
Table Comment
IWA_AccessControl Access controls defines if a permission is granted or denied to a role or user
IWA_Application Applications
IWA_AsyncProcessCaseData Async Process Case data for IvyAddOns (WaitForAsyncProcess)
IWA_BusinessCaseData Relation between business data and business case
IWA_BusinessData Business Data Objects as json
IWA_Case Cases
IWA_CaseCustomNumberField Case Custom Number Fields
IWA_CaseCustomStringField Case Custom String Field
IWA_CaseCustomTextField Case Custom Text Fields
IWA_CaseCustomTimestampField Case Custom Timestamp Fields
IWA_CaseMap Case Maps
IWA_CaseMapBusinessCase Relation between case map and business case
IWA_CaseMapEvent Case map events happens happens during the execution of a case map
IWA_CaseNote Relation between case and note
IWA_Identifier Next primary key of certain tables but also other identifiers.
IWA_IntermediateEvent Intermediate events
IWA_IntermediateEventData Task data and the start task data of tasks
IWA_Library Libraries
IWA_LibrarySpecification Library Sepcifications
IWA_LibraryVersionSpec Library Version Spec
IWA_Note Notes are made by users and can be assigned to tasks and cases
IWA_Permission Permissions
IWA_PermissionGroup Permission group can have permission groups or permissions as its children
IWA_PermissionGroupPermission Relation between permission and permission group
IWA_ProcessModel Process Models
IWA_ProcessModelVersion Process Model Versions represents an ivy projects
IWA_Role Roles are organised in a tree. Every role has a parent role with one exception the Everybody role.
IWA_RoleProperty Role Properties
IWA_RoleRoleMember Relation between roles
IWA_SecurityDescriptor Security descriptors belongs to a security descriptor type
IWA_SecurityDescriptorType Security Descriptor Types
IWA_SecurityMember Security members can be user or roles
IWA_SignalEvent Signals that have been sent
IWA_SignaledTask Additional information for tasks that were created because of a signal event
IWA_StartTaskData Task data and the start task data of tasks
IWA_SystemProperty System Property
IWA_Task Tasks belongs always to a case
IWA_TaskCustomNumberField Task Custom Number Fields
IWA_TaskCustomStringField Task Custom String Fields
IWA_TaskCustomTextField Task Custom Text Fields
IWA_TaskCustomTimestampField Task Custom Timestamp Fields
IWA_TaskData Task data and the start task data of tasks
IWA_TaskElement Process elements that are relevant to task operations
IWA_TaskEnd Elements or part of elements where tasks ends
IWA_TaskLocation Location informations of tasks
IWA_TaskNote Relation between task and note
IWA_TaskSignalEventReceiver Tasks that are or have been waiting for a signal event as well as the tasks that were triggered by such an event
IWA_TaskStart Elements or part of elements where tasks can be started
IWA_TaskSwitchEvent Task switch events. A task switch event is created if a task element creates and / or ends tasks.
IWA_UploadedFile Uploaded files from IvyAddOns File Manager
IWA_User Users
IWA_UserAbsence User absences
IWA_UserLocation Location informations of users
IWA_UserProperty User Properties
IWA_UserRole Relation between roles and users.
IWA_UserSubstitute Substitutes of users. A user can have a substitute for itself and /or for each of its roles. The substitute owns the rights of the user during the time the user is absent (see table IWA_UserAbsence).
IWA_Version Current version of the database. The table only holds a single row.
IWA_WorkflowEvent Workflow Events occurs if the state of a task or a case changes and can be used to build a history of task or case.