Annotation Interface IvyTest

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(TYPE) @Inherited @ExtendWith(ch.ivyteam.ivy.server.internal.test.StartedEngineDeployAppJu5Ext.class) @ExtendWith(ch.ivyteam.ivy.environment.internal.IvyTestJu5Ext.class) public @interface IvyTest
Provides JUNIT support for ivy environment variable

Mark any Test source class with this annotation and start writing tests that uses ivy environment variable or public API that needs a ivy scope/context like IPersistenceContext.current(), IRestClientContext.current(), etc.

 public class MyTest{
   public void log() throws Exception{
     Ivy.log().warn("This is a warning");

Use the AppFixture to temporary change the active environment or variables of the application in your tests

See Also:
This is a public API.