XIVY-6629       Bug            Engine Cockpit: Duplicated Permissions strange grant/deny behavior
+ XIVY-6632       Bug            Engine Cockpit: Configs are not correctly updated if search is active
+ XIVY-6633       Bug            Fix InvalidPathException when loading generic Type
+ XIVY-6650       Bug            REST Client with Apache Connector cannot send POST requests because Content-length is not set
+ XIVY-6651       Bug            Case or task name is too long when using Oracle as system database
+ XIVY-6662       Bug            Primefaces Text Editor requires HTML Sanitizer
+ XIVY-6663       Bug            German and French locales are missing for different Primefaces components like Datepicker
+ XIVY-6675       Bug            Integrity constraint violation exception when setting custom field
+ XIVY-6676       Bug            Designer crash after NPE in Process Editor on macOS
+ XIVY-6690       Bug            Cannot set process element icons with spaces in the image file name
+ XIVY-6708       Bug            Javascript error in primefaces datepicker (Upgrade to Primefaces 7.0.24)
+ XIVY-6737       Bug            Client is not correctly logged in performance log if engine is located behind a reverse proxy
+ XIVY-6756       Bug            Prevent 500 error that can occur on dev-workflow-ui home page
+ XIVY-6763       Bug            RestClient cache uses deprecated feature versions
+ XIVY-6764       Bug            Deploy version 8 ivy project to 9.3 engine throws an NPE
+ XIVY-6766       Bug            Property not found in EL if second char is uppercase
+ XIVY-6805       Bug            Help users to define variables in the variables.yaml
+ XIVY-6806       Bug            Override Definitions Dialog blocks UI
+ XIVY-6814       Bug            CXF Endpoint cache has periodically cache misses which leads to bad performance
+ XIVY-6824       Bug            DocFactory isFormatSupported wrong result if format starts with dot.
+ XIVY-6832       Bug            Developer user may execute system task in Designer if task list is skipped
+ XIVY-6861       Bug            CMS editor should not be override aware
+ XIVY-6911       Bug            Selected cms image in start request custom fields are not resolved correctly
+ XIVY-6927       Bug            Cannot create test project when test project is under a module project
+ XIVY-6941       Bug            IvyProcessTest is failing with error "Could not resolve required dependencies"
+ XIVY-6942       Bug            Remove macro expansion support in RTF files
+ XIVY-6945       Bug            Role members of roles are not deployed correctly on Designer
+ XIVY-6948       Bug            Cannot create rest client on Windows with no internet connection sometimes
+ XIVY-6975       Bug            Custom BpmError message is ignored in Rest Client response code
+ XIVY-7032       Bug            New Project is created with wrong default location
+ XIVY-7142       Bug            Simulate content language in Axon Ivy Designer has no effect
+ XIVY-7164       Bug            References action in Project Tree shows only Project refs
+ XIVY-7184       Bug            404 Error on Backend API in Engine Cockpit if application context is not started yet
+ XIVY-7188       Bug            Two new task mails if a user is deputy and in the same role as another user
+ XIVY-7200       Bug            Webservice Client codegen broken for WSDL path containing whitespaces
+ XIVY-7211       Bug            NullPointerException in WorkflowProcessModelVersion.getStartables()
+ IVYPORTAL-11729 Technical task Adapt fieldset border panel for Portal fieldset
+ IVYPORTAL-11754 Technical task Cannot get creator of Express Workflow
+ IVYPORTAL-11972 Technical task Improve view participant in chat
+ IVYPORTAL-11973 Technical task Improve chat creation
+ IVYPORTAL-11979 Technical task Create example how to change portal style
+ IVYPORTAL-12098 Technical task Rename Adhoc Configuration Task
+ IVYPORTAL-12137 Technical task Show a tooltip to display the role members - SecurityMemberName Component
+ IVYPORTAL-12170 Technical task Streamline 'classes' outputdir of 'maven' and 'designer-jdt' builds
+ IVYPORTAL-12278 Technical task Change position of Export to Excel button in CaseNoteHistory page
+ IVYPORTAL-12310 Technical task Display document file size
+ IVYPORTAL-12381 Technical task Adapt to core changes of CompositeComponentAwareMethodExpr for master
+ IVYPORTAL-12395 Technical task Change label of Start Process button to Start
+ IVYPORTAL-12402 Technical task Do not store JSF Event in a Html Dialog data field or a JSF Bean not bound to request scope for master
+ IVYPORTAL-12477 Technical task Process Name: issue with truncation
+ IVYPORTAL-12842 Technical task Messages on task/case filters work incorrectly
+ IVYPORTAL-12926 Technical task Visibility rule of notes on task/case details
+ IVYPORTAL-12928 Technical task Update document and example for DefaultChart callable process
+ IVYPORTAL-12955 Technical task Adapt to using image cms (not cms Path) in custom field "processImage"
+ IVYPORTAL-9728  Story          Unify Portal Configuration storage
+ IVYPORTAL-9978  Story          Create a User Selection Combobox Component
+ IVYPORTAL-9979  Story          Use new UserQuery API in Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-10789 Story          Create 3 process start widgets for dashboard
+ IVYPORTAL-10791 Story          Full Responsive Support for NewDashboard
+ IVYPORTAL-11394 Story          Analyse and improve Date formating for portal
+ IVYPORTAL-11478 Story          Define Multiple Deputies
+ IVYPORTAL-11519 Story          Update Icons and States in Full Task and Case List
+ IVYPORTAL-11706 Story          Display users in the role for responsible in Task Details
+ IVYPORTAL-11732 Story          Edit ExpiryActivator and Expiry on runtime
+ IVYPORTAL-11766 Story          Enhance visibility of tasks for members of role
+ IVYPORTAL-11845 Story          Enhance Process list with more information page
+ IVYPORTAL-11852 Story          Enhance IconSelection component for Streamline icons
+ IVYPORTAL-11869 Story          Customize global growl message for task with frame-8 dialog
+ IVYPORTAL-11906 Story          Change JSON Configration of task details to the new approach
+ IVYPORTAL-11907 Story          Enhance Case Details Page
+ IVYPORTAL-11908 Story          Change JSON Configuration of case details to the new approach
+ IVYPORTAL-11909 Story          Change JSON Configration of dashboard to the new approach
+ IVYPORTAL-12037 Story          Migrate Portal Configuration stored in business data, user properties
+ IVYPORTAL-12079 Story          Image Process list Mode
+ IVYPORTAL-12084 Story          Improve visibility of history and notes with relations between business case and technical cases
+ IVYPORTAL-12095 Story          Enhance JSON configuration for URL of custom iframe in task details
+ IVYPORTAL-12151 Story          Implement new Axon Ivy logo to all portal related products
+ IVYPORTAL-12179 Story          Display all tasks from disabled users
+ IVYPORTAL-12210 Story          Migrate Portal Configuration stored in application properties
+ IVYPORTAL-12228 Story          Enable Primefaces virus scanning for file upload
+ IVYPORTAL-12443 Story          PortalGroupId variable should be detected automatically
+ IVYPORTAL-12448 Story          End page in Portal is slow
+ IVYPORTAL-12533 Story          Enhance date filter validation
+ IVYPORTAL-12543 Story          Custom widget for Portal Dashboard
+ IVYPORTAL-12557 Story          Enhance HTML Dialog override support
+ IVYPORTAL-12575 Story          Support legacy mode and new dashboard
+ IVYPORTAL-12667 Story          Refactor Widget creation Popup/Panel 
+ IVYPORTAL-12668 Story          Image process start widget for dashboard
+ IVYPORTAL-12681 Story          Save filter for widget
+ IVYPORTAL-12713 Story          Improve performance of new dashboard
+ IVYPORTAL-12006 Bug            Clean process filter after switching mode
+ IVYPORTAL-12077 Bug            Changed portal start - Empty Page after clicking on Show More Link
+ IVYPORTAL-12085 Bug            Related Business Case not visible on Technical Case level
+ IVYPORTAL-12096 Bug            Empty page is displayed when user opens case information in IFrame
+ IVYPORTAL-12148 Bug            Detect date pattern by browser locale with Type DEFAULT
+ IVYPORTAL-12199 Bug            History of case details does not include all DONE tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-12369 Bug            Configuring Error page does not work
+ IVYPORTAL-12386 Bug            Update doc for Process More Information
+ IVYPORTAL-12403 Bug            Drilldown, Go to task list of Task By Expiry chart does not work in Drilldown page
+ IVYPORTAL-12408 Bug            Add example for customizing CaseDetails, TaskDetails page
+ IVYPORTAL-12417 Bug            Fix for Html Dialog Session Polution (Memory Leak)
+ IVYPORTAL-12467 Bug            Update doc for customizing TaskWidget on defaultColumns
+ IVYPORTAL-12478 Bug            Implement script/virus check for the Express Management
+ IVYPORTAL-12481 Bug            Enhance the ShowProcessOverview link in the CaseInformation dialog
+ IVYPORTAL-12483 Bug            TagException on ErrorPage.xhtml - Missing required attribute 'pfException'
+ IVYPORTAL-12546 Bug            Homepage selection always open PortalTemplate components
+ IVYPORTAL-12603 Bug            Fix recursion iframe for Portal error page
+ IVYPORTAL-12742 Bug            Unhandled FacesMessages in task list
+ IVYPORTAL-12834 Bug            Add SNAPSHOT plugin repository to pom files of Portal projects
+ IVYPORTAL-12835 Bug            Portal Case/Task category different with Ivy
+ IVYPORTAL-12846 Bug            Calendar set year 1970 when hide year in Settings is set to true
+ IVYPORTAL-12854 Bug            Portal Global Ajax Exception Handler does not work correctly
+ IVYPORTAL-12857 Bug            Block a frame with origin exception in Portal Iframe template
+ IVYPORTAL-12938 Bug            CSS Variable primary-color is not working

Changes in 9.2.0, 07.04.2021

We suggest to install this release if you are suffering from any of these issues.

+ XIVY-1227       Story          User defined decorator icon on process steps (especially for PI elements)
+ XIVY-2099       Story          Upgrade Hibernate ORM to 5.x and Hibernate Validator to 6.x
+ XIVY-2588       Story          Create new rule call process element
+ XIVY-2757       Story          Explain how to operate a secure Axon.ivy Engine
+ XIVY-2865       Story          Split commons.lib in multiple library bundles
+ XIVY-3007       Story          UI support to send files with the RestClientCall activity
+ XIVY-3015       Story          Change default proxy server forwarding from ajp to url rewrite
+ XIVY-3031       Story          Implement monitoring into Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3209       Story          Remove IvyProject Conversion before 5.0
+ XIVY-3241       Story          Simplify business calendar view in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-3445       Story          Update Drools DRL editor to newest version
+ XIVY-3507       Story          Migrate to new Engine with a simple Setup-Wizard
+ XIVY-3508       Story          Generate POJOs based on REST service meta data 
+ XIVY-3509       Story          Ease selection of resources and methods from OpenAPI services
+ XIVY-3518       Story          Concept how to migrate custom application properties to app.yaml
+ XIVY-3532       Story          Bundled Elasticsearch should be started on Engine if Portal is installed
+ XIVY-3599       Story          Drop legacy jTDS Driver for Microsoft SQL Server
+ XIVY-3601       Story          Research Native Azure Active Directory Support
+ XIVY-3852       Story          Support DMN files for our Rule Engine
+ XIVY-4016       Story          Prototype better business case solution
+ XIVY-4019       Story          Core and project REST services should provide OpenAPI based documentation
+ XIVY-4046       Story          Common approach to handle OAuth2 Rest Clients
+ XIVY-4049       Story          Allow users to define an ICON for Rest Client definitions
+ XIVY-4050       Story          Prototype Connectors marketplace with Designer import capability
+ XIVY-4069       Story          Streamline approach to scan classes: Glassgraph for REST resources
+ XIVY-4077       Story          Add rule engine demo tests
+ XIVY-4148       Story          Show in application tree on the parent if a child is not running or if there are missing dependencies
+ XIVY-4155       Story          Enhance process start with category
+ XIVY-4157       Story          Provide an unique identifier for IWebStartable
+ XIVY-4165       Story          Video tutorial for Testing
+ XIVY-4182       Story          Simplify usage of LDAP(s) connections to Active Directory
+ XIVY-4206       Story          Flag to disable daily synchronization on an external SecuritySystem
+ XIVY-4293       Story          Remove legacy Event Log
+ XIVY-4389       Story          Upgrade Eclipse targetplatfrom to 2021-03
+ XIVY-4392       Story          Remove cluster node configurations from system database
+ XIVY-4393       Story          Upgrade to latest JGroup 5.0
+ XIVY-4443       Story          SSO with OAuth/OpenId and SAML with Keycloak as Idendity Provider demo for docker-samples
+ XIVY-4476       Story          Update ivy-core-thirdparty-libs
+ XIVY-4512       Story          Standard REST serialization feature to ommit NULL values
+ XIVY-4519       Story          Signed to avoid Gatekeeper warnings
+ XIVY-4528       Story          Reliable Inscription Editor on Mac Designer
+ XIVY-4554       Story          Better handling of long user/role property values
+ XIVY-4557       Story          Simplify necessary casts when workings with Ivy.persistence Queries
+ XIVY-4558       Story          Improve SOAP web service lists by displaying main endpoint instead of WSDL URL
+ XIVY-4568       Story          MappingTable for REST activity request-/response- data
+ XIVY-4569       Story          API to read valid OpenAPI schema resource requests
+ XIVY-4607       Story          Move cockpit service monitors to detail view sidebar
+ XIVY-4613       Story          Auto scale values in engine cockpit monitoring graphs
+ XIVY-4618       Story          Remove IIvyProjectClassLoader interfaces
+ XIVY-4651       Story          Provide API to get task of html dialog running in a html frame from outside the html frame (Portal)
+ XIVY-4652       Story          Provide an API to get available custom field names 
+ XIVY-4674       Story          Support baseURL variables when generating Rest Clients
+ XIVY-4678       Story          Support Testing of CallSubs
+ XIVY-4683       Story          Update Aspose to version 20.8
+ XIVY-4689       Story          Hot reload custom log4j2 configuration
+ XIVY-4705       Story          LTS builds must generate a source backup for a software escrow
+ XIVY-4718       Story          Improve Rule API so that rule sessions are cached by default
+ XIVY-4736       Story          Add monitoring (live stats) to cluster view of Cockpit
+ XIVY-4740       Story          UI supported OpenAPI File-Upload
+ XIVY-4769       Story          Provide AssertJ in Test Project by default
+ XIVY-4772       Story          OData integration
+ XIVY-4778       Story          Print current date and time in console log
+ XIVY-4784       Story          Add rule test in rule demos
+ XIVY-4794       Story          Exception when browsing LDAP tree in engine cockpit
+ XIVY-4803       Story          Implement new Business Case Solution
+ XIVY-4809       Story          Provide demo test project in ivy project import
+ XIVY-4813       Story          Provide API to clear RuleExecutor cache
+ XIVY-4837       Story          Expand / Collapse all buttons for trees in the Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-4840       Story          New licence view for the Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-4841       Story          Improve UX for External DB View in the Engine Cockpit
! XIVY-4849       Story          CVE-2020-13943 Apache Tomcat HTTP/2 Request mix-up
+ XIVY-4854       Story          Fix test environment for horizontal scaling
+ XIVY-4868       Story          Easy StandardProcess selector in the cockpit
+ XIVY-4872       Story          Raise serenity version to 2.1.1
+ XIVY-4880       Story          Use adopopenjdk in our engine docker images
+ XIVY-4888       Story          Display mandatory REST parameters in Request Tab
+ XIVY-4899       Story          Remove Start Process Elements out of Database
+ XIVY-4905       Story          Deliver Streamline Icons with the serenity-ivy theme
+ XIVY-4906       Story          Refresh the look of the Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-4975       Story          Integrate dependent maven libraries when creating an ivy archive
+ XIVY-4995       Story          Support maven encrypted passwords for REST deployment
+ XIVY-5001       Story          Custom fields on process starts
+ XIVY-5003       Story          Axon.ivy Market in Designer
+ XIVY-5004       Story          integrate doc-factory as Installable connector
+ XIVY-5005       Story          Integrate UiPath as installable connector
+ XIVY-5006       Story          Integrate MS Graph connector (outlook > calendar, mail, contacts, tasks) by example 
+ XIVY-5007       Story          Integrate Docu-Sign as installable connector
+ XIVY-5008       Story          Promote Market in Designer
+ XIVY-5012       Story          Public 'swagger-ui' to browse our ivy-core REST apis
+ XIVY-5014       Story          Always activate SSL system- and custom trustore
+ XIVY-5026       Story          Smoothly shutdown engine on SIGTERM (CTRL-C in console)
+ XIVY-5041       Story          Bundled JRE for Mac to ease usage
+ XIVY-5042       Story          Market Documentation
+ XIVY-5072       Story          Refresh Twitter-Client as Connector with OpenAPI
+ XIVY-5091       Story          connector-testing: keep connectors stable over time
+ XIVY-5125       Story          Add a sample with adjustable rules to the rules demos
+ XIVY-5140       Story          API to get application configuration property values and meta data 
+ XIVY-5159       Story          Remove Intermediate Event Element out of Database
+ XIVY-5162       Story Connector Review
+ XIVY-5184       Story          Handle completed docuSigned envelopes: JWT auth
+ XIVY-5208       Story          OAuth2: native 'Auth-Code-Flow' without modeling entry/exit points
+ XIVY-5214       Story          Use client properties to craft resource paths
+ XIVY-5266       Story          Simplify appliance of connectors in processes
+ XIVY-5267       Story          Provide System Database Documentation in Engine Guide
+ XIVY-5268       Story          Support PostgreSQL 13
+ XIVY-5292       Story          Merge global variables in variables.yaml
+ XIVY-5294       Story          Make app configuration environment aware
+ XIVY-5364       Story          Properly document how to integrate reverse proxy nginx and apache
+ XIVY-5374       Story          Disable HTTPS port by default on Axon Ivy Engine
+ XIVY-5379       Story          Change style of primefaces fieldset in our serenity-ivy theme
+ XIVY-5387       Story          Restructure engine guide
+ XIVY-5408       Story          Upgrade mysql jdbc driver to 8 and drop support for mysql 5.5
+ XIVY-5409       Story          Propose well known names for custom fields
+ XIVY-5415       Story          List available connectors prominently when creating a new rest-client
+ XIVY-5416       Story          Guide user to create an OpenAPI rest-client directly with a wizard
+ XIVY-5442       Story          Simple Single Sign-on configuration
+ XIVY-5468       Story          Deprecate ICase#ensureBusinessCase
+ XIVY-5521       Story          Release 9.2
+ XIVY-5531       Story          Improve Maven Dependency iar copy
+ XIVY-5537       Story          Improve Icon menu and browser
+ XIVY-5538       Story          Add description to CallSubs parameter and a flag to mark it as connector
+ XIVY-5539       Story          Add decorator icon to webservice and database configuration
+ XIVY-5540       Story          Rollout new product and company name Axon Ivy
+ XIVY-5541       Story          Remove OpenAPI road-blocks for Connector implementors
+ XIVY-5603       Story          Rename GlobalVariables to Variables in app.yaml
+ XIVY-5604       Story          Provide link to server start list on info page
+ XIVY-5847       Story          Deprecate Custom Application Properties API
+ XIVY-5866       Story          Fail clearly with a meaningful message if the spec can not be read as OpenAPI
+ XIVY-5887       Story out of BETA phase
+ XIVY-5904       Story          MigrationTask: frontend properties to baseURL
+ XIVY-2745       Improvement    Upgrade to log4j2
+ XIVY-3581       Improvement    The default filename of a packed ivyProject should be ProjectID-ProjectVersion.iar 
+ XIVY-3670       Improvement    Permissions filtering in Engine Cockpit is confusing
+ XIVY-4587       Improvement    Deprecated flag for CallSubs
+ XIVY-4588       Improvement    Update hibernate that MS SQL 2014 is supported
+ XIVY-4589       Improvement    Db-Step should support MS SQL types such as nvarchar(max)
+ XIVY-4980       Improvement    Clean Name Label for Signature on Start Tab
+ XIVY-5032       Improvement    Designer should allow to export an already packed .iar 
+ XIVY-5139       Improvement    Improve the documentation of JVM memory heap size
+ XIVY-5286       Improvement    Document how to use integrated Security with sqlserver JDBC driver
+ XIVY-5287       Improvement    Improve usersynch.log if the application is deactivated
+ XIVY-3512       Epic           Connect with charm and low code
+ XIVY-4444       Epic           Add support for DMN based rules
+ XIVY-2977       Bug            Integration tests for DocFactory
+ XIVY-3253       Bug            WebService Process is executed even though parameter mapping has failed
+ XIVY-3282       Bug            Can't find repo data after Signal call
+ XIVY-3436       Bug            Global Variables which contains underscores can not be overriden with environment variables
+ XIVY-3515       Bug            Better fieldName suggestion on html dialog creation to prevent JSF 'property not found' exceptions
+ XIVY-3844       Bug            Wrong Hotkeys when selecting Types or Content in some Inscription Masks
+ XIVY-3851       Bug            Prevent that a lot of MissingResourceException are thrown when processing a JSF resource request
+ XIVY-3886       Bug            Performance Log Valve always prints session=null
+ XIVY-4053       Bug            Frequently occurring NPE in ProcessEditor on Mac and sometimes in Windows
+ XIVY-4054       Bug            IllegalArgumentException logged when entering ScriptCellEditor
+ XIVY-4145       Bug            User is not synchronized after failed login
+ XIVY-4152       Bug            Improve DataCache docs regarding valid literals for lifetime and fixed time attributes
+ XIVY-4205       Bug            Disable Task-Mail notifications job for inactive Applications
+ XIVY-4297       Bug            CXF Web Service Client comes in trouble under high pressure
+ XIVY-4309       Bug            Designer Process Performance view cannot go to process element
+ XIVY-4333       Bug            Can't open multiple resources in a row with the Axon Ivy Project navigator
+ XIVY-4446       Bug            NullPointerException when calling Task#canUserResumeTask
+ XIVY-4470       Bug            engine animation speed change throwes an error if you close a project
+ XIVY-4510       Bug            REST activity fails to send query param with dollar sign ($)
+ XIVY-4516       Bug            REST runtime logs do not expose HTTP headers
+ XIVY-4531       Bug            Last InscriptionEditor tab invisible on Mac
+ XIVY-4550       Bug            DB element inscription blocks the UI and occasionally throws OutOfMemoryException
+ XIVY-4555       Bug            NPE in ProcessModelVersion.getProjectUri() if project of pmv is missing
+ XIVY-4559       Bug            Deployment of REST services defined in projects fails if any released PMV has no project
+ XIVY-4561       Bug            REST services returns 204 (NO_CONTENT) if PMV is inactive instead of 503 (SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE)
+ XIVY-4566       Bug            ClassCastException in system event listener after redeployment of project with the listener class
+ XIVY-4586       Bug            Support UserTasks in BpmClient tests
+ XIVY-4590       Bug            temp_folder.listFiles() returns files that are permament 
+ XIVY-4591       Bug            WebServiceStarts are not deployed to BpmProcessTest engine
+ XIVY-4592       Bug            RestServices are not correctly started in BpmProcessTest engine
+ XIVY-4612       Bug            Rest client connection not closed when return type is not set
+ XIVY-4671       Bug            Implementation of JAXB-API not found during WebService Call or WebService Process Service construction
+ XIVY-4682       Bug            Weird log entries if database connection with MS SQL Server Driver is lost during Insert by the database element
+ XIVY-4710       Bug            SingleSignOnValve does not support async request processing
+ XIVY-4711       Bug            Method Recordset.add(CompositeObject) causes WARN logs
+ XIVY-4716       Bug            Error in logs when creating an error report
+ XIVY-4727       Bug            Deployment error while validating User Task
+ XIVY-4738       Bug            Cannot configure empty value for global variables in Cockpit
+ XIVY-4746       Bug            Update javassist to 3.27.0-GA that static mocking with powermock works
+ XIVY-4748       Bug            New Axon Ivy Test Project has wrong Default Namespace
+ XIVY-4801       Bug            Primefaces DataTable: NullPointerException with multiViewState=true
+ XIVY-4818       Bug            Task post-construct code block way too small
+ XIVY-4823       Bug            Including same image multiple times in mail step are shown only once
+ XIVY-4828       Bug            DB Step Element throw error "Cannot evaluate last inserted id" if primary key is not long
+ XIVY-4842       Bug            Fix BusinessData filter API Javadoc
+ XIVY-4867       Bug            Rename deploy option labels in the cockpit
+ XIVY-4877       Bug            Excel export demo don't work with our docker engine
+ XIVY-4887       Bug            Javadoc for IvyScript Number class is wrong for some conversion methods (e.g floatValue)
+ XIVY-4891       Bug            BusinessCalendar fixed days are may be written in wrong format from the core
+ XIVY-4893       Bug            NPE on Engine Cockpit PMV Detail view if required projects has an unspecified version
+ XIVY-4898       Bug            ClassCastException antlr.CommonToken cannot be cast to antlr.Token
+ XIVY-4904       Bug            There could occur an NPE while insert data over the DB Element
+ XIVY-4907       Bug            First Tab occasionally 'blank' on inscription editor
+ XIVY-4909       Bug            Dialog/UserTask present wrong start signature
+ XIVY-4963       Bug            Endless loop in HttpClient Worker Thread with TLS 1.3
+ XIVY-4993       Bug            Propagate reverse proxy URI info to ivy engine
+ XIVY-5013       Bug            Make Axis2 HttpClient Connection pool configurable
+ XIVY-5018       Bug            If pm is deleted which contains required pmvs dependent pmvs aren't correctly updated
+ XIVY-5019       Bug            Html Dialog Validation takes very long
+ XIVY-5020       Bug            Sometimes Ctrl+Space takes very long in the Html Dialog Editor (UI freeze)
+ XIVY-5022       Bug            Html Dialog Editor takes very long in first startup
+ XIVY-5037       Bug            Update statistic reports wrong host name host.docker.internal if Docker for Windows is installed on machine
+ XIVY-5038       Bug            Open Rest Request Inscription fast and async
+ XIVY-5040       Bug            Engine cannot restart same web service start in different apps
+ XIVY-5075       Bug            DB Activity can not deal with Postgres schemas 
+ XIVY-5085       Bug            Copy Paste of Web Service Process Start throws an error
+ XIVY-5131       Bug            Maven-install fails on second attempts in same workspace
+ XIVY-5134       Bug            CMS values lost without feedback on Mac
+ XIVY-5150       Bug            Overrides Editor not displaying it's entries after opening on Mac
+ XIVY-5151       Bug            Override Editor fails to add new overrides without feedback
+ XIVY-5152       Bug            Can not generate OpenAPI client for 'Genesis' swagger-20 definition
+ XIVY-5217       Bug            Task expiry code timeout proposal delivers wrong timestamp
+ XIVY-5239       Bug            Distracting standard output when running @IvyProcessTest 
+ XIVY-5284       Bug            Engine does not start: MBean for parameter object is already registered
+ XIVY-5288       Bug            Can not connect Note to Embedded Subprocess
+ XIVY-5309       Bug            Engine Cockpit can't show more than 3 role hierarchy
+ XIVY-5314       Bug            Cannot reliably sort business data with more than one fields
+ XIVY-5334       Bug            Cockpit: Every test of a External Database blocks a connection
+ XIVY-5341       Bug            Resilient error handling when app.yaml is not well formatted
+ XIVY-5342       Bug            Pre Conditions using BusinessData on CaseMap SideSteps evaluate false
+ XIVY-5345       Bug            OpenApi client with 'yaml' as feed fails on inscription
+ XIVY-5410       Bug            ivyScript File class does not work in process tests (NPE)
+ XIVY-5411       Bug            Migration to 9.1 is failing due constraint violation exception
+ XIVY-5413       Bug            Can not show engine home page
+ XIVY-5454       Bug            NPE when sending task mails
+ XIVY-5460       Bug            Grey process editor on first open
+ XIVY-5467       Bug            Can't use pe:inputPhone
+ XIVY-5505       Bug            Release Notes does not contain all issues
! XIVY-5569       Bug            Deployment Service vulnerable to Path Traversal Attack
! XIVY-5629       Bug            Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.43 to fix CVE-2021-25122
+ XIVY-5630       Bug            ivyProjectTree does not show namespace of dialogs
+ XIVY-5635       Bug            MyFaces throws NullPointerException when using attributes in composite component
+ XIVY-5641       Bug            SYSTEM user gets synched during Task Mail Notification
+ XIVY-5699       Bug            Axon Ivy Engine Docker image has broken package dependencies
+ XIVY-5765       Bug            WS Axis2 calls with insecure SSL setting do not work
+ XIVY-5794       Bug            Theme related web assets (css, images) not refreshed in browser
+ XIVY-5843       Bug            Not all POI libraries on Designer classpath
+ XIVY-5870       Bug            No OpenAPi support in Rest Inscription if element is in dependent project
+ IVYPORTAL-10692 Technical task Add pencil button for inline editing like task priority, expiry,....
+ IVYPORTAL-10804 Technical task My profile optimized for smaller devices
+ IVYPORTAL-10840 Technical task Technical case list in Case Information is different from "Show more technical cases" page 
+ IVYPORTAL-10877 Technical task Delete filter is not back to default filter
+ IVYPORTAL-10878 Technical task TaskAction call many ajax request
+ IVYPORTAL-10889 Technical task Wrong save task filter with state
+ IVYPORTAL-10903 Technical task FindUser api not work correctly if excludeUser greater than 1
+ IVYPORTAL-10937 Technical task Can't redirect to link of 3rd party application
+ IVYPORTAL-10954 Technical task Broken link in document
+ IVYPORTAL-10976 Technical task Update document for Iframe
+ IVYPORTAL-10985 Technical task Update Portal developer guide for CronByGlobalVariableTriggerStartEventBean
+ IVYPORTAL-11015 Technical task Update document: Portal Icons and doc process chain via script
+ IVYPORTAL-11020 Technical task Case details in Case information dialog isn't consistent with case details page
+ IVYPORTAL-11026 Technical task Check and correct log levels
+ IVYPORTAL-11054 Technical task Correct Logentries while executing Express
+ IVYPORTAL-11057 Technical task Enhance Workflow Events Read All link
+ IVYPORTAL-11066 Technical task Information Email step for Express execution is not displayed in process chain
+ IVYPORTAL-11072 Technical task CMS updates
+ IVYPORTAL-11098 Technical task Enhance display style for Roles in Chart filters
+ IVYPORTAL-11130 Technical task Fix scrollbar in case information dialog
+ IVYPORTAL-11136 Technical task Correct selector name for js in Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-11148 Technical task Add Serializable for Beans to avoid Random JSF errors
+ IVYPORTAL-11159 Technical task Process navigate bar not good with 1 or 2 chars
+ IVYPORTAL-11160 Technical task Handle styling issues for case details customization with iFrame in firefox
+ IVYPORTAL-11163 Technical task Method loadSubmenuItemOverride call 2 time when init page
+ IVYPORTAL-11253 Technical task Show Validation Message Wrong on Task/Case Filter when input date "from" larger than date "to"
+ IVYPORTAL-11276 Technical task Task delegation does not work if switching user/role
+ IVYPORTAL-11320 Technical task Portal message is displayed in express form improperly
+ IVYPORTAL-11321 Technical task Improve portal exception handle
+ IVYPORTAL-11344 Technical task Bug when apply Default column config for Case list
+ IVYPORTAL-11395 Technical task Document Portal User guide, small typo
+ IVYPORTAL-11407 Technical task Improve Document component responsiveness
+ IVYPORTAL-11417 Technical task Break long text in custom task/case list fields
+ IVYPORTAL-11428 Technical task Docu Portal Userguide, small typo
+ IVYPORTAL-11430 Technical task Exception when change GUI Chart position
+ IVYPORTAL-11462 Technical task Improve Portal ajax exception dialog
+ IVYPORTAL-11469 Technical task Default show 2 charts in Statistic page
+ IVYPORTAL-11475 Technical task Chart is duplicated after changed language
+ IVYPORTAL-11521 Technical task  Problem with programatically removing roles since Axon.Ivy 8
+ IVYPORTAL-11589 Technical task Improve showcase Process History component, use the reality example instead of Alpha, Beta company
+ IVYPORTAL-11637 Technical task Fix Javascript error "checkUrl is not defined" when opening tasks in IFrame
+ IVYPORTAL-11650 Technical task ProcessHistory component doesn't sort by default field
+ IVYPORTAL-11668 Technical task More header column in CaseList is not align with cell
+ IVYPORTAL-11669 Technical task Task/Case sort by default column does not work
+ IVYPORTAL-11671 Technical task Cannot manage column for Task/Case list if hideWidgetHeader param is true
+ IVYPORTAL-11713 Technical task Missing CMS for compact task list sort field on developer example
+ IVYPORTAL-11728 Technical task Use global variable of JavaScript instead of cookie for session timeout counter
+ IVYPORTAL-11765 Technical task Apply the new BusinessCase concept for Adhoc process
+ IVYPORTAL-11817 Technical task Apply new spelling of Axon Ivy for Portal 9.2
+ IVYPORTAL-11863 Technical task Allow add icon for "Create new Externallink/Express process" form
+ IVYPORTAL-12000 Technical task Add Link description for external link
+ IVYPORTAL-6073  Story          Create property for sorting of task and case
+ IVYPORTAL-6302  Story          Portal Homepage selection in user profile for each profile
+ IVYPORTAL-6370  Story          Forgot Password in portal
+ IVYPORTAL-7984  Story          Excel Export for task and case list
+ IVYPORTAL-8322  Story          Adapt layout for Created / expiry / done information in task and case list
+ IVYPORTAL-9588  Story          Apply HtmlOverride Approach for PortalCustomizations
+ IVYPORTAL-9726  Story          Handle Mobile Design for Substitute UI
+ IVYPORTAL-9978  Story          Create a User Selection Combobox Component
+ IVYPORTAL-9979  Story          Use new UserQuery API in Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-10047 Story          No access message instead of login form for SSO
+ IVYPORTAL-10235 Story          Enhance Navigation from a task inside the "Case Information" 
+ IVYPORTAL-10530 Story          Adapt unassigned task in Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-10555 Story          Enhance "Show business details" link to support start in IFrame
+ IVYPORTAL-10557 Story          Adapt new Shadow style for Portal component
+ IVYPORTAL-10584 Story          Create "Full Mode Process List" 
+ IVYPORTAL-10674 Story          General Settings in MyProfile
+ IVYPORTAL-10810 Story          Grid CSS in Iframe is not responsive
+ IVYPORTAL-10890 Story          Update business user document for LE
+ IVYPORTAL-10946 Story          Adjust scope of global configuration (app, settings, announcement) 
+ IVYPORTAL-10956 Story          Enhance usage of portal in Cluster environment
+ IVYPORTAL-10961 Story          Enhance visibility of technical tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-11025 Story          Create a chooser Component to select a role 
+ IVYPORTAL-11028 Story          Remove multiapp implementation
+ IVYPORTAL-11031 Story          Support skip task list for tasks in iFrame
+ IVYPORTAL-11076 Story          Enhance delegation with a comment
+ IVYPORTAL-11106 Story          Portal Homepage selection in user profile for each user
+ IVYPORTAL-11201 Story          Enhance Naming of Statistics - Multilingual support
+ IVYPORTAL-11206 Story          Add the "completed on" date column and also filter on Task list
+ IVYPORTAL-11263 Story          Keep chat notification after restarting engine
+ IVYPORTAL-11350 Story          Add a link to case details in our standard growl messages
+ IVYPORTAL-11389 Story          Duration of cases and tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-11422 Story          User Favorites in Portal - Multilingual
+ IVYPORTAL-11473 Story          Store favorite processes without links of processes
+ IVYPORTAL-11477 Story          Add Category in Task and case list
+ IVYPORTAL-11507 Story          New Task Details style
+ IVYPORTAL-11508 Story          New colors for statistic charts
+ IVYPORTAL-11509 Story          Refactor left Menu - Improvements
+ IVYPORTAL-11518 Story          Improve documentation - List of supported methods 
+ IVYPORTAL-11525 Story          New Case Details style
+ IVYPORTAL-11594 Story          Sticky sort in same session for task list, case list, dashboard
+ IVYPORTAL-11023 Bug            Group chat list not updated
+ IVYPORTAL-11056 Bug            Height of User Default Process is not good
+ IVYPORTAL-11104 Bug            Improve the iframe area of portal. high and width
+ IVYPORTAL-11167 Bug            Not match announcement
+ IVYPORTAL-11514 Bug            Session Expiry when using IFrame
+ IVYPORTAL-11523 Bug            Improve: save task filter 
+ IVYPORTAL-11536 Bug            Improve TaskTemplate-8 - java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException"
+ IVYPORTAL-11615 Bug            Express task - Selection Date component is broken
+ IVYPORTAL-11616 Bug            Start Adhoc task - a growl message is throwing with error type
+ IVYPORTAL-11660 Bug            Fix alignment in Express
+ IVYPORTAL-11784 Bug            Growl Message for express user task with email do not show error
+ IVYPORTAL-11801 Bug            Bug Express - Able to start
+ IVYPORTAL-11842 Bug            Values of SideSteps are NOT updated with skipping TaskList in CaseMap

Changes in 9.1.0, 05.08.2020

We suggest to install this release if you are suffering from any of these issues.

+ XIVY-4473       Technical task Cms tree in linux always disapearing in dark mode
+ XIVY-494        Story          Simply setup of test environment in a new or (existing) ivy project
+ XIVY-622        Story          Introduce a TEST-IAR lifecycle with good default goal executions for integration test projects
+ XIVY-1260       Story          Mapping function Recordset.toList(Class<T>) : List<T>
+ XIVY-1606       Story          Support custom annotation processors like Lombok
+ XIVY-1919       Story          Mock Support for Activities
+ XIVY-2275       Story          Provide a virgin engine to run integration-tests on it
+ XIVY-2946       Story          Understandable error message if BusinessCaseData is saved to a non persistent Business Case
+ XIVY-2965       Story          Toolsupport to create IvyTestProject in designer
+ XIVY-2982       Story          Include Mavenizer into the product
+ XIVY-3123       Story          Validate ivy scriptlets with maven in complex applications
+ XIVY-3138       Story          Expose Java Warnings detected during ivy project build
+ XIVY-3147       Story          Transform release documents to readthedocs
+ XIVY-3157       Story          Streamline JUNIT 5 based Test usage and architecture
+ XIVY-3198       Story          Support new Project On-Boarding features of Eclipse 2019-03
+ XIVY-3256       Story          Query API to search users
+ XIVY-3344       Story          Disable users instead of deleting them when user will be synchronized
+ XIVY-3372       Story          Self managed users in a managed security system
+ XIVY-3389       Story          Upgrade hsqldb to 2.5.0
+ XIVY-3418       Story          Automatically add override project configuration to designer app yaml
+ XIVY-3432       Story          Use external identifier (AD: objectGUID, ND: guid) to synchronize external users 
+ XIVY-3448       Story          State of the art IvyProjectTree: fast & featured
+ XIVY-3450       Story          Prototype how to run process tests
+ XIVY-3451       Story          Support Ivy.* API in Tests
+ XIVY-3452       Story          Write unit test for our workflow demos to learn what infrastructure is needed 
+ XIVY-3453       Story          Document how to run UI tests with maven and Axon.ivy
+ XIVY-3465       Story          Provide an API to synch a single user with the external security system
+ XIVY-3466       Story          Support SVG images in CMS
+ XIVY-3467       Story          Sticky hint on engine cockpit if a restart is needed
+ XIVY-3470       Story          Improve Setup Wizard
+ XIVY-3477       Story          Simplify HtmlPageToMailConverter
+ XIVY-3479       Story          HTTP deployment to app 'System' as bad default
+ XIVY-3484       Story          Prototype: Every ivy application is a Tomcat webapp
+ XIVY-3486       Story          Official support for Windows Server 2019
+ XIVY-3494       Story          BusinessCaseData demo park task with data in WorkflowDemos
+ XIVY-3501       Story          Support Swimlanes for BPMN Export
+ XIVY-3503       Story          Improve Task- and CaseQuery Performance by improving workflow data model
+ XIVY-3516       Story          BPMN Export with connector labels
+ XIVY-3524       Story          Support Microsoft SQL Server 2019
! XIVY-3528       Story          Possible Security leak in static pages
+ XIVY-3530       Story          Default Html Dialog theme that is easy to customize and good looking by default 
+ XIVY-3535       Story          Add new APIs to easily iterate over large datasets 
+ XIVY-3538       Story          Improve security concept for static pages
+ XIVY-3556       Story          Upgrade eclipse targetplatform to 2020-03
+ XIVY-3557       Story          Switch Axon.ivy Project Tree to Eclipse navigator framework
+ XIVY-3562       Story          API sugar to ease writing BpmClient tests
+ XIVY-3563       Story          Automated deployment of required projects
+ XIVY-3564       Story          Provide BpmClient with an OSGi instance of the ivy-core
+ XIVY-3565       Story          Provide valid Testing classpath to run BpmClient tests
+ XIVY-3566       Story          Document how to run BPM.exec tests in Axon.ivy
+ XIVY-3567       Story          Filter and order users by display name
+ XIVY-3568       Story          Provide new IvyWebTest artifact
+ XIVY-3573       Story          Ensure that mail notification works with a lot of users
+ XIVY-3574       Story          Share demo projects on GitHub
+ XIVY-3576       Story          Provide visualvm plugin in the Axon.ivy Market
+ XIVY-3578       Story          Include portal-user-examples in demo portal app
+ XIVY-3584       Story          Remove legacy data from RichDialog Interface Descriptor
+ XIVY-3585       Story          Remove irritating db drivers logs in engine start
+ XIVY-3588       Story          Enhance Axon.ivy Project Navigator
+ XIVY-3590       Story          Enhance UserQuery with grouping and global query executor
+ XIVY-3591       Story          Provide information about the communication with the external mail server over JMX
+ XIVY-3592       Story          Support workstation for NTLM Authentication in CXF Web Service Client
+ XIVY-3597       Story          Provide Apache http as connection provider for CXF Web Service Calls
+ XIVY-3603       Story          Rules as first class citizens in the Axon.ivy Project Navigator
+ XIVY-3604       Story          Prototype: Every ivy application is a Tomcat webapp ||
+ XIVY-3614       Story          Provide a LdapBrowser in the Cockpit
+ XIVY-3690       Story          Deprecate the web service client AXIS stack
+ XIVY-3718       Story          Support more than one required projects level and ivy archives
+ XIVY-3726       Story          Introduce new versioning concept for LE and LTS versions
+ XIVY-3738       Story          Show Project Library version for PMVs
+ XIVY-3748       Story          Add loading icon to Html Dialog templates
+ XIVY-3754       Story          Business Process Testing Findings
+ XIVY-3765       Story          Every ivy application is a Tomcat webapp 
+ XIVY-3854       Story          User friendly default error pages
+ XIVY-3866       Story          Provide Public API to create URIs
+ XIVY-3867       Story          Streamline Uri's
+ XIVY-3870       Story          Support IAR binaries on JDT runtime classpath
+ XIVY-3872       Story          Provide easy to use API to test a process with multiple tasks
+ XIVY-3875       Story          Add MBean browser and Chart to Monitor section of Cockpit
+ XIVY-3982       Story          Allow users to set External DB driver properties in Cockpit
+ XIVY-3985       Story          Improve performance and memory consumption of user synch
+ XIVY-4014       Story          Cache REST client to improve performance
+ XIVY-4040       Story          Improve performance of (yaml) file based Configuration API
+ XIVY-4045       Story          Unassigned Tasks for disabled users
+ XIVY-4065       Story          Do not log web service process start and stops in runtime log 
+ XIVY-4068       Story          Deterministic daily job executions
+ XIVY-4075       Story          Add support report feature to the cockpit
+ XIVY-4079       Story          Unplug Subversion Client Subclipse from Designer
+ XIVY-4081       Story          Upgrade eclipse target platform to 2020-06
+ XIVY-4083       Story          Cleanup webapps directory
+ XIVY-4084       Story          Speed up role synch of user synch
+ XIVY-4085       Story          Read nested groups on user synch with one query from Active Directory
+ XIVY-4158       Story          (Prepare) Release 9.1
+ XIVY-4160       Story          Show PMV dependencies in Cockpit 
+ XIVY-4196       Story          Restyle filter concept for all table views in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-4207       Story          Pack internal faces-config.xml into jar
+ XIVY-4241       Story          Upgrade JAX-RS REST library Jersey to 2.31
+ XIVY-4246       Story          Switching from external security system to internal security system
! XIVY-4440       Story          Upgrade Tomcat to fix CVE-2020-13935
+ XIVY-4466       Story          Upgrade CXF to 3.3.7
+ XIVY-3381       Improvement    Override feature for a whole process to define the case scope
+ XIVY-3583       Improvement    Detoxify the engine info page
+ XIVY-3609       Improvement    Update Axon.ivy engine debian package always faces change in ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-3779       Improvement    Enhance core config api to check if restart is needed
+ XIVY-3857       Improvement    SystemDb should not run unnecessary ContentConversions
+ XIVY-4296       Improvement    DocFactory provides a CallSubprocess that expands nested objects.
+ XIVY-4327       Improvement    Update environment overview in documentation
+ XIVY-2221       Bug            JUNIT runtime classpath in Designer
+ XIVY-2397       Bug            Maven project build plugin does not work if engine directory is not writable
+ XIVY-2996       Bug            Can not separate test and normal classes with project-build-plugin
+ XIVY-3189       Bug            New process start not found without engine restart in designer
+ XIVY-3295       Bug            CaseMap (start) is not removed from Engine if it is deleted from Project in Designer
* XIVY-3351       Bug            Synch user at login with single sign-on
+ XIVY-3356       Bug            Do not process error pages after rest provider exception
+ XIVY-3378       Bug            Deployment fails when Global Variables are configured in yaml
+ XIVY-3405       Bug            Execution of method was not successful in Html Dialog
+ XIVY-3426       Bug            Rule Beans can't generate DMN due to JAXB
+ XIVY-3440       Bug            errorPage.getLocale() throws NPE in ErrorPage
+ XIVY-3441       Bug            Engine logs invisible in maven console out
+ XIVY-3468       Bug            Style of html dialog looks strange after change in HtmlDialog UI Editor on Windows
+ XIVY-3442       Bug            Rule Beans decision table minimized after added column
+ XIVY-3444       Bug            ViewExpiredException when user from other app in same browser logs out
+ XIVY-3449       Bug            project build plugin excludes compiled classes dir from IAR if set to 'target/classes '
+ XIVY-3472       Bug            Can not see second input parameter on Callable Subprocess Start
* XIVY-3473       Bug            No administrators after migrating from 7 to 8
! XIVY-3474       Bug            Passwords of new administrators will not be hashed in ivy.yaml
* XIVY-3476       Bug            Process start links broken (view expired) when called from third party site
+ XIVY-3478       Bug            Properties in Web Service Call Activity Request not visible
+ XIVY-3481       Bug            Error 'Attachment download failed for url' when engine sends task notification mails
+ XIVY-3482       Bug            SVG images appears as attachment in task notification mails
+ XIVY-3485       Bug            Reordering of Alternative Gateway conditions not working in embeded subprocess
+ XIVY-3488       Bug            Task notification mail is not nicely formatted
+ XIVY-3489       Bug            Configuration prints warn logs on SecuritySystem#MAP if DefaultContext has commas
+ XIVY-3490       Bug            Designer freeze if Html content in CMS is opened
+ XIVY-3491       Bug            Change location of custom jsf error pages
+ XIVY-3495       Bug            Ivy Components not updated after project dependency change
+ XIVY-3496       Bug            Undo throws error if the last action was an Alternative Gateway condition reordering
+ XIVY-3497       Bug            Oracle System Database creation is wrong
+ XIVY-3499       Bug            Cut off SWT tables on Windows
+ XIVY-3500       Bug            BPMN exporter wrong label positions on
+ XIVY-3502       Bug            Demo Project Import failure
+ XIVY-3505       Bug            Deployment REST API ignores deploy.options.yaml in zip
+ XIVY-3506       Bug            CaseQuery order descriptions not working with OracleDb, HsqlDb and MSSql
+ XIVY-3510       Bug            Remote debugging does not work if enabled in jvm.options file
+ XIVY-3511       Bug            SSO does not work with AJP with the default configuration
+ XIVY-3513       Bug            Initial Oracle startup fails while content conversion
+ XIVY-3514       Bug            Process Templates loose icon after designer restart
+ XIVY-3517       Bug            Update debian package dependecies to java 11
+ XIVY-3519       Bug            Could not find any registered converter-class in Axon.ivy Designer
+ XIVY-3523       Bug            Licence file loading problems not reported in Log
+ XIVY-3526       Bug            Fix Runtimelog for MAC Designer
+ XIVY-3533       Bug            IvyComponents not sorted alphabetically in HtmlDialog Toolbar
+ XIVY-3536       Bug            NPE on Maven 'update project' if an packed '.iar' project is in the workspace
+ XIVY-3541       Bug            Synchronize User does not respect deleted users for license check when creating new users
+ XIVY-3544       Bug            Error in Log when deploying over REST
+ XIVY-3546       Bug            Support undefined names in CXF WebServiceClient generation
+ XIVY-3547       Bug            Web Service Client Generation can not handle url parameters
+ XIVY-3549       Bug            Thirdparty java libraries can not be resolved in dependent project if required project is packed
+ XIVY-3550       Bug            Custom Field Table Editor is hiding first line
+ XIVY-3555       Bug            Process Data Validator only respects ivy data classes
+ XIVY-3559       Bug            Can not start process in designer if web browser view is closed
+ XIVY-3560       Bug            Counting license users triggered by VisualVM Plugin can stale engine with lots of users
+ XIVY-3571       Bug            Can not load rules from new excel (xlsx) documents
+ XIVY-3575       Bug            Can not pass null to method start events of Html Dialog
+ XIVY-3577       Bug            Can not reference to xhtml template in folder webContent/view
+ XIVY-3579       Bug            Re-deployment of a taskswitch gateway corrupts system-db
+ XIVY-3582       Bug            Streamline ivy.webserver.yaml connector defaults with tomcat properties
+ XIVY-3586       Bug            CXF WebService client generation causes compile error
+ XIVY-3587       Bug            Designer starts with error message if casemap is in workspace
+ XIVY-3589       Bug            NPE on Engine start if project files are missing for dependencies
+ XIVY-3594       Bug             Engine can not be started sometimes because of PersitentObjectDeletedException
! XIVY-3598       Bug            AJP vulnerabilty Ghostcat (CVE-2020-1938)
+ XIVY-3605       Bug            Counting license users triggered by AD import or user creation can stale engine with lots of users
+ XIVY-3741       Bug            Redirect to Standard Pages when in Frame
+ XIVY-3773       Bug            Maven build plugin copies engine without same file permissions
+ XIVY-3774       Bug            Maven build plugin logs strange warning about deploy directory 
+ XIVY-3780       Bug            Prevent that a lot of IllegalArgumentException are thrown and catched in normal program flow while rendering JSF resources
+ XIVY-3849       Bug            Rest Client WebTarget fails with Error when being reused
+ XIVY-3850       Bug            Simplify licence model and introduce a new licence 9.x
+ XIVY-3869       Bug            Errors like StackOverflowError are wrapped into PersistencyException and may lead to database connection leaks
+ XIVY-3871       Bug            Re-deployment of multi IAR ZIP file may not re-deploy all IARs
+ XIVY-3884       Bug            JSF Managed Bean Name not the same on Designer and Engine if class name starts with two upper case letters
+ XIVY-3888       Bug            REST activity call fails: missing truststore on MAC Designer
+ XIVY-3946       Bug            Project REST resources are not accessible > 404 error
+ XIVY-3956       Bug            Process Editor default zoom way too small on MAC Designer
+ XIVY-3975       Bug            ivy.html.startInFrameRef generates corrupt urls
+ XIVY-3979       Bug            Can't see sources while debugging with IAR in workspace
+ XIVY-3995       Bug            Single IAR deployments are silently ignored
+ XIVY-4009       Bug            Poor engine class-scanning performance when using PACKED pmv file format
+ XIVY-4023       Bug            External Browser opens many tabs in a row on Engine Start
+ XIVY-4024       Bug            Debug View always PopUp when ivyEngines are started
+ XIVY-4031       Bug            Unexpected error when creating new APP
+ XIVY-4055       Bug            AWT Thread blocked when jumping to referenced process on Mac
+ XIVY-4059       Bug            Allow users to use AJP with HTTPS on the frontend webserver
+ XIVY-4076       Bug            Remove error report servlet from core
+ XIVY-4080       Bug            Cockpit needs very long time to load roles and roles of users if there are more than 10'000 roles
+ XIVY-4118       Bug            Session-Leak with REST Services over IIS/SSO
+ XIVY-4135       Bug            WebApp classloader clash on engine migrated from 7.0
+ XIVY-4147       Bug            Support MSSQL instance name with non JDTS driver
+ XIVY-4159       Bug            Application overview not displayed due to NPE
+ XIVY-4161       Bug            Designer process reporting fails and aborts report creation
+ XIVY-4166       Bug            Yaml template links not resolved in our public Docs
+ XIVY-4194       Bug            ProcessSearch broken after handling in memory search hits
+ XIVY-4197       Bug            Can't launch RequestStart in EmbeddedSub with Designer
+ XIVY-4199       Bug            Absolute uris generated in static xhtml pages broken
+ XIVY-4240       Bug            Starts in embedded subs of user dialog logic can not be found
+ XIVY-4249       Bug            NullPointerException when opening External Case Map Editor
+ XIVY-4283       Bug            Show growls for engine cockpit action errors instead of error page
+ XIVY-4295       Bug            Support annotation associations for BPMN Export
+ XIVY-4303       Bug            Special characters wrongfully URL encrypted in Engine Cockpit redirects
+ XIVY-4378       Bug            Bad performance when create a rule session of a rule base the first time
+ XIVY-4387       Bug            BasicWFUI CaseDetail Page does not implement "Show System Tasks" option
+ XIVY-4390       Bug            SystemDatabase overview in Engine-Cockpit checks connection initial with empty password
+ XIVY-4426       Bug            Reduce swallow letters in some search inputs in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-4441       Bug            HTML Dialogs should be good looking on mobile too
+ XIVY-4478       Bug            OutOfMemory Exception when calling IWorkflowContext.getRunningCasesCount(IProcessModelVersion)
+ XIVY-4504       Bug            Infopage shows error "Parameter cms must not be null" if file resouces of app with casemaps is not available
+ XIVY-4515       Bug            REST activity does not show active POST method
+ IVYPORTAL-9469  Technical task One more configuration level for IFrame: Server level + update Portal doc
+ IVYPORTAL-9506  Technical task Consolidate task and case action button
+ IVYPORTAL-9672  Technical task Statistic do not update when changed language II
+ IVYPORTAL-9685  Technical task [BUG] Mandatory validation missing when add note
+ IVYPORTAL-9690  Technical task Case Description in CaseList it not consistent with Task Description in TaskList
+ IVYPORTAL-9694  Technical task Broken UI in Case details with lots of technical case
+ IVYPORTAL-9698  Technical task [BUG] Wrong extension detection in Express Management
+ IVYPORTAL-9701  Technical task Enhance Case note with multi line
+ IVYPORTAL-9710  Technical task Cannot import Express with umlaut characters
+ IVYPORTAL-9729  Technical task Label Favourites (GB) vs Favorites (US)
+ IVYPORTAL-9761  Technical task Note is not updated when added (First task)
+ IVYPORTAL-9762  Technical task Make "No sidestep" message unclickable
+ IVYPORTAL-9849  Technical task Minor Improvement for mobile II
+ IVYPORTAL-9853  Technical task [BUG] Open wrong task
+ IVYPORTAL-9854  Technical task Should not let user create adhoc task for first task (CREATED state) II
+ IVYPORTAL-9875  Technical task [BUG] header of Process History has wrong position after sort
+ IVYPORTAL-9919  Technical task [BUG] "Back" button don't show on case details page
+ IVYPORTAL-9923  Technical task Incorrect Date time of done task (Task Note)
+ IVYPORTAL-9924  Technical task Process Owner list is not correct after saving express workflow
+ IVYPORTAL-9939  Technical task [UI] Some tables not aligned on small screen
+ IVYPORTAL-9940  Technical task [UI] Remove unnecessary white space of Task/Case Details on small screen
+ IVYPORTAL-9941  Technical task Broken UI in case list with long description case
+ IVYPORTAL-9955  Technical task Hide Process navigation letter on horizontal screen of very short height screen 
+ IVYPORTAL-9967  Technical task [BUG] - Clean up obsoleted data deletes wrong UserFavorites process
+ IVYPORTAL-9973  Technical task Broken UI on Related task and case
+ IVYPORTAL-10031 Technical task [Bug]  Break UI announcement 
+ IVYPORTAL-10034 Technical task [BUG] Redundance tooltip when delete document
+ IVYPORTAL-10035 Technical task Missing validation for max-length of chart name in Create new statistic page
+ IVYPORTAL-10052 Technical task Remove "views" in and update migration note
+ IVYPORTAL-10061 Technical task [Bug] Category Filter not update after change language
+ IVYPORTAL-10077 Technical task Update layout for Casemap II
+ IVYPORTAL-10078 Technical task Add End page for examples in portal-user-examples II
+ IVYPORTAL-10111 Technical task Reduce width for Document component columns
+ IVYPORTAL-10129 Technical task Enhance changing language
+ IVYPORTAL-10135 Technical task Show All Steps for Process Chain in iFrame
+ IVYPORTAL-10150 Technical task Remove poi-ooxml dependency
+ IVYPORTAL-10151 Technical task Fix Portal Warnings
+ IVYPORTAL-10152 Technical task Check and remove obsolete Portal cookies
+ IVYPORTAL-10200 Technical task [BUG] - White list extension property work incorrectly with empty value
+ IVYPORTAL-10315 Technical task [BUG] Error message on already started task II
+ IVYPORTAL-10334 Technical task [BUG] Express final review task goes to Express End page when user clicks Cancel
+ IVYPORTAL-10363 Technical task Breadcrumb issue (from Breadcrumb story)
+ IVYPORTAL-10379 Technical task Changing task expiry date fails but not show validation message
+ IVYPORTAL-10390 Technical task Technical case list in Case Details is different from "Show more technical cases" page 
+ IVYPORTAL-10414 Technical task [BUG] Error message in absence dialog is duplicated
+ IVYPORTAL-10428 Technical task Fix Class cast exception for Document features (Multi-app)
+ IVYPORTAL-10445 Technical task Back button on Task Details cannot work after cancelled task II
+ IVYPORTAL-10446 Technical task Remove obsolete portal-components.js II
+ IVYPORTAL-10478 Technical task Enhance Environment component style
+ IVYPORTAL-10480 Technical task Add new GUI Test for Back Button in Task/Case details
+ IVYPORTAL-10529 Technical task [BUG] height of main content with header & footer auto minimized when resize
+ IVYPORTAL-10535 Technical task Adapt Application name validate when add new application
+ IVYPORTAL-10540 Technical task [BUG] Task filter displays wrong saved task responsible
+ IVYPORTAL-10542 Technical task NPE when uncheck then select a selected case filter
+ IVYPORTAL-10554 Technical task Adapt Manage Columns in Task Analysis
+ IVYPORTAL-10583 Technical task Update UI when don't have any document, note
+ IVYPORTAL-10597 Technical task Chat panel is obscured by Header and Footer component
+ IVYPORTAL-10607 Technical task Incorrect user order in dropdown II
+ IVYPORTAL-10619 Technical task Update document for My Profile page
+ IVYPORTAL-10637 Technical task Reset task/case filter button is not shown after changing filter values
+ IVYPORTAL-10642 Technical task Hide search input and create external process link in global search result
+ IVYPORTAL-10665 Technical task Case and Task Details do not scroll smoothly (Mobile)
+ IVYPORTAL-10667 Technical task Scroll issue with Portal 8 + 9
+ IVYPORTAL-10668 Technical task Task list and case list missing scroll when have lots of task,case
+ IVYPORTAL-10682 Technical task Display wrong task priority
+ IVYPORTAL-10686 Technical task Cannot remove filter in task analysis 
+ IVYPORTAL-10746 Technical task Responsive dialog small ui bugs II
+ IVYPORTAL-10750 Technical task Enhance Documentation related to AdHoc II
+ IVYPORTAL-10751 Technical task Minor UI bugs II
+ IVYPORTAL-10757 Technical task Broken UI when change state filter in task list, case list
+ IVYPORTAL-10792 Technical task Black icon in express
+ IVYPORTAL-10803 Technical task Cannot sort column (Related technical case page)
+ IVYPORTAL-10830 Technical task Broken responsive in ProcessHistoryComponent
+ IVYPORTAL-10859 Technical task Fix bug TaskFilterData cannot be cast II
+ IVYPORTAL-10865 Technical task Add loading icon to Html Dialog templates II
+ IVYPORTAL-10866 Technical task Disable Delegate, Add Adhoc for READY_FOR_JOIN task II
+ IVYPORTAL-10867 Technical task Add "Clear the delay" action in task action for DELAYED task II
+ IVYPORTAL-6301  Story          Consolidate Email Settings and Language Settings in 1 Settings Menu
+ IVYPORTAL-7219  Story          Create Configuration File for Developers - PortalSettings and Global Variables
+ IVYPORTAL-7933  Story          Handle the breadcrumb menu in the portal
+ IVYPORTAL-8207  Story          Express - handle Read Only view
+ IVYPORTAL-8412  Story          Select all button in Task/Case Category Filter
+ IVYPORTAL-8673  Story          Environment handling for express II
+ IVYPORTAL-9598  Story          Enhance process List - Creating and Categorization II
+ IVYPORTAL-9625  Story          Improve Standard Growl Messages after Tasks and Process creation II
+ IVYPORTAL-9629  Story          New PortalExamples Project for Business users
+ IVYPORTAL-9732  Story          Priorization of SASS CSS entries to low
+ IVYPORTAL-9735  Story          Configurable Environment Info
+ IVYPORTAL-9763  Story          Improve Task analysis feature and performance II
+ IVYPORTAL-9764  Story          Improve Absences Management II
+ IVYPORTAL-9787  Story          Automate updating Portal document images
+ IVYPORTAL-9789  Story          Make dialog responsive
+ IVYPORTAL-9944  Story          Destroy case in case details
+ IVYPORTAL-9978  Story          Create a User Selection Combobox Component II
+ IVYPORTAL-9979  Story          Use UserQuery API II
+ IVYPORTAL-10049 Story          Transparency about PMV in Version Info Dialog
+ IVYPORTAL-10058 Story          Enhance TaskTemplate and iframeTemplate
+ IVYPORTAL-10069 Story          Harmonise visibility for statistics according to "normal" permissions
+ IVYPORTAL-10071 Story          Improve hide system tasks from history
+ IVYPORTAL-10132 Story          Query user by global executor  and filter/order display name
+ IVYPORTAL-10140 Story          Refactor Growl message
+ IVYPORTAL-10159 Story          Handle the breadcrumb menu in the portal II
+ IVYPORTAL-10209 Story          Placeholders in header and footer 
+ IVYPORTAL-10227 Story          Show/hide document component in task detail/case detail
+ IVYPORTAL-10228 Story          Improve Displaying logged in user
+ IVYPORTAL-10233 Story          Portal overlay Guide - The first time a user is logged in
+ IVYPORTAL-10236 Story          Enhance visibility of tasks and cases depending on permissions
+ IVYPORTAL-10245 Story          Portal User Example Guide 
+ IVYPORTAL-10252 Story          Adapt Portal url changes II
+ IVYPORTAL-10305 Story          PortalSetting for Global search
+ IVYPORTAL-10306 Story          Enhance visibility of case owner
+ IVYPORTAL-10340 Story          Adapt new disable/enable mechanism of IUser
+ IVYPORTAL-10341 Story          Adapt new mechanism to use external identifier to synchronize external users
+ IVYPORTAL-10353 Story          Portal Multi App with Class Cast Exception
+ IVYPORTAL-10396 Story          Enhance visibility of tasks and cases for Administrator in portal
+ IVYPORTAL-10416 Story          Portal uses the standard ivy Theme for portal II
+ IVYPORTAL-10417 Story          Adapt Link Colours and Task widget colours II
+ IVYPORTAL-10641 Story          Update Portal documentation before release 9.1
+ IVYPORTAL-10651 Story          Provide a param to set isWorkingOnATask 
+ IVYPORTAL-10771 Story          Improve IFrames Recognition
+ IVYPORTAL-10824 Story          Adapt Task/CaseQuery for filtering user, role
+ IVYPORTAL-10842 Story          Enhance Buttons in Portal II
+ IVYPORTAL-7778  Bug            Error when clean up obsolete data
+ IVYPORTAL-9453  Bug            Inconsistent Behaviour Case Details and related tasks and cases
+ IVYPORTAL-9730  Bug            Saved filter is not reseted after changing filters
+ IVYPORTAL-9745  Bug            Filter in Task list - Responsible not considered correctly. 
+ IVYPORTAL-10065 Bug            Improve document symbol in case details
+ IVYPORTAL-10128 Bug            Permission UserCreateSubstitute not respected in add absence dialog
+ IVYPORTAL-10214 Bug            Navigation technical case back to business case
+ IVYPORTAL-10351 Bug            Portal chat doesn't work with load balance
+ IVYPORTAL-10563 Bug            Portal totally blocked due to parallel request from Chat and XHR II

Changes in, 04.12.2019

This is a Long Term Support version.

We strongly recommend to install this release because it fixes security issues!

Axon.ivy Core:
- Java 11
- New WebService client tooling (CXF)
- Custom Fields for Tasks and Cases
- Html Dialog Override support
- New documentation format (Read the Docs)

Axon.ivy Designer:
- New 8.0 Branding (splashscreen, icon, theme, etc.)
- Primefaces Serenity as new default Html Dialog theme
- Based on Eclipse 2019-09
- Customizable, with support for Eclipse Marketplace and Git
- Native Mac and GTK3 support

Axon.ivy Engine:
- New license needed (license version 8000)
- Installable as Debian package
- Run in a Docker container
- Highly configurable with .yaml files
- New Engine Cockpit (JSF based) that replaces the old AdminUi (RIA based) 

8.0 includes all new features introduced with the following Leading Edge versions: 7.1, 7.2, 7.2.1, 7.3, 7.3.1 and 7.4!

+ XIVY-26        Story          Change security system of application
+ XIVY-125       Story          Change default log level of Axon.ivy Engine to WARN
+ XIVY-349       Story          Renew/Change the session ID after login
+ XIVY-620       Story          Deploy full application ZIP
+ XIVY-621       Story          Create a new application at deploy time
+ XIVY-623       Story          HTTP deployments to a remote engine using Maven or curl
+ XIVY-624       Story          Deploy options in deploy-iar goal to control re-deployment
+ XIVY-929       Story          Simple import/download of Portal/Sample projects 
+ XIVY-1049      Story          Provide atomic operations for case and task (custom) properties
+ XIVY-1115      Story          Store and access ivy projects as single IAR file on the engine
+ XIVY-1168      Story          REST Client should consider SSL Client settings of Designer and Server when using https
+ XIVY-1183      Story          Calling REST Service from browser that already owns an authenticated ivy session
+ XIVY-1405      Story          Include Webserver SystemProperties in EngineConfigUi
+ XIVY-1458      Story          Validate macro fields
+ XIVY-1636      Story          WARN log: Could not remove unused process data cache for task
+ XIVY-2050      Story          Update Feature List in
+ XIVY-2051      Story          Feature Videos for REST Client Call
+ XIVY-2063      Story          Simplify the third party process element extension interfaces.
+ XIVY-2106      Story          Migrate first artefact from Svn to Bitbucket inclusive builds
+ XIVY-2136      Story          Analyze Web Service Frameworks and implement a Protoype with them (Axis2, CXF, ...)
+ XIVY-2137      Story          Support GIT in Designer
+ XIVY-2141      Story          Evaluate vulnerability scanner
+ XIVY-2169      Story          Remove Demo License
+ XIVY-2218      Story          Specify custom task properties at task creation
+ XIVY-2220      Story          Support sorting by task property via TaskQuery
+ XIVY-2223      Story          Support calling NTLM protected Rest Services
+ XIVY-2225      Story          Enhance default REST client configuration to ignore missing property mappings
+ XIVY-2231      Story          Move third party libraries to own bundles which are deployed to own P2 repository. 
+ XIVY-2232      Story          Upgrade CXF from version 2.3.11 to version 3.2
+ XIVY-2233      Story          Extract existing AXIS WsClient technologies as features with extensions for the core
+ XIVY-2234      Story          Simplify WS Call inscription mask (request, response, SWT)
+ XIVY-2236      Story          Provide CXF as new WS call library (base features)
+ XIVY-2237      Story          Investigate the support of Java 9 for Rich Internet Applications (RIA)
+ XIVY-2240      Story          Merge Release Notes with N&N
+ XIVY-2247      Story          Feature Videos for Signal or Business Data
+ XIVY-2251      Story          Analyze performance and memory consumption of portal
+ XIVY-2263      Story          Allow extension classes to be contributed to ivy.core libraries
+ XIVY-2265      Story          Replace AWT IvyScriptEditor in Script Activity with new SWT Editor
+ XIVY-2266      Story          Remove AspectJ
+ XIVY-2267      Story          Polish deployment options
+ XIVY-2269      Story          Officially support Maria DB
+ XIVY-2270      Story          Demo how a modern JScript based UI technology (Angular, React, Vue, ...) can be used in Axon.ivy processes
+ XIVY-2302      Story          Refactor web service configuration data model 
+ XIVY-2308      Story          Replace AWT Output Tab in Script Activity with new SWT Output Tab
+ XIVY-2310      Story          Deployment options as mojo parameters
+ XIVY-2312      Story          Finish moving 3rd party libraries to own lib only bundles
+ XIVY-2313      Story          Support session handling for CXF WS call library
+ XIVY-2334      Story          Support SSL in CXF WS Calls
+ XIVY-2335      Story          Http Basic, Http Digest, NTLM Authentication Support
+ XIVY-2336      Story          Error Code should be configurable
+ XIVY-2338      Story          Remove timeout from error mask. Support it as property
+ XIVY-2339      Story          Polish UI of web service call
+ XIVY-2341      Story          Make SWT Script Editor nice
+ XIVY-2342      Story          Make SWT output table nice
+ XIVY-2344      Story          Provide functionality to add certificate to SSL Client trust store
+ XIVY-2355      Story          Cleanup IInfo Objects on Datawrapper WS and RestClientCall
+ XIVY-2356      Story          Improve fallback endpoints model and editor
+ XIVY-2357      Story          Support features and properties in web service client configuration model, editor and executor
+ XIVY-2376      Story          Automate Designer pre-requisites installation under Linux
+ XIVY-2377      Story          Migrate IvyAddOns to BitBucket
+ XIVY-2381      Story          Support WS-Security Username Token Authentication for CXF
+ XIVY-2382      Story          Migrate legacy WS argument mapping options to properties
+ XIVY-2385      Story          HTTP proxy configuration per web service client for CXF
+ XIVY-2386      Story          Support WS-Addressing (WS-A) for CXF
+ XIVY-2387      Story          Provide WebService Feature Extension Example 
+ XIVY-2391      Story          Support Properties and Features for WebServices on AdminUi
+ XIVY-2394      Story          Deliver ivy system projects as one archived file
+ XIVY-2400      Story          Speed-Up Designer-Boot
+ XIVY-2401      Story          Cleanup deprecated API after AdminUi has been updated to use new API
+ XIVY-2403      Story          Release 7.1
+ XIVY-2404      Story          Make project reporting an independent installable P2 unit
+ XIVY-2420      Story          Upgrade 3rd party libraries to latest service releases
+ XIVY-2426      Story          Inscribe native Webservice types with well known ivy scripting types
+ XIVY-2427      Story          Teach how to use web services in Axon.ivy
+ XIVY-2428      Story          Move Ivy Demo Projects to Bitbucket
+ XIVY-2430      Story          Demo that we can communicate with the Ethereum Blockchain
+ XIVY-2431      Story          Improve ivyScript Editor and ivyScript Table
+ XIVY-2439      Story          Provide API to create new Permissions, Permission Groups and their Relations
+ XIVY-2442      Story          Support Properties and Features for WebServices on AdminUi II
+ XIVY-2444      Story          Axon.ivy Designer with optional features
+ XIVY-2446      Story          Respect editor preferences for Html Dialog views
+ XIVY-2449      Story          Improve graphical performance on process editor for Linux
+ XIVY-2451      Story          Upgrade to Eclipse Oxygen (First Try)
+ XIVY-2453      Story          Analyze how to split configuration and transaction data in the engine
+ XIVY-2455      Story          Analyze current portal connector
+ XIVY-2456      Story          Open Class/Method directly out of IvyScriptEditor
+ XIVY-2457      Story          Support latest MS Sql Server JDBC Driver from Microsoft for the system database (Support for High Availability (HA) SQL Server Cluster)
+ XIVY-2470      Story          Reduce default RAM usage of Elasticsearch in the Designer
+ XIVY-2476      Story          Add a CXF feature that disables all or certain WSDL policies
+ XIVY-2477      Story          Support WebServices that define multiple output parameters (JAX-WS Holder)
+ XIVY-2498      Story          Run Unit Tests as Eclipse Core Tests
+ XIVY-2499      Story          Improve drag & drop support under Linux
+ XIVY-2528      Story          Add new descriptive property "owner" to the case
+ XIVY-2536      Story          Add isLike(...) for number (ID) in TaskQuery- and CaseQuery-API
+ XIVY-2582      Story          Override configuration data by external configuration systems (Property File, ENV, etcd, ...)
+ XIVY-2583      Story          Auto setup system database during engine startup 
+ XIVY-2606      Story          Update Branding
+ XIVY-2611      Story          Improve performance of prefixed LIKE queries on PostgreSQL system databases
+ XIVY-2618      Story          Allow to disable the Mobile Offline Dialog feature
+ XIVY-2625      Story          Support MySQL 8.0 as SystemDB
+ XIVY-2631      Story          Auto create application and deploy application zip during engine startup
+ XIVY-2633      Story          Allow project specific JAX-RS extensions such as an exception handler
+ XIVY-2646      Story          Replace AWT Name Tab in all process elements with new SWT Name Tab
+ XIVY-2651      Story          Move C++ Launchers to BitBucket
+ XIVY-2655      Story          Avoid unnecessary CMS logs on Engine
+ XIVY-2658      Story          Change cup/jflex generation from ant to maven
+ XIVY-2660      Story          Remove Richdialog from Designer
+ XIVY-2661      Story          Backport Primefaces fix for bug #2525, #2539 and #2638 to PF 6.1
+ XIVY-2665      Story          Respect global Browser preferences in Designer
+ XIVY-2700      Story          Add Marketplace to Designer
+ XIVY-2811      Story          APT package for fast engine distribution under Ubuntu/Debian
+ XIVY-2818      Story          At startup of the docker image the engine should wait for the availability of the system database and external Elasticsearch
+ XIVY-2819      Story          Provide an official Docker image for the Engine on Docker Hub
+ XIVY-2820      Story          Improve configuration documentation in Engine Guide
+ XIVY-2821      Story          Support High DPI (HDPI) displays in Designer
+ XIVY-2822      Story          Backport Primefaces Extensions fix for bug #470 to PFE 6.1.0
+ XIVY-2824      Story          Improve APT package for simple configuration
+ XIVY-2826      Story          Prototype compile and run with Java 11 
+ XIVY-2827      Story          Support native paging when querying System DB
+ XIVY-2829      Story          Refactor ivy servlets and filters to be less complex
+ XIVY-2833      Story          Improve performance of CategoryTreeBuilder for Portal
+ XIVY-2834      Story          Replace serverconfig.xml with ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-2835      Story          Replace ivy system property store in system database with ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-2838      Story          Make read and connection timeout for Elasticsearch connection configurable
+ XIVY-2845      Story          Move Axon.ivy code repository from SVN to GIT
+ XIVY-2853      Story          Make Security System configurable over ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-2855      Story          Keep Line Break style of existing MOD files
+ XIVY-2856      Story          Call WS methods that can only be generated in wrapper style
+ XIVY-2857      Story          Support owner of case in CaseQuery
+ XIVY-2858      Story          Override configuration of application properties, environment and global variables
+ XIVY-2859      Story          Override configuration of external databases, webservices and REST services
+ XIVY-2861      Story          Provide demo portal application only in demo mode
+ XIVY-2862      Story          Remove and replace clear text passwords in configuration files (ivy.yaml) with encrypted once during engine startup
+ XIVY-2864      Story          Display warning in UIs that config overridden in ivy.yaml cannot be changed
+ XIVY-2870      Story          Make Documents/Files Location configurable
+ XIVY-2875      Story          Rollout SWT Output Inscription tab (drop-in upgrade)
+ XIVY-2876      Story          Missing method: ivy.repo.delete(id)
+ XIVY-2878      Story          Reload config if config files changes
+ XIVY-2879      Story          Support more than one ivy.yaml file
+ XIVY-2881      Story          Streamline all Output scripting & actions
+ XIVY-2884      Story          Stabilize Debian package for long term usage
+ XIVY-2886      Story          After I reserved a task and then resume it and get interrupted the task should still be reserved for me
+ XIVY-2896      Story          Release 7.2
+ XIVY-2897      Story          JRE and 3 Party Library Updates for 7.2
+ XIVY-2899      Story          Provide an API to start a CaseMap 
+ XIVY-2900      Story          Support HTTP POST request to start CaseMaps and Sidesteps with arguments
+ XIVY-2904      Story          Remove the CaseMap sample in the editor
+ XIVY-2909      Story          First case and task of a case map  must not appear in task list after session timeout
+ XIVY-2918      Story          Write audit log if config files changes
+ XIVY-2921      Story          Improve error handling if a configuration file cannot be parsed successfully
+ XIVY-2927      Story          Update Elasticsearch to 7.3
+ XIVY-2933      Story          Support symlinks in engine directory
+ XIVY-2935      Story          PostConstruct script for highly customized Task creation logic
+ XIVY-2940      Story          Change order of output arrows/paths in Alternative Gateway
+ XIVY-2945      Story          Improve SWT Ivy Script Editor in Expression Mode
+ XIVY-2949      Story          Process Editor: Move selection broken 
+ XIVY-2950      Story          Platform independent jvm.options file to configure an Engine
+ XIVY-2955      Story          Concept of new Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-2956      Story          Remove RichDialog technology and AdminUI from Engine 
+ XIVY-2959      Story          Analyze how long poll Rest Requests can be handled asynchronously
+ XIVY-2960      Story          Permanent substitute/deputy users
+ XIVY-2961      Story          Use hot swap to recreate ElasticSearch index (Old index can be used and has all data until new index is ready)
+ XIVY-2962      Story          Provide an elasticsearch cluster docker example
+ XIVY-2967      Story          Move content management ui back to core
+ XIVY-2968      Story          Move webeditor and page.designer.extension to own repo
+ XIVY-2979      Story          Release project-build-plugin with a single job
+ XIVY-2983      Story          Make Axon.ivy Designer run with GTK3
+ XIVY-2991      Story          Analyze if iFrames can be used to integrate html dialogs of tasks into Portal
+ XIVY-2998      Story          Upgrade Designer to Eclipse 2019-03 (4.11)
+ XIVY-3000      Story          Support async REST services
+ XIVY-3001      Story          Migrate legacy custom/business fields to new custom field
+ XIVY-3002      Story          Analyze and improve performance of custom fields
+ XIVY-3003      Story          SWT based task tabs to define CustomFields
+ XIVY-3006      Story          Validate single project ivy scriptlets while building with maven
+ XIVY-3011      Story          Improve Logging in User Synchronization
+ XIVY-3016      Story          Building big workspace in designer is extremly slow
+ XIVY-3019      Story          New license model for containerized engines
+ XIVY-3022      Story          Demand IUserToken instead of ISession in ITask.canUserResumeTask(...)
+ XIVY-3023      Story          Official Support for Postgres 11
+ XIVY-3025      Story          Manage Users and Roles in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3026      Story          Basic Security System View for Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3027      Story          Show information about system in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3028      Story          Control applications in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3029      Story          Manage Configurations in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3030      Story          Show external services in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3033      Story          Improve Performance of Custom Fields Db Queries
+ XIVY-3035      Story          Rollout new Task/Case tab capabilities to all compliant elements
+ XIVY-3036      Story          Deploy Applications in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3037      Story          Show all default Configurations in Advanced Config
+ XIVY-3038      Story          Support SQL Server 2017 and drop support for SQL Server 2008
+ XIVY-3039      Story          Make deletion double check in user synchronizer configurable
+ XIVY-3041      Story          Reimplement Name, Arc and Annotation Inscription with SWT
+ XIVY-3043      Story          Create release pipelines
+ XIVY-3046      Story          Modern platform context-menu in Process Editor
+ XIVY-3049      Story          Support plain JSF pages without html dialog/process
+ XIVY-3050      Story          Create javadoc build
+ XIVY-3052      Story          Support Overrides for Html Dialogs defined in a parent project
+ XIVY-3053      Story          Remove findbugs from ivy classpath
+ XIVY-3054      Story          Log error when deploying empty artifact
+ XIVY-3060      Story          Limit substitutes/deputies to current and future tasks of substituted user
+ XIVY-3064      Story          Replace eclipse help with html help in designer
+ XIVY-3065      Story          Validate .project file
+ XIVY-3066      Story          Deliver a BETA MAC Designer
+ XIVY-3067      Story          Transform engine guide to readthedocs
+ XIVY-3068      Story          Make Engine Cockpit enterprise ready (> 40'000 users)
+ XIVY-3069      Story          Manage user and role properties in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-3071      Story          Improve L&F of IvyScript Editor UI
+ XIVY-3074      Story          Access BusinessDataRepository from a REST service
+ XIVY-3079      Story          Improve external security system section in default ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-3080      Story          Release 7.3
+ XIVY-3082      Story          Support ivyProjects in application directory located in project specific Docker Image
+ XIVY-3083      Story          Migrate old legacy business calendar id from task/case data inscriptions to script inscriptions
+ XIVY-3084      Story          Rollout Streamlined SWT Output Inscription tabs
+ XIVY-3086      Story          Standard SWT Start tab in HD start events
+ XIVY-3087      Story          Rollout SWT Start Inscription tab (drop-in upgrade)
+ XIVY-3088      Story          Streamline SWT Result Inscription tabs
+ XIVY-3089      Story          Streamline Dialog Call Inscriptions tabs
+ XIVY-3090      Story          Translate End Page Inscription Tabs to SWT
+ XIVY-3091      Story          Translate simple Inscription Tabs to SWT
+ XIVY-3092      Story          Streamline Intermediate Event Task Inscription tabs to SWT
+ XIVY-3094      Story          Make process element icons in Inscription Editor compliant
+ XIVY-3097      Story          Simplify REST file upload API and error its failure tracking
+ XIVY-3098      Story          Migrate old legazy case and task categorization from task/case data inscriptions to script inscriptions
* XIVY-3099      Story          Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.x
+ XIVY-3101      Story          Initial Engine Setup Wizard in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-3106      Story          On demand synchronisation of AD users
+ XIVY-3109      Story          Optimize performance of task joined with case or business case queries (Use union instead of OR in join condition)
+ XIVY-3111      Story          Deprecate Task and Case Event Log API
+ XIVY-3112      Story          Log Error Message in Elasticsearch Bulk Request
+ XIVY-3116      Story          Configure Business Calendar in YAML config files
+ XIVY-3120      Story          Do not stop index recreation if one fails
+ XIVY-3121      Story          Support E-Mail address as Name of Administrator in ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-3125      Story          Allow lazy installation of additional JDBC driver bundles
+ XIVY-3135      Story          Deliver a patch to upgrade Primefaces to 7.0
+ XIVY-3148      Story          Transform designer guide to readthedocs
+ XIVY-3149      Story          Axon.ivy Market
+ XIVY-3154      Story          Translate Alternative Gateway Inscription tab to SWT
+ XIVY-3160      Story          Dispose legacy TableInscription mapping code in DataWrapper (Part I)
+ XIVY-3164      Story          Provide API to search in any Custom String, Number, Timestamp Field of Task and Case
+ XIVY-3165      Story          Optimize Performance of isInvolved Business- or Subcase only Queries
* XIVY-3171      Story          Run with Java 11 
+ XIVY-3172      Story          Compile with Java 11 source code compliance 
+ XIVY-3176      Story          Webservices working with Java 11
+ XIVY-3180      Story          Integrate libs needed to export Excel from Portal
+ XIVY-3183      Story          Support Oracle 19c and 18c and drop support for Oracle11g
+ XIVY-3184      Story          Screenshot all Inscription Masks
+ XIVY-3190      Story          Customize readthedocs theme
+ XIVY-3192      Story          iFrame support for Portal
+ XIVY-3194      Story          Translate Request Tab of StartRequest to SWT
+ XIVY-3196      Story          Release 7.4
+ XIVY-3202      Story          Reorganize (Sample) Project Import
+ XIVY-3205      Story          Show Application Properties Defaults in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-3217      Story          Add Basic LogViewer and Test Mail Button to Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3218      Story          Classpatcher can load patches out of plain JARs
+ XIVY-3221      Story          Make external services editable in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-3227      Story          Update drools of ivy-extension-rules and re-use poi 3rd party libs
+ XIVY-3228      Story          Translate Call Sub and Trigger Inscription tabs to SWT
+ XIVY-3229      Story          Prototype how to customize a HTML Dialog Component of a standard product in customer project
+ XIVY-3230      Story          Advanced App Configuration in Engine Cockpit
* XIVY-3242      Story          Upgrade jQuery to v3.3.1
+ XIVY-3255      Story          Consume engine to build from maven repo
+ XIVY-3256      Story          Query API to search users
+ XIVY-3257      Story          Query API to search external not yet imported users
+ XIVY-3259      Story          Manage Elasticsearch in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3261      Story          Webeditor with Java 11
+ XIVY-3266      Story          Clean MOD files from empty no longer required entries
+ XIVY-3267      Story          Make UserDialog interface methods read-only on the interface editor
+ XIVY-3271      Story          Clean up HD Start Inscription
+ XIVY-3272      Story          Write Default element Mappings without DataWrapper
+ XIVY-3273      Story          Java 11 Cleanup
+ XIVY-3274      Story          Upgrade Designer to Eclipse 2019-06 (4.12)
+ XIVY-3275      Story          Provide Mod Conversion for broken 7.3.x created HtmlDialogs
* XIVY-3276      Story          Upgrade Primefaces to 7.0
+ XIVY-3280      Story          Document how to improve database query performance in Engine Guide
+ XIVY-3286      Story          Streamline process call signature handling
* XIVY-3301      Story          Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.24
+ XIVY-3303      Story          Business Data reindexing errors when in parallel business data will be added
+ XIVY-3308      Story          Upgrade Jersey to 2.29.1
+ XIVY-3313      Story          Show Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Properties in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3318      Story          API to get business case data of a business case
+ XIVY-3320      Story          Split IvyAddOns Guide into mutliple parts (DocFactory, ...)
+ XIVY-3333      Story          Upgrade Aspose Total Library 
+ XIVY-3334      Story          Provide a demo project for the DocFactory
+ XIVY-3335      Story          Style for 8.0
+ XIVY-3337      Story          Migrate JSF DesignTime features to PrimeFaces 7.0
+ XIVY-3355      Story          Load licence from docker secret or as environment variable
+ XIVY-3359      Story          Validate Dialog and CallSub Overrides
+ XIVY-3360      Story          UI to display and create new Html Dialog overrides
+ XIVY-3362      Story          Provide Mod Conversion for process call signature streamline
+ XIVY-3363      Story          Override project configuration
+ XIVY-3364      Story          Upgrade Primefaces Themes to the latest version
+ XIVY-3365      Story          Use Serenity Theme in Demo Projects
+ XIVY-3366      Story          New HtmlDialog Wizard should generate views that uses the css grid layout instead of PanelGrid component
+ XIVY-3367      Story          Use JSF an serenity theme on Designer / Engine info and wf pages
+ XIVY-3369      Story          Redirect requests without any path in the url to info page
+ XIVY-3371      Story          Release 8.0
+ XIVY-3373      Story          Support PostgreSQL 12
+ XIVY-3374      Story          Simplify project version upgrade
+ XIVY-3377      Story          Support Oracle Service Name for external Database
+ XIVY-3379      Story          Build own Serenity theme and apply it to the Cockpit
+ XIVY-3385      Story          Auto detect jdbc driver for system database
+ XIVY-3387      Story          Upgrade Designer to Eclipse 2019-09 (4.13)
+ XIVY-3388      Story          Renew licence in engine cockpit
+ XIVY-3390      Story          Upgrade primefaces to 7.0.9
+ XIVY-3392      Story          Use Ivy Serenity Theme as new default theme
+ XIVY-3397      Story          Update bundled JRE to latest java 11 security update (11.0.5)
+ XIVY-3398      Story          Ensure that a New Html Dialog with our default theme and Portal are looking good by default
+ XIVY-3400      Story          New Dialog Wizard should provide more View Types
+ XIVY-3408      Story          Upgrade cxf to 3.3.4
+ XIVY-3410      Story          Support 'project.version' property for IAR dependencies
+ XIVY-3417      Story          Fix caching of Html dialogs & components with multiple case scopes
+ XIVY-3419      Story          New Engine maintenance mode to configure the engine in case of a licence or system database problem
+ XIVY-3423      Story          Provide an official P2 repository for 8.0
+ XIVY-3428      Story          Manage administrators in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-3429      Story          Create and convert system database in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-3430      Story          Setup Release Web Page
+ XIVY-3431      Story          Release Axon.ivy Cloud 
+ XIVY-3434      Story          Clear up layout.jsp and style.css provided in CMS
* XIVY-3437      Story          Upgrade primefaces to 7.0.10
+ XIVY-3457      Story          Streamline process element inscription tabs to SWT
* XIVY-1025      Improvement    Use SameSite Cookies to prevent potential CSRF
+ XIVY-2252      Improvement    CaseMap Improvements
+ XIVY-2330      Improvement    Provide script for autoconfig basic authentication on IIS
+ XIVY-2388      Improvement    Missing application name in log file for LDAP sync
+ XIVY-2390      Improvement    Engine guide references Linux script files (.sh) that no longer exists or that were renamed
+ XIVY-2421      Improvement    Enable a configuration of which browsers to show with a ivyScriptEditor
+ XIVY-2486      Improvement    Missing documentation that shipped portal app should not be used
+ XIVY-2487      Improvement    String field in Elasticsearch is deprecated
+ XIVY-2502      Improvement    Provide AXIS1+2 WS client support as optional feature
+ XIVY-2607      Improvement    Change jaxb model generation from ant to maven
+ XIVY-2812      Improvement    Provide Ethereum Blockchain Process Element
+ XIVY-2817      Improvement    Improve TaskQuery execution performance when specifying startIndex
+ XIVY-2869      Improvement    Replace org.reflections with classgraph
+ XIVY-2930      Improvement    Document how to install an Additional Feature / Software in Designer
+ XIVY-2947      Improvement    Too short Exception Stack Trace in the log
+ XIVY-2966      Improvement    Document how to log rest client messages on the engine
+ XIVY-2988      Improvement    Make rule plugin smaller: remove unnecessary poi-oooxml-schema.jar
+ XIVY-3014      Improvement    Log internal server errors in a rest service
+ XIVY-3095      Improvement    Support http2 and TLS1.3
+ XIVY-3331      Improvement    Provide Locale on error pages
+ XIVY-3351      Improvement    Sync user at login with single sign-on
+ XIVY-3356      Improvement    Do not process error pages after rest provider exception
+ XIVY-2118      Epic           Renew Web Service Call Libraries
+ XIVY-2527      Epic           A case should have a process owner which has special management rights for the case
+ XIVY-3047      Epic           Custom fields for task and case 
+ XIVY-3358      Epic           Override Html Dialogs of a standard product project in a customized projects
+ XIVY-85        Bug            Enable Edit button on WS endpoint
+ XIVY-118       Bug            Process editor context menu selected text is white on Windows 10
+ XIVY-852       Bug            Default XHTML dialog editor is broken on macOS 
+ XIVY-1011      Bug            Handle null entries when sorting by expiry date via orderby().nullFirst() or orderBy().nullLast()
+ XIVY-1034      Bug            Problem when saving the deployment editor after removing the SNAPSHOT from the version
+ XIVY-1298      Bug            Custom error page is not documented
+ XIVY-1329      Bug            No new PMV will be created by default when redeploying same library but with new version
+ XIVY-1672      Bug            MSSQL: Inserting to CustomVarCharFields fails when inserting more than 900 bytes
+ XIVY-1673      Bug            Attachments sent by mail step contains folder path
+ XIVY-1706      Bug            JavaScript Builder fails with NPE on WebPage projects
+ XIVY-1853      Bug            REST API for single tasks does not return resumed/created tasks
+ XIVY-1948      Bug            UI process executes normal even if current task is not in state CREATED/RESUMED
+ XIVY-2000      Bug            HtmlDialog from global error handler (handling error from another HtmlDialog) is not shown for Ajax request
+ XIVY-2112      Bug            Text overlapping in designer welcome page
+ XIVY-2168      Bug            Can't install new Licences over a UI if it has expired
+ XIVY-2170      Bug            Hovered text in context menu of process editor is white
+ XIVY-2171      Bug            A task may start on the wrong TaskSwitchGateway output arc
+ XIVY-2173      Bug            Sample Call&Wait implementation does not work with multiple PMVs
+ XIVY-2206      Bug            File Browse in Control Center fails
+ XIVY-2209      Bug            Process Selection in CaseMap-Editor does not work
+ XIVY-2210      Bug            Ivy 6.0/7.0 can't join tasks of cases which has been started with Ivy 5.1
+ XIVY-2214      Bug            Can not build 7.0.0 projects while a non OSGi engine is in cache
+ XIVY-2216      Bug            NullpointerException occurs while logging null values in Designer
+ XIVY-2224      Bug            Session of user is still alive after user deletion
+ XIVY-2238      Bug            Cleanup JSF ViewScope when closing DialogRuntime
+ XIVY-2245      Bug            Unexpected 'End of File' scripting error when mapping REST response
+ XIVY-2259      Bug            Empty task activator script fails at runtime
+ XIVY-2261      Bug            ISession.logoutSessionUser() clears the HTTP Session attributes of the current request
+ XIVY-2264      Bug            Engine start fails after running it as root user
+ XIVY-2268      Bug            Wrong parameters in Javadoc for web service process constructor
+ XIVY-2272      Bug            RComboBox and RTable fail with an NPE on initialization
+ XIVY-2300      Bug            Enforce usage of Java 1.8 webstart by default
+ XIVY-2333      Bug            Enterprise server discloses hostname
+ XIVY-2359      Bug            RIA Workflow UI button "Resume All" does not work any more
+ XIVY-2362      Bug            Project build maven plugin fails when executing mutliple builds in parallel
+ XIVY-2378      Bug            systemctl stop AxonIvyEngine does not stop engine smoothly. Instead the process is killed.
+ XIVY-2399      Bug            Fix already known WS client (CXF) bugs
+ XIVY-2423      Bug            JSF Workflow UI: trigger escalation and modification of expiry timestamp don't work
+ XIVY-2429      Bug            Rarely occuring IndexOutOfBoundsException on process data de-serialisation
+ XIVY-2432      Bug            CC/BCC-Recipients in mail are not set in Designer
+ XIVY-2458      Bug            No new PMV will be created by default when redeploying same library but with new version II
+ XIVY-2461      Bug            WSDL namespace mapping dialog does not expose all namespaces
+ XIVY-2475      Bug            HTTP authentication (Basic/Digest/NTLM) while reading WSDL file in WebService editor broken.
+ XIVY-2488      Bug            Can not store an object in the business data store with more than 1000 different fields
+ XIVY-2492      Bug            Broken pipe when trying to load web assets like fonts or css files
* XIVY-2493      Bug            Cluster Communication broken because of ClassLoading Problems with OSGi
+ XIVY-2495      Bug            Displaying of the roles in the AdminUI is extremely slow with a lot of PMVs and Roles
+ XIVY-2497      Bug            Serving wrong mime type for jpeg images in cms causes problems with IE
+ XIVY-2503      Bug            ViewExpiredException if an error happens after an HtmlDialog in the business process
+ XIVY-2504      Bug            Ivy.html().startref(...) is not available within rest service
+ XIVY-2506      Bug            JSFWorkflowUI does not show Absences/Substitution in navigation
+ XIVY-2525      Bug            JSF NumberConverter does not work properly with p:inputNumber and german locale
+ XIVY-2535      Bug            Parameter requestedPage for default login process is wrong
+ XIVY-2538      Bug            EmptyStackException occurs if a task is reseted and a user want to submit the form
+ XIVY-2590      Bug            Mapping to unqualified ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.List<E> fails in rest client
+ XIVY-2591      Bug            Validate Database Activity output tab at design time
+ XIVY-2593      Bug            JSF view file validation and content assist does not know properties and methods declared in super interfaces
+ XIVY-2610      Bug            Gracefully shutdown the engine
+ XIVY-2619      Bug            Process search in Designer fails without showing any results
* XIVY-2627      Bug            Open redirect vulnerability in Engine Wf UI
+ XIVY-2628      Bug            Wrong "error" page if one clicks on a link of a inactive PMV
+ XIVY-2632      Bug            NPE when joining Task
* XIVY-2638      Bug            HttpOnly flag is not specified on cookie set by Java Webstart request
+ XIVY-2657      Bug            Error information missing on ViewExpiredException
+ XIVY-2666      Bug            BPMN element names with umlauts are broken under linux
+ XIVY-2717      Bug            Support Maria-DB driver under Linux
+ XIVY-2747      Bug            Process Editor freezes under Linux
* XIVY-2803      Bug            Rarely NullPointerException on engine/designer start
+ XIVY-2810      Bug            Fix Oxygen Designer packaging/start on macOS
+ XIVY-2836      Bug            HD View validation shows false positive warnings for standard components
+ XIVY-2840      Bug            Rarely NullPointerException on webserver start
+ XIVY-2860      Bug            Support Windows Server 2016 in IIS integration batch files
+ XIVY-2867      Bug            Session expired error message when trying to start an already finsished task with a link in a notification mail 
+ XIVY-2868      Bug            An image from CMS are not correctly included/referenced in a mail if it is not located in the CMS root folder
+ XIVY-2873      Bug            Designer may not start because of a race condition in RuleEngineActivator
+ XIVY-2874      Bug            Database Connection is not closed when quering database in the SQL Query Dialog of the Database Editor of the Designer
+ XIVY-2880      Bug            Overloaded Methods may not correctly be displayed in completion proposal and javadoc help 
* XIVY-2882      Bug            Memory Leak in ProcessElementFactory
+ XIVY-2883      Bug            Business Data (Elasticsearch) does not work if I start same Designer twice
+ XIVY-2888      Bug            Webservice call model invalid when migrating from Axis2 to CXF
+ XIVY-2889      Bug            Data Class editor is not correctly initialized when data class is opened from Search view
+ XIVY-2890      Bug            Cannot restart engine if old license is no longer valid even if I install a new valid license  
+ XIVY-2891      Bug            ManagedBeans do not work in *.iar file created with the Designer
+ XIVY-2893      Bug            TaskQuery.fromJson may fail with JsonMappingException: Numeric value (XXXX) out of range of int
+ XIVY-2894      Bug            Pack/Unpack a project creates unneeded empty files
+ XIVY-2895      Bug            Error message of BPM Error is not displayed in error page
* XIVY-2898      Bug            Memory leak in RuleVersionService (Rule Engine)
+ XIVY-2912      Bug            Element alignment broken after copy-paste
+ XIVY-2913      Bug            Use UTF-8 to encode mail addresses (to, from, cc, bcc, replyTo)
+ XIVY-2915      Bug            JSF managed beans, validators or converters of a projects may not be found after redeploy or restart 
+ XIVY-2916      Bug            Elasticsearch cannot be started under Linux if installation path contains a space
+ XIVY-2917      Bug            Can't start Engine to renew licence with Engine-Config or -Cockpit if old licence is expired
+ XIVY-2920      Bug            Password is visible in clear text in AdminUI if it is configured in a yaml file even if it is encrypted in the file
+ XIVY-2922      Bug            OSGi Bundle patches not in charge if whitespaces in path
* XIVY-2931      Bug            Restart of Task throws EmptyStackException or IvyScriptCastException
+ XIVY-2954      Bug            Can not migrate engine because of missing * if no system database migration is needed
+ XIVY-2957      Bug            Engine started with systemd awaits timeout if exited by a failure
+ XIVY-2964      Bug            Html Dialog Editor WYSIWYG selection broken with JRE 191
+ XIVY-2970      Bug            Opening an Embedded-Sub InscriptionEditor throws NPE
+ XIVY-2972      Bug            Deadlock can occur when importing all ivy sample projects
+ XIVY-2973      Bug            ConcurrentModificationException after importing ivy projects
+ XIVY-2974      Bug            Bundled ElasticSearch has frequently no data after reboot
+ XIVY-2984      Bug            Database Output tab not validated in RDM
+ XIVY-2992      Bug            Project build problem after moving to new workspace
+ XIVY-2993      Bug            NPE in CMS after closing or deleting a project
+ XIVY-2994      Bug            Build problems after importing .iar created with Designer 7.2
+ XIVY-3004      Bug            Deadlock while deploying multiple iars to a new application
+ XIVY-3012      Bug            ConcurrentModificationException in request history
+ XIVY-3020      Bug            IsNull-Query for additional property returns wrong result
+ XIVY-3024      Bug            Copy & paste in process editor does not respect view port
+ XIVY-3042      Bug            Designer bug dialog fails to render linebreaks in error message
+ XIVY-3048      Bug            Goto Data Class action broken when viewing embedded Subprocess
+ XIVY-3056      Bug            Memory Leak with Oracle as System Database
+ XIVY-3057      Bug            isEqual/isEqualIgnoreCase Queries do not work on customTextFields and additonalProperties with MS-SQL DB
+ XIVY-3058      Bug            CMS Search Index creation fails with NPE
+ XIVY-3059      Bug            Multithreading issues in AXIS Web Service Client Call
+ XIVY-3062      Bug            Referenced TaskExpiry error not updated during copy&paste
+ XIVY-3073      Bug            ConcurrentModificationException when using async p:remotecommands
+ XIVY-3107      Bug            PersistentObjectDeletedException in SessionCounter when deleting User
+ XIVY-3108      Bug            ViewExpiredExceptions is logged on Level INFO with full stacktrace
+ XIVY-3117      Bug            CXF WebService Generation fails if included xsd needs redirecting
+ XIVY-3118      Bug            Task notification mail sending is slow
+ XIVY-3127      Bug            NoSuchElementException in EndlessLoopDetectionJob
+ XIVY-3128      Bug            StackOverflowException in JavaBeanUtil while logging Axis1 or Axis2 WebService error
+ XIVY-3134      Bug            Task notification mail job may trigger unneeded portal home requests causing high cpu usage
+ XIVY-3137      Bug            High CPU load (100%) if you debug the Designer inside the Designer
+ XIVY-3139      Bug            Find invovled cases since MySQL 8.0.12 extremly slow
+ XIVY-3141      Bug            Timeout while synchronizing 50'000 users with Novell eDirectory
+ XIVY-3153      Bug            NPE in CMS when opening TaskSwitchEvent Inscription Mask within packed project
+ XIVY-3167      Bug            HtmlMailConverter endless port occupation
+ XIVY-3169      Bug            Engine Cockpit error if no app is deployed on applications view
+ XIVY-3170      Bug            CustomTimestampField cache issue if it's called the first time
+ XIVY-3173      Bug            Ivy project rename error in data classes
+ XIVY-3178      Bug            TimeoutException during building of ivy project
+ XIVY-3179      Bug            Engine Cockpit array error if a app file deployment happens and this app is opened in detail view
+ XIVY-3188      Bug            Method customField() is not documented and not marked as PublicAPI in TaskQuery and CaseQuery
+ XIVY-3191      Bug            Active Directory User synchronisation not imports all users if the import user group has more than 1500 entries
+ XIVY-3193      Bug            CXF generated WSDL in Client jar does not map included XSDs
+ XIVY-3197      Bug            Editor 'Jump to Dialog' broken for Dialogs with input Parameters
+ XIVY-3204      Bug            Html dialog editor cache problems
+ XIVY-3206      Bug            Maven Classpath container not auto-added
+ XIVY-3207      Bug            Linux TreeTable NPE in AWT Inscriptions
+ XIVY-3210      Bug            BigDecimals type is occasionally serialized as long which leads to corrupt indexes
+ XIVY-3211      Bug            Engine Config UI tempts users to write overquoted YAML files
+ XIVY-3212      Bug            Setting Advanced Webserver configs overwrites already set Port vals
+ XIVY-3213      Bug            Post Task Construct code block provide inaccessible 'out' variable on RequestStart
+ XIVY-3214      Bug            Yaml Writer can not write subnode to property if it already have a value
+ XIVY-3215      Bug            TaskMail generator fails if AJP is enabled
+ XIVY-3220      Bug            Clarify the wildcard pattern usages in signal codes
+ XIVY-3222      Bug            Resolving JSF variable is not thread save
+ XIVY-3223      Bug            Process context menu commands connect/wrap/openDoc partially broken
+ XIVY-3226      Bug            False positive signature validation errors on SubProcess StartEvent
+ XIVY-3233      Bug            Turn off flaky webeditor RCPTT tests
+ XIVY-3234      Bug            Taskmail links point to localhost instead of frontend server
+ XIVY-3235      Bug            Load extensions in dropins in first start
* XIVY-3237      Bug            Reindex of business data fails with OutOfMemory
+ XIVY-3240      Bug            Cms template with placeholder not working if there are escape chars
+ XIVY-3245      Bug            Designer Project Reporting (Birt) does not work
+ XIVY-3246      Bug            Analyze and fix known issues with Primefaces 7 migration
+ XIVY-3247      Bug            Wrong Business Calendar will be used when multiple tasks configured
+ XIVY-3249      Bug            Nullpointer exception thrown when authenticate a non existing user with empty password
+ XIVY-3250      Bug            Designer crashes with misspelled html tags in webeditor
+ XIVY-3252      Bug            Designer configuration editor context menu unavailable
+ XIVY-3258      Bug            Deadlock in Designer while importing Portal and Project Graph view is open
+ XIVY-3262      Bug            Static JSF pages don't work on Windows if the page is in a subfolder
+ XIVY-3263      Bug            In the console.log the following entries appears without timestamp 'start windows service control:4'
+ XIVY-3265      Bug            Business Data is limited to maximum 64k characters if using MySql system database
+ XIVY-3277      Bug            Patch Primefaces 6.1 to fix Bug #873 (selectManyMenu only selects one)
+ XIVY-3279      Bug            Patch Primefaces 6.1 to fix Bug #3755 (photocam: was blocked by chrome)
+ XIVY-3283      Bug            Fix SWING Inscription crash on Linux
+ XIVY-3288      Bug            IvyAddOns writes debug information to the console output 'docx' and exception traces
+ XIVY-3289      Bug            After reindex of business data some records may be missing in the index with Sql Server 2016 and higher and microsoft jdbc driver
+ XIVY-3291      Bug            Keyword infinity is not supported in systemd versions older than version 229 (e.g. RHEL 7)
+ XIVY-3293      Bug            IvyScriptParserException is thrown by bpm engine if macro contains \"
+ XIVY-3296      Bug            Case Map Example area hides Add Sidestep Menu in case map editor
+ XIVY-3297      Bug            Deadlock and therefore UI freeze during Designer start when synchronizing breakpoints
+ XIVY-3298      Bug            System database conversion from < 7.3 to >= 7.3 may fail with unique constrain violation error because of duplicated task or case additional properties
+ XIVY-3305      Bug            NPE in IvyJsfIntegrationHelper during Logging
+ XIVY-3309      Bug            CMS Editor for Text Content Objects broken
+ XIVY-3310      Bug            Copying process elements switched to SWT throws NPE
+ XIVY-3315      Bug            Suppress server information on error screen
+ XIVY-3319      Bug            Daily mail wrongfully logs 302 moved temporarily
+ XIVY-3325      Bug            Control center reacts badly
+ XIVY-3336      Bug            SSL Designer client settings not working for self-signed certs
+ XIVY-3339      Bug            Deadlock when importing PortalTemplate with M2 wizard
+ XIVY-3340      Bug            Engine Config UI can't start with a license with no expiry date
+ XIVY-3341      Bug            Elasticsearch start fails when migrating to 8.0
+ XIVY-3342      Bug            SystemDb password is always encrypted on SystemDb creation
+ XIVY-3343      Bug            Can not convert system database while startup of engine with official axonivy docker image
+ XIVY-3345      Bug            Open inscription masks fast as a fox
+ XIVY-3348      Bug            ESC key closes my inscription mask without warning that there are unsaved changes
+ XIVY-3352      Bug            Case and task category tree generates wrong tree hierarchy
+ XIVY-3353      Bug            ConfigUI crashes with never expiring license
+ XIVY-3354      Bug            Licence with special characters e.g. umlauts are not valid
+ XIVY-3361      Bug            BPMN processes are corrupt after import
+ XIVY-3376      Bug            Password label hides password value if password is entered by brower auto fill
+ XIVY-3383      Bug            Strange error message if project-build-plugin is run with old java version.
+ XIVY-3384      Bug            Improve info log of goal default-installEngine with chosen engine directory
+ XIVY-3386      Bug            MyFaces Resource Caching is enabled in Designer
+ XIVY-3391      Bug            Creating a DataClass field via QuickFix will always write FQN to the file
+ XIVY-3395      Bug            Reimplement multilanguage Task Annotation mails in the standard
+ XIVY-3396      Bug            CaseQuery CaseScope is ignored when creating the TaskQuery first
+ XIVY-3403      Bug            Security System detail view in Cockpit shows password in DOM
+ XIVY-3404      Bug            Allow to add IAR resource which already exist in project basedir
+ XIVY-3405      Bug            Execution of method was not successful in Html Dialog
+ XIVY-3407      Bug            Opening a CaseMap in Designer logs DI errors
+ XIVY-3411      Bug            Fix possible XSS vulnerability on end.jsp page
+ XIVY-3416      Bug            Casemap Editor is unusable on Linux
+ XIVY-3421      Bug            Html Dialog Editor does not consider a theme that is configured in a layout
+ XIVY-3422      Bug            Axis1 classes cannot be compiled after project is migrated to latest project version (Java 11)
+ XIVY-3424      Bug            JSF Error Handler broken in Designer
+ XIVY-3433      Bug            NullPointerException if sending signal without being in a task/case
+ XIVY-3439      Bug            Drools DRL editor support for java 11
+ XIVY-3440      Bug            errorPage.getLocale() throws NPE in ErrorPage
+ XIVY-3444      Bug            ViewExpiredException when user from other app in same browser logs out
+ XIVY-3446      Bug            After initialization of alternative arrow colors are lost
+ XIVY-3447      Bug            Subclipse client JavaHL breaks preference page
+ XIVY-3454      Bug            Creating Dialog Event/Method via quickfix is not aligned in logic
+ XIVY-3458      Bug            Messages in Flash do not work on end-page
+ XIVY-3459      Bug            Enable End Page edit command and menu entry
+ XIVY-3463      Bug            BigDecimals without precision in Lists
+ IVYPORTAL-5776 Technical task Add favicon to Portal (check error again)
+ IVYPORTAL-5848 Technical task Disable process simulation
+ IVYPORTAL-6242 Technical task Expand application menu, statistic chart is move down (Problem in review meeting)
+ IVYPORTAL-6278 Technical task Improve favorites - space using
+ IVYPORTAL-6343 Technical task Merge code Remove Symbols from Process List to version 7.0.9
+ IVYPORTAL-6365 Technical task Expand menu, statistic chart jump down with medium screen in Germany language
+ IVYPORTAL-6366 Technical task Bug: Dashboard layout is broken if task name is too long (Medium screen) 
+ IVYPORTAL-6471 Technical task Handle "Problem in ivy with timeouts" email
+ IVYPORTAL-6666 Technical task Fix column Name displays no value on Case/Task Note History
+ IVYPORTAL-6671 Technical task Just update inexistent icon for favorite process items
+ IVYPORTAL-6673 Technical task Show case/task note details error in multi application
+ IVYPORTAL-6676 Technical task Can't see user input in Approved task of Express - Portal LTS
+ IVYPORTAL-6677 Technical task Clean obsolete user process in iwa_applicationproperty due to updating not existed icons
+ IVYPORTAL-6759 Technical task Drill down of statistic chart elapsed time has error - Portal LTS
+ IVYPORTAL-6775 Technical task Check + update documentation for redeploying PortalConnector + setup build documentation LTS
+ IVYPORTAL-6783 Technical task Wrong case list after clicking on a case number link
+ IVYPORTAL-6862 Technical task Processes.xhtml - White background in fieldsets
+ IVYPORTAL-6869 Technical task Styling and Spelling issues in Express. V. 7.2
+ IVYPORTAL-6889 Technical task Customize Process Chain in TaskTemplate - LTS
+ IVYPORTAL-6977 Technical task Changes for express and process chain
+ IVYPORTAL-7103 Technical task Align start icon of external favorite process
+ IVYPORTAL-7156 Technical task Check existence of SelfSevice in PortalExamples
+ IVYPORTAL-7209 Technical task [BUG] Email Settings dialog does not have scrollbar
+ IVYPORTAL-7210 Technical task Sorting category filter on statistic chart
+ IVYPORTAL-7211 Technical task Highlight current date on calendar picker
+ IVYPORTAL-7215 Technical task Enhance Express responsive layout
+ IVYPORTAL-7279 Technical task [BUG] - Category filter on statistic display technical name, not CMS name
+ IVYPORTAL-7285 Technical task Highlight subMenuItem on Spanish
+ IVYPORTAL-7299 Technical task Sorting for Express user picker
+ IVYPORTAL-7300 Technical task Fix UI for statistic page (Medium and Small Screen)
+ IVYPORTAL-7301 Technical task Fix UI for Dashboard in Spanish (Small and Medium Screen)
+ IVYPORTAL-7316 Technical task [BUG] Fix UI for Case List on IE
+ IVYPORTAL-7417 Technical task Remove Self Service as default user favorite process
+ IVYPORTAL-7430 Technical task Exception when starting empty HTML dialog using task template
+ IVYPORTAL-7435 Technical task ArrayIndexOutOfBound when navigate to Portal Home
+ IVYPORTAL-7448 Technical task Introduce ToolTips for Symbols in Task/Case Widget
+ IVYPORTAL-7449 Technical task Change PortalHome Logo
+ IVYPORTAL-7451 Technical task Check and add scroll bar if missing for tables in Settings
+ IVYPORTAL-7454 Technical task [BUG] You cannot see this due to permissions display issue
+ IVYPORTAL-7458 Technical task [BUG] Null pointer exception  after clicking back button of browser
+ IVYPORTAL-7459 Technical task [BUG] No result shown after drilling down form case chart  if there is a default filter
+ IVYPORTAL-7468 Technical task Consolidate document messages for Express upload feature
+ IVYPORTAL-7480 Technical task [BUG] - Case document text overlaps
+ IVYPORTAL-7487 Technical task Overflow text in generated PDF doc
+ IVYPORTAL-7496 Technical task Redundant query in Task template - trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-7516 Technical task Add missing scrollbar for Selected assignee fieldset
+ IVYPORTAL-7526 Technical task Exclude SelfServiceBpm when releasing Portal trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-7610 Technical task Update CMS for cancel lable of upload in Express
+ IVYPORTAL-7611 Technical task Update CMS for Process filter in Process Widget
+ IVYPORTAL-7612 Technical task Add scroll bar for Favorites in PortalHome
+ IVYPORTAL-7644 Technical task Handle email: Bug in Portal "Case Information"
+ IVYPORTAL-7690 Technical task Support HTML in case description
+ IVYPORTAL-7738 Technical task Fix url changes when accessing menu item process, task, case list
+ IVYPORTAL-7774 Technical task Exception on PreDestroy of deviceBean
+ IVYPORTAL-7779 Technical task Analyse why only 2 + 2 favorites are shown
+ IVYPORTAL-7782 Technical task XHTML Changes and improvements in portal
+ IVYPORTAL-7859 Technical task Override default style of Serenity theme to standard of Portal style
+ IVYPORTAL-7877 Technical task Growl message is displayed in p:message of advanced filter
+ IVYPORTAL-7879 Technical task IndexOutOfBoundsException when searching not found substitute
+ IVYPORTAL-7885 Technical task Improve Showcase UI
+ IVYPORTAL-7891 Technical task [BUG] - Duplicate where condition on TaskQuery when scroll-down on TaskWidget list
+ IVYPORTAL-7896 Technical task [BUG] - Fieldset icon missing when change ivy context
+ IVYPORTAL-7942 Technical task Case details: Introduce an approach to position custom panels on the top
+ IVYPORTAL-7947 Technical task Fix bug scroll down in process history then cannot open case details
+ IVYPORTAL-7948 Technical task Related tasks in case details does not display responsible when hover if responsible fullname is empty
+ IVYPORTAL-7954 Technical task Fail validation of save case/task filter effects on advanced filters
+ IVYPORTAL-7956 Technical task Fail validation filter is applied when user goes to task/case list again
+ IVYPORTAL-7962 Technical task Remove skip task list function when start express process
+ IVYPORTAL-7979 Technical task Wrong date format in Spanish
+ IVYPORTAL-8108 Technical task Refactor Email setting with serenity
+ IVYPORTAL-8161 Technical task Improve Left Menu on serenity style
+ IVYPORTAL-8162 Technical task Add default columns and hide case info tab on TaskTemplate
+ IVYPORTAL-8163 Technical task Mobile email settings with new style for input fields
+ IVYPORTAL-8189 Technical task Auto grant all Portal permission to user Developer in Designer
+ IVYPORTAL-8201 Technical task Same Font Colour/Style for all Input Fields
+ IVYPORTAL-8209 Technical task Bug: Task header not displayed correctly when navigate from case list
+ IVYPORTAL-8211 Technical task Can not access Portal when multi app on Serenity
+ IVYPORTAL-8212 Technical task Task Analysis: Filter Task/Case category don't update value
+ IVYPORTAL-8215 Technical task Update left menu with multi-app on Serenity
+ IVYPORTAL-8225 Technical task Fix deprecate code in Case item related task component
+ IVYPORTAL-8231 Technical task Handle Ticket "Filtersymbol in case list is not aligned"
+ IVYPORTAL-8269 Technical task Hide case info tab on TaskTemplate II
+ IVYPORTAL-8297 Technical task Alignment in Express
+ IVYPORTAL-8298 Technical task Alignment in Express II
+ IVYPORTAL-8300 Technical task Can not access Portal when multi app on Serenity II
+ IVYPORTAL-8311 Technical task Serenity: add navigator for task detail and case detail
+ IVYPORTAL-8324 Technical task Case/Task category does not update latest data
+ IVYPORTAL-8355 Technical task Bug Serenity lost button on portrait IOS
+ IVYPORTAL-8358 Technical task Unify Process chain on mobile for serenity
+ IVYPORTAL-8362 Technical task Display reset dialog when start resume task
+ IVYPORTAL-8365 Technical task Fix Scrollbar of Case Related Task in Case detail
+ IVYPORTAL-8384 Technical task Fix 2 scrollbar Case Categories in TaskAnalysis
+ IVYPORTAL-8474 Technical task [BUG] After delegate, task list lost scroll bar
+ IVYPORTAL-8475 Technical task Error on designer  when click on the Task item in TaskList
+ IVYPORTAL-8476 Technical task NPE when delegate task which responsible does not existed
+ IVYPORTAL-8487 Technical task Duplicate Portal settings in database
+ IVYPORTAL-8488 Technical task Correct MainMenu mode in session storage after update to Serenity theme
+ IVYPORTAL-8500 Technical task Adapt Serenity theme to 2.0.1 with Designer nightly build
+ IVYPORTAL-8511 Technical task Lose user menu when setting value for SHOW_ENVIRONMENT_INFO
+ IVYPORTAL-8535 Technical task Cannot set filter all for responsible after selecting 1 option
+ IVYPORTAL-8585 Technical task Update behavior of Search Result Page
+ IVYPORTAL-8766 Technical task Cleaning hidden case not applied selected custom filed
+ IVYPORTAL-936  Story          Structured case tree (Trunk)
+ IVYPORTAL-1532 Story          Conduct performance tests
+ IVYPORTAL-2103 Story          Remove parent (part of) pom.xml
+ IVYPORTAL-2625 Story          Customize (optimize) Process Chain colour via CSS
+ IVYPORTAL-2674 Story          Process history component - Specific history related to a business object
+ IVYPORTAL-2748 Story          Implement - Design chooser capabilities
+ IVYPORTAL-2755 Story          Message before session is lost
+ IVYPORTAL-2769 Story          Support case query II.
+ IVYPORTAL-2816 Story          Static code analysis - Use Sonar
+ IVYPORTAL-2817 Story          Security quick check
+ IVYPORTAL-2819 Story          Java warnings improvement
+ IVYPORTAL-2843 Story          Hide system cases
+ IVYPORTAL-3586 Story          Analyse Portal performance
+ IVYPORTAL-3609 Story          Possibility to extend Note in Task Details
+ IVYPORTAL-3751 Story          Favourites pro application or global
+ IVYPORTAL-3941 Story          Provide more search criteria for case list
+ IVYPORTAL-3997 Story          Save+load user defined filters for cases
+ IVYPORTAL-4002 Story          Refresh task list on new task
+ IVYPORTAL-4055 Story          Introduce sonar tests
+ IVYPORTAL-4059 Story          Wizard for new absence
+ IVYPORTAL-4062 Story          Leaving task: offer user to reserve task
+ IVYPORTAL-4169 Story          Implement Axonivy Express EndPage
+ IVYPORTAL-4246 Story          Improve AJAX error handler
+ IVYPORTAL-4299 Story          Custom Logout - Customization
+ IVYPORTAL-4300 Story          Refresh task list on new task II.
+ IVYPORTAL-4301 Story          Improve UX for start task from full task list
+ IVYPORTAL-4302 Story          Various or urgent requests in S145
+ IVYPORTAL-4317 Story          Display proposed value
+ IVYPORTAL-4322 Story          Sticky task list: restore filters
+ IVYPORTAL-4328 Story          Enhance design - Better space usage for task and case lists
+ IVYPORTAL-4348 Story          More ivy default processes
+ IVYPORTAL-4366 Story          Show notes in big view
+ IVYPORTAL-4409 Story          automate Sprint release on v7.0.x
+ IVYPORTAL-4410 Story          automate Sprint release on Trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-4444 Story          Various or urgent requests in S146
+ IVYPORTAL-4450 Story          Clean up Express Part II
+ IVYPORTAL-4451 Story          Migrate ant scripts to test: IvyCommons + AdminUI II
+ IVYPORTAL-4482 Story          Check ViewScoped Beans
+ IVYPORTAL-4528 Story          Extension Point for Application Menu
+ IVYPORTAL-4537 Story          Various or urgent requests in S147
+ IVYPORTAL-4538 Story          Save+load+remove user defined filters for tasks II
+ IVYPORTAL-4540 Story          automated Portal Selenium tests on ivy nightly II
+ IVYPORTAL-4646 Story          Various or urgent requests in S148
+ IVYPORTAL-4652 Story          Implement portal statistic with some basic charts
+ IVYPORTAL-4686 Story          auto test integrations of Portal to ivy II
+ IVYPORTAL-4687 Story          Save+load+remove user defined filters for cases
+ IVYPORTAL-4779 Story          Improve Portal performance
+ IVYPORTAL-4817 Story          Further implementation of portal statistic
+ IVYPORTAL-4819 Story          Analyse and consolidate Portal CMS List II
+ IVYPORTAL-4820 Story          Various or urgent requests in S149
+ IVYPORTAL-4848 Story          Multiapp szenario - Improvement in Task handling and visibility
+ IVYPORTAL-4862 Story          Enhance case list - Introduce structured case category tree
+ IVYPORTAL-4863 Story          Enhance task list - Structured category tree
+ IVYPORTAL-4865 Story          Sticky Task List on Cancel
+ IVYPORTAL-4880 Story          Various or urgent requests in S150
+ IVYPORTAL-4884 Story          User Favorites and Application favorites
+ IVYPORTAL-4885 Story          Configure own columns in task list III
+ IVYPORTAL-4930 Story          Enhance Case list and Related tasks - Display also done cases and tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-4934 Story          Remove dependencies - Remove Hierarchy of classes "RemoteXYZ"
+ IVYPORTAL-4943 Story          Various or urgent requests in S151
+ IVYPORTAL-4954 Story          Additional (custom) data details II
+ IVYPORTAL-5025 Story          Various or urgent requests in S152
+ IVYPORTAL-5084 Story          Improvement of Styleadaptions in the Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-5085 Story          Reporting - Cases
+ IVYPORTAL-5087 Story          Portal navigation - Keep filter during whole session
+ IVYPORTAL-5119 Story          PortalCustomization Best Practice Examples
+ IVYPORTAL-5120 Story          Various or urgent requests in S153
+ IVYPORTAL-5123 Story          Implement Portal statistic customization (Drilldown) III
+ IVYPORTAL-5126 Story          Create Release for Ivy 7.1 
+ IVYPORTAL-5283 Story          Create a migration process for Portal to the new theme
+ IVYPORTAL-5632 Story          Two static files are not cached
+ IVYPORTAL-5690 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S158
+ IVYPORTAL-5692 Story          Improve Portal performance - Case List
+ IVYPORTAL-5693 Story          Improve Portal performance - Homepage
+ IVYPORTAL-5694 Story          Improve Portal performance - Statistics
+ IVYPORTAL-5803 Story          Optimize font size, font type and font color in portal input text boxes
+ IVYPORTAL-5808 Story          Data table styling rework and tab header
+ IVYPORTAL-5818 Story          Customize Priority State Colour for Task State
+ IVYPORTAL-5865 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S159
+ IVYPORTAL-5915 Story          Improve Portal performance - Task List III
+ IVYPORTAL-5925 Story          Include Selfservice BPM in Express  - Show modal dialog and Include comments in the Case History
+ IVYPORTAL-5985 Story          Introduce a counter for tasks and cases
+ IVYPORTAL-5988 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S160
+ IVYPORTAL-6002 Story          Remove Symbols from Process List
+ IVYPORTAL-6003 Story          Improve Process List
+ IVYPORTAL-6042 Story          Style specified in PortalStyle should be taken last
+ IVYPORTAL-6049 Story          Add additional button type in  Standard portal
+ IVYPORTAL-6053 Story          Hide technical / system Entries in Process history
+ IVYPORTAL-6074 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S161
+ IVYPORTAL-6075 Story          Showcase for standard components without customization
+ IVYPORTAL-6137 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S162
+ IVYPORTAL-6201 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S163
+ IVYPORTAL-6252 Story          Warning before closing browser - Firefox and Chrome
+ IVYPORTAL-6269 Story          LTS Compatibility of Portalconnector
+ IVYPORTAL-6279 Story          Enhance Filter selection in task and case list
+ IVYPORTAL-6282 Story          Enhance Statistics - Chart title and chart in Dashboard
+ IVYPORTAL-6284 Story          SideStep in Case Widget
+ IVYPORTAL-6288 Story          Create hooks to configure document storing in case and task widget
+ IVYPORTAL-6291 Story          Implement mobile TaskList
+ IVYPORTAL-6292 Story          Implement mobile ProcessList
+ IVYPORTAL-6299 Story          Improve Dashboard - Task Element
+ IVYPORTAL-6304 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S164
+ IVYPORTAL-6329 Story          Refactor side Menu for serenity
+ IVYPORTAL-6330 Story          UI components for Serenity
+ IVYPORTAL-6331 Story          Refactor Task Widget
+ IVYPORTAL-6333 Story          Refactor Header and header Menu including subpages for serenity
+ IVYPORTAL-6334 Story          Refactor/Update Statistics for serenity
+ IVYPORTAL-6335 Story          Improve SideStep visibility in Task list
+ IVYPORTAL-6386 Story          Implement mobile recognition, Login and Portal Header II
+ IVYPORTAL-6387 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S165
+ IVYPORTAL-6388 Story          Announcements in Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-6533 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S166
+ IVYPORTAL-6534 Story          Implement Chat including IIS Support IV
+ IVYPORTAL-6535 Story          UI components for Serenity II
+ IVYPORTAL-6674 Story          Remove portal connector III
+ IVYPORTAL-6675 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S167
+ IVYPORTAL-6679 Story          Improve Global Search Performance 
+ IVYPORTAL-6680 Story          Improve Case Details - Related tasks - Performance 
+ IVYPORTAL-6682 Story          Merge relevant Performance issues to Trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-6761 Story          Group chat implementation - Case Level
+ IVYPORTAL-6765 Story          Trigger chat and assign users for group chat - Predefined groups in design - CaseLevel
+ IVYPORTAL-6817 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S168
+ IVYPORTAL-6819 Story          Remove portal connector IV
+ IVYPORTAL-6821 Story          Create additional Portal permissions II
+ IVYPORTAL-6880 Story          Small Express improvements
+ IVYPORTAL-6895 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S169
+ IVYPORTAL-6896 Story          Implement Chat including IIS Support V
+ IVYPORTAL-6956 Story          Store group chat history and delete group chat if case is done/destroyed
+ IVYPORTAL-6973 Story          Handle IE Compatibility for Chat 
+ IVYPORTAL-6978 Story          Visibility of done tasks and cases in Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-6984 Story          Trigger and assign users for group chat manually II
+ IVYPORTAL-6985 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S170
+ IVYPORTAL-7037 Story          Handle Express Workflow Task and Case Category
+ IVYPORTAL-7038 Story          Consider expired Tasks in Statistics
+ IVYPORTAL-7058 Story          Elapsed time for done cases
+ IVYPORTAL-7061 Story          Make the Group / Case Chat Name configurable
+ IVYPORTAL-7073 Story          Enable/disable Group chat only
+ IVYPORTAL-7109 Story          Handle concurrent users chat and improvement
+ IVYPORTAL-7115 Story          Make the Group / Case Chat Name configurable on trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-7116 Story          Enhancement Predefined groups in design - Case Level
+ IVYPORTAL-7151 Story          Support Java 11 - Remove java boon
+ IVYPORTAL-7157 Story          Enhance Case Query - Business vs Technical vs both and improve Case Search
+ IVYPORTAL-7208 Story          Enhance process List - Navigation
+ IVYPORTAL-7217 Story          Unify document component and Create document component for developers
+ IVYPORTAL-7235 Story          Include Selfservice BPM in Express  - Show modal dialog and Include comments in the Case History II
+ IVYPORTAL-7296 Story          Default chart in LE
+ IVYPORTAL-7319 Story          Improve Drag & Drop Funcationality and messages III
+ IVYPORTAL-7320 Story          Update obsolete customVar fields in Portal II
+ IVYPORTAL-7321 Story          Growl Message - Feedback after Task II
+ IVYPORTAL-7322 Story          Improve Case File handling in Portal II
+ IVYPORTAL-7416 Story          The texts on case should be aligned
+ IVYPORTAL-7425 Story          Create repo and build - PortalBusinessUser for ReadTheDocs
+ IVYPORTAL-7492 Story          Refactor Case Widget
+ IVYPORTAL-7497 Story          Remove heavy crypto libraries from PortalKit
+ IVYPORTAL-7511 Story          Adapt AdHoc ProcessStepCreation
+ IVYPORTAL-7512 Story          Express - Separate Able to start and task responsible
+ IVYPORTAL-7515 Story          Enrich general ajax exception dialog with XHR request info
+ IVYPORTAL-7520 Story          Merge PortalGroupChat to Trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-7532 Story          Integrate CaseOwner Feature in Portal II
+ IVYPORTAL-7535 Story          Elapsed time for done cases II
+ IVYPORTAL-7645 Story          Enhance handling of unassigned Tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-7700 Story          Make chat work with reverse proxy nginx
+ IVYPORTAL-7706 Story          Data Provider for Axon.ivy Express II
+ IVYPORTAL-7707 Story          Unify document component and Create document component for developers II
+ IVYPORTAL-7708 Story          Enhancement and refactor chat
+ IVYPORTAL-7777 Story          Architecture Changes in Portal - Solving Problems with GroupIDs,Versions, Maven
+ IVYPORTAL-7798 Story          Improve Standard Growl Messages after Tasks and Process creation
+ IVYPORTAL-7804 Story          Consolidate FontSizes in Portal - Use REM and check alignment
+ IVYPORTAL-7818 Story          Refactor Case Widget II
+ IVYPORTAL-7893 Story          On demand synchronisation of users
+ IVYPORTAL-7900 Story          Refactor Task Widget II
+ IVYPORTAL-7902 Story          New behaviour for Sticky Tasklist
+ IVYPORTAL-7951 Story          Merge primefaces 7 fix to trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-7966 Story          Add Case / Task Category as filter in Task and case list
+ IVYPORTAL-7985 Story          Adapt AdHoc ProcessStepCreation II
+ IVYPORTAL-8119 Story          Improve portal user guide based on ivy ReadTheDocs document style/formating/structure 
+ IVYPORTAL-8203 Story          Introduce Process Owner in Express
+ IVYPORTAL-8205 Story          Environment handling for express
+ IVYPORTAL-8308 Story          Improve performance of case details
+ IVYPORTAL-8347 Story          Enhance Case/Task Category Filter
+ IVYPORTAL-8408 Story          Integrate CaseOwner Feature in Portal III
+ IVYPORTAL-8410 Story          Enhance Case/Task Category Filter II
+ IVYPORTAL-8521 Story          Needed features for release 8.0
+ IVYPORTAL-8576 Story          Refactor/Update Statistics for serenity II
+ IVYPORTAL-8577 Story          Needed features for release 8.0 II
+ IVYPORTAL-8727 Story          Adapt Portal performance test for Serenity
+ IVYPORTAL-8985 Story          Needed features for release 8.0 - S183
+ IVYPORTAL-9181 Story          Needed features for release 8.0 - S184
+ IVYPORTAL-6290 Epic           Mobile Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-2737 Bug            Correct Session timeout
+ IVYPORTAL-2844 Bug            Enhance - Add favourite Processes
+ IVYPORTAL-4286 Bug            Clean up Express CSS
+ IVYPORTAL-4289 Bug            Clean up Portal style
+ IVYPORTAL-4365 Bug            Fix layout on ~1240 pixels
+ IVYPORTAL-4386 Bug            Add to dashboard button does not work in PortalStatistics
+ IVYPORTAL-4433 Bug            Fix performance bug in user/role selection
+ IVYPORTAL-4489 Bug            Lazy load embedded dialogs on demand
+ IVYPORTAL-4498 Bug            Link to open sidebar is missing
+ IVYPORTAL-4539 Bug            Extended PortalKit supported language cause error III
+ IVYPORTAL-4812 Bug            Search in case list doesn't work for creator
+ IVYPORTAL-4813 Bug            Task list filtering in Multiapp Szenario - Responsible filter for each app
+ IVYPORTAL-4867 Bug            Consistent behaviour in Portal - Leaving task warning
+ IVYPORTAL-4882 Bug            Fix NPE in portal if COERCE_TO_ZERO option is enabled
+ IVYPORTAL-4942 Bug            Design chooser bug - New Colours were not applied after saving
+ IVYPORTAL-4969 Bug            Session expired message, even if session not expired II
+ IVYPORTAL-5015 Bug            List out Portal multi-applications issues
+ IVYPORTAL-5027 Bug            Bug in Task list navigation - Portal Home and full task list
+ IVYPORTAL-5031 Bug            Costumization with Less doesn't change buttons in Exit-Dialog II
+ IVYPORTAL-5118 Bug            Implement "Sticky Task List" for "Skip Task List"
+ IVYPORTAL-5276 Bug            Enhance Task list - Start button and more option buttons
+ IVYPORTAL-5384 Bug            No Error Dialog if general Exception happens
+ IVYPORTAL-5760 Bug            Email settings not working for users not having all apps
+ IVYPORTAL-5838 Bug            Exception when click left menu and select leave task
+ IVYPORTAL-6069 Bug            Consistent behaviour for searching application users in portal admin
+ IVYPORTAL-6300 Bug            Open redirect vulnerability in Portal Wf UI
+ IVYPORTAL-6303 Bug            selectonemenu and selectcheckboxmenu menu caret icon and filter style
+ IVYPORTAL-6340 Bug            UI Problem in User Menu
+ IVYPORTAL-6341 Bug            Extend TaskQueryOrderBy for task without tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-6346 Bug            Language settings in small screens
+ IVYPORTAL-6367 Bug            Identify and handle localStorage Access Denied
+ IVYPORTAL-6376 Bug            User "admin" gets automatically permissions
+ IVYPORTAL-6446 Bug            Portal slows down every AJAX request with unnecessary background requests
+ IVYPORTAL-6536 Bug            Handle performance & fix for standard Portal II
+ IVYPORTAL-6539 Bug            Statistics - Task Categories of case missing
+ IVYPORTAL-6540 Bug            Hide technical Stuff - Optimization
+ IVYPORTAL-6648 Bug            Primefaces Elements in DIV tags problem - Alignment
+ IVYPORTAL-6851 Bug            Too much whitespace in Task Header
+ IVYPORTAL-6894 Bug            Fix bugs and improve code for story Remove PortalConnector
+ IVYPORTAL-7464 Bug            Fix width of search bar not responsive
+ IVYPORTAL-7537 Bug            Express: Order of fields changes from definition to execution II
+ IVYPORTAL-7647 Bug            Improve portal exception handle
+ IVYPORTAL-7799 Bug            Processchain numbers are black in circle shape; set buttons text to white in LESS

Changes in, 16.09.2019

This is a Leading Edge version.

+ XIVY-623       Story       HTTP deployments to a remote engine using Maven or curl
+ XIVY-1458      Story       Validate macro fields
+ XIVY-2826      Story       Prototype compile and run with Java 11 
+ XIVY-2927      Story       Update Elasticsearch to 7.3
+ XIVY-2940      Story       Change order of output arrows/pathes in Alternative Gateway
+ XIVY-2950      Story       Platform independent jvm.options file to configure an Engine
+ XIVY-2967      Story       Move content management ui back to core
+ XIVY-2968      Story       Move webeditor and page.designer.extension to own repo
+ XIVY-2998      Story       Upgrade Designer to Eclipse 2019-03 (4.11)
+ XIVY-3011      Story       Improve Logging in User Synchronization
+ XIVY-3023      Story       Official Support for Postgres 11
+ XIVY-3029      Story       Manage Configurations in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3030      Story       Show external services in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3036      Story       Deploy Applications in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3037      Story       Show all default Configurations in Advanced Config
+ XIVY-3067      Story       Transform engine guide to readthedocs
+ XIVY-3069      Story       Manage user and role properties in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-3082      Story       Support ivyProjects in application directory located in project specific Docker Image
+ XIVY-3084      Story       Rollout Streamlined SWT Output Inscription tabs
+ XIVY-3086      Story       Standard SWT Start tab in HD start events
+ XIVY-3088      Story       Streamline SWT Result Inscription tabs
+ XIVY-3089      Story       Streamline Dialog Call Inscriptions tabs
+ XIVY-3090      Story       Translate End Page Inscription Tabs to SWT
+ XIVY-3091      Story       Translate simple Inscription Tabs to SWT
+ XIVY-3092      Story       Streamline Intermediate Event Task Inscription tabs to SWT
+ XIVY-3097      Story       Simplify REST file upload API and error its failure tracking
* XIVY-3099      Story       Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.x
+ XIVY-3106      Story       On demand synchronisation of AD users
+ XIVY-3111      Story       Deprecate Task and Case Event Log API
+ XIVY-3116      Story       Configure Business Calender in YAML config files
+ XIVY-3121      Story       Support E-Mail address as Name of Administrator in ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-3135      Story       Deliver a patch to upgrade Primefaces to 7.0
+ XIVY-3154      Story       Translate Alternative Gateway Inscription tab to SWT
+ XIVY-3160      Story       Dispose legacy TableInscription mapping code in DataWrapper (Part I)
* XIVY-3171      Story       Run with Java 11 
+ XIVY-3176      Story       Webservices working with Java 11
+ XIVY-3180      Story       Integrate libs needed to export Excel from Portal
+ XIVY-3184      Story       Screenshot all Inscription Masks
+ XIVY-3194      Story       Translate Request Tab of StartRequest to SWT
+ XIVY-3196      Story       Release 7.4
+ XIVY-3202      Story       Reorganize (Sample) Project Import
+ XIVY-3205      Story       Show Application Properties Defaults in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-3217      Story       Add Basic LogViewer and Test Mail Button to Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3218      Story       Classpatcher can load patches out of plain JARs
+ XIVY-3221      Story       Make external services editable in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-3228      Story       Translate Call Sub and Trigger Inscription tabs to SWT
+ XIVY-3230      Story       Advanced App Configuration in Engine Cockpit
* XIVY-3242      Story       Upgrade jQuery to v3.3.1
+ XIVY-3255      Story       Consume engine to build from maven repo
+ XIVY-3261      Story       Webeditor with Java 11
+ XIVY-3266      Story       Clean MOD files from empty no longer required entries
+ XIVY-3267      Story       Make UserDialog interface methods read-only on the interface editor
+ XIVY-3271      Story       Clean up HD Start Inscription
+ XIVY-3272      Story       Write Default element Mappings without DataWrapper
+ XIVY-3273      Story       Java 11 Cleanup
+ XIVY-3274      Story       Upgrade Designer to Eclipse 2019-06 (4.12)
+ XIVY-3275      Story       Provide Mod Conversion for broken 7.3.x created HtmlDialogs
* XIVY-3276      Story       Upgrade Primefaces to 7.0
+ XIVY-3280      Story       Document how to improve database query performance in Engine Guide
* XIVY-3301      Story       Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.24
* XIVY-1025      Improvement Use SameSite Cookies to prevent potential CSRF
+ XIVY-3331      Improvement Provide Locale on error pages
+ XIVY-2591      Bug         Validate Database Activity output tab at design time
+ XIVY-2954      Bug         Can not migrate engine because of missing * if no system database migration is needed
+ XIVY-2984      Bug         Database Output tab not validated in RDM
+ XIVY-3057      Bug         isEqual/isEqualIgnoreCase Queries do not work on customTextFields and additonalProperties with MS-SQL DB
+ XIVY-3117      Bug         CXF WebService Generation fails if included xsd needs redirecting
+ XIVY-3141      Bug         Timeout while synchronizing 50'000 users with Novell eDirectory
+ XIVY-3173      Bug         Ivy project rename error in data classes
+ XIVY-3178      Bug         TimeoutException during building of ivy project
+ XIVY-3179      Bug         Engine Cockpit array error if a app file deployment happens and this app is opened in detail view
+ XIVY-3188      Bug         Method customField() is not documented and not marked as PublicAPI in TaskQuery and CaseQuery
+ XIVY-3191      Bug         Active Directory User synchronisation not imports all users if the import user group has more than 1500 entries
+ XIVY-3193      Bug         CXF generated WSDL in Client jar does not map included XSDs
+ XIVY-3197      Bug         Editor 'Jump to Dialog' broken for Dialogs with input Parameters
+ XIVY-3204      Bug         Html dialog editor cache problems
+ XIVY-3206      Bug         Maven Classpath container not auto-added
+ XIVY-3207      Bug         Linux TreeTable NPE in AWT Inscriptions
+ XIVY-3210      Bug         BigDecimals type is occasionally serialized as long which leads to corrupt indexes
+ XIVY-3211      Bug         Engine Config UI tempts users to write overquoted YAML files
+ XIVY-3212      Bug         Setting Advanced Webserver configs overwrites already set Port vals
+ XIVY-3213      Bug         Post Task Construct code block provide inaccessible 'out' variable on RequestStart
+ XIVY-3214      Bug         Yaml Writer can not write subnode to property if it already have a value
+ XIVY-3215      Bug         TaskMail generator fails if AJP is enabled
+ XIVY-3220      Bug         Clarify the wildcard pattern usages in signal codes
+ XIVY-3222      Bug         Resolving JSF variable is not thread save
+ XIVY-3223      Bug         Process context menu commands connect/wrap/openDoc partially broken
+ XIVY-3226      Bug         False positive signature validation errors on SubProcess StartEvent
+ XIVY-3234      Bug         Taskmail links point to localhost instead of frontend server
+ XIVY-3235      Bug         Load extensions in dropins in first start
* XIVY-3237      Bug         Reindex of business data fails with OutOfMemory
+ XIVY-3240      Bug         Cms template with placeholder not working if there are escape chars
+ XIVY-3245      Bug         Designer Project Reporting (Birt) does not work
+ XIVY-3246      Bug         Analyze and fix known issues with Primefaces 7 migration
+ XIVY-3247      Bug         Wrong Business Calendar will be used when multiple tasks configured
+ XIVY-3249      Bug         Nullpointer exception thrown when authenticate a non existing user with empty password
+ XIVY-3252      Bug         Designer configuration editor context menu unavailable
+ XIVY-3258      Bug         Deadlock in Designer while importing Portal and Project Graph view is open
+ XIVY-3262      Bug         Static JSF pages don't work on Windows if the page is in a subfolder
+ XIVY-3263      Bug         In the console.log the following entries appears without timestamp 'start windows service control:4'
+ XIVY-3277      Bug         Patch Primefaces 6.1 to fix Bug #873 (selectManyMenu only selects one)
+ XIVY-3279      Bug         Patch Primefaces 6.1 to fix Bug #3755 (photocam: was blocked by chrome)
+ XIVY-3283      Bug         Fix SWING Inscription crash on Linux
+ XIVY-3291      Bug         Keyword infinity is not supported in systemd versions older than version 229 (e.g. RHEL 7)
+ XIVY-3293      Bug         IvyScriptParserException is thrown by bpm engine if macro contains \"
+ XIVY-3297      Bug         Deadlock and therefore UI freeze during Designer start when synchronizing breakpoints
+ XIVY-3298      Bug         System database conversion from < 7.3 to >= 7.3 may fail with unique constrain violation error because of duplicated task or case additional properties
+ XIVY-3305      Bug         NPE in IvyJsfIntegrationHelper during Logging
+ XIVY-3309      Bug         CMS Editor for Text Content Objects broken
+ XIVY-3310      Bug         Copying process elements switched to SWT throws NPE
+ XIVY-3319      Bug         Daily mail wrongfully logs 302 moved temporarily
+ XIVY-3325      Bug         Control center reacts badly
+ XIVY-3336      Bug         SSL Designer client settings not working for self-signed certs
+ XIVY-3339      Bug         Deadlock when importing PortalTemplate with M2 wizard
+ IVYPORTAL-5925 Story       Include Selfservice BPM in Express  - Show modal dialog and Include comments in the Case History
+ IVYPORTAL-6075 Story       Showcase for standard components without customization
+ IVYPORTAL-6279 Story       Enhance Filter selection in task and case list
+ IVYPORTAL-6282 Story       Enhance Statistics - Chart title and chart in Dashboard
+ IVYPORTAL-6288 Story       Create hooks to configure document storing in case and task widget
+ IVYPORTAL-6388 Story       Announcements in Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-6880 Story       Small Express improvements
+ IVYPORTAL-6978 Story       Visibility of done tasks and cases in Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-7038 Story       Consider expired Tasks in Statistics
+ IVYPORTAL-7058 Story       Elapsed time for done cases
+ IVYPORTAL-7073 Story       Enable/disable Group chat only
+ IVYPORTAL-7115 Story       Make the Group / Case Chat Name configurable on trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-7116 Story       Enhancement Predefined groups in design - Case Level
+ IVYPORTAL-7151 Story       Support Java 11 - Remove java boon
+ IVYPORTAL-7208 Story       Enhance process List - Navigation
+ IVYPORTAL-7217 Story       Unify document component and Create document component for developers
+ IVYPORTAL-7235 Story       Include Selfservice BPM in Express  - Show modal dialog and Include comments in the Case History II
+ IVYPORTAL-7296 Story       Default chart in LE
+ IVYPORTAL-7319 Story       Improve Drag & Drop Funcationality and messages III
+ IVYPORTAL-7320 Story       Update obsolete customVar fields in Portal II
+ IVYPORTAL-7321 Story       Growl Message - Feedback after Task II
+ IVYPORTAL-7322 Story       Improve Case File handling in Portal II
+ IVYPORTAL-7416 Story       The texts on case should be aligned
+ IVYPORTAL-7425 Story       Create repo and build - PortalBusinessUser for ReadTheDocs
+ IVYPORTAL-7497 Story       Remove heavy crypto libraries from PortalKit
+ IVYPORTAL-7511 Story       Adapt AdHoc ProcessStepCreation
+ IVYPORTAL-7512 Story       Express - Separate Able to start and task responsible
+ IVYPORTAL-7515 Story       Enrich general ajax exception dialog with XHR request info
+ IVYPORTAL-7520 Story       Merge PortalGroupChat to Trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-7535 Story       Elapsed time for done cases II
+ IVYPORTAL-7700 Story       Make chat work with reverse proxy nginx
+ IVYPORTAL-7706 Story       Data Provider for Axon.ivy Express II
+ IVYPORTAL-7707 Story       Unify document component and Create document component for developers II
+ IVYPORTAL-7708 Story       Enhancement and refactor chat
+ IVYPORTAL-7777 Story       Architecture Changes in Portal - Solving Problems with GroupIDs,Versions, Maven
+ IVYPORTAL-7951 Story       Merge primefaces 7 fix to trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-7985 Story       Adapt AdHoc ProcessStepCreation II
+ IVYPORTAL-8119 Story       Improve portal user guide based on ivy ReadTheDocs document style/formating/structure 
+ IVYPORTAL-8203 Story       Introduce Process Owner in Express
+ IVYPORTAL-6303 Bug         selectonemenu and selectcheckboxmenu menu caret icon and filter style
+ IVYPORTAL-6851 Bug         Too much whitespace in Task Header
+ IVYPORTAL-7464 Bug         Fix width of search bar not responsive
+ IVYPORTAL-7537 Bug         Express: Order of fields changes from definition to execution II

Changes in, 10.04.2019

This is a Leading Edge version.

+ XIVY-3164      Story          Provide full text search for Task and Case Custom String Fields
+ XIVY-3165      Story          Optimize Performance of isInvolved Business- or Subcase only Queries
+ XIVY-3024      Bug            Copy & paste in process editor does not respect view port
+ XIVY-3139      Bug            Find invovled cases since MySQL 8.0.12 extremly slow
+ XIVY-3167      Bug            HtmlMailConverter endless port occupation
+ XIVY-3169      Bug            Engine Cockpit error if no app is deployed on applications view
+ XIVY-3170      Bug            CustomTimestampField cache issue if it's called the first time
+ IVYPORTAL-7157 Story          Enhance Case Query - Business vs Technical vs both and improve Case Search
+ IVYPORTAL-7156 Technical task Check existence of SelfSevice in PortalExamples

Changes in, 29.03.2019

This is a Leading Edge version.

+ XIVY-929       Story          Simple import/download of Portal/Sample projects 
+ XIVY-2218      Story          Specify custom task properties at task creation
+ XIVY-2660      Story          Remove Richdialog from Designer
+ XIVY-2827      Story          Support native paging when querying System DB
+ XIVY-2829      Story          Refactor ivy servlets and filters to be less complex
+ XIVY-2835      Story          Replace ivy system property store in system database with ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-2845      Story          Move Axon.ivy code repository from SVN to GIT
+ XIVY-2861      Story          Provide demo portal application only in demo mode
+ XIVY-2875      Story          Rollout SWT Output Inscription tab (drop-in upgrade)
+ XIVY-2881      Story          Streamline all Output scripting & actions
+ XIVY-2909      Story          First case and task of a case map  must not appear in task list after session timeout
+ XIVY-2935      Story          PostConstruct script for highly customized Task creation logic
+ XIVY-2945      Story          Improve SWT Ivy Script Editor in Expression Mode
+ XIVY-2955      Story          Concept of new Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-2956      Story          Remove RichDialog technology and AdminUI from Engine 
+ XIVY-2959      Story          Analyze how long poll Rest Requests can be handled asynchronously
+ XIVY-2960      Story          Permanent substitute/deputy users
+ XIVY-2962      Story          Provide an elasticsearch cluster docker example
+ XIVY-2979      Story          Release project-build-plugin with a single job
+ XIVY-2983      Story          Make Axon.ivy Designer run with GTK3
+ XIVY-2991      Story          Analyze if iFrames can be used to integrate html dialogs of tasks into Portal
+ XIVY-3000      Story          Support async REST services
+ XIVY-3001      Story          Migrate legacy custom/business fields to new custom field
+ XIVY-3002      Story          Analyze and improve performance of custom fields
+ XIVY-3003      Story          SWT based task tabs to define CustomFields
+ XIVY-3006      Story          Validate single project ivy scriptlets while building with maven
+ XIVY-3016      Story          Building big workspace in designer is extremly slow
+ XIVY-3022      Story          Demand IUserToken instead of ISession in ITask.canUserResumeTask(...)
+ XIVY-3025      Story          Manage Users and Roles in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3026      Story          Basic Security System View for Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3027      Story          Show information about system in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3028      Story          Control applications in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3033      Story          Improve Performance of Custom Fields Db Queries
+ XIVY-3035      Story          Rollout new Task/Case tab capabilities to all compliant elements
+ XIVY-3039      Story          Make deletion double check in user synchronizer configurable
+ XIVY-3041      Story          Reimplement Name, Arc and Annotation Inscription with SWT
+ XIVY-3043      Story          Create release pipelines
+ XIVY-3046      Story          Modern platform context-menu in Process Editor
+ XIVY-3049      Story          Support plain JSF pages without html dialog/process
+ XIVY-3050      Story          Create javadoc build
+ XIVY-3053      Story          Remove findbugs from ivy classpath
+ XIVY-3054      Story          Log error when deploying empty artifact
+ XIVY-3060      Story          Limit substitutes/deputies to current and future tasks of substituted user
+ XIVY-3064      Story          Replace eclipse help with html help in designer
+ XIVY-3065      Story          Validate .project file
+ XIVY-3066      Story          Deliver a BETA MAC Designer
+ XIVY-3068      Story          Make Engine Cockpit enterprise ready (> 40'000 users)
+ XIVY-3071      Story          Improve L&F of IvyScript Editor UI
+ XIVY-3074      Story          Access BusinessDataRepository from a REST service
+ XIVY-3079      Story          Improve external security system section in default ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-3080      Story          Release 7.3
+ XIVY-3083      Story          Migrate old legacy business calendar id from task/case data inscriptions to script inscriptions
+ XIVY-3087      Story          Rollout SWT Start Inscription tab (drop-in upgrade)
+ XIVY-3094      Story          Make process element icons in Inscription Editor compliant
+ XIVY-3098      Story          Migrate old legazy case and task categorization from task/case data inscriptions to script inscriptions
+ XIVY-3109      Story          Optimize performance of task joined with case or business case queries (Use union instead of OR in join condition)
+ XIVY-3112      Story          Log Error Message in Elasticsearch Bulk Request
+ XIVY-3125      Story          Allow lazy installation of additional JDBC driver bundles
+ XIVY-2869      Improvement    Replace org.reflections with classgraph
+ XIVY-2988      Improvement    Make rule plugin smaller: remove unnecessary poi-oooxml-schema.jar
+ XIVY-3014      Improvement    Log internal server errors in a rest service
+ XIVY-852       Bug            Default XHTML dialog editor is broken on macOS 
+ XIVY-2810      Bug            Fix Oxygen Designer packaging/start on macOS
+ XIVY-2836      Bug            HD View validation shows false positive warnings for standard components
+ XIVY-2883      Bug            Business Data (Elasticsearch) does not work if I start same Designer twice
+ XIVY-2972      Bug            Deadlock can occur when importing all ivy sample projects
+ XIVY-2973      Bug            ConcurrentModificationException after importing ivy projects
+ XIVY-2992      Bug            Project build problem after moving to new workspace
+ XIVY-2993      Bug            NPE in CMS after closing or deleting a project
+ XIVY-2994      Bug            Build problems after importing .iar created with Designer 7.2
+ XIVY-3004      Bug            Deadlock while deploying multiple iars to a new application
+ XIVY-3012      Bug            ConcurrentModificationException in request history
+ XIVY-3020      Bug            IsNull-Query for additional property returns wrong result
+ XIVY-3042      Bug            Designer bug dialog fails to render linebreaks in error message
+ XIVY-3048      Bug            Goto Data Class action broken when viewing embedded Subprocess
+ XIVY-3056      Bug            Memory Leak with Oracle as System Database
+ XIVY-3058      Bug            CMS Search Index creation fails with NPE
+ XIVY-3059      Bug            Multithreading issues in AXIS Web Service Client Call
+ XIVY-3062      Bug            Referenced TaskExpiry error not updated during copy&paste
+ XIVY-3073      Bug            ConcurrentModificationException when using async p:remotecommands
+ XIVY-3107      Bug            PersistentObjectDeletedException in SessionCounter when deleting User
+ XIVY-3108      Bug            ViewExpiredExceptions is logged on Level INFO with full stacktrace
+ XIVY-3118      Bug            Task notification mail sending is slow
+ XIVY-3127      Bug            NoSuchElementException in EndlessLoopDetectionJob
+ XIVY-3128      Bug            StackOverflowException in JavaBeanUtil while logging Axis1 or Axis2 WebService error
+ XIVY-3134      Bug            Task notification mail job may trigger unneeded portal home requests causing high cpu usage
+ XIVY-3137      Bug            High CPU load (100%) if you debug the Designer inside the Designer
+ XIVY-3153      Bug            NPE in CMS when opening TaskSwitchEvent Inscription Mask within packed project
+ IVYPORTAL-6290 Epic           Mobile Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-6252 Story          Warning before closing browser - Firefox and Chrome
+ IVYPORTAL-6284 Story          SideStep in Case Widget
+ IVYPORTAL-6291 Story          Implement mobile TaskList
+ IVYPORTAL-6292 Story          Implement mobile ProcessList
+ IVYPORTAL-6299 Story          Improve Dashboard - Task Element
+ IVYPORTAL-6304 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S164
+ IVYPORTAL-6335 Story          Improve SideStep visibility in Task list
+ IVYPORTAL-6386 Story          Implement mobile recognition, Login and Portal Header II
+ IVYPORTAL-6387 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S165
+ IVYPORTAL-6533 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S166
+ IVYPORTAL-6534 Story          Implement Chat including IIS Support IV
+ IVYPORTAL-6674 Story          Remove portal connector III
+ IVYPORTAL-6675 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S167
+ IVYPORTAL-6682 Story          Merge relevant Performance issues to Trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-6817 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S168
+ IVYPORTAL-6819 Story          Remove portal connector IV
+ IVYPORTAL-6821 Story          Create additional Portal permissions II
+ IVYPORTAL-6895 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S169
+ IVYPORTAL-6896 Story          Implement Chat including IIS Support V
+ IVYPORTAL-6985 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S170
+ IVYPORTAL-7064 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S171
+ IVYPORTAL-6300 Bug            Open redirect vulnerability in Portal Wf UI
+ IVYPORTAL-6340 Bug            UI Problem in User Menu
+ IVYPORTAL-6341 Bug            Extend TaskQueryOrderBy for task without tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-6364 Bug            Fix POI Runtime Dependencies
+ IVYPORTAL-6367 Bug            Identify and handle localStorage Access Denied
+ IVYPORTAL-6376 Bug            User "admin" gets automatically permissions
+ IVYPORTAL-6446 Bug            Portal slows down every AJAX request with unnecessary background requests
+ IVYPORTAL-6539 Bug            Statistics - Task Categories of case missing
+ IVYPORTAL-6540 Bug            Hide technical Stuff - Optimization
+ IVYPORTAL-6648 Bug            Primefaces Elements in DIV tags problem - Alignment
+ IVYPORTAL-6894 Bug            Fix bugs and improve code for story Remove PortalConnector
+ IVYPORTAL-6869 Technical task Styling and Spelling issues in Express. V. 7.2

Changes in, 13.11.2018

This is a Leading Edge version.

+ XIVY-1011 Bug Handle null entries when sorting by expiry date via orderby().nullFirst() or orderBy().nullLast()
+ XIVY-2000 Bug HtmlDialog from global error handler (handling error from another HtmlDialog) is not shown for Ajax request
+ XIVY-2957 Bug Engine started with systemd awaits timeout if exited by a failure
+ XIVY-2964 Bug Html Dialog Editor WYSIWYG selection broken with JRE 191
+ XIVY-2970 Bug Opening an Embedded-Sub InscriptionEditor throws NPE

Changes in, 05.11.2018

This is a Leading Edge version.

+ XIVY-2527      Epic           A case should have a process owner which has special management rights for the case
+ XIVY-26        Story          Change security system of application
+ XIVY-621       Story          Create a new application at deploy time
+ XIVY-1636      Story          WARN log: Could not remove unused process data cache for task
+ XIVY-2063      Story          Simplify the third party process element extension interfaces.
+ XIVY-2141      Story          Evaluate vulnerability scanner
+ XIVY-2428      Story          Move Ivy Demo Projects to Bitbucket
+ XIVY-2431      Story          Improve ivyScript Editor and ivyScript Table
+ XIVY-2451      Story          Upgrade to Eclipse Oxygen (First Try)
+ XIVY-2453      Story          Analyze how to split configuration and transaction data in the engine
+ XIVY-2455      Story          Analyze current portal connector
+ XIVY-2457      Story          Support latest MS Sql Server JDBC Driver from Microsoft for the system database (Support for High Availability (HA) SQL Server Cluster)
+ XIVY-2498      Story          Run Unit Tests as Eclipse Core Tests
+ XIVY-2499      Story          Improve drag & drop support under Linux
+ XIVY-2528      Story          Add new descriptive property "owner" to the case
+ XIVY-2536      Story          Add isLike(...) for number (ID) in TaskQuery- and CaseQuery-API
+ XIVY-2582      Story          Override configuration data by external configuration systems (Property File, ENV, etcd, ...)
+ XIVY-2583      Story          Auto setup system database during engine startup 
+ XIVY-2606      Story          Update Branding
+ XIVY-2611      Story          Improve performance of prefixed LIKE queries on PostgreSQL system databases
+ XIVY-2618      Story          Allow to disable the Mobile Offline Dialog feature
+ XIVY-2625      Story          Support MySQL 8.0 as SystemDB
+ XIVY-2631      Story          Auto create application and deploy application zip during engine startup
+ XIVY-2633      Story          Allow project specific JAX-RS extensions such as an exception handler
+ XIVY-2646      Story          Replace AWT Name Tab in all process elements with new SWT Name Tab
+ XIVY-2651      Story          Move C++ Launchers to BitBucket
+ XIVY-2655      Story          Avoid unnecessary CMS logs on Engine
+ XIVY-2658      Story          Change cup/jflex generation from ant to maven
+ XIVY-2661      Story          Backport Primefaces fix for bug #2525, #2539 and #2638 to PF 6.1
+ XIVY-2665      Story          Respect global Browser preferences in Designer
+ XIVY-2700      Story          Add Marketplace to Designer
+ XIVY-2811      Story          APT package for fast engine distribution under Ubuntu/Debian
+ XIVY-2818      Story          At startup of the docker image the engine should wait for the availability of the system database and external Elasticsearch
+ XIVY-2819      Story          Provide an official Docker image for the Engine on Docker Hub
+ XIVY-2820      Story          Improve configuration documentation in Engine Guide
+ XIVY-2821      Story          Support High DPI (HDPI) displays in Designer
+ XIVY-2822      Story          Backport Primefaces Extensions fix for bug #470 to PFE 6.1.0
+ XIVY-2824      Story          Improve APT package for simple configuration
+ XIVY-2833      Story          Improve performance of CategoryTreeBuilder for Portal
+ XIVY-2834      Story          Replace serverconfig.xml with ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-2838      Story          Make read and connection timeout for Elasticsearch connection configurable
+ XIVY-2853      Story          Make Security System configurable over ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-2855      Story          Keep Line Break style of existing MOD files
+ XIVY-2856      Story          Call WS methods that can only be generated in wrapper style
+ XIVY-2857      Story          Support owner of case in CaseQuery
+ XIVY-2858      Story          Override configuration of application properties, environment and global variables
+ XIVY-2859      Story          Override configuration of external databases, webservices and REST services
+ XIVY-2862      Story          Remove and replace clear text passwords in configuration files (ivy.yaml) with encrypted once during engine startup
+ XIVY-2864      Story          Display warning in UIs that config overridden in ivy.yaml cannot be changed
+ XIVY-2870      Story          Make Documents/Files Location configurable
+ XIVY-2876      Story          Missing method: ivy.repo.delete(id)
+ XIVY-2878      Story          Reload config if config files changes
+ XIVY-2879      Story          Support more than one ivy.yaml file
+ XIVY-2884      Story          Stabilize Debian package for long term usage
+ XIVY-2886      Story          After I reserved a task and then resume it and get interruped the task should still be reserved for me
+ XIVY-2896      Story          Release 7.2
+ XIVY-2897      Story          JRE and 3 Party Library Updates for 7.2
+ XIVY-2899      Story          Provide an API to start a CaseMap 
+ XIVY-2900      Story          Support HTTP POST request to start CaseMaps and Sidesteps with arguments
+ XIVY-2918      Story          Write audit log if config files changes
+ XIVY-2921      Story          Improve error handling if a configuration file cannot be parsed successfully
+ XIVY-2933      Story          Support symlinks in engine directory
+ XIVY-2949      Story          Process Editor: Move selection broken 
+ XIVY-2502      Improvement    Provide AXIS1+2 WS client support as optional feature
+ XIVY-2607      Improvement    Change jaxb model generation from ant to maven
+ XIVY-2812      Improvement    Provide Ethereum Blockchain Process Element
+ XIVY-2817      Improvement    Improve TaskQuery execution performance when specifying startIndex
+ XIVY-2947      Improvement    Too short Exception Stack Trace in the log
+ XIVY-2488      Bug            Can not store an object in the business data store with more than 1000 different fields
+ XIVY-2492      Bug            Broken pipe when trying to load web assets like fonts or css files
+ XIVY-2495      Bug            Displaying of the roles in the AdminUI is extremely slow with a lot of PMVs and Roles
+ XIVY-2497      Bug            Serving wrong mime type for jpeg images in cms causes problems with IE
+ XIVY-2503      Bug            ViewExpiredException if an error happens after an HtmlDialog in the business process
+ XIVY-2504      Bug            Ivy.html().startref(...) is not available within rest service
+ XIVY-2506      Bug            JSFWorkflowUI does not show Absences/Substitution in navigation
+ XIVY-2525      Bug            JSF NumberConverter does not work properly with p:inputNumber and german locale
+ XIVY-2535      Bug            Parameter requestedPage for default login process is wrong
+ XIVY-2538      Bug            EmptyStackException occurs if a task is reseted and a user want to submit the form
+ XIVY-2590      Bug            Mapping to unqualified ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.List<E> fails in rest client
+ XIVY-2593      Bug            JSF view file validation and content assist does not know properties and methods declared in super interfaces
+ XIVY-2610      Bug            Gracefully shutdown the engine
+ XIVY-2619      Bug            Process search in Designer fails without showing any results
* XIVY-2627      Bug            Open redirect vulnerability in Engine Wf UI
+ XIVY-2628      Bug            Wrong "error" page if one clicks on a link of a inactive PMV
+ XIVY-2632      Bug            NPE when joining Task
* XIVY-2638      Bug            HttpOnly flag is not specified on cookie set by Java Webstart request
+ XIVY-2657      Bug            Error information missing on ViewExpiredException
+ XIVY-2666      Bug            BPMN element names with umlauts are broken under linux
+ XIVY-2717      Bug            Support Maria-DB driver under Linux
+ XIVY-2747      Bug            Process Editor freezes under Linux
* XIVY-2803      Bug            Rarely NullPointerException on engine/designer start
+ XIVY-2860      Bug            Support Windows Server 2016 in IIS integration batch files
+ XIVY-2867      Bug            Session expired error message when trying to start an already finsished task with a link in a notification mail 
+ XIVY-2868      Bug            An image from CMS are not correctly included/referenced in a mail if it is not located in the CMS root folder
+ XIVY-2873      Bug            Designer may not start because of a race condition in RuleEngineActivator
+ XIVY-2874      Bug            Database Connection is not closed when quering database in the SQL Query Dialog of the Database Editor of the Designer
+ XIVY-2880      Bug            Overloaded Methods may not correctly be displayed in completion proposal and javadoc help 
* XIVY-2882      Bug            Memory Leak in ProcessElementFactory
+ XIVY-2888      Bug            Webservice call model invalid when migrating from Axis2 to CXF
+ XIVY-2889      Bug            Data Class editor is not correctly initialized when data class is opened from Search view
+ XIVY-2890      Bug            Cannot restart engine if old license is no longer valid even if I install a new valid license  
+ XIVY-2891      Bug            ManagedBeans do not work in *.iar file created with the Designer
+ XIVY-2893      Bug            TaskQuery.fromJson may fail with JsonMappingException: Numeric value (XXXX) out of range of int
+ XIVY-2894      Bug            Pack/Unpack a project creates unneeded empty files
+ XIVY-2895      Bug            Error message of BPM Error is not displayed in error page
* XIVY-2898      Bug            Memory leak in RuleVersionService (Rule Engine)
+ XIVY-2912      Bug            Element alignment broken after copy-paste
+ XIVY-2913      Bug            Use UTF-8 to encode mail addresses (to, from, cc, bcc, replyTo)
+ XIVY-2915      Bug            JSF managed beans, validators or converters of a projects may not be found after redeploy or restart 
+ XIVY-2916      Bug            Elasticsearch cannot be started under Linux if installation path contains a space
+ XIVY-2920      Bug            Password is visible in clear text in AdminUI if it is configured in a yaml file even if it is encrypted in the file
+ XIVY-2922      Bug            OSGi Bundle patches not in charge if whitespaces in path
* XIVY-2931      Bug            Restart of Task throws EmptyStackException or IvyScriptCastException
+ IVYPORTAL-682  Story          Remove deleted users
+ IVYPORTAL-1532 Story          Conduct performance tests
+ IVYPORTAL-2104 Story          Automate ivy sprint release upgrade
+ IVYPORTAL-2351 Story          Custom filter for Taskwidget in portal dashboard
+ IVYPORTAL-2514 Story          Detect PortalConnector compatibility
+ IVYPORTAL-2625 Story          Customize (optimize) Process Chain colour via CSS
+ IVYPORTAL-2630 Story          Spike for 1 level tabs
+ IVYPORTAL-3823 Story          Hide marked cases
+ IVYPORTAL-3856 Story          Improve Express layout - Field positioning
+ IVYPORTAL-4348 Story          More ivy default processes
+ IVYPORTAL-4815 Story          Add release information to portal
+ IVYPORTAL-4932 Story          Enhance delegate function - Additional Permission
+ IVYPORTAL-5026 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S154
+ IVYPORTAL-5207 Story          Axon.Ivy Express - Enhance Create Process
+ IVYPORTAL-5208 Story          Axon.Ivy Express - Additional Task Types
+ IVYPORTAL-5210 Story          Axon.Ivy Express - Create Forms
+ IVYPORTAL-5229 Story          Change the top search style
+ IVYPORTAL-5231 Story          Enhance Search Function - Global search
+ IVYPORTAL-5236 Story          Identify Code in Document upload and block it
+ IVYPORTAL-5256 Story          Enhance Permission Handling in Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-5277 Story          Consolidate case widget
+ IVYPORTAL-5278 Story          Enhance Case Widget - Header customization
+ IVYPORTAL-5286 Story          Create a step by step guide to upgrade Portal 
+ IVYPORTAL-5291 Story          Case and Task Query created by user in portal - for statistics
+ IVYPORTAL-5293 Story          Add release information to portal II
+ IVYPORTAL-5294 Story          Remove deleted users II
+ IVYPORTAL-5295 Story          Detect PortalConnector compatibility II
+ IVYPORTAL-5382 Story          Improvements for Statistics - Style adaptions and drilldown enhancement
+ IVYPORTAL-5383 Story          Improvements for Statistics - Enhance Create Chart filters 
+ IVYPORTAL-5401 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S155
+ IVYPORTAL-5405 Story          Provide Hooking for Login
+ IVYPORTAL-5417 Story          Improvements for Statistics - Enhance Statistics "homepage" 
+ IVYPORTAL-5418 Story          Permissions for Add dashboards/Charts (Statistics) and Add New Express Workflow
+ IVYPORTAL-5435 Story          Axon.Ivy Express - Additional Task Types II
+ IVYPORTAL-5436 Story          Axon.Ivy Express - Enhance Create Process II
+ IVYPORTAL-5437 Story          Axon.Ivy Express - Create Forms II
+ IVYPORTAL-5439 Story          Permission to Delete / Create Documents 
+ IVYPORTAL-5511 Story          Extend PortalCustomization Best Practice Examples
+ IVYPORTAL-5553 Story          Fix bug of Original Express
+ IVYPORTAL-5555 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S156
+ IVYPORTAL-5568 Story          Axon.Ivy Express - Additional Task Types III
+ IVYPORTAL-5570 Story          Axon.Ivy Express - Create Forms III
+ IVYPORTAL-5632 Story          Two static files are not cached
+ IVYPORTAL-5656 Story          Improve Portal performance - Task List
+ IVYPORTAL-5663 Story          Adding a Server in the portal
+ IVYPORTAL-5664 Story          Portal administration - Configuration/Properties
+ IVYPORTAL-5665 Story          Case history/notes - show more page and export Enhancement
+ IVYPORTAL-5666 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S157
+ IVYPORTAL-5686 Story          Improve Message when you leave a task
+ IVYPORTAL-5687 Story          Improvements for Statistics - Enhance Statistics "homepage"  II
+ IVYPORTAL-5688 Story          Improvements for Statistics - Enhance Create Chart filters  II
+ IVYPORTAL-5689 Story          Consolidate case widget II
+ IVYPORTAL-5690 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S158
+ IVYPORTAL-5691 Story          Enhance Search Function - Global search II
+ IVYPORTAL-5803 Story          Optimize font size, font type and font color in portal input text boxes
+ IVYPORTAL-5808 Story          Data table styling rework and tab header
+ IVYPORTAL-5818 Story          Customize Priority State Colour for Task State
+ IVYPORTAL-5831 Story          Case and Task Query created by user in portal - for statistics II
+ IVYPORTAL-5833 Story          Improve Portal performance - Task List II
+ IVYPORTAL-5837 Story          Improvements for Statistics - Enhance Statistics "homepage"  III
+ IVYPORTAL-5865 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S159
+ IVYPORTAL-5914 Story          Implement Chat including IIS Support II
+ IVYPORTAL-5922 Story          Improvements for Statistics - Apply chart filters 
+ IVYPORTAL-5923 Story          Enhance Case and task Widget - Displayed information
+ IVYPORTAL-5965 Story          Improve Process Favorites - Personal and Application favorites
+ IVYPORTAL-5984 Story          Enhance task and case list - Add filters and save filters
+ IVYPORTAL-5985 Story          Introduce a counter for tasks and cases
+ IVYPORTAL-5988 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S160
+ IVYPORTAL-6002 Story          Remove Symbols from Process List
+ IVYPORTAL-6003 Story          Improve Process List
+ IVYPORTAL-6025 Story          Enable/Disable columns in Case Widget
+ IVYPORTAL-6042 Story          Style specified in PortalStyle should be taken last
+ IVYPORTAL-6049 Story          Add additional button type in  Standard portal
+ IVYPORTAL-6053 Story          Hide technical / system Entries in Process history
+ IVYPORTAL-6074 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S161
+ IVYPORTAL-6137 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S162
+ IVYPORTAL-6201 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S163
+ IVYPORTAL-6240 Story          Enable/Disable columns in Case Widget II
+ IVYPORTAL-6304 Story          Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S164
+ IVYPORTAL-5275 Bug            Enhance task list - Search bar 
+ IVYPORTAL-5276 Bug            Enhance Task list - Start button and more option buttons
+ IVYPORTAL-5384 Bug            No Error Dialog if general Exception happens
+ IVYPORTAL-5440 Bug            Session is expired while working IV
+ IVYPORTAL-5760 Bug            Email settings not working for users not having all apps
+ IVYPORTAL-5838 Bug            Exception when click left menu and select leave task
+ IVYPORTAL-6069 Bug            Consistent behaviour for searching application users in portal admin
+ IVYPORTAL-6193 Bug            Search function for tasks/cases cannot find number in task description or case name
+ IVYPORTAL-5381 Technical task Handle document upload for cases (w)
+ IVYPORTAL-5776 Technical task Add favicon to Portal (check error again)
+ IVYPORTAL-5848 Technical task Disable process simulation
+ IVYPORTAL-6242 Technical task Expand application menu, statistic chart is move down (Problem in review meeting)
+ IVYPORTAL-6278 Technical task Improve favorites - space using
+ IVYPORTAL-6287 Technical task User new Method for Search in task and case query

Changes in, 16.04.2018

This is a Leading Edge version.

+ XIVY-2118      Epic        Renew Web Service Call Libraries
+ XIVY-349       Story       Renew/Change the session ID after login
+ XIVY-620       Story       Deploy full application ZIP
+ XIVY-624       Story       Deploy options in deploy-iar goal to control re-deployment
+ XIVY-1115      Story       Store and access ivy projects as single IAR file on the engine
+ XIVY-1168      Story       REST Client should consider SSL Client settings of Designer and Server when using https
+ XIVY-1183      Story       Calling REST Service from browser that already owns an authenticated ivy session
+ XIVY-1636      Story       WARN log: Could not remove unused process data cache for task
+ XIVY-2050      Story       Update Feature List in
+ XIVY-2051      Story       Feature Videos for REST Client Call
+ XIVY-2106      Story       Migrate first artefact from Svn to Bitbucket inclusive builds
+ XIVY-2136      Story       Analyze Web Service Frameworks and implement a Protoype with them (Axis2, CXF, ...)
+ XIVY-2137      Story       Support GIT in Designer
+ XIVY-2223      Story       Support calling NTLM protected Rest Services
+ XIVY-2225      Story       Enhance default REST client configuration to ignore missing property mappings
+ XIVY-2231      Story       Move third party libraries to own bundles which are deployed to own P2 repository. 
+ XIVY-2232      Story       Upgrade CXF from version 2.3.11 to version 3.2
+ XIVY-2233      Story       Extract existing AXIS WsClient technologies as features with extensions for the core
+ XIVY-2234      Story       Simplify WS Call inscription mask (request, response, SWT)
+ XIVY-2236      Story       Provide CXF as new WS call library (base features)
+ XIVY-2237      Story       Investigate the support of Java 9 for Rich Internet Applications (RIA)
+ XIVY-2240      Story       Merge Release Notes with N&N
+ XIVY-2247      Story       Feature Videos for Signal or Business Data
+ XIVY-2251      Story       Analyze performance and memory consumption of portal
+ XIVY-2263      Story       Allow extension classes to be contributed to ivy.core libraries
+ XIVY-2265      Story       Replace AWT IvyScriptEditor in Script Activity with new SWT Editor
+ XIVY-2266      Story       Remove AspectJ
+ XIVY-2267      Story       Polish deployment options
+ XIVY-2269      Story       Officially support Maria DB
+ XIVY-2270      Story       Demo how a modern JScript based UI technology (Angular, React, Vue, ...) can be used in Axon.ivy processes
+ XIVY-2302      Story       Refactor web service configuration data model 
+ XIVY-2308      Story       Replace AWT Output Tab in Script Activity with new SWT Output Tab
+ XIVY-2310      Story       Deployment options as mojo parameters
+ XIVY-2312      Story       Finish moving 3rd party libraries to own lib only bundles
+ XIVY-2313      Story       Support session handling for CXF WS call library
+ XIVY-2334      Story       Support SSL in CXF WS Calls
+ XIVY-2335      Story       Http Basic, Http Digest, NTLM Authentication Support
+ XIVY-2336      Story       Error Code should be configurable
+ XIVY-2338      Story       Remove timeout from error mask. Support it as property
+ XIVY-2339      Story       Polish UI of web service call
+ XIVY-2341      Story       Make SWT Script Editor nice
+ XIVY-2342      Story       Make SWT output table nice
+ XIVY-2344      Story       Provide functionality to add certificate to SSL Client trust store
+ XIVY-2355      Story       Cleanup IInfo Objects on Datawrapper WS and RestClientCall
+ XIVY-2356      Story       Improve fallback endpoints model and editor
+ XIVY-2357      Story       Support features and properties in web service client configuration model, editor and executor
+ XIVY-2376      Story       Automate Designer pre-requisites installation under Linux
+ XIVY-2377      Story       Migrate IvyAddOns to BitBucket
+ XIVY-2381      Story       Support WS-Security Username Token Authentication for CXF
+ XIVY-2382      Story       Migrate legacy WS argument mapping options to properties
+ XIVY-2385      Story       HTTP proxy configuration per web service client for CXF
+ XIVY-2386      Story       Support WS-Addressing (WS-A) for CXF
+ XIVY-2387      Story       Provide WebService Feature Extension Example 
+ XIVY-2391      Story       Support Properties and Features for WebServices on AdminUi
+ XIVY-2394      Story       Deliver ivy system projects as one archived file
+ XIVY-2400      Story       Speed-Up Designer-Boot
+ XIVY-2401      Story       Cleanup deprecated API after AdminUi has been updated to use new API
+ XIVY-2403      Story       Release 7.1
+ XIVY-2404      Story       Make project reporting an independent installable P2 unit
+ XIVY-2420      Story       Upgrade 3rd party libraries to latest service releases
+ XIVY-2426      Story       Inscribe native Webservice types with well known ivy scripting types
+ XIVY-2427      Story       Teach how to use web services in Axon.ivy
+ XIVY-2430      Story       Demo that we can communicate with the Ethereum Blockchain
+ XIVY-2439      Story       Provide API to create new Permissions, Permission Groups and their Relations
+ XIVY-2442      Story       Support Properties and Features for WebServices on AdminUi II
+ XIVY-2444      Story       Axon.ivy Designer with optional features
+ XIVY-2446      Story       Respect editor preferences for Html Dialog views
+ XIVY-2449      Story       Improve graphical performance on process editor for linux
+ XIVY-2456      Story       Open Class/Method directly out of IvyScriptEditor
+ XIVY-2470      Story       Reduce default RAM usage of Elasticsearch in the Designer
+ XIVY-2476      Story       Add a CXF feature that disables all or certain WSDL policies
+ XIVY-2477      Story       Support WebServices that define multiple output parameters (JAX-WS Holder)
+ XIVY-2252      Improvement CaseMap Improvements
+ XIVY-2330      Improvement Provide script for autoconfig basic authentication on IIS
+ XIVY-2388      Improvement Missing application name in log file for LDAP sync
+ XIVY-2390      Improvement Engine guide references Linux script files (.sh) that no longer exists or that were renamed
+ XIVY-2421      Improvement Enable a configuration of which browsers to show with a ivyScriptEditor
+ XIVY-2486      Improvement Missing documentation that shipped portal app should not be used
+ XIVY-2487      Improvement String field in Elasticsearch is deprecated
+ XIVY-85        Bug         Enable Edit button on WS endpoint
+ XIVY-118       Bug         Process editor context menu selected text is white on Windows 10
+ XIVY-1034      Bug         Problem when saving the deployment editor after removing the SNAPSHOT from the version
+ XIVY-1329      Bug         No new PMV will be created by default when redeploying same library but with new version
+ XIVY-1673      Bug         Attachments sent by mail step contains folder path
+ XIVY-1853      Bug         REST API for single tasks does not return resumed/created tasks
+ XIVY-2170      Bug         Hovered text in context menu of process editor is white
+ XIVY-2171      Bug         A task may start on the wrong TaskSwitchGateway output arc
+ XIVY-2173      Bug         Sample Call&Wait implementation does not work with multiple PMVs
+ XIVY-2206      Bug         File Browse in Control Center fails
+ XIVY-2209      Bug         Process Selection in CaseMap-Editor does not work
+ XIVY-2210      Bug         Ivy 6.0/7.0 can't join tasks of cases which has been started with Ivy 5.1
+ XIVY-2214      Bug         Can not build 7.0.0 projects while a non OSGi engine is in cache
+ XIVY-2216      Bug         NullpointerException occurs while logging null values in Designer
+ XIVY-2224      Bug         Session of user is still alive after user deletion
+ XIVY-2238      Bug         Cleanup JSF ViewScope when closing DialogRuntime
+ XIVY-2245      Bug         Unexpected 'End of File' scripting error when mapping REST response
+ XIVY-2259      Bug         Empty task activator script fails at runtime
+ XIVY-2261      Bug         ISession.logoutSessionUser() clears the HTTP Session attributes of the current request
+ XIVY-2264      Bug         Engine start fails after running it as root user
+ XIVY-2268      Bug         Wrong parameters in Javadoc for web service process constructor
+ XIVY-2272      Bug         RComboBox and RTable fail with an NPE on initialization
+ XIVY-2300      Bug         Enforce usage of Java 1.8 webstart by default
+ XIVY-2333      Bug         Enterprise server discloses hostname
+ XIVY-2359      Bug         RIA Workflow UI button "Resume All" does not work any more
+ XIVY-2362      Bug         Project build maven plugin fails when executing mutliple builds in parallel
+ XIVY-2378      Bug         systemctl stop AxonIvyEngine does not stop engine smoothly. Instead the process is killed.
+ XIVY-2399      Bug         Fix already known WS client (CXF) bugs
+ XIVY-2423      Bug         JSF Workflow UI: trigger escalation and modification of expiry timestamp don't work
+ XIVY-2429      Bug         Rarely occuring IndexOutOfBoundsException on process data de-serialisation
+ XIVY-2432      Bug         CC/BCC-Recipients in mail are not set in Designer
+ XIVY-2458      Bug         No new PMV will be created by default when redeploying same library but with new version II
+ XIVY-2461      Bug         WSDL namespace mapping dialog does not expose all namespaces
+ XIVY-2475      Bug         HTTP authentication (Basic/Digest/NTLM) while reading WSDL file in WebService editor broken.
* XIVY-2493      Bug         Cluster Communication broken because of ClassLoading Problems with OSGi
+ IVYPORTAL-936  Story       Structured case tree (Trunk)
+ IVYPORTAL-2103 Story       Remove parent (part of) pom.xml
+ IVYPORTAL-2674 Story       Process history component - Specific history related to a business object
+ IVYPORTAL-2748 Story       Implement - Design chooser capabilities
+ IVYPORTAL-2755 Story       Message before session is lost
+ IVYPORTAL-2769 Story       Support case query II.
+ IVYPORTAL-2816 Story       Static code analysis
+ IVYPORTAL-2817 Story       Security quick check
+ IVYPORTAL-2819 Story       Java warnings improvement
+ IVYPORTAL-2843 Story       Hide system cases
+ IVYPORTAL-3586 Story       Analyse Portal performance
+ IVYPORTAL-3609 Story       Possibility to extend Note in Task Details
+ IVYPORTAL-3751 Story       Favourites pro application or global
+ IVYPORTAL-3941 Story       Provide more search criteria for case list
+ IVYPORTAL-3997 Story       Save+load user defined filters for cases
+ IVYPORTAL-4002 Story       Refresh task list on new task
+ IVYPORTAL-4055 Story       Introduce sonar tests
+ IVYPORTAL-4059 Story       Wizard for new absence
+ IVYPORTAL-4062 Story       Leaving task: offer user to reserve task
+ IVYPORTAL-4169 Story       Implement Axonivy Express EndPage
+ IVYPORTAL-4246 Story       Improve AJAX error handler
+ IVYPORTAL-4299 Story       Custom Logout - Customization
+ IVYPORTAL-4300 Story       Refresh task list on new task II.
+ IVYPORTAL-4301 Story       Improve UX for start task from full task list
+ IVYPORTAL-4302 Story       Various or urgent requests in S145
+ IVYPORTAL-4322 Story       Sticky task list: restore filters
+ IVYPORTAL-4328 Story       Enhance design - Better space usage for task and case lists
+ IVYPORTAL-4366 Story       Show notes in big view
+ IVYPORTAL-4409 Story       automate Sprint release on v7.0.x
+ IVYPORTAL-4410 Story       automate Sprint release on Trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-4444 Story       Various or urgent requests in S146
+ IVYPORTAL-4450 Story       Clean up Express Part II
+ IVYPORTAL-4451 Story       Migrate ant scripts to test: IvyCommons + AdminUI II
+ IVYPORTAL-4482 Story       Check ViewScoped Beans
+ IVYPORTAL-4528 Story       Extension Point for Application Menu
+ IVYPORTAL-4537 Story       Various or urgent requests in S147
+ IVYPORTAL-4538 Story       Save+load+remove user defined filters for tasks II
+ IVYPORTAL-4540 Story       automated Portal Selenium tests on ivy nightly II
+ IVYPORTAL-4646 Story       Various or urgent requests in S148
+ IVYPORTAL-4652 Story       Implement portal statistic with some basic charts
+ IVYPORTAL-4686 Story       auto test integrations of Portal to ivy II
+ IVYPORTAL-4687 Story       Save+load+remove user defined filters for cases
+ IVYPORTAL-4779 Story       Improve Portal performance
+ IVYPORTAL-4817 Story       Further implementation of portal statistic
+ IVYPORTAL-4819 Story       Analyse and consolidate Portal CMS List II
+ IVYPORTAL-4820 Story       Various or urgent requests in S149
+ IVYPORTAL-4848 Story       Multiapp szenario - Improvement in Task handling and visibility
+ IVYPORTAL-4862 Story       Enhance case list - Introduce structured case category tree
+ IVYPORTAL-4863 Story       Enhance task list - Structured category tree
+ IVYPORTAL-4865 Story       Sticky Task List on Cancel
+ IVYPORTAL-4880 Story       Various or urgent requests in S150
+ IVYPORTAL-4884 Story       Option to disable sorting of favorite process starts
+ IVYPORTAL-4885 Story       Configure own columns in task list III
+ IVYPORTAL-4930 Story       Enhance Case list and Related tasks - Display also done cases and tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-4934 Story       Remove dependencies - Remove Hierarchy of classes "RemoteXYZ"
+ IVYPORTAL-4943 Story       Various or urgent requests in S151
+ IVYPORTAL-4954 Story       Additional (custom) data details II
+ IVYPORTAL-5025 Story       Various or urgent requests in S152
+ IVYPORTAL-5084 Story       Improvement of Styleadaptions in the Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-5085 Story       Reporting - Cases
+ IVYPORTAL-5087 Story       Portal navigation - Keep filter during whole session
+ IVYPORTAL-5119 Story       PortalCustomization Best Practice Examples
+ IVYPORTAL-5120 Story       Various or urgent requests in S153
+ IVYPORTAL-5123 Story       Implement Portal statistic customization (Drilldown) III
+ IVYPORTAL-5126 Story       Create Release for Ivy 7.1 
+ IVYPORTAL-2737 Bug         Correct Session timeout
+ IVYPORTAL-2844 Bug         Enhance - Add favourite Processes
+ IVYPORTAL-4286 Bug         Clean up Express CSS
+ IVYPORTAL-4289 Bug         Clean up Portal style
+ IVYPORTAL-4365 Bug         Fix layout on ~1240 pixels
+ IVYPORTAL-4386 Bug         Add to dashboard button does not work in PortalStatistics
+ IVYPORTAL-4433 Bug         Fix performance bug in user/role selection
+ IVYPORTAL-4489 Bug         Lazy load embedded dialogs on demand
+ IVYPORTAL-4498 Bug         Link to open sidebar is missing
+ IVYPORTAL-4539 Bug         Extended PortalKit supported language cause error III
+ IVYPORTAL-4812 Bug         Search in case list doesn't work for creator
+ IVYPORTAL-4813 Bug         Task list filtering in Multiapp Szenario - Responsible filter for each app
+ IVYPORTAL-4867 Bug         Consistent behaviour in Portal - Leaving task warning
+ IVYPORTAL-4882 Bug         Fix NPE in portal if COERCE_TO_ZERO option is enabled
+ IVYPORTAL-4942 Bug         Design chooser bug - New Colours were not applied after saving
+ IVYPORTAL-4969 Bug         Session expired message, even if session not expired II
+ IVYPORTAL-5015 Bug         List out Portal multi-applications issues
+ IVYPORTAL-5027 Bug         Bug in Task list navigation - Portal Home and full task list
+ IVYPORTAL-5031 Bug         Costumization with Less doesn't change buttons in Exit-Dialog II
+ IVYPORTAL-5118 Bug         Implement "Sticky Task List" for "Skip Task List"

Changes in 7.0.0, 27.09.2017

This is a Long Term Support version.

We strongly recommend to install this new version because it fixed security issues!

Axon.ivy Core:
- Rewritten "Introduction" chapter in Designer and Engine Guide
Axon.ivy Designer:
- New 7.0 Branding (Splashscreen, Icon, etc.)
Axon.ivy Engine:
- New license needed (license version 7000)
- OSGi Engine only. Old non OSGi engines removed.
- New chapter "Getting Started" in Engine Guide

7.0 also includes all new features introduced with the following Leading Edge versions: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.4, 6.6 and 6.7! 

+ XIVY-11   Epic         Provide and call REST services
+ XIVY-1052 Story        Use ExceptionHandler in AJAX requests
+ XIVY-1077 Epic         Persistence for Business Data (E-Dossier)
+ XIVY-1299 Epic         Business Case that summarizes all cases and task of a business event
+ XIVY-1305 Improvement  ivy/faces url should contain the appname like all other ivy link addresses
+ XIVY-1368 Bug          Warn/Analyze protection against SQL Injection in an ivy Database Step
+ XIVY-1530 Story        Deprecate old task and case categorization API and hide fields in inscription masks
+ XIVY-1625 Bug          ModelValidationException when two similar rest-endpoints exists in different ivy-application
+ XIVY-1628 Epic         Case Map
+ XIVY-1665 Story        Remove timestamp from process files (*.mod)
+ XIVY-1669 Story        Evaluate and develop a new documentation concept for the Designer and Engine Guide
+ XIVY-1841 Story        Session timeout handling in HtmlDialogs
! XIVY-1846 Bug          REST service should only be accessible in its application
+ XIVY-1851 Story        Official support for Windows Server 2016 / MS SQL Server 2016
+ XIVY-1934 Story        Release 7.0
+ XIVY-1941 Story        Increase license version to 7000
+ XIVY-1999 Story        Polish CaseMap Docu
+ XIVY-2012 Bug          Different mechanism of loading rule between Designer and Engine
+ XIVY-2013 Story        Upgrade drools engine in Ivy to 7.0
+ XIVY-2025 Story        Remove legacy engine build
+ XIVY-2052 Story        Update Release 7.0 Branding (Splash, Icons, etc)
+ XIVY-2053 Story        Rewrite Engine Guide "Getting Started" chapter
+ XIVY-2055 Story        Allow minimal dev workspace 1
+ XIVY-2066 Bug          SystemDB settings are not persistent in EngineConfigUi if 'Save And Exit' is used
+ XIVY-2067 Bug          Cannot import ivy project with large target directory
+ XIVY-2081 Improvement  Demonstrate OData service consumption with ivy
+ XIVY-2087 Bug          When changing inputs in SystemDb Tab it won't "save" when changing the tab
+ XIVY-2100 Story        Visualize that connection is being tested
! XIVY-2104 Bug          Unauthorized read access to certain process data possible in UserTask process element
+ XIVY-2113 Bug          Signal boundary events run parallel
+ XIVY-2114 Story        Allow to declare IAR dependencies with scope other than 'compile'
+ XIVY-2119 Bug          Hide Password value on UI
+ XIVY-2123 Improvement  Get rid of tools.jar
+ XIVY-2124 Bug          Tabs open and close automatically nonstop 
! XIVY-2125 Bug          Limited read file access in WEB-INF directory possible (Local File Inclusion vulnerability)
+ XIVY-2128 Bug          Check Connection on any other tab than system database uses not existing nextStepDialogBean

The following issues fixed in 6.7 update releases are also included in 7.0

Update Release (23.08.2017)

We recommend to install this update release because it fixes this stability issue!

* XIVY-2083 Bug          Patch Primefaces 6.1 to fix Primefaces Bug #2337 (Duplicated TD in DataTable inside Panel Grid)
* XIVY-2086 Bug          Bean validation seems to be broken because new version of Hibernate Validation uses 1.1 bean validation and myfaces extval uses 1.0