Interface IActivator

  • public interface IActivator

    An activator is a user or a role that can start a task.

    Read more about this activator in the designer guide at task switch process element.

    This is a public API.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        ISecurityMember get()

        Gets the task activator's user or a role.

        May return null if the activator was deleted since the creation of the task or was not defined at all (e.g. expiry task activator is optional)

        Note, that the method name() may return a valid name even if the task activator was deleted.

        user or role or null if activator was not defined or was deleted
        See Also:
        This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
      • set

        void set​(ISecurityMember activator)
        Sets the task activator
        activator - either a user or a role
        This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
      • name

        String name()
        Get the name of the task activator. Maybe null if the task activator was not defined (e.g. expiry task activator). Returns a valid name even if the task activator was defined but was deleted in the meantime.
        task activator name or null.
        This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
      • userCandidatesPaged

        IPagedIterable<IUser> userCandidatesPaged()

        Evaluates all users who can resume this task. If the activator is a role, then all users that own this role will be included in the list. In case some users are absent, their substitutes will be included as well. However substitutes of substitutes are not included.

        This method uses a default, system defined page size (1000) which does not harm memory and provides still good performance.

        user candidates
        See Also:
        This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility EXPERT.
      • userCandidatesPaged

        IPagedIterable<IUser> userCandidatesPaged​(int pageSize)
        Evaluates all users who can resume this task. If the activator is a role, then all users that own this role will be included in the list. In case some users are absent, their substitutes will be included as well. However substitutes of substitutes are not included.
        pageSize - the maximum number of users loaded at once into memory On paged UI tables the number of objects you display on a single page.
        user candidates
        See Also:
        This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility EXPERT.