Microsoft Entra ID

To integrate the Axon Ivy Engine with Microsoft Entra ID as an Identity Provider, you first need to create an application in Microsoft Entra ID. From which you need at least the following settings:

  • the TenantId (Directory (tenant) ID)

  • the ClientId (Application ID) and

  • the ClientSecret (Secret Value).

It is sufficient to copy the following template and adjust the values. The Engine Cockpit offers a detailed configuration page to connect to Microsoft Entra ID.


 1# Microsoft Entra ID as an Identity Provider for the 'default' Security System
 2# [engineDir]/configuration/ivy.yaml 
 4  default:
 5    IdentityProvider:
 6      Name: microsoft-entra-id
 7      Config:
 8        TenantId: 03a6b499-b98a-4e6e-b422-00a84144c5e0
 9        ClientId: cd5b4637-9be8-4008-94ea-23ed80c56820
10        ClientSecret: "${encrypt:1234}"
11        GroupFilter: y4zb4273-gbr7-6068-66da-11ac414hc5e2
13        Roles:
14          Manager: 208e37b6-f34c-4026-bae5-c3aa40bec705
15          Employee: 903a8e76-2922-4fde-92e5-fb361cf3bc4e
17        UserAttribute:
18          FullName: displayName
19          Language: preferredLanguage
20          Properties:
21            phoneNumber: mobilePhone
23        Proxy:
24          Url: https://proxy.local
25          UserName: proxyUser
26          Password: "${encrypt:proxyPassword}"


 1# Microsoft Entra ID Tenant ID
 2TenantId: ""
 4# Client ID provided by Microsoft Entra ID when registering the application
 5ClientId: ""
 7# Client key provided by Microsoft Entra ID when registering the application
 8ClientSecret: ""
10# Object ID of a group which users needs to belong to
11# [directoryBrowser]
12GroupFilter: ""
14# Role mapping that is considered by the user synchronization.
15# Users are added to the roles to which they are assigned in.
16# The left side, e.g. Manager, specifies the unique name of the role defined in Axon Ivy.
17# On the right side, e.g. 208e37b6-f34c-4026-bae5-c3aa40bec705, the UUID of the role in Microsoft Entra ID.
18# The synchronization adds all users to Manager that are assigned to 208e37b6-f34c-4026-bae5-c3aa40bec705
19# [keyvalue:Ivy Role,Microsoft Entra ID Group GUID]
20# [directoryBrowser]
22  #Manager: 208e37b6-f34c-4026-bae5-c3aa40bec705
25  # Microsoft Entra ID property which will be mapped to the Ivy User FullName.
26  # You also can concatenate multiple Microsoft Entra ID properties here, like "surname givename".
27  # Attributes are described here:
28  FullName: displayName
30  # Microsoft Entra ID property which will be mapped to the Ivy User Language.
31  # One single space will disable the synchronization of the language.
32  Language: preferredLanguage
34  # User property mapping of Microsoft Entra ID attributes that are imported and available as user properties (IUser.getProperty).
35  # The left side, e.g. phone, specifies the unique name of the user property in Axon Ivy.
36  # On the right side, e.g. mobilePhone, the name of the attribute of a user in Microsoft Entra ID. All available
37  # attributes are described here:
38  # You can also use onPremisesExtensionAttributes 1-15. Therefore you need to define the Microsoft Entra ID Property specific
39  # extension attribute with the number e.g. extensionAttribute3 or extensionAttribute14
40  # [keyvalue:User Property,Microsoft Entra ID Property]
41  Properties:
42    #phoneNumber: mobilePhone
43    #homeTown: extensionAttribute14
46  # Url of the forward proxy
47  Url: ""
48  # Username to authenticate against the forward proxy 
49  UserName: ""
50  # Password to authenticate against the forward proxy
51  Password: ""