Java Management Extensions (JMX)

Java Management Extensions (JMX) is a technology to read and write runtime information from a java processes. This allows monitoring tools to monitor the state the Axon.ivy Engine, e.g. with VisualVM, Java Mission Control or Nagios. A monitoring tool that runs on the same machine and with the same user as the Axon.ivy Engine can connect to Axon.ivy Engine without any additional configuration.

Activate Remote Access

If the Axon.ivy Engine is running under another user or on a remote host than the monitoring tool, then JMX remote access has to be activated. Remote access is protected by a user name and password of an Axon.ivy Engine Administrator, so all Axon.ivy Engine Administrator have access.

Activate remote access by uncommenting all lines in the jmx section of jvm.options.

Auto Discovery (JDP)

Some monitoring tools can auto discover running JMX servers in the network. So that the user does not have to know the JMX ip and port.

You can disable this behavior in jvm.options by setting the jmx autodiscovery property to false:

Provided MBeans

The Axon.ivy Engine provides performance and management information by a set of MBeans. These allows to monitor internals of the Axon.ivy Engine. Most monitoring tools provide a user interface to browse the available MBeans. MBeans are mostly shown in a tree which is built with the information provided in the names of MBeans.


The names of MBeans provided by Axon.ivy are structured so that the name contains the Application, Process Model, Process Model Version or Environment where this is reasonable.


Examples of typical Axon.ivy MBean names:

ivy Engine:type=External Web Service,application=MyApplication,environment=Default,name=Echo (43838347ABCD)
ivy Engine:type=Job Manager
ivy Engine:type=Process Start Event Bean,application=MyApplication,pm=MyProcessModel,pmv=1,name="MyStartEventBean (3485471349/start.ivp)"

The name and description of a MBean can be found in its meta information (see the Metadata tab in the MBeans tab of VisualVM). MBeans provide information through attributes and operations. The description of the attributes and operations can also be found in its meta information (see too the tool tips in the Attributes and Operations tab of the MBeans tab of VisualVM).


Manipulating attribute values or calling operations on MBeans will immediately change the configuration of your system and can therefore harm your running applications.

If not mentioned otherwise, a manipulation only affects the currently running engine. The manipulation will not survive a engine restart.

Manipulations that survive a engine restart contain the following text in the description of the attribute or operation: (Persistent).

In addition to the MBeans provided by Axon.ivy some third party libraries included in Axon.ivy provide their own MBeans. One of them is Apache Tomcat that is used as internal web server. Its MBeans provide information about the handling of HTTP requests like request count, errors, execution time, sessions, etc. Moreover, the Java virtual machine also provides some MBeans that provide information about the used memory (Java heap), CPU usage, uptime, etc.

Below a not complete list of provided information:

External Database (connections, transactions, errors, execution time, etc.)

ivy Engine:type=External Database,application=*,environment=*,name=*

Web Service (calls, errors, execution time, etc.)

ivy Engine:type=External Web Service,application=*,environment=*,name=*

REST Web Service (calls, errors, execution time, slow calls, etc.)

ivy Engine:type=External REST Web Service,application=*,environment=*,name=*

System Database (connections, transactions, errors, execution time, etc.)

ivy Engine:type=Database Persistency Service

HTTP Requests (count, errors, execution time, etc.)


Number of Sessions (HTTP sessions, Axon.ivy sessions, licence relevant sessions, etc.)

ivy Engine:type=Security Manager

Background jobs (name, next execution time, etc.)

ivy Engine:type=Job Manager
ivy Engine:type=Daily Job,name=*
ivy Engine:type=Periodical Job,name=*

Process Start Event Beans (polls, executions, errors, execution time, etc.)

ivy Engine:type=Process Start Event Bean,,application=*,pm=*,pmv=*,name=*

Process Intermediate Event Beans (polls, firings, errors, execution time, etc.)

ivy Engine:type=Process Intermediate Event Bean,application=*,pm=*,pmv=*,name=*

Application, Process Model and Process Model Version, Library information (activity state, release state, name, description, etc.)

ivy Engine:type=Application,name=*
ivy Engine:type=Process Model,application=*,name=*
ivy Engine:type=Process Model Version,application=*,pm=*,name=*

Cluster, Cluster Nodes and Cluster Communication information (received and sent message, errors, execution time, etc.)

ivy Engine:type=Cluster Manager
ivy Engine:type=Cluster Channel

Thread Pool information (core, maximum and current pool size, active threads, queue size)

ivy Engine:type=Thread Pool, name=Background Operation Executor
ivy Engine:type=Thread Pool, name=Immediate Job Executor
ivy Engine:type=Thread Pool, name=Scheduled Job Executor

System Database and CMS Cache

ivy Engine type=CacheClassPersistencyService,name=* [clearCache()]
ivy Engine type=CacheClassPersistencyService,name=*,strategy=CacheAll [maxBytesToCache, maxCharactersToCache]
ivy Engine type=CacheClassPersistencyService,name=*,strategy=CacheAllRemoveUnused [maxBytesToCache, maxCharactersToCache, countLimit, usageLimit]
ivy Engine type=CacheClassPersistencyService,name=*,cache=LongBinaries [readHits, readMisses, writes, cachedLongValues, clearCache()]
ivy Engine type=CacheClassPersistencyService,name=*,cache=LongCharacters [readHits, readMisses, writes, cachedLongValues, clearCache()]
ivy Engine type=CacheClassPersistencyService,name=*,cache=ObjectsAndAssociations [objectReadHits, objectReadMisses, objectWrites, cachedObjects, associationReadHits, associationReadMisses, associationWrites, cachedAssociations, clearCache()]

Memory (Java Heap, Perm Gen)


CPU Usage, Uptime
