BooleanFieldOperation<T> |
Operations to filter Boolean fields
DateTimeFieldOperation<T> |
Operations to filter DateTime fields
Executor<T> |
Execute operation
FieldOperation<T> |
Field operation
FieldOrSubFilter<T> |
Append another filter either using a text, number or date field or a sub filter or inverse a filter by using not.
Filter<T> |
Boolean AND and OR operation and orderBy, limit, execute operations
Limit<T> |
Limit and execute operations
NumberFieldOperation<T> |
Operations to filter Number fields
OrderBy<T> |
orderBy operation
OrderByField<T> |
Order by field
OrderByFieldOrLimit<T> |
Order by field operations and limit/execute operations
OrderByOperation<T> |
Order by ascending or descending operations and limit/execute operations.
Query<T> |
Search for business data values using different filters for text, number and date fields.
Result<T> |
Search query result.
ScoredFieldOrSubQuery<T> |
Scored query allows to build Google like queries.
ScoredFilter<T> |
Scored query filter
ScoredTextFieldOperation<T> |
Scored text field operations allows to build Google like queries.
TextFieldOperation<T> |
Operations to filter text (String) fields
TextFieldsOperation<T> |
Operations to filter text fields