6. Deploy an Axon Ivy project

Let’s deploy an Axon Ivy project to the Axon Ivy Engine. First we go in the deploy directory and download the demo application.

cd /var/lib/axonivy-engine-9/deploy
sudo -u ivy wget https://developer.axonivy.com/permalink/lib/9/demos.zip


Here we deploy a new application by dropping a ZIP into it. However it is also possible to deploy single packed (IAR) projects or unpacked projects.

You can monitor the deployment with:

tail -f demos.zip.deploymentLog

As soon as the deployment is finished the zip-file will be postfixed with .deployed. In case of an error the postfix is .notDeployed. E.g. demos.zip.deployed.


An Axon Ivy Engine can manage multiple applications. Each application has its own user and task management. A user of one application can only work in that application and not in another application. A task of one application will never be visible in another application. Therefore, applications can be used to build multi tenancy or stages (DEV, Q&A, PROD) without to install multiple Axon Ivy Engines.

Refresh the main page of the Axon Ivy Engine. There is now a new application. Congratulations you have installed and configured your first Axon Ivy Engine and also deployed your first Axon Ivy processes.