Interface IProcessIntermediateEventBeanRuntime

public interface IProcessIntermediateEventBeanRuntime
The process intermediate event bean runtime is the API for the intermediate event bean to access its environment and to fire events.
This is a public API.
  • Method Details

    • getRuntimeLogLogger

      Logger getRuntimeLogLogger()
      Gets a runtime log logger interface. With that interface a event bean can log information to the runtime log
      runtime log logger interface
      This public API is available in Java.
    • setPollTimeInterval

      void setPollTimeInterval(long timeInterval)
      Sets the time interval the poll method of the process start event bean is called. If the parameter timeInterval is 0 or smaller the poll method will never be called.
      timeInterval - the time interval in milliseconds
      This public API is available in Java.
    • fireProcessIntermediateEventEx

      IProcessIntermediateEventFiringResult fireProcessIntermediateEventEx(String eventId, Object resultObject, String additionalInformation)
      Fires a process intermediate event. The system will register the event. If the system is waiting for the event the subsequent process step will be executed. If the system does not wait for the event the event will be registered and the system may later process it later. If the system has been waited on the event but this call is executed to late nothing will happen. The resultObject must be a java bean with getter and setter methods for each attribute and a default constructor or a collection or a map. The result object can be used in the output table of the intermediate event process element. The eventId identifies the event. It must have the same value as defined in the inscription mask of the intermediate event process element.
      eventId - the event identifier
      resultObject - the result object
      additionalInformation - additional information that may be useful. May be null.
      the firing result
      PersistencyException - if persistency access fails
      IllegalArgumentException - if result bean cannot be serialised
      This public API is available in Java.
    • executeAsSystem

      <T> T executeAsSystem(Callable<T> callable) throws Exception
      Executes the code of the method in the context of the ivy System security session. If you like to call ivy API methods from your own threads you have to put your code in a Callable and execute it by calling this method otherwise you get security exceptions when calling the API methods.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the result
      callable - the callable to execute in the context of the ivy System security session.
      result of the callable
      Exception - if the callable throws an exception
      This public API is available in Java.
    • getServerExtension

      IServerExtension getServerExtension(String serverExtensionIdentifier)
      Gets the server extension with the given server extension identifier. For more information about server extensions see IServerExtension
      serverExtensionIdentifier - the server extension identifier
      server extension identifier or null if no server extension is installed with the given identifier.
      This public API is available in Java.
    • getIntermediateEventElement

      IIntermediateEventElement getIntermediateEventElement()
      Gets the intermediate event element on which the process intermediate event bean fires intermediate events.
      intermediate event element
      This public API is available in Java.