
  1. Install the new Axon.ivy Engine version to a new installation directory (See section Install Axon.ivy Engine).

  2. If necessary (according to the Migration Notes), request a new licence (see section Installing a Licence).

  3. Back up the system database and the application file directories of the old installation.

  4. Copy the file serverconfig.xml plus all YAML and properties files from the configuration directory of the old installation directory to the configuration directory of the new installation.

  5. Unless a new licence is required you should also copy the old licence file to the new installation.

  6. If you have modified any other configuration files located in the configuration, elasticsearch/config, webapps/ivy/WEB-INF or webapps/ivy/META-INF directories of the old installation then apply the changes also in the corresponding files in the new installation, if required. To see what has been changed, we recommend the usage of some diff tool to compare the individual config files of old and new installation.

  7. If you have installed additional extension plugins into the dropins directory then copy them to the dropins directory of the new installation directory if they are compatible with the new Axon.ivy Engine version. For those which are not compatible try to get new compatible versions and install them.