1# MySql as System Database
 2# [engineDir]/configuration/ivy.yaml
 4  # Format: jdbc:mysql://<host>[:<port>]/<database name>
 5  Url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/AxonIvySystemDatabase
 6  UserName: root
 7  Password: 1234
 8  DriverProperties:
 9    # Very likely to set if not ssl connection is used, to prevent warn logs
10    useSSL: false

We only support InnoDB as storage engine. If database will be created by the Axon Ivy Engine the charset is set to utf8 and collation is set to utf8_unicode_ci.


The newer charset utf8mb4 is not supported. The creation of the system database tables will fail if you use utf8mb4 charset.


If you experience bad query performance in Portal, then try to increase the setting innodb-buffer-pool-size in the my.cnf configuration file of the database.