
In the preferences you can configure some Axon.ivy Designer settings to adapt it to your personal working style. Most of these settings you can overwrite in the Project Preferences.

Deprecation Settings

Some features are deprecated but still supported. These settings allow you to enable deprecated features.

Deprecation Preferences

Deprecation Preferences

Allow to define multi language configurations

If you enable this checkbox some configuration can be made language dependent.

Email Settings

These settings define the configuration for the E-Mail Step on the designer.


On the Engine you need to specifically set the EMail.Server.* in ivy.yaml.

Email Preferences

Email Preferences

SMTP host name

The name of your outgoing email server (the SMTP server). Please refer to your system administrator to get this name.

Use default SMTP port

If selected the default SMTP port depending on the encryption method is used.

SMTP port

The port your SMTP server is listening to.

SMTP user name

A valid user name for your outgoing email server to authenticate on it (if this feature is used).

SMTP password

The password for the given user name above.

Test email address (from)

In the designer, this email address overwrites the sender setting in the inscription mask of the E-Mail Step. Mails are not sent to the address that is configured in the inscription mask but to this address. Therefore you can test the functioning of your processes without sending emails to the real addresses.

Test email address (to)

The same principle as above but for the recipient.

Encryption method

The encryption method used for the communication with your mail server.

Use SSL client key

Only select this option if the SMTP server requires a client certificate to authenticate the client. The key (certificate) will be read from a key store. See section SSL Client Settings for more information.

SSL client key alias

The name (alias) of the key to send to the SMTP server. If empty the first key found in the key store is used.

Send Test Email

Sends a test mail with the current settings. With the default preferences you should instantly see the sent mail in the ‘Email Messages’ view which is provided by the developer SMTP.

Developer SMTP

During process development mails generated by the Axon.ivy Digital Business Platform are preferably not sent to a real SMTP server. Normally you just need to quickly inspect the contents of theses generated mails. A real remote SMTP will increase the round-trip to read these message. Therefore the Designer comes pre-configured with a simple SMTP mail server.

With the default E-Mail preferences every mail will be sent to the development SMTP. You can inspect the mail inbox by opening the view ‘Email Messages’.

Mail Snag View

Mail Snag View

IvyScript Settings

With these preferences you can choose the default inscription on the action table and the visibility level of the completer.

IvyScript Preferences

IvyScript Preferences

Default Inscription on action table

Before the action table (or any other output code) is executed on an element, the input process data is copied from the in object and is assigned to the out object. Use this combo box to specify the copy behavior. The default behavior is to copy by reference (i.e. the out variable will point to the same object as the in variable).

Visibility level

The visibility level of the IvyScript completer and the function browser can be configured here.

Process Editor Settings

The process editor settings are used to configure the behavior and look of the process editor as well as some settings that are related to the use of processes.

Process Editor Preferences

Process Editor Preferences

Default element style

The style for newly added process elements.

Background color

Specify the background color of the process editor area.

Gridline color

Specify the color of the grid lines in the process editor.

Show grid lines in the editor

Specify whether the grid lines in the process editor are shown.

Process Engine Settings

Here you can set whether the internal Browser view of Eclipse or an external Browser is used to show the Process Start Overview and you can configure all the settings related to the animation.

Process Engine Preferences

Process Engine Preferences

Automatically start all process engines on Designer start

If the check box is selected, all process engines are automatically started on Designer start. It can be disabled to prevent performance issues on large workspaces.

Animation speed fast < - > slow

Sets the default speed of the animation. Setting the slider to a low value lets you observe the process flow easily as the animation speed is decreased.


As the animation is very slow with low slider values adjust this setting only when you need to debug a process in its lowest details and increase the speed as soon you have finished.

Simulation/Animation follow

Here you can set in which mode the execution is animated. You can choose between the following values:

  • Do not follow the animation at all - does nothing

  • Show and open all touched processes (default) - Default setting, this opens a process editor window for every process (or User Dialog logic in case of inner User Dialogs) that is used within the started process

  • Follow only top level business processes - Simulates and opens only top level business processes. Does not enter User Dialogs, embedded subs or callable subs.

  • Do not enter dialog logic - Does not simulate User Dialogs

  • Follow only in open editors - You can choose which process are animated by opening them in a process editor window. Note that the focus switches always the window displaying the currently executed process

  • Follow only in current editor on top - If you are only interested to debug one specific process. Note, that this is not imperatively the top-level process


Here you can configure how many process data snapshots are archived in the process engine history (History View).

  • Activate history - If ticked process data is archived, if not ticked no process data is archived.

  • Number of requests to keep in history (0 means all) - Here you can configure the number of requests per process element for which snapshots of the process data are stored in the history. If you configure 0 the process data snapshots for all requests are stored.

  • Number of executions to keep in history (0 means all) - Here you can configure the number of executions per requests and process element for which snapshots of the process data are stored in the history. If you configure 0 the process data snapshots for all executions are stored. A value of 10 means that the process data snapshots of the five oldest and youngest executions of a process element per request are stored in the history.


In case of memory shortage during simulation the settings of history preferences may be ignored (resulting in less snapshots shown in the history).

Event Bean Simulation

Switch off the simulation of Process Start or Intermediate Event Beans when you want to focus on simulations of other elements (Event Bean simulation may pop up process editors with the corresponding process and may overflow the Runtime Log View. In order to apply changes, the Engine must be restarted.

  • Execute Start Event Beans in Simulation - If ticked, the Process Start Event Beans are executed, otherwise not.

  • Execute Intermediate Event Beans in Simulation - If ticked, the Intermediate Start Event Beans are executed, otherwise not.

SSL Client Settings

These settings define the key and trust stores to be used for SSL/TLS client connections.


On the Engine you need to specifically set the SSL.Client.* in ivy.yaml.

A key store is used to read client keys (certificates). This is only required if a server requests a client certificate in order to authenticate the client.

A trust store is used to specify trusted server certificates or certificates of certification authorities. An SSL client authenticates a server by using the certificates in a trust store. If the server provides a certificate that is signed by a certification authority known by Java then the system trust store can be used. If the server uses a certificate that is self signed or signed by a unknown certification authority then a custom trust store can be used. The custom trust store must contain the server certificate or the certificate of the unknown certification authority.

Key and trust stores can be created and modified (generation and import of certificates and keys) with a graphical keytool like the KeyStore Explorer or by the keytool included in the Java Development Kit (JDK). More information can be found in the documentation of the JDK.

SSL Client Preferences

SSL Client Preferences

Key Store Settings
Use custom key store

If selected the key store configured below is used to read the client’s key. A client key is only necessary if the server requests SSL client authentication. If not selected the system keystore is used. The system keystore can be configured by setting the Java system property

Key store file

The file containing the client keys.

Key store password

Password used to read the key store file.

Key password

Password needed to decrypt the key. If empty the key store password is used instead.

Key store type

The type of the key store (e.g. JKS or PKCS12). If empty the system default type is used.

Key store provider

The security provider used to read the key store. If empty the system default provider is used.

Key store algorithm

The algorithm used to read the key store. If empty the system default algorithm is used.

Trust Store Settings
Use custom trust store

If selected the trust store configured below is used to read trusted server certificates and/or certificates of certification authorities. It is possible to use both the system and custom trust store.

Trust store file

The file containing the trusted server certificates and/or certificates of certification authorities. Press Add… to add a certificate from a file to the trust store.

Trust store password

Password used to read the trust store file.

Trust store type

The type of the trust store (e.g. JKS or PKCS12). If empty the system default type is used.

Trust store provider

The security provider used to read the trust store. If empty the system default provider is used.

Trust store algorithm

The algorithm used to read the trust store. If emtpy the system default algorithm is used.

Use system trust store

If selected the system default trust store is used. It is possible to use both the system and custom trust store. The system trust store can be configured by setting the Java system property If this property is not set then the file jre/lib/security/jssecacerts is used as trust store. If this file is also not available the file jre/lib/security/cacerts is used.

Trust manager class

The full qualified class name of a trust manager class that is used to validate server certificates. This setting is only considered if neither a custom nor a system trust store is used.

Other SSL Settings
Enable insecure SSL and HTTPS connections

Manipulates the JVMs default SSLSocketFactory, so that untrusted (self signed or outdated) certificates are silently accepted. This could for instance be useful to generate a Webservice stub from an insecure WSDL location.

Test custom Keystore/Truststore

Tests if the specified Keystore/Truststore can be opened and read with the given configuration.


The SSL Client trust- and key store settings are currently only considered when sending mails, for REST client calls, CXF Web Service client calls and when loading web service definition (WSDL) files.