Provide your own process elements

It is possible to provide your own process elements to Xpert.ivy using some of the extension points described in the previous section. The process elements you provide are based on the standard extensible process elements Program Interface (PI), Program User Interface (PUI), Start Event, Intermediate Event and Call& Wait. The bean class of your process elements are hard coded and cannot be changed on the inscription masks. To define such process elements use the extension point ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.element.IExtensibleStandardProcessElementExtension. After you have implemented this extension point, Xpert.ivy knows about your process elements but they do not appear on the user interface. To add your process elements to the process editor palette use the extension point ch.ivyteam.ivy.designer.process.ui.editor.palette.IIvyProcessPaletteExtension. Now your process elements are visible on the palette, but the labels for the process elements are not yet defined. Use the extension point to define the labels (short name, name and description) of your process elements. Last but not least, you have to ensure that Xpert.ivy can load the bean classes of your process elements. Use the extension point to add the classes of your bundle to the Xpert.ivy project runtime class path. You can now use your own process elements in Xpert.ivy.