Error Handling

The exception handling in HTML Dialogs can be customized. Depending on the request type the customization differs.

Error Pages

Error pages inform the user on unexpected errors that occurred during the execution of process activities or HTML dialog interactions.

The default error pages can be examined in the product (see webapps/ivy/ivy-error-page.xhtml). These pages can be customized to met the look of your workflow application and your companies identity. Moreover, you can adjust the displayed information. The ErrorPageMBean is accessible within error pages to provide context information on the error and its engine state. Other IVY APIs are not intended to work in case of an error.

Custom errors pages must be registered in the global web.xml.


Keep in mind that error pages and its configuration do not live within the project. Therefore it is crucial to document or automate their deployment. Otherwise error page configurations might get lost during migrations to newer version of Axon Ivy.

AJAX Errors

If an exception occurs in an ajax-based HTTP request, the configured Primefaces ajax exception handlers comes into play. The handler must be defined as part of the *.xhtml file. In the provided standard layouts, handlers are already configured. See webContent/layouts/includes/exception.xhtml for details.

<p:ajaxExceptionHandler update="ajaxExceptionDialog" onexception="PF('ajaxExceptionDialog').show();"/>

The above ajax exception handler will catch every exception of every type. If an exception occurs the action in onexception will be executed. In this example, a Primefaces dialog will be shown.

<p:p:dialog id="ajaxExceptionDialog" header="Error" widgetVar="ajaxExceptionDialog" height="400px">
    <p:h:outputText value="Error Id: #{errorPage.exceptionId}"/>

The errorPage bean is available within the ajax exception handling. Properties like exceptionId or message can be used to provide specific error information to the user.

View Expired Exception

If the view or the session of a user expires then there is a possibility to catch that exception with a specialized ajax exception handler. Instead of catching all exceptions you can specify the type of the exception to catch.


This handler will only catch exceptions of type javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException. The exception handler with the most specific type of exception will be used.

<p:dialog id="viewExpiredExceptionDialog" header="View or Session Expired" widgetVar="viewExpiredExceptionDialog" height="50px">
    <h:outputText value="The view or session has expired."/>
    <h:outputLink value="#{ivy.html.loginRef()}">Please login again.</h:outputLink>