
Using this file you can change properties of the JNLP file that will be sent to client computers to start an Xpert.ivy Rich Internet Application.

jnlpconfig.any is devided into tree sections: information, java and application-desc


Configure general information about the application like title or its vendor.


Configure parameters used for the Java virtual machine on client side like memory parameters, additional jvm arguments and the download-mode of jars.


Configure technical attributes of the application like client-site logging or tooltip behavior.


Have a look into the file jnlpconfig.any. The configuration options are described in detail there.


By default, the lazy download of jars is set to false. This means, that all jars requred by the application are downloaded at startup. With a good internet connection, this will not be a problem. The application will start quite fast. In case the client is connected by a slow internet connection, it makes sense to enable lazy download of jars. But if lazy download is enabled, it will cause an overhead in the security certifacte validiation - each jar will be verified individually. This also takes a cerain amount of time.