Microsoft IIS

To use Microsoft IIS as reverse proxy in front of Axon Ivy Engine download and execute the powershell script iis-proxy-setup.ps1. Right click on the file and click Run with PowerShell.

This script will guide you to setup IIS as reverse proxy for the Axon Ivy Engine. It is divided into several parts:

  • IIS Setup will install all required features as the IIS itself, URL Rewrite and Application Request Routing (ARR) modules. Furthermore it will enable the reverse proxy capabilities. The most important configuration entries in the IIS are the Authentication and URL Rewrite modules.

  • Rewrite Rule configures the rule for url rewriting. This will add a new rule ivy-route-all to the Default Website. This will route all traffic to the Axon Ivy Engine which runs on the same host at http://localhost:8080. You may adjust this rule according to your needs when your Axon Ivy Engine runs on a different host. We also recommend to limit the access to specific applications by only route the application which is needed by your users. You can do that by changing the pattern of the rule to YOUR-APP.* e.g. demo-portal.*.

  • Setup SSO will configure Single Sign-on. This will enable Windows Authentication and will add a HTTP request header X-Forwarded-User with the current user to the request which will be forwarded to the Axon Ivy Engine. You will also need to activate Single Sign-on on the Axon Ivy Engine. Furthermore this will also enable Basic Authentication which is required for REST Clients like the Axon Ivy Mobile App to call the protected REST Services provided by the Axon Ivy Engine. If you don’t need this you can manually disable it.
