Html Dialog Editor
The Html Dialog editor allows to implement the view of an Html Dialog (i.e. the JSF view). The Html Dialog editor consists of two views, the source view and the graphical view. In the source view you can read and edit the JSF (or xhtml) source in a text-based editor. In the graphical view you can preview and edit the visual representation of the JSF page. Both views are linked to each other and every change is synchronized to the other view. So a change in one view is automatically reflected in the other one, e.g. if I change the text of a h1 HTML element in the source view then the design view is immediately updated and shows the new text. There are options to arrange the two views in horizontal or vertical panes or to show only one of them.
The third element is a palette with drawers for the most important Primefaces and JSF components and widgets that can be used in views. Such components/widgets can be dragged from the various palette drawers and then be dropped onto both the design view or onto the source view As well the rearrangement of already positioned widgets is possible in both views.
Axon.ivy Project Tree -> double click on the View node of a Html Dialog:
Graphical View
The graphical view of the Html Dialog editor allows to compose an Html Dialog view in a graphical mode by selecting a UI element from the palette and positioning it on the view. Similarly, already positioned elements can be dragged to another position on the view, simply by selecting and dragging them with the mouse. In the same way, just select an element and press the delete key to remove an element from the JSF page. As the graphical and the source views are linked together, all these actions are synchronized to the source view.
The graphical view displays the JSF page as realistic as possible. It also shows all the content from the template or from includes. But you cannot select or edit these elements.
Default Actions
If you double click on one of the most important elements (the ones that you find in the palette) then the default action of this element is triggered. It depends on the element what happens. For example for a Primefaces OutputLabel you can edit the text of the label or choose a CMS content object for it. On the other hand, for the Primefaces DataTable you can select which list from the data class will be used as data source for the table.
Visual Markers
The graphical view displays overlay markers for some elements:
CMS markers are displayed if you use the CMS for displaying text or an image. This helps you to verify very fast whether your JSF page is properly translated/internationalized.
Data binding markers are visible when the value of an input element is bound to a data element with an EL expression. You can use these markers to verify whether all your inputs are bound to data or a backing bean.
You see logic mapping markers if you call a Html Dialog logic element in a button or link. Use these to verify if all your actions are properly mapped to logic elements.
Source View (Code)
For each element that has been dropped on the view the corresponding code is generated in the source. Alternatively you can use the auto completion support in the source editor. Just enter the first letter(s) of a valid code fragment and a selection list of matching elements pops up.
Content Assist (Ctrl+Space)
In addition to the auto completion support you get further assistance
for writing expressions if you press Ctrl+Space
on an expression to
get a pop-up with context aware list of proposed code fragments to
select from.
Quick Fix (Ctrl+1)
There are Quick Fixes available to create missing events, methods and
data attributes on the current Html Dialog. Simply press Ctrl+1
on a
logic or data expression respectively.
CMS Quick Assist (Ctrl+1)
There are Quick Assists available to create or use content objects in
the current Html Dialog. Simply press Ctrl+1
on a text attribute or
on text between xml tags.
If a new content object is created with the Quick Assist you can
directly rename the created content object in the Html Dialog Editor.
Just type a new name and confirm with Enter
, to abort the
renaming press Esc
CMS Drag & Drop support
CMS contents can directly be dragged from the CMS View into the Html Dialog Editor. The dropped content will be automatically converted into a valid JSF tag or EL-expression. Currently the content types String and Text as well as all Images-types support drag & drop operations.
Linking to CMS content (F3 or Ctrl)
There is a shortcut to navigate to CMS content. Simply press F3
on a…) expression to jump to the corresponding object in
the CMS. Alternatively press Ctrl
and click on the link.
Linking to Data Class (F3 or Ctrl)
There is a shortcut to navigate to a data class definition. Simply press
on a expression to jump to the corresponding Data
Class. Alternatively press Ctrl
and click on the link.
Linking to Logic (F3 or Ctrl)
There is a shortcut to navigate to a logic element definition. Simply
press F3
on a expression to jump to the corresponding
logic element. Alternatively press Ctrl
and click on the link.
Properties View
Together with the Html Dialog Editor you will want to use the Eclipse properties view to define attributes for the UI elements of your dialog. Simply switch to the Process Development Perspective that will display the properties view at the bottom left area of the workbench window.