Custom Fields

In the file <project>/config/custom-fields.yaml, you can provide additional information (meta information) for custom fields.

The information you provide here is used and displayed on the content assistant in the Name column of the custom fields table, in the developer workflow UI, in the Portal application or via the Public API.


The Axon Ivy Designer delivers a Yaml-Editor to edit the <project>/config/custom-fields.yaml file, where you can maintain additional information about your custom fields.

 1# == Custom Fields Information ==
 3# You can define here your project custom fields.
 6  Tasks:
 7    branchOffice:
 8      Label: Branch Office
 9      Description: The location (city) of the branch office
10      Type: STRING   
11      Icon: gear     
12  Cases:
13#   MyCaseCustomField:
14#      Label: My case custom field
15#      Description: This new case custom field can be used to ...
16#      Type: STRING        
17  Starts:
18#   MyStartCustomField:
19#      Label: My start custom field
20#      Description: This new start custom field can be used to ...
  • Label The label that is displayed on user interfaces instead of the custom field name.

  • Description The description that is displayed on user interfaces for the custom field.

  • Type The type of the custom field. Can be either STRING, TEXT, NUMBER or TIMESTAMP.

  • Category The category of the custom field. Can be used to categorize custom fields.

  • Hidden If hidden, the custom field will not be displayed to end users. Use this for technical custom fields to hide them from end users. Can be either true or false.

You can add as many other attributes as you like. E.g., Icon.

Localize Label, Description and Category

For processes that support multiple languages the Label, Description and Category can be provided in multiple languages by using the CMS.

Simply add a content object with the path /CustomFields/{kind}/{name}/Label, /CustomFields/{kind}/{name}/Description or /CustomFields/Categories/{category} to the CMS. E.g., /CustomFields/Tasks/branchOffice/Label, /CustomFields/Categories/hrm