HTTP Headers

Following additional security headers are recommended.

  • Strict-Transport-Security: Set this header if the Engine should only be accessed over HTTPS (strongly recommended). For more information, see: Strict-Transport-Security. Can be adjusted on the embedded Tomcat with the pre-configured Http Header Security Filter in the web.xml

  • Content-Security-Policy: Set this header if you want to reduce the risk of having an exploitable Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability. With a Content-Security-Policy you can define from which locations external resources can be loaded and if scripts embedded in HTML can be executed. For more information, see: Content Security Policy (CSP). Check to see a CSP example with the embedded Tomcat.

  • Referrer-Policy: Set this header if you want to control how or if the referrer is disclosed to other sites. For more information, see: Referrer-Policy