Interface IIvyProcessPalette

  • public interface IIvyProcessPalette
    The ivy process palette. This interface is used by ivy process palette extensions to add groups and process element entries to the ivy process palette
    This is a public API.
    • Method Detail

      • addGroup

        void addGroup​(String groupIdentifier,
                      String label,
                      int position)
        Adds a new group to the ivy process palette
        groupIdentifier - the identifier of the group
        label - the label that is displayed on the group
        position - the position of the group in the palette (ivy groups uses 1000, 2000, 3000, ...)
        This public API is available in Java.
      • addEntry

        void addEntry​(String groupIdentifier,
                      String processElementClassName,
                      int position)
        Adds a new process element entry to the ivy process palette
        groupIdentifier - the identifier of the group to add the entry to
        processElementClassName - the name of the process element class
        position - the position of the entry within the group (ivy standard entries uses 1000, 2000, 3000, ...)
        This public API is available in Java.
      • addProcessElementEntry

        void addProcessElementEntry​(String groupIdentifier,
                                    String processElementClassName,
                                    int position,
                                    ch.ivyteam.ivy.components.ProcessKind... processKinds)
        Use addEntry(String, String, int) instead and specify the process kinds, if needed, in IBpmnProcessElement.getProcessKinds().
        Adds a new process element entry to the ivy process palette
        groupIdentifier - the identifier of the group to add the entry to
        processElementClassName - the name of the process element class
        position - the position of the entry within the group (ivy standard entries uses 1000, 2000, 3000, ...)
        processKinds - the process kinds on which the process element class entry is visible. If no process kinds are specified, the entry is always visible.
        This public API is available in Java.