Release Notes Axon Ivy 9.3.5 (Weissfluh)
! - Critical: We strongly recommend to install this release because it fixes this security issue!
* - Recommended: We recommend to install this release because it fixes this security or stability issue!
+ - Suggested: We suggest to install this release if you are suffering from this issue.
Changes in 9.3.5, 29.07.2022
We recommend to install this update release because it fixes stability issues!
+ XIVY-8108 Story Allow to define a global BpmError message in CMS
+ XIVY-8206 Story Update designer guide Deployment chapter
+ XIVY-8702 Improvement Support OpenAPI inscription for xml-payload
+ XIVY-4020 Bug Process Editor selection move: removes ARC kinks
+ XIVY-7972 Bug Resource not found warn log if a mail is sent with authentication
+ XIVY-7978 Bug CXF does sometimes not find the operation on a cached endpoint
+ XIVY-8010 Bug Internal Case Map Editor does not work under Linux
+ XIVY-8083 Bug 404 errors when trying to start a process when tasks need to be reset during docker container start
+ XIVY-8115 Bug Error Boundary Event on Call Sub Process throws IvyScriptCastException instead of catch error
+ XIVY-8199 Bug Can't select any operation after re-generating wsClient to different namespace
+ XIVY-8246 Bug Cluster slave instances always responses status 500 after it is started successfully
+ XIVY-8272 Bug An NPE error is sometimes logged while cluster slave is started
+ XIVY-8314 Bug Priorize RELEASED PMV over other PMVs on Strict Override evaluation
+ XIVY-8422 Bug Rest Api Servlet crashes after jersey model validation error
+ XIVY-8429 Bug OpenApi code gerator error dialog don't show full error result
+ XIVY-8457 Bug Engine Cockpit system db initial connection test fails if port is not default
+ XIVY-8462 Bug Remove googleapi font request from dev-wf-ui
* XIVY-8633 Bug Multiple Users can start the same Task of a User Task
+ XIVY-8697 Bug Referenced Error Start and Error Boundary unlinked after changing bpmn activity type
+ XIVY-8843 Bug Bend points loose if element is added onto connection
+ IVYPORTAL-13528 Technical task Update documentation related to additional Valves with Portal Chat
+ IVYPORTAL-13635 Technical task Problem Engine Installation 9.3.4 with SQL Server
+ IVYPORTAL-13653 Technical task Merge the code fix for AjaxLoader stuck on PF upload component to Portal 9.3.5
+ IVYPORTAL-13950 Technical task Tasks list not show scrollbar
Changes in 9.3.4, 30.03.2022
We recommend to install this update release because it fixes stability issues!
+ XIVY-7340 Story Automate Axon Ivy release announcement for community/flarum
+ XIVY-7670 Story Update to PrimeFaces 7.0.26
+ XIVY-7767 Story Make page size, delay time and period time of WrongBusinessCaseState job configurable
+ XIVY-7618 Improvement Provide more details in error message why a PMV cannot be activated
+ XIVY-5093 Bug NPE on Import Wizard (Existing Projects into Workspace) if packed project (iar) is selected
+ XIVY-7541 Bug REST Client process element does not store OpenAPI enable/disabled state
+ XIVY-7673 Bug ivy.vars are only resolved in RELEASED pmv but not in DEPRECATED pmv
+ XIVY-7701 Bug Bad performance of macro expander and CMS if override project is configured
+ XIVY-7731 Bug Project configurations of deprecated PMV are not available during runtime
+ XIVY-7746 Bug Error in Engine Cockpit LDAP Browser on nodes that has an escaped LDAP Name
+ XIVY-7766 Bug NPE in Log when deleting a project
+ XIVY-7808 Bug Changing project dependencies (with our editor), removes iar-integration-test packaging
+ XIVY-7856 Bug IllegalStateException "project resources of pmv 'xyz' not found" during startup of cluster slave
* XIVY-7944 Bug jsessionid in Primefaces resource URL if no session is set yet
+ XIVY-7948 Bug Role substitute still valid even if role was removed form user
+ XIVY-7975 Bug Make generating the database schema for environments work again
+ XIVY-7992 Bug ConcurrentModificationException at cluster node startup
Changes in 9.3.3, 28.01.2022
We strongly recommend to install this update release because it fixes security issues!
+ XIVY-2980 Story Introduce next ivy version in JIRA during raise version build
+ XIVY-7027 Story Add a Import Wizard Item to directly import Portal
+ XIVY-7306 Story Show message if new process editor is started without webview2 installed on windows
+ XIVY-7335 Story Automate changelog+ReleaseNotes.txt updates after releasing
+ XIVY-7371 Story Document how to build a docker image with maven in the project build examples
+ XIVY-7227 Bug REST client property values are not updated
+ XIVY-7253 Bug Maven dependency appears twice in Axon Ivy Libraries
+ XIVY-7254 Bug Wrong member type due to transitive dependency (Cannot cast from a to a)
+ XIVY-7257 Bug Unique constraints violation with multiple projects defining the same role
+ XIVY-7258 Bug False positive validation errors, complains on AXIS2 usage for empty WebService Clients
! XIVY-7314 Bug CVE-2021-45105: infinite recursion in lookup evaluation - Update to Log4j2 version 2.17.0
+ XIVY-7334 Bug Show dev-workfluw-ui even if no project is open in designer
+ XIVY-7343 Bug NPE when accessing PMV which is not linked to an existing project
+ XIVY-7349 Bug CVE-2021-44832 : RCE via JDBC Appender - Update to Log4j2 version 2.17.1
+ XIVY-7530 Bug Function Browser does not work anymore in old AWT based script editors
+ IVYPORTAL-12912 Technical task Improvement Portal doc, Logo customization
+ IVYPORTAL-12998 Technical task Process Widget does not work correctly when user switches view/edit mode
+ IVYPORTAL-13013 Technical task Verify PR related to legacy CMS
+ IVYPORTAL-13016 Technical task Typo isDashboardProcess custom field
+ IVYPORTAL-13069 Technical task Category is not displayed if changing process type from full mode to compact mode
+ IVYPORTAL-13003 Bug Image process is crashed with old cms path
Changes in 9.3.2, 16.12.2021
We strongly recommend to install this update release because it fixes security issues!
! XIVY-7262 Bug CVE-2021-45046: Log4j2 ThreadContext DoS - Update to Log4j2 version 2.16.0
+ XIVY-7284 Bug Fix typos in developer workflow UI
Changes in 9.3.1, 13.12.2021
We strongly recommend to install this update release because it fixes security issues!
! XIVY-7237 Bug Log4Shell log4j2 CVE-2021-44228
Changes in 9.3.0, 10.12.2021
We suggest to install this release if you are suffering from any of these issues.
+ XIVY-2219 Story Allow to design looping processes with error handling
+ XIVY-2405 Story Provide German locale for primefaces calendar widget
+ XIVY-2629 Story Analyze and improve how to cache system database entity in multi engine environment
+ XIVY-2645 Story Engine auto-create a backup file after deploying
+ XIVY-2654 Story Drop Legacy AXIS Web Service Call support
+ XIVY-3225 Story Deployment Options per Ivy Project in Full Application Zip
+ XIVY-3471 Story Replace JSP based Designer web pages with JSF
+ XIVY-3525 Story Created new Html Dialogs with a Cancel Button
+ XIVY-3570 Story New ivy.security API
+ XIVY-4394 Story Reduce cluster communication overhead
+ XIVY-4609 Story Remove Configuration Editor
+ XIVY-4894 Story Drop persistency layer abstraction in CMS
+ XIVY-4934 Story Limit number of nodes in Enterprise Edition Licence
+ XIVY-5024 Story Document how to setup and run a scalable engine
+ XIVY-5084 Story Add cluster test that starts and stop nodes under load
+ XIVY-5265 Story Remove redundant TaskStart, TaskElement, TaskEnd data from database
+ XIVY-5421 Story Migrate rest clients to rest-clients.yaml
+ XIVY-5513 Story Upgrade to Primefaces 7.0.24
+ XIVY-5527 Story Create new ivy projects with maven nature
+ XIVY-5573 Story Stabilize generated Body123 interfaces for OpenAPI evolutions
+ XIVY-5600 Story Right aligned and top aligned labels for new Html Dialogs
+ XIVY-5624 Story Deprecation Log for Custom Application Properties API + Global Variables API
+ XIVY-5653 Story Drop CMS Page feature
+ XIVY-5654 Story Drop Page Archive
+ XIVY-5656 Story Migrate external databases to databases.yaml
+ XIVY-5657 Story Migrate web service clients to webservice-clients.yaml
+ XIVY-5658 Story Migrate environments out of config cms
+ XIVY-5659 Story Migrate formats out of config cms
+ XIVY-5812 Story Analyse possible technologies and competitors for the next generation designer
+ XIVY-5814 Story Prototype process editor as GLSP editor
+ XIVY-5873 Story Rollout Tags concept to all process elements
+ XIVY-5891 Story Rollout parameter description to Html Dialog Init Start, RequestStart, WebService Start
+ XIVY-5908 Story Apple signing approach ready for LTS usage
+ XIVY-6054 Story Clarify valid external files use-cases with variables.yaml
+ XIVY-6086 Story Do not merge configuration from default environment and a custom environment
+ XIVY-6090 Story Enhance GLSP process editor prototype with important ivy features
+ XIVY-6091 Story Prototype Debug Adapter Prototcol (DAP) implemenation to debug process execution
+ XIVY-6092 Story Add animation to the GLSP process editor prototype
+ XIVY-6096 Story Show selected app and env on service detail pages in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-6162 Story Can not connect with jconsole with included JRE (windows/mac)
+ XIVY-6164 Story Integrate Preview of next generation Process Editor into designer
+ XIVY-6216 Story Replace splash screen, about dialog and logo with new ones
+ XIVY-6217 Story Support modern document file extensions in CMS
+ XIVY-6224 Story Respect process model version hierarchy when loading configuration
+ XIVY-6236 Story Document how to setup NGNIX as load balancer for cluster
+ XIVY-6242 Story Integrate new demo portal app
+ XIVY-6245 Story Setup Development and Test strategy for GLSP / NodeJS
+ XIVY-6248 Story Variables Installer for Market products
+ XIVY-6274 Story Integrate Portal migration code into ivy core
+ XIVY-6276 Story Improve JMX settings and documentation
+ XIVY-6314 Story Use core commands for new process editor
+ XIVY-6317 Story Integrate new developer workflow UI
+ XIVY-6324 Story Improve Market access in Designer
+ XIVY-6325 Story Add value 'no-cache no-store' to http header 'Cache-Control' for Html Dialogs
+ XIVY-6334 Story Improve PrimeUI Javadoc and streamline methods
+ XIVY-6337 Story Streamline read/write of YAML models
+ XIVY-6353 Story Support ${ivy.var.*} in configuration files (ivy.yaml, app.yaml, REST, SOAP, External Database, etc.)
+ XIVY-6359 Story Improve Public API documentation
+ XIVY-6378 Story Improve LDAP browser dialog in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-6379 Story Add application name to User and Role Detail pages in Cockpit
+ XIVY-6381 Story Limit number of deployment artifact backups
+ XIVY-6388 Story Analyze how we can avoid deployment with docker images
+ XIVY-6396 Story Configurable location for New Projects
+ XIVY-6406 Story Support search for User with its full name in Role detail page in Cockpit
+ XIVY-6434 Story Open processes tagged as 'Demo' automatically
+ XIVY-6455 Story Add additional ivy project tree filters (business, tester, etc.)
+ XIVY-6456 Story Document file located in projects should be open with internal Eclipse editor
+ XIVY-6477 Story Include PrettyTime library into core
+ XIVY-6492 Story Synchronize deployment in cluster
+ XIVY-6493 Story Support all available elements in new process editor
+ XIVY-6494 Story Refactor, improve and add new quick actions in new process editor
+ XIVY-6495 Story Create a process editor feature list
+ XIVY-6496 Story Command Framework for new process editor
+ XIVY-6500 Story Log classloader and stacktrace if class was loaded with deprecated classloader
+ XIVY-6520 Story Release 9.3
+ XIVY-6522 Story Migrate non portal custom application properties out of system database to app.yaml
+ XIVY-6542 Story Role based entry point on welcome screen
+ XIVY-6548 Story Painfree AXIS2 webserviceClient migration to CXF (9.3)
+ XIVY-6558 Story Maven dependency problem after importing Amazon connector
+ XIVY-6559 Story Streamline Configuration and Definitions Folder in ivy Project Tree
+ XIVY-6561 Story Monitor number of incoming HTTP/HTTPS/AJP connections in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-6562 Story Add Process Element Execution Statistics to Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-6595 Story Upgrade Primefaces from 7.0.17 to 7.0.23
+ XIVY-6623 Story Loading environments is slow
+ XIVY-6625 Story Copy all configurations from configuration directory when migrating
+ XIVY-6647 Story Update cluster documentation and demos to latest changes
+ XIVY-6648 Story Handle Cluster Mode in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-6652 Story Improved menu tool bar for new process editor
+ XIVY-6661 Story Make synch on user login configurable
+ XIVY-6689 Story Support custom icons on gateways in new process editor
+ XIVY-6700 Story Make internal Elasticsearch server port configurable
+ XIVY-6709 Story Pool and Lane editing in new process editor
+ XIVY-6731 Story API to provide parameters of a process starts for Portal
+ XIVY-6738 Story Set log context value requestId to the provided trace id of tracing tools if available
+ XIVY-6755 Story Improve doc about responsibility in task tab
+ XIVY-6767 Story Update CXF to latest 3.4.5
+ XIVY-6783 Story Split Designer-Guide to smaller chapters
+ XIVY-6790 Story Project conversion on deployment
+ XIVY-6791 Story CaseMap starts should be treated like process starts in dev-workflow-ui
+ XIVY-6802 Story Improve doc about case persistency in usage of business data
+ XIVY-6804 Story Drop support for library.libraryconfig
+ XIVY-6825 Story Support Copy/Paste in new process editor
+ XIVY-6828 Story How to versionize market meta information and installation
+ XIVY-6899 Story Make dev-workflow-ui more developer friendly
+ XIVY-6910 Story Support Postgres 14 as system database
+ XIVY-6912 Story Improved public API for testing if a session has roles
+ XIVY-6925 Story Create News web page for 9.3
+ XIVY-6926 Story Provide public API to call code while permission check is disabled - Sudo
+ XIVY-6928 Story Upgrade to latest GLSP version
+ XIVY-6930 Story Provide public API that provides information about the ivy runtime
+ XIVY-6951 Story Move plain jsp pages from cms to webContent
+ XIVY-7023 Story Demonstrate RestClients dealing with XML payloads
+ XIVY-7073 Story Support maven-module workspace layout
+ XIVY-7084 Story Update to PrimeFaces 7.0.25
+ XIVY-7171 Story Document deprecated features
+ XIVY-7185 Story Open process start in IFrame or not depending on embedInFrame customField
+ XIVY-7195 Story Upgrade to latest tomcat 9.0.55
+ XIVY-6566 Improvement Improve performance of CXF webservice calls
+ XIVY-6635 Improvement Cockpit LDAP Browser should select the configured node on open
+ XIVY-6729 Improvement All filters/search in Cockpit should filter full text (*filter*) and not starts with (filter*)
+ XIVY-6735 Improvement Report missing strict Override Project resolutions
+ XIVY-6799 Improvement Save of Process model should be one IO operation
+ XIVY-6932 Improvement Add public API ISecurityContext.current()
+ XIVY-6933 Improvement Improve notification mail subject for new tasks
+ XIVY-6940 Improvement Add public API hasRole(String) and hasRoleAssigned(String) to UserQuery
+ XIVY-4391 Epic Scale engine horizontal with Docker/Kubernetes
+ XIVY-2120 Bug Do not start error process while rejoining tasks
+ XIVY-3122 Bug JaxRS Client API does not work in non-web server request threads (e.g SYSTEM user threads)
+ XIVY-3610 Bug deploy.options.yaml as part of an ivy project (iar) is not considered
+ XIVY-4450 Bug Drag & Drop CMS-Objects to XHTML broken
+ XIVY-4707 Bug Unique constrain violated exception when trying to create process start within multiple threads
+ XIVY-5160 Bug Tasks executed by System have other ContextClassLoader than executed by a user
+ XIVY-5261 Bug IllegalArgumentException: taskElement.kind must be X but is Z
+ XIVY-5453 Bug Designer switches to Process Model perspective after defining an override process
+ XIVY-5905 Bug CXF WsSecurity feature fails at runtime with classloading failure of: SAAJMetaFactoryImpl
+ XIVY-5933 Bug Slow TaskEnd frame redirect, causes JSF end users to wait and see white pages
+ XIVY-5935 Bug Can't query for Boolean values with Ivy.repo().search() after migrating to LTS 8
+ XIVY-5943 Bug Can't define a large list of ignored JAX-WS policies towards the same namespace
+ XIVY-5944 Bug CMS export throws UnsupportedCharsetException: Big5
+ XIVY-5977 Bug Can't distinguish inherited and locally defined member in EngineCockpit
+ XIVY-5987 Bug Can't open any HtmlDialog occasionally until restart, due to FacesConverter NPE
+ XIVY-5988 Bug Can't inscribe with OpenAPI support, due to empty schemas
+ XIVY-5990 Bug Case integrity violation exception when setting up multiple cases by API in Designer
+ XIVY-5993 Bug NullPointerException when searching SubProcessStarts
+ XIVY-6055 Bug The datatype selector occasionally selects the wrong type
+ XIVY-6061 Bug Wrong additional configuration entry for list values in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-6070 Bug Rejoining of tasks does not work on CallAndWait
+ XIVY-6072 Bug p:columnToggler toggles wrong column on click
+ XIVY-6073 Bug Content and Formatting chooser offers only English locales
+ XIVY-6075 Bug Variables in external files have encoding issues under windows
+ XIVY-6094 Bug User search in Cockpit shows wrong users
+ XIVY-6097 Bug ivy.var in inconsistent state before deploying at design time
+ XIVY-6113 Bug Editor layout overflows on long WSDL or REST URIs
+ XIVY-6148 Bug Corrupt Call-Sub element in process if added via Connector-Browser
+ XIVY-6152 Bug Can't open context menu on ErrorBoundaryEvent
+ XIVY-6159 Bug DocFactory installer fails with NPE when opening demo process
+ XIVY-6160 Bug Icons of 'callable sub' rendered as ERROR on IAR project
* XIVY-6184 Bug Do not show text provided in request URI in error pages
+ XIVY-6233 Bug Process editor preview in Preferences page does not show any elements
* XIVY-6234 Bug JSessionId encoded in redirect URL if application home is requested
+ XIVY-6239 Bug Scrolling in process editor is extreme slow when using mouse wheel
+ XIVY-6247 Bug deploy.options.yaml as part of an ivy project (iar) is not considered
+ XIVY-6284 Bug Common java package prefixes are not displayed in Axon Ivy Projects in flat package presentation
+ XIVY-6285 Bug Timeout while activating PMV during deployment
* XIVY-6302 Bug Session Pollution (Memory Leak) in HTML Dialogs
+ XIVY-6303 Bug Unreadable deploy.options.yaml (no read rights) is deleted but not considered
+ XIVY-6323 Bug NPE when using non-standard decorator icon in process template
+ XIVY-6358 Bug Webservice input parameter mapping omits top-level type
+ XIVY-6366 Bug Global Variables list does not get updated in Cockpit after change when filtered
+ XIVY-6375 Bug NPE when copying a Rest, WS or DB Call element
+ XIVY-6382 Bug Can't use OpenAPI inscription of ivy-generated openapi.json
+ XIVY-6393 Bug DB Inscription connection is broken
+ XIVY-6405 Bug Slow process engine execution because of thread context logging
+ XIVY-6438 Bug Console output when migrating an Axon Ivy Engine
+ XIVY-6439 Bug Migrating CXF web service clients of a running Axon Ivy Engine
* XIVY-6447 Bug Write password properties encrypted to app.yaml
+ XIVY-6487 Bug Project conversion of RestClients from XML to YAML is broken for multiple environments
+ XIVY-6513 Bug Formats from a migrated engine with legacy projects won't work
+ XIVY-6535 Bug Generate OpenAPI clients with generic 'allOf' references
+ XIVY-6564 Bug Be compliant with JDBC Connection and Statement specification
+ XIVY-6601 Bug M2E NPE after Updating IAR with Maven libs
+ XIVY-6602 Bug NPE after importing connectivityDemos+Test from Ivy-Samples wizard.
+ XIVY-6607 Bug Improve Documents API performance if the creator/modifying user does not exist
+ XIVY-6629 Bug Engine Cockpit: Duplicated Permissions strange grant/deny behavior
+ XIVY-6632 Bug Engine Cockpit: Configs are not correctly updated if search is active
+ XIVY-6633 Bug Fix InvalidPathException when loading generic Type
+ XIVY-6650 Bug REST Client with Apache Connector cannot send POST requests because Content-length is not set
+ XIVY-6651 Bug Case or task name is too long when using Oracle as system database
+ XIVY-6662 Bug Primefaces Text Editor requires HTML Sanitizer
+ XIVY-6663 Bug German and French locales are missing for different Primefaces components like Datepicker
+ XIVY-6675 Bug Integrity constraint violation exception when setting custom field
+ XIVY-6676 Bug Designer crash after NPE in Process Editor on macOS
+ XIVY-6690 Bug Cannot set process element icons with spaces in the image file name
+ XIVY-6708 Bug Javascript error in primefaces datepicker (Upgrade to Primefaces 7.0.24)
+ XIVY-6737 Bug Client is not correctly logged in performance log if engine is located behind a reverse proxy
+ XIVY-6756 Bug Prevent 500 error that can occur on dev-workflow-ui home page
+ XIVY-6763 Bug RestClient cache uses deprecated feature versions
+ XIVY-6764 Bug Deploy version 8 ivy project to 9.3 engine throws an NPE
+ XIVY-6766 Bug Property not found in EL if second char is uppercase
+ XIVY-6805 Bug Help users to define variables in the variables.yaml
+ XIVY-6806 Bug Override Definitions Dialog blocks UI
+ XIVY-6814 Bug CXF Endpoint cache has periodically cache misses which leads to bad performance
+ XIVY-6824 Bug DocFactory isFormatSupported wrong result if format starts with dot.
+ XIVY-6832 Bug Developer user may execute system task in Designer if task list is skipped
+ XIVY-6861 Bug CMS editor should not be override aware
+ XIVY-6911 Bug Selected cms image in start request custom fields are not resolved correctly
+ XIVY-6927 Bug Cannot create test project when test project is under a module project
+ XIVY-6941 Bug IvyProcessTest is failing with error "Could not resolve required dependencies"
+ XIVY-6942 Bug Remove macro expansion support in RTF files
+ XIVY-6945 Bug Role members of roles are not deployed correctly on Designer
+ XIVY-6948 Bug Cannot create rest client on Windows with no internet connection sometimes
+ XIVY-6975 Bug Custom BpmError message is ignored in Rest Client response code
+ XIVY-7032 Bug New Project is created with wrong default location
+ XIVY-7142 Bug Simulate content language in Axon Ivy Designer has no effect
+ XIVY-7164 Bug References action in Project Tree shows only Project refs
+ XIVY-7184 Bug 404 Error on Backend API in Engine Cockpit if application context is not started yet
+ XIVY-7188 Bug Two new task mails if a user is deputy and in the same role as another user
+ XIVY-7200 Bug Webservice Client codegen broken for WSDL path containing whitespaces
+ XIVY-7211 Bug NullPointerException in WorkflowProcessModelVersion.getStartables()
+ IVYPORTAL-11729 Technical task Adapt fieldset border panel for Portal fieldset
+ IVYPORTAL-11754 Technical task Cannot get creator of Express Workflow
+ IVYPORTAL-11972 Technical task Improve view participant in chat
+ IVYPORTAL-11973 Technical task Improve chat creation
+ IVYPORTAL-11979 Technical task Create example how to change portal style
+ IVYPORTAL-12098 Technical task Rename Adhoc Configuration Task
+ IVYPORTAL-12137 Technical task Show a tooltip to display the role members - SecurityMemberName Component
+ IVYPORTAL-12170 Technical task Streamline 'classes' outputdir of 'maven' and 'designer-jdt' builds
+ IVYPORTAL-12278 Technical task Change position of Export to Excel button in CaseNoteHistory page
+ IVYPORTAL-12310 Technical task Display document file size
+ IVYPORTAL-12381 Technical task Adapt to core changes of CompositeComponentAwareMethodExpr for master
+ IVYPORTAL-12395 Technical task Change label of Start Process button to Start
+ IVYPORTAL-12402 Technical task Do not store JSF Event in a Html Dialog data field or a JSF Bean not bound to request scope for master
+ IVYPORTAL-12477 Technical task Process Name: issue with truncation
+ IVYPORTAL-12842 Technical task Messages on task/case filters work incorrectly
+ IVYPORTAL-12926 Technical task Visibility rule of notes on task/case details
+ IVYPORTAL-12928 Technical task Update document and example for DefaultChart callable process
+ IVYPORTAL-12955 Technical task Adapt to using image cms (not cms Path) in custom field "processImage"
+ IVYPORTAL-9728 Story Unify Portal Configuration storage
+ IVYPORTAL-9978 Story Create a User Selection Combobox Component
+ IVYPORTAL-9979 Story Use new UserQuery API in Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-10789 Story Create 3 process start widgets for dashboard
+ IVYPORTAL-10791 Story Full Responsive Support for NewDashboard
+ IVYPORTAL-11394 Story Analyse and improve Date formating for portal
+ IVYPORTAL-11478 Story Define Multiple Deputies
+ IVYPORTAL-11519 Story Update Icons and States in Full Task and Case List
+ IVYPORTAL-11706 Story Display users in the role for responsible in Task Details
+ IVYPORTAL-11732 Story Edit ExpiryActivator and Expiry on runtime
+ IVYPORTAL-11766 Story Enhance visibility of tasks for members of role
+ IVYPORTAL-11845 Story Enhance Process list with more information page
+ IVYPORTAL-11852 Story Enhance IconSelection component for Streamline icons
+ IVYPORTAL-11869 Story Customize global growl message for task with frame-8 dialog
+ IVYPORTAL-11906 Story Change JSON Configration of task details to the new approach
+ IVYPORTAL-11907 Story Enhance Case Details Page
+ IVYPORTAL-11908 Story Change JSON Configuration of case details to the new approach
+ IVYPORTAL-11909 Story Change JSON Configration of dashboard to the new approach
+ IVYPORTAL-12037 Story Migrate Portal Configuration stored in business data, user properties
+ IVYPORTAL-12079 Story Image Process list Mode
+ IVYPORTAL-12084 Story Improve visibility of history and notes with relations between business case and technical cases
+ IVYPORTAL-12095 Story Enhance JSON configuration for URL of custom iframe in task details
+ IVYPORTAL-12151 Story Implement new Axon Ivy logo to all portal related products
+ IVYPORTAL-12179 Story Display all tasks from disabled users
+ IVYPORTAL-12210 Story Migrate Portal Configuration stored in application properties
+ IVYPORTAL-12228 Story Enable Primefaces virus scanning for file upload
+ IVYPORTAL-12443 Story PortalGroupId variable should be detected automatically
+ IVYPORTAL-12448 Story End page in Portal is slow
+ IVYPORTAL-12533 Story Enhance date filter validation
+ IVYPORTAL-12543 Story Custom widget for Portal Dashboard
+ IVYPORTAL-12557 Story Enhance HTML Dialog override support
+ IVYPORTAL-12575 Story Support legacy mode and new dashboard
+ IVYPORTAL-12667 Story Refactor Widget creation Popup/Panel
+ IVYPORTAL-12668 Story Image process start widget for dashboard
+ IVYPORTAL-12681 Story Save filter for widget
+ IVYPORTAL-12713 Story Improve performance of new dashboard
+ IVYPORTAL-12006 Bug Clean process filter after switching mode
+ IVYPORTAL-12077 Bug Changed portal start - Empty Page after clicking on Show More Link
+ IVYPORTAL-12085 Bug Related Business Case not visible on Technical Case level
+ IVYPORTAL-12096 Bug Empty page is displayed when user opens case information in IFrame
+ IVYPORTAL-12148 Bug Detect date pattern by browser locale with Type DEFAULT
+ IVYPORTAL-12199 Bug History of case details does not include all DONE tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-12369 Bug Configuring Error page does not work
+ IVYPORTAL-12386 Bug Update doc for Process More Information
+ IVYPORTAL-12403 Bug Drilldown, Go to task list of Task By Expiry chart does not work in Drilldown page
+ IVYPORTAL-12408 Bug Add example for customizing CaseDetails, TaskDetails page
+ IVYPORTAL-12417 Bug Fix for Html Dialog Session Polution (Memory Leak)
+ IVYPORTAL-12467 Bug Update doc for customizing TaskWidget on defaultColumns
+ IVYPORTAL-12478 Bug Implement script/virus check for the Express Management
+ IVYPORTAL-12481 Bug Enhance the ShowProcessOverview link in the CaseInformation dialog
+ IVYPORTAL-12483 Bug TagException on ErrorPage.xhtml - Missing required attribute 'pfException'
+ IVYPORTAL-12546 Bug Homepage selection always open PortalTemplate components
+ IVYPORTAL-12603 Bug Fix recursion iframe for Portal error page
+ IVYPORTAL-12742 Bug Unhandled FacesMessages in task list
+ IVYPORTAL-12834 Bug Add SNAPSHOT plugin repository to pom files of Portal projects
+ IVYPORTAL-12835 Bug Portal Case/Task category different with Ivy
+ IVYPORTAL-12846 Bug Calendar set year 1970 when hide year in Settings is set to true
+ IVYPORTAL-12854 Bug Portal Global Ajax Exception Handler does not work correctly
+ IVYPORTAL-12857 Bug Block a frame with origin exception in Portal Iframe template
+ IVYPORTAL-12938 Bug CSS Variable primary-color is not working
Changes in 9.2.0, 07.04.2021
We suggest to install this release if you are suffering from any of these issues.
+ XIVY-1227 Story User defined decorator icon on process steps (especially for PI elements)
+ XIVY-2099 Story Upgrade Hibernate ORM to 5.x and Hibernate Validator to 6.x
+ XIVY-2588 Story Create new rule call process element
+ XIVY-2757 Story Explain how to operate a secure Axon.ivy Engine
+ XIVY-2865 Story Split commons.lib in multiple library bundles
+ XIVY-3007 Story UI support to send files with the RestClientCall activity
+ XIVY-3015 Story Change default proxy server forwarding from ajp to url rewrite
+ XIVY-3031 Story Implement monitoring into Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3209 Story Remove IvyProject Conversion before 5.0
+ XIVY-3241 Story Simplify business calendar view in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-3445 Story Update Drools DRL editor to newest version
+ XIVY-3507 Story Migrate to new Engine with a simple Setup-Wizard
+ XIVY-3508 Story Generate POJOs based on REST service meta data
+ XIVY-3509 Story Ease selection of resources and methods from OpenAPI services
+ XIVY-3518 Story Concept how to migrate custom application properties to app.yaml
+ XIVY-3532 Story Bundled Elasticsearch should be started on Engine if Portal is installed
+ XIVY-3599 Story Drop legacy jTDS Driver for Microsoft SQL Server
+ XIVY-3601 Story Research Native Azure Active Directory Support
+ XIVY-3852 Story Support DMN files for our Rule Engine
+ XIVY-4016 Story Prototype better business case solution
+ XIVY-4019 Story Core and project REST services should provide OpenAPI based documentation
+ XIVY-4046 Story Common approach to handle OAuth2 Rest Clients
+ XIVY-4049 Story Allow users to define an ICON for Rest Client definitions
+ XIVY-4050 Story Prototype Connectors marketplace with Designer import capability
+ XIVY-4069 Story Streamline approach to scan classes: Glassgraph for REST resources
+ XIVY-4077 Story Add rule engine demo tests
+ XIVY-4148 Story Show in application tree on the parent if a child is not running or if there are missing dependencies
+ XIVY-4155 Story Enhance process start with category
+ XIVY-4157 Story Provide an unique identifier for IWebStartable
+ XIVY-4165 Story Video tutorial for Testing
+ XIVY-4182 Story Simplify usage of LDAP(s) connections to Active Directory
+ XIVY-4206 Story Flag to disable daily synchronization on an external SecuritySystem
+ XIVY-4293 Story Remove legacy Event Log
+ XIVY-4389 Story Upgrade Eclipse targetplatfrom to 2021-03
+ XIVY-4392 Story Remove cluster node configurations from system database
+ XIVY-4393 Story Upgrade to latest JGroup 5.0
+ XIVY-4443 Story SSO with OAuth/OpenId and SAML with Keycloak as Idendity Provider demo for docker-samples
+ XIVY-4476 Story Update ivy-core-thirdparty-libs
+ XIVY-4512 Story Standard REST serialization feature to ommit NULL values
+ XIVY-4519 Story Signed AxonIvyDesigner.app to avoid Gatekeeper warnings
+ XIVY-4528 Story Reliable Inscription Editor on Mac Designer
+ XIVY-4554 Story Better handling of long user/role property values
+ XIVY-4557 Story Simplify necessary casts when workings with Ivy.persistence Queries
+ XIVY-4558 Story Improve SOAP web service lists by displaying main endpoint instead of WSDL URL
+ XIVY-4568 Story MappingTable for REST activity request-/response- data
+ XIVY-4569 Story API to read valid OpenAPI schema resource requests
+ XIVY-4607 Story Move cockpit service monitors to detail view sidebar
+ XIVY-4613 Story Auto scale values in engine cockpit monitoring graphs
+ XIVY-4618 Story Remove IIvyProjectClassLoader interfaces
+ XIVY-4651 Story Provide API to get task of html dialog running in a html frame from outside the html frame (Portal)
+ XIVY-4652 Story Provide an API to get available custom field names
+ XIVY-4674 Story Support baseURL variables when generating Rest Clients
+ XIVY-4678 Story Support Testing of CallSubs
+ XIVY-4683 Story Update Aspose to version 20.8
+ XIVY-4689 Story Hot reload custom log4j2 configuration
+ XIVY-4705 Story LTS builds must generate a source backup for a software escrow
+ XIVY-4718 Story Improve Rule API so that rule sessions are cached by default
+ XIVY-4736 Story Add monitoring (live stats) to cluster view of Cockpit
+ XIVY-4740 Story UI supported OpenAPI File-Upload
+ XIVY-4769 Story Provide AssertJ in Test Project by default
+ XIVY-4772 Story OData integration
+ XIVY-4778 Story Print current date and time in console log
+ XIVY-4784 Story Add rule test in rule demos
+ XIVY-4794 Story Exception when browsing LDAP tree in engine cockpit
+ XIVY-4803 Story Implement new Business Case Solution
+ XIVY-4809 Story Provide demo test project in ivy project import
+ XIVY-4813 Story Provide API to clear RuleExecutor cache
+ XIVY-4837 Story Expand / Collapse all buttons for trees in the Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-4840 Story New licence view for the Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-4841 Story Improve UX for External DB View in the Engine Cockpit
! XIVY-4849 Story CVE-2020-13943 Apache Tomcat HTTP/2 Request mix-up
+ XIVY-4854 Story Fix test environment for horizontal scaling
+ XIVY-4868 Story Easy StandardProcess selector in the cockpit
+ XIVY-4872 Story Raise serenity version to 2.1.1
+ XIVY-4880 Story Use adopopenjdk in our engine docker images
+ XIVY-4888 Story Display mandatory REST parameters in Request Tab
+ XIVY-4899 Story Remove Start Process Elements out of Database
+ XIVY-4905 Story Deliver Streamline Icons with the serenity-ivy theme
+ XIVY-4906 Story Refresh the look of the Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-4975 Story Integrate dependent maven libraries when creating an ivy archive
+ XIVY-4995 Story Support maven encrypted passwords for REST deployment
+ XIVY-5001 Story Custom fields on process starts
+ XIVY-5003 Story Axon.ivy Market in Designer
+ XIVY-5004 Story integrate doc-factory as Installable connector
+ XIVY-5005 Story Integrate UiPath as installable connector
+ XIVY-5006 Story Integrate MS Graph connector (outlook > calendar, mail, contacts, tasks) by example
+ XIVY-5007 Story Integrate Docu-Sign as installable connector
+ XIVY-5008 Story Promote Market in Designer
+ XIVY-5012 Story Public 'swagger-ui' to browse our ivy-core REST apis
+ XIVY-5014 Story Always activate SSL system- and custom trustore
+ XIVY-5026 Story Smoothly shutdown engine on SIGTERM (CTRL-C in console)
+ XIVY-5041 Story Bundled JRE for Mac to ease AxonIvyDesigner.app usage
+ XIVY-5042 Story Market Documentation
+ XIVY-5072 Story Refresh Twitter-Client as Connector with OpenAPI
+ XIVY-5091 Story connector-testing: keep connectors stable over time
+ XIVY-5125 Story Add a sample with adjustable rules to the rules demos
+ XIVY-5140 Story API to get application configuration property values and meta data
+ XIVY-5159 Story Remove Intermediate Event Element out of Database
+ XIVY-5162 Story Genderize.io Connector Review
+ XIVY-5184 Story Handle completed docuSigned envelopes: JWT auth
+ XIVY-5208 Story OAuth2: native 'Auth-Code-Flow' without modeling entry/exit points
+ XIVY-5214 Story Use client properties to craft resource paths
+ XIVY-5266 Story Simplify appliance of connectors in processes
+ XIVY-5267 Story Provide System Database Documentation in Engine Guide
+ XIVY-5268 Story Support PostgreSQL 13
+ XIVY-5292 Story Merge global variables in variables.yaml
+ XIVY-5294 Story Make app configuration environment aware
+ XIVY-5364 Story Properly document how to integrate reverse proxy nginx and apache
+ XIVY-5374 Story Disable HTTPS port by default on Axon Ivy Engine
+ XIVY-5379 Story Change style of primefaces fieldset in our serenity-ivy theme
+ XIVY-5387 Story Restructure engine guide
+ XIVY-5408 Story Upgrade mysql jdbc driver to 8 and drop support for mysql 5.5
+ XIVY-5409 Story Propose well known names for custom fields
+ XIVY-5415 Story List available connectors prominently when creating a new rest-client
+ XIVY-5416 Story Guide user to create an OpenAPI rest-client directly with a wizard
+ XIVY-5442 Story Simple Single Sign-on configuration
+ XIVY-5468 Story Deprecate ICase#ensureBusinessCase
+ XIVY-5521 Story Release 9.2
+ XIVY-5531 Story Improve Maven Dependency iar copy
+ XIVY-5537 Story Improve Icon menu and browser
+ XIVY-5538 Story Add description to CallSubs parameter and a flag to mark it as connector
+ XIVY-5539 Story Add decorator icon to webservice and database configuration
+ XIVY-5540 Story Rollout new product and company name Axon Ivy
+ XIVY-5541 Story Remove OpenAPI road-blocks for Connector implementors
+ XIVY-5603 Story Rename GlobalVariables to Variables in app.yaml
+ XIVY-5604 Story Provide link to server start list on info page
+ XIVY-5847 Story Deprecate Custom Application Properties API
+ XIVY-5866 Story Fail clearly with a meaningful message if the spec can not be read as OpenAPI
+ XIVY-5887 Story AxonIvyDesigner.app out of BETA phase
+ XIVY-5904 Story MigrationTask: frontend properties to baseURL
+ XIVY-2745 Improvement Upgrade to log4j2
+ XIVY-3581 Improvement The default filename of a packed ivyProject should be ProjectID-ProjectVersion.iar
+ XIVY-3670 Improvement Permissions filtering in Engine Cockpit is confusing
+ XIVY-4587 Improvement Deprecated flag for CallSubs
+ XIVY-4588 Improvement Update hibernate that MS SQL 2014 is supported
+ XIVY-4589 Improvement Db-Step should support MS SQL types such as nvarchar(max)
+ XIVY-4980 Improvement Clean Name Label for Signature on Start Tab
+ XIVY-5032 Improvement Designer should allow to export an already packed .iar
+ XIVY-5139 Improvement Improve the documentation of JVM memory heap size
+ XIVY-5286 Improvement Document how to use integrated Security with sqlserver JDBC driver
+ XIVY-5287 Improvement Improve usersynch.log if the application is deactivated
+ XIVY-3512 Epic Connect with charm and low code
+ XIVY-4444 Epic Add support for DMN based rules
+ XIVY-2977 Bug Integration tests for DocFactory
+ XIVY-3253 Bug WebService Process is executed even though parameter mapping has failed
+ XIVY-3282 Bug Can't find repo data after Signal call
+ XIVY-3436 Bug Global Variables which contains underscores can not be overriden with environment variables
+ XIVY-3515 Bug Better fieldName suggestion on html dialog creation to prevent JSF 'property not found' exceptions
+ XIVY-3844 Bug Wrong Hotkeys when selecting Types or Content in some Inscription Masks
+ XIVY-3851 Bug Prevent that a lot of MissingResourceException are thrown when processing a JSF resource request
+ XIVY-3886 Bug Performance Log Valve always prints session=null
+ XIVY-4053 Bug Frequently occurring NPE in ProcessEditor on Mac and sometimes in Windows
+ XIVY-4054 Bug IllegalArgumentException logged when entering ScriptCellEditor
+ XIVY-4145 Bug User is not synchronized after failed login
+ XIVY-4152 Bug Improve DataCache docs regarding valid literals for lifetime and fixed time attributes
+ XIVY-4205 Bug Disable Task-Mail notifications job for inactive Applications
+ XIVY-4297 Bug CXF Web Service Client comes in trouble under high pressure
+ XIVY-4309 Bug Designer Process Performance view cannot go to process element
+ XIVY-4333 Bug Can't open multiple resources in a row with the Axon Ivy Project navigator
+ XIVY-4446 Bug NullPointerException when calling Task#canUserResumeTask
+ XIVY-4470 Bug engine animation speed change throwes an error if you close a project
+ XIVY-4510 Bug REST activity fails to send query param with dollar sign ($)
+ XIVY-4516 Bug REST runtime logs do not expose HTTP headers
+ XIVY-4531 Bug Last InscriptionEditor tab invisible on Mac
+ XIVY-4550 Bug DB element inscription blocks the UI and occasionally throws OutOfMemoryException
+ XIVY-4555 Bug NPE in ProcessModelVersion.getProjectUri() if project of pmv is missing
+ XIVY-4559 Bug Deployment of REST services defined in projects fails if any released PMV has no project
+ XIVY-4561 Bug REST services returns 204 (NO_CONTENT) if PMV is inactive instead of 503 (SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE)
+ XIVY-4566 Bug ClassCastException in system event listener after redeployment of project with the listener class
+ XIVY-4586 Bug Support UserTasks in BpmClient tests
+ XIVY-4590 Bug temp_folder.listFiles() returns files that are permament
+ XIVY-4591 Bug WebServiceStarts are not deployed to BpmProcessTest engine
+ XIVY-4592 Bug RestServices are not correctly started in BpmProcessTest engine
+ XIVY-4612 Bug Rest client connection not closed when return type is not set
+ XIVY-4671 Bug Implementation of JAXB-API not found during WebService Call or WebService Process Service construction
+ XIVY-4682 Bug Weird log entries if database connection with MS SQL Server Driver is lost during Insert by the database element
+ XIVY-4710 Bug SingleSignOnValve does not support async request processing
+ XIVY-4711 Bug Method Recordset.add(CompositeObject) causes WARN logs
+ XIVY-4716 Bug Error in logs when creating an error report
+ XIVY-4727 Bug Deployment error while validating User Task
+ XIVY-4738 Bug Cannot configure empty value for global variables in Cockpit
+ XIVY-4746 Bug Update javassist to 3.27.0-GA that static mocking with powermock works
+ XIVY-4748 Bug New Axon Ivy Test Project has wrong Default Namespace
+ XIVY-4801 Bug Primefaces DataTable: NullPointerException with multiViewState=true
+ XIVY-4818 Bug Task post-construct code block way too small
+ XIVY-4823 Bug Including same image multiple times in mail step are shown only once
+ XIVY-4828 Bug DB Step Element throw error "Cannot evaluate last inserted id" if primary key is not long
+ XIVY-4842 Bug Fix BusinessData filter API Javadoc
+ XIVY-4867 Bug Rename deploy option labels in the cockpit
+ XIVY-4877 Bug Excel export demo don't work with our docker engine
+ XIVY-4887 Bug Javadoc for IvyScript Number class is wrong for some conversion methods (e.g floatValue)
+ XIVY-4891 Bug BusinessCalendar fixed days are may be written in wrong format from the core
+ XIVY-4893 Bug NPE on Engine Cockpit PMV Detail view if required projects has an unspecified version
+ XIVY-4898 Bug ClassCastException antlr.CommonToken cannot be cast to antlr.Token
+ XIVY-4904 Bug There could occur an NPE while insert data over the DB Element
+ XIVY-4907 Bug First Tab occasionally 'blank' on inscription editor
+ XIVY-4909 Bug Dialog/UserTask present wrong start signature
+ XIVY-4963 Bug Endless loop in HttpClient Worker Thread with TLS 1.3
+ XIVY-4993 Bug Propagate reverse proxy URI info to ivy engine
+ XIVY-5013 Bug Make Axis2 HttpClient Connection pool configurable
+ XIVY-5018 Bug If pm is deleted which contains required pmvs dependent pmvs aren't correctly updated
+ XIVY-5019 Bug Html Dialog Validation takes very long
+ XIVY-5020 Bug Sometimes Ctrl+Space takes very long in the Html Dialog Editor (UI freeze)
+ XIVY-5022 Bug Html Dialog Editor takes very long in first startup
+ XIVY-5037 Bug Update statistic reports wrong host name host.docker.internal if Docker for Windows is installed on machine
+ XIVY-5038 Bug Open Rest Request Inscription fast and async
+ XIVY-5040 Bug Engine cannot restart same web service start in different apps
+ XIVY-5075 Bug DB Activity can not deal with Postgres schemas
+ XIVY-5085 Bug Copy Paste of Web Service Process Start throws an error
+ XIVY-5131 Bug Maven-install fails on second attempts in same workspace
+ XIVY-5134 Bug CMS values lost without feedback on Mac
+ XIVY-5150 Bug Overrides Editor not displaying it's entries after opening on Mac
+ XIVY-5151 Bug Override Editor fails to add new overrides without feedback
+ XIVY-5152 Bug Can not generate OpenAPI client for 'Genesis' swagger-20 definition
+ XIVY-5217 Bug Task expiry code timeout proposal delivers wrong timestamp
+ XIVY-5239 Bug Distracting standard output when running @IvyProcessTest
+ XIVY-5284 Bug Engine does not start: MBean for parameter object is already registered
+ XIVY-5288 Bug Can not connect Note to Embedded Subprocess
+ XIVY-5309 Bug Engine Cockpit can't show more than 3 role hierarchy
+ XIVY-5314 Bug Cannot reliably sort business data with more than one fields
+ XIVY-5334 Bug Cockpit: Every test of a External Database blocks a connection
+ XIVY-5341 Bug Resilient error handling when app.yaml is not well formatted
+ XIVY-5342 Bug Pre Conditions using BusinessData on CaseMap SideSteps evaluate false
+ XIVY-5345 Bug OpenApi client with 'yaml' as feed fails on inscription
+ XIVY-5410 Bug ivyScript File class does not work in process tests (NPE)
+ XIVY-5411 Bug Migration to 9.1 is failing due constraint violation exception
+ XIVY-5413 Bug Can not show engine home page
+ XIVY-5454 Bug NPE when sending task mails
+ XIVY-5460 Bug Grey process editor on first open
+ XIVY-5467 Bug Can't use pe:inputPhone
+ XIVY-5505 Bug Release Notes does not contain all issues
! XIVY-5569 Bug Deployment Service vulnerable to Path Traversal Attack
! XIVY-5629 Bug Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.43 to fix CVE-2021-25122
+ XIVY-5630 Bug ivyProjectTree does not show namespace of dialogs
+ XIVY-5635 Bug MyFaces throws NullPointerException when using attributes in composite component
+ XIVY-5641 Bug SYSTEM user gets synched during Task Mail Notification
+ XIVY-5699 Bug Axon Ivy Engine Docker image has broken package dependencies
+ XIVY-5765 Bug WS Axis2 calls with insecure SSL setting do not work
+ XIVY-5794 Bug Theme related web assets (css, images) not refreshed in browser
+ XIVY-5843 Bug Not all POI libraries on Designer classpath
+ XIVY-5870 Bug No OpenAPi support in Rest Inscription if element is in dependent project
+ IVYPORTAL-10692 Technical task Add pencil button for inline editing like task priority, expiry,....
+ IVYPORTAL-10804 Technical task My profile optimized for smaller devices
+ IVYPORTAL-10840 Technical task Technical case list in Case Information is different from "Show more technical cases" page
+ IVYPORTAL-10877 Technical task Delete filter is not back to default filter
+ IVYPORTAL-10878 Technical task TaskAction call many ajax request
+ IVYPORTAL-10889 Technical task Wrong save task filter with state
+ IVYPORTAL-10903 Technical task FindUser api not work correctly if excludeUser greater than 1
+ IVYPORTAL-10937 Technical task Can't redirect to link of 3rd party application
+ IVYPORTAL-10954 Technical task Broken link in document
+ IVYPORTAL-10976 Technical task Update document for Iframe
+ IVYPORTAL-10985 Technical task Update Portal developer guide for CronByGlobalVariableTriggerStartEventBean
+ IVYPORTAL-11015 Technical task Update document: Portal Icons and doc process chain via script
+ IVYPORTAL-11020 Technical task Case details in Case information dialog isn't consistent with case details page
+ IVYPORTAL-11026 Technical task Check and correct log levels
+ IVYPORTAL-11054 Technical task Correct Logentries while executing Express
+ IVYPORTAL-11057 Technical task Enhance Workflow Events Read All link
+ IVYPORTAL-11066 Technical task Information Email step for Express execution is not displayed in process chain
+ IVYPORTAL-11072 Technical task CMS updates
+ IVYPORTAL-11098 Technical task Enhance display style for Roles in Chart filters
+ IVYPORTAL-11130 Technical task Fix scrollbar in case information dialog
+ IVYPORTAL-11136 Technical task Correct selector name for js in Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-11148 Technical task Add Serializable for Beans to avoid Random JSF errors
+ IVYPORTAL-11159 Technical task Process navigate bar not good with 1 or 2 chars
+ IVYPORTAL-11160 Technical task Handle styling issues for case details customization with iFrame in firefox
+ IVYPORTAL-11163 Technical task Method loadSubmenuItemOverride call 2 time when init page
+ IVYPORTAL-11253 Technical task Show Validation Message Wrong on Task/Case Filter when input date "from" larger than date "to"
+ IVYPORTAL-11276 Technical task Task delegation does not work if switching user/role
+ IVYPORTAL-11320 Technical task Portal message is displayed in express form improperly
+ IVYPORTAL-11321 Technical task Improve portal exception handle
+ IVYPORTAL-11344 Technical task Bug when apply Default column config for Case list
+ IVYPORTAL-11395 Technical task Document Portal User guide, small typo
+ IVYPORTAL-11407 Technical task Improve Document component responsiveness
+ IVYPORTAL-11417 Technical task Break long text in custom task/case list fields
+ IVYPORTAL-11428 Technical task Docu Portal Userguide, small typo
+ IVYPORTAL-11430 Technical task Exception when change GUI Chart position
+ IVYPORTAL-11462 Technical task Improve Portal ajax exception dialog
+ IVYPORTAL-11469 Technical task Default show 2 charts in Statistic page
+ IVYPORTAL-11475 Technical task Chart is duplicated after changed language
+ IVYPORTAL-11521 Technical task Problem with programatically removing roles since Axon.Ivy 8
+ IVYPORTAL-11589 Technical task Improve showcase Process History component, use the reality example instead of Alpha, Beta company
+ IVYPORTAL-11637 Technical task Fix Javascript error "checkUrl is not defined" when opening tasks in IFrame
+ IVYPORTAL-11650 Technical task ProcessHistory component doesn't sort by default field
+ IVYPORTAL-11668 Technical task More header column in CaseList is not align with cell
+ IVYPORTAL-11669 Technical task Task/Case sort by default column does not work
+ IVYPORTAL-11671 Technical task Cannot manage column for Task/Case list if hideWidgetHeader param is true
+ IVYPORTAL-11713 Technical task Missing CMS for compact task list sort field on developer example
+ IVYPORTAL-11728 Technical task Use global variable of JavaScript instead of cookie for session timeout counter
+ IVYPORTAL-11765 Technical task Apply the new BusinessCase concept for Adhoc process
+ IVYPORTAL-11817 Technical task Apply new spelling of Axon Ivy for Portal 9.2
+ IVYPORTAL-11863 Technical task Allow add icon for "Create new Externallink/Express process" form
+ IVYPORTAL-12000 Technical task Add Link description for external link
+ IVYPORTAL-6073 Story Create property for sorting of task and case
+ IVYPORTAL-6302 Story Portal Homepage selection in user profile for each profile
+ IVYPORTAL-6370 Story Forgot Password in portal
+ IVYPORTAL-7984 Story Excel Export for task and case list
+ IVYPORTAL-8322 Story Adapt layout for Created / expiry / done information in task and case list
+ IVYPORTAL-9588 Story Apply HtmlOverride Approach for PortalCustomizations
+ IVYPORTAL-9726 Story Handle Mobile Design for Substitute UI
+ IVYPORTAL-9978 Story Create a User Selection Combobox Component
+ IVYPORTAL-9979 Story Use new UserQuery API in Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-10047 Story No access message instead of login form for SSO
+ IVYPORTAL-10235 Story Enhance Navigation from a task inside the "Case Information"
+ IVYPORTAL-10530 Story Adapt unassigned task in Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-10555 Story Enhance "Show business details" link to support start in IFrame
+ IVYPORTAL-10557 Story Adapt new Shadow style for Portal component
+ IVYPORTAL-10584 Story Create "Full Mode Process List"
+ IVYPORTAL-10674 Story General Settings in MyProfile
+ IVYPORTAL-10810 Story Grid CSS in Iframe is not responsive
+ IVYPORTAL-10890 Story Update business user document for LE
+ IVYPORTAL-10946 Story Adjust scope of global configuration (app, settings, announcement)
+ IVYPORTAL-10956 Story Enhance usage of portal in Cluster environment
+ IVYPORTAL-10961 Story Enhance visibility of technical tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-11025 Story Create a chooser Component to select a role
+ IVYPORTAL-11028 Story Remove multiapp implementation
+ IVYPORTAL-11031 Story Support skip task list for tasks in iFrame
+ IVYPORTAL-11076 Story Enhance delegation with a comment
+ IVYPORTAL-11106 Story Portal Homepage selection in user profile for each user
+ IVYPORTAL-11201 Story Enhance Naming of Statistics - Multilingual support
+ IVYPORTAL-11206 Story Add the "completed on" date column and also filter on Task list
+ IVYPORTAL-11263 Story Keep chat notification after restarting engine
+ IVYPORTAL-11350 Story Add a link to case details in our standard growl messages
+ IVYPORTAL-11389 Story Duration of cases and tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-11422 Story User Favorites in Portal - Multilingual
+ IVYPORTAL-11473 Story Store favorite processes without links of processes
+ IVYPORTAL-11477 Story Add Category in Task and case list
+ IVYPORTAL-11507 Story New Task Details style
+ IVYPORTAL-11508 Story New colors for statistic charts
+ IVYPORTAL-11509 Story Refactor left Menu - Improvements
+ IVYPORTAL-11518 Story Improve documentation - List of supported methods
+ IVYPORTAL-11525 Story New Case Details style
+ IVYPORTAL-11594 Story Sticky sort in same session for task list, case list, dashboard
+ IVYPORTAL-11023 Bug Group chat list not updated
+ IVYPORTAL-11056 Bug Height of User Default Process is not good
+ IVYPORTAL-11104 Bug Improve the iframe area of portal. high and width
+ IVYPORTAL-11167 Bug Not match announcement
+ IVYPORTAL-11514 Bug Session Expiry when using IFrame
+ IVYPORTAL-11523 Bug Improve: save task filter
+ IVYPORTAL-11536 Bug Improve TaskTemplate-8 - java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException"
+ IVYPORTAL-11615 Bug Express task - Selection Date component is broken
+ IVYPORTAL-11616 Bug Start Adhoc task - a growl message is throwing with error type
+ IVYPORTAL-11660 Bug Fix alignment in Express
+ IVYPORTAL-11784 Bug Growl Message for express user task with email do not show error
+ IVYPORTAL-11801 Bug Bug Express - Able to start
+ IVYPORTAL-11842 Bug Values of SideSteps are NOT updated with skipping TaskList in CaseMap
Changes in 9.1.0, 05.08.2020
We suggest to install this release if you are suffering from any of these issues.
+ XIVY-4473 Technical task Cms tree in linux always disapearing in dark mode
+ XIVY-494 Story Simply setup of test environment in a new or (existing) ivy project
+ XIVY-622 Story Introduce a TEST-IAR lifecycle with good default goal executions for integration test projects
+ XIVY-1260 Story Mapping function Recordset.toList(Class<T>) : List<T>
+ XIVY-1606 Story Support custom annotation processors like Lombok
+ XIVY-1919 Story Mock Support for Activities
+ XIVY-2275 Story Provide a virgin engine to run integration-tests on it
+ XIVY-2946 Story Understandable error message if BusinessCaseData is saved to a non persistent Business Case
+ XIVY-2965 Story Toolsupport to create IvyTestProject in designer
+ XIVY-2982 Story Include Mavenizer into the product
+ XIVY-3123 Story Validate ivy scriptlets with maven in complex applications
+ XIVY-3138 Story Expose Java Warnings detected during ivy project build
+ XIVY-3147 Story Transform release documents to readthedocs
+ XIVY-3157 Story Streamline JUNIT 5 based Test usage and architecture
+ XIVY-3198 Story Support new Project On-Boarding features of Eclipse 2019-03
+ XIVY-3256 Story Query API to search users
+ XIVY-3344 Story Disable users instead of deleting them when user will be synchronized
+ XIVY-3372 Story Self managed users in a managed security system
+ XIVY-3389 Story Upgrade hsqldb to 2.5.0
+ XIVY-3418 Story Automatically add override project configuration to designer app yaml
+ XIVY-3432 Story Use external identifier (AD: objectGUID, ND: guid) to synchronize external users
+ XIVY-3448 Story State of the art IvyProjectTree: fast & featured
+ XIVY-3450 Story Prototype how to run process tests
+ XIVY-3451 Story Support Ivy.* API in Tests
+ XIVY-3452 Story Write unit test for our workflow demos to learn what infrastructure is needed
+ XIVY-3453 Story Document how to run UI tests with maven and Axon.ivy
+ XIVY-3465 Story Provide an API to synch a single user with the external security system
+ XIVY-3466 Story Support SVG images in CMS
+ XIVY-3467 Story Sticky hint on engine cockpit if a restart is needed
+ XIVY-3470 Story Improve Setup Wizard
+ XIVY-3477 Story Simplify HtmlPageToMailConverter
+ XIVY-3479 Story HTTP deployment to app 'System' as bad default
+ XIVY-3484 Story Prototype: Every ivy application is a Tomcat webapp
+ XIVY-3486 Story Official support for Windows Server 2019
+ XIVY-3494 Story BusinessCaseData demo park task with data in WorkflowDemos
+ XIVY-3501 Story Support Swimlanes for BPMN Export
+ XIVY-3503 Story Improve Task- and CaseQuery Performance by improving workflow data model
+ XIVY-3516 Story BPMN Export with connector labels
+ XIVY-3524 Story Support Microsoft SQL Server 2019
! XIVY-3528 Story Possible Security leak in static pages
+ XIVY-3530 Story Default Html Dialog theme that is easy to customize and good looking by default
+ XIVY-3535 Story Add new APIs to easily iterate over large datasets
+ XIVY-3538 Story Improve security concept for static pages
+ XIVY-3556 Story Upgrade eclipse targetplatform to 2020-03
+ XIVY-3557 Story Switch Axon.ivy Project Tree to Eclipse navigator framework
+ XIVY-3562 Story API sugar to ease writing BpmClient tests
+ XIVY-3563 Story Automated deployment of required projects
+ XIVY-3564 Story Provide BpmClient with an OSGi instance of the ivy-core
+ XIVY-3565 Story Provide valid Testing classpath to run BpmClient tests
+ XIVY-3566 Story Document how to run BPM.exec tests in Axon.ivy
+ XIVY-3567 Story Filter and order users by display name
+ XIVY-3568 Story Provide new IvyWebTest artifact
+ XIVY-3573 Story Ensure that mail notification works with a lot of users
+ XIVY-3574 Story Share demo projects on GitHub
+ XIVY-3576 Story Provide visualvm plugin in the Axon.ivy Market
+ XIVY-3578 Story Include portal-user-examples in demo portal app
+ XIVY-3584 Story Remove legacy data from RichDialog Interface Descriptor
+ XIVY-3585 Story Remove irritating db drivers logs in engine start
+ XIVY-3588 Story Enhance Axon.ivy Project Navigator
+ XIVY-3590 Story Enhance UserQuery with grouping and global query executor
+ XIVY-3591 Story Provide information about the communication with the external mail server over JMX
+ XIVY-3592 Story Support workstation for NTLM Authentication in CXF Web Service Client
+ XIVY-3597 Story Provide Apache http as connection provider for CXF Web Service Calls
+ XIVY-3603 Story Rules as first class citizens in the Axon.ivy Project Navigator
+ XIVY-3604 Story Prototype: Every ivy application is a Tomcat webapp ||
+ XIVY-3614 Story Provide a LdapBrowser in the Cockpit
+ XIVY-3690 Story Deprecate the web service client AXIS stack
+ XIVY-3718 Story Support more than one required projects level and ivy archives
+ XIVY-3726 Story Introduce new versioning concept for LE and LTS versions
+ XIVY-3738 Story Show Project Library version for PMVs
+ XIVY-3748 Story Add loading icon to Html Dialog templates
+ XIVY-3754 Story Business Process Testing Findings
+ XIVY-3765 Story Every ivy application is a Tomcat webapp
+ XIVY-3854 Story User friendly default error pages
+ XIVY-3866 Story Provide Public API to create URIs
+ XIVY-3867 Story Streamline Uri's
+ XIVY-3870 Story Support IAR binaries on JDT runtime classpath
+ XIVY-3872 Story Provide easy to use API to test a process with multiple tasks
+ XIVY-3875 Story Add MBean browser and Chart to Monitor section of Cockpit
+ XIVY-3982 Story Allow users to set External DB driver properties in Cockpit
+ XIVY-3985 Story Improve performance and memory consumption of user synch
+ XIVY-4014 Story Cache REST client to improve performance
+ XIVY-4040 Story Improve performance of (yaml) file based Configuration API
+ XIVY-4045 Story Unassigned Tasks for disabled users
+ XIVY-4065 Story Do not log web service process start and stops in runtime log
+ XIVY-4068 Story Deterministic daily job executions
+ XIVY-4075 Story Add support report feature to the cockpit
+ XIVY-4079 Story Unplug Subversion Client Subclipse from Designer
+ XIVY-4081 Story Upgrade eclipse target platform to 2020-06
+ XIVY-4083 Story Cleanup webapps directory
+ XIVY-4084 Story Speed up role synch of user synch
+ XIVY-4085 Story Read nested groups on user synch with one query from Active Directory
+ XIVY-4158 Story (Prepare) Release 9.1
+ XIVY-4160 Story Show PMV dependencies in Cockpit
+ XIVY-4196 Story Restyle filter concept for all table views in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-4207 Story Pack internal faces-config.xml into jar
+ XIVY-4241 Story Upgrade JAX-RS REST library Jersey to 2.31
+ XIVY-4246 Story Switching from external security system to internal security system
! XIVY-4440 Story Upgrade Tomcat to fix CVE-2020-13935
+ XIVY-4466 Story Upgrade CXF to 3.3.7
+ XIVY-3381 Improvement Override feature for a whole process to define the case scope
+ XIVY-3583 Improvement Detoxify the engine info page
+ XIVY-3609 Improvement Update Axon.ivy engine debian package always faces change in ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-3779 Improvement Enhance core config api to check if restart is needed
+ XIVY-3857 Improvement SystemDb should not run unnecessary ContentConversions
+ XIVY-4296 Improvement DocFactory provides a CallSubprocess that expands nested objects.
+ XIVY-4327 Improvement Update environment overview in documentation
+ XIVY-2221 Bug JUNIT runtime classpath in Designer
+ XIVY-2397 Bug Maven project build plugin does not work if engine directory is not writable
+ XIVY-2996 Bug Can not separate test and normal classes with project-build-plugin
+ XIVY-3189 Bug New process start not found without engine restart in designer
+ XIVY-3295 Bug CaseMap (start) is not removed from Engine if it is deleted from Project in Designer
* XIVY-3351 Bug Synch user at login with single sign-on
+ XIVY-3356 Bug Do not process error pages after rest provider exception
+ XIVY-3378 Bug Deployment fails when Global Variables are configured in yaml
+ XIVY-3405 Bug Execution of method was not successful in Html Dialog
+ XIVY-3426 Bug Rule Beans can't generate DMN due to JAXB
+ XIVY-3440 Bug errorPage.getLocale() throws NPE in ErrorPage
+ XIVY-3441 Bug Engine logs invisible in maven console out
+ XIVY-3468 Bug Style of html dialog looks strange after change in HtmlDialog UI Editor on Windows
+ XIVY-3442 Bug Rule Beans decision table minimized after added column
+ XIVY-3444 Bug ViewExpiredException when user from other app in same browser logs out
+ XIVY-3449 Bug project build plugin excludes compiled classes dir from IAR if set to 'target/classes '
+ XIVY-3472 Bug Can not see second input parameter on Callable Subprocess Start
* XIVY-3473 Bug No administrators after migrating from 7 to 8
! XIVY-3474 Bug Passwords of new administrators will not be hashed in ivy.yaml
* XIVY-3476 Bug Process start links broken (view expired) when called from third party site
+ XIVY-3478 Bug Properties in Web Service Call Activity Request not visible
+ XIVY-3481 Bug Error 'Attachment download failed for url' when engine sends task notification mails
+ XIVY-3482 Bug SVG images appears as attachment in task notification mails
+ XIVY-3485 Bug Reordering of Alternative Gateway conditions not working in embeded subprocess
+ XIVY-3488 Bug Task notification mail is not nicely formatted
+ XIVY-3489 Bug Configuration prints warn logs on SecuritySystem#MAP if DefaultContext has commas
+ XIVY-3490 Bug Designer freeze if Html content in CMS is opened
+ XIVY-3491 Bug Change location of custom jsf error pages
+ XIVY-3495 Bug Ivy Components not updated after project dependency change
+ XIVY-3496 Bug Undo throws error if the last action was an Alternative Gateway condition reordering
+ XIVY-3497 Bug Oracle System Database creation is wrong
+ XIVY-3499 Bug Cut off SWT tables on Windows
+ XIVY-3500 Bug BPMN exporter wrong label positions on bmpn.io
+ XIVY-3502 Bug Demo Project Import failure
+ XIVY-3505 Bug Deployment REST API ignores deploy.options.yaml in zip
+ XIVY-3506 Bug CaseQuery order descriptions not working with OracleDb, HsqlDb and MSSql
+ XIVY-3510 Bug Remote debugging does not work if enabled in jvm.options file
+ XIVY-3511 Bug SSO does not work with AJP with the default configuration
+ XIVY-3513 Bug Initial Oracle startup fails while content conversion
+ XIVY-3514 Bug Process Templates loose icon after designer restart
+ XIVY-3517 Bug Update debian package dependecies to java 11
+ XIVY-3519 Bug Could not find any registered converter-class in Axon.ivy Designer
+ XIVY-3523 Bug Licence file loading problems not reported in Log
+ XIVY-3526 Bug Fix Runtimelog for MAC Designer
+ XIVY-3533 Bug IvyComponents not sorted alphabetically in HtmlDialog Toolbar
+ XIVY-3536 Bug NPE on Maven 'update project' if an packed '.iar' project is in the workspace
+ XIVY-3541 Bug Synchronize User does not respect deleted users for license check when creating new users
+ XIVY-3544 Bug Error in Log when deploying over REST
+ XIVY-3546 Bug Support undefined names in CXF WebServiceClient generation
+ XIVY-3547 Bug Web Service Client Generation can not handle url parameters
+ XIVY-3549 Bug Thirdparty java libraries can not be resolved in dependent project if required project is packed
+ XIVY-3550 Bug Custom Field Table Editor is hiding first line
+ XIVY-3555 Bug Process Data Validator only respects ivy data classes
+ XIVY-3559 Bug Can not start process in designer if web browser view is closed
+ XIVY-3560 Bug Counting license users triggered by VisualVM Plugin can stale engine with lots of users
+ XIVY-3571 Bug Can not load rules from new excel (xlsx) documents
+ XIVY-3575 Bug Can not pass null to method start events of Html Dialog
+ XIVY-3577 Bug Can not reference to xhtml template in folder webContent/view
+ XIVY-3579 Bug Re-deployment of a taskswitch gateway corrupts system-db
+ XIVY-3582 Bug Streamline ivy.webserver.yaml connector defaults with tomcat properties
+ XIVY-3586 Bug CXF WebService client generation causes compile error
+ XIVY-3587 Bug Designer starts with error message if casemap is in workspace
+ XIVY-3589 Bug NPE on Engine start if project files are missing for dependencies
+ XIVY-3594 Bug Engine can not be started sometimes because of PersitentObjectDeletedException
! XIVY-3598 Bug AJP vulnerabilty Ghostcat (CVE-2020-1938)
+ XIVY-3605 Bug Counting license users triggered by AD import or user creation can stale engine with lots of users
+ XIVY-3741 Bug Redirect to Standard Pages when in Frame
+ XIVY-3773 Bug Maven build plugin copies engine without same file permissions
+ XIVY-3774 Bug Maven build plugin logs strange warning about deploy directory
+ XIVY-3780 Bug Prevent that a lot of IllegalArgumentException are thrown and catched in normal program flow while rendering JSF resources
+ XIVY-3849 Bug Rest Client WebTarget fails with Error when being reused
+ XIVY-3850 Bug Simplify licence model and introduce a new licence 9.x
+ XIVY-3869 Bug Errors like StackOverflowError are wrapped into PersistencyException and may lead to database connection leaks
+ XIVY-3871 Bug Re-deployment of multi IAR ZIP file may not re-deploy all IARs
+ XIVY-3884 Bug JSF Managed Bean Name not the same on Designer and Engine if class name starts with two upper case letters
+ XIVY-3888 Bug REST activity call fails: missing truststore on MAC Designer
+ XIVY-3946 Bug Project REST resources are not accessible > 404 error
+ XIVY-3956 Bug Process Editor default zoom way too small on MAC Designer
+ XIVY-3975 Bug ivy.html.startInFrameRef generates corrupt urls
+ XIVY-3979 Bug Can't see sources while debugging with IAR in workspace
+ XIVY-3995 Bug Single IAR deployments are silently ignored
+ XIVY-4009 Bug Poor engine class-scanning performance when using PACKED pmv file format
+ XIVY-4023 Bug External Browser opens many tabs in a row on Engine Start
+ XIVY-4024 Bug Debug View always PopUp when ivyEngines are started
+ XIVY-4031 Bug Unexpected error when creating new APP
+ XIVY-4055 Bug AWT Thread blocked when jumping to referenced process on Mac
+ XIVY-4059 Bug Allow users to use AJP with HTTPS on the frontend webserver
+ XIVY-4076 Bug Remove error report servlet from core
+ XIVY-4080 Bug Cockpit needs very long time to load roles and roles of users if there are more than 10'000 roles
+ XIVY-4118 Bug Session-Leak with REST Services over IIS/SSO
+ XIVY-4135 Bug WebApp classloader clash on engine migrated from 7.0
+ XIVY-4147 Bug Support MSSQL instance name with non JDTS driver
+ XIVY-4159 Bug Application overview not displayed due to NPE
+ XIVY-4161 Bug Designer process reporting fails and aborts report creation
+ XIVY-4166 Bug Yaml template links not resolved in our public Docs
+ XIVY-4194 Bug ProcessSearch broken after handling in memory search hits
+ XIVY-4197 Bug Can't launch RequestStart in EmbeddedSub with Designer
+ XIVY-4199 Bug Absolute uris generated in static xhtml pages broken
+ XIVY-4240 Bug Starts in embedded subs of user dialog logic can not be found
+ XIVY-4249 Bug NullPointerException when opening External Case Map Editor
+ XIVY-4283 Bug Show growls for engine cockpit action errors instead of error page
+ XIVY-4295 Bug Support annotation associations for BPMN Export
+ XIVY-4303 Bug Special characters wrongfully URL encrypted in Engine Cockpit redirects
+ XIVY-4378 Bug Bad performance when create a rule session of a rule base the first time
+ XIVY-4387 Bug BasicWFUI CaseDetail Page does not implement "Show System Tasks" option
+ XIVY-4390 Bug SystemDatabase overview in Engine-Cockpit checks connection initial with empty password
+ XIVY-4426 Bug Reduce swallow letters in some search inputs in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-4441 Bug HTML Dialogs should be good looking on mobile too
+ XIVY-4478 Bug OutOfMemory Exception when calling IWorkflowContext.getRunningCasesCount(IProcessModelVersion)
+ XIVY-4504 Bug Infopage shows error "Parameter cms must not be null" if file resouces of app with casemaps is not available
+ XIVY-4515 Bug REST activity does not show active POST method
+ IVYPORTAL-9469 Technical task One more configuration level for IFrame: Server level + update Portal doc
+ IVYPORTAL-9506 Technical task Consolidate task and case action button
+ IVYPORTAL-9672 Technical task Statistic do not update when changed language II
+ IVYPORTAL-9685 Technical task [BUG] Mandatory validation missing when add note
+ IVYPORTAL-9690 Technical task Case Description in CaseList it not consistent with Task Description in TaskList
+ IVYPORTAL-9694 Technical task Broken UI in Case details with lots of technical case
+ IVYPORTAL-9698 Technical task [BUG] Wrong extension detection in Express Management
+ IVYPORTAL-9701 Technical task Enhance Case note with multi line
+ IVYPORTAL-9710 Technical task Cannot import Express with umlaut characters
+ IVYPORTAL-9729 Technical task Label Favourites (GB) vs Favorites (US)
+ IVYPORTAL-9761 Technical task Note is not updated when added (First task)
+ IVYPORTAL-9762 Technical task Make "No sidestep" message unclickable
+ IVYPORTAL-9849 Technical task Minor Improvement for mobile II
+ IVYPORTAL-9853 Technical task [BUG] Open wrong task
+ IVYPORTAL-9854 Technical task Should not let user create adhoc task for first task (CREATED state) II
+ IVYPORTAL-9875 Technical task [BUG] header of Process History has wrong position after sort
+ IVYPORTAL-9919 Technical task [BUG] "Back" button don't show on case details page
+ IVYPORTAL-9923 Technical task Incorrect Date time of done task (Task Note)
+ IVYPORTAL-9924 Technical task Process Owner list is not correct after saving express workflow
+ IVYPORTAL-9939 Technical task [UI] Some tables not aligned on small screen
+ IVYPORTAL-9940 Technical task [UI] Remove unnecessary white space of Task/Case Details on small screen
+ IVYPORTAL-9941 Technical task Broken UI in case list with long description case
+ IVYPORTAL-9955 Technical task Hide Process navigation letter on horizontal screen of very short height screen
+ IVYPORTAL-9967 Technical task [BUG] - Clean up obsoleted data deletes wrong UserFavorites process
+ IVYPORTAL-9973 Technical task Broken UI on Related task and case
+ IVYPORTAL-10031 Technical task [Bug] Break UI announcement
+ IVYPORTAL-10034 Technical task [BUG] Redundance tooltip when delete document
+ IVYPORTAL-10035 Technical task Missing validation for max-length of chart name in Create new statistic page
+ IVYPORTAL-10052 Technical task Remove "views" in SubMenuItem.java and update migration note
+ IVYPORTAL-10061 Technical task [Bug] Category Filter not update after change language
+ IVYPORTAL-10077 Technical task Update layout for Casemap II
+ IVYPORTAL-10078 Technical task Add End page for examples in portal-user-examples II
+ IVYPORTAL-10111 Technical task Reduce width for Document component columns
+ IVYPORTAL-10129 Technical task Enhance changing language
+ IVYPORTAL-10135 Technical task Show All Steps for Process Chain in iFrame
+ IVYPORTAL-10150 Technical task Remove poi-ooxml dependency
+ IVYPORTAL-10151 Technical task Fix Portal Warnings
+ IVYPORTAL-10152 Technical task Check and remove obsolete Portal cookies
+ IVYPORTAL-10200 Technical task [BUG] - White list extension property work incorrectly with empty value
+ IVYPORTAL-10315 Technical task [BUG] Error message on already started task II
+ IVYPORTAL-10334 Technical task [BUG] Express final review task goes to Express End page when user clicks Cancel
+ IVYPORTAL-10363 Technical task Breadcrumb issue (from Breadcrumb story)
+ IVYPORTAL-10379 Technical task Changing task expiry date fails but not show validation message
+ IVYPORTAL-10390 Technical task Technical case list in Case Details is different from "Show more technical cases" page
+ IVYPORTAL-10414 Technical task [BUG] Error message in absence dialog is duplicated
+ IVYPORTAL-10428 Technical task Fix Class cast exception for Document features (Multi-app)
+ IVYPORTAL-10445 Technical task Back button on Task Details cannot work after cancelled task II
+ IVYPORTAL-10446 Technical task Remove obsolete portal-components.js II
+ IVYPORTAL-10478 Technical task Enhance Environment component style
+ IVYPORTAL-10480 Technical task Add new GUI Test for Back Button in Task/Case details
+ IVYPORTAL-10529 Technical task [BUG] height of main content with header & footer auto minimized when resize
+ IVYPORTAL-10535 Technical task Adapt Application name validate when add new application
+ IVYPORTAL-10540 Technical task [BUG] Task filter displays wrong saved task responsible
+ IVYPORTAL-10542 Technical task NPE when uncheck then select a selected case filter
+ IVYPORTAL-10554 Technical task Adapt Manage Columns in Task Analysis
+ IVYPORTAL-10583 Technical task Update UI when don't have any document, note
+ IVYPORTAL-10597 Technical task Chat panel is obscured by Header and Footer component
+ IVYPORTAL-10607 Technical task Incorrect user order in dropdown II
+ IVYPORTAL-10619 Technical task Update document for My Profile page
+ IVYPORTAL-10637 Technical task Reset task/case filter button is not shown after changing filter values
+ IVYPORTAL-10642 Technical task Hide search input and create external process link in global search result
+ IVYPORTAL-10665 Technical task Case and Task Details do not scroll smoothly (Mobile)
+ IVYPORTAL-10667 Technical task Scroll issue with Portal 8 + 9
+ IVYPORTAL-10668 Technical task Task list and case list missing scroll when have lots of task,case
+ IVYPORTAL-10682 Technical task Display wrong task priority
+ IVYPORTAL-10686 Technical task Cannot remove filter in task analysis
+ IVYPORTAL-10746 Technical task Responsive dialog small ui bugs II
+ IVYPORTAL-10750 Technical task Enhance Documentation related to AdHoc II
+ IVYPORTAL-10751 Technical task Minor UI bugs II
+ IVYPORTAL-10757 Technical task Broken UI when change state filter in task list, case list
+ IVYPORTAL-10792 Technical task Black icon in express
+ IVYPORTAL-10803 Technical task Cannot sort column (Related technical case page)
+ IVYPORTAL-10830 Technical task Broken responsive in ProcessHistoryComponent
+ IVYPORTAL-10859 Technical task Fix bug TaskFilterData cannot be cast II
+ IVYPORTAL-10865 Technical task Add loading icon to Html Dialog templates II
+ IVYPORTAL-10866 Technical task Disable Delegate, Add Adhoc for READY_FOR_JOIN task II
+ IVYPORTAL-10867 Technical task Add "Clear the delay" action in task action for DELAYED task II
+ IVYPORTAL-6301 Story Consolidate Email Settings and Language Settings in 1 Settings Menu
+ IVYPORTAL-7219 Story Create Configuration File for Developers - PortalSettings and Global Variables
+ IVYPORTAL-7933 Story Handle the breadcrumb menu in the portal
+ IVYPORTAL-8207 Story Express - handle Read Only view
+ IVYPORTAL-8412 Story Select all button in Task/Case Category Filter
+ IVYPORTAL-8673 Story Environment handling for express II
+ IVYPORTAL-9598 Story Enhance process List - Creating and Categorization II
+ IVYPORTAL-9625 Story Improve Standard Growl Messages after Tasks and Process creation II
+ IVYPORTAL-9629 Story New PortalExamples Project for Business users
+ IVYPORTAL-9732 Story Priorization of SASS CSS entries to low
+ IVYPORTAL-9735 Story Configurable Environment Info
+ IVYPORTAL-9763 Story Improve Task analysis feature and performance II
+ IVYPORTAL-9764 Story Improve Absences Management II
+ IVYPORTAL-9787 Story Automate updating Portal document images
+ IVYPORTAL-9789 Story Make dialog responsive
+ IVYPORTAL-9944 Story Destroy case in case details
+ IVYPORTAL-9978 Story Create a User Selection Combobox Component II
+ IVYPORTAL-9979 Story Use UserQuery API II
+ IVYPORTAL-10049 Story Transparency about PMV in Version Info Dialog
+ IVYPORTAL-10058 Story Enhance TaskTemplate and iframeTemplate
+ IVYPORTAL-10069 Story Harmonise visibility for statistics according to "normal" permissions
+ IVYPORTAL-10071 Story Improve hide system tasks from history
+ IVYPORTAL-10132 Story Query user by global executor and filter/order display name
+ IVYPORTAL-10140 Story Refactor Growl message
+ IVYPORTAL-10159 Story Handle the breadcrumb menu in the portal II
+ IVYPORTAL-10209 Story Placeholders in header and footer
+ IVYPORTAL-10227 Story Show/hide document component in task detail/case detail
+ IVYPORTAL-10228 Story Improve Displaying logged in user
+ IVYPORTAL-10233 Story Portal overlay Guide - The first time a user is logged in
+ IVYPORTAL-10236 Story Enhance visibility of tasks and cases depending on permissions
+ IVYPORTAL-10245 Story Portal User Example Guide
+ IVYPORTAL-10252 Story Adapt Portal url changes II
+ IVYPORTAL-10305 Story PortalSetting for Global search
+ IVYPORTAL-10306 Story Enhance visibility of case owner
+ IVYPORTAL-10340 Story Adapt new disable/enable mechanism of IUser
+ IVYPORTAL-10341 Story Adapt new mechanism to use external identifier to synchronize external users
+ IVYPORTAL-10353 Story Portal Multi App with Class Cast Exception
+ IVYPORTAL-10396 Story Enhance visibility of tasks and cases for Administrator in portal
+ IVYPORTAL-10416 Story Portal uses the standard ivy Theme for portal II
+ IVYPORTAL-10417 Story Adapt Link Colours and Task widget colours II
+ IVYPORTAL-10641 Story Update Portal documentation before release 9.1
+ IVYPORTAL-10651 Story Provide a param to set isWorkingOnATask
+ IVYPORTAL-10771 Story Improve IFrames Recognition
+ IVYPORTAL-10824 Story Adapt Task/CaseQuery for filtering user, role
+ IVYPORTAL-10842 Story Enhance Buttons in Portal II
+ IVYPORTAL-7778 Bug Error when clean up obsolete data
+ IVYPORTAL-9453 Bug Inconsistent Behaviour Case Details and related tasks and cases
+ IVYPORTAL-9730 Bug Saved filter is not reseted after changing filters
+ IVYPORTAL-9745 Bug Filter in Task list - Responsible not considered correctly.
+ IVYPORTAL-10065 Bug Improve document symbol in case details
+ IVYPORTAL-10128 Bug Permission UserCreateSubstitute not respected in add absence dialog
+ IVYPORTAL-10214 Bug Navigation technical case back to business case
+ IVYPORTAL-10351 Bug Portal chat doesn't work with load balance
+ IVYPORTAL-10563 Bug Portal totally blocked due to parallel request from Chat and XHR II
Changes in, 04.12.2019
This is a Long Term Support version.
We strongly recommend to install this release because it fixes security issues!
Axon.ivy Core:
- Java 11
- New WebService client tooling (CXF)
- Custom Fields for Tasks and Cases
- Html Dialog Override support
- New documentation format (Read the Docs)
Axon.ivy Designer:
- New 8.0 Branding (splashscreen, icon, theme, etc.)
- Primefaces Serenity as new default Html Dialog theme
- Based on Eclipse 2019-09
- Customizable, with support for Eclipse Marketplace and Git
- Native Mac and GTK3 support
Axon.ivy Engine:
- New license needed (license version 8000)
- Installable as Debian package
- Run in a Docker container
- Highly configurable with .yaml files
- New Engine Cockpit (JSF based) that replaces the old AdminUi (RIA based)
8.0 includes all new features introduced with the following Leading Edge versions: 7.1, 7.2, 7.2.1, 7.3, 7.3.1 and 7.4!
+ XIVY-26 Story Change security system of application
+ XIVY-125 Story Change default log level of Axon.ivy Engine to WARN
+ XIVY-349 Story Renew/Change the session ID after login
+ XIVY-620 Story Deploy full application ZIP
+ XIVY-621 Story Create a new application at deploy time
+ XIVY-623 Story HTTP deployments to a remote engine using Maven or curl
+ XIVY-624 Story Deploy options in deploy-iar goal to control re-deployment
+ XIVY-929 Story Simple import/download of Portal/Sample projects
+ XIVY-1049 Story Provide atomic operations for case and task (custom) properties
+ XIVY-1115 Story Store and access ivy projects as single IAR file on the engine
+ XIVY-1168 Story REST Client should consider SSL Client settings of Designer and Server when using https
+ XIVY-1183 Story Calling REST Service from browser that already owns an authenticated ivy session
+ XIVY-1405 Story Include Webserver SystemProperties in EngineConfigUi
+ XIVY-1458 Story Validate macro fields
+ XIVY-1636 Story WARN log: Could not remove unused process data cache for task
+ XIVY-2050 Story Update Feature List in dev.axonivy.com
+ XIVY-2051 Story Feature Videos for REST Client Call
+ XIVY-2063 Story Simplify the third party process element extension interfaces.
+ XIVY-2106 Story Migrate first artefact from Svn to Bitbucket inclusive builds
+ XIVY-2136 Story Analyze Web Service Frameworks and implement a Protoype with them (Axis2, CXF, ...)
+ XIVY-2137 Story Support GIT in Designer
+ XIVY-2141 Story Evaluate vulnerability scanner
+ XIVY-2169 Story Remove Demo License
+ XIVY-2218 Story Specify custom task properties at task creation
+ XIVY-2220 Story Support sorting by task property via TaskQuery
+ XIVY-2223 Story Support calling NTLM protected Rest Services
+ XIVY-2225 Story Enhance default REST client configuration to ignore missing property mappings
+ XIVY-2231 Story Move third party libraries to own bundles which are deployed to own P2 repository.
+ XIVY-2232 Story Upgrade CXF from version 2.3.11 to version 3.2
+ XIVY-2233 Story Extract existing AXIS WsClient technologies as features with extensions for the core
+ XIVY-2234 Story Simplify WS Call inscription mask (request, response, SWT)
+ XIVY-2236 Story Provide CXF as new WS call library (base features)
+ XIVY-2237 Story Investigate the support of Java 9 for Rich Internet Applications (RIA)
+ XIVY-2240 Story Merge Release Notes with N&N
+ XIVY-2247 Story Feature Videos for Signal or Business Data
+ XIVY-2251 Story Analyze performance and memory consumption of portal
+ XIVY-2263 Story Allow extension classes to be contributed to ivy.core libraries
+ XIVY-2265 Story Replace AWT IvyScriptEditor in Script Activity with new SWT Editor
+ XIVY-2266 Story Remove AspectJ
+ XIVY-2267 Story Polish deployment options
+ XIVY-2269 Story Officially support Maria DB
+ XIVY-2270 Story Demo how a modern JScript based UI technology (Angular, React, Vue, ...) can be used in Axon.ivy processes
+ XIVY-2302 Story Refactor web service configuration data model
+ XIVY-2308 Story Replace AWT Output Tab in Script Activity with new SWT Output Tab
+ XIVY-2310 Story Deployment options as mojo parameters
+ XIVY-2312 Story Finish moving 3rd party libraries to own lib only bundles
+ XIVY-2313 Story Support session handling for CXF WS call library
+ XIVY-2334 Story Support SSL in CXF WS Calls
+ XIVY-2335 Story Http Basic, Http Digest, NTLM Authentication Support
+ XIVY-2336 Story Error Code should be configurable
+ XIVY-2338 Story Remove timeout from error mask. Support it as property
+ XIVY-2339 Story Polish UI of web service call
+ XIVY-2341 Story Make SWT Script Editor nice
+ XIVY-2342 Story Make SWT output table nice
+ XIVY-2344 Story Provide functionality to add certificate to SSL Client trust store
+ XIVY-2355 Story Cleanup IInfo Objects on Datawrapper WS and RestClientCall
+ XIVY-2356 Story Improve fallback endpoints model and editor
+ XIVY-2357 Story Support features and properties in web service client configuration model, editor and executor
+ XIVY-2376 Story Automate Designer pre-requisites installation under Linux
+ XIVY-2377 Story Migrate IvyAddOns to BitBucket
+ XIVY-2381 Story Support WS-Security Username Token Authentication for CXF
+ XIVY-2382 Story Migrate legacy WS argument mapping options to properties
+ XIVY-2385 Story HTTP proxy configuration per web service client for CXF
+ XIVY-2386 Story Support WS-Addressing (WS-A) for CXF
+ XIVY-2387 Story Provide WebService Feature Extension Example
+ XIVY-2391 Story Support Properties and Features for WebServices on AdminUi
+ XIVY-2394 Story Deliver ivy system projects as one archived file
+ XIVY-2400 Story Speed-Up Designer-Boot
+ XIVY-2401 Story Cleanup deprecated API after AdminUi has been updated to use new API
+ XIVY-2403 Story Release 7.1
+ XIVY-2404 Story Make project reporting an independent installable P2 unit
+ XIVY-2420 Story Upgrade 3rd party libraries to latest service releases
+ XIVY-2426 Story Inscribe native Webservice types with well known ivy scripting types
+ XIVY-2427 Story Teach how to use web services in Axon.ivy
+ XIVY-2428 Story Move Ivy Demo Projects to Bitbucket
+ XIVY-2430 Story Demo that we can communicate with the Ethereum Blockchain
+ XIVY-2431 Story Improve ivyScript Editor and ivyScript Table
+ XIVY-2439 Story Provide API to create new Permissions, Permission Groups and their Relations
+ XIVY-2442 Story Support Properties and Features for WebServices on AdminUi II
+ XIVY-2444 Story Axon.ivy Designer with optional features
+ XIVY-2446 Story Respect editor preferences for Html Dialog views
+ XIVY-2449 Story Improve graphical performance on process editor for Linux
+ XIVY-2451 Story Upgrade to Eclipse Oxygen (First Try)
+ XIVY-2453 Story Analyze how to split configuration and transaction data in the engine
+ XIVY-2455 Story Analyze current portal connector
+ XIVY-2456 Story Open Class/Method directly out of IvyScriptEditor
+ XIVY-2457 Story Support latest MS Sql Server JDBC Driver from Microsoft for the system database (Support for High Availability (HA) SQL Server Cluster)
+ XIVY-2470 Story Reduce default RAM usage of Elasticsearch in the Designer
+ XIVY-2476 Story Add a CXF feature that disables all or certain WSDL policies
+ XIVY-2477 Story Support WebServices that define multiple output parameters (JAX-WS Holder)
+ XIVY-2498 Story Run Unit Tests as Eclipse Core Tests
+ XIVY-2499 Story Improve drag & drop support under Linux
+ XIVY-2528 Story Add new descriptive property "owner" to the case
+ XIVY-2536 Story Add isLike(...) for number (ID) in TaskQuery- and CaseQuery-API
+ XIVY-2582 Story Override configuration data by external configuration systems (Property File, ENV, etcd, ...)
+ XIVY-2583 Story Auto setup system database during engine startup
+ XIVY-2606 Story Update Branding
+ XIVY-2611 Story Improve performance of prefixed LIKE queries on PostgreSQL system databases
+ XIVY-2618 Story Allow to disable the Mobile Offline Dialog feature
+ XIVY-2625 Story Support MySQL 8.0 as SystemDB
+ XIVY-2631 Story Auto create application and deploy application zip during engine startup
+ XIVY-2633 Story Allow project specific JAX-RS extensions such as an exception handler
+ XIVY-2646 Story Replace AWT Name Tab in all process elements with new SWT Name Tab
+ XIVY-2651 Story Move C++ Launchers to BitBucket
+ XIVY-2655 Story Avoid unnecessary CMS logs on Engine
+ XIVY-2658 Story Change cup/jflex generation from ant to maven
+ XIVY-2660 Story Remove Richdialog from Designer
+ XIVY-2661 Story Backport Primefaces fix for bug #2525, #2539 and #2638 to PF 6.1
+ XIVY-2665 Story Respect global Browser preferences in Designer
+ XIVY-2700 Story Add Marketplace to Designer
+ XIVY-2811 Story APT package for fast engine distribution under Ubuntu/Debian
+ XIVY-2818 Story At startup of the docker image the engine should wait for the availability of the system database and external Elasticsearch
+ XIVY-2819 Story Provide an official Docker image for the Engine on Docker Hub
+ XIVY-2820 Story Improve configuration documentation in Engine Guide
+ XIVY-2821 Story Support High DPI (HDPI) displays in Designer
+ XIVY-2822 Story Backport Primefaces Extensions fix for bug #470 to PFE 6.1.0
+ XIVY-2824 Story Improve APT package for simple configuration
+ XIVY-2826 Story Prototype compile and run with Java 11
+ XIVY-2827 Story Support native paging when querying System DB
+ XIVY-2829 Story Refactor ivy servlets and filters to be less complex
+ XIVY-2833 Story Improve performance of CategoryTreeBuilder for Portal
+ XIVY-2834 Story Replace serverconfig.xml with ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-2835 Story Replace ivy system property store in system database with ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-2838 Story Make read and connection timeout for Elasticsearch connection configurable
+ XIVY-2845 Story Move Axon.ivy code repository from SVN to GIT
+ XIVY-2853 Story Make Security System configurable over ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-2855 Story Keep Line Break style of existing MOD files
+ XIVY-2856 Story Call WS methods that can only be generated in wrapper style
+ XIVY-2857 Story Support owner of case in CaseQuery
+ XIVY-2858 Story Override configuration of application properties, environment and global variables
+ XIVY-2859 Story Override configuration of external databases, webservices and REST services
+ XIVY-2861 Story Provide demo portal application only in demo mode
+ XIVY-2862 Story Remove and replace clear text passwords in configuration files (ivy.yaml) with encrypted once during engine startup
+ XIVY-2864 Story Display warning in UIs that config overridden in ivy.yaml cannot be changed
+ XIVY-2870 Story Make Documents/Files Location configurable
+ XIVY-2875 Story Rollout SWT Output Inscription tab (drop-in upgrade)
+ XIVY-2876 Story Missing method: ivy.repo.delete(id)
+ XIVY-2878 Story Reload config if config files changes
+ XIVY-2879 Story Support more than one ivy.yaml file
+ XIVY-2881 Story Streamline all Output scripting & actions
+ XIVY-2884 Story Stabilize Debian package for long term usage
+ XIVY-2886 Story After I reserved a task and then resume it and get interrupted the task should still be reserved for me
+ XIVY-2896 Story Release 7.2
+ XIVY-2897 Story JRE and 3 Party Library Updates for 7.2
+ XIVY-2899 Story Provide an API to start a CaseMap
+ XIVY-2900 Story Support HTTP POST request to start CaseMaps and Sidesteps with arguments
+ XIVY-2904 Story Remove the CaseMap sample in the editor
+ XIVY-2909 Story First case and task of a case map must not appear in task list after session timeout
+ XIVY-2918 Story Write audit log if config files changes
+ XIVY-2921 Story Improve error handling if a configuration file cannot be parsed successfully
+ XIVY-2927 Story Update Elasticsearch to 7.3
+ XIVY-2933 Story Support symlinks in engine directory
+ XIVY-2935 Story PostConstruct script for highly customized Task creation logic
+ XIVY-2940 Story Change order of output arrows/paths in Alternative Gateway
+ XIVY-2945 Story Improve SWT Ivy Script Editor in Expression Mode
+ XIVY-2949 Story Process Editor: Move selection broken
+ XIVY-2950 Story Platform independent jvm.options file to configure an Engine
+ XIVY-2955 Story Concept of new Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-2956 Story Remove RichDialog technology and AdminUI from Engine
+ XIVY-2959 Story Analyze how long poll Rest Requests can be handled asynchronously
+ XIVY-2960 Story Permanent substitute/deputy users
+ XIVY-2961 Story Use hot swap to recreate ElasticSearch index (Old index can be used and has all data until new index is ready)
+ XIVY-2962 Story Provide an elasticsearch cluster docker example
+ XIVY-2967 Story Move content management ui back to core
+ XIVY-2968 Story Move webeditor and page.designer.extension to own repo
+ XIVY-2979 Story Release project-build-plugin with a single job
+ XIVY-2983 Story Make Axon.ivy Designer run with GTK3
+ XIVY-2991 Story Analyze if iFrames can be used to integrate html dialogs of tasks into Portal
+ XIVY-2998 Story Upgrade Designer to Eclipse 2019-03 (4.11)
+ XIVY-3000 Story Support async REST services
+ XIVY-3001 Story Migrate legacy custom/business fields to new custom field
+ XIVY-3002 Story Analyze and improve performance of custom fields
+ XIVY-3003 Story SWT based task tabs to define CustomFields
+ XIVY-3006 Story Validate single project ivy scriptlets while building with maven
+ XIVY-3011 Story Improve Logging in User Synchronization
+ XIVY-3016 Story Building big workspace in designer is extremly slow
+ XIVY-3019 Story New license model for containerized engines
+ XIVY-3022 Story Demand IUserToken instead of ISession in ITask.canUserResumeTask(...)
+ XIVY-3023 Story Official Support for Postgres 11
+ XIVY-3025 Story Manage Users and Roles in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3026 Story Basic Security System View for Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3027 Story Show information about system in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3028 Story Control applications in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3029 Story Manage Configurations in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3030 Story Show external services in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3033 Story Improve Performance of Custom Fields Db Queries
+ XIVY-3035 Story Rollout new Task/Case tab capabilities to all compliant elements
+ XIVY-3036 Story Deploy Applications in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3037 Story Show all default Configurations in Advanced Config
+ XIVY-3038 Story Support SQL Server 2017 and drop support for SQL Server 2008
+ XIVY-3039 Story Make deletion double check in user synchronizer configurable
+ XIVY-3041 Story Reimplement Name, Arc and Annotation Inscription with SWT
+ XIVY-3043 Story Create release pipelines
+ XIVY-3046 Story Modern platform context-menu in Process Editor
+ XIVY-3049 Story Support plain JSF pages without html dialog/process
+ XIVY-3050 Story Create javadoc build
+ XIVY-3052 Story Support Overrides for Html Dialogs defined in a parent project
+ XIVY-3053 Story Remove findbugs from ivy classpath
+ XIVY-3054 Story Log error when deploying empty artifact
+ XIVY-3060 Story Limit substitutes/deputies to current and future tasks of substituted user
+ XIVY-3064 Story Replace eclipse help with html help in designer
+ XIVY-3065 Story Validate .project file
+ XIVY-3066 Story Deliver a BETA MAC Designer
+ XIVY-3067 Story Transform engine guide to readthedocs
+ XIVY-3068 Story Make Engine Cockpit enterprise ready (> 40'000 users)
+ XIVY-3069 Story Manage user and role properties in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-3071 Story Improve L&F of IvyScript Editor UI
+ XIVY-3074 Story Access BusinessDataRepository from a REST service
+ XIVY-3079 Story Improve external security system section in default ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-3080 Story Release 7.3
+ XIVY-3082 Story Support ivyProjects in application directory located in project specific Docker Image
+ XIVY-3083 Story Migrate old legacy business calendar id from task/case data inscriptions to script inscriptions
+ XIVY-3084 Story Rollout Streamlined SWT Output Inscription tabs
+ XIVY-3086 Story Standard SWT Start tab in HD start events
+ XIVY-3087 Story Rollout SWT Start Inscription tab (drop-in upgrade)
+ XIVY-3088 Story Streamline SWT Result Inscription tabs
+ XIVY-3089 Story Streamline Dialog Call Inscriptions tabs
+ XIVY-3090 Story Translate End Page Inscription Tabs to SWT
+ XIVY-3091 Story Translate simple Inscription Tabs to SWT
+ XIVY-3092 Story Streamline Intermediate Event Task Inscription tabs to SWT
+ XIVY-3094 Story Make process element icons in Inscription Editor compliant
+ XIVY-3097 Story Simplify REST file upload API and error its failure tracking
+ XIVY-3098 Story Migrate old legazy case and task categorization from task/case data inscriptions to script inscriptions
* XIVY-3099 Story Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.x
+ XIVY-3101 Story Initial Engine Setup Wizard in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-3106 Story On demand synchronisation of AD users
+ XIVY-3109 Story Optimize performance of task joined with case or business case queries (Use union instead of OR in join condition)
+ XIVY-3111 Story Deprecate Task and Case Event Log API
+ XIVY-3112 Story Log Error Message in Elasticsearch Bulk Request
+ XIVY-3116 Story Configure Business Calendar in YAML config files
+ XIVY-3120 Story Do not stop index recreation if one fails
+ XIVY-3121 Story Support E-Mail address as Name of Administrator in ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-3125 Story Allow lazy installation of additional JDBC driver bundles
+ XIVY-3135 Story Deliver a patch to upgrade Primefaces to 7.0
+ XIVY-3148 Story Transform designer guide to readthedocs
+ XIVY-3149 Story Axon.ivy Market
+ XIVY-3154 Story Translate Alternative Gateway Inscription tab to SWT
+ XIVY-3160 Story Dispose legacy TableInscription mapping code in DataWrapper (Part I)
+ XIVY-3164 Story Provide API to search in any Custom String, Number, Timestamp Field of Task and Case
+ XIVY-3165 Story Optimize Performance of isInvolved Business- or Subcase only Queries
* XIVY-3171 Story Run with Java 11
+ XIVY-3172 Story Compile with Java 11 source code compliance
+ XIVY-3176 Story Webservices working with Java 11
+ XIVY-3180 Story Integrate libs needed to export Excel from Portal
+ XIVY-3183 Story Support Oracle 19c and 18c and drop support for Oracle11g
+ XIVY-3184 Story Screenshot all Inscription Masks
+ XIVY-3190 Story Customize readthedocs theme
+ XIVY-3192 Story iFrame support for Portal
+ XIVY-3194 Story Translate Request Tab of StartRequest to SWT
+ XIVY-3196 Story Release 7.4
+ XIVY-3202 Story Reorganize (Sample) Project Import
+ XIVY-3205 Story Show Application Properties Defaults in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-3217 Story Add Basic LogViewer and Test Mail Button to Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3218 Story Classpatcher can load patches out of plain JARs
+ XIVY-3221 Story Make external services editable in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-3227 Story Update drools of ivy-extension-rules and re-use poi 3rd party libs
+ XIVY-3228 Story Translate Call Sub and Trigger Inscription tabs to SWT
+ XIVY-3229 Story Prototype how to customize a HTML Dialog Component of a standard product in customer project
+ XIVY-3230 Story Advanced App Configuration in Engine Cockpit
* XIVY-3242 Story Upgrade jQuery to v3.3.1
+ XIVY-3255 Story Consume engine to build from maven repo
+ XIVY-3256 Story Query API to search users
+ XIVY-3257 Story Query API to search external not yet imported users
+ XIVY-3259 Story Manage Elasticsearch in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3261 Story Webeditor with Java 11
+ XIVY-3266 Story Clean MOD files from empty no longer required entries
+ XIVY-3267 Story Make UserDialog interface methods read-only on the interface editor
+ XIVY-3271 Story Clean up HD Start Inscription
+ XIVY-3272 Story Write Default element Mappings without DataWrapper
+ XIVY-3273 Story Java 11 Cleanup
+ XIVY-3274 Story Upgrade Designer to Eclipse 2019-06 (4.12)
+ XIVY-3275 Story Provide Mod Conversion for broken 7.3.x created HtmlDialogs
* XIVY-3276 Story Upgrade Primefaces to 7.0
+ XIVY-3280 Story Document how to improve database query performance in Engine Guide
+ XIVY-3286 Story Streamline process call signature handling
* XIVY-3301 Story Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.24
+ XIVY-3303 Story Business Data reindexing errors when in parallel business data will be added
+ XIVY-3308 Story Upgrade Jersey to 2.29.1
+ XIVY-3313 Story Show Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Properties in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3318 Story API to get business case data of a business case
+ XIVY-3320 Story Split IvyAddOns Guide into mutliple parts (DocFactory, ...)
+ XIVY-3333 Story Upgrade Aspose Total Library
+ XIVY-3334 Story Provide a demo project for the DocFactory
+ XIVY-3335 Story Style for 8.0
+ XIVY-3337 Story Migrate JSF DesignTime features to PrimeFaces 7.0
+ XIVY-3355 Story Load licence from docker secret or as environment variable
+ XIVY-3359 Story Validate Dialog and CallSub Overrides
+ XIVY-3360 Story UI to display and create new Html Dialog overrides
+ XIVY-3362 Story Provide Mod Conversion for process call signature streamline
+ XIVY-3363 Story Override project configuration
+ XIVY-3364 Story Upgrade Primefaces Themes to the latest version
+ XIVY-3365 Story Use Serenity Theme in Demo Projects
+ XIVY-3366 Story New HtmlDialog Wizard should generate views that uses the css grid layout instead of PanelGrid component
+ XIVY-3367 Story Use JSF an serenity theme on Designer / Engine info and wf pages
+ XIVY-3369 Story Redirect requests without any path in the url to info page
+ XIVY-3371 Story Release 8.0
+ XIVY-3373 Story Support PostgreSQL 12
+ XIVY-3374 Story Simplify project version upgrade
+ XIVY-3377 Story Support Oracle Service Name for external Database
+ XIVY-3379 Story Build own Serenity theme and apply it to the Cockpit
+ XIVY-3385 Story Auto detect jdbc driver for system database
+ XIVY-3387 Story Upgrade Designer to Eclipse 2019-09 (4.13)
+ XIVY-3388 Story Renew licence in engine cockpit
+ XIVY-3390 Story Upgrade primefaces to 7.0.9
+ XIVY-3392 Story Use Ivy Serenity Theme as new default theme
+ XIVY-3397 Story Update bundled JRE to latest java 11 security update (11.0.5)
+ XIVY-3398 Story Ensure that a New Html Dialog with our default theme and Portal are looking good by default
+ XIVY-3400 Story New Dialog Wizard should provide more View Types
+ XIVY-3408 Story Upgrade cxf to 3.3.4
+ XIVY-3410 Story Support 'project.version' property for IAR dependencies
+ XIVY-3417 Story Fix caching of Html dialogs & components with multiple case scopes
+ XIVY-3419 Story New Engine maintenance mode to configure the engine in case of a licence or system database problem
+ XIVY-3423 Story Provide an official P2 repository for 8.0
+ XIVY-3428 Story Manage administrators in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-3429 Story Create and convert system database in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-3430 Story Setup Release Web Page
+ XIVY-3431 Story Release Axon.ivy Cloud
+ XIVY-3434 Story Clear up layout.jsp and style.css provided in CMS
* XIVY-3437 Story Upgrade primefaces to 7.0.10
+ XIVY-3457 Story Streamline process element inscription tabs to SWT
* XIVY-1025 Improvement Use SameSite Cookies to prevent potential CSRF
+ XIVY-2252 Improvement CaseMap Improvements
+ XIVY-2330 Improvement Provide script for autoconfig basic authentication on IIS
+ XIVY-2388 Improvement Missing application name in log file for LDAP sync
+ XIVY-2390 Improvement Engine guide references Linux script files (.sh) that no longer exists or that were renamed
+ XIVY-2421 Improvement Enable a configuration of which browsers to show with a ivyScriptEditor
+ XIVY-2486 Improvement Missing documentation that shipped portal app should not be used
+ XIVY-2487 Improvement String field in Elasticsearch is deprecated
+ XIVY-2502 Improvement Provide AXIS1+2 WS client support as optional feature
+ XIVY-2607 Improvement Change jaxb model generation from ant to maven
+ XIVY-2812 Improvement Provide Ethereum Blockchain Process Element
+ XIVY-2817 Improvement Improve TaskQuery execution performance when specifying startIndex
+ XIVY-2869 Improvement Replace org.reflections with classgraph
+ XIVY-2930 Improvement Document how to install an Additional Feature / Software in Designer
+ XIVY-2947 Improvement Too short Exception Stack Trace in the log
+ XIVY-2966 Improvement Document how to log rest client messages on the engine
+ XIVY-2988 Improvement Make rule plugin smaller: remove unnecessary poi-oooxml-schema.jar
+ XIVY-3014 Improvement Log internal server errors in a rest service
+ XIVY-3095 Improvement Support http2 and TLS1.3
+ XIVY-3331 Improvement Provide Locale on error pages
+ XIVY-3351 Improvement Sync user at login with single sign-on
+ XIVY-3356 Improvement Do not process error pages after rest provider exception
+ XIVY-2118 Epic Renew Web Service Call Libraries
+ XIVY-2527 Epic A case should have a process owner which has special management rights for the case
+ XIVY-3047 Epic Custom fields for task and case
+ XIVY-3358 Epic Override Html Dialogs of a standard product project in a customized projects
+ XIVY-85 Bug Enable Edit button on WS endpoint
+ XIVY-118 Bug Process editor context menu selected text is white on Windows 10
+ XIVY-852 Bug Default XHTML dialog editor is broken on macOS
+ XIVY-1011 Bug Handle null entries when sorting by expiry date via orderby().nullFirst() or orderBy().nullLast()
+ XIVY-1034 Bug Problem when saving the deployment editor after removing the SNAPSHOT from the version
+ XIVY-1298 Bug Custom error page is not documented
+ XIVY-1329 Bug No new PMV will be created by default when redeploying same library but with new version
+ XIVY-1672 Bug MSSQL: Inserting to CustomVarCharFields fails when inserting more than 900 bytes
+ XIVY-1673 Bug Attachments sent by mail step contains folder path
+ XIVY-1706 Bug JavaScript Builder fails with NPE on WebPage projects
+ XIVY-1853 Bug REST API for single tasks does not return resumed/created tasks
+ XIVY-1948 Bug UI process executes normal even if current task is not in state CREATED/RESUMED
+ XIVY-2000 Bug HtmlDialog from global error handler (handling error from another HtmlDialog) is not shown for Ajax request
+ XIVY-2112 Bug Text overlapping in designer welcome page
+ XIVY-2168 Bug Can't install new Licences over a UI if it has expired
+ XIVY-2170 Bug Hovered text in context menu of process editor is white
+ XIVY-2171 Bug A task may start on the wrong TaskSwitchGateway output arc
+ XIVY-2173 Bug Sample Call&Wait implementation does not work with multiple PMVs
+ XIVY-2206 Bug File Browse in Control Center fails
+ XIVY-2209 Bug Process Selection in CaseMap-Editor does not work
+ XIVY-2210 Bug Ivy 6.0/7.0 can't join tasks of cases which has been started with Ivy 5.1
+ XIVY-2214 Bug Can not build 7.0.0 projects while a non OSGi engine is in cache
+ XIVY-2216 Bug NullpointerException occurs while logging null values in Designer
+ XIVY-2224 Bug Session of user is still alive after user deletion
+ XIVY-2238 Bug Cleanup JSF ViewScope when closing DialogRuntime
+ XIVY-2245 Bug Unexpected 'End of File' scripting error when mapping REST response
+ XIVY-2259 Bug Empty task activator script fails at runtime
+ XIVY-2261 Bug ISession.logoutSessionUser() clears the HTTP Session attributes of the current request
+ XIVY-2264 Bug Engine start fails after running it as root user
+ XIVY-2268 Bug Wrong parameters in Javadoc for web service process constructor
+ XIVY-2272 Bug RComboBox and RTable fail with an NPE on initialization
+ XIVY-2300 Bug Enforce usage of Java 1.8 webstart by default
+ XIVY-2333 Bug Enterprise server discloses hostname
+ XIVY-2359 Bug RIA Workflow UI button "Resume All" does not work any more
+ XIVY-2362 Bug Project build maven plugin fails when executing mutliple builds in parallel
+ XIVY-2378 Bug systemctl stop AxonIvyEngine does not stop engine smoothly. Instead the process is killed.
+ XIVY-2399 Bug Fix already known WS client (CXF) bugs
+ XIVY-2423 Bug JSF Workflow UI: trigger escalation and modification of expiry timestamp don't work
+ XIVY-2429 Bug Rarely occuring IndexOutOfBoundsException on process data de-serialisation
+ XIVY-2432 Bug CC/BCC-Recipients in mail are not set in Designer
+ XIVY-2458 Bug No new PMV will be created by default when redeploying same library but with new version II
+ XIVY-2461 Bug WSDL namespace mapping dialog does not expose all namespaces
+ XIVY-2475 Bug HTTP authentication (Basic/Digest/NTLM) while reading WSDL file in WebService editor broken.
+ XIVY-2488 Bug Can not store an object in the business data store with more than 1000 different fields
+ XIVY-2492 Bug Broken pipe when trying to load web assets like fonts or css files
* XIVY-2493 Bug Cluster Communication broken because of ClassLoading Problems with OSGi
+ XIVY-2495 Bug Displaying of the roles in the AdminUI is extremely slow with a lot of PMVs and Roles
+ XIVY-2497 Bug Serving wrong mime type for jpeg images in cms causes problems with IE
+ XIVY-2503 Bug ViewExpiredException if an error happens after an HtmlDialog in the business process
+ XIVY-2504 Bug Ivy.html().startref(...) is not available within rest service
+ XIVY-2506 Bug JSFWorkflowUI does not show Absences/Substitution in navigation
+ XIVY-2525 Bug JSF NumberConverter does not work properly with p:inputNumber and german locale
+ XIVY-2535 Bug Parameter requestedPage for default login process is wrong
+ XIVY-2538 Bug EmptyStackException occurs if a task is reseted and a user want to submit the form
+ XIVY-2590 Bug Mapping to unqualified ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.List<E> fails in rest client
+ XIVY-2591 Bug Validate Database Activity output tab at design time
+ XIVY-2593 Bug JSF view file validation and content assist does not know properties and methods declared in super interfaces
+ XIVY-2610 Bug Gracefully shutdown the engine
+ XIVY-2619 Bug Process search in Designer fails without showing any results
* XIVY-2627 Bug Open redirect vulnerability in Engine Wf UI
+ XIVY-2628 Bug Wrong "error" page if one clicks on a link of a inactive PMV
+ XIVY-2632 Bug NPE when joining Task
* XIVY-2638 Bug HttpOnly flag is not specified on cookie set by Java Webstart request
+ XIVY-2657 Bug Error information missing on ViewExpiredException
+ XIVY-2666 Bug BPMN element names with umlauts are broken under linux
+ XIVY-2717 Bug Support Maria-DB driver under Linux
+ XIVY-2747 Bug Process Editor freezes under Linux
* XIVY-2803 Bug Rarely NullPointerException on engine/designer start
+ XIVY-2810 Bug Fix Oxygen Designer packaging/start on macOS
+ XIVY-2836 Bug HD View validation shows false positive warnings for standard components
+ XIVY-2840 Bug Rarely NullPointerException on webserver start
+ XIVY-2860 Bug Support Windows Server 2016 in IIS integration batch files
+ XIVY-2867 Bug Session expired error message when trying to start an already finsished task with a link in a notification mail
+ XIVY-2868 Bug An image from CMS are not correctly included/referenced in a mail if it is not located in the CMS root folder
+ XIVY-2873 Bug Designer may not start because of a race condition in RuleEngineActivator
+ XIVY-2874 Bug Database Connection is not closed when quering database in the SQL Query Dialog of the Database Editor of the Designer
+ XIVY-2880 Bug Overloaded Methods may not correctly be displayed in completion proposal and javadoc help
* XIVY-2882 Bug Memory Leak in ProcessElementFactory
+ XIVY-2883 Bug Business Data (Elasticsearch) does not work if I start same Designer twice
+ XIVY-2888 Bug Webservice call model invalid when migrating from Axis2 to CXF
+ XIVY-2889 Bug Data Class editor is not correctly initialized when data class is opened from Search view
+ XIVY-2890 Bug Cannot restart engine if old license is no longer valid even if I install a new valid license
+ XIVY-2891 Bug ManagedBeans do not work in *.iar file created with the Designer
+ XIVY-2893 Bug TaskQuery.fromJson may fail with JsonMappingException: Numeric value (XXXX) out of range of int
+ XIVY-2894 Bug Pack/Unpack a project creates unneeded empty files
+ XIVY-2895 Bug Error message of BPM Error is not displayed in error page
* XIVY-2898 Bug Memory leak in RuleVersionService (Rule Engine)
+ XIVY-2912 Bug Element alignment broken after copy-paste
+ XIVY-2913 Bug Use UTF-8 to encode mail addresses (to, from, cc, bcc, replyTo)
+ XIVY-2915 Bug JSF managed beans, validators or converters of a projects may not be found after redeploy or restart
+ XIVY-2916 Bug Elasticsearch cannot be started under Linux if installation path contains a space
+ XIVY-2917 Bug Can't start Engine to renew licence with Engine-Config or -Cockpit if old licence is expired
+ XIVY-2920 Bug Password is visible in clear text in AdminUI if it is configured in a yaml file even if it is encrypted in the file
+ XIVY-2922 Bug OSGi Bundle patches not in charge if whitespaces in path
* XIVY-2931 Bug Restart of Task throws EmptyStackException or IvyScriptCastException
+ XIVY-2954 Bug Can not migrate engine because of missing *iar.zip if no system database migration is needed
+ XIVY-2957 Bug Engine started with systemd awaits timeout if exited by a failure
+ XIVY-2964 Bug Html Dialog Editor WYSIWYG selection broken with JRE 191
+ XIVY-2970 Bug Opening an Embedded-Sub InscriptionEditor throws NPE
+ XIVY-2972 Bug Deadlock can occur when importing all ivy sample projects
+ XIVY-2973 Bug ConcurrentModificationException after importing ivy projects
+ XIVY-2974 Bug Bundled ElasticSearch has frequently no data after reboot
+ XIVY-2984 Bug Database Output tab not validated in RDM
+ XIVY-2992 Bug Project build problem after moving to new workspace
+ XIVY-2993 Bug NPE in CMS after closing or deleting a project
+ XIVY-2994 Bug Build problems after importing .iar created with Designer 7.2
+ XIVY-3004 Bug Deadlock while deploying multiple iars to a new application
+ XIVY-3012 Bug ConcurrentModificationException in request history
+ XIVY-3020 Bug IsNull-Query for additional property returns wrong result
+ XIVY-3024 Bug Copy & paste in process editor does not respect view port
+ XIVY-3042 Bug Designer bug dialog fails to render linebreaks in error message
+ XIVY-3048 Bug Goto Data Class action broken when viewing embedded Subprocess
+ XIVY-3056 Bug Memory Leak with Oracle as System Database
+ XIVY-3057 Bug isEqual/isEqualIgnoreCase Queries do not work on customTextFields and additonalProperties with MS-SQL DB
+ XIVY-3058 Bug CMS Search Index creation fails with NPE
+ XIVY-3059 Bug Multithreading issues in AXIS Web Service Client Call
+ XIVY-3062 Bug Referenced TaskExpiry error not updated during copy&paste
+ XIVY-3073 Bug ConcurrentModificationException when using async p:remotecommands
+ XIVY-3107 Bug PersistentObjectDeletedException in SessionCounter when deleting User
+ XIVY-3108 Bug ViewExpiredExceptions is logged on Level INFO with full stacktrace
+ XIVY-3117 Bug CXF WebService Generation fails if included xsd needs redirecting
+ XIVY-3118 Bug Task notification mail sending is slow
+ XIVY-3127 Bug NoSuchElementException in EndlessLoopDetectionJob
+ XIVY-3128 Bug StackOverflowException in JavaBeanUtil while logging Axis1 or Axis2 WebService error
+ XIVY-3134 Bug Task notification mail job may trigger unneeded portal home requests causing high cpu usage
+ XIVY-3137 Bug High CPU load (100%) if you debug the Designer inside the Designer
+ XIVY-3139 Bug Find invovled cases since MySQL 8.0.12 extremly slow
+ XIVY-3141 Bug Timeout while synchronizing 50'000 users with Novell eDirectory
+ XIVY-3153 Bug NPE in CMS when opening TaskSwitchEvent Inscription Mask within packed project
+ XIVY-3167 Bug HtmlMailConverter endless port occupation
+ XIVY-3169 Bug Engine Cockpit error if no app is deployed on applications view
+ XIVY-3170 Bug CustomTimestampField cache issue if it's called the first time
+ XIVY-3173 Bug Ivy project rename error in data classes
+ XIVY-3178 Bug TimeoutException during building of ivy project
+ XIVY-3179 Bug Engine Cockpit array error if a app file deployment happens and this app is opened in detail view
+ XIVY-3188 Bug Method customField() is not documented and not marked as PublicAPI in TaskQuery and CaseQuery
+ XIVY-3191 Bug Active Directory User synchronisation not imports all users if the import user group has more than 1500 entries
+ XIVY-3193 Bug CXF generated WSDL in Client jar does not map included XSDs
+ XIVY-3197 Bug Editor 'Jump to Dialog' broken for Dialogs with input Parameters
+ XIVY-3204 Bug Html dialog editor cache problems
+ XIVY-3206 Bug Maven Classpath container not auto-added
+ XIVY-3207 Bug Linux TreeTable NPE in AWT Inscriptions
+ XIVY-3210 Bug BigDecimals type is occasionally serialized as long which leads to corrupt indexes
+ XIVY-3211 Bug Engine Config UI tempts users to write overquoted YAML files
+ XIVY-3212 Bug Setting Advanced Webserver configs overwrites already set Port vals
+ XIVY-3213 Bug Post Task Construct code block provide inaccessible 'out' variable on RequestStart
+ XIVY-3214 Bug Yaml Writer can not write subnode to property if it already have a value
+ XIVY-3215 Bug TaskMail generator fails if AJP is enabled
+ XIVY-3220 Bug Clarify the wildcard pattern usages in signal codes
+ XIVY-3222 Bug Resolving JSF variable is not thread save
+ XIVY-3223 Bug Process context menu commands connect/wrap/openDoc partially broken
+ XIVY-3226 Bug False positive signature validation errors on SubProcess StartEvent
+ XIVY-3233 Bug Turn off flaky webeditor RCPTT tests
+ XIVY-3234 Bug Taskmail links point to localhost instead of frontend server
+ XIVY-3235 Bug Load extensions in dropins in first start
* XIVY-3237 Bug Reindex of business data fails with OutOfMemory
+ XIVY-3240 Bug Cms template with placeholder not working if there are escape chars
+ XIVY-3245 Bug Designer Project Reporting (Birt) does not work
+ XIVY-3246 Bug Analyze and fix known issues with Primefaces 7 migration
+ XIVY-3247 Bug Wrong Business Calendar will be used when multiple tasks configured
+ XIVY-3249 Bug Nullpointer exception thrown when authenticate a non existing user with empty password
+ XIVY-3250 Bug Designer crashes with misspelled html tags in webeditor
+ XIVY-3252 Bug Designer configuration editor context menu unavailable
+ XIVY-3258 Bug Deadlock in Designer while importing Portal and Project Graph view is open
+ XIVY-3262 Bug Static JSF pages don't work on Windows if the page is in a subfolder
+ XIVY-3263 Bug In the console.log the following entries appears without timestamp 'start windows service control:4'
+ XIVY-3265 Bug Business Data is limited to maximum 64k characters if using MySql system database
+ XIVY-3277 Bug Patch Primefaces 6.1 to fix Bug #873 (selectManyMenu only selects one)
+ XIVY-3279 Bug Patch Primefaces 6.1 to fix Bug #3755 (photocam: was blocked by chrome)
+ XIVY-3283 Bug Fix SWING Inscription crash on Linux
+ XIVY-3288 Bug IvyAddOns writes debug information to the console output 'docx' and exception traces
+ XIVY-3289 Bug After reindex of business data some records may be missing in the index with Sql Server 2016 and higher and microsoft jdbc driver
+ XIVY-3291 Bug Keyword infinity is not supported in systemd versions older than version 229 (e.g. RHEL 7)
+ XIVY-3293 Bug IvyScriptParserException is thrown by bpm engine if macro contains \"
+ XIVY-3296 Bug Case Map Example area hides Add Sidestep Menu in case map editor
+ XIVY-3297 Bug Deadlock and therefore UI freeze during Designer start when synchronizing breakpoints
+ XIVY-3298 Bug System database conversion from < 7.3 to >= 7.3 may fail with unique constrain violation error because of duplicated task or case additional properties
+ XIVY-3305 Bug NPE in IvyJsfIntegrationHelper during Logging
+ XIVY-3309 Bug CMS Editor for Text Content Objects broken
+ XIVY-3310 Bug Copying process elements switched to SWT throws NPE
+ XIVY-3315 Bug Suppress server information on error screen
+ XIVY-3319 Bug Daily mail wrongfully logs 302 moved temporarily
+ XIVY-3325 Bug Control center reacts badly
+ XIVY-3336 Bug SSL Designer client settings not working for self-signed certs
+ XIVY-3339 Bug Deadlock when importing PortalTemplate with M2 wizard
+ XIVY-3340 Bug Engine Config UI can't start with a license with no expiry date
+ XIVY-3341 Bug Elasticsearch start fails when migrating to 8.0
+ XIVY-3342 Bug SystemDb password is always encrypted on SystemDb creation
+ XIVY-3343 Bug Can not convert system database while startup of engine with official axonivy docker image
+ XIVY-3345 Bug Open inscription masks fast as a fox
+ XIVY-3348 Bug ESC key closes my inscription mask without warning that there are unsaved changes
+ XIVY-3352 Bug Case and task category tree generates wrong tree hierarchy
+ XIVY-3353 Bug ConfigUI crashes with never expiring license
+ XIVY-3354 Bug Licence with special characters e.g. umlauts are not valid
+ XIVY-3361 Bug BPMN processes are corrupt after import
+ XIVY-3376 Bug Password label hides password value if password is entered by brower auto fill
+ XIVY-3383 Bug Strange error message if project-build-plugin is run with old java version.
+ XIVY-3384 Bug Improve info log of goal default-installEngine with chosen engine directory
+ XIVY-3386 Bug MyFaces Resource Caching is enabled in Designer
+ XIVY-3391 Bug Creating a DataClass field via QuickFix will always write FQN to the file
+ XIVY-3395 Bug Reimplement multilanguage Task Annotation mails in the standard
+ XIVY-3396 Bug CaseQuery CaseScope is ignored when creating the TaskQuery first
+ XIVY-3403 Bug Security System detail view in Cockpit shows password in DOM
+ XIVY-3404 Bug Allow to add IAR resource which already exist in project basedir
+ XIVY-3405 Bug Execution of method was not successful in Html Dialog
+ XIVY-3407 Bug Opening a CaseMap in Designer logs DI errors
+ XIVY-3411 Bug Fix possible XSS vulnerability on end.jsp page
+ XIVY-3416 Bug Casemap Editor is unusable on Linux
+ XIVY-3421 Bug Html Dialog Editor does not consider a theme that is configured in a layout
+ XIVY-3422 Bug Axis1 classes cannot be compiled after project is migrated to latest project version (Java 11)
+ XIVY-3424 Bug JSF Error Handler broken in Designer
+ XIVY-3433 Bug NullPointerException if sending signal without being in a task/case
+ XIVY-3439 Bug Drools DRL editor support for java 11
+ XIVY-3440 Bug errorPage.getLocale() throws NPE in ErrorPage
+ XIVY-3444 Bug ViewExpiredException when user from other app in same browser logs out
+ XIVY-3446 Bug After initialization of alternative arrow colors are lost
+ XIVY-3447 Bug Subclipse client JavaHL breaks preference page
+ XIVY-3454 Bug Creating Dialog Event/Method via quickfix is not aligned in logic
+ XIVY-3458 Bug Messages in Flash do not work on end-page
+ XIVY-3459 Bug Enable End Page edit command and menu entry
+ XIVY-3463 Bug BigDecimals without precision in Lists
+ IVYPORTAL-5776 Technical task Add favicon to Portal (check error again)
+ IVYPORTAL-5848 Technical task Disable process simulation
+ IVYPORTAL-6242 Technical task Expand application menu, statistic chart is move down (Problem in review meeting)
+ IVYPORTAL-6278 Technical task Improve favorites - space using
+ IVYPORTAL-6343 Technical task Merge code Remove Symbols from Process List to version 7.0.9
+ IVYPORTAL-6365 Technical task Expand menu, statistic chart jump down with medium screen in Germany language
+ IVYPORTAL-6366 Technical task Bug: Dashboard layout is broken if task name is too long (Medium screen)
+ IVYPORTAL-6471 Technical task Handle "Problem in ivy with timeouts" email
+ IVYPORTAL-6666 Technical task Fix column Name displays no value on Case/Task Note History
+ IVYPORTAL-6671 Technical task Just update inexistent icon for favorite process items
+ IVYPORTAL-6673 Technical task Show case/task note details error in multi application
+ IVYPORTAL-6676 Technical task Can't see user input in Approved task of Express - Portal LTS
+ IVYPORTAL-6677 Technical task Clean obsolete user process in iwa_applicationproperty due to updating not existed icons
+ IVYPORTAL-6759 Technical task Drill down of statistic chart elapsed time has error - Portal LTS
+ IVYPORTAL-6775 Technical task Check + update documentation for redeploying PortalConnector + setup build documentation LTS
+ IVYPORTAL-6783 Technical task Wrong case list after clicking on a case number link
+ IVYPORTAL-6862 Technical task Processes.xhtml - White background in fieldsets
+ IVYPORTAL-6869 Technical task Styling and Spelling issues in Express. V. 7.2
+ IVYPORTAL-6889 Technical task Customize Process Chain in TaskTemplate - LTS
+ IVYPORTAL-6977 Technical task Changes for express and process chain
+ IVYPORTAL-7103 Technical task Align start icon of external favorite process
+ IVYPORTAL-7156 Technical task Check existence of SelfSevice in PortalExamples
+ IVYPORTAL-7209 Technical task [BUG] Email Settings dialog does not have scrollbar
+ IVYPORTAL-7210 Technical task Sorting category filter on statistic chart
+ IVYPORTAL-7211 Technical task Highlight current date on calendar picker
+ IVYPORTAL-7215 Technical task Enhance Express responsive layout
+ IVYPORTAL-7279 Technical task [BUG] - Category filter on statistic display technical name, not CMS name
+ IVYPORTAL-7285 Technical task Highlight subMenuItem on Spanish
+ IVYPORTAL-7299 Technical task Sorting for Express user picker
+ IVYPORTAL-7300 Technical task Fix UI for statistic page (Medium and Small Screen)
+ IVYPORTAL-7301 Technical task Fix UI for Dashboard in Spanish (Small and Medium Screen)
+ IVYPORTAL-7316 Technical task [BUG] Fix UI for Case List on IE
+ IVYPORTAL-7417 Technical task Remove Self Service as default user favorite process
+ IVYPORTAL-7430 Technical task Exception when starting empty HTML dialog using task template
+ IVYPORTAL-7435 Technical task ArrayIndexOutOfBound when navigate to Portal Home
+ IVYPORTAL-7448 Technical task Introduce ToolTips for Symbols in Task/Case Widget
+ IVYPORTAL-7449 Technical task Change PortalHome Logo
+ IVYPORTAL-7451 Technical task Check and add scroll bar if missing for tables in Settings
+ IVYPORTAL-7454 Technical task [BUG] You cannot see this due to permissions display issue
+ IVYPORTAL-7458 Technical task [BUG] Null pointer exception after clicking back button of browser
+ IVYPORTAL-7459 Technical task [BUG] No result shown after drilling down form case chart if there is a default filter
+ IVYPORTAL-7468 Technical task Consolidate document messages for Express upload feature
+ IVYPORTAL-7480 Technical task [BUG] - Case document text overlaps
+ IVYPORTAL-7487 Technical task Overflow text in generated PDF doc
+ IVYPORTAL-7496 Technical task Redundant query in Task template - trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-7516 Technical task Add missing scrollbar for Selected assignee fieldset
+ IVYPORTAL-7526 Technical task Exclude SelfServiceBpm when releasing Portal trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-7610 Technical task Update CMS for cancel lable of upload in Express
+ IVYPORTAL-7611 Technical task Update CMS for Process filter in Process Widget
+ IVYPORTAL-7612 Technical task Add scroll bar for Favorites in PortalHome
+ IVYPORTAL-7644 Technical task Handle email: Bug in Portal "Case Information"
+ IVYPORTAL-7690 Technical task Support HTML in case description
+ IVYPORTAL-7738 Technical task Fix url changes when accessing menu item process, task, case list
+ IVYPORTAL-7774 Technical task Exception on PreDestroy of deviceBean
+ IVYPORTAL-7779 Technical task Analyse why only 2 + 2 favorites are shown
+ IVYPORTAL-7782 Technical task XHTML Changes and improvements in portal
+ IVYPORTAL-7859 Technical task Override default style of Serenity theme to standard of Portal style
+ IVYPORTAL-7877 Technical task Growl message is displayed in p:message of advanced filter
+ IVYPORTAL-7879 Technical task IndexOutOfBoundsException when searching not found substitute
+ IVYPORTAL-7885 Technical task Improve Showcase UI
+ IVYPORTAL-7891 Technical task [BUG] - Duplicate where condition on TaskQuery when scroll-down on TaskWidget list
+ IVYPORTAL-7896 Technical task [BUG] - Fieldset icon missing when change ivy context
+ IVYPORTAL-7942 Technical task Case details: Introduce an approach to position custom panels on the top
+ IVYPORTAL-7947 Technical task Fix bug scroll down in process history then cannot open case details
+ IVYPORTAL-7948 Technical task Related tasks in case details does not display responsible when hover if responsible fullname is empty
+ IVYPORTAL-7954 Technical task Fail validation of save case/task filter effects on advanced filters
+ IVYPORTAL-7956 Technical task Fail validation filter is applied when user goes to task/case list again
+ IVYPORTAL-7962 Technical task Remove skip task list function when start express process
+ IVYPORTAL-7979 Technical task Wrong date format in Spanish
+ IVYPORTAL-8108 Technical task Refactor Email setting with serenity
+ IVYPORTAL-8161 Technical task Improve Left Menu on serenity style
+ IVYPORTAL-8162 Technical task Add default columns and hide case info tab on TaskTemplate
+ IVYPORTAL-8163 Technical task Mobile email settings with new style for input fields
+ IVYPORTAL-8189 Technical task Auto grant all Portal permission to user Developer in Designer
+ IVYPORTAL-8201 Technical task Same Font Colour/Style for all Input Fields
+ IVYPORTAL-8209 Technical task Bug: Task header not displayed correctly when navigate from case list
+ IVYPORTAL-8211 Technical task Can not access Portal when multi app on Serenity
+ IVYPORTAL-8212 Technical task Task Analysis: Filter Task/Case category don't update value
+ IVYPORTAL-8215 Technical task Update left menu with multi-app on Serenity
+ IVYPORTAL-8225 Technical task Fix deprecate code in Case item related task component
+ IVYPORTAL-8231 Technical task Handle Ticket "Filtersymbol in case list is not aligned"
+ IVYPORTAL-8269 Technical task Hide case info tab on TaskTemplate II
+ IVYPORTAL-8297 Technical task Alignment in Express
+ IVYPORTAL-8298 Technical task Alignment in Express II
+ IVYPORTAL-8300 Technical task Can not access Portal when multi app on Serenity II
+ IVYPORTAL-8311 Technical task Serenity: add navigator for task detail and case detail
+ IVYPORTAL-8324 Technical task Case/Task category does not update latest data
+ IVYPORTAL-8355 Technical task Bug Serenity lost button on portrait IOS
+ IVYPORTAL-8358 Technical task Unify Process chain on mobile for serenity
+ IVYPORTAL-8362 Technical task Display reset dialog when start resume task
+ IVYPORTAL-8365 Technical task Fix Scrollbar of Case Related Task in Case detail
+ IVYPORTAL-8384 Technical task Fix 2 scrollbar Case Categories in TaskAnalysis
+ IVYPORTAL-8474 Technical task [BUG] After delegate, task list lost scroll bar
+ IVYPORTAL-8475 Technical task Error on designer when click on the Task item in TaskList
+ IVYPORTAL-8476 Technical task NPE when delegate task which responsible does not existed
+ IVYPORTAL-8487 Technical task Duplicate Portal settings in database
+ IVYPORTAL-8488 Technical task Correct MainMenu mode in session storage after update to Serenity theme
+ IVYPORTAL-8500 Technical task Adapt Serenity theme to 2.0.1 with Designer nightly build
+ IVYPORTAL-8511 Technical task Lose user menu when setting value for SHOW_ENVIRONMENT_INFO
+ IVYPORTAL-8535 Technical task Cannot set filter all for responsible after selecting 1 option
+ IVYPORTAL-8585 Technical task Update behavior of Search Result Page
+ IVYPORTAL-8766 Technical task Cleaning hidden case not applied selected custom filed
+ IVYPORTAL-936 Story Structured case tree (Trunk)
+ IVYPORTAL-1532 Story Conduct performance tests
+ IVYPORTAL-2103 Story Remove parent (part of) pom.xml
+ IVYPORTAL-2625 Story Customize (optimize) Process Chain colour via CSS
+ IVYPORTAL-2674 Story Process history component - Specific history related to a business object
+ IVYPORTAL-2748 Story Implement - Design chooser capabilities
+ IVYPORTAL-2755 Story Message before session is lost
+ IVYPORTAL-2769 Story Support case query II.
+ IVYPORTAL-2816 Story Static code analysis - Use Sonar
+ IVYPORTAL-2817 Story Security quick check
+ IVYPORTAL-2819 Story Java warnings improvement
+ IVYPORTAL-2843 Story Hide system cases
+ IVYPORTAL-3586 Story Analyse Portal performance
+ IVYPORTAL-3609 Story Possibility to extend Note in Task Details
+ IVYPORTAL-3751 Story Favourites pro application or global
+ IVYPORTAL-3941 Story Provide more search criteria for case list
+ IVYPORTAL-3997 Story Save+load user defined filters for cases
+ IVYPORTAL-4002 Story Refresh task list on new task
+ IVYPORTAL-4055 Story Introduce sonar tests
+ IVYPORTAL-4059 Story Wizard for new absence
+ IVYPORTAL-4062 Story Leaving task: offer user to reserve task
+ IVYPORTAL-4169 Story Implement Axonivy Express EndPage
+ IVYPORTAL-4246 Story Improve AJAX error handler
+ IVYPORTAL-4299 Story Custom Logout - Customization
+ IVYPORTAL-4300 Story Refresh task list on new task II.
+ IVYPORTAL-4301 Story Improve UX for start task from full task list
+ IVYPORTAL-4302 Story Various or urgent requests in S145
+ IVYPORTAL-4317 Story Display proposed value
+ IVYPORTAL-4322 Story Sticky task list: restore filters
+ IVYPORTAL-4328 Story Enhance design - Better space usage for task and case lists
+ IVYPORTAL-4348 Story More ivy default processes
+ IVYPORTAL-4366 Story Show notes in big view
+ IVYPORTAL-4409 Story automate Sprint release on v7.0.x
+ IVYPORTAL-4410 Story automate Sprint release on Trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-4444 Story Various or urgent requests in S146
+ IVYPORTAL-4450 Story Clean up Express Part II
+ IVYPORTAL-4451 Story Migrate ant scripts to test: IvyCommons + AdminUI II
+ IVYPORTAL-4482 Story Check ViewScoped Beans
+ IVYPORTAL-4528 Story Extension Point for Application Menu
+ IVYPORTAL-4537 Story Various or urgent requests in S147
+ IVYPORTAL-4538 Story Save+load+remove user defined filters for tasks II
+ IVYPORTAL-4540 Story automated Portal Selenium tests on ivy nightly II
+ IVYPORTAL-4646 Story Various or urgent requests in S148
+ IVYPORTAL-4652 Story Implement portal statistic with some basic charts
+ IVYPORTAL-4686 Story auto test integrations of Portal to ivy II
+ IVYPORTAL-4687 Story Save+load+remove user defined filters for cases
+ IVYPORTAL-4779 Story Improve Portal performance
+ IVYPORTAL-4817 Story Further implementation of portal statistic
+ IVYPORTAL-4819 Story Analyse and consolidate Portal CMS List II
+ IVYPORTAL-4820 Story Various or urgent requests in S149
+ IVYPORTAL-4848 Story Multiapp szenario - Improvement in Task handling and visibility
+ IVYPORTAL-4862 Story Enhance case list - Introduce structured case category tree
+ IVYPORTAL-4863 Story Enhance task list - Structured category tree
+ IVYPORTAL-4865 Story Sticky Task List on Cancel
+ IVYPORTAL-4880 Story Various or urgent requests in S150
+ IVYPORTAL-4884 Story User Favorites and Application favorites
+ IVYPORTAL-4885 Story Configure own columns in task list III
+ IVYPORTAL-4930 Story Enhance Case list and Related tasks - Display also done cases and tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-4934 Story Remove dependencies - Remove Hierarchy of classes "RemoteXYZ"
+ IVYPORTAL-4943 Story Various or urgent requests in S151
+ IVYPORTAL-4954 Story Additional (custom) data details II
+ IVYPORTAL-5025 Story Various or urgent requests in S152
+ IVYPORTAL-5084 Story Improvement of Styleadaptions in the Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-5085 Story Reporting - Cases
+ IVYPORTAL-5087 Story Portal navigation - Keep filter during whole session
+ IVYPORTAL-5119 Story PortalCustomization Best Practice Examples
+ IVYPORTAL-5120 Story Various or urgent requests in S153
+ IVYPORTAL-5123 Story Implement Portal statistic customization (Drilldown) III
+ IVYPORTAL-5126 Story Create Release for Ivy 7.1
+ IVYPORTAL-5283 Story Create a migration process for Portal to the new theme
+ IVYPORTAL-5632 Story Two static files are not cached
+ IVYPORTAL-5690 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S158
+ IVYPORTAL-5692 Story Improve Portal performance - Case List
+ IVYPORTAL-5693 Story Improve Portal performance - Homepage
+ IVYPORTAL-5694 Story Improve Portal performance - Statistics
+ IVYPORTAL-5803 Story Optimize font size, font type and font color in portal input text boxes
+ IVYPORTAL-5808 Story Data table styling rework and tab header
+ IVYPORTAL-5818 Story Customize Priority State Colour for Task State
+ IVYPORTAL-5865 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S159
+ IVYPORTAL-5915 Story Improve Portal performance - Task List III
+ IVYPORTAL-5925 Story Include Selfservice BPM in Express - Show modal dialog and Include comments in the Case History
+ IVYPORTAL-5985 Story Introduce a counter for tasks and cases
+ IVYPORTAL-5988 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S160
+ IVYPORTAL-6002 Story Remove Symbols from Process List
+ IVYPORTAL-6003 Story Improve Process List
+ IVYPORTAL-6042 Story Style specified in PortalStyle should be taken last
+ IVYPORTAL-6049 Story Add additional button type in Standard portal
+ IVYPORTAL-6053 Story Hide technical / system Entries in Process history
+ IVYPORTAL-6074 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S161
+ IVYPORTAL-6075 Story Showcase for standard components without customization
+ IVYPORTAL-6137 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S162
+ IVYPORTAL-6201 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S163
+ IVYPORTAL-6252 Story Warning before closing browser - Firefox and Chrome
+ IVYPORTAL-6269 Story LTS Compatibility of Portalconnector
+ IVYPORTAL-6279 Story Enhance Filter selection in task and case list
+ IVYPORTAL-6282 Story Enhance Statistics - Chart title and chart in Dashboard
+ IVYPORTAL-6284 Story SideStep in Case Widget
+ IVYPORTAL-6288 Story Create hooks to configure document storing in case and task widget
+ IVYPORTAL-6291 Story Implement mobile TaskList
+ IVYPORTAL-6292 Story Implement mobile ProcessList
+ IVYPORTAL-6299 Story Improve Dashboard - Task Element
+ IVYPORTAL-6304 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S164
+ IVYPORTAL-6329 Story Refactor side Menu for serenity
+ IVYPORTAL-6330 Story UI components for Serenity
+ IVYPORTAL-6331 Story Refactor Task Widget
+ IVYPORTAL-6333 Story Refactor Header and header Menu including subpages for serenity
+ IVYPORTAL-6334 Story Refactor/Update Statistics for serenity
+ IVYPORTAL-6335 Story Improve SideStep visibility in Task list
+ IVYPORTAL-6386 Story Implement mobile recognition, Login and Portal Header II
+ IVYPORTAL-6387 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S165
+ IVYPORTAL-6388 Story Announcements in Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-6533 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S166
+ IVYPORTAL-6534 Story Implement Chat including IIS Support IV
+ IVYPORTAL-6535 Story UI components for Serenity II
+ IVYPORTAL-6674 Story Remove portal connector III
+ IVYPORTAL-6675 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S167
+ IVYPORTAL-6679 Story Improve Global Search Performance
+ IVYPORTAL-6680 Story Improve Case Details - Related tasks - Performance
+ IVYPORTAL-6682 Story Merge relevant Performance issues to Trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-6761 Story Group chat implementation - Case Level
+ IVYPORTAL-6765 Story Trigger chat and assign users for group chat - Predefined groups in design - CaseLevel
+ IVYPORTAL-6817 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S168
+ IVYPORTAL-6819 Story Remove portal connector IV
+ IVYPORTAL-6821 Story Create additional Portal permissions II
+ IVYPORTAL-6880 Story Small Express improvements
+ IVYPORTAL-6895 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S169
+ IVYPORTAL-6896 Story Implement Chat including IIS Support V
+ IVYPORTAL-6956 Story Store group chat history and delete group chat if case is done/destroyed
+ IVYPORTAL-6973 Story Handle IE Compatibility for Chat
+ IVYPORTAL-6978 Story Visibility of done tasks and cases in Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-6984 Story Trigger and assign users for group chat manually II
+ IVYPORTAL-6985 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S170
+ IVYPORTAL-7037 Story Handle Express Workflow Task and Case Category
+ IVYPORTAL-7038 Story Consider expired Tasks in Statistics
+ IVYPORTAL-7058 Story Elapsed time for done cases
+ IVYPORTAL-7061 Story Make the Group / Case Chat Name configurable
+ IVYPORTAL-7073 Story Enable/disable Group chat only
+ IVYPORTAL-7109 Story Handle concurrent users chat and improvement
+ IVYPORTAL-7115 Story Make the Group / Case Chat Name configurable on trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-7116 Story Enhancement Predefined groups in design - Case Level
+ IVYPORTAL-7151 Story Support Java 11 - Remove java boon
+ IVYPORTAL-7157 Story Enhance Case Query - Business vs Technical vs both and improve Case Search
+ IVYPORTAL-7208 Story Enhance process List - Navigation
+ IVYPORTAL-7217 Story Unify document component and Create document component for developers
+ IVYPORTAL-7235 Story Include Selfservice BPM in Express - Show modal dialog and Include comments in the Case History II
+ IVYPORTAL-7296 Story Default chart in LE
+ IVYPORTAL-7319 Story Improve Drag & Drop Funcationality and messages III
+ IVYPORTAL-7320 Story Update obsolete customVar fields in Portal II
+ IVYPORTAL-7321 Story Growl Message - Feedback after Task II
+ IVYPORTAL-7322 Story Improve Case File handling in Portal II
+ IVYPORTAL-7416 Story The texts on case should be aligned
+ IVYPORTAL-7425 Story Create repo and build - PortalBusinessUser for ReadTheDocs
+ IVYPORTAL-7492 Story Refactor Case Widget
+ IVYPORTAL-7497 Story Remove heavy crypto libraries from PortalKit
+ IVYPORTAL-7511 Story Adapt AdHoc ProcessStepCreation
+ IVYPORTAL-7512 Story Express - Separate Able to start and task responsible
+ IVYPORTAL-7515 Story Enrich general ajax exception dialog with XHR request info
+ IVYPORTAL-7520 Story Merge PortalGroupChat to Trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-7532 Story Integrate CaseOwner Feature in Portal II
+ IVYPORTAL-7535 Story Elapsed time for done cases II
+ IVYPORTAL-7645 Story Enhance handling of unassigned Tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-7700 Story Make chat work with reverse proxy nginx
+ IVYPORTAL-7706 Story Data Provider for Axon.ivy Express II
+ IVYPORTAL-7707 Story Unify document component and Create document component for developers II
+ IVYPORTAL-7708 Story Enhancement and refactor chat
+ IVYPORTAL-7777 Story Architecture Changes in Portal - Solving Problems with GroupIDs,Versions, Maven
+ IVYPORTAL-7798 Story Improve Standard Growl Messages after Tasks and Process creation
+ IVYPORTAL-7804 Story Consolidate FontSizes in Portal - Use REM and check alignment
+ IVYPORTAL-7818 Story Refactor Case Widget II
+ IVYPORTAL-7893 Story On demand synchronisation of users
+ IVYPORTAL-7900 Story Refactor Task Widget II
+ IVYPORTAL-7902 Story New behaviour for Sticky Tasklist
+ IVYPORTAL-7951 Story Merge primefaces 7 fix to trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-7966 Story Add Case / Task Category as filter in Task and case list
+ IVYPORTAL-7985 Story Adapt AdHoc ProcessStepCreation II
+ IVYPORTAL-8119 Story Improve portal user guide based on ivy ReadTheDocs document style/formating/structure
+ IVYPORTAL-8203 Story Introduce Process Owner in Express
+ IVYPORTAL-8205 Story Environment handling for express
+ IVYPORTAL-8308 Story Improve performance of case details
+ IVYPORTAL-8347 Story Enhance Case/Task Category Filter
+ IVYPORTAL-8408 Story Integrate CaseOwner Feature in Portal III
+ IVYPORTAL-8410 Story Enhance Case/Task Category Filter II
+ IVYPORTAL-8521 Story Needed features for release 8.0
+ IVYPORTAL-8576 Story Refactor/Update Statistics for serenity II
+ IVYPORTAL-8577 Story Needed features for release 8.0 II
+ IVYPORTAL-8727 Story Adapt Portal performance test for Serenity
+ IVYPORTAL-8985 Story Needed features for release 8.0 - S183
+ IVYPORTAL-9181 Story Needed features for release 8.0 - S184
+ IVYPORTAL-6290 Epic Mobile Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-2737 Bug Correct Session timeout
+ IVYPORTAL-2844 Bug Enhance - Add favourite Processes
+ IVYPORTAL-4286 Bug Clean up Express CSS
+ IVYPORTAL-4289 Bug Clean up Portal style
+ IVYPORTAL-4365 Bug Fix layout on ~1240 pixels
+ IVYPORTAL-4386 Bug Add to dashboard button does not work in PortalStatistics
+ IVYPORTAL-4433 Bug Fix performance bug in user/role selection
+ IVYPORTAL-4489 Bug Lazy load embedded dialogs on demand
+ IVYPORTAL-4498 Bug Link to open sidebar is missing
+ IVYPORTAL-4539 Bug Extended PortalKit supported language cause error III
+ IVYPORTAL-4812 Bug Search in case list doesn't work for creator
+ IVYPORTAL-4813 Bug Task list filtering in Multiapp Szenario - Responsible filter for each app
+ IVYPORTAL-4867 Bug Consistent behaviour in Portal - Leaving task warning
+ IVYPORTAL-4882 Bug Fix NPE in portal if COERCE_TO_ZERO option is enabled
+ IVYPORTAL-4942 Bug Design chooser bug - New Colours were not applied after saving
+ IVYPORTAL-4969 Bug Session expired message, even if session not expired II
+ IVYPORTAL-5015 Bug List out Portal multi-applications issues
+ IVYPORTAL-5027 Bug Bug in Task list navigation - Portal Home and full task list
+ IVYPORTAL-5031 Bug Costumization with Less doesn't change buttons in Exit-Dialog II
+ IVYPORTAL-5118 Bug Implement "Sticky Task List" for "Skip Task List"
+ IVYPORTAL-5276 Bug Enhance Task list - Start button and more option buttons
+ IVYPORTAL-5384 Bug No Error Dialog if general Exception happens
+ IVYPORTAL-5760 Bug Email settings not working for users not having all apps
+ IVYPORTAL-5838 Bug Exception when click left menu and select leave task
+ IVYPORTAL-6069 Bug Consistent behaviour for searching application users in portal admin
+ IVYPORTAL-6300 Bug Open redirect vulnerability in Portal Wf UI
+ IVYPORTAL-6303 Bug selectonemenu and selectcheckboxmenu menu caret icon and filter style
+ IVYPORTAL-6340 Bug UI Problem in User Menu
+ IVYPORTAL-6341 Bug Extend TaskQueryOrderBy for task without tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-6346 Bug Language settings in small screens
+ IVYPORTAL-6367 Bug Identify and handle localStorage Access Denied
+ IVYPORTAL-6376 Bug User "admin" gets automatically permissions
+ IVYPORTAL-6446 Bug Portal slows down every AJAX request with unnecessary background requests
+ IVYPORTAL-6536 Bug Handle performance & fix for standard Portal II
+ IVYPORTAL-6539 Bug Statistics - Task Categories of case missing
+ IVYPORTAL-6540 Bug Hide technical Stuff - Optimization
+ IVYPORTAL-6648 Bug Primefaces Elements in DIV tags problem - Alignment
+ IVYPORTAL-6851 Bug Too much whitespace in Task Header
+ IVYPORTAL-6894 Bug Fix bugs and improve code for story Remove PortalConnector
+ IVYPORTAL-7464 Bug Fix width of search bar not responsive
+ IVYPORTAL-7537 Bug Express: Order of fields changes from definition to execution II
+ IVYPORTAL-7647 Bug Improve portal exception handle
+ IVYPORTAL-7799 Bug Processchain numbers are black in circle shape; set buttons text to white in LESS
Changes in, 16.09.2019
This is a Leading Edge version.
+ XIVY-623 Story HTTP deployments to a remote engine using Maven or curl
+ XIVY-1458 Story Validate macro fields
+ XIVY-2826 Story Prototype compile and run with Java 11
+ XIVY-2927 Story Update Elasticsearch to 7.3
+ XIVY-2940 Story Change order of output arrows/pathes in Alternative Gateway
+ XIVY-2950 Story Platform independent jvm.options file to configure an Engine
+ XIVY-2967 Story Move content management ui back to core
+ XIVY-2968 Story Move webeditor and page.designer.extension to own repo
+ XIVY-2998 Story Upgrade Designer to Eclipse 2019-03 (4.11)
+ XIVY-3011 Story Improve Logging in User Synchronization
+ XIVY-3023 Story Official Support for Postgres 11
+ XIVY-3029 Story Manage Configurations in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3030 Story Show external services in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3036 Story Deploy Applications in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3037 Story Show all default Configurations in Advanced Config
+ XIVY-3067 Story Transform engine guide to readthedocs
+ XIVY-3069 Story Manage user and role properties in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-3082 Story Support ivyProjects in application directory located in project specific Docker Image
+ XIVY-3084 Story Rollout Streamlined SWT Output Inscription tabs
+ XIVY-3086 Story Standard SWT Start tab in HD start events
+ XIVY-3088 Story Streamline SWT Result Inscription tabs
+ XIVY-3089 Story Streamline Dialog Call Inscriptions tabs
+ XIVY-3090 Story Translate End Page Inscription Tabs to SWT
+ XIVY-3091 Story Translate simple Inscription Tabs to SWT
+ XIVY-3092 Story Streamline Intermediate Event Task Inscription tabs to SWT
+ XIVY-3097 Story Simplify REST file upload API and error its failure tracking
* XIVY-3099 Story Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.x
+ XIVY-3106 Story On demand synchronisation of AD users
+ XIVY-3111 Story Deprecate Task and Case Event Log API
+ XIVY-3116 Story Configure Business Calender in YAML config files
+ XIVY-3121 Story Support E-Mail address as Name of Administrator in ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-3135 Story Deliver a patch to upgrade Primefaces to 7.0
+ XIVY-3154 Story Translate Alternative Gateway Inscription tab to SWT
+ XIVY-3160 Story Dispose legacy TableInscription mapping code in DataWrapper (Part I)
* XIVY-3171 Story Run with Java 11
+ XIVY-3176 Story Webservices working with Java 11
+ XIVY-3180 Story Integrate libs needed to export Excel from Portal
+ XIVY-3184 Story Screenshot all Inscription Masks
+ XIVY-3194 Story Translate Request Tab of StartRequest to SWT
+ XIVY-3196 Story Release 7.4
+ XIVY-3202 Story Reorganize (Sample) Project Import
+ XIVY-3205 Story Show Application Properties Defaults in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-3217 Story Add Basic LogViewer and Test Mail Button to Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3218 Story Classpatcher can load patches out of plain JARs
+ XIVY-3221 Story Make external services editable in Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-3228 Story Translate Call Sub and Trigger Inscription tabs to SWT
+ XIVY-3230 Story Advanced App Configuration in Engine Cockpit
* XIVY-3242 Story Upgrade jQuery to v3.3.1
+ XIVY-3255 Story Consume engine to build from maven repo
+ XIVY-3261 Story Webeditor with Java 11
+ XIVY-3266 Story Clean MOD files from empty no longer required entries
+ XIVY-3267 Story Make UserDialog interface methods read-only on the interface editor
+ XIVY-3271 Story Clean up HD Start Inscription
+ XIVY-3272 Story Write Default element Mappings without DataWrapper
+ XIVY-3273 Story Java 11 Cleanup
+ XIVY-3274 Story Upgrade Designer to Eclipse 2019-06 (4.12)
+ XIVY-3275 Story Provide Mod Conversion for broken 7.3.x created HtmlDialogs
* XIVY-3276 Story Upgrade Primefaces to 7.0
+ XIVY-3280 Story Document how to improve database query performance in Engine Guide
* XIVY-3301 Story Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.24
* XIVY-1025 Improvement Use SameSite Cookies to prevent potential CSRF
+ XIVY-3331 Improvement Provide Locale on error pages
+ XIVY-2591 Bug Validate Database Activity output tab at design time
+ XIVY-2954 Bug Can not migrate engine because of missing *iar.zip if no system database migration is needed
+ XIVY-2984 Bug Database Output tab not validated in RDM
+ XIVY-3057 Bug isEqual/isEqualIgnoreCase Queries do not work on customTextFields and additonalProperties with MS-SQL DB
+ XIVY-3117 Bug CXF WebService Generation fails if included xsd needs redirecting
+ XIVY-3141 Bug Timeout while synchronizing 50'000 users with Novell eDirectory
+ XIVY-3173 Bug Ivy project rename error in data classes
+ XIVY-3178 Bug TimeoutException during building of ivy project
+ XIVY-3179 Bug Engine Cockpit array error if a app file deployment happens and this app is opened in detail view
+ XIVY-3188 Bug Method customField() is not documented and not marked as PublicAPI in TaskQuery and CaseQuery
+ XIVY-3191 Bug Active Directory User synchronisation not imports all users if the import user group has more than 1500 entries
+ XIVY-3193 Bug CXF generated WSDL in Client jar does not map included XSDs
+ XIVY-3197 Bug Editor 'Jump to Dialog' broken for Dialogs with input Parameters
+ XIVY-3204 Bug Html dialog editor cache problems
+ XIVY-3206 Bug Maven Classpath container not auto-added
+ XIVY-3207 Bug Linux TreeTable NPE in AWT Inscriptions
+ XIVY-3210 Bug BigDecimals type is occasionally serialized as long which leads to corrupt indexes
+ XIVY-3211 Bug Engine Config UI tempts users to write overquoted YAML files
+ XIVY-3212 Bug Setting Advanced Webserver configs overwrites already set Port vals
+ XIVY-3213 Bug Post Task Construct code block provide inaccessible 'out' variable on RequestStart
+ XIVY-3214 Bug Yaml Writer can not write subnode to property if it already have a value
+ XIVY-3215 Bug TaskMail generator fails if AJP is enabled
+ XIVY-3220 Bug Clarify the wildcard pattern usages in signal codes
+ XIVY-3222 Bug Resolving JSF variable is not thread save
+ XIVY-3223 Bug Process context menu commands connect/wrap/openDoc partially broken
+ XIVY-3226 Bug False positive signature validation errors on SubProcess StartEvent
+ XIVY-3234 Bug Taskmail links point to localhost instead of frontend server
+ XIVY-3235 Bug Load extensions in dropins in first start
* XIVY-3237 Bug Reindex of business data fails with OutOfMemory
+ XIVY-3240 Bug Cms template with placeholder not working if there are escape chars
+ XIVY-3245 Bug Designer Project Reporting (Birt) does not work
+ XIVY-3246 Bug Analyze and fix known issues with Primefaces 7 migration
+ XIVY-3247 Bug Wrong Business Calendar will be used when multiple tasks configured
+ XIVY-3249 Bug Nullpointer exception thrown when authenticate a non existing user with empty password
+ XIVY-3252 Bug Designer configuration editor context menu unavailable
+ XIVY-3258 Bug Deadlock in Designer while importing Portal and Project Graph view is open
+ XIVY-3262 Bug Static JSF pages don't work on Windows if the page is in a subfolder
+ XIVY-3263 Bug In the console.log the following entries appears without timestamp 'start windows service control:4'
+ XIVY-3277 Bug Patch Primefaces 6.1 to fix Bug #873 (selectManyMenu only selects one)
+ XIVY-3279 Bug Patch Primefaces 6.1 to fix Bug #3755 (photocam: was blocked by chrome)
+ XIVY-3283 Bug Fix SWING Inscription crash on Linux
+ XIVY-3291 Bug Keyword infinity is not supported in systemd versions older than version 229 (e.g. RHEL 7)
+ XIVY-3293 Bug IvyScriptParserException is thrown by bpm engine if macro contains \"
+ XIVY-3297 Bug Deadlock and therefore UI freeze during Designer start when synchronizing breakpoints
+ XIVY-3298 Bug System database conversion from < 7.3 to >= 7.3 may fail with unique constrain violation error because of duplicated task or case additional properties
+ XIVY-3305 Bug NPE in IvyJsfIntegrationHelper during Logging
+ XIVY-3309 Bug CMS Editor for Text Content Objects broken
+ XIVY-3310 Bug Copying process elements switched to SWT throws NPE
+ XIVY-3319 Bug Daily mail wrongfully logs 302 moved temporarily
+ XIVY-3325 Bug Control center reacts badly
+ XIVY-3336 Bug SSL Designer client settings not working for self-signed certs
+ XIVY-3339 Bug Deadlock when importing PortalTemplate with M2 wizard
+ IVYPORTAL-5925 Story Include Selfservice BPM in Express - Show modal dialog and Include comments in the Case History
+ IVYPORTAL-6075 Story Showcase for standard components without customization
+ IVYPORTAL-6279 Story Enhance Filter selection in task and case list
+ IVYPORTAL-6282 Story Enhance Statistics - Chart title and chart in Dashboard
+ IVYPORTAL-6288 Story Create hooks to configure document storing in case and task widget
+ IVYPORTAL-6388 Story Announcements in Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-6880 Story Small Express improvements
+ IVYPORTAL-6978 Story Visibility of done tasks and cases in Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-7038 Story Consider expired Tasks in Statistics
+ IVYPORTAL-7058 Story Elapsed time for done cases
+ IVYPORTAL-7073 Story Enable/disable Group chat only
+ IVYPORTAL-7115 Story Make the Group / Case Chat Name configurable on trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-7116 Story Enhancement Predefined groups in design - Case Level
+ IVYPORTAL-7151 Story Support Java 11 - Remove java boon
+ IVYPORTAL-7208 Story Enhance process List - Navigation
+ IVYPORTAL-7217 Story Unify document component and Create document component for developers
+ IVYPORTAL-7235 Story Include Selfservice BPM in Express - Show modal dialog and Include comments in the Case History II
+ IVYPORTAL-7296 Story Default chart in LE
+ IVYPORTAL-7319 Story Improve Drag & Drop Funcationality and messages III
+ IVYPORTAL-7320 Story Update obsolete customVar fields in Portal II
+ IVYPORTAL-7321 Story Growl Message - Feedback after Task II
+ IVYPORTAL-7322 Story Improve Case File handling in Portal II
+ IVYPORTAL-7416 Story The texts on case should be aligned
+ IVYPORTAL-7425 Story Create repo and build - PortalBusinessUser for ReadTheDocs
+ IVYPORTAL-7497 Story Remove heavy crypto libraries from PortalKit
+ IVYPORTAL-7511 Story Adapt AdHoc ProcessStepCreation
+ IVYPORTAL-7512 Story Express - Separate Able to start and task responsible
+ IVYPORTAL-7515 Story Enrich general ajax exception dialog with XHR request info
+ IVYPORTAL-7520 Story Merge PortalGroupChat to Trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-7535 Story Elapsed time for done cases II
+ IVYPORTAL-7700 Story Make chat work with reverse proxy nginx
+ IVYPORTAL-7706 Story Data Provider for Axon.ivy Express II
+ IVYPORTAL-7707 Story Unify document component and Create document component for developers II
+ IVYPORTAL-7708 Story Enhancement and refactor chat
+ IVYPORTAL-7777 Story Architecture Changes in Portal - Solving Problems with GroupIDs,Versions, Maven
+ IVYPORTAL-7951 Story Merge primefaces 7 fix to trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-7985 Story Adapt AdHoc ProcessStepCreation II
+ IVYPORTAL-8119 Story Improve portal user guide based on ivy ReadTheDocs document style/formating/structure
+ IVYPORTAL-8203 Story Introduce Process Owner in Express
+ IVYPORTAL-6303 Bug selectonemenu and selectcheckboxmenu menu caret icon and filter style
+ IVYPORTAL-6851 Bug Too much whitespace in Task Header
+ IVYPORTAL-7464 Bug Fix width of search bar not responsive
+ IVYPORTAL-7537 Bug Express: Order of fields changes from definition to execution II
Changes in, 10.04.2019
This is a Leading Edge version.
+ XIVY-3164 Story Provide full text search for Task and Case Custom String Fields
+ XIVY-3165 Story Optimize Performance of isInvolved Business- or Subcase only Queries
+ XIVY-3024 Bug Copy & paste in process editor does not respect view port
+ XIVY-3139 Bug Find invovled cases since MySQL 8.0.12 extremly slow
+ XIVY-3167 Bug HtmlMailConverter endless port occupation
+ XIVY-3169 Bug Engine Cockpit error if no app is deployed on applications view
+ XIVY-3170 Bug CustomTimestampField cache issue if it's called the first time
+ IVYPORTAL-7157 Story Enhance Case Query - Business vs Technical vs both and improve Case Search
+ IVYPORTAL-7156 Technical task Check existence of SelfSevice in PortalExamples
Changes in, 29.03.2019
This is a Leading Edge version.
+ XIVY-929 Story Simple import/download of Portal/Sample projects
+ XIVY-2218 Story Specify custom task properties at task creation
+ XIVY-2660 Story Remove Richdialog from Designer
+ XIVY-2827 Story Support native paging when querying System DB
+ XIVY-2829 Story Refactor ivy servlets and filters to be less complex
+ XIVY-2835 Story Replace ivy system property store in system database with ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-2845 Story Move Axon.ivy code repository from SVN to GIT
+ XIVY-2861 Story Provide demo portal application only in demo mode
+ XIVY-2875 Story Rollout SWT Output Inscription tab (drop-in upgrade)
+ XIVY-2881 Story Streamline all Output scripting & actions
+ XIVY-2909 Story First case and task of a case map must not appear in task list after session timeout
+ XIVY-2935 Story PostConstruct script for highly customized Task creation logic
+ XIVY-2945 Story Improve SWT Ivy Script Editor in Expression Mode
+ XIVY-2955 Story Concept of new Engine Cockpit
+ XIVY-2956 Story Remove RichDialog technology and AdminUI from Engine
+ XIVY-2959 Story Analyze how long poll Rest Requests can be handled asynchronously
+ XIVY-2960 Story Permanent substitute/deputy users
+ XIVY-2962 Story Provide an elasticsearch cluster docker example
+ XIVY-2979 Story Release project-build-plugin with a single job
+ XIVY-2983 Story Make Axon.ivy Designer run with GTK3
+ XIVY-2991 Story Analyze if iFrames can be used to integrate html dialogs of tasks into Portal
+ XIVY-3000 Story Support async REST services
+ XIVY-3001 Story Migrate legacy custom/business fields to new custom field
+ XIVY-3002 Story Analyze and improve performance of custom fields
+ XIVY-3003 Story SWT based task tabs to define CustomFields
+ XIVY-3006 Story Validate single project ivy scriptlets while building with maven
+ XIVY-3016 Story Building big workspace in designer is extremly slow
+ XIVY-3022 Story Demand IUserToken instead of ISession in ITask.canUserResumeTask(...)
+ XIVY-3025 Story Manage Users and Roles in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3026 Story Basic Security System View for Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3027 Story Show information about system in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3028 Story Control applications in Engine-Cockpit
+ XIVY-3033 Story Improve Performance of Custom Fields Db Queries
+ XIVY-3035 Story Rollout new Task/Case tab capabilities to all compliant elements
+ XIVY-3039 Story Make deletion double check in user synchronizer configurable
+ XIVY-3041 Story Reimplement Name, Arc and Annotation Inscription with SWT
+ XIVY-3043 Story Create release pipelines
+ XIVY-3046 Story Modern platform context-menu in Process Editor
+ XIVY-3049 Story Support plain JSF pages without html dialog/process
+ XIVY-3050 Story Create javadoc build
+ XIVY-3053 Story Remove findbugs from ivy classpath
+ XIVY-3054 Story Log error when deploying empty artifact
+ XIVY-3060 Story Limit substitutes/deputies to current and future tasks of substituted user
+ XIVY-3064 Story Replace eclipse help with html help in designer
+ XIVY-3065 Story Validate .project file
+ XIVY-3066 Story Deliver a BETA MAC Designer
+ XIVY-3068 Story Make Engine Cockpit enterprise ready (> 40'000 users)
+ XIVY-3071 Story Improve L&F of IvyScript Editor UI
+ XIVY-3074 Story Access BusinessDataRepository from a REST service
+ XIVY-3079 Story Improve external security system section in default ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-3080 Story Release 7.3
+ XIVY-3083 Story Migrate old legacy business calendar id from task/case data inscriptions to script inscriptions
+ XIVY-3087 Story Rollout SWT Start Inscription tab (drop-in upgrade)
+ XIVY-3094 Story Make process element icons in Inscription Editor compliant
+ XIVY-3098 Story Migrate old legazy case and task categorization from task/case data inscriptions to script inscriptions
+ XIVY-3109 Story Optimize performance of task joined with case or business case queries (Use union instead of OR in join condition)
+ XIVY-3112 Story Log Error Message in Elasticsearch Bulk Request
+ XIVY-3125 Story Allow lazy installation of additional JDBC driver bundles
+ XIVY-2869 Improvement Replace org.reflections with classgraph
+ XIVY-2988 Improvement Make rule plugin smaller: remove unnecessary poi-oooxml-schema.jar
+ XIVY-3014 Improvement Log internal server errors in a rest service
+ XIVY-852 Bug Default XHTML dialog editor is broken on macOS
+ XIVY-2810 Bug Fix Oxygen Designer packaging/start on macOS
+ XIVY-2836 Bug HD View validation shows false positive warnings for standard components
+ XIVY-2883 Bug Business Data (Elasticsearch) does not work if I start same Designer twice
+ XIVY-2972 Bug Deadlock can occur when importing all ivy sample projects
+ XIVY-2973 Bug ConcurrentModificationException after importing ivy projects
+ XIVY-2992 Bug Project build problem after moving to new workspace
+ XIVY-2993 Bug NPE in CMS after closing or deleting a project
+ XIVY-2994 Bug Build problems after importing .iar created with Designer 7.2
+ XIVY-3004 Bug Deadlock while deploying multiple iars to a new application
+ XIVY-3012 Bug ConcurrentModificationException in request history
+ XIVY-3020 Bug IsNull-Query for additional property returns wrong result
+ XIVY-3042 Bug Designer bug dialog fails to render linebreaks in error message
+ XIVY-3048 Bug Goto Data Class action broken when viewing embedded Subprocess
+ XIVY-3056 Bug Memory Leak with Oracle as System Database
+ XIVY-3058 Bug CMS Search Index creation fails with NPE
+ XIVY-3059 Bug Multithreading issues in AXIS Web Service Client Call
+ XIVY-3062 Bug Referenced TaskExpiry error not updated during copy&paste
+ XIVY-3073 Bug ConcurrentModificationException when using async p:remotecommands
+ XIVY-3107 Bug PersistentObjectDeletedException in SessionCounter when deleting User
+ XIVY-3108 Bug ViewExpiredExceptions is logged on Level INFO with full stacktrace
+ XIVY-3118 Bug Task notification mail sending is slow
+ XIVY-3127 Bug NoSuchElementException in EndlessLoopDetectionJob
+ XIVY-3128 Bug StackOverflowException in JavaBeanUtil while logging Axis1 or Axis2 WebService error
+ XIVY-3134 Bug Task notification mail job may trigger unneeded portal home requests causing high cpu usage
+ XIVY-3137 Bug High CPU load (100%) if you debug the Designer inside the Designer
+ XIVY-3153 Bug NPE in CMS when opening TaskSwitchEvent Inscription Mask within packed project
+ IVYPORTAL-6290 Epic Mobile Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-6252 Story Warning before closing browser - Firefox and Chrome
+ IVYPORTAL-6284 Story SideStep in Case Widget
+ IVYPORTAL-6291 Story Implement mobile TaskList
+ IVYPORTAL-6292 Story Implement mobile ProcessList
+ IVYPORTAL-6299 Story Improve Dashboard - Task Element
+ IVYPORTAL-6304 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S164
+ IVYPORTAL-6335 Story Improve SideStep visibility in Task list
+ IVYPORTAL-6386 Story Implement mobile recognition, Login and Portal Header II
+ IVYPORTAL-6387 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S165
+ IVYPORTAL-6533 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S166
+ IVYPORTAL-6534 Story Implement Chat including IIS Support IV
+ IVYPORTAL-6674 Story Remove portal connector III
+ IVYPORTAL-6675 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S167
+ IVYPORTAL-6682 Story Merge relevant Performance issues to Trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-6817 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S168
+ IVYPORTAL-6819 Story Remove portal connector IV
+ IVYPORTAL-6821 Story Create additional Portal permissions II
+ IVYPORTAL-6895 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S169
+ IVYPORTAL-6896 Story Implement Chat including IIS Support V
+ IVYPORTAL-6985 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S170
+ IVYPORTAL-7064 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S171
+ IVYPORTAL-6300 Bug Open redirect vulnerability in Portal Wf UI
+ IVYPORTAL-6340 Bug UI Problem in User Menu
+ IVYPORTAL-6341 Bug Extend TaskQueryOrderBy for task without tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-6364 Bug Fix POI Runtime Dependencies
+ IVYPORTAL-6367 Bug Identify and handle localStorage Access Denied
+ IVYPORTAL-6376 Bug User "admin" gets automatically permissions
+ IVYPORTAL-6446 Bug Portal slows down every AJAX request with unnecessary background requests
+ IVYPORTAL-6539 Bug Statistics - Task Categories of case missing
+ IVYPORTAL-6540 Bug Hide technical Stuff - Optimization
+ IVYPORTAL-6648 Bug Primefaces Elements in DIV tags problem - Alignment
+ IVYPORTAL-6894 Bug Fix bugs and improve code for story Remove PortalConnector
+ IVYPORTAL-6869 Technical task Styling and Spelling issues in Express. V. 7.2
Changes in, 13.11.2018
This is a Leading Edge version.
+ XIVY-1011 Bug Handle null entries when sorting by expiry date via orderby().nullFirst() or orderBy().nullLast()
+ XIVY-2000 Bug HtmlDialog from global error handler (handling error from another HtmlDialog) is not shown for Ajax request
+ XIVY-2957 Bug Engine started with systemd awaits timeout if exited by a failure
+ XIVY-2964 Bug Html Dialog Editor WYSIWYG selection broken with JRE 191
+ XIVY-2970 Bug Opening an Embedded-Sub InscriptionEditor throws NPE
Changes in, 05.11.2018
This is a Leading Edge version.
+ XIVY-2527 Epic A case should have a process owner which has special management rights for the case
+ XIVY-26 Story Change security system of application
+ XIVY-621 Story Create a new application at deploy time
+ XIVY-1636 Story WARN log: Could not remove unused process data cache for task
+ XIVY-2063 Story Simplify the third party process element extension interfaces.
+ XIVY-2141 Story Evaluate vulnerability scanner
+ XIVY-2428 Story Move Ivy Demo Projects to Bitbucket
+ XIVY-2431 Story Improve ivyScript Editor and ivyScript Table
+ XIVY-2451 Story Upgrade to Eclipse Oxygen (First Try)
+ XIVY-2453 Story Analyze how to split configuration and transaction data in the engine
+ XIVY-2455 Story Analyze current portal connector
+ XIVY-2457 Story Support latest MS Sql Server JDBC Driver from Microsoft for the system database (Support for High Availability (HA) SQL Server Cluster)
+ XIVY-2498 Story Run Unit Tests as Eclipse Core Tests
+ XIVY-2499 Story Improve drag & drop support under Linux
+ XIVY-2528 Story Add new descriptive property "owner" to the case
+ XIVY-2536 Story Add isLike(...) for number (ID) in TaskQuery- and CaseQuery-API
+ XIVY-2582 Story Override configuration data by external configuration systems (Property File, ENV, etcd, ...)
+ XIVY-2583 Story Auto setup system database during engine startup
+ XIVY-2606 Story Update Branding
+ XIVY-2611 Story Improve performance of prefixed LIKE queries on PostgreSQL system databases
+ XIVY-2618 Story Allow to disable the Mobile Offline Dialog feature
+ XIVY-2625 Story Support MySQL 8.0 as SystemDB
+ XIVY-2631 Story Auto create application and deploy application zip during engine startup
+ XIVY-2633 Story Allow project specific JAX-RS extensions such as an exception handler
+ XIVY-2646 Story Replace AWT Name Tab in all process elements with new SWT Name Tab
+ XIVY-2651 Story Move C++ Launchers to BitBucket
+ XIVY-2655 Story Avoid unnecessary CMS logs on Engine
+ XIVY-2658 Story Change cup/jflex generation from ant to maven
+ XIVY-2661 Story Backport Primefaces fix for bug #2525, #2539 and #2638 to PF 6.1
+ XIVY-2665 Story Respect global Browser preferences in Designer
+ XIVY-2700 Story Add Marketplace to Designer
+ XIVY-2811 Story APT package for fast engine distribution under Ubuntu/Debian
+ XIVY-2818 Story At startup of the docker image the engine should wait for the availability of the system database and external Elasticsearch
+ XIVY-2819 Story Provide an official Docker image for the Engine on Docker Hub
+ XIVY-2820 Story Improve configuration documentation in Engine Guide
+ XIVY-2821 Story Support High DPI (HDPI) displays in Designer
+ XIVY-2822 Story Backport Primefaces Extensions fix for bug #470 to PFE 6.1.0
+ XIVY-2824 Story Improve APT package for simple configuration
+ XIVY-2833 Story Improve performance of CategoryTreeBuilder for Portal
+ XIVY-2834 Story Replace serverconfig.xml with ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-2838 Story Make read and connection timeout for Elasticsearch connection configurable
+ XIVY-2853 Story Make Security System configurable over ivy.yaml
+ XIVY-2855 Story Keep Line Break style of existing MOD files
+ XIVY-2856 Story Call WS methods that can only be generated in wrapper style
+ XIVY-2857 Story Support owner of case in CaseQuery
+ XIVY-2858 Story Override configuration of application properties, environment and global variables
+ XIVY-2859 Story Override configuration of external databases, webservices and REST services
+ XIVY-2862 Story Remove and replace clear text passwords in configuration files (ivy.yaml) with encrypted once during engine startup
+ XIVY-2864 Story Display warning in UIs that config overridden in ivy.yaml cannot be changed
+ XIVY-2870 Story Make Documents/Files Location configurable
+ XIVY-2876 Story Missing method: ivy.repo.delete(id)
+ XIVY-2878 Story Reload config if config files changes
+ XIVY-2879 Story Support more than one ivy.yaml file
+ XIVY-2884 Story Stabilize Debian package for long term usage
+ XIVY-2886 Story After I reserved a task and then resume it and get interruped the task should still be reserved for me
+ XIVY-2896 Story Release 7.2
+ XIVY-2897 Story JRE and 3 Party Library Updates for 7.2
+ XIVY-2899 Story Provide an API to start a CaseMap
+ XIVY-2900 Story Support HTTP POST request to start CaseMaps and Sidesteps with arguments
+ XIVY-2918 Story Write audit log if config files changes
+ XIVY-2921 Story Improve error handling if a configuration file cannot be parsed successfully
+ XIVY-2933 Story Support symlinks in engine directory
+ XIVY-2949 Story Process Editor: Move selection broken
+ XIVY-2502 Improvement Provide AXIS1+2 WS client support as optional feature
+ XIVY-2607 Improvement Change jaxb model generation from ant to maven
+ XIVY-2812 Improvement Provide Ethereum Blockchain Process Element
+ XIVY-2817 Improvement Improve TaskQuery execution performance when specifying startIndex
+ XIVY-2947 Improvement Too short Exception Stack Trace in the log
+ XIVY-2488 Bug Can not store an object in the business data store with more than 1000 different fields
+ XIVY-2492 Bug Broken pipe when trying to load web assets like fonts or css files
+ XIVY-2495 Bug Displaying of the roles in the AdminUI is extremely slow with a lot of PMVs and Roles
+ XIVY-2497 Bug Serving wrong mime type for jpeg images in cms causes problems with IE
+ XIVY-2503 Bug ViewExpiredException if an error happens after an HtmlDialog in the business process
+ XIVY-2504 Bug Ivy.html().startref(...) is not available within rest service
+ XIVY-2506 Bug JSFWorkflowUI does not show Absences/Substitution in navigation
+ XIVY-2525 Bug JSF NumberConverter does not work properly with p:inputNumber and german locale
+ XIVY-2535 Bug Parameter requestedPage for default login process is wrong
+ XIVY-2538 Bug EmptyStackException occurs if a task is reseted and a user want to submit the form
+ XIVY-2590 Bug Mapping to unqualified ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.List<E> fails in rest client
+ XIVY-2593 Bug JSF view file validation and content assist does not know properties and methods declared in super interfaces
+ XIVY-2610 Bug Gracefully shutdown the engine
+ XIVY-2619 Bug Process search in Designer fails without showing any results
* XIVY-2627 Bug Open redirect vulnerability in Engine Wf UI
+ XIVY-2628 Bug Wrong "error" page if one clicks on a link of a inactive PMV
+ XIVY-2632 Bug NPE when joining Task
* XIVY-2638 Bug HttpOnly flag is not specified on cookie set by Java Webstart request
+ XIVY-2657 Bug Error information missing on ViewExpiredException
+ XIVY-2666 Bug BPMN element names with umlauts are broken under linux
+ XIVY-2717 Bug Support Maria-DB driver under Linux
+ XIVY-2747 Bug Process Editor freezes under Linux
* XIVY-2803 Bug Rarely NullPointerException on engine/designer start
+ XIVY-2860 Bug Support Windows Server 2016 in IIS integration batch files
+ XIVY-2867 Bug Session expired error message when trying to start an already finsished task with a link in a notification mail
+ XIVY-2868 Bug An image from CMS are not correctly included/referenced in a mail if it is not located in the CMS root folder
+ XIVY-2873 Bug Designer may not start because of a race condition in RuleEngineActivator
+ XIVY-2874 Bug Database Connection is not closed when quering database in the SQL Query Dialog of the Database Editor of the Designer
+ XIVY-2880 Bug Overloaded Methods may not correctly be displayed in completion proposal and javadoc help
* XIVY-2882 Bug Memory Leak in ProcessElementFactory
+ XIVY-2888 Bug Webservice call model invalid when migrating from Axis2 to CXF
+ XIVY-2889 Bug Data Class editor is not correctly initialized when data class is opened from Search view
+ XIVY-2890 Bug Cannot restart engine if old license is no longer valid even if I install a new valid license
+ XIVY-2891 Bug ManagedBeans do not work in *.iar file created with the Designer
+ XIVY-2893 Bug TaskQuery.fromJson may fail with JsonMappingException: Numeric value (XXXX) out of range of int
+ XIVY-2894 Bug Pack/Unpack a project creates unneeded empty files
+ XIVY-2895 Bug Error message of BPM Error is not displayed in error page
* XIVY-2898 Bug Memory leak in RuleVersionService (Rule Engine)
+ XIVY-2912 Bug Element alignment broken after copy-paste
+ XIVY-2913 Bug Use UTF-8 to encode mail addresses (to, from, cc, bcc, replyTo)
+ XIVY-2915 Bug JSF managed beans, validators or converters of a projects may not be found after redeploy or restart
+ XIVY-2916 Bug Elasticsearch cannot be started under Linux if installation path contains a space
+ XIVY-2920 Bug Password is visible in clear text in AdminUI if it is configured in a yaml file even if it is encrypted in the file
+ XIVY-2922 Bug OSGi Bundle patches not in charge if whitespaces in path
* XIVY-2931 Bug Restart of Task throws EmptyStackException or IvyScriptCastException
+ IVYPORTAL-682 Story Remove deleted users
+ IVYPORTAL-1532 Story Conduct performance tests
+ IVYPORTAL-2104 Story Automate ivy sprint release upgrade
+ IVYPORTAL-2351 Story Custom filter for Taskwidget in portal dashboard
+ IVYPORTAL-2514 Story Detect PortalConnector compatibility
+ IVYPORTAL-2625 Story Customize (optimize) Process Chain colour via CSS
+ IVYPORTAL-2630 Story Spike for 1 level tabs
+ IVYPORTAL-3823 Story Hide marked cases
+ IVYPORTAL-3856 Story Improve Express layout - Field positioning
+ IVYPORTAL-4348 Story More ivy default processes
+ IVYPORTAL-4815 Story Add release information to portal
+ IVYPORTAL-4932 Story Enhance delegate function - Additional Permission
+ IVYPORTAL-5026 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S154
+ IVYPORTAL-5207 Story Axon.Ivy Express - Enhance Create Process
+ IVYPORTAL-5208 Story Axon.Ivy Express - Additional Task Types
+ IVYPORTAL-5210 Story Axon.Ivy Express - Create Forms
+ IVYPORTAL-5229 Story Change the top search style
+ IVYPORTAL-5231 Story Enhance Search Function - Global search
+ IVYPORTAL-5236 Story Identify Code in Document upload and block it
+ IVYPORTAL-5256 Story Enhance Permission Handling in Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-5277 Story Consolidate case widget
+ IVYPORTAL-5278 Story Enhance Case Widget - Header customization
+ IVYPORTAL-5286 Story Create a step by step guide to upgrade Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-5291 Story Case and Task Query created by user in portal - for statistics
+ IVYPORTAL-5293 Story Add release information to portal II
+ IVYPORTAL-5294 Story Remove deleted users II
+ IVYPORTAL-5295 Story Detect PortalConnector compatibility II
+ IVYPORTAL-5382 Story Improvements for Statistics - Style adaptions and drilldown enhancement
+ IVYPORTAL-5383 Story Improvements for Statistics - Enhance Create Chart filters
+ IVYPORTAL-5401 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S155
+ IVYPORTAL-5405 Story Provide Hooking for Login
+ IVYPORTAL-5417 Story Improvements for Statistics - Enhance Statistics "homepage"
+ IVYPORTAL-5418 Story Permissions for Add dashboards/Charts (Statistics) and Add New Express Workflow
+ IVYPORTAL-5435 Story Axon.Ivy Express - Additional Task Types II
+ IVYPORTAL-5436 Story Axon.Ivy Express - Enhance Create Process II
+ IVYPORTAL-5437 Story Axon.Ivy Express - Create Forms II
+ IVYPORTAL-5439 Story Permission to Delete / Create Documents
+ IVYPORTAL-5511 Story Extend PortalCustomization Best Practice Examples
+ IVYPORTAL-5553 Story Fix bug of Original Express
+ IVYPORTAL-5555 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S156
+ IVYPORTAL-5568 Story Axon.Ivy Express - Additional Task Types III
+ IVYPORTAL-5570 Story Axon.Ivy Express - Create Forms III
+ IVYPORTAL-5632 Story Two static files are not cached
+ IVYPORTAL-5656 Story Improve Portal performance - Task List
+ IVYPORTAL-5663 Story Adding a Server in the portal
+ IVYPORTAL-5664 Story Portal administration - Configuration/Properties
+ IVYPORTAL-5665 Story Case history/notes - show more page and export Enhancement
+ IVYPORTAL-5666 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S157
+ IVYPORTAL-5686 Story Improve Message when you leave a task
+ IVYPORTAL-5687 Story Improvements for Statistics - Enhance Statistics "homepage" II
+ IVYPORTAL-5688 Story Improvements for Statistics - Enhance Create Chart filters II
+ IVYPORTAL-5689 Story Consolidate case widget II
+ IVYPORTAL-5690 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S158
+ IVYPORTAL-5691 Story Enhance Search Function - Global search II
+ IVYPORTAL-5803 Story Optimize font size, font type and font color in portal input text boxes
+ IVYPORTAL-5808 Story Data table styling rework and tab header
+ IVYPORTAL-5818 Story Customize Priority State Colour for Task State
+ IVYPORTAL-5831 Story Case and Task Query created by user in portal - for statistics II
+ IVYPORTAL-5833 Story Improve Portal performance - Task List II
+ IVYPORTAL-5837 Story Improvements for Statistics - Enhance Statistics "homepage" III
+ IVYPORTAL-5865 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S159
+ IVYPORTAL-5914 Story Implement Chat including IIS Support II
+ IVYPORTAL-5922 Story Improvements for Statistics - Apply chart filters
+ IVYPORTAL-5923 Story Enhance Case and task Widget - Displayed information
+ IVYPORTAL-5965 Story Improve Process Favorites - Personal and Application favorites
+ IVYPORTAL-5984 Story Enhance task and case list - Add filters and save filters
+ IVYPORTAL-5985 Story Introduce a counter for tasks and cases
+ IVYPORTAL-5988 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S160
+ IVYPORTAL-6002 Story Remove Symbols from Process List
+ IVYPORTAL-6003 Story Improve Process List
+ IVYPORTAL-6025 Story Enable/Disable columns in Case Widget
+ IVYPORTAL-6042 Story Style specified in PortalStyle should be taken last
+ IVYPORTAL-6049 Story Add additional button type in Standard portal
+ IVYPORTAL-6053 Story Hide technical / system Entries in Process history
+ IVYPORTAL-6074 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S161
+ IVYPORTAL-6137 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S162
+ IVYPORTAL-6201 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S163
+ IVYPORTAL-6240 Story Enable/Disable columns in Case Widget II
+ IVYPORTAL-6304 Story Various or urgent requests in IVYPORTAL S164
+ IVYPORTAL-5275 Bug Enhance task list - Search bar
+ IVYPORTAL-5276 Bug Enhance Task list - Start button and more option buttons
+ IVYPORTAL-5384 Bug No Error Dialog if general Exception happens
+ IVYPORTAL-5440 Bug Session is expired while working IV
+ IVYPORTAL-5760 Bug Email settings not working for users not having all apps
+ IVYPORTAL-5838 Bug Exception when click left menu and select leave task
+ IVYPORTAL-6069 Bug Consistent behaviour for searching application users in portal admin
+ IVYPORTAL-6193 Bug Search function for tasks/cases cannot find number in task description or case name
+ IVYPORTAL-5381 Technical task Handle document upload for cases (w)
+ IVYPORTAL-5776 Technical task Add favicon to Portal (check error again)
+ IVYPORTAL-5848 Technical task Disable process simulation
+ IVYPORTAL-6242 Technical task Expand application menu, statistic chart is move down (Problem in review meeting)
+ IVYPORTAL-6278 Technical task Improve favorites - space using
+ IVYPORTAL-6287 Technical task User new Method for Search in task and case query
Changes in, 16.04.2018
This is a Leading Edge version.
+ XIVY-2118 Epic Renew Web Service Call Libraries
+ XIVY-349 Story Renew/Change the session ID after login
+ XIVY-620 Story Deploy full application ZIP
+ XIVY-624 Story Deploy options in deploy-iar goal to control re-deployment
+ XIVY-1115 Story Store and access ivy projects as single IAR file on the engine
+ XIVY-1168 Story REST Client should consider SSL Client settings of Designer and Server when using https
+ XIVY-1183 Story Calling REST Service from browser that already owns an authenticated ivy session
+ XIVY-1636 Story WARN log: Could not remove unused process data cache for task
+ XIVY-2050 Story Update Feature List in dev.axonivy.com
+ XIVY-2051 Story Feature Videos for REST Client Call
+ XIVY-2106 Story Migrate first artefact from Svn to Bitbucket inclusive builds
+ XIVY-2136 Story Analyze Web Service Frameworks and implement a Protoype with them (Axis2, CXF, ...)
+ XIVY-2137 Story Support GIT in Designer
+ XIVY-2223 Story Support calling NTLM protected Rest Services
+ XIVY-2225 Story Enhance default REST client configuration to ignore missing property mappings
+ XIVY-2231 Story Move third party libraries to own bundles which are deployed to own P2 repository.
+ XIVY-2232 Story Upgrade CXF from version 2.3.11 to version 3.2
+ XIVY-2233 Story Extract existing AXIS WsClient technologies as features with extensions for the core
+ XIVY-2234 Story Simplify WS Call inscription mask (request, response, SWT)
+ XIVY-2236 Story Provide CXF as new WS call library (base features)
+ XIVY-2237 Story Investigate the support of Java 9 for Rich Internet Applications (RIA)
+ XIVY-2240 Story Merge Release Notes with N&N
+ XIVY-2247 Story Feature Videos for Signal or Business Data
+ XIVY-2251 Story Analyze performance and memory consumption of portal
+ XIVY-2263 Story Allow extension classes to be contributed to ivy.core libraries
+ XIVY-2265 Story Replace AWT IvyScriptEditor in Script Activity with new SWT Editor
+ XIVY-2266 Story Remove AspectJ
+ XIVY-2267 Story Polish deployment options
+ XIVY-2269 Story Officially support Maria DB
+ XIVY-2270 Story Demo how a modern JScript based UI technology (Angular, React, Vue, ...) can be used in Axon.ivy processes
+ XIVY-2302 Story Refactor web service configuration data model
+ XIVY-2308 Story Replace AWT Output Tab in Script Activity with new SWT Output Tab
+ XIVY-2310 Story Deployment options as mojo parameters
+ XIVY-2312 Story Finish moving 3rd party libraries to own lib only bundles
+ XIVY-2313 Story Support session handling for CXF WS call library
+ XIVY-2334 Story Support SSL in CXF WS Calls
+ XIVY-2335 Story Http Basic, Http Digest, NTLM Authentication Support
+ XIVY-2336 Story Error Code should be configurable
+ XIVY-2338 Story Remove timeout from error mask. Support it as property
+ XIVY-2339 Story Polish UI of web service call
+ XIVY-2341 Story Make SWT Script Editor nice
+ XIVY-2342 Story Make SWT output table nice
+ XIVY-2344 Story Provide functionality to add certificate to SSL Client trust store
+ XIVY-2355 Story Cleanup IInfo Objects on Datawrapper WS and RestClientCall
+ XIVY-2356 Story Improve fallback endpoints model and editor
+ XIVY-2357 Story Support features and properties in web service client configuration model, editor and executor
+ XIVY-2376 Story Automate Designer pre-requisites installation under Linux
+ XIVY-2377 Story Migrate IvyAddOns to BitBucket
+ XIVY-2381 Story Support WS-Security Username Token Authentication for CXF
+ XIVY-2382 Story Migrate legacy WS argument mapping options to properties
+ XIVY-2385 Story HTTP proxy configuration per web service client for CXF
+ XIVY-2386 Story Support WS-Addressing (WS-A) for CXF
+ XIVY-2387 Story Provide WebService Feature Extension Example
+ XIVY-2391 Story Support Properties and Features for WebServices on AdminUi
+ XIVY-2394 Story Deliver ivy system projects as one archived file
+ XIVY-2400 Story Speed-Up Designer-Boot
+ XIVY-2401 Story Cleanup deprecated API after AdminUi has been updated to use new API
+ XIVY-2403 Story Release 7.1
+ XIVY-2404 Story Make project reporting an independent installable P2 unit
+ XIVY-2420 Story Upgrade 3rd party libraries to latest service releases
+ XIVY-2426 Story Inscribe native Webservice types with well known ivy scripting types
+ XIVY-2427 Story Teach how to use web services in Axon.ivy
+ XIVY-2430 Story Demo that we can communicate with the Ethereum Blockchain
+ XIVY-2439 Story Provide API to create new Permissions, Permission Groups and their Relations
+ XIVY-2442 Story Support Properties and Features for WebServices on AdminUi II
+ XIVY-2444 Story Axon.ivy Designer with optional features
+ XIVY-2446 Story Respect editor preferences for Html Dialog views
+ XIVY-2449 Story Improve graphical performance on process editor for linux
+ XIVY-2456 Story Open Class/Method directly out of IvyScriptEditor
+ XIVY-2470 Story Reduce default RAM usage of Elasticsearch in the Designer
+ XIVY-2476 Story Add a CXF feature that disables all or certain WSDL policies
+ XIVY-2477 Story Support WebServices that define multiple output parameters (JAX-WS Holder)
+ XIVY-2252 Improvement CaseMap Improvements
+ XIVY-2330 Improvement Provide script for autoconfig basic authentication on IIS
+ XIVY-2388 Improvement Missing application name in log file for LDAP sync
+ XIVY-2390 Improvement Engine guide references Linux script files (.sh) that no longer exists or that were renamed
+ XIVY-2421 Improvement Enable a configuration of which browsers to show with a ivyScriptEditor
+ XIVY-2486 Improvement Missing documentation that shipped portal app should not be used
+ XIVY-2487 Improvement String field in Elasticsearch is deprecated
+ XIVY-85 Bug Enable Edit button on WS endpoint
+ XIVY-118 Bug Process editor context menu selected text is white on Windows 10
+ XIVY-1034 Bug Problem when saving the deployment editor after removing the SNAPSHOT from the version
+ XIVY-1329 Bug No new PMV will be created by default when redeploying same library but with new version
+ XIVY-1673 Bug Attachments sent by mail step contains folder path
+ XIVY-1853 Bug REST API for single tasks does not return resumed/created tasks
+ XIVY-2170 Bug Hovered text in context menu of process editor is white
+ XIVY-2171 Bug A task may start on the wrong TaskSwitchGateway output arc
+ XIVY-2173 Bug Sample Call&Wait implementation does not work with multiple PMVs
+ XIVY-2206 Bug File Browse in Control Center fails
+ XIVY-2209 Bug Process Selection in CaseMap-Editor does not work
+ XIVY-2210 Bug Ivy 6.0/7.0 can't join tasks of cases which has been started with Ivy 5.1
+ XIVY-2214 Bug Can not build 7.0.0 projects while a non OSGi engine is in cache
+ XIVY-2216 Bug NullpointerException occurs while logging null values in Designer
+ XIVY-2224 Bug Session of user is still alive after user deletion
+ XIVY-2238 Bug Cleanup JSF ViewScope when closing DialogRuntime
+ XIVY-2245 Bug Unexpected 'End of File' scripting error when mapping REST response
+ XIVY-2259 Bug Empty task activator script fails at runtime
+ XIVY-2261 Bug ISession.logoutSessionUser() clears the HTTP Session attributes of the current request
+ XIVY-2264 Bug Engine start fails after running it as root user
+ XIVY-2268 Bug Wrong parameters in Javadoc for web service process constructor
+ XIVY-2272 Bug RComboBox and RTable fail with an NPE on initialization
+ XIVY-2300 Bug Enforce usage of Java 1.8 webstart by default
+ XIVY-2333 Bug Enterprise server discloses hostname
+ XIVY-2359 Bug RIA Workflow UI button "Resume All" does not work any more
+ XIVY-2362 Bug Project build maven plugin fails when executing mutliple builds in parallel
+ XIVY-2378 Bug systemctl stop AxonIvyEngine does not stop engine smoothly. Instead the process is killed.
+ XIVY-2399 Bug Fix already known WS client (CXF) bugs
+ XIVY-2423 Bug JSF Workflow UI: trigger escalation and modification of expiry timestamp don't work
+ XIVY-2429 Bug Rarely occuring IndexOutOfBoundsException on process data de-serialisation
+ XIVY-2432 Bug CC/BCC-Recipients in mail are not set in Designer
+ XIVY-2458 Bug No new PMV will be created by default when redeploying same library but with new version II
+ XIVY-2461 Bug WSDL namespace mapping dialog does not expose all namespaces
+ XIVY-2475 Bug HTTP authentication (Basic/Digest/NTLM) while reading WSDL file in WebService editor broken.
* XIVY-2493 Bug Cluster Communication broken because of ClassLoading Problems with OSGi
+ IVYPORTAL-936 Story Structured case tree (Trunk)
+ IVYPORTAL-2103 Story Remove parent (part of) pom.xml
+ IVYPORTAL-2674 Story Process history component - Specific history related to a business object
+ IVYPORTAL-2748 Story Implement - Design chooser capabilities
+ IVYPORTAL-2755 Story Message before session is lost
+ IVYPORTAL-2769 Story Support case query II.
+ IVYPORTAL-2816 Story Static code analysis
+ IVYPORTAL-2817 Story Security quick check
+ IVYPORTAL-2819 Story Java warnings improvement
+ IVYPORTAL-2843 Story Hide system cases
+ IVYPORTAL-3586 Story Analyse Portal performance
+ IVYPORTAL-3609 Story Possibility to extend Note in Task Details
+ IVYPORTAL-3751 Story Favourites pro application or global
+ IVYPORTAL-3941 Story Provide more search criteria for case list
+ IVYPORTAL-3997 Story Save+load user defined filters for cases
+ IVYPORTAL-4002 Story Refresh task list on new task
+ IVYPORTAL-4055 Story Introduce sonar tests
+ IVYPORTAL-4059 Story Wizard for new absence
+ IVYPORTAL-4062 Story Leaving task: offer user to reserve task
+ IVYPORTAL-4169 Story Implement Axonivy Express EndPage
+ IVYPORTAL-4246 Story Improve AJAX error handler
+ IVYPORTAL-4299 Story Custom Logout - Customization
+ IVYPORTAL-4300 Story Refresh task list on new task II.
+ IVYPORTAL-4301 Story Improve UX for start task from full task list
+ IVYPORTAL-4302 Story Various or urgent requests in S145
+ IVYPORTAL-4322 Story Sticky task list: restore filters
+ IVYPORTAL-4328 Story Enhance design - Better space usage for task and case lists
+ IVYPORTAL-4366 Story Show notes in big view
+ IVYPORTAL-4409 Story automate Sprint release on v7.0.x
+ IVYPORTAL-4410 Story automate Sprint release on Trunk
+ IVYPORTAL-4444 Story Various or urgent requests in S146
+ IVYPORTAL-4450 Story Clean up Express Part II
+ IVYPORTAL-4451 Story Migrate ant scripts to test: IvyCommons + AdminUI II
+ IVYPORTAL-4482 Story Check ViewScoped Beans
+ IVYPORTAL-4528 Story Extension Point for Application Menu
+ IVYPORTAL-4537 Story Various or urgent requests in S147
+ IVYPORTAL-4538 Story Save+load+remove user defined filters for tasks II
+ IVYPORTAL-4540 Story automated Portal Selenium tests on ivy nightly II
+ IVYPORTAL-4646 Story Various or urgent requests in S148
+ IVYPORTAL-4652 Story Implement portal statistic with some basic charts
+ IVYPORTAL-4686 Story auto test integrations of Portal to ivy II
+ IVYPORTAL-4687 Story Save+load+remove user defined filters for cases
+ IVYPORTAL-4779 Story Improve Portal performance
+ IVYPORTAL-4817 Story Further implementation of portal statistic
+ IVYPORTAL-4819 Story Analyse and consolidate Portal CMS List II
+ IVYPORTAL-4820 Story Various or urgent requests in S149
+ IVYPORTAL-4848 Story Multiapp szenario - Improvement in Task handling and visibility
+ IVYPORTAL-4862 Story Enhance case list - Introduce structured case category tree
+ IVYPORTAL-4863 Story Enhance task list - Structured category tree
+ IVYPORTAL-4865 Story Sticky Task List on Cancel
+ IVYPORTAL-4880 Story Various or urgent requests in S150
+ IVYPORTAL-4884 Story Option to disable sorting of favorite process starts
+ IVYPORTAL-4885 Story Configure own columns in task list III
+ IVYPORTAL-4930 Story Enhance Case list and Related tasks - Display also done cases and tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-4934 Story Remove dependencies - Remove Hierarchy of classes "RemoteXYZ"
+ IVYPORTAL-4943 Story Various or urgent requests in S151
+ IVYPORTAL-4954 Story Additional (custom) data details II
+ IVYPORTAL-5025 Story Various or urgent requests in S152
+ IVYPORTAL-5084 Story Improvement of Styleadaptions in the Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-5085 Story Reporting - Cases
+ IVYPORTAL-5087 Story Portal navigation - Keep filter during whole session
+ IVYPORTAL-5119 Story PortalCustomization Best Practice Examples
+ IVYPORTAL-5120 Story Various or urgent requests in S153
+ IVYPORTAL-5123 Story Implement Portal statistic customization (Drilldown) III
+ IVYPORTAL-5126 Story Create Release for Ivy 7.1
+ IVYPORTAL-2737 Bug Correct Session timeout
+ IVYPORTAL-2844 Bug Enhance - Add favourite Processes
+ IVYPORTAL-4286 Bug Clean up Express CSS
+ IVYPORTAL-4289 Bug Clean up Portal style
+ IVYPORTAL-4365 Bug Fix layout on ~1240 pixels
+ IVYPORTAL-4386 Bug Add to dashboard button does not work in PortalStatistics
+ IVYPORTAL-4433 Bug Fix performance bug in user/role selection
+ IVYPORTAL-4489 Bug Lazy load embedded dialogs on demand
+ IVYPORTAL-4498 Bug Link to open sidebar is missing
+ IVYPORTAL-4539 Bug Extended PortalKit supported language cause error III
+ IVYPORTAL-4812 Bug Search in case list doesn't work for creator
+ IVYPORTAL-4813 Bug Task list filtering in Multiapp Szenario - Responsible filter for each app
+ IVYPORTAL-4867 Bug Consistent behaviour in Portal - Leaving task warning
+ IVYPORTAL-4882 Bug Fix NPE in portal if COERCE_TO_ZERO option is enabled
+ IVYPORTAL-4942 Bug Design chooser bug - New Colours were not applied after saving
+ IVYPORTAL-4969 Bug Session expired message, even if session not expired II
+ IVYPORTAL-5015 Bug List out Portal multi-applications issues
+ IVYPORTAL-5027 Bug Bug in Task list navigation - Portal Home and full task list
+ IVYPORTAL-5031 Bug Costumization with Less doesn't change buttons in Exit-Dialog II
+ IVYPORTAL-5118 Bug Implement "Sticky Task List" for "Skip Task List"
Changes in 7.0.0, 27.09.2017
This is a Long Term Support version.
We strongly recommend to install this new version because it fixed security issues!
Axon.ivy Core:
- Rewritten "Introduction" chapter in Designer and Engine Guide
Axon.ivy Designer:
- New 7.0 Branding (Splashscreen, Icon, etc.)
Axon.ivy Engine:
- New license needed (license version 7000)
- OSGi Engine only. Old non OSGi engines removed.
- New chapter "Getting Started" in Engine Guide
7.0 also includes all new features introduced with the following Leading Edge versions: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.4, 6.6 and 6.7!
+ XIVY-11 Epic Provide and call REST services
+ XIVY-1052 Story Use ExceptionHandler in AJAX requests
+ XIVY-1077 Epic Persistence for Business Data (E-Dossier)
+ XIVY-1299 Epic Business Case that summarizes all cases and task of a business event
+ XIVY-1305 Improvement ivy/faces url should contain the appname like all other ivy link addresses
+ XIVY-1368 Bug Warn/Analyze protection against SQL Injection in an ivy Database Step
+ XIVY-1530 Story Deprecate old task and case categorization API and hide fields in inscription masks
+ XIVY-1625 Bug ModelValidationException when two similar rest-endpoints exists in different ivy-application
+ XIVY-1628 Epic Case Map
+ XIVY-1665 Story Remove timestamp from process files (*.mod)
+ XIVY-1669 Story Evaluate and develop a new documentation concept for the Designer and Engine Guide
+ XIVY-1841 Story Session timeout handling in HtmlDialogs
! XIVY-1846 Bug REST service should only be accessible in its application
+ XIVY-1851 Story Official support for Windows Server 2016 / MS SQL Server 2016
+ XIVY-1934 Story Release 7.0
+ XIVY-1941 Story Increase license version to 7000
+ XIVY-1999 Story Polish CaseMap Docu
+ XIVY-2012 Bug Different mechanism of loading rule between Designer and Engine
+ XIVY-2013 Story Upgrade drools engine in Ivy to 7.0
+ XIVY-2025 Story Remove legacy engine build
+ XIVY-2052 Story Update Release 7.0 Branding (Splash, Icons, etc)
+ XIVY-2053 Story Rewrite Engine Guide "Getting Started" chapter
+ XIVY-2055 Story Allow minimal dev workspace 1
+ XIVY-2066 Bug SystemDB settings are not persistent in EngineConfigUi if 'Save And Exit' is used
+ XIVY-2067 Bug Cannot import ivy project with large target directory
+ XIVY-2081 Improvement Demonstrate OData service consumption with ivy
+ XIVY-2087 Bug When changing inputs in SystemDb Tab it won't "save" when changing the tab
+ XIVY-2100 Story Visualize that connection is being tested
! XIVY-2104 Bug Unauthorized read access to certain process data possible in UserTask process element
+ XIVY-2113 Bug Signal boundary events run parallel
+ XIVY-2114 Story Allow to declare IAR dependencies with scope other than 'compile'
+ XIVY-2119 Bug Hide Password value on UI
+ XIVY-2123 Improvement Get rid of tools.jar
+ XIVY-2124 Bug Tabs open and close automatically nonstop
! XIVY-2125 Bug Limited read file access in WEB-INF directory possible (Local File Inclusion vulnerability)
+ XIVY-2128 Bug Check Connection on any other tab than system database uses not existing nextStepDialogBean
The following issues fixed in 6.7 update releases are also included in 7.0
Update Release (23.08.2017)
We recommend to install this update release because it fixes this stability issue!
* XIVY-2083 Bug Patch Primefaces 6.1 to fix Primefaces Bug #2337 (Duplicated TD in DataTable inside Panel Grid)
* XIVY-2086 Bug Bean validation seems to be broken because new version of Hibernate Validation uses 1.1 bean validation and myfaces extval uses 1.0
Changes in 14.08.2017 (since product release, 28.04.2017)
This is a Leading Edge version.
We recommend to install this version only if you need one of the new features.
Otherwise, use the latest Long Term Support version.
Axon.ivy Core:
- Enhanced Case Map Runtime
- Upgrade to Elasticsearch 5.5
- Upgrade to Primefaces 6.1, primefaces-extensions 6.1.0, myfaces 2.2.12
- Upgrade to Tomcat 8.5
- Upgrade to JPA 2.1 and Hibernate 4.3.11
- lib/dropins folder to install extensions
- Case insensitive query API methods
- API to get startable artifacts
Axon.ivy Designer:
- Start last executed process
- Enhanced Case Map Editor (Name, Description, DnD of Prozesses, Move Stages)
Axon.ivy Engine:
- New web based Engine Config UI
- New command line configuration tool EngineConfigCli
- Case Map and Stage support in JSF and Html Workflow UI
- OSGi Engine is now standard. Old non OSGi engines deprecated.
+ XIVY-1051 Story ServerConfigurationTool should be an official tool (EngineConfigCli)
+ XIVY-1053 Story Cache rule base
+ XIVY-1372 Epic Engine Config UI
+ XIVY-1645 Story Get responsible roles of all startable process starts
+ XIVY-1668 Story OSGi Engine Cleanup
+ XIVY-1685 Story Enhance Workflow UI to show startable Case Maps and the Case Map state of a business case
+ XIVY-1718 Story Show the stage progress graphically in the WFUI
+ XIVY-1720 Story DnD of Stages and Processes
+ XIVY-1817 Story Sort tasks / cases by fullname not name of ISecurityMember
+ XIVY-1844 Bug Expiry error process won't be executed when task is 'unassigned'
+ XIVY-1848 Story Load business case data with class loader of current case scope or given type
+ XIVY-1857 Bug Trigger uses the role defined for http-request
* XIVY-1863 Story Upgrade JRE and common libraries
+ XIVY-1869 Story Read-Only Case Map if project in IAR format
+ XIVY-1881 Story Stages outside of auto flow
+ XIVY-1883 Story Primefaces 6.1
+ XIVY-1884 Story Case insensitive search query API
+ XIVY-1909 Story ISidestep API should be improved
+ XIVY-1911 Story Upgrade Elasticsearch to 5.5
+ XIVY-1912 Story Provide external DB configuration for SystemDB with well known identifier
+ XIVY-1915 Bug NPE when executing a deserialized CaseQuery/TaskQuery which contains an empty condition
+ XIVY-1916 Bug CaseQuery/TaskQuery deserialization fails with class not found exception
+ XIVY-1917 Story ElasticSearch doesn't start on Windows
+ XIVY-1918 Bug TaskQuery fails on execute when it contains a CaseQuery where-condition and isInvolved where-condition
+ XIVY-1921 Bug Task Exception Priority is not showed in the Inscription Mask if an attribute was set
+ XIVY-1923 Bug CaseQuery / TaskQuery json deserialization removes AND-condition when it has only one condition
+ XIVY-1930 Story Simplify Case Map Implementation
+ XIVY-1931 Story Provide Case Map Starts
+ XIVY-1932 Story Display Monitoring Data in Case Map
+ XIVY-1933 Story Release 6.7
+ XIVY-1936 Bug Data Class Editor throws NPE with Entity Classes
+ XIVY-1937 Bug Possibility to reload view if managed bean has been changed
+ XIVY-1938 Story Security checks for case map sidestep execution
+ XIVY-1939 Bug Confusing error in log: Software caused connection abort: socket write error
+ XIVY-1943 Improvement IvyAddOns installs Total Aspose License only to Aspose Word, but not to Aspose PDF
+ XIVY-1949 Improvement Use UTF-8 to encode mail subject and content
+ XIVY-1954 Bug Can't configure Process Code and Process Name on the tab Tag of the Case
+ XIVY-1955 Improvement Enable to log LDAP communication
+ XIVY-1957 Story Provide Case Map Name and Description
+ XIVY-1959 Bug Resource caching for CSS is broken sometimes
* XIVY-1964 Bug TaskGateway may behave wrong or throws exception if task inscriptions contains string 'TaskB' or 'TaskC' or ...
* XIVY-1967 Bug Startup Problems of Engine
+ XIVY-1969 Bug Fix AbstractIvyDateTimeConverter so that it behave correct with PrimeFaces 6.1
+ XIVY-1970 Story Upgrade Selenium Test Infrastructure
+ XIVY-1971 Bug Chinese characters are not display in E-Mail content inscription
+ XIVY-1972 Bug WebService call returns wrong DateTime value if an explicit TimeZone is received and in the current TimeZone the daylight saving time is active
+ XIVY-1974 Bug SWT ivyScript Editor: Completion of imported classes fails
+ XIVY-1975 Bug WebService call sends wrong DateTime value if the current TimeZone has an active daylight saving time
+ XIVY-1976 Improvement Improve performance of reading business calendars (Setting tasks to DONE state is now 4ms faster)
+ XIVY-1978 Improvement Log configuration problems if user synchronization does not find users to import
+ XIVY-1979 Story Deliver sources of new Public API
+ XIVY-1982 Story New document filtering API method
+ XIVY-1983 Bug Error calling https web service with insecure ssl connections turned on
+ XIVY-1988 Story Add API to set case creator
+ XIVY-2001 Improvement Simplify the contribution of third party process elements
* XIVY-2015 Bug Business Data Indexing fails, when different types have same fieldnames/-paths
+ XIVY-2018 Bug Sending of task notification mail fails when subject contains illegal characters
+ XIVY-2028 Improvement Optimize project deployment: allow process relevant changes of a TaskSwitch element, except running tasks require their existence
+ XIVY-2029 Bug RIA web start application won't start after upgrading to Java 8 update 141
+ XIVY-2035 Bug Streamline Business Data serialization of Designer and Engine
+ XIVY-2042 Bug Business Data Sorting fails on a field for which no data exists
+ XIVY-2043 Bug Serialization Format of IvyScript Default Objects may break Elastic Search index
+ XIVY-2045 Bug java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000
+ XIVY-2046 Bug Wrong message in dialog if one tries to save resource that was changed on the file system
+ XIVY-2047 Bug Dialog "Resource has changed on file system" occurs to often. Sometimes it is not possible to close the dialog.
+ XIVY-2054 Bug StackOverflowError when calling IApplication.findExternalDatabaseConfiguration("not-existing-db") and an environment is set
+ XIVY-2062 Bug Flush bundled ElasticSearch data in demo mode
+ IVYPORTAL-89 Story Use task category field
+ IVYPORTAL-2127 Story Handle unassigned tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-3215 Story Hide marked tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-3610 Story More search criteria for user in Task list
+ IVYPORTAL-3613 Story Integrate AXON IVY Express (aka DynaForm)
+ IVYPORTAL-3615 Bug Various Portal requests
+ IVYPORTAL-3632 Bug Info Mail disable/enable is set wrong in DB!
+ IVYPORTAL-3633 Story Make Task/Case States CMS ready
+ IVYPORTAL-3639 Story Deploy portal documentation & fix links
+ IVYPORTAL-3642 Story Use HTML in task descriptions III.
+ IVYPORTAL-3709 Story Sticky task list II
+ IVYPORTAL-3712 Bug Duplicated application menu item in application menu II
+ IVYPORTAL-3750 Story Add tooltip to Open + Reserve
+ IVYPORTAL-3717 Story Insert Ad hoc task(s) anytime
+ IVYPORTAL-3718 Story Integrate Express process starts
+ IVYPORTAL-3720 Story Upgrade to ivy 6.6
+ IVYPORTAL-3815 Story Clean up roles in Express
+ IVYPORTAL-3838 Story Remove own DB from Express
+ IVYPORTAL-3855 Story Start a casemap II
+ IVYPORTAL-3857 Story Display sidesteps II
+ IVYPORTAL-3858 Story Stages breadcrumb component with icons
+ IVYPORTAL-3925 Bug Task delegation allowed if user opens the task via the case list
+ IVYPORTAL-3943 Story Support sidesteps for all applications
+ IVYPORTAL-4000 Story Various or urgent requests in S142
+ IVYPORTAL-4053 Story Upgrade + stabilise to ivy S28 + instant release
+ IVYPORTAL-4054 Story Create Portal release for v6.7
+ IVYPORTAL-4056 Story Tolerate missing Express
Update Releases Since (6.6.0), 28.04.2017
Update Release (15.05.2017)
We suggest to install this update release if you are suffering on one of this issues.
+ XIVY-1683 Story Provide API to get available sidesteps for a certain business case and session
+ XIVY-1905 Story Generic BPMN-xml Importer
+ XIVY-1907 Bug Portal on OSGi Engine fails with NoClassDefFoundError ...backport...Arrays
+ XIVY-1910 Bug ivy.case.documents() not accessible in ivyScript
Changes in 28.04.2017 (since product release, 20.1.2017)
This is a Leading Edge version.
We recommend to install this version only if you need one of the new features.
Otherwise, use the latest Long Term Support version.
Axon.ivy Core:
- Case Map Runtime
- Business Case Context (Business Data in the context of a Business Case)
Axon.ivy Designer:
- Case Map Designer (Editor, Wizard, etc.)
- Enhanced activity to call REST Web Services
- Integrated development SMTP Mail Server
- Java annotations on data classes and fields
Axon.ivy Engine:
- Predefined HTTP response security headers
- SSO valve for WAF/IAM integration
- OSGi based Engine
+ XIVY-1076 Story Introduce a BPM Activity to call a REST service
+ XIVY-1123 Story Improve Inscription Mask of REST Activity process element to ease the configuration of most common REST Service Kind(s)
+ XIVY-1176 Story Clean up user/role API
+ XIVY-1203 Bug Sometimes wrong version of Axon.ivy is detected
+ XIVY-1229 Story Auto Logging of REST service calls
+ XIVY-1275 Story Improve memory usage for Html Dialog Editor (timebox 2d)
+ XIVY-1329 Bug No new PMV will be created by default when redeploying same library but with new version
* XIVY-1358 Improvement Add default security headers on engine responses
+ XIVY-1427 Story Provide business data for business case
+ XIVY-1461 Story SSO Tomcat Valve for WAF / IAM Environments
+ XIVY-1538 Story Include the simple SMTP 'mailsnag' in the Designer
+ XIVY-1539 Story Differ between folders and leafs in CMS tree sorting
+ XIVY-1541 Story Build OSGi engine product
+ XIVY-1555 Story Performance: Static Loggers
+ XIVY-1564 Bug User Requests Tab of VisualVM Plugin broken
+ XIVY-1565 Story Add new REST Web Service Tab to VisualVM Plugin
+ XIVY-1566 Story Evaluate technologies and implement prototypes for a Business Case Map Editor
+ XIVY-1569 Story Introduce Business Case Map Project Resource
+ XIVY-1570 Story Introduce Business Case Map Runtime Engine
+ XIVY-1574 Bug DocBook can not longer be validated in oxygen XML Editor
+ XIVY-1637 Story Simple Business Case Map Editor
+ XIVY-1638 Story Integrate Business Case Map Editor into Designer
+ XIVY-1639 Story Complete UI/UX Specification for Business Case Map Editor
+ XIVY-1643 Story Finish OSGi engine product
+ XIVY-1664 Story REST API to get startable process starts
+ XIVY-1670 Story Divide rule.engine plugin in UI and Non-UI
+ XIVY-1674 Improvement Attachment files should be sent with the correct content type
+ XIVY-1675 Story Recognize OSGi Engine in VisualVM
+ XIVY-1676 Story Fix choosing the right UlcLibraryProvider with OSGi Engine
+ XIVY-1678 Bug Task switch elements validate 'in1' as error
+ XIVY-1681 Improvement Improve Designer native OS experience for Mac & Linux
+ XIVY-1682 Story Analyze and specify Case Map deployment, versioning, lifecycle
+ XIVY-1684 Story Provide localizable Stage Values on Business Cases and Case Map
+ XIVY-1686 Story Enhance Case Map Engine to support follow up auto starts, stage switches, milestones, pre-conditions and post-actions
+ XIVY-1687 Story Finish OSGI engine product II
+ XIVY-1688 Story Enhance RestClientCall Inscription Mask
+ XIVY-1689 Story Case Map Editor in Material Design and with CRUD support for Stages, Processes and Sidesteps
+ XIVY-1690 Story Minimal CaseMap Support on Designer Workflow UI
+ XIVY-1691 Story Use OSGI engine in project-build-plugin
+ XIVY-1695 Story Simple Engine Performance Optimizations
+ XIVY-1696 Improvement Make it possible to use Hibernate Envers (Auditing) with ivy
+ XIVY-1708 Bug Cannot insert Longitudes like -100
+ XIVY-1712 Bug Verification of Java Web Start Jar results in 'Unsigned resource' since Java 8 update 121
+ XIVY-1714 Story Enhance RestClientCall Inscription 2
+ XIVY-1715 Bug Bundled ElasticSearch server cant start on whitespace paths
+ XIVY-1716 Story Pre-condition
+ XIVY-1717 Story Sidesteps in Stages
+ XIVY-1719 Story Animated Case Map
+ XIVY-1724 Story Handling Errors in the execution of a Case Map
+ XIVY-1727 Bug Error while starting Engine in maven project build plugin
+ XIVY-1734 Story Nice Process Selection UI in Case Map
+ XIVY-1736 Bug Engine throws Null Pointer Exception while postCommit as part of a database transaction
+ XIVY-1741 Improvement Provide API Sources for often used third party JARs
+ XIVY-1781 Improvement Do not allow to define reserved role names in role editor
+ XIVY-1782 Story findInvolvedCasesByRole must be more configurable
+ XIVY-1790 Bug RIA Visual Editor throws IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract
+ XIVY-1802 Bug Reuse HTTP Session and login (WebService, REST, Mobile Engine Side)
+ XIVY-1803 Bug Class cast exception when selecting <f:convertNumber/>
+ XIVY-1815 Story Implement UI/UX Specification of Case Map Editor
+ XIVY-1818 Bug SOAP Request & Response Body not displayed in RuntimeLog
+ XIVY-1819 Story Case Map Precondition UI
+ XIVY-1820 Story Refactor Workflow and Case Map Engine to reduce dependencies and complexity.
+ XIVY-1821 Story Configure Name, Description, Activator of Tasks started from the Case Map using Business Data
+ XIVY-1822 Story Factor out case map from core workflow core functionality
+ XIVY-1835 Improvement Show displayName instead of memberName in TaskNotificationMails
+ XIVY-1847 Story Automatically provide Case Map variables with the name declared on the @BusinessCaseData annotation
+ XIVY-1860 Story Refactor Workflow and Case Map Engine to reduce dependencies and complexity (Part 2).
+ XIVY-1864 Story Release 6.6
+ IVYPORTAL-3585 Story Hide marked roles II
+ IVYPORTAL-3561 Bug Escalated Tasks disappear after delegating
+ IVYPORTAL-3527 Story Diverse small requests
+ IVYPORTAL-3485 Story Support Business Cases in Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-3461 Story Block expiry change if no escalation is supported
+ IVYPORTAL-3431 Bug Portal Kit creates empty Cases and Tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-3424 Bug Extended PortalKit supported language cause error
+ IVYPORTAL-2726 Bug Method checkRoleExist in RoleUtils only checks direct assigned roles
+ IVYPORTAL-2670 Story Custom task columns
+ IVYPORTAL-2298 Story Improve change deadline with permission
Changes in 20.01.2017 (since product release, 27.10.2016)
This is a Leading Edge version.
We recommend to install this version only if you need one of the new features.
Otherwise, use the latest Long Term Support version.
Axon.ivy Core:
- Business Case as container for signaled and triggered cases.
- Category field on cases and tasks.
- Activity to call REST Web Services.
- Fuzzy search and scored query support in Business Data search API.
- User defined business data id.
- Customizable web service process endpoints.
Axon.ivy Designer:
- New checkbox on Request Start (Trigger) and Signal Start to control if started cases should be attached to Business Case.
- New redesigned inscription mask to configure task and case with support for new category field.
- Preference to control whether process engines should be started at Designer start.
Axon.ivy Engine:
- JMX monitoring and logging of external REST Web Service calls.
- New linux service based on systemd.
+ XIVY-5 Story Optimize Performance of new process engine
+ XIVY-22 Story Support unicode characterset and case insensitive search in System Database
+ XIVY-23 Story Category on task
+ XIVY-24 Story Analyze how system databases can support case insensitive LIKE operations
+ XIVY-767 Bug User Task task state handling
+ XIVY-1019 Bug Occassionally an error occurs when manipulating process starts and then try to execute them
+ XIVY-1079 Story New permission: TaskWriteExpiryTimestamp
+ XIVY-1081 Story Validate REST Client RDM
+ XIVY-1086 Story Localize case and task category
+ XIVY-1118 Story Task and case category API and simple UI
+ XIVY-1119 Story UI for task and case category
+ XIVY-1121 Story UI prototype for Rest Activity process element inscription mask
+ XIVY-1122 Story Implement simplest Inscription Mask for Rest Activity process element
+ XIVY-1135 Story Add unit test to rules demo
+ XIVY-1212 Story Update trunk Ivy core development to newest 6.x release
+ XIVY-1251 Story Serializable case (task) filter
+ XIVY-1254 Bug Fix NPE in RD session timeout
+ XIVY-1263 Story Scoring support for Business Data search
+ XIVY-1270 Story User defined business id for business data
+ XIVY-1301 Story Top (Business), Sub Case Object / API
+ XIVY-1303 Story Extends Case Query API to support Top (Business) Cases
+ XIVY-1304 Story Automatically assign Cases to a Top (Business) Case
+ XIVY-1319 Story Reduce Engine startup time by starting bundled Elasticsearch server lazy
+ XIVY-1320 Story Make data directory of bundled elastic search server configurable
+ XIVY-1371 Bug New-Project-Wizard contains little red square in top right corner
+ XIVY-1383 Bug Service on Linux does not start anymore due to Elasticsearch
+ XIVY-1394 Story P2 Integration repository, part 2
+ XIVY-1400 Bug Mail Step: Attaching temp files fails
+ XIVY-1408 Improvement Log Webservice Process SOAP envelope
+ XIVY-1410 Bug Stax-API.jar from ruleEngline provocates FactoryConfigurationError
+ XIVY-1417 Improvement Provide access to Error thrown by WebServiceProcess during WebserviceCall
+ XIVY-1418 Story RestClient can not be created if running as system
+ XIVY-1424 Story Adjust WorkflowUI's to business- and sub-cases
+ XIVY-1425 Story Add 'Start new business case' option on the InscriptionMask of RequestStart (Trigger) and SignalStart
+ XIVY-1428 Story Improve Business Case State and attaching
+ XIVY-1429 Bug Fix methods isInvolved, tasks of Business - CaseQuery
+ XIVY-1432 Bug Share-Engine-Core-Classpath goal does not used the engineCache directory
+ XIVY-1433 Bug PropertyNotFoundEx when using upper-case fields in HD
+ XIVY-1442 Improvement Remove internal BusinessData dependencies from Axon.ivy Classpath Container
+ XIVY-1443 Story Remove rule libraries from Design-time classpath
+ XIVY-1444 Improvement Remove Webservice libs from Designtime classpath
+ XIVY-1453 Improvement ConfigurationEditor with enhanced size and preferences
+ XIVY-1464 Improvement Boost Engine start on highly virtualized hosts
+ XIVY-1465 Story Analyze validation speed/blocking problems
+ XIVY-1466 Story Identify problems and use cases stakholder want to solve with business case map
+ XIVY-1467 Story Business case map UI paper prototype
+ XIVY-1470 Story Apply patch for CMS from Flavio
+ XIVY-1471 Story Remove dependency to ch.ivyteam.managment
+ XIVY-1472 Improvement Classic HtmlDialog ResultTable fills the log with errors when an empty recordset is used
+ XIVY-1473 Improvement Pre-configure mail settings for a simple local SMTP like SMTP4DEV
+ XIVY-1544 Story Auto convert system database version on engine startup
+ XIVY-1547 Bug A Web Service configuration of a required project is not visible in the Inscription Editor
+ XIVY-1550 Bug Extend/Customize Web Service Endpoints
+ XIVY-1571 Bug Maven project-build-plugin fails with ClassNotFoundException
+ XIVY-1578 Story Release Axon.ivy BPM Suite 6.5
+ XIVY-1579 Bug Improve engine stop in Designer
+ XIVY-1580 Bug Workspace preference to deactivate automatically start of all process engines on Designer start
+ XIVY-1582 Story Improve Performance of session.findInvolvedCasesCategories for MySQL
+ XIVY-1611 Bug expiry configuration is only applied when a expiry-duration is defined
+ XIVY-1617 Bug Strange and random project validation problems if project class throws Exception in static initializer
+ XIVY-1624 Bug Exception: Lookup for ivy project based REST resources failed java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter processModelVersion must not be null
+ IVYPORTAL-3394 Story Session "Agile Uni for Portal"
+ IVYPORTAL-3369 Bug Related tasks of Case not display all Tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-3350 Story Get back PortalGUITest after new design applied
+ IVYPORTAL-3325 Story URL detection on single server
+ IVYPORTAL-3324 Story Small bugfixes
+ IVYPORTAL-3323 Story Create a 6.4 hotfix
+ IVYPORTAL-3288 Story Bug fix for Portal
+ IVYPORTAL-3247 Story Bug fix for release
+ IVYPORTAL-3219 Story Test migration
+ IVYPORTAL-3217 Story Test integrated Portal on Jakobshorn
+ IVYPORTAL-3158 Story Test chrome compatibility
+ IVYPORTAL-2818 Story JUnits in build
+ IVYPORTAL-2771 Story Autodetection if no extranet URL is set
Changes in 27.10.2016 (since product release, 12.09.2016)
This is a Leading Edge version.
We recommend to install this version only if you need one of the new features.
Otherwise, use the latest Long Term Support version.
Axon.ivy Core:
- Auto initialize Data Classes in Html Dialogs
Axon.ivy Designer:
- Easy import of Axon.ivy sample projects
Axon.ivy Engine:
- Optimized process model version activity and release state handling to reduce memory and startup time
Axon.ivy Portal:
- The whole Portal has been redesigned and extensively improved in UI and UX.
+ XIVY-82 Story Auto initialize beans in JSF EL to avoid NPE
+ XIVY-1035 Bug Portal is not loaded correctly if the engine start page was called during start up
+ XIVY-1038 Bug Change release state of PMV to archived if no cases running
+ XIVY-1055 Bug InstanceAlreadyExistsException when restarting server
* XIVY-1147 Story Encrypt passwords stored in system properties
+ XIVY-1222 Story Extend ivy.cms.co API for localized Emails
+ XIVY-1255 Story Remove system database support for SQL Anywhere and Db2 LUW
+ XIVY-1258 Bug ivy.html.get should work in mail steps
+ XIVY-1261 Bug "ivy." is not available in the result tab of a HD start event
+ XIVY-1294 Bug Fix DateTime mapping in persistence that a not initialized value is stored as NULL into the db
+ XIVY-1313 Story Find and analyse possible solutions for business case
+ XIVY-1317 Bug Strange business data search ordering with multiple words in the order field
+ XIVY-1321 Story Provide Axon.ivy trunk nightly on CDN and dev.axonivy.com
+ XIVY-1322 Improvement ivy.html.startref() should also generate link for process starts in required projects
+ XIVY-1324 Bug Engine could not be started because of NPE in DefaultApplicationUpdater
+ XIVY-1326 Bug NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/jsp/jstl/core/Config accessing Portal Home
+ XIVY-1328 Story Engines of ARCHIVED ProcessModelVersions should not be started
* XIVY-1330 Bug Session attributes are not removed on logout
+ XIVY-1333 Bug Engine occassionally sends update statistics burst (one per second)
+ XIVY-1334 Bug Engine could not be started because of NPE in DefaultProjectUpdater
+ XIVY-1335 Improvement InscriptionMask error in SubProzess Start
+ XIVY-1336 Bug UTF-8 encoded files are not compiled correctly with project build plugin
+ XIVY-1339 Story P2 Integration repository
+ XIVY-1343 Story Stateful Business Data Query Builder
+ XIVY-1344 Story Simpler to use Business Data containsWordPattern API
+ XIVY-1348 Improvement REST servlet configuration properties
+ XIVY-1349 Story Slim Cross Platform Engine Archive
+ XIVY-1355 Bug IWA_LibrarySpecification delete trigger is broken with MySql 5.7
+ XIVY-1357 Improvement Remove outdated/misleading documentation in the designer
+ XIVY-1359 Story Easy import of sample projects
* XIVY-1360 Bug Update Tomcat JK Connector due to security vulnerability
+ XIVY-1361 Improvement Support javax.security annotations to define Access restrictions on service-method level
+ XIVY-1365 Improvement Default timeout handling for REST client calls
+ XIVY-1370 Story Release Axon.ivy BPM Suite 6.4
+ XIVY-1373 Story Setup project infrastructure and build
+ XIVY-1399 Bug Task mails with standard process broken if UserDialog is used to generate mail content (JsfWorkflowUI)
+ XIVY-1401 Bug Paste is broken in subprocess
+ XIVY-1404 Bug ErrorStart provides wrong legacy 'exception'
Changes in 12.09.2016 (since product release, 01.07.2016)
This is a Leading Edge version.
We recommend to install this version only if you need one of the new features.
Otherwise, use the latest Long Term Support version.
Axon.ivy Core:
- Business Data
- Repository API to save and load business data values
- Search API to search for business data values
Axon.ivy Designer:
- Web Service Call Element
- New options to control how the request parameters are set up and mapped.
Axon.ivy Portal:
- Customer case header
- Support IP masquerade with IVY system properties
- Searchable task and process descriptions
+ XIVY-1033 Bug Migration error on certain Oracle DBs when converting from 6.0 to 6.1
+ XIVY-1078 Story Investigate NoSql DBs (e.g. MongoDB) for CaseData
+ XIVY-1120 Story Investigate to store Dossier Data in SQL Db in JSON Fields
+ XIVY-1144 Story Integrate Portal Documentation
+ XIVY-1156 Bug Error when converting system database on Db2 iSeries to 6.2
+ XIVY-1177 Story Prepare technology decision for dossier data storage
+ XIVY-1178 Story API to load and store business data
+ XIVY-1192 Bug Server cannot be started because of BindException
+ XIVY-1194 Story Finish API to load/save and update Business Data
+ XIVY-1195 Story Improve Business Data Serialization
+ XIVY-1196 Story API to search Business Data (using Elastic Search)
+ XIVY-1198 Bug Maven engine version dection sometimes evaluates wrong version
+ XIVY-1201 Improvement Issue with receiving and sending the same signal in a process
+ XIVY-1208 Story Remove unused RMI Registry (from Engine) and own MBeanServer (from Designer and Engine)
+ XIVY-1209 Story Integrate Elastic Search into Designer and index business data with it
+ XIVY-1214 Bug Cannot set top level web service request fields to nil (null)
+ XIVY-1226 Story Stop background jobs before starting shutdown of engine
+ XIVY-1237 Bug Maven project build blugin fails to create web service process class that contains parameter/result type defined in required project
+ XIVY-1239 Story Make PF Extensions usable without patching the Ivy Engine
+ XIVY-1243 Bug Ivy Project creation doesn't accept stepping back
+ XIVY-1244 Story Managed business data value objects
+ XIVY-1245 Story Provide BusinessData Respository as ivy.xyz variable
+ XIVY-1246 Story Flatten BusinessData JSON to use in Elastic Search Index
+ XIVY-1247 Story Integrate Elastic Search into Axon.ivy Engine
+ XIVY-1248 Story Doku Serializing of Business Data Value
+ XIVY-1249 Bug Auto engine download is blocked in an endless loop
+ XIVY-1250 Bug Deployment Scanner Thread fails with exception during startup
+ XIVY-1256 Story Release 6.3
+ XIVY-1257 Bug Boundary Signal on UserTask does not work properly in parallel Tasks
+ XIVY-1262 Story Provide createdByUser and modifiedByUser information for Business Data
+ XIVY-1264 Story Extension point that is responsible to store business data entities
+ XIVY-1265 Story Clean Business Data Action on the Designer UI
+ XIVY-1266 Story Test Business Data with millions of entries
+ XIVY-1268 Story Finalize Business Data Repository Public API
+ XIVY-1273 Story Tech: Simplify creation of a new release
+ XIVY-1277 Bug Signaled cases are started in process model version that are not RELEASED
+ IVYPORTAL-1088 Story Searchable task and process descriptions
+ IVYPORTAL-1397 Story Evaluate CSS frameworks for easy config
+ IVYPORTAL-1619 Story Support IP masquerade with IVY system prop-s
+ IVYPORTAL-2112 Story Tested nightly integration
+ IVYPORTAL-2439 Story Examine current customization II.
+ IVYPORTAL-2490 Story Adopt ivy doc template + publish manually
+ IVYPORTAL-2509 Story Display data only of selected App
+ IVYPORTAL-2510 Bug License violation: leaking user sessions
+ IVYPORTAL-2511 Bug Clean up role check (hasRole)
+ IVYPORTAL-2585 Story Improve History look II.
+ IVYPORTAL-2624 Story HTML Proto 2.
+ IVYPORTAL-2658 Story Editable name + description II.
+ IVYPORTAL-2671 Story Custom case list header
+ IVYPORTAL-2679 Story Stakeholder presentation
Changes in (since product release, 14.03.2016) 01.07.2016
This is a Leading Edge version.
We recommend to upgrade 6.1 installations because this version fixes critical security issues!
We recommend to install this version only if you need one of the new features.
Otherwise, use the latest Long Term Support version.
Axon.ivy Core:
- Use JAX-RS annotations on Java classes to provide your own REST services.
- Public API to call sub processes from a REST service class.
- New 'REST Clients' entry in the project tree under 'Definitions'.
- New Editor to configure REST Clients.
- New ivy.rest API to call REST services.
- Rule Engine
- Drools integrated as Rule Engine.
- New Wizard to create rule files.
- Rule files are displayed in the project tree under the new 'Rules' folder.
- New editor to edit rule files.
- New ivy.rules.engine API to execute rules.
- Maven Plugin supports to start and stop an Engine.
- HTTP Basic authentication supported on Web Service Processes
- Roles can have other Roles as members
- Upgrade to Tomcat 8
Axon.ivy Designer:
- Improved Html Dialog editor
- JSF and Ivy Components can be manipulated in the editor (Select, Delete, Move, etc.)
- Attributes and start methods of JSF and Ivy Components can be configured
- New ConnectivityDemos demo project
- New RuleEngineDemos demo project
- Drag and drop of any file from OS into project tree view
Axon.ivy Engine:
- Passwords stored in the system database are now encrypted using state of the art standard encryption algorithms (AES, bcrypt).
- System Database and CMS Caches can now be monitored using JMX.
Axon.ivy Portal:
- Task and Case detail views can be customized
- Default favourite process start links on user's home page can be provided programmatically
+ XIVY-15 Story Use standard encryption or hash algorithm for storing passwords in the system database
+ XIVY-16 Story Support Roles as Members of a Role
+ XIVY-27 Story Automatically redeploy portal application if a new version is available
+ XIVY-51 Story Default action for setting attributes of components
+ XIVY-52 Story Move embedded components in the dialog
+ XIVY-53 Story Edit startMethod and parameters of an embedded component
+ XIVY-117 Bug Fix resume task response in cluster environment
* XIVY-119 Bug Designer crashes when DnD after rename dialog
+ XIVY-120 Bug IDocumentService.delete() does not delete file contents on disk
+ XIVY-121 Bug Boundary Event Error after copy/paste
+ XIVY-141 Story Rule Engine university
+ XIVY-229 Story Gather Fintech/COB requirements
+ XIVY-230 Story Gather other requirements
+ XIVY-233 Story Use linking to jump to component file in new editor
+ XIVY-234 Story Default action for setting the start method of components
+ XIVY-237 Story Prepare short list
+ XIVY-238 Story Prototypes
+ XIVY-239 Story Make suggestions
+ XIVY-290 Story Load all defined attributes of components in the properties view
+ XIVY-348 Bug Improve resource caching
+ XIVY-352 Story Investigation with Visual Rules
+ XIVY-353 Story Extend information for Drools
+ XIVY-354 Story Extend information for OpenRules
+ XIVY-355 Story Create stakeholder meeting presentation
+ XIVY-422 Story Smart buttons for each attribute of cc:attributes
+ XIVY-429 Story Preliminary integration of Drools in 6.1.x sprint release
+ XIVY-430 Story Development infrastructure for Rule Engine API and toolset
+ XIVY-431 Story Implement minimal call API to Rule Engine
+ XIVY-433 Story Public API implementation reflecting PMV model
+ XIVY-434 Story Coach teams Kepler and Vision in Rule Engines and Drools
+ XIVY-485 Story Tree nodes for rule files in Designer project tree
+ XIVY-488 Story Popup menu and key shortcuts for rule set nodes
+ XIVY-489 Story Create rule sets with new rule set wizard
+ XIVY-526 Story Simple JUnit testing support for Rule Engine
+ XIVY-531 Story Execute JUnit rule tests with maven plugin
+ XIVY-609 Story Keep opening drawer after reload palette
+ XIVY-611 Story Ivy Project supports CSS3 profile
+ XIVY-616 Story Integrate the rule engine plugins provided from Team Up
+ XIVY-617 Story Overwrite Drools UI elements
+ XIVY-618 Story Maven goals to start and stop an Axon.ivy Engine inside the Maven process
+ XIVY-626 Story Ready for 6.2 development
+ XIVY-633 Bug CMS Form Editor does not track form field changes
+ XIVY-644 Story Make GE compatible with dialogs that inherit from Portal template
+ XIVY-655 Epic Taglib metadata generator refactoring for JSF/PF elements
+ XIVY-657 Story Make Rule Engine API public
+ XIVY-661 Story Generic CellEditor in Properties View
+ XIVY-667 Story Provide extension point to add own properties to the ivy variable
+ XIVY-671 Story Provide an API to get JAX-RS Clients that can be configured per environment
+ XIVY-673 Story Support server side JAX-RS annotation on java classes in Axon.ivy project
+ XIVY-674 Story Use project dependencies for Rule Set and Rule namespace resolution
+ XIVY-675 Story Create Rule Engine Eclipse feature
+ XIVY-676 Story Use decision tables in API
+ XIVY-677 Story Use decision tables in Ivy project tree
+ XIVY-678 Story Rule Base update after changes in Designer
+ XIVY-680 Story Update New Rule set wizard for decision tables
+ XIVY-682 Story Update trunk target platform to 6.1 release
+ XIVY-734 Story Demo project for Rules
+ XIVY-739 Story Facet converter for the column in the data table
+ XIVY-748 Story Manipulate panel grid facet inside GE
+ XIVY-757 Story Cache not existing entities in persistency cache
+ XIVY-758 Story Reduce file access (File.exists) when finding user dialogs
+ XIVY-772 Bug WS Process build broken in Designer
+ XIVY-778 Story Support AutoComplete component
+ XIVY-780 Story PoC for a framework for extending the installation statistics
* XIVY-844 Story Optimize JSF Memory Consumption: Remove Dialog Runtime when JSF View expires
+ XIVY-849 Bug Cannot trigger process in offline user task
* XIVY-850 Bug Memory Leak when HTML Dialogs are called in sequence
+ XIVY-854 Bug Can not delete DataClass which is used by an HtmlDialog interface method
+ XIVY-860 Story Use extension points to access rule engine API with ivy.rules
+ XIVY-861 Story Update trunk target platform to 6.2 SR1
+ XIVY-876 Story Provide external XA capable simple Workflow API
+ XIVY-885 Story Static example rule in rule resources
+ XIVY-887 Story Provide help texts, source code and javadoc for PublicAPI defined in rule.engine plugins
+ XIVY-888 Story Refresh decision tables in rule base after decision table resource changes
+ XIVY-938 Improvement The default SystemTask failure behaviour should be system wide configurable
+ XIVY-964 Bug Boolean property cell editor works incorrectly
+ XIVY-966 Story Deliver PublicAPI plugin into maven repository
+ XIVY-968 Story Tested AdminUI nightly integration
+ XIVY-1007 Story Configure Members of a Role in AdminUI
+ XIVY-1015 Bug Can not use 'in' variable in UserTasks customTaskFields
+ XIVY-1016 Bug Project dependencies don't resolve anymore when migrating from 6.0 to 6.1
+ XIVY-1018 Story Support Roles as Members of Roles in Role Editor
+ XIVY-1020 Story New Build to build latest trunk with latest Portal version (green/green)
+ XIVY-1024 Story Drag external files to the IvyProjectTree
+ XIVY-1031 Story Project-build-plugin: support version range for ivyVersion property
+ XIVY-1040 Story Show attribute names in default action pop up
+ XIVY-1066 Story Update to Tomcat 8
+ XIVY-1072 Story Start a BPM process during a REST request
+ XIVY-1073 Story UI Editor to manage REST service clients
+ XIVY-1074 Story Document REST client featureset
+ XIVY-1075 Story Multi-Environment support for REST service clients
+ XIVY-1085 Bug NPE on sending mail from a Rich Dialog process
+ XIVY-1090 Story Configure REST Clients in Admin UI
! XIVY-1094 Story Provide common authentication for WS client + WS processes
+ XIVY-1113 Story Improve/Simplify API to call Sub Process from within a REST service
+ XIVY-1129 Story Release 6.2
+ XIVY-1131 Story Automatically redeploy system application if a new version is available
+ XIVY-1145 Bug modena-ivy theme has several blue left-overs from modena
+ XIVY-1151 Bug De-serialization broken: Serializable object causes java.io.EOFException
+ XIVY-1175 Bug Cannot configure entity data class field with type Set<XYZ> in editor
+ XIVY-1181 Story WS Prozess with HTTP Basic should also support Container authorization
+ IVYPORTAL-187 Story Move server18 to the cloud
+ IVYPORTAL-457 Story Detect server URL
+ IVYPORTAL-628 Story Align action icons and use permission
+ IVYPORTAL-647 Story Revision number to each projects
+ IVYPORTAL-661 Story Review + update doc
+ IVYPORTAL-879 Story mini UI updates
+ IVYPORTAL-912 Story Statistics widget
+ IVYPORTAL-1143 Story Rework URL detection
+ IVYPORTAL-1187 Story Good task list performance
+ IVYPORTAL-1415 Story Reserve on task widget (park)
+ IVYPORTAL-1615 Story Reference to case
+ IVYPORTAL-1629 Story Hyperlink to Case from Task details
+ IVYPORTAL-1647 Story Custom default process starts
+ IVYPORTAL-1650 Story Display time at date
+ IVYPORTAL-1731 Story Customize task details
+ IVYPORTAL-1737 Story Customize case details
+ IVYPORTAL-1940 Story Hide default process starts that cannot be started
+ IVYPORTAL-1998 Story Research how to re-impl. chat without Atmosphere
+ IVYPORTAL-2010 Story Reference to case II.
+ IVYPORTAL-2128 Story Customize task details II.
+ IVYPORTAL-2129 Story Customize case details II.
+ IVYPORTAL-2130 Story Research how to re-impl. chat without Atmosphere II.
+ IVYPORTAL-2131 Story Good task list performance II.
+ IVYPORTAL-2186 Story PLACEHOLDER: small bugfix(s)
+ IVYPORTAL-2189 Story Examine current customization
+ IVYPORTAL-2201 Story Remove isAlive
+ IVYPORTAL-2202 Story Improve History look
+ IVYPORTAL-2221 Story Low hanging fruit: E.ON + Currenta
+ IVYPORTAL-2225 Story Move server18 to the cloud II.
+ IVYPORTAL-2272 Bug Permission Exceptions on Engine
+ IVYPORTAL-2296 Story Customize task details III.
+ IVYPORTAL-2368 Bug Problem with Special Signs in Live Search
! IVYPORTAL-2370 Story Provide authentication details for PortalConnector settings
! IVYPORTAL-2371 Story Setup WS authentication for PortalConnector WS-s
+ IVYPORTAL-2434 Story HTML Portal proto
+ IVYPORTAL-2578 Story Low hanging fruit: E.ON + Currenta II
Changes in (since product release, 24.11.2015) 14.03.2016
Axon.ivy Core:
- Signals
- New Signal Start and Boundary Event Process Elements
- New API to send signals
- New API to query sent signals and signal receivers
- Support for Maven style Axon.ivy project version format
- Improved Maven Plugin
- Allows to run unit tests contained in Axon.ivy projects
- Is able to deploy Axon.ivy projects to an Axon.ivy Engine
- New location service with geo-position information
Axon.ivy Designer:
- Improved Html Dialog editor
- Facets support on certain widgets
- Improved Icon Browser
- Drag and drop support for JSF components
- JSF components can now be selected and deleted
- Smart buttons in property view
- New Workflow Demos project
- Drag and drop support of *.iar files from OS into project tree view
Axon.ivy Engine:
- New deploy directory to deploy *.iar files without UI
- Support for Eclipse Extension Point mechanism
- Configure Primefaces Theme per application
- Thread pools can be configured with system properties and monitored over JMX
Axon.ivy Portal:
- Case list & case details
- Statistics
- Chat
- Sticky main menu
- Task categories
- Improved search experience
+ XIVY-2 Story Geolocation information per user and task
+ XIVY-7 Story Maven goal to deploy IvyProjects to an engine
+ XIVY-9 Epic Provide geo and address information on tasks and users
+ XIVY-12 Story Endless Loop Detection in new process engine
+ XIVY-19 Story Improve log output of ivy maven plugin
+ XIVY-20 Story Task description can not be used in TaskQuery with operator isLike
+ XIVY-25 Epic Signal Boundary Events on Tasks and Script Function to send signals
+ XIVY-37 Story DnD JSF composite components
+ XIVY-39 Story Use smart buttons in quick edit
+ XIVY-40 Story Extend icon browser filter for font awesome icons
+ XIVY-41 Story Icon smart button for icon attribute of buttons
+ XIVY-42 Story Open icon browser from SE
+ XIVY-43 Story Support font awesome icons in icon browser
+ XIVY-44 Story Data class smart button for value attribute of input fields
+ XIVY-45 Story Logic smart button for action attribute of command buttons and links
+ XIVY-46 Story Cms smart button for value attribute of labels
+ XIVY-48 Epic Smart buttons in properties view
+ XIVY-49 Epic Icon Browser for Html Dialog Editor
+ XIVY-55 Story select and delete embedded components
+ XIVY-79 Story Declare ivy extensions inside the implementing project (plugin)
+ XIVY-81 Story Support common maven version format in pom.xml, Deployment Editor and ILibraryVersionSpecification API
+ XIVY-84 Story Support for NTLM auth at WS config
+ XIVY-103 Story Development infrastructure for trunk
+ XIVY-124 Story Send Signal over API and receive it on a Boundary Signal Event located on a User Task
+ XIVY-138 Improvement DnD of ivy archive files and ivy project folders to ivy project tree
+ XIVY-143 Story Put extension for RDC into plugin
+ XIVY-222 Story Facet converter for the panel grid
+ XIVY-224 Story Facet converter for the tab
+ XIVY-225 Story Facet converter for the fieldset
+ XIVY-226 Story Facet converter for the panel
+ XIVY-227 Story Facet converter for the layout unit
+ XIVY-228 Story Facet converter for the data table
+ XIVY-291 Story Signal Receiver Inscription Mask
+ XIVY-292 Story Signal Start Event Process Element
+ XIVY-293 Story Document Signal Event Concept
+ XIVY-294 Story Validate if signal boundary events still exists during deployment
+ XIVY-295 Story Signal Trace API and Designer UI
+ XIVY-296 Story UI to send signals for debugging
+ XIVY-297 Story Overlay menu to attach signal boundary event to user task
+ XIVY-312 Story Support new version API in Admin UI
+ XIVY-316 Story Integrate primeface push
+ XIVY-318 Story Update download area of developer.axon.ivy.ch for 6.1 release
+ XIVY-339 Story Logic smart button for all events in properties view
+ XIVY-340 Story CMS smart button for all UI attributes in properties view
+ XIVY-341 Story Data class smart button for all data binding attributes in properties view
+ XIVY-347 Improvement Remove 'Open Error Report' from default error pages
+ XIVY-357 Story Use new logic browser in default action
+ XIVY-359 Story Icon Browser perfection
+ XIVY-360 Story Load all JSF composite components
+ XIVY-420 Story Update to most current sprint release
+ XIVY-421 Story Data class smart buttons for combo based cell editor properties
+ XIVY-467 Story Enhance simulation tasklist in Designer with Signal Infos
+ XIVY-481 Bug Empty String as default value for WebServer.ExternalHostName System Property
+ XIVY-485 Story Tree nodes for rule files in Designer project tree
+ XIVY-490 Story Unify details for Status & History
+ XIVY-493 Bug Support '-' in project names and artifact name
+ XIVY-519 Story Integrate Portal chat feature (push)
+ XIVY-520 Improvement Skip opening of User Dialog when process is executing as system user
+ XIVY-527 Story Support both CMS and data class smart buttons for string based properties
+ XIVY-528 Story Risk report and plan for "metadata generator" refactoring
+ XIVY-532 Story Support both CMS and data class buttons for some properties in the default action
+ XIVY-619 Story Prepare the release of Axon.ivy 6.1 (Jakobshorn)
+ XIVY-654 Story Generic linking support
* XIVY-668 Bug Deployment Validation don't consider changed task outputs anymore
+ XIVY-672 Bug Invoking HtmlDialog whose arguments is Ivy List no longer works in Axon.ivy 6.0.2
+ XIVY-727 Bug java.sql.SQLException: some part of your SQL statement is nested too deeply. Rewrite the query or break it up into smaller queries. (MSSQL)
+ XIVY-756 Story Release Axon.ivy 6.1
+ IVYPORTAL-1029 Bug Fix absence mgmt
+ IVYPORTAL-1382 Story Filter to search for tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-1530 Story Replace old All task list
+ IVYPORTAL-1531 Story Open/close main menu
+ IVYPORTAL-1542 Story Sticky categories in menu
+ IVYPORTAL-1614 Story Propose design for Case list and desc.
+ IVYPORTAL-1617 Story Upgrade IVY to latest v6.1
+ IVYPORTAL-1643 Story Extendible Home screen: basics
+ IVYPORTAL-1644 Story New look for case list
+ IVYPORTAL-1645 Story New look for case details
+ IVYPORTAL-1646 Story Search for cases in toolbar
+ IVYPORTAL-1648 Story As User I want to select my favorite process starts in the process start list
+ IVYPORTAL-1649 Bug Not possbile to save an application in the Admin-Settings
+ IVYPORTAL-1672 Story Display search hits for task/case/process
+ IVYPORTAL-1687 Story WHAT TO DO with chat as default
+ IVYPORTAL-1694 Story Propose design for Case list and desc. II.
+ IVYPORTAL-1695 Story Extendible Home screen: basics II.
+ IVYPORTAL-1734 Story Test & fix before release 6.1
+ IVYPORTAL-1740 Story Link to related tasks
+ IVYPORTAL-1741 Story Extend search with CustomVarchar1..5
+ IVYPORTAL-1842 Story New look for case details II
+ IVYPORTAL-1843 Story Display search hits for task/case/process II
+ IVYPORTAL-1888 Story Handle failure when task can't be started
+ IVYPORTAL-1889 Bug Chat does not work on Linux
+ IVYPORTAL-1890 Story Remove non-functional buttons from chat
The following issues fixed in 6.0 update releases are also included in 6.1
Update Release (15.02.2016)
We strongly recommend to install this update release because it fixes critical security issues!
+ XIVY-6 Story Maven support to run unit-test with the ivy classpath
+ XIVY-131 Story Make search system task job period configurable
* XIVY-133 Story Ensure that JobManager.executeOnce does not create unbounded threads in its thread pool.
! XIVY-139 Bug User can overtake an html dialog instance from another user
+ XIVY-232 Bug Portal application is removed from filesystem if you start and stop a demo engine
+ XIVY-321 Bug Latest documentation not up to date after uploading new update release
+ XIVY-335 Bug Improve bootstrap reset css to support all themes
+ XIVY-338 Improvement Add ThemeSwitcher to HtmlDialog Demos
* XIVY-417 Bug TaskSwitchGateway: Task Configs are not read correctly when task-order is not alphabetically
+ XIVY-418 Bug Can not build ivyProject with ANT or Maven on a path that contains whitespaces
+ XIVY-426 Bug Deployment Editor should allow underscores in Group ID and Project ID
+ XIVY-427 Bug Restoring attached JSF state fails with ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.List
+ XIVY-505 Bug IvyScriptContext for Background Operation Steps not correct
+ XIVY-506 Bug UI freeze in HistoryView during Process Execution
+ XIVY-507 Bug IllegalStateException in ProcessEngineDebugTarget if processes are executed and one presses the stop engine button
+ XIVY-515 Bug User Task: Call Start Parameters are executed twice
+ XIVY-615 Bug EmptyStackException after closing Rich Dialog
* XIVY-625 Bug SQLException: The underlying connection was already closed
+ XIVY-631 Bug HD creation: missing in/out mapping on method close() event element
Update Release (24.12.2015)
* XIVY-1 Story Prevent endless loop during error handling
+ XIVY-100 Story Create Branch and Setup Builds for 6.0
+ XIVY-116 Bug The compile goal does not copy resources in source folders to the classes output directory
+ XIVY-127 Bug Axis2 - Could not perform Web service client generation
+ XIVY-129 Bug Class ivyteam.cs.webapp.pi.ConfigurationEditor is not accessible in the Designer
+ XIVY-134 Story Application specific Primefaces Themes
+ XIVY-135 Story Release Update Release 6.0.1
+ XIVY-136 Bug Task Mails have a lot of useless and large attachements
+ XIVY-137 Bug Primefaces autocomplete with dropdown and modena broken
+ XIVY-178 Bug Problem of Import/Export CMS with language name like it_CH
+ XIVY-202 Bug IApplication.customProperties().findAllStartingWith(...) may return custom properties from other applications
+ XIVY-204 Bug HtmlWFUI brocken in 6.0
+ XIVY-221 Bug User Task after Start Event Bean causes Error
+ XIVY-231 Improvement Update banner image and style of default (jsp) task mails
+ XIVY-289 Improvement JSFWorkflowUi Restyling
Changes in (since product release, 12.9.2014) 24.11.2015
We strongly recommend to install this new version because it updates a lot of internal libraries which may have fixed critical security issues!
Axon.ivy Core:
- New process engine
- New error handling concept with:
- Error boundary events on activities
- Error start events
- Error end events
- Error object
- Project global error handling
- Customizable error pages
- New user task process elements
- Offline user tasks (with mobile app)
- Enhanced error message and http status codes
- Maven build plugin to build ivy projects
- RIA session timeout
- New rich dialog client certificate
- Faces validator support
- New document API to attach documents to cases
- NTLM authentication support in webservice configuration
- Log web service HTTP communication
- New application custom properties with Public API
- Updated to Primefaces 5.3 and Primefaces Extensions 4.0.0
- Updated to Tomcat 7.0.65
- Java 8
- Updated third party libraries
Axon.ivy Designer:
- New Html Dialog editor
- WYSIWYG (CSS, Template, Ivy Component support)
- UI for binding data, logic and cms
- Simplified palette
- New webservice configuration editor
- New context menu to start a process
- New context menu to open editor of process data class
- Copy process image to clipboard
- Improved data class field editor
- Support for orphan removal in entity class editor
- New project dependency graph view
- Add content from url in CMS view
- Multi selection support in CMS view
- Disable permission checks on script step
- Jump to process elements with a PID in console log
- Improved debugging with Jump into, Jump over and Return
- Improved animation options (do not enter dialog logic, follow only top level business process)
- Eclipse 4.4.2
- Subclipse 1.12 (Subversion 1.9)
- Support for Java's lambda expression and stream API
Axon.ivy Engine:
- New portal application
+ 17874 Major Feature Exception handling on Step
+ 21825 Bug WS-Call: could not set Axis2-Flag in ws-configuration
+ 22259 Improvement Debug: add "step into sub call (F5)" to process debug
+ 22569 Improvement Techn: Eliminate dependency of build to ruby
+ 22763 Bug DB-Config Editor in Designer should not test the db connection arbitrarily
+ 22926 Improvement Deliver ivy projects as ivy archives in Designer and Server
+ 22971 Bug Class loading exception blocks server start in some cases
+ 23041 Bug Cannot configure web service fallback server correctly
+ 23067 Bug Passwörter länger als 28 Zeichen
+ 23079 Feature PublicAPI method to get all task (process) stages
+ 23080 Feature PublicAPI getter for Process Category and Name
+ 23216 Improvement Use of authentification types is not clear
+ 23289 Bug Do not create error markers if errors occur during process engine start
+ 23346 Bug CMS: PanelEditor uses wrong default language
+ 23354 Improvement unused jars in server
+ 23447 Bug Links to Public API broken in N&N
+ 23469 Bug WebServiceConfigEditor does not reload on file change
+ 23494 Bug Fall back server same for all ws ports in ws conf editor
+ 23544 Bug Can not generate client stubs with WS Policy in wsdl
+ 23566 Improvement Ivy Persistency Logs error if getSingleResult throws exception
+ 23613 Bug PerformanceView does not count correctly "Nb of int executions"
+ 23629 Bug WebService NTLM Authentication
+ 23672 Feature Call ExceptionProcess from ScriptStep
+ 23935 Improvement Global Process Link, Smart Table and panel content objects
+ 24155 Improvement Html dialogs in event log details
+ 24161 Bug ISession.loginSessionUser(..) and ISession.logoutSessionUser() should not reset the current running task
+ 24226 Feature Edit absences and substitutes of a user in Portal
+ 24251 Improvement Validate if configured fired event of fire event element is declared in RichDialog interface
+ 24250 Improvement Validate if configured broadcast of broadcast start element is declared in RichDialog interface
+ 24295 Bug Unclear UI behaviour ws configuration port type selection
+ 24317 Improvement Techn: Implement own sperate build for all ivy project delivered with Xpert.ivy
+ 24318 Feature Provide maven plugin to build ivyProjects
+ 24319 Feature Provide javadoc and/or source in java editor
+ 24352 Improvement Create index on IWA_EventLogStatus
+ 24399 Feature Deployment-Wizard (Server), Possibility to set name of <NEW> PMV
+ 24429 Bug Deployment wizard does not remember the last deployment location
+ 24493 Improvement Improve arc bending in the process editor
+ 24561 Bug Multiple Server-Admin UIs interfere each other
+ 24563 Bug Renaming of a property in a PI-Step is not done properly
+ 24573 Improvement Server Admin: I want to be able to resize the "Applications" area
+ 24612 Bug Empty User Filter causes Exception
+ 24631 Bug Debug-Variables view is empty on first open
+ 24868 Bug NPE when no DB Table field is selected on the DB fields Dialog
+ 24948 Bug Wrong username on RESUME_TASK WorkflowEvent data
+ 24978 Bug Duplicates in process data possible without prompting an error
+ 25009 Improvement Optimize performance of Task and CaseQuery API for cetain database fields
+ 25069 Major Feature Error Handing
+ 25126 Major Feature New Process Engine
+ 25129 Feature Prototype the use of CDI with the new process engine prototype
+ 25131 Feature Prototype suspend/resume ivyScript/RIA with the new process engine prototype
+ 25141 Major Feature Integrate Mobile Offline Workflow Application
+ 25142 Feature Concept about how offline mobile clients can be integrated into a workflow process
+ 25167 Bug Process editor is ca. 600pix smaller as window size
+ 25170 Improvement Improve type searching in editors when name and type declaration is entered as name:type
+ 25172 Feature Use Maven POM.xml as artifact and dependency declaration instead of libray.libraryconfig
+ 25173 Improvement Integrate M2E Eclipse Plugin into Designer
+ 25174 Feature Publish ivy-compile-plugin to maven central
+ 25177 Improvement Make mac designer work with Java 8
+ 25178 Feature User Task process element prototype for mobile offline client
+ 25206 Major Feature Epic: Continuous Integration with Maven
+ 25207 Improvement Support Maven groupId in deployment descriptor editor
+ 25208 Improvement Improve configuration of ivy maven project-build-plugin
+ 25209 Feature New process engine basic functionality
+ 25210 Feature Animate processes executed in the new process engine
+ 25211 Feature History data of process executed in the new process engine
+ 25212 Feature Debugging of processes executed in the new process engine
+ 25214 Feature Embedded subs in new process engine
+ 25215 Feature Workflow Process Elements in new process engine
+ 25219 Improvement Keep builders in IvyArchive
+ 25223 Improvement How to use "in" object attributes in cms, mail, macros to get a context specific formatted attribute value?
+ 25239 Improvement multi select on CMS
+ 25240 Improvement Add co from the web
+ 25252 Improvement Integration of the new Html Page Editor of team Up
+ 25253 Improvement Offline Client Interface Specification
+ 25258 Feature Call sub in new process engine
+ 25259 Improvement Split and Join Process Elements in new process engine
+ 25267 Bug Wrong format of execution time in database tab in AdminUI
+ 25272 Bug ERROR log if you open a page from page archive
+ 25300 Feature Analyse user use cases and write exception handling concept
+ 25301 Feature WebPage Process Elements in new process engine
+ 25302 Feature Merge Workflow API enhancements from 5.1 to 5.0
+ 25303 Bug It is not possible to Stop the New Engine in the Designer
+ 25319 Feature Provide task list as REST API
+ 25320 Improvement Task state information in http response header
+ 25337 Feature Workflow Process Elements in new process engine II
+ 25338 Improvement Techn: Update to JMockit 1.14
+ 25365 Feature New process element "Error Boundary Event"
+ 25366 Improvement Create data model for "Boundary Error Event" process element
+ 25367 Improvement Support for Boundary Error Event in process editor
+ 25368 Improvement Inscription Mask for Boundary Error Event
+ 25372 Improvement Boundary error event in new process engine
+ 25377 Improvement EMail process element in new process engine
+ 25378 Feature Migrate platform to Eclipse 4.4.2 (Luna) I
+ 25394 Improvement Use new Build Server for Builds
+ 25400 Bug String assignment with dollar sign in output tab changes its value at runtime
+ 25401 Improvement Visualize legacy roles in AdminUi
+ 25406 Feature Migrate platform to Eclipse 4.4.2 (Luna) II
+ 25407 Bug Focus and resizing problems on Mac with eclipse 4.4.2
+ 25410 Improvement Task state information in http response header for skip task list cases
+ 25411 Feature Enhance mobile client remote API oo handle offline tasks
+ 25412 Improvement [Tech] Improve build and use only maven (artefacts, settings)
+ 25414 Feature Define architecture/design for offline tasks and its execution
+ 25415 Feature Database process element in new process engine
+ 25429 Feature Web service call element in new process engine
+ 25430 Feature Program Interface process element in new process engine
! 25431 Feature Deliver and run on latest java 8 jre (Designer and Engine)
+ 25434 Feature User Task offline form configuration, definition, implementation and tooling
+ 25436 Bug Parameter mapping is wrong
+ 25444 Feature User Dialog process element with Html Dialog support in new process engine
+ 25445 Feature User Dialog Start process element with Html Dialog support in new process engine
+ 25446 Feature User Dialog Method Start process element with Html Dialog support in new process engine
+ 25447 Feature User Dialog Event Start process element with Html Dialog support in new process engine
+ 25448 Feature User Dialog Process End process element with Html Dialog support in new process engine
+ 25449 Feature User Dialog Exit End process element with Html Dialog support in new process engine
+ 25450 Improvement Provide a service for a single task in the workflow REST API
+ 25451 Improvement Provide JSON formatted content for errors during *.iot requests
+ 25452 Improvement Use User Dialog for rendering User Task offline form
+ 25456 Feature Copy process as Image to Clipboard
+ 25459 Feature Project dependency graph view
+ 25462 Bug JsfWfUi: Process filter combobox, does not show all available ProcessCodes
+ 25465 Improvement JsfWfUi: The Task history table on CaseDetail should provide the option with/without SYSTEM tasks
+ 25471 Improvement Make ivy release downloads faster
+ 25477 Bug Wrong 3.9 import conversion of End Page element in Composite Sub
+ 25478 Bug Checkbox macro and radioselection macro behavior is different in 5.x than in 3.9
+ 25483 Bug DB step: record.getField("xx") mapping problems
+ 25485 Feature User Dialog process element with Rich Dialog support in new engine
+ 25486 Feature User Dialog Exit and Process End process elements with Rich Dialog support in new process engine
+ 25487 Feature User Dialog Start process element with Rich Dialog support in new process engine
+ 25489 Feature User Dialog Method and Event Start process element with Rich Dialog support in new process engine
+ 25505 Feature Prototype/Concept/Analyze how FileManager API can be migrated into a core API
+ 25507 Feature Broadcast Start process element support in new process engine
+ 25508 Feature Fire Event process element in new process engine
+ 25509 Feature UI Synchronization process element in new process engine
+ 25510 Feature Support modal RichDialog (Suspend/Resume) in the new process engine
+ 25511 Feature WebserviceStart and WebServiceEnd process element in new process engine
+ 25512 Feature Trigger process element in new process engine
+ 25513 Documentation Getting started tutorial on the web page
+ 25514 Documentation First Feature category in the Feature list of the product web page
+ 25516 Feature [Techn] Build and compile Axon.ivy with Java 8
+ 25520 Bug ivy.html.menu in ivy5.1 behaves different than the [ivy_menu] macro in iv3.9
! 25521 Feature Update to PrimeFaces 5.2
+ 25532 Improvement Finish Rich Dialog implementation in new process engine
+ 25533 Improvement Program Start process element in new process engine
+ 25534 Improvement Wait process element in new process engine
+ 25536 Improvement Exception Start process element in new process engine
+ 25538 Improvement Provide navigation from the process editor to the data class editor of the process data
+ 25541 Improvement [Techn] Maven mojo for generating system database meta depending java source, sql and documentation files
+ 25544 Bug Support swimlane colors with transparency
+ 25552 Improvement Find out the reason why a task has failed
+ 25566 Bug Ensure IvyScripts are executed in correct security execution context in new engine
+ 25567 Feature Performance statistic for new process engine
+ 25568 Bug Process animation sometimes does not work with new engine
+ 25571 Improvement new certificate for AXON IVY
+ 25572 Bug Process Call API does not work with new process engine
+ 25582 Feature New process element "End Error Event"
+ 25584 Improvement TECH: Resolve Third party dependencies as OSGI bundle
+ 25585 Feature User Task as user dialog with own data class and open/close logic
+ 25587 Feature Automatically rebuild execution model of changed processes in the new process engine
+ 25589 Feature Improve handling of Error Boundary Events in process editor
+ 25590 Feature Improve BpmException and BpmError
+ 25591 Improvement Display BpmError default error message in default error page
+ 25592 Feature Explain error handling to process designers
+ 25597 Feature Possibility to disable Security Permission checks on a Script Step
+ 25600 Improvement Optimize performance of LDAP user synchronizer
+ 25604 Improvement Modifiyng External Security Name on Role should display hint
+ 25610 Feature Error Start Event to catch errors in thrown anywhere in a process
+ 25611 Feature Log Web Service SOAP communication
+ 25622 Bug Inscription mask is about 600px smaller on OSX
+ 25629 Feature Add orphanRemoval property to entity class editor
+ 25631 Improvement Search callers of this process start must also find embedded dialog starts
+ 25633 Feature Throw business errors from a User Dialog out to the business process
+ 25634 Feature Deploy project WsAddOns automatically on the engine
+ 25636 Improvement API to manage project specific configuration data
+ 25640 Bug Primefaces tag and attribute description are not available in WebPageEditor
+ 25642 Feature Add UI support for offline capable Html Dialogs
+ 25643 Improvement Provide local process element variables in the variable view for the new process engine
+ 25660 Improvement Validate duplicated process GUID at design time
+ 25665 Improvement Add smart button and search dialog to Error Code Inscription Mask
* 25670 Bug Memory Leak in RichDialogApplication
+ 25671 Bug Linking to data class members only works for p:inputText
+ 25672 Bug SWT ivyscript editor validation displays wrong
+ 25675 Bug NPE when using SWT IvyScriptEditor in RCP editor when Designer starrts
+ 25676 Feature Support Primfaces Client Validation
+ 25678 Improvement Improve offline forms for mobile client
+ 25679 Improvement Change System database to improve performance and support new features
+ 25681 Bug ivy-project-build plugin fails to resolve transient dependencies
+ 25683 Improvement Improve existing error handler chooser UI
+ 25693 Improvement Validate that error catchers on the same level do not catch same error code
+ 25694 Improvement Remove old process engine
+ 25695 Improvement Icons on error start/end/boundary should be configurable
+ 25696 Improvement Own error code for java persistency (JPA) exception
+ 25698 Improvement Document Offline Html Dialog and Mobile Client
+ 25705 Bug Error on creating Oracle system database
+ 25706 Improvement SWT ivyScriptEditor can open in multiline dialog by context menu
+ 25710 Feature Integrate portal into engine
+ 25711 Improvement Upgrade libraries to newest minor versions
+ 25712 Improvement Cleanup ReadMe, N&N, Migration Notes, etc.
+ 25713 Improvement Use -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent in default GC options
+ 25714 Improvement Manual Testing of 6.0 and Fixing problems
+ 25715 Improvement Change slightly the product styling
+ 25720 Bug SystemDB creation fails on MySQL 5.6
+ 25731 Improvement Add limited support for unsupported DB fields
+ 25734 Improvement Cannot create a MySQL Database connection from Java
+ 25735 Bug Error log when passing an empty list to a webservice process
The following issues fixed in 5.1 update releases are also included in 6.0
Update Release (22.10.2015)
+ 25703 Bug RTable rendering broken when setListdata directly called
+ 25691 Bug Task and CaseQuery does not support to use operator 'and' with additional properties
+ 25690 Bug DbAdapter is not cached leading to a lot of additional 'SET DATEFORMAT ymd' sql commands
+ 25688 Bug Error on data mapping view when creating a subprocess
+ 25687 Improvement Upgrade several aspose jars in IvyAddOns (words, cells, pdf, slides)
+ 25669 Bug Hanging designer while hovering an ivy.cms.co() EL-expression
+ 25667 Bug Errors are logged while CloseUnusedConnections job runs
+ 25664 Bug UserDialog activity shows false positive validation error
+ 25650 Bug RiaWorkflowUi can throw an NPE if a task of a deprecated PMV is displayed
+ 25649 Bug Typing error in AxonIvyEngine.conf
+ 25646 Bug RiaWorkflowUi produces huge amount of logs as deprecated API is used
+ 25628 Improvement Alternative Gateway inscription detailed condition info on tooltip
+ 25627 Improvement Sort embedded rich dialogs alphabetically in start element inscription
+ 25625 Feature Designer support to jump to process element from an Engine log (extract)
+ 25621 Bug Missing "Change password" button in RIA WorkflowUI
+ 25588 Improvement Rich Dialogs communicating over a 3rd party security web application firewalls
+ 25522 Bug Same User Dialog Method should not be execute concurrently
+ 24770 Feature Respect @FacesValidator annotation
Update Release (30.07.2015)
+ 25599 Bug Sending of license violation mail could fail with IOException
+ 25598 Bug Error Page causes executing the start link twice
+ 25408 Bug Only synchronize the roles of a user when the user is synchronized from Ldap
Update Release (13.07.2015)
+ 25593 Bug BusinessCalendar.getWorkDayIn(...) with a negative relative-work-day as parameter returns passed date
+ 25580 Bug TaskQuery and CaseQuery with .where().and().not(...) fails
+ 25579 Bug additionalProperty() does not work with TasQuery or CaseQuery when using .or(..), .and(..) or .not(..)
+ 25578 Bug RTable and RTableTree call getter of model entry unnecessarily if field is empty
+ 25577 Bug BusinessCalendar.getBusinessTimeIn(...) with a negative duration as parameter could throw a NPE
+ 25576 Bug BusinessCalendar.getBusinessTimeIn(...) could result in a StackOverflowError Exception
+ 25575 Bug WorkflowUI: Optimize Case Detail for a huge amount of tasks and workflow events
+ 25563 Bug Failed to load Resources in Composite Components
+ 25560 Improvement Add dispose method on pdf viewer
+ 25559 Improvement FileManager in IvyAddOns. Unlocking files still locked by users which session has timed-out.
+ 25558 Feature FileManager - IvyAddOns. New feature FileLinks.
+ 25555 Bug PageArchive throws Exception "Illegal Group Reference"
+ 25554 Improvement Support for p:graphicImage
+ 25542 Bug JSP-Form with Datepicker Input Field in ivy5.x behaves different than in ivy3.9
+ 25537 Bug Creation of temp-session causes problems
+ 25528 Bug ArrayListOfObjects.contains() behaves wrong
+ 25492 Bug Method callback from inner to outer component fails with p:ajax
+ 25440 Improvement Filemanager: when displayed recursively the selected document displays its path in the filemanager info
+ 25439 Improvement HTML FileManager API in IvyAddons: HtmlFileManagerThumbnailer createFullSizeImages method should create temp images only
+ 25423 Bug Filemanager: file tags are not deleted if file is removed
+ 25403 Improvement Do not send empty user search queries to ActiveDirectory
+ 25482 Bug "21.4.2015".toDateTime() behaves different than in xivy3.9
+ 25453 Bug Maximized RichDialog window hides the auto-hidden taskbar of Windows
+ 24867 Improvement Use RD File Choosers with fixed base directory
Update Release (13.05.2015)
+ 25523 Bug Lookup list of RLookupField is too small
+ 25518 Bug SubProcessRunner.findSubProcessStarts() throws NullPointerException
+ 25490 Improvement Add API to find user without lookup in the external security system
+ 25480 Bug Designer WFUI: Not possible to change the activator of an unassigned task
+ 25461 Improvement RD session timeout only listens to action in RD windows
+ 25443 Bug MemoryLeak: Embedded RichDialogs are not unsubscribed from System Events
+ 25438 Bug Driver "Microsoft SQL Server (JDBC 4)" works not with date and time
+ 25427 Improvement Native Query: unhide setParameter for dates in IvyScript
+ 24017 Improvement Configuration of the namespace of WebService processes
+ 22438 Bug Macros in Name and Description of Process Start Element does not work
Update Release (26.03.2015)
+ 25426 Bug DesktopHandler mail function does not display the given "to", "cc" and "bcc" addresses
+ 25424 Improvement Close RD immediately when RD session timeout happens
+ 25421 Bug Jsf Workflow UI: redirect.jsp not found
+ 25417 Improvement Provide possibility to disable designer update checking in UI
+ 25409 Bug Workflow UI shows always same task after search in tree
+ 25403 Improvement Do not send empty user search queries to ActiveDirectory
+ 25395 Bug Project classloader throws LinkageError after server restart
+ 25391 Bug NPE in RDatePicker if UIDateDataType is set as a format
+ 25386 Bug Cant start ivy Engine on a headless Linux as it accesses X11
+ 25385 Bug HtmlDialog logic no longer accessible after re-deployment of an existing PMV
+ 25373 Bug Configure Cache Lifetime for Roles on IUser as System Property
+ 25371 Improvement Add property dereferencing aliases to LDAP context
+ 25361 Bug Designer could freezes if a project exists with a corrupted mod/process file
+ 25356 Improvement Improve performance/snynchronisation of ConnectionPool
+ 25355 Improvement NPE error log if you open RIA Workflow UI
+ 25221 Bug "in" no more available on outer process end element if inner process returns
+ 24680 Bug User defined column order is disrespected if RTable uses "in" in the cell visibility and setListData is called
Update Release (03.02.2015)
+ 25348 Improvement Dataclass fields created by process wizard should be persistent
+ 25344 Improvement ServerConfiguration should not start UpdateManager
+ 25342 Bug LdapBrowser does not show correct icons for user and groups for Novell eDirectory
+ 25340 Bug Enabler do not work with date picker
+ 25339 Bug set background in date picker does not fill the whole background
+ 25334 Bug correct borders on text field
+ 25333 Bug NPE when using setFormat on date picker
+ 25327 Bug javax.naming.InvalidNameException if cn of user contains a " (double quote) or ' single quote
+ 25323 Bug Data Bindings will not be saved if process logic is not opened in a editor
+ 25312 Feature Filemanager: moveDirectory API function needed.
+ 25311 Bug Error "Invalid request type" in log if starting RD over HTTPS
+ 25307 Improvement Deliver ULC widget source with Designer
+ 25295 Feature Filemanager and FileListTable - Before and after files upload custom actions possibility. Two callables have been placed at key logical points of the file upload workflow. One after the files have been selected for upload and before they are uploaded, and a second one after the files have been uploaded and integrated in the filemanagement database.
+ 25268 Feature FileTypeListFilter feature to be able to filter the fileTypes in methods that list them.
+ 25243 Bug FileType - Oracle db. Cannot find FileTypes which appname is empty (oracle transforms the empty strings to null).
+ 25234 Improvement At server start page, there is no list of applications that allows us to go directly to any one of them
+ 25218 Feature DocumentListFilter. If set in the filemanager configuration object, the DocumentPersistence API returns only documents accepted by the filter.
+ 25161 Feature File Archive protection. When activated, the users cannot delete a file version that has been already versioned as archive.
+ 25160 Bug Filemanager Oracle Db- Copy-paste of a file which name contains "(" or ")" fails with Oracle Exception: SQLDataException: ORA-01424: missing or illegal character following the escape character
Update Release (23.12.2014)
+ 25306 Bug JsfWfUi throws NPEs and showes other error msgs
+ 25297 Improvement Improve the Log content of an IPropertyFilter
+ 25289 Bug Text area background color for validation changes only after focus lost
+ 25287 Bug Tab in Visual VM plugin Axon.ivy is not displayed and crashes fast
+ 25284 Bug Date picker can return wrong date if time zones of client and server different
+ 25279 Bug For PostgreSQL the lastInsertedId is wrong if first column is not the primary key column
+ 25276 Bug Text field set border only draws an inside border
+ 25274 Improvement Bad performance and scaling of JSF resource requests
+ 25271 Bug Engine does not start after migration to version 5.1 if https port of the internal web server was and is still enabled
+ 25263 Bug Database process element with write query does not work for HSQL
+ 25262 Bug Some actions on the designer Wf UI display exceptions to the end user
+ 25261 Bug lastInsertedId does not work for mySQL
+ 25260 Improvement Improve Designer Bug Report
* 25250 Bug Concurrent-User Leak for WS Processes
+ 25248 Bug Error while sending license violation mail
+ 25247 Improvement Mapping of fields not possible due to duplicate check
+ 25241 Bug Text field with very big size and icons looks odd
* 25236 Bug WS Call: Wrong 'Entry Name' for 'Data Cache' might be used on concurrent execution
+ 25233 Bug Feature "Search callers of this process" often fails with error message
+ 25225 Improvement JPA: Avoid Connection-Leak
+ 25222 Bug Can not bypass a HD without running into IllegalStateEx afterwards
+ 25181 Bug Restart is needed when deploying missing required PMV
Update Release (27.10.2014)
+ 25200 Bug User Dialog Inscription hangs when setting Context name
+ 25199 Improvement Display and edit permissions is very slow with Active Directory
+ 25153 Bug Global variables not scrollable in AdminUI and are not being refreshed on change
+ 25180 Improvement Start process directly on the Request Start element
+ 25179 Bug An SQL insert throws a NPE with current jtds driver version (1.2.8)
+ 25169 Improvement Use ivy error page with iis
+ 25163 Improvement Session time out for rich dialogs
+ 25157 Bug RTextfield validation does not work if only a space is given
+ 25151 Bug Designer startup crashes with fatal error: could not start embedded Axon.ivy engine
+ 25093 Bug Restore of restored maximized window puts window out of screen
+ 25052 Bug Wrong CMS search index after co rename
+ 25043 Bug Path information leaking on error pages
+ 25013 Improvement Search sub process starts in the library but not in its dependencies
+ 24219 Improvement Customizable error report page
Changes in 5.1 (since product release, 8.4.2013)
Axon.ivy Core:
- Rename Xpert.ivy to Axon.ivy
- Support for SMTPS
- SSL client configuration
- Support for tomcat context.xml
- Empty web.xml
- Extended JMX support
- Updated to JSF 2.2
- Updated to Primefaces 5.0
- Download kind (eager/lazy) of rich dialog jars configurable
- New rich dialog client certificate
- Validation of RTextArea
- Customizable PDFViewer toolbar
- Enhanced workflow query API
- Java 1.7
- New look and feel of the default ivy JSF theme, web page layouts and stylesheets
Axon.ivy Designer:
- New process element style
- New BPMN activity process elements
- Support for pools and lanes
- Enhanced open type (Ctrl+Shift+T) support
- New Process Search
- Improved Runtime Log view
- Improved perspectives
- New context menu to search callers of start event
- Minor process editor improvements
- Simplified Callable Sub Process creation
- Improved Process Browser
- Improved New User Dialog Wizard
- Impvoved User Dialog Inscription Mask
- Improved User Dialog Browser
- Separate entries for Rich Dialog and Html Dialog in 'New' menu
- CMS quick assist in Html Dialog editor and Macro editor
- CMS Drag & Drop support in Html Dialog editor and Macro editor
- Link to CMS content (F3) in Html Dialog editor and Macro editor
- Link to Data Classes (F3) in Html Dialog editor
- Link to Logic (F3) in Html Dialog editor
- Link to Composite Components (F3) in Html Dialog editor
- Html Dialog view layouts / templates
- Improved Html Dialog editor preview
- Html Dialog tag validation
- Improved Html Dialog content assist and validation of variables declared in view file
- New structure in CMS view
- Inline editing in CMS view
- Improved filtering in CMS view
- Streamlined Content Object editors
- Add multiple Content Object at once
- Add Content Objects from files
- Add Content Objects with Drag & Drop
- Automatically create values for all CMS languages
- Import and export CMS
- Axon.ivy Modeler BPMN import
- Quick start tutorial
- Update notification
- Data Class refactoring
- New look and feel of the Designer web pages
Axon.ivy Engine:
- Rename Xpert.ivy Server to Axon.ivy Engine
- New look and feel of the Engine web pages
- Novell eDirectory as security system
- Update notification on the start page of the Axon.ivy Engine
- SMTPS support
- Improved linux launcher scripts
- Activation of remote JMX in *.ilc file
- Secure JMX with system administrator authentication
- JMX auto discovery
- VisualVM plugin to monitor license, requests, sessions, system database, external database, web services
- New content.xml file to configure internal tomcat web server
- Improved environments import (Administrator UI)
- Improved user synchronisation feedback (Administrator UI)
- Search feature in roles and global variables panel (Administrator UI)
- New Test button in mail server system property dialog to send a test mail (Administrator UI)
- A lot of minor Administrator UI improvements
- New JSF Workflow UI
Bug fixes and feature implementations:
* Issue #15481 (Improvement): Content Editor: Export File ist für Images noch nicht implementiert
* Issue #15793 (Feature): RD-Interface: Usability
* Issue #16612 (Feature): New Process-Wizard: Process Templates
* Issue #16951 (Bug): Library dependencies: Probleme bei Import von mehreren Projekten
* Issue #18361 (Improvement): Update CMS search index automatically
* Issue #18394 (Major Feature): Unify how configuration data are stored in projects
* Issue #18630 (Bug): Incorrect Ordering of languages in CMS
* Issue #18906 (Bug): Synchronize with external user repository (ADS,NDS) does not update UI
* Issue #18930 (Improvement): Links in PDF of Help
* Issue #19315 (Improvement): Show System DB hots, db name etc. in server admin
* Issue #19358 (Documentation): Check and correct disambiguties in shared parts of Ivy projects
* Issue #19459 (Improvement): Remove persistent flag in user dialog data class editor
* Issue #19514 (Improvement): Run CMS delete async in a runnable
* Issue #19580 (Bug): Copy/Paste from CMS to another fails
* Issue #20403 (Bug): ivy.rd.startProcess does not work if the started process opens a rich dialog in a call sub
* Issue #20723 (Improvement): Neue CMS Einträge für alle ausgewählten Sprachen erstellen
* Issue #20728 (Improvement): Process Editor: Show pathes in Alternatives
* Issue #20776 (Feature): create mutliple co's at once
* Issue #20779 (Bug): It is not possible to configure an unkown JDBC Driver (Others/Others) on the Server
* Issue #20809 (Bug): Strange error dialog in server administrator AD authentication
* Issue #21071 (Improvement): RD Logic creation productivity improvement
* Issue #21249 (Improvement): SMTP Einstellungen über Admin UI testen
* Issue #21560 (Bug): Unify default content object value icon
* Issue #22307 (Bug): Import of content object value after modifying value does not work
* Issue #22401 (Improvement): Total User Count in Admin Ui
* Issue #22507 (Bug): Exception during remove CMS String content
* Issue #22513 (Bug): Web Service Process with WS Security does not work on Server
* Issue #22642 (Bug): "in" not available on macro expansion when RichDialog is created
* Issue #22689 (Bug): Insert a CO into a panel requires to many clicks
* Issue #22716 (Feature): Notification of new available server hotfixes and versions
* Issue #22860 (Improvement): Packed Xpert.ivy project (deployment) version should reflect version of the product
* Issue #22884 (Feature): In/Out-Gates von CompositeSubs als SubStart/SubEnd Elements darstellen
* Issue #22904 (Bug): IRichDialogUserContextApi.setAttribute fails on many key types
* Issue #23004 (Bug): Cast exception when calling panel method after callable call
* Issue #23076 (Improvement): Search process element with given pid, scripts, name, path, description
* Issue #23115 (Improvement): Search users in Ivy Server Administrator
* Issue #23122 (Improvement): Search inside process and jump to the process element
* Issue #23496 (Bug): Role hierarchy is not updated during deployment
* Issue #23620 (Bug): Process Data not available on EndPage of TaskSwitch (simple + complex)
* Issue #23752 (Improvement): RD Call Element: Should not show output tab, if async
* Issue #24024 (Improvement): Validate jsf tag and attributes in *.xhtml files
* Issue #24054 (Bug): Refreshing the open DB connections does not work in the environment view
* Issue #24101 (Improvement): Code Completor cannot handle public static inner classes
* Issue #24113 (Bug): Icon of Inscription Mask is not decorated
* Issue #24150 (Bug): Validaton error if EL expression instead of EL method binding is used
* Issue #24153 (Improvement): Search on role / user assignment dialog in the Server Administrator UI
* Issue #24170 (Improvement): Jump to the referenced process does not select the "called" process element
* Issue #24178 (Bug): delete of content object values has no impact
* Issue #24194 (Feature): Add JsfWfUi to ivyServer Projects and let user to choose it for new Application in AdminUI
* Issue #24195 (Major Feature): Epic: BPMN Import (/Export)
* Issue #24215 (Bug): ivyscript validator with null error msg when java class member not found
* Issue #24229 (Improvement): Toolsupport for the creation and call of a UserDialog
* Issue #24259 (Feature): Import BPMN files created with Xpert.ivy Modeller containing only a subset of important process elements
* Issue #24281 (Feature): Support email protocol SMTPS to send emails
* Issue #24307 (Bug): Application Environment tree is not refreshed on redeployment
* Issue #24311 (Bug): Activation of an ARCHIVED pmv is not possible on the server admin ui
* Issue #24337 (Bug): NumberFormatException in deployment wizard if pmv version number is large
* Issue #24338 (Bug): Behaviour of "Activate/Relase All" in Deployment-Wizard
* Issue #24353 (Improvement): Search permissions in Ivy Server Administrator
* Issue #24354 (Improvement): Search roles in Ivy Server Administrator
* Issue #24365 (Feature): BPMN Import II: Import all important process elements & artefacts
* Issue #24366 (Feature): BPMN Import II: Composite Sub with decorators
* Issue #24369 (Feature): BPMN Import II: Pools & Lanes
* Issue #24370 (Feature): BPMN Import II: Message Arcs
* Issue #24373 (Bug): LDAP config not savable because wrong user filter validation
* Issue #24393 (Feature): Provide some HD Templates and let the user choose one if he creates a new HD
* Issue #24417 (Bug): Error on updating PMV
* Issue #24427 (Bug): PMV delete context menu is available, but does nothing
* Issue #24428 (Bug): Deployment fails if required project exists, but is deactivated and deleted
* Issue #24433 (Improvement): BPMN Import III: Improve visual appearence of an import
* Issue #24435 (Feature): Modernize the visual representation of process elements
* Issue #24436 (Feature): Add the new BPMN Elements to the palette
* Issue #24446 (Bug): Multiple default environments are created where no environment exists
* Issue #24460 (Improvement): Validate programmable elements on data wrapper
* Issue #24466 (Bug): Admin-UI not updated when a new PMV is created when there are already at least two
* Issue #24467 (Bug): Type Selection does not respect inner types
* Issue #24469 (Bug): Java Project Facet must be 1.7 by default
* Issue #24487 (Feature): Important Xpert.ivy performance numbers as charts in VisualVM
* Issue #24492 (Improvement): Improve auto align of process elements in the process editor
* Issue #24502 (Feature): Preferences for process element style
* Issue #24514 (Bug): By exiting a PI-Step with escape as I developer I am not asked if I want to discard the data
* Issue #24519 (Bug): Shortcuts on Server Admin not working
* Issue #24521 (Feature): Application Admin: Possibility to delete multiple users at once
* Issue #24530 (Feature): Quick Fix for missing cms labels in html dialog page editor
* Issue #24531 (Feature): Quick Fix for missing cms labels in macro editor
* Issue #24533 (Improvement): Upgrade delivered jre to latest jre 1.7 update
* Issue #24540 (Improvement): Ease the configuration of jmx and secure access for Xpert.ivy Server
* Issue #24543 (Improvement): CMS of all projects in CMS tree view
* Issue #24544 (Improvement): Show content object values as columns in the cms tree view
* Issue #24545 (Improvement): Switch to disable cov display in CMS tree view
* Issue #24546 (Improvement): Inline editing in CMS tree view
* Issue #24547 (Feature): Export/Import cms from/to Excel
* Issue #24548 (Improvement): Remove view "CMS object details"
* Issue #24549 (Improvement): Multiple CMS tree view improvementes
* Issue #24550 (Improvement): Import process element description from Xpert.ivy Modeler BPMN file
* Issue #24551 (Improvement): Ensure that the Xpert.ivy Modeler BPMN import works with the latest Xpert.ivy Modeler Version
* Issue #24552 (Bug): Animation of transparent and empty composites is wrong
* Issue #24554 (Improvement): Auto connect input gates to output gates of empty composites
* Issue #24556 (Improvement): Improve java launcher scripts on unix based systems
* Issue #24557 (Improvement): Server Control Center generates too many log entries
* Issue #24567 (Bug): Server Admin: Deleted PMVs do not vanish until the Server Admin has been restarted
* Issue #24581 (Bug): Changing default Language in CMS does not update existing Entries
* Issue #24583 (Improvement): remove reset and apply from cms editor
* Issue #24584 (Improvement): Use cms view tree only in smart button dialog
* Issue #24588 (Improvement): cms view on left side of all perspectives
* Issue #24603 (Bug): RD Inscription is lost if start method changes
* Issue #24608 (Bug): Validation during project import has a lot of false detects
* Issue #24611 (Bug): Open process editors are grey and empty after a designer restart
* Issue #24616 (Improvement): Upgrade to primefaces 4.0
* Issue #24632 (Improvement): Simulation of delaytime and expirytime in designer
* Issue #24633 (Improvement): Show delayed tasks in WorkflowUI and allow to change the delay time
* Issue #24637 (Improvement): The "valid from" Date of a ContentObjectValue is unnecessary
* Issue #24649 (Improvement): Access configuration files independent of runtime environment
* Issue #24655 (Feature): Standard JSF Composites should be loaded from ivy projects
* Issue #24670 (Feature): create content objects from file
* Issue #24671 (Improvement): create content objects from file drag and drop
* Issue #24672 (Improvement): Changing the LDAP import context on AdminUI should request confirmation
* Issue #24678 (Documentation): Configure IIS to forward request to more than one ivy server
* Issue #24685 (Major Feature): Epic: CMS Improvements
* Issue #24686 (Improvement): Drag and drop co objects from cms view to jsf editor
* Issue #24687 (Improvement): Drag and drop co objects from cms view to ivy swt macro editor
* Issue #24690 (Improvement): Support "Open Declaration (F3)" action in html dialog editor
* Issue #24697 (Improvement): Show content of referenced co's in html dialog editor preview
* Issue #24707 (Improvement): ProcessEditor tuning for horizontal BPMN Style
* Issue #24714 (Bug): IvyScript compilation fails when clean/build is triggered after Designer start
* Issue #24719 (Improvement): JSF-Dialog: See how it works
* Issue #24724 (Improvement): Support linking to Data Classes in Html Dialog editor
* Issue #24725 (Improvement): Add commands for Open Process and Open User Dialog
* Issue #24734 (Bug): Find process element crashes when editor is not open and process element id is wrong
* Issue #24740 (Feature): Eclipsify CMS
* Issue #24748 (Improvement): Extended JMX output
* Issue #24750 (Bug): ITask.setDelayTimestamp(null) does not behave like documented
* Issue #24755 (Feature): Ease the creation of a simple form to edit process data in html dialog
* Issue #24762 (Improvement): Remove license tab from preferences
* Issue #24781 (Improvement): Error "java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: Start method result could not be calculate" may be logged during closing of asynchronous loaded rich dialogs
* Issue #24782 (Bug): JsfWorkflowUi Typos
* Issue #24783 (Bug): JsfWorkflowUi Minor Fixes
* Issue #24784 (Improvement): JsfWorkflowUi missing Wf functions
* Issue #24785 (Improvement): JsfWorkflowUi missing admin functions
* Issue #24786 (Improvement): JsfWorkflowUi more task/case infos
* Issue #24787 (Improvement): JsfWorkflowUi UI Re-Design
* Issue #24792 (Improvement): Toolsupport for the creation and call of a subprocess
* Issue #24794 (Bug): Fix errors in Ivy Start HTML page
* Issue #24796 (Improvement): Check if it is possible to XSS ivyScript, JavaScript into HtmlDialogs or WebPages
* Issue #24797 (Documentation): Write documentation for new in/out mapping and jsf templates
* Issue #24798 (Improvement): Upgrade to JSF/myFaces 2.2
* Issue #24799 (Feature): Integrate VisualVM plugin into Xpert.ivy release
* Issue #24818 (Improvement): D&D of a Cms Text into an xhtml view should create an outputlabel with escape=false
* Issue #24831 (Improvement): Fix In/Out Mapping QG Findings
* Issue #24832 (Improvement): Support "Open Declaration (F3)" action for #{logic.xyz} expressions in html dialog editor
* Issue #24833 (Improvement): New Html Dialog and New Rich Dialog Menu instead of New User Dialog Menu
* Issue #24836 (Bug): Import of existing project into new designer create false positive classpath warnings
* Issue #24837 (Bug): Import of an ivy-project could require minutes to refresh the workspace
* Issue #24846 (Bug): Inscribe arc is broken
* Issue #24847 (Bug): It is no longer possible to modify the cascade attribute on an Entity Class
* Issue #24849 (Feature): Possibility to change a BPMNTask to another Type
* Issue #24862 (Feature): Quick Start Tutorial available on the Welcome Screen
* Issue #24863 (Improvement): Perspective for Process Modellers
* Issue #24864 (Improvement): Modernize the visual look of the documentation
* Issue #24865 (Improvement): Modernize the visual look of the xpertivy_theme and html page stylesheets, layouts
* Issue #24866 (Bug): Internal driver error on some queries to DB2 on AS400
* Issue #24871 (Bug): Update JavaMail for attachment handling
* Issue #24876 (Improvement): Show Runtime Log if log event occurs
* Issue #24880 (Feature): Data class Refactoring: Combine attributes into new Data Class
* Issue #24883 (Bug): Respect project setting for create cov's for all CMS languages in co quick fix
* Issue #24894 (Improvement): Quick fix for DataClass namespace problem marker
* Issue #24895 (Bug): Search page shows same result multiple times after search again
* Issue #24896 (Improvement): better handling with search result hits and deletion
* Issue #24897 (Bug): CMS search result page wrong
* Issue #24898 (Bug): Search results with the same name and namespace are not distinguishable
* Issue #24911 (Feature): Enhance Task- and CaseQuery with additional properties
* Issue #24912 (Feature): Enhance Task-and CaseQuery to provide similar functions as IWorkflowSession
* Issue #24913 (Feature): Enhance workflow API to query tasks and cases of all applications
* Issue #24920 (Improvement): Modernize the visual representation of process elements II
* Issue #24922 (Feature): Find caller of RD start, trigger start, embedded start/end
* Issue #24924 (Bug): IWorkflowSession.findWorkedOnTasksByRole(...) has wrong generics-definition
* Issue #24929 (Improvement): Epic: Enhance performance
* Issue #24934 (Improvement): Minor performance improvements
* Issue #24943 (Feature): Upgrade to primefaces 5.0
* Issue #24950 (Improvement): Improve default position and auto move of process elements
* Issue #24959 (Improvement): Finish and cleanup N&N, migration notes, release notes, doc
* Issue #24963 (Feature): Rename Product and change Images/Icons
* Issue #24964 (Feature): PI to call REST services
* Issue #24973 (Improvement): remove metadata from cms
* Issue #24974 (Improvement): Support linking to Ivy Component in Html Dialog editor
* Issue #24985 (Bug): JVM Crashes on CompileTask
* Issue #24992 (Improvement): Sign VisualVM Plugin
* Issue #24996 (Improvement): Setup build for Primefaces and fix urgent 5.0 bugs
* Issue #24998 (Improvement): Implement ivy.session.getClusterNode()
* Issue #25001 (Improvement): Improve linking and image preview of resources in Html Editor
* Issue #25003 (Improvement): Show data of JPA and re-used DB connection in JMX
* Issue #25007 (Feature): Application Admin: Possibility to delete multiple roles at once
* Issue #25015 (Improvement): Remove Java detection from admin_panel.jsp
* Issue #25022 (Bug): Exception is expected when Activation fails
* Issue #25026 (Improvement): New code and product names in license file
* Issue #25027 (Bug): Security synchronisation error not visible on AdminUI
* Issue #25031 (Bug): DB Connection ID on DB Detail view is missleading
* Issue #25036 (Improvement): API for high quality rendering mode for images in pdf viewer
* Issue #25037 (Improvement): The Ivy Server HTTP header shows the server name & version
* Issue #25045 (Feature): Copy / select destination for environment import
* Issue #25049 (Bug): Lot of Errors in log on Designer Start
* Issue #25051 (Bug): Error: Commiting lucene index writer failed.
* Issue #25053 (Bug): ConcurrentModificationException is thrown when deleting multiple projects
* Issue #25074 (Improvement): modern cms tree filtering
* Issue #25075 (Improvement): link cms tree with user dialog and process editors
* Issue #25082 (Documentation): Document garbage collection strategy of ivy server
* Issue #25085 (Improvement): persistent flag as checkbox in data class editor
* Issue #25088 (Bug): Exception while sorting/filtering primefaces DataTable
* Issue #25093 (Bug): Restore of restored maximized window puts window out of screen
* Issue #25101 (Feature): Release Lauberhorn as Axon.ivy 5.1
* Issue #25102 (Improvement): Improve validation in HTML Dialog Views for variables declared in tags
* Issue #25105 (Bug): Option "do not use groups of a user" not working
* Issue #25115 (Improvement): Docfactory: upgrade the aspose Total License and the Aspose libs
The following issues fixed in 5.0 update releases are also included in 5.1
Update Release (10.09.2014);
* Issue #25133 (Bug): Designer hangs when moving nested containers in the Java Beans view of VE
* Issue #25117 (Bug): File access not allowed anymore when files are located on a shared network resource
* Issue #25097 (Improvement): Filemanager-HTML Thumbnailer new version. Improvement of the thumbnailing with different images sizes. icepdf jar in the thumbnailer lib.
* Issue #25096 (Bug): Filemanager: Fix security feature activated
* Issue #25095 (Bug): Filemanager - oracle db. The security version is not detected properly, as consequence the new security rights are ignored.
* Issue #25089 (Improvement): Support SSO for WebService Processes
* Issue #25084 (Bug): Exception in ConnectionWrapper.isClosed after close
* Issue #25036 (Improvement): API for high quality rendering mode for images in pdf viewer
* Issue #25019 (Improvement): Use A4 as printing default for the pdf viewer
* Issue #23620 (Bug): Process Data not available on EndPage of Task Switch elements
* Issue #21978 (Bug): Form content object generates invalid html
Update Release (31.07.2014)
* Issue #25079 (Bug): SecurityRisk: Files on a server can be browsed
* Issue #25066 (Bug): PrimeFaces TabView shows all tab contents with xpertivy-theme
* Issue #25056 (Bug): Changed user name in external security system not synchronized to ivy
* Issue #25046 (Bug): Filemanager renaming a file - underscore is viewed as space by checking if the new filename already exists
* Issue #25040 (Bug): Web Page has Cross-site scripting (XSS) security vulnerability
* Issue #25039 (Bug): Ivy Server shows the index of the directory if the client requests for it
* Issue #25034 (Bug): TaskNotification mail send job raises concurrent session count
* Issue #24843 (Bug): Hot deployment does not work for the CMS String entry
* Issue #23059 (Bug): UI state is not working on modal dialogs
* Issue #21810 (Bug): Deploying modified content objects -> changes are only visible after restarting the server
Update Release (01.07.2014)
* Issue #25025 (Improvement): Update IcePdf to version 5.0.6
* Issue #25023 (Improvement): Update Synthetica to version 2.19.0
* Issue #25020 (Bug): Alternate implementation for RBrowser on MacOS
* Issue #25014 (Bug): IUser.getRoles() gives access to internal cached value
* Issue #24997 (Improvement): EMail Step: Allow empty 'To' in mail config
* Issue #24989 (Improvement): Improve failure handling for deleting contents of files/session
* Issue #24983 (Bug): RIA: Stop close operation in windowClosing(...)
* Issue #24951 (Bug): IvyAddons - FileListTable RDC Pb with Scrollbar after resizing the window. The scrollbar will not be displayed as needed.
* Issue #24947 (Bug): Filemanager PostgreSQL version 9.0 and below - files stored on the server file system. SQL Exception "unterminated quoted String at or near "'\'" if path contains "_" char
* Issue #24946 (Bug): Filemanager Oracle Db - Directory translation activated. Rename directory function throws NPE if the directory has no translation in the user language.
* Issue #24938 (Bug): Filemanager directory translation feature - the directories are displayed without translation after calling the RDC setServerPath method.
* Issue #24937 (Bug): Filemanager with Oracle DB - NPE if file has 0 byte
* Issue #24860 (Bug): PermissionDeniedException when accessing a required SessionScoped bean for the first time
* Issue #23836 (Bug): Rendering of a HTML-Tag Image does not respect the schema https
* Issue #22889 (Improvement): Update DJ Project (RBrowser) to stable 1.0.2 version
Update Release (14.05.2014)
* Issue #24956 (Bug): Improve DatabaseTransaction performance
* Issue #24955 (Bug): Date picker throws client side exception
* Issue #24954 (Bug): Text area validation crashes with huge content
* Issue #24953 (Bug): Method annotated with @PreDestroy on a Session Bean is not called on Session expire/timeout
* Issue #24940 (Bug): Unnecessary workspace builds when an IvyArchive contains a jar-library
* Issue #24935 (Bug): Web service processes could use a considerable amount of memory
* Issue #24933 (Improvement): Same jars loaded by the classloader of the project and the webapp classloader
* Issue #24932 (Bug): AbstractProcessExtension.setProcessDataField(...) could throw NullPointerException: The variable type for variable value must not be null.
* Issue #24930 (Improvement): Improve performance of SubProcessRunner.findSubProcessStarts(...)
* Issue #24926 (Bug): JSF resource cannot be loaded after session id change
* Issue #24919 (Improvement): Div. RDCs File management Buttons are not rendered properly with Xpertline Look And Feel
* Issue #24918 (Bug): SimpleFileChooserDialog store Files in DB + security activated: Exception in Filemanagement Sytem after uploading a file in new directory
* Issue #24914 (Bug): IvyAddons FileListTable RDC: Fix few minor GUI bugs
* Issue #24906 (Improvement): Improve server startup time
* Issue #24905 (Bug): 'IvyScriptCastException: Cannot cast object of X to X' after required library change
* Issue #24904 (Improvement): ivyScript injection with attribute macros on HDs
* Issue #24903 (Improvement): XSS vulnerability in server wf-ui
* Issue #24901 (Bug): Ivyaddons: old POI 3.2 jar must be deleted as it was replaced by the newest one - 3.9 version.
* Issue #24900 (Bug): Filemanager IvyAddons NPE may be thrown with security and folder does not exist
* Issue #24893 (Bug): selection not visible in text field if bg set explicitly
* Issue #24891 (Improvement): Additional properties of a task or case are not cached
* Issue #24888 (Bug): NPE in PdfViewer when setting toolbar visible after open
* Issue #24884 (Improvement): pack200 jars in client lib on server
* Issue #24845 (Bug): Call Sub containing task switch may not finish properly if calling it in two parallel calls
* Issue #24817 (Bug): Animation of HD wrong
* Issue #24730 (Bug): Any method that starts with "add" or "remove" declared on a class that implements java.util.List cannot be called from ivyScript
* Issue #23623 (Improvement): Types for new WF Query API are discouraged in Java
Update Release (31.03.2014)
* Issue #24842 (Bug): Cannot start some ULC applications with a Java 6 Client JRE on Server 5.0.9
* Issue #24830 (Bug): Cannot load CMS resource via Proxy
* Issue #24825 (Bug): No Content-Type response header set for Jsf resources from CMS
* Issue #24822 (Improvement): Remove database products which have no drivers
* Issue #24809 (Improvement): Use environment config in DB-Step inscription
* Issue #24808 (Bug): Tooltip can not be changed on mandatory widgets
* Issue #24807 (Feature): DocFactory. Provide a light-weight possibility to extend the MailMerging Callback. See ch.ivyteam.ivy.addons.docfactory.aspose.AsposeFieldMergingCallback.java
* Issue #24801 (Bug): Filemanager and Oracle DB. A lot of Open Cursors are not closed.
* Issue #24416 (Bug): Process-Debugging is unstable (causes deadlocks)
* Issue #24115 (Feature): Dynamic row height and word wrap in RTable
* Issue #22946 (Bug): RTable column UI state is not restored correctly if not all columns are visible
Update Release (17.02.2014)
* Issue #24780 (Improvement): As user, I would like that WorkflowUI 5 can execute all kind of Ivy UI
* Issue #24777 (Bug): RIA Workflow UI asks user if they want to book a task even if the user does not work on the task
* Issue #24776 (Bug): Permission Exception in RIA Workflow UI when admin expands task tree
* Issue #24775 (Bug): Adding attributes to Data class causes exception in History view
* Issue #24767 (Improvement): Avoid error message in logs, when response is sent within process steps
* Issue #24765 (Improvement): Standard JSF Composites should be loaded from ivy projects (Same as issue 24655 but for 5.0)
* Issue #24764 (Improvement): Don't log messages of kind org.jgroups.protocols.UDP ... packet ... has different version...
* Issue #24760 (Bug): Window position ui state does not support auxiliary screens
* Issue #24753 (Bug): A lot of NullPointerExceptions in class PersistentClientObjectChildren after restart of cluster node while calling ISecurityContext#getClusterSessionsSnaphost
* Issue #24746 (Bug): Perm Gen Memory Leak in IvyScriptValidator of IvyScriptEditors in DataBinding View
* Issue #24745 (Bug): Tool tip of datepicker is not shown with mandatory validation tool tip
* Issue #24744 (Bug): Date picker icon is wrong in synthetica
* Issue #24742 (Bug): Primefaces mobile does not work on Xpert.ivy Server
* Issue #24738 (Bug): PDF with complex graphic are not displayed correctly
* Issue #24737 (Bug): IO Agents are stopping even when the engine is already stopped
* Issue #24726 (Improvement): Use new security properties in custom signed and extension clientlib jar files
* Issue #24715 (Bug): Widget validation property maxLength ignores white spaces
* Issue #24696 (Improvement): Ajax method call can not close dialog
* Issue #24678 (Documentation): Configure IIS to forward request to more than one ivy server
* Issue #24628 (Improvement): Validation for the text area
Update Release (24.12.2013)
* Issue #24716 (Bug): Process has false positive validation marker from DTD validator
* Issue #24712 (Bug): StackOverflowError or endless Loops when recursive data class attributes are used
* Issue #24706 (Bug): Html Page File upload works not with UTF-8
* Issue #24702 (Bug): Dialog methods broken after annotation set was pasted
* Issue #24701 (Improvement): Do not load unused jars in clientlib
* Issue #24695 (Bug): Managed bean destroyer fails with a NullPointerException
* Issue #24689 (Bug): IvyCapitalizedBeanPropertyResolver does behave not according to the JSF 2 standard
* Issue #24679 (Bug): Cluster does not correctly invalidate cache for JSPs
* Issue #24669 (Bug): Rich dialog client startup is slow since java 1.7.25
* Issue #24662 (Bug): Umlauts in JSF requests are not handled correctly
* Issue #24658 (Bug): Hibernate logging broken in Designer
* Issue #24607 (Bug): RD/HD/Process name refactoring leads to unexecutable process
* Issue #24580 (Bug): Endless loop in task pane when UI change happens during getting into visiblity
* Issue #24578 (Bug): When a User in AD is deleted, AD Sync in ivy fails
* Issue #24520 (Bug): JAR files not loaded on server when they have javadoc attached
* Issue #24002 (Bug): File with Umlauts in name can not be downloaded
Update Release (22.11.2013)
* Issue #24592 (Bug): A with @PreDestroy annotated method is not called
* Issue #24665 (Improvement): Use new ivyTeam certificate to sign rich dialog clientlib jars. Old soreco certificate expires end of November 2013 and causes a web start warning dialog.
* Issue #24646 (Improvement): Use codebase and application-name property in clientlib jar manifest
* Issue #24645 (Feature): PDF viewer toolbar customizable by end user
* Issue #24629 (Bug): CMS editor does not show Unicode characters on CO-type String
* Issue #24625 (Bug): Search results from the CMS are often wrong, especially after manual index updates
* Issue #24621 (Bug): Xpert.ivy Designers are detected as exploit 'EXP/JAVA.Tepev.Gen' by Avira Antivirus
* Issue #24610 (Bug): Notification Mails causes Memory Leak
* Issue #24599 (Bug): The parameter value deleted by web page attribute editor
* Issue #24598 (Improvement): Start engine on selected project takes up to 10 minutes
* Issue #24579 (Bug): Comments in Validators are not converted during 3.9 import
* Issue #24577 (Bug): AdminUI: Adding LDAP User Properties broken
* Issue #24308 (Bug): ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException if one presses the Save button of the web service configuration in server admin UI
* Issue #23742 (Bug): InputStreams of email attachements not closed after mail was send
* Issue #22404 (Bug): LookupList is displayed at wrong position when RD size changes
Update Release (10.10.2013)
* Issue #24536 (Bug): Error during deployment validation: SQL Constraint Violation
* Issue #24535 (Bug): Deployment crashs if the project to deploy contains a database config for a not existing environment
* Issue #24534 (Bug): Cannot use attributes with capitalized name in Html Dialogs
* Issue #24532 (Bug): ivy.cms.co(...) does not consider overloaded cms entries during sorting of RTable
* Issue #24525 (Bug): Extensive class loading because ivy List type
* Issue #24524 (Bug): Extensive class loading for JSF DateTime Converter
* Issue #24512 (Bug): TaskQuery API may return tasks from wrong application
* Issue #24511 (Bug): StackOverflowException in RichDialog tests with java7 and java.util.logging active
* Issue #24503 (Improvement): Mail and SSL Client setting improvements
* Issue #24361 (Bug): PersistentObjectDeletedException in background job fills log
* Issue #24330 (Bug): ClassCastException after clean in html dialog view
* Issue #24281 (Feature): Support email protocol SMTPS to send emails
Update Release (18.09.2013)
* Issue #24508 (Bug): IUser.getName() throws NPE if session user is unknown
* Issue #24507 (Bug): Can not record test case with ULC Load and Xpert.ivy 5
* Issue #24504 (Bug): The cause why a system task fails is not logged
* Issue #24501 (Bug): ClassCastException while process execution in designer
* Issue #24500 (Bug): Role contains same user multiple times
* Issue #24498 (Bug): Could not set method/property resolver provider to project
* Issue #24496 (Bug): Improve synchronization of IvySessionScopeStore
* Issue #24486 (Bug): ClassCastException while process element selection
* Issue #24485 (Bug): 100% CPU usage because IvyScriptEngine
* Issue #24483 (Feature): API to switch on/off each toolbar button in pdf viewer
* Issue #24482 (Bug): File.exits() returns true if not initialized
* Issue #24480 (Bug): Databinding View empty because sorting causes exception
* Issue #24475 (Bug): Log useful debug output to analyse issue #22946: RTable column UI state is not restored correctly
* Issue #24459 (Bug): Wrong session cookie installed when starting rich application
* Issue #24422 (Bug): Starting a pmv service over jmx throws PermissionDeniedException
* Issue #23916 (Improvement): "Open Type" in jeder View
Update Release (27.08.2013)
* Issue #24449 (Bug): PrimeFaces Push not working
* Issue #24447 (Improvement): Upgrade JGroups to current latest stable version (3.3.4)
* Issue #24444 (Bug): Weird column rendering after switching columns by DnD in XLine LF and RTableTree
* Issue #24438 (Bug): Can not use java.util.List implementation with non default (empty) constructor in ivyScript
* Issue #24431 (Bug): Images from CMS can not be embedded into Mail-Step content
* Issue #24418 (Bug): Errors in HTML Dialog Interface are not visible in project tree
* Issue #24346 (Bug): RTableCell style not working on RTableTree with XLine LF
* Issue #24328 (Bug): Wrong method is called if a method is given as interface attribute in a html dialog composite component if multiple methods with the same name exists
* Issue #24327 (Bug): Wrong data-Binding in nested html dialog composite components
* Issue #24315 (Bug): If a dialog is started synchronously in an asynchronously started dialog process execution stops
* Issue #24309 (Bug): If one deactives a pmv not all dependent pmvs are deactivated too
* Issue #24306 (Bug): Database configuration ignores selected driver
* Issue #24297 (Bug): StackOverflowException when validating a web process caused by a self-referencing data class
* Issue #24262 (Improvement): Improve AD/NDS/Ldap Setting Dialog in AdminUI
* Issue #24241 (Bug): Application-Tab list same environment multiple times in env-selction combox
* Issue #24232 (Bug): InvalidParameterException during local deployment to a new application
* Issue #24179 (Bug): Accept httpS as WS endpoint in SAIE import
* Issue #24126 (Feature): Customers should be able to configure embedded tomcat
* Issue #24061 (Improvement): Sort usernames on "Login as..." page
Update Release (02.08.2013)
* Issue #24426 (Improvement): Display custom ivyScriptEditor validation-errors on PI inscription
* Issue #24425 (Bug): Upper right corner not drawn correctly in tabletree in scrollpane with XLine LF
* Issue #24405 (Bug): Right click on tree outside node text sets selection to tree root
* Issue #24396 (Bug): NullPointerException in Process Editor or Process validation
* Issue #24395 (Bug): Templates are not PMV specific in HtmlDialogs
* Issue #24394 (Bug): Can not create Birt report as Designer runs in developer mode
* Issue #24391 (Improvement): Set page view mode on pdf viewer
* Issue #24389 (Improvement): Use permission property in clientlib jar manifest
* Issue #24386 (Improvement): Not existing user of the import group stops user import
* Issue #24382 (Bug): Public method of a non public java super class can not be called by ivyScript
* Issue #24380 (Bug): RTable widget config de-/enables wrong column
* Issue #24379 (Bug): DataClassEditor: Leaving 'Comment' field with <tab> lets the new value disappear
* Issue #24372 (Bug): Loaded classes count increases permanently
* Issue #24371 (Bug): RLookupTextField throws Exception if it is not visible and the widget/panel position/size changes
* Issue #24362 (Bug): NullPointerException in EndlessLoopDetectionJob
* Issue #24349 (Bug): HtmlWfUi: NullPointerException if on delegate task page for unassigned task
* Issue #24347 (Bug): IllegalArgumentException: A database connection must not be used by different execution threads
* Issue #24341 (Bug): PermissionDeniedException on Role.getParent() for authenticated user
* Issue #24312 (Bug): autoconfig.bat to configure IIS does not work if installed in c:\program files
* Issue #24274 (Bug): Renaming of a Process Data Class removes 'Umlaute' from Element name and descriptions
* Issue #24227 (Bug): Optimize SQL Query for methods query, queryRecords, queryEntities of interface IClassPersistencyServiceImplementation
* Issue #24141 (Bug): Missing widget names in New Event Mapping Dialog Tags: EventMappingEditor
* Issue #24139 (Bug): Event Mapping View does not refresh if event mapping changes
* Issue #24083 (Bug): Custom type from required project as method-parameter -> javassist.NotFoundException?
* Issue #24059 (Bug): IvyScript tooltip flashes if the Code tab contains a big IvyScript
* Issue #23947 (Bug): Personal permissions not working with users from active directory
* Issue #23481 (Bug): Warnings if SmartTable is on End Page
* Issue #22549 (Bug): Method not found during runtime that was found during compilation
Update Release (24.06.2013)
* Issue #24322 (Bug): Cannot start rich application (rich dialog) with Java 7 update 25
* Issue #24316 (Improvement): Use ivy lists as input for jsf data widgets that have their data source in child components
* Issue #24303 (Bug): Inscription masks display unlimited errors in the header
* Issue #24302 (Documentation): Source for ivy event bean implementations should be delivered with the product
* Issue #24291 (Bug): Wrong error marker on rich dialog init start if using result variable of embedded rich dialogs
* Issue #24244 (Bug): Process model is corrupted after deleting a task in a composite sub
* Issue #24159 (Major Feature): Portal Display
* Issue #24145 (Bug): Prevent starting multiple Xpert.ivy instances with the same port(s) on the same host
* Issue #24135 (Bug): RTable selection event fires twice if selection changes
* Issue #23756 (Bug): "show icons=true" on TreeTable breaks model at runtime
* Issue #22913 (Feature): Rich PDF Reader Component
* Issue #22629 (Improvement): Use RBrowser to display html pages inside of rich dialogs
Update Release (3.6.2013)
* Issue #24280 (Improvement): Display library-id + version in deployment wizard
* Issue #24279 (Bug): Handle dependency changes consistently in AdminUI
* Issue #24272 (Bug): Optimize Performance of ClassLoaderHolder.getClassLoader()
* Issue #24271 (Bug): Cannot delete event in Hd Process with enabled assertions
* Issue #24267 (Bug): @PostConstruct is not called on server
* Issue #24265 (Bug): Html Dialogs only working under default context path "/ivy"
* Issue #24258 (Bug): Cms Editor changes touches empty Content Objects, also if there are no changes
* Issue #24254 (Bug): A fired ProcessStartEventRequest maps only parameter of the first level
* Issue #24252 (Bug): Result of IUser.getRoles() could be cached and result could be outdated
* Issue #24243 (Bug): Sometimes designer freezes if one animates and steps from a process element to a task switch
* Issue #24240 (Bug): Can not configure database with AdminUI
* Issue #24238 (Bug): Error report URL is not available
* Issue #24233 (Bug): Improve validation of User Dialog Start elements
* Issue #24230 (bug): New created fire event throws exception
* Issue #24228 (Bug): Focus events do not work on date picker
* Issue #24220 (Bug): Log endless looping or blocked process requests
* Issue #24211 (Bug): XPath functions of Dom4j library not working if used in ivy project
* Issue #24210 (Bug): Binding of valueAsString on RLookupTextField with valueChanged event bound to a process can cause StackOverflowException
* Issue #24209 (Bug): Permission Denied Exception in RD Error Dialog
* Issue #24205 (Bug): Memory leak causes continous decrease of performance
* Issue #24202 (Bug): Task and License notification mails can not be sent if SSO is configured
* Issue #24200 (Bug): Storage is not a resource exception when opening older processes from the local history
* Issue #24199 (Bug): The same SubProcess Path in multiple dependent projects leads to various errors
* Issue #24197 (Bug): User admin dialog does not list all existing roles
* Issue #24196 (Bug): Info page header not correctly displayed if ivy is running in non default context
* Issue #24193 (Bug): Autocomplete field appears on left-top border of a page when ivy-theme is used
* Issue #24190 (Bug): HD component start method parameter assignment fails for java.util.List types
* Issue #24177 (Bug): No value changed event before using month view in date picker
* Issue #24166 (Bug): Tooltip for RTableCell is outdated after a model update
* Issue #24164 (Bug): Html Dialog View validation end in deadlock
* Issue #24138 (Bug): After adding a new method to a RD interface the method is not available in IvyScript
* Issue #24137 (Bug): History view does not show history of selected process element
* Issue #24116 (Feature): Support empty import contexts with Novell eDirectory (NDS)
* Issue #24112 (Documentation): createUser throws exception if user already exists
* Issue #24089 (Bug): logic bean is resolved wrong when used as attribute of a component
* Issue #24088 (Bug): data bean is not resolved correctly in components sometimes
* Issue #24085 (Bug): Specific workspace can lead to endless revalidations of process models and false positive errors
* Issue #24070 (Bug): Component data isn't found if JSF binding attribute is set
* Issue #24062 (Improvement): Be able to see list of logged in users in AdminUI
* Issue #23972 (Bug): Task start links do not work when custom context (other than /ivy) is configured
* Issue #23875 (Bug): HtmlWfUi only works with /ivy context
* Issue #23848 (Bug): Exception after refresh after change on db environment view in AdminUI
* Issue #23673 (Bug): External Database Configuration: PersistentObjectDeletedException
* Issue #22732 (Bug): RDatePicker.reqeustFocus() fires too many event
* Issue #22285 (Bug): Strange behaviour on process model version (pmv) delete
* Issue #22061 (Bug): An ExternalDatabaseConfiguration change in the Server-Admin will not be propagated to the running application
* Issue #20280 (Bug): Server Admin Environment Issues
* Issue #21195 (Feature): Support Novell eDirectory as Security Provider
Changes in 5.0 (since product release, 7.5.2012)
Xpert.ivy Core:
- New HtmlDialog similar to RichDialog but running in web browser using JSF as base technology.
- New RichDialog chart widgets.
- New RichDialog widgets: ULCVSearchField, ULCVDatePickerCombo, PreferenceTabDisplay.
- Leading and trailing icons in RichDialog text field.
- Prompt text in RichDialog text field.
- Icons are displayed on RichDialog displays.
- setTabWidth on RichDialog tab and closable tab displays.
- Detection of 64 Bit JVM on RichDialog client side applications.
- API to start RichDialog asynchronously.
- API to find and execute sub processes.
- Support for generic java.util.List<...> in ivyScript.
- System database identifiers are now 64 bit long.
- Java upgraded to 1.7.
- JPA upgraded to 2.0. Hibernate 4.1.
- Tomcat upgraded to 7.0.
Xpert.ivy Designer:
- All editors, dialogs, views, process elements that are used for both Html- and RichDialog are renamed to UserDialog.
- New process editor context menu "Edit User Dialog".
- New filter to filter for Rich- or Html Dialogs on the "Select User Dialog" Dialog.
- In the UserDialog inscription mask a new UserDialog can be created directly.
- Process templates to store and reuse process parts.
- Process start launch configuration to directly start the engine and a process.
- Editors can display old versions of files.
- New "Quick Process Outline" that contains all process elements of a process.
- New process validations.
- Validation errors are displayed in the header of inscription masks.
- Quick Fix for event mapping errors in RichDialogs.
- RTable header alignment can be configured.
- Improved and reorganised project tree.
- New "Open project" and "Close project" menus.
- Enhanced subversion lock/unlock so that all files in a folder can be locked/unlocked.
- Project conversion quick fix.
- Content Object can be created within non existing sub folders giving the whole path instead of a name.
- Enhanced web browser view.
- Possibility to disable automatic perspective switching.
- 64 Bit (x64) Designer.
- Eclipse Platform upgraded to 3.8 (Juno).
- Subclipse upgraded to 1.8.
- Subversion upgraded to 1.7.
Xpert.ivy Server:
- New deployment wizard that allows to easy deploy multiple projects. Projects can be uploaded from the client.
- A role can be linked to a structural node in active directory (o,c,s,dc).
- Environments are now part of the application tree in Admin UI.
- Sorting of users and roles in Admin UI.
- Environments can be exported and imported in Admin UI.
- Tab titles more intuitve and tabs are closable in Admin UI.
- Library dependency can be changed in Admin UI.
- Batch file to automatically integrate Xpert.ivy Server into IIS 7.
- Batch file to automatically configure SSO in IIS 7.
Bug fixes and feature implementations:
* Issue #23916 (Improvement): "Open Type" in jeder View
* Issue #16680 (Feature): Implement display name, icon + resource id for IRichDialogs
* Issue #18403 (Improvement): Encrypt passwords in configuration files
* Issue #18434 (Improvement): Open and close projects
* Issue #19025 (Feature): multiple PM deployment OR shared PM-s (by applications/contexts)
* Issue #19045 (Feature): SVN lock for whole RD
* Issue #19305 (Bug): Copy/Paste of Business Process Elements into RD Logic Editor possible
* Issue #19670 (Improvement): Proc editor - Context menu: go to RD
* Issue #19832 (Bug): Admin-GUI kann nicht geladen werden wenn offline
* Issue #19891 (Bug): Enum on RList: is broken
* Issue #19942 (Improvement): Library version display improvement
* Issue #20020 (Major Feature): Deployment for multi-project customer-applications (in one piece)
* Issue #20457 (Improvement): Server Admin UI should be more intuitive
* Issue #20587 (Bug): Do not copy .svn folders on deployment
* Issue #20808 (Bug): Error in PMV deployment wizard's file selection dialog.
* Issue #20875 (Bug): Scroll panes in widget config
* Issue #20912 (Bug): Server admin: env. view is not refreshed on PMV deployment
* Issue #21335 (Bug): CMS Refresh Content doesn't perform any visible action
* Issue #21398 (Bug): "Rename ""Value"" column in RTable config"
* Issue #21703 (Bug): Server admin: crash on file selection (deployment wizard)
* Issue #21777 (Improvement): Cannot open Ivy specific editors on resources from the team or local history
* Issue #22065 (Improvement): WebContent and Java Source Folder in Ivy Tree
* Issue #22138 (Documentation): Configuration Editor/Styles Tooltips are useless
* Issue #22242 (Bug): global variable not set on server admin after depolyment
* Issue #22245 (Bug): unaesthetic endpoint configuration when no ws configured
* Issue #22252 (Bug): deployment with removed dependecies does not work
* Issue #22296 (Improvement): override project/pmv dependencies on server admin ui
* Issue #22304 (Improvement): store last directory in deployment file chooser
* Issue #22347 (Bug): Insert JSP with Ctrl+S in the content editor of a page, open two JSPs
* Issue #22406 (Feature): Techn: Upgrade to newest possible eclipse 3.x version
* Issue #22423 (Improvement): Freeze project dependencies at deploy time
* Issue #22424 (Improvement): Deactivation of all dependent PMV's before deactivating the required PMV
* Issue #22469 (Feature): Techn: 3rd party libraries centralized and up to date
* Issue #22553 (Bug): ivy.html.linkref is broken for HTTPS (~and many otherss..)
* Issue #22595 (Bug): ProgressBar Deployment Wizard not 100% when finished
* Issue #22598 (Improvement): Support Team Provider for CMS Editor
* Issue #22613 (Bug): web service config on server admin ui does not store auth info
* Issue #22640 (Bug): bottom of form editor can not be manipulated when content size more than screen
* Issue #22833 (Feature): JSF Prototype
* Issue #22863 (Feature): Review CallableHelper API and implementation from TI
* Issue #22912 (Feature): setTabLayoutPolicy(ULCTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT) with closeable tabs
* Issue #22953 (Bug): RClosableTabbedDisplay does not align icon properly if tabs are in multiple rows
* Issue #22958 (Bug): Full GC can stop ivy server for several seconds
* Issue #23002 (Improvement): Deliver Xpert.ivy with java 7
* Issue #23037 (Improvement): text field with icon rendered within the field
* Issue #23140 (Feature): Upgrade to latest Subclipse 1.8 plugin (SVN 1.7)
* Issue #23157 (Improvement): Sort on role / user assignment dialog in the Server Administrator UI
* Issue #23158 (Improvement): Mulitple selection on user assignment dialog in the Server Administrator UI
* Issue #23208 (Improvement): 64 bits (long) database identifier
* Issue #23284 (Bug): CMS does not refresh on F5 (restart is necessary - or other tricks)
* Issue #23337 (Improvement): Make AdminUI Hotfixes available for customers
* Issue #23343 (Bug): Runtime Exception if default InitStart of RD is not implemented.
* Issue #23385 (Bug): Make ivy.html.wr public
* Issue #23402 (Feature): Techn: Use Dependency Injection
* Issue #23442 (Improvement): Provide Xpert.ivy Designer for Mac
* Issue #23477 (Feature): Provide API to call and configure UI Dialogs from processes
* Issue #23478 (Feature): Demonstrate how GWT Window Builder can be extended
* Issue #23479 (Improvement): What's new in GWT
* Issue #23483 (Bug): Extension is not loaded and started
* Issue #23488 (Feature): Deploy multiple projects in one step
* Issue #23489 (Improvement): Deploy projects from local file system
* Issue #23491 (Improvement): Provide API to call UI event process from UI event handler
* Issue #23495 (Bug): ws end point and fall back server API returns mixed results
* Issue #23498 (Feature): Environment export
* Issue #23499 (Feature): Environment import
* Issue #23500 (Improvement): Techn: Upgrade Tomcat
* Issue #23511 (Feature): Show week numbers in RDatePicker's month view
* Issue #23512 (Bug): "fill attribute of ""Style"" tab in widget configuration view does not accept selection on first try"
* Issue #23515 (Bug): "misunderstanding ""copy to clipboard"" in cms action"
* Issue #23528 (Bug): IEnvironment.deleteDatabaseConfiguration does not work
* Issue #23536 (Bug): Shortcut a in Process Editor reassigned in 4.3
* Issue #23538 (Feature): Edit project dependency of deployed projects
* Issue #23540 (Bug): Deletion of a PMV should not be possible if it is required by another PMV
* Issue #23541 (Improvement): Inform user about the work that is done during deployment
* Issue #23545 (Improvement): Techn: Create IPersistencyServices with DI
* Issue #23546 (Improvement): Techn: Create all managers with DI
* Issue #23547 (Feature): JSF UI Editor Evaluation
* Issue #23549 (Feature): Html, Ajax based Html Dialog
* Issue #23556 (Feature): Simplify start of Engine, Process, RIA UI
* Issue #23568 (Bug): Cannot delete application in Admin UI
* Issue #23586 (Bug): There are a lot of validation errors in the AdminUI
* Issue #23587 (Feature): Embedding Html Dialogs (HTML, AJAX based)
* Issue #23602 (Improvement): Validate WebService process parameter types for compatibility
* Issue #23607 (Improvement): "Quick Fix for ""Wrong Project Version"""
* Issue #23614 (Improvement): Quick Fix for Event Mapping validation errors
* Issue #23619 (Feature): Prepare Browser based UI Technology Demos
* Issue #23660 (Bug): do not used deleted pmv for library version check at deplyoment
* Issue #23662 (Improvement): text field with clear button
* Issue #23663 (Feature): search field widget
* Issue #23664 (Improvement): text field with text prompt
* Issue #23665 (Feature): Integrate date picker combo in ivy
* Issue #23666 (Feature): integrate JYPreferencesPanel into Ivy as a display
* Issue #23667 (Improvement): configure width of tabs
* Issue #23668 (Improvement): parameter map for display widgets in RD call element
* Issue #23684 (Feature): New deployment API
* Issue #23689 (Bug): Environment column size too small in IWA_EventLog
* Issue #23711 (Bug): NPE in ProcessEngineStackFrame if a breakpoint is set in a business process started by a rich dialog
* Issue #23730 (Bug): Cannot cast exception if project specific data is stored in cache and used by different pmv's
* Issue #23731 (Improvement): Set rich dialog deocrator icon on display (tab, window, portlet)
* Issue #23734 (Feature): Choose technology Html or Rich when creating a user dialog
* Issue #23735 (Feature): Source code editor for Html Dialogs
* Issue #23736 (Feature): Call html dialogs in user dialog process element
* Issue #23737 (Feature): Use ivy script macros in Html Dialogs
* Issue #23738 (Feature): Map Html Dialog data and logic to view and vice versa
* Issue #23739 (Feature): Use a JSF widget library
* Issue #23740 (Feature): Call html dialogs methods remote from HTML Browser
* Issue #23741 (Feature): Html Dialog Demos
* Issue #23743 (Feature): Use resources located in the web content folder in Html Dialog Views
* Issue #23749 (Bug): Deletion of a Data Class that is used as parameter in interface methods leads to problems with InscriptionMasks
* Issue #23770 (Improvement): Preselection of the Dialog kind in New User Dialog
* Issue #23771 (Bug): Enable rich dialog validations on html dialogs
* Issue #23772 (Improvement): Context Menu to open user dialog view of a user dialog process element
* Issue #23779 (Improvement): Techn: Provide clean UserDialog API
* Issue #23780 (Feature): Testing Tool for Browser based UI
* Issue #23782 (Feature): Use ivy collection types (List, Recordset) as input for jsf data widgets
* Issue #23784 (Improvement): Provide UI for configuring the view technology if user dialog is evaluated dynamically
* Issue #23788 (Bug): Could not set DataCache.InvalidationJob.Interval in AdminUI
* Issue #23789 (Bug): CMS editor saves values when nothing has changed
* Issue #23792 (Bug): Can not type directly into table cell as the editor popup shows a prompt
* Issue #23797 (Improvement): Find process by name
* Issue #23817 (Feature): Graphical editor for HTML Dialog (JSF)
* Issue #23819 (Feature): JSF tag, attribute and EL auto completion in the JSF source editor
* Issue #23820 (Feature): Add missing HtmlDialog methods, event, data attribute on the fly
* Issue #23827 (Bug): Validation in Deployment Wizard could fail with NPE
* Issue #23829 (Bug): Display Load Event should occur after the panel was loaded
* Issue #23830 (Improvement): Execute process and get output by API
* Issue #23834 (Bug): "HtmlWfUi: multiple pages display an exception when viewed; WorkflowUI also affected"
* Issue #23838 (Feature): Support ivy specific beans (data, logic, ivy) in EL auto completion in the html dialog editor
* Issue #23845 (Bug): Delete rd data class member not properly handled for rd start element
* Issue #23846 (Improvement): Techn: Refactor ULC plugins for simplicity
* Issue #23847 (Improvement): Add the application name at the title labels for environment editing
* Issue #23850 (Feature): Provide preview for primefaces widgets in jsf page editor
* Issue #23854 (Improvement): Refactoring support for html dialogs
* Issue #23857 (Improvement): Cleanup naming of process elements/inscription masks in html/rich dialogs
* Issue #23860 (Improvement): Prevent putting wrong process elements into process
* Issue #23861 (Improvement): Cleanup naming and behaviour in user dialog interface editor
* Issue #23862 (Feature): Write user documentation for HtmlDialogs
* Issue #23865 (Feature): Use multiple *.xhtml files in a HtmlDialog
* Issue #23866 (Improvement): API to set version number of pmv
* Issue #23868 (Improvement): Merge application tree with environments in Server Admin UI
* Issue #23872 (Bug): Intermediate Event starts twice on Designer
* Issue #23873 (Bug): If Intermediate Events are enabled they start always
* Issue #23886 (Bug): Cannot override read only artifacts
* Issue #23887 (Feature): Process Templates
* Issue #23892 (Feature): Support references for html dialogs
* Issue #23893 (Improvement): Techn: Learn how to manage solaris/sparcs platform
* Issue #23894 (Feature): Support project specific managed beans in html dialogs
* Issue #23895 (Feature): Support bean validation annotations in html dialogs
* Issue #23896 (Feature): Support implementing JSF Converter in Xpert.ivy projects
* Issue #23904 (Bug): Back button on welcome screen does not work
* Issue #23905 (Feature): Perspective for Html Dialogs
* Issue #23906 (Improvement): Switch associated perspective when opening an Xpert.ivy artefact
* Issue #23907 (Bug): Error markers on html page client validation jscripts
* Issue #23911 (Improvement): Cannot start builded Designer on Mac without chmod
* Issue #23913 (Improvement): Provide API to call a callable process from Java
* Issue #23918 (Bug): java.util.Date not correctly restored after Task resumes
* Issue #23921 (Improvement): Move process elements with arrow keys in the process editor
* Issue #23923 (Feature): There shoud be an Auto Html Dialog
* Issue #23927 (Bug): Mixing html dialogs and callable processes from different projects in a business process does not work
* Issue #23928 (Feature): Provide API to open a rich dialog inside a display located on a given panel from Java
* Issue #23936 (Bug): Selection change and SelectionChangedEvent after close in Closeable Tabbed Display
* Issue #23943 (Bug): ctrl-alt-S (insert Source CO in a panel) should set focus
* Issue #23944 (Bug): Add Swimlane should set focus in the name textarea
* Issue #23946 (Feature): Chart widgets for ULC
* Issue #23954 (Improvement): Techn: Provide field for a user status in the system database
* Issue #23959 (Bug): JSF FileUploadWidget does not work
* Issue #23961 (Improvement): Update to JPA 2.0 (Hibernate 4.1)
* Issue #23977 (Bug): Html Dialog fails to load templates from webcontent folder
* Issue #23980 (Major Feature): Toolsupport for IIS integration
* Issue #23981 (Bug): Update AD User on logon for 4.2 and 4.3
* Issue #23982 (Feature): Validate *.xhtml files of html dialogs
* Issue #23983 (Bug): Focus lost in Inscription Mask after opening content assistant
* Issue #23985 (Bug): Can not start server with XpertIvyServer.exe
* Issue #23988 (Improvement): Support precision and scale for decimal fields in Entity Classes
* Issue #23989 (Feature): Quick outline for process logic
* Issue #23990 (Bug): Fix data and logic object resolving mismatch in case of static embedded html dialogs
* Issue #23991 (Feature): Tool support for statically embedding html dialogs
* Issue #23993 (Bug): insert Text CO in a panel (CTRL+ALT+T) blocks Designer (only Java 7)
* Issue #23994 (Bug): Cannot start headless ServerConfiguration under PPC/Linux
* Issue #23995 (Bug): Designer blocks by inserting form field on link
* Issue #24003 (Improvement): AdminUI: Role - list of users not sorted
* Issue #24006 (Improvement): Brand Xpert.ivy Rothorn as Xpert.ivy 5
* Issue #24007 (Improvement): Prepare Xpert.ivy Rothorn for Release
* Issue #24008 (Bug): Add Microsoft MSSQL driver 4 (JDBC 4)
* Issue #24009 (Improvement): Load tests HtmlDialogs
* Issue #24010 (Feature): Test new deployment wizard
* Issue #24011 (Improvement): Test major features on Rothorn Designer and Server
* Issue #24013 (Bug): NoSuchElementException during process debugging
* Issue #24015 (Bug): After redeployment of a project the rendered html dialogs are still the old ones
* Issue #24019 (Improvement): RDatePicker, RLookupTextField client side creation last to long
* Issue #24021 (Bug): ClosableTabbedDisplay shows wrong tab if close is canceled
* Issue #24025 (Improvement): Setup development environment for vietnam teams
* Issue #24029 (Bug): E-Mail Step: html-context has not reference to the process data
* Issue #24030 (Bug): Macro expansion in js-files does not work
* Issue #24033 (Bug): Entity classes not working with validation
* Issue #24039 (Bug): System Database cannot be created if database name contains a '-'
* Issue #24040 (Improvement): Create content object with a whole path
* Issue #24042 (Bug): java.util.List<String> as user dialog start method parameter type leads to: Process build error: Unexpected token: '<'
* Issue #24051 (Improvement): Update minor version of major libraries
* Issue #24055 (Bug): Exceptions when non-XIVY project is opened
* Issue #24056 (Improvement): Enhanced validation visualization on Inscription
* Issue #24058 (Improvement): Web Browser View more browser like
* Issue #24067 (Improvement): New Licence Code for Xpert.ivy 5
* Issue #24090 (Bug): Memory leak: Logic bean class is created everytime the logic bean is resolved
* Issue #24092 (Feature): DevDay 2013
* Issue #24099 (Bug): User Dialog Exit End works not with methods
* Issue #24111 (Bug): Date picker shows texts in month view with server locale
* Issue #24124 (Bug): Fix memory leak that dialog runtime is still references after HD is closed
* Issue #24125 (Bug): DateTime parameter in persistence query with equals not working
* Issue #24134 (Bug): Analyse JSF load tests and fix errors
* Issue #24142 (Improvement): Finish Html Dialog documentation
* Issue #24144 (Feature): Release Xpert.ivy 5
* Issue #24152 (Bug): NumberFormatException when logging message which contains {abc}
* Issue #24158 (Bug): NPE when process with failures is saved
The following issues fixed in 4.3 update releases are also included in 5.0
Update Release (2.4.2013)
* Issue #24120 (Bug): Task Notification Mail with invalid icons and attachments (txt-files)
* Issue #24119 (Improvement): Performance bottleneck on database connection pool
* Issue #24118 (Improvement): Reduce memory usage for cached associations
* Issue #24105 (Bug): IllegalArgumentException: Unable to parse unicode value
* Issue #24094 (Bug): Exception in CMS editor if default style is deleted
* Issue #24093 (Improvement): Update Synthetica and Synthetica Addons and XLine LF to newest version
* Issue #24086 (Bug): RTableTree crashes ULC application with unrecoverable error if the tree set in tableTreeData is not the root of that tree
* Issue #24073 (Bug): RD copy refactoring modifies source dialog editor contents
* Issue #24060 (Bug): Can not open TaskSwitch Inscription when project is immutable (IAR)
* Issue #24045 (Bug): Icons in Tree with XLine LF not visible
* Issue #23903 (Bug): RClosableTabbedDisplay does not resize the tab correctly if the tab name is changed
* Issue #23467 (Bug): OutOfMemory Error: PermGen space
Update Release (14.2.2013)
* Issue #24043 (Bug): A lot of unneeded AD queries if SSO with IIS is active
* Issue #24037 (Bug): Mail Notification Reports an Error Log if a standard process is installed with a task end
* Issue #24035 (Bug): Cannot compile Xpert.ivy projects if workspace path contains spaces
* Issue #24034 (Bug): ivy.style() does not consider overrides
* Issue #24016 (Bug): Pack project throws IOExcpetion: unable to delete directory
* Issue #23406 (Bug): NPE in UIAbstractErrorManager causes RIA Client to crash
Update Release (28.1.2013)
* Issue #24027 (Bug): ProjectConfigurationManager not available after import of a project from a *.zip file causing a lot of exceptions
* Issue #24031 (Bug): Inscription of IntermediateEvent broken. Cannot compile process
* Issue #24000 (Bug): Web Service Call Exception after deployment: Argument 0 should have type X found was X
* Issue #23996 (Bug): ULC application doesn't response after broken ULC connection
* Issue #23874 (Bug): ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in RTableRowSorter when UI state sets sort column
* Issue #23801 (Bug): On User-Login, update AD User if not up to date
* Issue #23800 (Bug): On User-Login, import AD User if not imported
* Issue #23376 (Bug): IVY-LDAP Sync. is cancelled as soon as an Exception is thrown
* Issue #22803 (Improvement): Integrate Aspose Total
Update Release (07.01.2013)
* Issue #23978 (Bug): NPE in ClusterConfigurationManager.java on Line 495
* Issue #23974 (Bug): IntermediateEvent shows validation error as it can not resolve the 'result' variable
* Issue #23971 (Improvement) : Persistency resource data model should be read from classes folder at runtime
* Issue #23968 (Bug): NPE while opening page in CMS editor with custom layout
* Issue #23965 (Bug): Can't create CMS object trough API when running in cluster mode
* Issue #23962 (Bug): Webservice password macro expansion fails when configured on environment
* Issue #23952 (Bug): Server hotfix does not include logo.jpg with new version number
* Issue #23934 (Bug): Error when moving an Arrow which points to a Sub Process with an error marker
* Issue #23933 (Bug): NullPointerException while debugging processes
* Issue #23932 (Bug): Focused field validates to an invalid input although the value is correct
* Issue #23929 (Bug): Widget Disposed Exeption when testing DB Connection
* Issue #23919 (Bug): NullPointerException when changing visibility level in attribute and method browser
* Issue #23917 (Bug): Applets einbinden html-Code wird ignoriert
* Issue #23914 (Bug): AD Sync Filter not used when checking if user still exists in AD
* Issue #23909 (Bug): ULC application doesn't start anymore on Mac OS X after installing Java 7
* Issue #23766 (Bug): IllegalStateException: Request is already on contained resume stack: leads to wait cursor on RIA client
Update Release (16.11.2012)
* Issue #23901 (Bug): Intermediate Event fires and executes process even if task is already destroyed
* Issue #23881 (Bug): Wrong RDatePicker Icon is displayed since 4.3.7
* Issue #23870 (Bug): Error logged for every webservice call execution
* Issue #23869 (Bug): CMS search broken
* Issue #23867 (Improvement): Add possiblity to chose custom Look and Feel on Server
* Issue #23852 (Bug): Commons codec library not seen by IvyScript on Designer
* Issue #23849 (Bug): RDatepicker does not return selected date
* Issue #23842 (Improvement): Integrate Xpert.Line LF 1.5
* Issue #23837 (Bug): AD synchronize button does not work if admin UI runs on non master cluster node
* Issue #23832 (Bug): Cannot cast exception if project specific data is stored in cache and used by different pmv's
* Issue #23781 (Improvement): Add start param for RichApplication to show user warning if running in 64Bit windows
* Issue #23764 (Bug): Format patterns can not contain an euro currency symbol
* Issue #23730 (Bug): Cannot cast exception if project specific data is stored in cache and used by different pmv's
* Issue #23605 (Bug): Notification Emails are sent twice on Ivy Server cluster
* Issue #23282 (Bug): Database Editor does not execute SQL on an environment
* Issue #22849 (Improvement): Async test of db configuration in designer editor
Update Release (05.10.2012)
* Issue #23836 (Bug): Images in RIA/ULC may not displayed if running with https
* Issue #23826 (Improvement): Update Synthetica to 2.16 and Synthetica Addons to 1.7.1
* Issue #23787 (Bug): NPE when storing UI state (RWindowStatePersistenceStrategy)
* Issue #23776 (Bug): Combination of keyboard and mouse usage does not work in DatabindingView
* Issue #23767 (Bug): DatePicker changes the selected date automatically when Server/Client timezone is different
* Issue #23729 (Bug): Argument type mismatch if required project is re-deployed
Update Release (14.9.2012)
* Issue #23775 (Bug): Ldap Browser throws an unhandled exception
* Issue #23768 (Bug): Instance property has no use in adminUI DB configuration
* Issue #23760 (Bug): NPE in DataCacheInvalidationJob
* Issue #23759 (Bug): Occasionally mail process element throws UnsupportedDataTypeException on Designer
* Issue #23757 (Bug): Can not select single entry on a select element with multiple selectable options
* Issue #23755 (Bug): Composite section does not show the name of the sub
* Issue #23748 (Bug): Composites in RichDialog are not printed into an extra section
* Issue #23715 (Bug): RBrowser doesn't release the keybord focus with Java 7
* Issue #23648 (Bug): ProcessStep ignores preferred/min/max size
* Issue #23472 (Bug): Cached configuration values will not be changed if based resource is changed
* Issue #23083 (Bug): RIA Client does not start. IllegalStateException Failed to connect to spawned VM
* Issue #19768 (Bug): CMS revert/update (subversion funktioniert nicht richtig
Update Release (23.08.2012)
* Issue #23702 (Improvement): Update Synthetica and Xpert.Line L&F
* Issue #23634 (Improvement): Map role to any structural node in Active Directory like o, c, s, dc
* Issue #23631 (Improvement): Macros for NTLM Password does not log errors
* Issue #23558 (Improvement): ISecurityContext.getClusterSessionsSnapshot() returns information about all sessions in cluster
* Issue #23311 (Improvement): Provide 64 Bit Xpert.ivy Designer
* Issue #22962 (Improvement): Enhance Business Event Log
* Issue #22877 (Bug): Execution of rd process fails if the execution was triggered in a process that before has called a call sub which opens a rich dialog
* Issue #23073 (Bug): Cache API does not work after deployment to the existing PMV
* Issue #23656 (Bug): Boken: Inner types (e.g. Enums) are no longer accepted as list member types
* Issue #23683 (Bug): NPE in JdbcUtilFactory when using jdbc drivers not known by Xpert.ivy
* Issue #23681 (Bug): RTableTree does not look like defined in XpertLine L&F
* Issue #23680 (Bug): xpertLineStandardLookAndFeel.jar is always downloaded
* Issue #23673 (Bug): External Database Configuration: PersistentObjectDeletedException
* Issue #23632 (Bug): fast view welcome page icons miss transparency
* Issue #23588 (Bug): RTree does not look like defined in XpertLine L&F
* Issue #23576 (Bug): findInvolvedCasesByRole does not include cases started from EventStart
* Issue #21194 (Bug): Too many Active Directory synchronization jobs running
Update Release (13. Jul 2012)
* Issue #23516 (Bug): svn overlay icons blinking in ivy project explorer
* Issue #23521 (Improvement): Center table header doesn't work
* Issue #23559 (Bug): Create global var and db conf overrides for env can set wrong parent
* Issue #23579 (Bug): Daily Mails abort if Active Directory User does not exist
* Issue #23595 (Bug): Text of RTable cell not aligned with header cell using xpertline L&F
* Issue #23596 (Bug): Context menu entries have unequal heights when visibility of menu items are changed popupMenuHasBecomeVisible
* Issue #23598 (Bug): Java 7 and Single Sign On very slow / crashes
* Issue #23610 (Bug): Microsoft SQL Server 2005 DB Update 4.2 to 4.3 fails
* Issue #23640 (Bug): ProcessOutlinePage throws NPE
* Issue #23644 (Bug): getSessionUser().getRoles() returns wrong cached data
* Issue #23645 (Bug): Can not generate client stubs with WS Policy in wsdl
* Issue #23646 (Bug): "Missing Default Constructor for type" error fills up the log files
* Issue #23652 (Bug): Could not start Process Engine because of External DB Configuration
Update Release (21.06.2012)
* Issue #23606 (Bug): Support backwards compatibility for moved class HttpProcessRequest
Update Release (18.06.2012)
* Issue #21811 (Improvement): Add error marker if defined two projects with the same external database
* Issue #23423 (Bug): ivy.html throws NPE when called from external project
* Issue #23486 (Feature): Map role to OrganisationUnit in Active Directory
* Issue #23531 (Bug): Attribute with internal list does not work as parameter on Process as Web Service
* Issue #23563 (Bug): process element label line breaks not supported by validators
* Issue #23571 (Bug): Pack projekt does not take over timestamps of files
* Issue #23573 (Bug): Java Tag Library can not be discovered because of wrong context classloader
* Issue #23583 (Bug): NPE in the AdminUI if you try to Edit a User in an App with AD
* Issue #23536 (Bug): Shortcut a in Process Editor
* Issue #23497 (Bug): CMS editor blocks after fast selection changes in the cms tree
Update Release (04.06.2012)
* Issue #23459 (Bug): RBrowser becomes invisible if hidden in RSplitPane
* Issue #21679 (Bug): RBrowser in ScrollPane draws over lightweight SwingComponents if scrolled (fixed under Windows)
* Issue #23373 (Bug): WS Process with a TaskSwitch with SYSTEM task should generate a WS result
* Issue #23507 (Bug): DataClass comment field loses it's focus while typing
* Issue #23525 (Bug): NegativeArraySizeException while calling SecurityContext.getSessions()
* Issue #23526 (Bug): Non editable TextField are editable with '.'
* Issue #23543 (Bug): User and role assigned not consistent if role has empty external security name instead of null
Changes in 4.3.0 (since product release, 18.03.2011)
Xpert.ivy Designer:
- Xpert.ivy Archives (*.iar)
- Xpert.ivy Archive export/import wizard
- Pack/Unpack Xpert.ivy project to Xpert.ivy Archive and vice versa
- Xpert.ivy 3.9 project import wizard
- Business calendar API ivy.cal
- Enhanced API for case and task related to business calendar
- New Rich Dialog display: RClosableTabbedDisplay
- New Cell Widget: RHyperlinkCellWidget
- New badge mode for RButton
- Improvements in RD user context
- Fade effects for Rich Dialog input widgets
- Rich Dialog clientside library extensions
- Additional type conversions in ivyScript
- Links to default (application, task task, process start) pages on ivy.html
- Role properties
- New workflow query API
- Environment can be set on a case
- CMS editor improvements
- Open preview page on the html page editor
- Smart button to open java editor on inscription masks
- New context menu on some process elements: Edit Java Class
- Gridlines in the process editor
- Zoom and undo in the process editor
- New Process Outline view
- Improved parameter definition with ':'
- Unique error identifier
- Error / Debug report
- Callstacks in Debug view
- Improvements in the Runtime Log view
- New Process Performance view
- Breakpoints on data class attributes
- Improved project validation
- New scope in data caches: Environment
Xpert.ivy Server:
- Deployment of Xpert.ivy Archives (*.iar)
- UI to define business calendars
- Initial download size of Rich Dialog client reduced to 20%
- Rich Dialog clientside library extensions
- Custom certificate for Rich Dialog client
- Unique error identifier
- Error report
- Do not show error details to end users
- Logging of request start and end
- Logging of unique request identifier
- Process performance statistics
- Configurable HTML workflow pages
- Increased system database field length
Bug fixes and feature implementations:
* Issue #2864 (Feature): Kopieren und Einfügen von Elementen
* Issue #15791 (Improvement): Bemerkung edit -> automatisch "wrap text" anwenden
* Issue #16994 (Feature): Mechanism of copyProperties and deepCopy are needed feature
* Issue #17049 (Bug): Project Close: Bereits geladene Prozesse werden nicht unloaded
* Issue #18426 (Major Feature): Undo support in process editor
* Issue #18604 (Improvement): Bad process element default settings
* Issue #19183 (Major Feature): Close projects
* Issue #19441 (Bug): Show problem marker on projects with wrong version
* Issue #19472 (Improvement): Create marker on data class when it is not valid
* Issue #19488 (Bug): IntermediateEvent element seams to not support the task name scripting
* Issue #19672 (Bug): db fields for insert/update on DB step always validates to Boolean
* Issue #19870 (Improvement): Pack a Xpert.ivy project as a Library (jar)
* Issue #19911 (Bug): CustomDecimalFields von 10,5 auf x,5 erhöhen
* Issue #20306 (Bug): Enable project version validator on project import or svn checkout
* Issue #20407 (Bug): Weird warning message during deployment of a project
* Issue #20416 (Improvement): Manulles Clear des Runtime Log
* Issue #20496 (Improvement): Rewrite of IvyProjectManager
* Issue #20516 (Bug): Validator/Builder do not react on changes in external projects
* Issue #20536 (Bug): Missing method to clear error message on a ULC widget validator
* Issue #20646 (Bug): D&D: ivy outLine view drag List<?> and drop on RList widget
* Issue #20840 (Improvement): AD-Users should be sychronized by user name
* Issue #20956 (Feature): Show process call stack in debug view
* Issue #20977 (Improvement): Starten/Stoppen von Start Event Beans am Server
* Issue #21017 (Improvement): Mehr Zeichen bei PropertyName bei IWA_UserProperties
* Issue #21122 (Bug): Suche nach CaseID in Workflow UI
* Issue #21181 (Improvement): Ivy Outline view: improve Collapse/Expand of data classes
* Issue #21275 (Improvement): Performance View (Firing Statistics) in den Standard aufnehmen
* Issue #21546 (Bug): ValidationFramework enablement over a group of embedded Panels or Panels in TabbedPane does not work.
* Issue #21892 (Bug): Mandatory TextArea does not validate properly
* Issue #22060 (Bug): Server resolves the librarydependency to deleted PMVs
* Issue #22104 (Bug): Data Classes Editor: Navigation with Tab is not working
* Issue #22132 (Bug): Migration 4.1.1 -> 4.1.3: ClassCastException bei Rückkehr von RD in Business-Prozess
* Issue #22153 (Improvement): The DB Step Tab is not aware of stored-procedures
* Issue #22169 (Bug): Fehler im ErrorLog beim Ãffnen des DataClass Editors
* Issue #22185 (Improvement): DataClass editor: jump to attr. type class
* Issue #22214 (Feature): Deployment of customer ULC Widgets (Clientside Classes)
* Issue #22243 (Bug): focus problems on data class editor
* Issue #22251 (Bug): With the project delete refactoring it is not possible to delete project phyisically
* Issue #22308 (Improvement): Parameter creation improvements
* Issue #22316 (Bug): Ivy.var(): only works on a request thread
* Issue #22334 (Bug): Dataclass editor: selection handling makes users nerved
* Issue #22368 (Bug): Wrong validation type displayed sometimes
* Issue #22378 (Improvement): Search in IvyScript editor (Crtl+F)
* Issue #22414 (Improvement): Unique identifier for error messages
* Issue #22415 (Feature): End user should be able to send error messages to sys admin
* Issue #22416 (Improvement): Do not report callstacks in error messages to end users (security)
* Issue #22417 (Feature): Error report mail with all information useful for analyzing the error
* Issue #22420 (Major Feature): Unmodifiable projects
* Issue #22422 (Feature): Binary Projects (Spike)
* Issue #22424 (Improvement): JNLP optimizations
* Issue #22428 (Feature): Deploy binary projects to the server
* Issue #22429 (Improvement): Java 6 everywhere
* Issue #22444 (Documentation): Dokument firing statistic / performance analysis on the server
* Issue #22447 (Documentation): Dokumentation how to migrate Server
* Issue #22459 (Bug): Add logout to ServerAdminUI
* Issue #22462 (Bug): LDAP attribute mapping setting always shows default values on configuration dialog
* Issue #22479 (Bug): Cannot edit user settings for e-mail notification if security system is active directory
" Issue #22494 (Bug): Xpert.ivy Wrokflow UI Developer Guide missing in online help
* Issue #22498 (Bug): Exception while executing parallel process paths
* Issue #22504 (Major Feature): Evaluate HTML Browser based UI Technology for HTML Dialogs (Part I Scan Market)
* Issue #22510 (Bug): User password will be automatically changed
* Issue #22511 (Bug): Logout SYSTEM session should not be possible
* Issue #22512 (Bug): Validation should not start if projects are missing
* Issue #22514 (Feature): Infrastructure for Binary Projects
* Issue #22515 (Feature): Wizard to export normal project to binary project
* Issue #22517 (Feature): Immutable Projects should be respected by editors, dialogs and menues
* Issue #22518 (Feature): Standalone program to build a binary project
* Issue #22522 (Feature): Wizard to import binary projects
* Issue #22528 (Bug): size of fileds "max char" and "size" in form editor for text fields in xp wrong
* Issue #22540 (Bug): Refresh of History View is not correct
* Issue #22589 (Bug): Macros are not expanded in CSS
* Issue #22590 (Bug): ivy.cms.cr() does not work correctly in WebContent
* Issue #22597 (Feature): 3.x -> 4.x Project migration prototype
* Issue #22606 (Bug): Massive performance problem on createSubstitute method
* Issue #22608 (Bug): setDelayTimestemp(null) throws NPE but should not
* Issue #22609 (Bug): IvyScript File constructor crashes from Event bean
* Issue #22618 (Bug): Code completion fails for TimeDate.add and .minus
* Issue #22621 (Improvement): Integrate newest IvyAddOns changes from Heinrich Spreiter (Asynchronous Processes)
* Issue #22624 (Feature): Support Environment on Case
* Issue #22625 (Bug): intermediate event job not stopped on engine stop
* Issue #22628 (Bug): intermediate event and cleanup in designer
* Issue #22632 (Improvement): Analyse Performance XAPF
* Issue #22646 (Improvement): Analyse compilation performance of GWT compiler
* Issue #22651 (Improvement): Application, PM, PMV Tree in Server Admin UI should be sorted
* Issue #22682 (Bug): boolean term in property filter on wf context crash on several system db
* Issue #22690 (Feature): Page Preview a la 3.9
* Issue #22694 (Bug): RTextFieldCellWidget throws an exception with illegal/invalid input and left not the focus
* Issue #22700 (Improvement): increase db fields for signatures of start elements
* Issue #22708 (Improvement): add process category, name, type and sub type to case property filters
* Issue #22721 (Bug): button enabling in web service configuration editor wrong
* Issue #22722 (Bug): environment for web service conf can be inserted multiple times
* Issue #22723 (Bug): environment for db conf can be inserted multiple times
* Issue #22762 (Improvement): ServerConfigUI without required Project IvyAddons
* Issue #22773 (Bug): more robust data caching for wrong identifiers
* Issue #22804 (Improvement): Limit concurrent user not concurrent session in the licence check
* Issue #22805 (Improvement): Support ULC Load
* Issue #22811 (Improvement): SmartButton to open java source editor for PI and EventBeans
* Issue #22815 (Improvement): Process element position should not be changed by a composite/refine operation
* Issue #22827 (Documentation): Mark all existing and released public api as reviewed
* Issue #22834 (Improvement): UI for importing/converting Xpert.ivy 3.9 Projects
* Issue #22835 (Improvement): Convert 3.x process element inscriptions to 4.x
* Issue #22836 (Improvement): Convert CSL to ivyScript
* Issue #22837 (Improvement): Convert 3.x macros to 4.x
* Issue #22838 (Improvement): Convert 3.x page layouts and css to 4.x
* Issue #22839 (Improvement): Convert 3.x swimlanes to 4.x
* Issue #22840 (Improvement): Import java classes and jar files from 3.x into 4.x
* Issue #22847 (Feature): Bug fix artefacts in ivy archives
* Issue #22850 (Improvement): Support pack200 compression format for web start client
* Issue #22866 (Documentation): Missing documentation about SmartTable / Column Defintion: It, Index, originalIndex, value
* Issue #22881 (Feature): Fehlende Swimlane Features
* Issue #22886 (Bug): Combine to Composite ist nicht mehr möglich wenn ein einzelnes Element selektiert ist
* Issue #22891 (Bug): Can't destroy Task which is in state WAITING_FOR_INTERMEDIATE_EVENT
* Issue #22899 (Bug): ULC roundtrips for key and focus events should always be async
* Issue #22902 (Bug): Error Marker for Alternative Gateway
* Issue #22937 (Bug): StartElement Signature length limit
* Issue #22951 (Bug): Error is displayed where no error is
* Issue #22993 (Bug): Turning off the "Session handling" WS option deletes the end points
* Issue #23013 (Major Feature): Business day calendar ivy.cal.* Issue #methods
* Issue #23015 (Feature): Object.toIvyScriptType()
* Issue #23020 (Feature): Business Day Calendar Configuration API
* Issue #23022 (Improvement): 3.9 Import -> Improve conversion
* Issue #23023 (Feature): Business Day Calendar Configuration UI
* Issue #23030 (Bug): WS-Call: wsResponse-tuple is not up-to-date after project import
* Issue #23032 (Bug): Lizenzcheck stimmt nicht
* Issue #23043 (Bug): Element Copy-Paste results in invalid Exception references!
* Issue #23081 (Feature): PublicAPI: Find cases by task property filter
* Issue #23082 (Feature): PublicAPI: countXYZ methods for all findXYZ methods on IWorkflowContext
* Issue #23090 (Improvement): Add method startlistref, tasklistref, wfindexref to IHtmlDialogContext
* Issue #23091 (Feature): PublicAPI: find the tasks/cases for a user or role with property filter
* Issue #23099 (Improvement): RBrowser session recycling improvement
* Issue #23104 (Bug): Web Service port types on Ivy Server are not created
* Issue #23120 (Bug): Application cache is in fact environment cache
* Issue #23128 (Bug): Missing Error Marker bei Callsub nach geänderter Signatur
* Issue #23129 (Bug): Missing Error Marker wenn Fehler im CodeBlock wegen geänderter Java Klasse/Methode
* Issue #23135 (Improvement): Integration of animated RTextField
* Issue #23142 (Bug): query method with argument count = 0 always returns all results instead of 0
* Issue #23162 (Improvement): Integration of animated RComboBox
* Issue #23166 (Improvement): Integrate animated VDatePicker
* Issue #23167 (Improvement): Integrate Badge enhancement for the button
* Issue #23170 (Bug): Swimlane Editor is not SWT
* Issue #23171 (Feature): Business Calender Context
* Issue #23172 (Feature): UI to configure Business Calender on Environments
* Issue #23173 (Feature): UI to configure Business Calender on Task and Case
* Issue #23175 (Feature): Additional task attributes: runtime business hours, working time
* Issue #23176 (Feature): Additional case attributes: runtime business hours, working time
* Issue #23177 (Feature): Additional task attributes: resume count and expires in business hours
* Issue #23178 (Feature): Aggregate and grouping task and case properties
* Issue #23179 (Improvement): Find a Solution to feed BAM with Workflow Data
* Issue #23180 (Improvement): Event mappings content seems to be randomly sorted
* Issue #23185 (Improvement): DB index on end time stamp for task and case
* Issue #23186 (Bug): SVN update of generated Web Service jars fails
* Issue #23187 (Bug): Regeneration of Web Service classes fails
* Issue #23198 (Feature): Processeditor show gridline background
* Issue #23199 (Improvement): Split IvyAddOns from Xpert.ivy Development
* Issue #23203 (Improvement): Filtering task and case properties
* Issue #23207 (Bug): RHyperlink.setURL() overrides text, icon and other values
* Issue #23209 (Feature): RHyperlink as cell widget
* Issue #23218 (Improvement): WebService Classes not exported
* Issue #23223 (Bug): RichDialog Selection Dialog needs Mouse
* Issue #23225 (Bug): Add role properties
* Issue #23226 (Bug): Cannot cast object of type NullWrapper
* Issue #23227 (Improvement): TaskQquery should support additional columns
* Issue #23243 (Bug): Can not restore default WS configuration in an environment
* Issue #23281 (Improvement): IvyServer warns about header fields when a mail is sent
* Issue #23293 (Feature): Techn: Refactor/Replace Plugin ModelValidation with eclipse.wst.validation
* Issue #23294 (Improvement): Deployment of customer ULC Widgets (Clientside Classes) II
* Issue #23297 (Improvement): Same java class in multiple dependent projects
* Issue #23322 (Feature): filter log view for log message level
* Issue #23327 (Improvement): Integration of animated RTextArea
* Issue #23338 (Improvement): Use optimistic locking with SQL Server system database
* Issue #23339 (Improvement): Use optimistic locking with SQL Anywhere system database
* Issue #23366 (Bug): VE crashes if with 'No coder registered for ColorUIResource'
* Issue #23370 (Bug): system db creation crashes on mysql because of too long unique keys
* Issue #23372 (Improvement): Increase project version for release pilatus
* Issue #23384 (Feature): Add X.Line Look and Feel
* Issue #23392 (Improvement): Prepare Xpert.ivy 4.3 Server for Release
* Issue #23393 (Improvement): Prepare Xpert.ivy 4.3 Designer for Release
* Issue #23411 (Feature): Outline View for Process Editor
* Issue #23414 (Improvement): Do not validate process if main data class is not available
* Issue #23418 (Bug): SmartTable Configuration crashes with UnsupportedOperationException
* Issue #23424 (Improvement): IvyScript breakpoint on dataclass field value change
The following 4.2 update releases are also included in 4.3
Update Release (18.04.2012)
* Issue #23421 (Bug): Conversion of . to , for French keyboards in a number text field does not work correctly
* Issue #22301 (Bug): More accurate deployment validator for task switch existence
* Issue #23404 (Bug): Dynamically composed RDs log an NPE error on load
* Issue #23439 (Bug): Deserialize of Enum types could fail
* Issue #23445 (Bug): Data cache scope session is not limited to its application
* Issue #23446 (Bug): RBrowser Widget creates new Session after second usage
Update Release (13.03.2012)
* Issue #23244 (Bug): User moved from one OU to another losts his properties and roles during LDAP Synchronization
* Issue #23290 (Bug): Serialization of web service data classes fails
* Issue #21822 (Bug): WS Call: Exception-Handler doesn't work
* Issue #23363 (Bug): Email broken with Issue fix #23283: Exception with .csv attachments
* Issue #23326 (Bug): Can not scroll trough the whole process in process editor
* Issue #22832 (Bug): Problem markers on wsResponse after re-generating from WSDL
* Issue #23071 (Bug): Could not delete file during the deployment
* Issue #22577 (Bug): web service client generation failure
* Issue #23330 (Bug): AD Synchronization stops with a NullPointerException
Update Release (15.02.2012)
* Issue #23321 (Bug): Ivy can not serialize/deserialize Enum types
Update Release (13.02.2012)
* Issue #23125 (Improvement): Additional state FAILED for EventLogStatus in EventLog framework
* Issue #22352 (Bug): Strange sequence of processes in a report
* Issue #22588 (Improvement): RBrowser Widget creates new Session
* Issue #23283 (Bug): PDF attachments on a MailElement are sent with wrong MIME type and encoding
* Issue #23236 (Bug): FilePickupStartEventBean can not handle it's configuration
Update Release (24.01.2012)
* Issue #21822 (Bug): WS Call: Exception-Handler doesn't work
* Issue #23161 (Bug): Number of Web Services limited to 16
* Issue #23213 (Bug): Webservice test does not use updated authentication settings
* Issue #23200 (Improvement): Support NTLMv2 for WebService Calls
* Issue #21905 (Bug): Exception when using RComboBoxCellWidget together with Synthetica Simple 2D L&F
* Issue #22976 (Bug): Memory leak in process editor
* Issue #22974 (Bug): CMS Text Editor changes automatically the node value without informing the developer
* Issue #23193 (Bug): Wrong initialisation in CheckboxMacro
* Issue #23192 (Bug): Parameter mapping for Checkboxes in HTML Forms
* Issue #22808 (Bug): Swimlanes not saved in Composite
Update Release (13.12.2011)
* Issue #23137 (Bug): RDatePicker entering date in MM/DD/YYYY format (American)
* Issue #23136 (Bug): RDatePicker display wrong day if Client/Server TimeZone is different
* Issue #23138 (Bug): 3rd Party Start Element cannot be placed more than one bacause start link *.ivp is always the same
* Issue #23100 (Bug): Exception during insert in IWA_EventLogCaseHistory
* Issue #22900 (Feature): enable tomcat logging
* Issue #21217 (Feature): enhance (ulc) logging to log full http request/response
Update Release (21.11.2011)
* Issue #22882 (Bug): RIA Application crashes with Java 7
* Issue #23093 (Bug): All RBrowser instances crashes when a single instance of RBrowser has been closed
* Issue #22163 (Bug): CMS refresh leads to an InvalidThreadAccess Exception
* Issue #22488 (Bug): Cannot deploy a project which is required from an deleted pmv (NPE)
Update Release (3.11.2011)
* Issue #23057 (Bug): Could not modify task or case because of synchronization problems in a cluster environment (Cluster node has not answered)
* Issue #23052 (Bug): Deadlock in designer if a lot of system task have to be executed
* Issue #23051 (Bug): Deadlock in process data cache if tasks of a case are joining and resuming in the same time period
Update Release (11.10.2011)
* Issue #22701 (Improvement): RTextField inserts wrong character for decimal separator on french keyboard
* Issue #22935 (Bug): Memory Leak UICloseableTabPane
* Issue #22949 (Improvement): IvyAddOns FileManager Drag and Drop
Update Release (20.09.2011)
* Issue #22862 (Bug): WorkflowUI has bad performance with mySql
* Issue #22650 (Feature): Add CloseableTabbedPane
* Issue #22791 (Improvement) Provide Public API for deleting old finished cases
* Issue #21794 (Bug): RBrowser does not work on MacOS
* Issue #22874 (Bug): setStyle("default") does not reset the background color correctly
Update Release (8.8.2011)
* Issue #22728 (Bug): Environment specific WebService configuration may not be deployed on Designer
* Issue #22756 (Bug): Project reporting does not report all processes because of an exception
* Issue #22493 (Bug): ITask.setExpiryTimestamp(null) throws NPE
* Issue #22789 (Bug): UDP multicast cluster communication broken if network is disable/enable
Update Release (21.7.2011)
* Issue #22566 (Bug): Error in the SmartTable if you use links. (Sorting and HTML Tag generation)
* Issue #22698 (Bug): Improve cluster messaging (multicast vs. anycast)
* Issue #22713 (Bug): Connection pools return bad connection after network disconnect
* Issue #22730 (Bug): IRole.createChildRole sets the description template as name template and vice versa
* Issue #22733 (Bug): Daily task summary is only sent once after a server restart
* Issue #22738 (Bug): System Task stays in state RESUMED
* Issue #22747 (Bug): Process data of task may be empty
* Issue #22757 (Bug): Case changes state to DONE even tough tasks are still running [Cluster]
* Issue #22759 (Bug): System task may be resumed by more than one thread parallel
Update Release (5.7.2011)
* Issue #22729 (Bug): Exception while saving UI State of a RSplitPane (if position is undefined)
* Issue #22725 (Bug): Restore of RTable UI-state could end in a endless loop
* Issue #22719 (Bug): Deadlock (race condition) when an RD (located in a base project) is loaded parallel
* Issue #22707 (Bug): UserSubstitute.getSubstitutionRole throws NPE for substitute without role
* Issue #22681 (Bug): RBrowser can not be disabled
* Issue #22678 (Bug): Session Server Memory on UI (ULC)
* Issue #22676 (Bug): RDatePicker value_changed event is not invoked anymore in xivy4.2
* Issue #22648 (Bug): UiState reorders the columns of a RTable
* Issue #22529 (Bug): Add CMS Language on Project Properties
* Issue #21705 (Bug): ServerAdminUI: email address validator is too strict
Update Release (14.06.2011)
* Issue #22392 (Bug): Configuration of embedded RD's in Visual Editor is broken
* Issue #22541 (Bug): Email sending is broken if TO, CC fields contain CAP letters
* Issue #22596 (Bug): Active directory integration is not performant
* Issue #22659 (Improvement): Ivy Project ClassLoader has bad performance
* Issue #22647 (Bug): NullPointerException on RTable with no header
* Issue #22578 (Bug): Link in Task notification Mail Points to
* Issue #22574 (Bug): Pages from WebContent broken
* Issue #22657 (Bug): Axis1 generate WS classes does not work with "-" in port name
* Issue #22656 (Bug): Build all is executed after restart of the Designer
* Issue #22622 (Bug): NameNotFoundException if a user has a '/' in the ldap name
* Issue #22492 (Bug): Wrong text on a RLookupTextField if users clicks ESC and text was set programatically
* Issue #22491 (Bug): List of RLookupTextFields opens if the RLookupTextFields gets the focus
* Issue #22482 (Bug): ${SVN_REVISION} tag wird im about Dialog nicht ersetzt
* Issue #22267 (Bug): StartEventBean running on archived and deprecated PMV's
* Issue #22055 (Bug): The RTextFieldCellWidget should support the selectAllOnFocusGained property
Update Release
* Issue #22572 (Bug): ivy.cms.getProject() throws "Could not parse permission rule"
* Issue #22551 (Bug): Non RIA project cannot be deployed on server without RIA licence
* Issue #22548 (Bug): Process Data get partly lost on session expiry on an html page
* Issue #22539 (Improvement): Exception with TaskSwitch after sync-async-sync RD's (aka store callstack on rich dialog data for rich dialogs)
* Issue #22478 (Bug): PermissionDeniedException if more than one request do JPA operation parallel
* Issue #22477 (Bug): NPE during JPA operation
* Issue #22212 (Bug): Modal dialog is not displayed if main Rich Dialog is on auxiliary screen
Changes in 4.2 (since product release, 09.12.2010)
Xpert.ivy Designer:
- New UI synchronization process element for client UI refresh
- Rich Dialog user context to store user defined settings
- Screenshot of Rich Dialogs can be used for documentation and search
- Rich Dialog and data class search
- New process element Trigger
- New End Page process element
- New Simple Task Switch process element
- End Page for Task Switch process element
- Processes can be deployed as web services
- Smart Table feature from Xpert.Ivy 3.x
- Date Picker widget for HTML
- (Customizable) Validation scripts for HTML forms
- A lot of improvements for the HTML page editor
- Web Content folder to store any web content and for use in HTML pages
- Page Archive to archive HTML forms of cases
- Update on Eclipse 3.5 and Java 1.6
- More artifacts in the reference view
- New project wizard re-modeled (library has gone)
- third-party plugins/features can be installed now
- project reporting to HTML, PDF and Word
- Web Service client classes are put in jar at generation
- IvyScript editor sligthly improved
Xpert.ivy Server:
- New Xpert.ivy cluster server
- Web service configuration )depending on environment) can be edited on server admin UI.
- Email Notification for new tasks
- Daily digest email for open tasks
- User properties can edited
- Integration into IIS and Apache web servers
- PostgreSQL as system database
- Update to Java 1.6
Bugfixes and feature implementations:
* Issue #17561 (Major Feature): Report a project
* Issue #17562 (Major Feature): Start a report engine in the process
* Issue #17565 (Major Feature): Cluster Server
* Issue #17574 (Major Feature): Rich dialog client side user settings
* Issue #17577 (Major Feature): RD Search
* Issue #17578 (Major Feature): Server mail notification
* Issue #17579 (Major Feature): HTML Page Archive
* Issue #17593 (Major Feature): HTML End Element
* Issue #17595 (Major Feature): HTML functionality of Task Switch Element
* Issue #17596 (Major Feature): HTML Macros
* Issue #17597 (Major Feature): HTML Smart Table
* Issue #17601 (Major Feature): Trigger Element
* Issue #17604 (Major Feature): Web Service Processes
* Issue #17949 (Major Feature): Support PostgreSql as system database
* Issue #17433 (Feature): Xpert.Ivy as eclipse Feature - for update reasons
* Issue #19389 (Feature): Put WS classes in a jar after generation
* Issue #19506 (Feature): Simple Workflow UI in Server
* Issue #19842 (Feature): Roundtrip-Element für Refresh von Client-GUI / ProgressBar
* Issue #20281 (Feature): IvyScript Help in Attribute Browser (use JavaDoc)
* Issue #20285 (Feature): Add HTML Table content object
* Issue #20477 (Feature): Missing Callable process start element from palette
* Issue #21427 (Feature): Missing Ivy.persistence() in ch.ivyteam.ivy.environment.Ivy
* Issue #22152 (Feature): Cascade styles definition on Entity Classes
* Issue #22433 (Feature): Process performance statistics on server
* Issue #15693 (Improvement): Prozesseditor: Ctrl-A
* Issue #16819 (Improvement): Process Editor: optimize Comtextmenus of process elements (selected and not selected)
* Issue #18415 (Improvement): Update Apache Commons to new version
* Issue #18425 (Improvement): Reconnect arrows with the mouse in the process editor
* Issue #19812 (Improvement): Edit WS Config on Server admin
* Issue #20469 (Improvement): "CMS Object Details" View should save changes
* Issue #20830 (Improvement): Refactoring of Processes (move) is not working
* Issue #20834 (Improvement): Namespace definition in New Project Wizard
* Issue #20837 (Improvement): New Project Wizard
* Issue #21105 (Improvement): Old SORECO CI/CD in delivered documents (releaseNotes,...)
* Issue #21107 (Improvement): make data caching ready for cluster (and was on z/OS)
* Issue #21170 (Improvement): Execute CMS API methods as system / without permission check
* Issue #21197 (Improvement): increase keep-alive value of ulc
* Issue #21412 (Improvement): JSessionId attribute (url rewriting) is ignored in a business process with html pages
* Issue #21451 (Improvement): Provide Thumbnail view for RichDialog search
* Issue #21776 (Documentation): add section for instance parameter in sql server
* Issue #15690 (Bug): Prozesseditor: Transparenz Stil auf Subprozess?
* Issue #17101 (Bug): IvyScript: Innere Klassen können nicht importiert werden
* Issue #17371 (Bug): Process-Editor: Für Pfeile kann dash style/color nicht mehr gesetzt werden
* Issue #17564 (Bug): Test Cases für Rich Dialogs
* Issue #17752 (Bug): Configuration Editor: Refresh problem
* Issue #18019 (Bug): Process Editor: Cannot copy Annotations
* Issue #18176 (Bug): Widget Config - Properties view : focus lost
* Issue #18226 (Bug): ContentObject.addValue(..) requires LanguageRead Permission
* Issue #18924 (Bug): ProcessEditor: key "DEL" does not work anymore
* Issue #19185 (Bug): Ctrl-S is broken on ProcessEditor
* Issue #19187 (Bug): Page editor: add image -> GIF
* Issue #19301 (Bug): Drag Welcome view out: current page will be forget
* Issue #19339 (Bug): Ctrl-x does not work in the process editor (should invoke cut command)
* Issue #19572 (Bug): Delete Rich Dialogs
* Issue #19668 (Bug): Ivy can not find Library
* Issue #19709 (Bug): WorkflowUI: UNASSIGNED tasks cannot be reassigned
* Issue #19739 (Bug): Empty start event element cannot be compiled
* Issue #19828 (Bug): Rollen mappen auf ADS (ExternalSecurityName)
* Issue #19915 (Bug): no permission defined for getProcessModelVersion() of class ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.internal.IntermediateEventElement
* Issue #20048 (Bug): Process Editor, reconnect arrows
* Issue #20075 (Bug): Persistence Layer generates wrong stmt.setString statement for canBeNull=false
* Issue #20167 (Bug): Improve Search Page
* Issue #20258 (Bug): Cache must not be shared between environemnt
* Issue #20269 (Bug): Callable Process as Component
* Issue #20328 (Bug): Validation of the email property "TO" before sending recognises not all wrong adresses.
* Issue #20487 (Bug): ULC Client Application sometimes does not have the same HTTP Session it was started in
* Issue #20748 (Bug): Leere Beschreibung bei Environments führt beim Deployment in einer Oracle Db zu einem Fehler
* Issue #20772 (Bug): Refactoring of Dataclasses (rename, move) not working
* Issue #21132 (Bug): RD project converter fails
* Issue #21145 (Bug): CMS value change problem, remove the content of a string value
* Issue #21336 (Bug): CMS Object Copy/Paste doesn't work with Folders with children
* Issue #21355 (Bug): Information on webservice configuration broken
* Issue #21417 (Bug): Ivy.datacache() not visible in Designer
* Issue #21645 (Bug): In some cases no workflow event is written if the state of a task is changed
* Issue #21646 (Bug): Task that fail to join will stay in state READY_FOR_JOIN forever
* Issue #21673 (Bug): Role and User do not return consistent values for the Role / User association if running with ADS integration
* Issue #21709 (Bug): System property dialog misbehavior
* Issue #21807 (Bug): Sort user table in AdminUI correctly
* Issue #21837 (Bug): Call Web Service with parameters of primitive arrays throws IllegalArgumentException
* Issue #21863 (Bug): User and Role Configuration in Server Administrator does not work correct with Active Directory
* Issue #21945 (Bug): set default data class (namespace) for project does not work
* Issue #21991 (Bug): Environment for simulation is not set in start event and intermediate event bean initialize method at first engine start
* Issue #22095 (Bug): ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on CacheInputStream if one tries to resume a task
* Issue #22105 (Bug): Memory leak in model adapters (Session scope)
* Issue #22165 (Bug): racing condition on parallel system task join
* Issue #22167 (Bug): quote dates in property filters correctly
* Issue #22291 (Bug): Unable do deserialize Hibernate collections on task resume
* Issue #22311 (Bug): Aspose licence expired
* Issue #22324 (Bug): Global Variables and missing Environments
* Issue #22366 (Bug): NullPointerException when calling a method on a RD inside a display
* Issue #22369 (Bug): WebService deployment problems with environments on the Designer
* Issue #22370 (Bug): Startlogo overlaps workspace selection
* Issue #22384 (Bug): RDatePicker display wrong month if Client/Server TimeZone is different
* Issue #22403 (Bug): NullPointerException (NPE) in getLanguageLocale() while AD synchronisation
Changes in 4.1.3 (since product release, 09.04.2010)
Xpert.ivy Designer:
- RBrowser runs on more operating systems such as Windows Vista, Windows 7
and on 64bit systems
Xpert.ivy Server:
- User properties can now be created and edited in the Server
Administration Tool
Bugfixes and feature implementations:
* Issue #17887 (Bug): RD Window Config: Maximize too big -> Taskbar invisible
* Issue #18751 (Feature): User properties handling on Ivy server
* Issue #18929 (Improvement): width of expression column in data mapping table
* Issue #19348 (Bug): User "everybody" should get list of startable processes
* Issue #19479 (Bug): RLookupTextfield can not be disabled
* Issue #19630 (Improvement): LookupTextField selection improvement
* Issue #19716 (Improvement): Put RichDialog data (in) on RichDialog panel
* Issue #19896 (Bug): RSplitPane does not keep correctly the divider location
if resized
* Issue #20368 (Bug): Crash on 64bit with RBrowser
* Issue #20503 (Bug): Unique constraint violation in table IWA_TaskElement
if tasks are joined or ended parallel on a task element
* Issue #20905 (Improvement): upgrade synthetica
* Issue #21088 (Bug): TaskSwitch within CompositeSub crashes
* Issue #21183 (Bug): Lookup Window of a RLookupTextField in Modal Dialog hides
behind Modal Dialog
* Issue #21191 (Bug): Invalid value support not working correct in all cases
leads to wrong validation behaviour
* Issue #21206 (Improvement): User properties handling on Ivy Server is missing
for WFUI Team Manager feature
* Issue #21273 (Bug): Could not start two instances of the Designer on Windows7
* Issue #21312 (Bug): RLookupTextField with force selection should select
selected entry
* Issue #20345 (Bug): getStartableProcessStarts returns process start of non
release pmv's
* Issue #21352 (Bug): .Net Webservices cannot be consumed
* Issue #21397 (Bug): all RD Data get lost in some situations
* Issue #21442 (Bug): NPE in ComboBoxCellRenderer.toolTipRequest
* Issue #21447 (Bug): Memory-Leak: RDatePicker
* Issue #21448 (Bug): Memory-Leak: Validation framework
* Issue #21449 (Bug): When reading an old co.meta file, a ParseException could
be thrown with java 1.6
* Issue #21460 (Bug): Task do not join in callable if they use the data class
object of the callee process
* Issue #21464 (Bug): Empty models for data widgets cause NPE
* Issue #21467 (Bug): set ajp packet size as system property
* Issue #21477 (Bug): Windows Type missing when creating project with empty
default configuration
* Issue #21497 (Bug): Crash in Display Load Event when starting with
* Issue #21545 (Bug): UlcDataTypeException when selecting a TextField on a panel
* Issue #21599 (Bug): Tool-Tip flicker
* Issue #21609 (Bug): RLookupTextField, if forceSelection is activated, only
valid entries are accepted
* Issue #21622 (Bug): RLookupTextField, an empty (blank) entry in the proposal
list is displayed a too small height
* Issue #21644 (Bug): Exception is thrown during animation of process in
process editor
* Issue #21670 (Bug): NPE in History View - can't simulate anymore
* Issue #21686 (Bug): Multiple Mini Memory Leaks
* Issue #21699 (Bug): RDatepicker is initialized with empty date if used on
card pane with setPreloadAt(false)
* Issue #21727 (Bug): Empty entry in a RList or RComboBox is displayed too small
* Issue #21768 (Bug): Stackoverflow Exception in History View bei Objekten,
die auf sich selber verweisen
* Issue #21778 (Bug): system db fields with unique key must not be truncated
* Issue #21779 (Bug): role display name can not be set equal to role name
* Issue #21786 (Bug): Performance measurement for system db connection
* Issue #21793 (Bug): correct size of display name for role
* Issue #21795 (Bug): NPE in Library Model Validator
* Issue #21803 (Bug): Execution flag in an RD Step changes without modifying
from synchronous to asynchronous
* Issue #21815 (Bug): Security checks are very slow if application uses
Active Directory
* Issue #21819 (Bug): Inconsistent Call Stack after opening an asynchronous
Rich Dialog in Call Sub that is called from within a Rich Dialog
* Issue #21828 (Bug): Process Data cannot be deserialised if a field contains
more than 16kb of data
* Issue #21894 (Bug): Sytem task starvation might occur
* Issue #21916 (Bug): task data written for self task are written to wrong task
* Issue #21943 (Bug): Cuncurrent modification exception beim Stoppen des
Servers im Designer
* Issue #21975 (Bug): NPE auf dem Server bei der Verwendung von mehreren PMVs
* Issue #21976 (Bug): The persistency layer opens unnecassary prepared
statements. Causes maximum open cursor exeeded errors on oracle.
* Issue #22024 (Bug): 100% of CPU time usage for RLookupTextField
* Issue #22029 (Bug): cms.co does not found content object if executed on a
project that is not in the case scope
Changes in 4.1.2 (since product release, 24.07.2009)
Xpert.ivy Designer:
- New Trigger and Trigger Start process element
- New Call & Wait process element
- Multiple process editor improvements
- Reference View Improvements
- New Bean Java Class Wizard to create Bean classes for Program Interface,
Start Event, Intermediate Event and Call & Wait
- Added abstract base classes that help implementing the necessary interfaces
for the Program Interface, Start Event, Intermediate Event and Call &
Wait process elements and UI Editors.
- New based on Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo Release)
- Xpert.ivy as Eclipse Feature
- Active Environment to use during Simulation can be set in the preferences
- Data caches are now depending from environments
- Project documentation can be generated as Word Document, PDF or HTML
- Improved search for Rich Dialogs and content
- Runs on Java 1.6 now
- New Tomcat version 6.0.20
- Updated a lot of 3rd party libraries
- RIA project advisor and About dialog that contains version information and
build date
- Recordset and Record can be used with java.util.List
- Fixed SWT / Swing focus problems
- CMS Editor keeps his location and size
- Process elements are reordered on the process palette. There are new two
process element categories Event & Gateway and Activity
Xpert.ivy Server:
- Runs on Java 1.6 now
- Web Service Configurations can now be configured in the Server administration.
- New Tomcat version 6.0.20
- Updated a lot of 3rd party libraries
- Workflow UI bug fixes and improvements
Bugfixes and feature implementations:
* Issue #16238 (Feature): Callsub verbessern
* Issue #17925 (Feature): Look & Feel downloading enhancement
* Issue #19094 (Improvement): db configuration: should be inheritable over
project dependendencies
* Issue #20333 (Bug): Databinding is not execute before evaluating the result
of a rich dialog
* Issue #20339 (Improvement): Icon config for RButonCellWidget (Renderer)
* Issue #20355 (Bug): RdMethod: panel variable is not available on "in" tab
* Issue #20412 (Bug): CellWidget Sytling problem
* Issue #20468 (Improvement): CMS Editor: Status von Comboboxen und Tree
wird nicht gespeichert
* Issue #20542 (Bug): Engine Perspective with Xpert.ivy Projects View
Changes in 4.1.1 (Since product release, 20.01.2009)
Xpert.ivy Designer:
- Config Project has become obsolete
- Custom window types can be configured in the Configuration Editor ...
- ... and used in the new Display tab of the Rich Dialog process element
- RWidget Validation has been improved
- UI Events can now be disabled permanently or temporary
- Upgraded to ULC 08 Update 2
- RWidget tool tip behaviour can be configured
- RButtons can be activated by ENTER
- Rich Dialogs now can have description and tags. These can be used in
the Search dialog to search rich dialogs
- RTextField can either be used with validation using getValue and setValue
or without using getText and setText
- New property on RTextField "SelectAllOnFocusGained"
- RTables now support custom Cell Widgets
- RTable now supports a ValueChangedEvent
- RLookupTextField has been improved a lot. It now supports the additional
properties "AutoSelectFirst" and "LazyLookupIdleTime"
- RComboBox now supports Enumeration
- Support event mapping on MenuItems
- New RComboBox Enumeration Wizard that helps to create Name, Icon,
Description for each Enumeration Value in the CMS.
- Support for Global Variables (ivy.var.xyz)
- Support for Environments for Database, WebService and Global Variable
- Support for Drag and Drop from Xpert.ivy Outline View to Visual Editor
Java Beans View.
- New Xpert.ivy Search Tab in Search Dialog to search Content in the CMS
and Rich Dialogs.
- The history view has two new toolbar icons to navigate to the next and
previous process element. During the navigation the selection and expanded
state of the tree are restored
- The amount of data in the history view can be configured
- Inscription mask does no longer close with ESC key without asking the
user if he wants to save the changed data.
- The widget path and event information that triggers a request is now
shown in the Debug and History view
- It is now possible to call a Sub Processes in other projects
- The Sub Process interface is now similar to Rich Dialog start methods
- Mail process element supports file attachments
- Rich Dialogs are now able to receive SYSTEM wide events
- Rich Dialogs End process elements have now standard sizes and new icons
- The Sub Process End process element has a new icon so that it can be better
differentiated from the Sub Process Start element
- Xpert.ivy supports directly JPA (Java Persistence API). You can create
special process data classes that are JPA Entity classes.
- Generation of the schema of a database is now possible by using the
information specified in the JPA Entity classes.
- The CommonDialogs project has been integrated to the new IvyAddOns project.
The IvyAddOns project contains other useful features for the work with
Xpert.ivy for example DynamicDialogs.
- New process element Program User Interface. This element is not on the
palette, but it can be used by OEM Partners to implement their own UI
- New version of the subversion plugin 1.6.2
Xpert.ivy Server:
- Config Project has become obsolete
- New project to process model version deployment wizard
- Check if the project to deploy is compatible with the existing pmv
before deploying it to a pmv
- Check if the project is complete before deploying it to a pmv
- Server side ULC logging can be configured
- Environments with Global Variables and Database Configurations can
configured in the Server Administrator
- Support Single Sign On in combination with IIS and NTML
- Tabs in Server Administrator application can now only be opened once
Bugfixes and feature implementations:
* Issue #15753 (Bug): DB Step: Fehler beim Zugriff auf ID-Feld mit Sql Server
* Issue #15954 (Major Feature): Environments
* Issue #15955 (Major Feature): Globale Konstanten
* Issue #16378 (Bug): Process does not continue after closing
Modal Dialog with [X]
* Issue #16519 (Feature): RTable: There is a need to have some Custom/Special
* Issue #16542 (Feature): RTextField setValue/getValue vs. setText/getText
* Issue #16815 (Bug): Resource refresh VS. error marker persistence
* Issue #17016 (Bug): Fail to start remote vm for visual editor
* Issue #17060 (Bug): Exception beim IvyStart-up
* Issue #17074 (Bug): RichDialog Window close [X]: Correctly unload all panels
on internal displays
* Issue #17265 (Bug): Type interference does not work in complex scripts
* Issue #17402 (Improvement): WS Config and WSCall imporovement proposition
* Issue #17515 (Improvement): ESC closes inscription mask without warning
-> changes lost
* Issue #17598 (Major Feature): Replace the config project
* Issue #17655 (Bug): toString is not visible on interface type in ivyScript
* Issue #17790 (Bug): Server (admin): AD sych on time does not work
* Issue #17944 (Bug): RD-Method call with embedded modal dialog
* Issue #17976 (Bug): Menu item widget configuration in popup menu
* Issue #17985 (Bug): Import-Buttons on CM properties page useless
* Issue #17999 (Bug): Change input in Callable Subprocess Start dialog
* Issue #18064 (Feature): Check compatibility of new deploying project with
existing pmv
* Issue #18366 (Feature): CMS Search über alle abhängigen CMS
* Issue #18498 (Bug): FWK005 parse may not be called while parsing
* Issue #18558 (Major Feature): Callable Process as Component
* Issue #18562 (Improvement): Extend CMS Search: Also index/search
description field + name
* Issue #18564 (Feature): ComboBox-Wizard
* Issue #18598 (Feature): Allow Event Mapping on MenuItems per D'n'D
* Issue #18655 (Feature): Ease enabling/disabling of widgets based on validation
* Issue #18740 (Feature): EMail attachments support
* Issue #18789 (Improvement): Rich Dialog Data -> UI Wizard
* Issue #18799 (Bug): Absolute pathes in server control center
* Issue #18847 (Bug): HTML page crash
* Issue #18886 (Bug): IvyScriptCastException if two rich dialogs have the same
* Issue #18889 (Improvement): RLookupTextField with databinding
* Issue #18917 (Improvement): Widget Config: Bad Default Text for Widgets
* Issue #18925 (Feature): History view: jump next/previous
* Issue #18926 (Bug): History view: structure collapsed when proc. element
selection changes
* Issue #18931 (Bug): Out of Memory Error while simulating
* Issue #18939 (Bug): RDatePicker Focus events do not work
* Issue #18940 (Improvement): validation for editable RTable columns
* Issue #18954 (Bug): WorkflowUI save user settings throws an exception
* Issue #18968 (Improvement): Support event mapping for PopupMenuEvent on
* Issue #18970 (Bug): RDatePicker does not give validation feed back if the
user entres a wrong formated date
* Issue #18998 (Improvement): RTable value change event
* Issue #19013 (Improvement): RLabels should not be focusenabled by default
* Issue #19026 (Bug): Activation of PMV hangs.. (when shared LIB-s are used)
* Issue #19036 (Bug): Once you set validation - you can never unset
* Issue #19063 (Bug): Filter the own server service in the server service conf
* Issue #19075 (Bug): Ivy Outline View: 2xfunny Incription cntx menu item
* Issue #19085 (Improvement): Tabs in Server admin should be singletons
* Issue #19096 (Feature): Implement RFE-0019: Message service on Appication
* Issue #19124 (Improvement): Deployment von Projekten
* Issue #19290 (Bug): Bug while opening a java File
* Issue #19325 (Bug): IvyScript Lists: List type inferrence still not working
in all cases
* Issue #19397 (Improvement): SystemEvents: Create additional "System" Scope
for RD-Events to send
* Issue #19398 (Improvement): Upgrade to Synthetica 2.8
* Issue #19426 (Bug): Tooltips on VE Palette
* Issue #19428 (Bug): Inheriting layout styles with 2 dependent projects
* Issue #19434 (Bug): Empty IvyScriptContext while TreeLoadEvent
* Issue #19451 (Bug): IvyScript Tree/IvyScript Completor: java.util.Date is
not displayed as DateTime
* Issue #19455 (Improvement): Make variable "node" available on a RTreeTable
Cell Renderer Style
* Issue #19457 (Improvement): Select all - on focus gined in a textfield
* Issue #19481 (Bug): RD-Applet: LF + initial size incorrect
* Issue #19486 (Improvement): use different default ports for designer and
* Issue #19500 (Bug): Manager Names all completely different
* Issue #19502 (Bug): ServerConfig: Create Admin, Wrong Email-Address
* Issue #19504 (Bug): Server Config: Admin change password
* Issue #19508 (Documentation): Table changes
* Issue #19521 (Bug): IVY Server neustart bei RD-Ãnderung notwendig
* Issue #19530 (Improvement): Validierung für RComboBox und RLookupTextField
* Issue #19532 (Bug): Delete of System Application should not possible
* Issue #19534 (Bug): Synthetica L&F does not work in applet mode
* Issue #19557 (Bug): Selection in the cms editor is lost if the text in the
search box is cleaned
* Issue #19559 (Improvement): DatePicker improvements
* Issue #19566 (Bug): WS Caching: Input Field validation not without fail
* Issue #19570 (Improvement): Data class attribute: even deleted, it remain in
RD Logic file
* Issue #19578 (Bug): Concurrent access on same CMS key
* Issue #19584 (Improvement): Consolidate the java constants for INVALID Date,
Time, Number
* Issue #19588 (Bug): Hostname mit "_" versacht Probleme bei DB Config
* Issue #19592 (Bug): Server Config: Can not edit administrator
* Issue #19598 (Bug): Data Cache Error under load
* Issue #19602 (Bug): The FileStartEventBean does not handle the $ character
* Issue #19634 (Bug): Engine/Debug: Exception in error log and on screen
message box
* Issue #19656 (Bug): Deadlock if you create a lot of tasks
* Issue #19671 (Bug): Inconsistent naming: RD Event Start
* Issue #19673 (Bug): ivy Data class validator is missing
* Issue #19688 (Bug): Server Administration: Question: "Do you realy want to
delete the process model xy" is only show
* Issue #19699 (Bug): entry does not work in table cell style if used in RTree
* Issue #19711 (Bug): RIA client runs out of memory
* Issue #19737 (Bug): Endless Recursion when RichDialog is closing
* Issue #19751 (Bug): JDIC package nicht komplett in Ivy integriert
* Issue #19758 (Bug): root rich dialog of window does not receive broadcast
* Issue #19771 (Bug): Systemtasks werden nach Neustart nicht ausgeführt
* Issue #19778 (Documentation): DesignerDOC PDF: 5 images out of margin
* Issue #19784 (Bug): Import AD-User aus anderer Domäne führt zu Fehler
* Issue #19790 (Bug): RTable empty table rendering problem
* Issue #19794 (Bug): Enable Regular Garbage Collection on the Server
* Issue #19806 (Bug): PermGen setting in ilc not functional
* Issue #19807 (Improvement): Increase PermGen setting for server
* Issue #19818 (Improvement): Support Single Sign On
* Issue #19833 (Bug): Memory-Leak in EventMappings
* Issue #19834 (Bug): ULCSession are not stop when HttpSession expires
* Issue #19841 (Documentation): IvyScript Variables: refresh
* Issue #19853 (Bug): RBrowser raise the error (ieEmbed.exe)
* Issue #19869 (Improvement): Validation "Enablement" on inner Rich Dialgos
* Issue #19881 (Bug): NPE during event broadcasting
* Issue #19888 (Bug): Wrong icons are displayed after content language change
* Issue #19895 (Improvement): Focused RButton should be activated if the user
hits ENTER
* Issue #19903 (Bug): broken setRootVisible(false) - e.g. IvyAdminTools
* Issue #19904 (Bug): Broken: RTree widget in VE
* Issue #19909 (Bug): Verschachtelt Daten können nicht via HTTP-Parameter
gesendet werden
* Issue #19922 (Improvement): ULCExtension integration
* Issue #19923 (Bug): server log: java.lang.NullPointerException
* Issue #19929 (Bug): setMandatory on ULC widgets
* Issue #19931 (Bug): Error when calling validation API on dynamically created
* Issue #19950 (Bug): Schliessen eines RD in einem Display Pain leer alle
RD-Daten vom gleichen RD-Type
* Issue #19954 (Feature): Rich Dialog search
* Issue #19972 (Bug): Permission denied in ivy.html.startref
* Issue #20013 (Bug): Code completion doesn't work with feature
"Automatically imported classes"
* Issue #20015 (Improvement): Deliver Broadcast also to Panel that fired it
* Issue #20017 (Bug): Ivy Class Editor: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
* Issue #20018 (Bug): Entity Class Editor: SameMappedByField
* Issue #20021 (Bug): Thread synchronization in class
GlobalIvyScriptClassRepository blocks request threads. This
leads to bad performance under heavy load
* Issue #20025 (Improvement): RFE 0023: Selection- and ValueChangeEvent
* Issue #20027 (Bug): DataClass Felder mit primitiven Datentypen
* Issue #20064 (Bug): ULC FileChooserConfig die Applikation blokiert.
* Issue #20079 (Improvement): Corrupt content file cannot be found because
error message does not hold the file path
* Issue #20085 (Bug): Exception in Reference View
* Issue #20110 (Bug): ivy.session.getStartableProcessStarts() should be user
* Issue #20117 (Improvement): Validation of email properties
* Issue #20136 (Bug): User sometime do not have the configured roles in
Designer runtime
* Issue #20138 (Improvement): LookupTextField: setSelected(List/Record)Entry
* Issue #20159 (Documentation): Extend System Requriements in readme
* Issue #20289 (Bug): Database Schema for Persistence is not generated for
specific Environment
* Issue #20293 (Bug): Keys bei ComboBox in HTML-Formular
* Issue #20313 (Bug): History view preferences do not work
* Issue #20325 (Bug): Wrong error markers in databinding that contains
Date types