Service documentation
Web service name | Input parameters | Output parameters | Description |
getAbsences |
userName (String) applicationNames (List of String) |
absences (List of IvyAbsence) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Get all absences for user by input list of applications. |
getAbsencesOfAllUsers |
applicationNames (List of String) |
absences (List of IvyAbsence) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Get all absences of all users by in input list of applications. |
setAbsences |
userName (String) applicationNames (List of String) absencesToUpdate (List of IvyAbsences) |
errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Delete all absences of user in input list of applications Save/update input list of IvyAbsence for user. |
Table 2.1. Absence services
Web service name | Input parameters | Output parameters | Description |
getAllApplications |
applications (List of IvyApplication) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Get all applications. | |
getApplicationsByAppNames |
applicationNames (List of String) |
applications (List of IvyApplication) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Get all applications based on application names. |
Table 2.2. Application services
Web service name | Input parameters | Output parameters | Description |
countCasesByCriteria |
caseSearchCriteria (CaseSearchCriteria) |
caseCount (Long) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Number of cases. |
createNote |
id (Long) user (String) message (String) |
note (IvyNote) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Creates new note for case. |
destroyCase |
caseId (Integer) |
errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Destroy case. |
downloadDocument |
caseId (Long) documentId (Long) |
documentContent (Binary) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Download document of case. |
findCase |
id (Long) |
ivyCase (IvyCase) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Search case by caseId through all applications. |
findCasesByCriteria |
startIndex (Integer) count (Integer) caseSearchCriteria (CaseSearchCriteria) |
ivyCase (List of IvyCase) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Find case by criteria. |
findCaseCategoriesByCriteria |
caseSearchCriteria (CaseSearchCriteria) language (String) |
categories (List of CategoryData) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Find category of cases that given user can work on. |
findDocuments |
id (Long) |
documents (List of IvyDocument) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Find document of case. |
findNotes |
id (Long) |
notes (List of IvyNotes) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Search for note by caseId. |
getAddtionalProperties |
id (Long) |
addtionalProperties (List of IvyAdditionalProperty) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Get additional properties of case. |
removeDocument |
caseId (Long) documentId (Long) |
errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Remove document of case. |
setAdditionalProperties |
caseId (Long) additionalProperties (List of IvyAdditionalProperty) |
errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Set additional properties for case. |
uploadDocument |
caseId (Long) documentName (String) documentContent (Binary) |
document (IvyDocument) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Upload document to case. |
saveCase |
ivyCase (IvyCase) |
errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Save Ivy Case. |
analyzeCaseStateStatistic |
caseSearchCriteria (CaseSearchCriteria) |
caseStateStatistic (CaseStateStatistic) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Get statistic data by case state. |
analyzeElapsedTimeByCaseCategory |
caseSearchCriteria (CaseSearchCriteria) |
elapsedTimeStatistic (ElapsedTimeStatistic) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Get statistic data by case category's elapsed time. |
Table 2.3. Case services
Web service name | Input parameters | Output parameters | Description |
isAlive |
apps (List of strings) |
applicationList (List of IvyApplication) isAlive (Boolean) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Checking if connector is "alive" and the applications are running. If apps list is empty, it gives back all applications. If not, it searches only for apps in list. |
Table 2.4. IsAlive services
Web service name | Input parameters | Output parameters | Description |
getLibraries |
apps (List of strings) |
libraries (List of IvyLibraries) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Get all projects name/version except Portal projects. |
getLibrary |
libraryId (String) appName (String) |
library (IvyLibraries) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Get projects name/version by libraryId and application name. |
Table 2.5. Library services
Web service name | Input parameters | Output parameters | Description |
findProcessesStartsByCriteria |
isUrlBuiltFromSystemProperties (Boolean) language (String) processSearchCriteria (ProcessSearchCriteria) |
processStarts (List of IvyProcessStarts) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Search for ivy process start base on languages, criteria. |
Table 2.6. Process start services
Web service name | Input parameters | Output parameters | Description |
findAllUsers |
apps (List of String) |
users (List of IvySecurityMembers) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Search for all users on list applications. |
findAllRoles |
apps (List of String) |
roles (List of IvyRole) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Search for all roles on list applications. |
findSecurityMembersToDelegate |
taskID (Long) |
users (List of IvyUser) roles (List of IvyRole) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Find list of users to delegate task. |
findUserByRoleId |
app (String) id (Long) |
users (List of IvyUser) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Search for all users that have role with id equals to input id. |
Table 2.7. Security services
Web service name | Input parameters | Output parameters | Description |
getExternalHost |
externalHost (String) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Get the system propery "WebServer.ExternalHostName" of the engine. |
Table 2.8. Server services
Web service name | Input parameters | Output parameters | Description |
findSideStepsByCriteria |
isUrlBuiltFromSystemProperties (Boolean) sideStepSearchCriteria (SideStepSearchCriteria) language (String) |
sideSteps (List of IvySideStep) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Get sidesteps by criteria. |
Table 2.9. Sidestep services
Web service name | Input parameters | Output parameters | Description |
getSupportedLanguages |
applicationName (String) |
supportedLanguages (List of String) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Get all supported languages of application. |
Table 2.10. Supported language services
Web service name | Input parameters | Output parameters | Description |
analyzeExpiryStatistic |
jsonQuery (String) userName (String) apps (List of String) |
expiryStatistic (ExpiryStatistic) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Get statistic data by task expiry date. |
analyzePriorityStatistic |
jsonQuery (String) userName (String) apps (List of String) |
priorityStatistic (PriorityStatistic) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Get statistic data by task priority. |
canUserResumeTask |
id (Long) userName (String) |
workerUserName (String) canUserResumeTask (String) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Detect user can resume task or not. |
createTaskNote |
user (String) message (String) id (Long) |
ivyNote (IvyNote) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Create task note for user. |
countTasksByCriteria |
taskSearchCriteria (TaskSearchCriteria) |
taskCount (Long) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Count number of tasks by criteria. |
delegateTask |
isUrlBuiltFromSystemProperties (Boolean) id (Long) ivySecurityMember (IvySecurityMember) |
ivyTask (IvyTask) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Delegate task found by taskId to ivySecurityMember. |
findTasksByCriteria |
isUrlBuiltFromSystemProperties (Boolean) startIndex (Integer) count (Integer) taskSearchCriteria (TaskSearchCriteria) |
ivyTask (List of IvyTask) allIvyTasks (List of IvyTask) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Find tasks by criteria. |
findTasksByCase |
caseId (Integer) involvedUserName (String) |
ivyTask (List of IvyTask) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Find tasks by caseId. |
findTaskNotes |
id (Long) |
ivyNote (IvyNote) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Find task note by id. |
findCategories |
jsonQuery (String) userName (String) apps (List of String) language (String) |
categories (List of CategoryData) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Find category of tasks that given user can work on. |
findPersonalTaskCategories |
jsonQuery (String) userName (String) apps (List of String) language (String) |
categories (List of CategoryData) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Find category of tasks those are reponsible by given user. |
findGroupTaskCategories |
jsonQuery (String) userName (String) apps (List of String) language (String) |
categories (List of CategoryData) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Find category of tasks those are responsible by role and given use has this role. |
parkTask |
isUrlBuiltFromSystemProperties (Boolean) id (Long) user (String) |
ivyTask (IvyTask) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Park found users task by taskId. |
resetTask |
currentUserName (String) isUrlBuiltFromSystemProperties (Boolean) id (Long) |
ivyTask (IvyTask) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Resets the given task. |
save |
task (IvyTask) |
errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Save ivy task. |
Table 2.11. Task services
Web service name | Input parameters | Output parameters | Description |
findUserSetting |
user (String) appName (String) |
userSetting (IvyUserSetting) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Search for setting for user by username in application. |
saveUserSetting |
user (String) userSetting (IvyUserSetting) appName (String) |
errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Saving input IvyUserSetting for user by username in application. |
getEMailSettings |
applications (List of String) user (String) |
settings (List of IvyEmailSetting) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Get all settings for all applications contained in input
setEMailSettings |
settings (List of IvyEmailSetting) user (String) |
errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Save input IvyEmailSetting for user settings in application. |
getSubstitutes |
applications (List of String) user (String) |
substitutes (List of IvySubstitute) userApplications (List of IvyUser) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Get all substitutes for user in all input list of applications, and all users in applications. |
setSubstitutes |
username (String) substitutes (List of IvySubstitute) |
errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Save/update input list of IvySubstitute for user. |
getLanguagesSettings |
serverId (Long) user (String) apps (List of String) |
settings (List of IvyLanguageSetting) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Get Languages settings for the passed user and applications. |
setLanguagesSettings |
user (String) settings (List of IvyLanguageSetting) |
errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Save/update languages settings for the passed user. |
Table 2.12. User settings services
Web service name | Input parameters | Output parameters | Description |
findWebStartablesByCriteria |
isUrlBuiltFromSystemProperties (Boolean) language (String) webStartableSearchCriteria (WebStartableSearchCriteria) |
webStartables (List of IvyWebStartables) errors (List of WSExceptions) |
Search for ivy web start base on languages, criteria. |
Table 2.13. Web start (Process start and case map) services
Name | Type |
description |
String |
appName |
String |
startDateInclusive |
Date |
stopDateInclusive |
Date |
Table 2.15. IvyAbsence
Name | Type |
-//- |
All parameters from ICase |
applicationName |
String |
businessCorrespondentId |
Integer |
businessCreatorUser |
String |
businessMainContactDocumentDatabaseCode |
String |
businessMainContactFolderId |
String |
businessMainContactId |
Integer |
businessMainContactName |
String |
businessContactType |
String |
businessMilestoneTimestamp |
Date |
businessObjectCode |
String |
businessObjectDocumentDatabaseCode |
String |
businessObjectFolderId |
String |
businessObjectName |
String |
businessPriority |
String |
businessStartTimestamp |
Date |
canChangeDescription |
Boolean |
canChangeName |
Boolean |
canDestroy |
Boolean |
creatorFullName |
String |
creatorUserName |
String |
customDecimalFiled1 |
Float |
customDecimalFiled2 |
Float |
customDecimalFiled3 |
Float |
customDecimalFiled4 |
Float |
customDecimalFiled5 |
Float |
customTimestampField1 |
Date |
customTimestampField2 |
Date |
customTimestampField3 |
Date |
customTimestampField4 |
Date |
customTimestampField5 |
Date |
customVarCharField1 |
String |
customVarCharField2 |
String |
customVarCharField3 |
String |
customVarCharField4 |
String |
customVarCharField5 |
String |
description |
String |
endTimestamp |
Date |
id |
Long |
ivyNotes |
List<IvyNote> |
name |
String |
priority |
String |
processCategoryCode |
String |
processCategoryName |
String |
processCode |
String |
processName |
String |
processModelName |
String |
processModelVersionNumber |
Integer |
serverId |
Long |
startTimestamp |
Date |
state |
String |
subTypeCode |
String |
subTypeName |
String |
typeCode |
String |
typeName |
String |
Table 2.18. IvyCase
Name | Type |
contentType |
String |
creation |
ModificationInfo |
id |
Long |
lastModification |
ModificationInfo |
name |
String |
path |
Path |
size |
Long |
Table 2.19. IvyDocument
Name | Type |
appName |
String |
customMailEnabled |
Boolean |
emailNotificationDisabled |
Boolean |
emailSendDailyTaskSummaryOnMonday |
Boolean |
emailSendDailyTaskSummaryOnTuesday |
Boolean |
emailSendDailyTaskSummaryOnWednesday |
Boolean |
emailSendDailyTaskSummaryOnThursday |
Boolean |
emailSendDailyTaskSummaryOnFriday |
Boolean |
emailSendDailyTaskSummaryOnSaturday |
Boolean |
emailSendDailyTaskSummaryOnSunday |
Boolean |
emailSendOnNewWorkTasks |
Boolean |
Table 2.20. IvyEmailSetting
Name | Type |
appName |
String |
supportedLanguages |
List<String> |
userLanguage |
String |
Table 2.21. IvyLanguageSetting
Name | Type |
id |
String |
projectName |
String |
projectVersion |
String |
application |
String |
Table 2.22. IvyLibrarySetting
Name | Type |
creationTimestamp |
Date |
creatorFullName |
String |
creatorUserName |
String |
id |
Long |
message |
String |
Table 2.23. IvyNote
Name | Type |
-//- |
All parameters from IProcessStart |
applicationName |
String |
description |
String |
fullRequestStart |
String |
fullRequestPathWithDocId |
String |
fullUserFriendlyRequestPath |
String |
id |
Long |
name |
String |
processElementId |
String |
serverAddress |
String |
startLink |
String |
Table 2.24. IvyProcessStart
Name | Type |
application |
String |
displayName |
String |
id |
Long |
isUser |
Boolean |
memberName |
String |
Table 2.25. IvyRole
Name | Type |
application |
String |
displayName |
String |
id |
Long |
memberName |
String |
Table 2.26. IvySecurityMember
Name | Type |
appName |
String |
description |
String |
forThisRole |
String |
mySubstitute |
String |
roleDisplayName |
String |
Table 2.28. IvySubstitute
Name | Type |
-//- |
All parameters from ITask |
activatorFullName |
String |
activatorName |
String |
applicationName |
String |
businessCreatorUser |
String |
businessMileStoneTimestamp |
Date |
canChangeDescription |
Boolean |
canChangeName |
Boolean |
canChangePriority |
Boolean |
canDelegate |
Boolean |
canPark |
Boolean |
canReset |
Boolean |
canResume |
Boolean |
caseBusinessCorrespondentId |
Integer |
caseBusinessCreatorUser |
String |
caseBusinessMainContactDocumentDatabaseCode |
String |
caseBusinessMainContactFolderId |
String |
caseBusinessMainContactId |
Integer |
caseBusinessMainContactName |
String |
caseBusinessMainContactType |
String |
caseBusinessMilestoneTimestamp |
Date |
caseBusinessObjectCode |
String |
caseBusinessObjectDocumentDatabaseCode |
String |
caseBusinessObjectFolderId |
String |
caseBusinessObjectName |
String |
caseBusinessPriority |
String |
caseBusinessStartTimestamp |
Date |
caseCreatorUserName |
String |
caseCustomDecimalField1 |
Float |
caseCustomDecimalField2 |
Float |
caseCustomDecimalField3 |
Float |
caseCustomDecimalField4 |
Float |
caseCustomDecimalField5 |
Float |
caseCustomTimestampField1 |
Date |
caseCustomTimestampField2 |
Date |
caseCustomTimestampField3 |
Date |
caseCustomTimestampField4 |
Date |
caseCustomTimestampField5 |
Date |
caseCustomVarCharField1 |
String |
caseCustomVarCharField2 |
String |
caseCustomVarCharField3 |
String |
caseCustomVarCharField4 |
String |
caseCustomVarCharField5 |
String |
caseDescription |
String |
caseEndTimestamp |
Date |
caseId |
Long |
caseName |
String |
casePriority |
String |
caseProcessCategoryCode |
String |
caseProcessCategoryName |
String |
caseProcessCode |
String |
caseProcessName |
String |
caseShowDetailLink |
String |
caseStartTimestamp |
Date |
caseState |
String |
caseSubTypeCode |
String |
caseSubTypeName |
String |
caseTypeCode |
String |
caseTypeName |
String |
customDecimalField1 |
Float |
customDecimalField2 |
Float |
customDecimalField3 |
Float |
customDecimalField4 |
Float |
customDecimalField5 |
Float |
customTimestampField1 |
Date |
customTimestampField2 |
Date |
customTimestampField3 |
Date |
customTimestampField4 |
Date |
customTimestampField5 |
Date |
customVarCharField1 |
String |
customVarCharField2 |
String |
customVarCharField3 |
String |
customVarCharField4 |
String |
customVarCharField5 |
String |
delayTimestamp |
Date |
description |
String |
displayDescriptionTemplate |
String |
displayNameTemplate |
String |
expireActivatorName |
String |
expireActivatorFullName |
String |
expirePriority |
String |
expireTimestamp |
Date |
fullRequestPath |
String |
id |
Long |
isExpired |
Boolean |
ivyNotes |
List<IvyNote> |
kindCode |
String |
kindName |
String |
name |
String |
originalActivatorName |
String |
originalActivatorFullName |
String |
originalPriority |
String |
priority |
String |
serverId |
Long |
startTimestamp |
Date |
state |
String |
workerFullName |
String |
workerUserName |
String |
Table 2.29. IvyTask
Name | Type |
emailNotificationDisabled |
Boolean |
emailSendDailyTaskSummaryOnMonday |
Boolean |
emailSendDailyTaskSummaryOnTuesday |
Boolean |
emailSendDailyTaskSummaryOnWednesday |
Boolean |
emailSendDailyTaskSummaryOnThursday |
Boolean |
emailSendDailyTaskSummaryOnFriday |
Boolean |
emailSendDailyTaskSummaryOnSaturday |
Boolean |
emailSendDailyTaskSummaryOnSunday |
Boolean |
emailSendOnNewWorkTasks |
Boolean |
language |
String |
useUserEmailSettings |
Boolean |
Table 2.31. IvyUserSetting
Name | Type |
name |
String |
displayName |
String |
description |
String |
link |
String |
activatorDisplayName |
String |
activatorMemberName |
String |
Table 2.32. IvyWebStartable
Error code | Error description (user text) |
10000 |
An error occurred while finding case by id |
10001 |
An error occurred while searching cases for user |
10002 |
An error occurred while searching cases for user by filter |
10003 |
An error occurred while searching notes for case |
10004 |
An error occurred while creating note for case |
10005 |
An error occurred while searching tasks for case |
10006 |
An error occurred while checking if application/s is/are active |
10007 |
An error occurred while searching process starts for applications |
10008 |
An error occurred while searching applications process starts for user |
10009 |
An error occurred while roles searching |
10010 |
An error occurred while users searching |
10011 |
An error occurred while roles searching for user by role id |
10012 |
An error occurred while creating note for task |
10013 |
An error occurred while searching notes for task |
10014 |
An error occurred while task delegating |
10015 |
An error occurred while searching task by id |
10016 |
An error occurred while searching tasks for user by filter |
10017 |
An error occurred while task parking |
10018 |
An error occurred while searching setting for user |
10019 |
An error occurred while saving user setting |
10020 |
An error occurred while searching setting for user in application |
10021 |
An error occurred while saving setting for user in application |
10022 |
Case: ID {CASE_ID} not found |
10023 |
Application(s) {LIST_OF_APPLICATIONS} is/are not active |
10024 |
Empty, error is not used |
10025 |
No case found for user {USERNAME} |
10026 |
No application specified. |
10027 |
Task ID "{TASK_ID}" not found |
10028 |
Fault error: Unmarshalling Error: For input: "{INPUT_STRING}" |
10029 |
User "{USER_NAME}" not found |
10030 |
Application(s) "{LIST_OF_APPLICATIONS}" not found |
10031 |
Task id {TASK_ID} not found for user {USER_NAME} |
10032 |
An error occurred while getting settings for all applications. |
10033 |
An error occurred while saving email settings. |
10034 |
An error occurred while getting absences for user in applications. |
10035 |
An error occurred while saving absences. |
10036 |
An error occurred while getting substitutes for user in applications. |
10037 |
An error occurred while saving substitutes. |
10038 |
Role "{ROLE_NAME}" not found for user |
10039 |
No username specified. |
10040 |
An error occurred while get languages settings, key {CMS_LANG_KEY} not found on {PROCESS_MODEL_VERSION} |
10041 |
Language {LANGUAGE} not supported |
10042 |
Please change the filename {FILE_NAME} because it exists. |
10043 |
Unknown error. |
10044 |
An error occurred while getting tasks of the case has ID {ID}. |
10045 |
An error occurred while saving task. |
10046 |
An error occurred while searching side steps of the case for user. |
10047 |
An error occurred while changing password. |
10048 |
Can not set language for email notification language. |
10049 |
An error occurred while analyzing statistic data by task priority. |
10050 |
An error occurred while analyzing statistic data by task expiry date. |
10051 |
An error occurred while analyzing statistic data by case state. |
10052 |
An error occurred while analyzing statistic data by case category's elapsed time. |
10053 |
An error occurred while searching for case categories. |
Table 2.39. Error codes
To have multi languages in portal, key
must exist in CMS of Portal Style. This entry contains list of all languages supported by this application, separated by comma.
Must not contain spaces.
Same as display name of locale.
Separated by comma.
Process Model version have this CMS must active.