Create Azure Active Directory App

  1. Goto Azure Portal

  2. Open Azure Active Directory by searching it

  3. Click on App-Registration on the left-side

  4. Click on New registration

New registration
  1. Click on API permissions

  2. Click on Add a permission

  3. Choose Microsoft Graph

  4. Administrator privileges are required to execute steps 9 - 11:

  5. Choose Application permission

  6. Type Directory.Read.All

  7. Click on Add

Grant Permission
  1. Click on Certificates & secrets

  2. Click on New Client Secret

  3. Enter a description, e.g. ivy

  4. Click on Add

  5. Copy the value of this secret. This is needed later to configure the Axon Ivy Engine.

  6. Go to Overview

  1. Application ID and Directory (tenant) ID is needed to configure Axon Ivy Engine.