In the email section you can change the default email notification settings for each application.

External Databases
The external databases view gives you an overview over your configured external databases inside your project. You can switch to the desired application over the tabs at the top. If you want to show a different environment, you can change it at the top right. To get more information over a database click on one to go to the External Database Detail view.
If you want to add a new external database configuration, please have a look at Database.

External Database Detail
In the external database detail view, you can see all configurations from the selected external database. You can test if the configuration works and a connection to this database can be established, when you click on the Arrow button. You can change the most important information directly here too. If you click on the Reset button the database will be reset to the original setting. In this view you can see information about the last 200 executed SQL queries and used connections too.
Not every value can be modified here yet. But you can override them in the app.yaml file.

Web Services
The web services page lists all defined web services. Change the application or environment at the top to get your desired services. For a detailed view of the service click on one entry to switch to the Web Service Detail view.
If you want to add a new web service, please have a look at Designer Guide.

Web Service Detail
On this view all configurations from a web service will be shown. You can change the credentials or the endpoints here. Or you can reset them to their original setting by clicking on the Reset button. To test if an endpoint is accessible press on the Arrow button next to it. Please be aware that only HttpBasic authentication will be supported and the request is an empty POST message, which means depending on implementation of the web service the status code can be different.
If you wish to change a value which is not supported by this editor you can do so by modify the app.yaml file.

Rest Clients
The rest clients view gives you an overview over all rest clients which are configured on this system. You can change the application or environment at the top. Click on one rest client to get all configurations on the Rest Client Detail page.
If you want to add a new rest client, please have a look at Designer Guide.

Rest Client Detail
On the rest client detail page all configurations for this service are shown. Some of those configurations can be modified directly here in this editor. You can reset your changes by clicking on the Reset button. If you want to test your configuration, click on the Arrow button. This will start a HEAD request with the given authentication credentials.
If you wish to change a value which is not supported by this editor you can do so by modify the app.yaml file.

Search Engine
You can use the search engine view, to get an overview of your running Elastic Search instance. The information panel shows you some configurations and gives you the possibility to jump quickly to the System Configuration view by clicking on the cog button. If you click on the bug button a new dialog opens, where you can run some queries against your Search Engine.
The indices panel list all indices from the Search Engine. You can trigger a reindex here or run a document specific query command.