Package ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects

package ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects
  • Classes
    A Binary objects is a wrapper object for a byte array.
    A BusinessDuration represents an amount of time which is defined as working time.
    An CompositeObject is the base class for process data classes.
    Ivy Date objects have a year, a month and a day, but no day-time.
    A Timestamp object.
    Durations are a component of time intervals and define the amount of intervening time in a time interval.
    A class for files; files are characterized by a path.
    A class for typed lists.
    An abstract basis class for Ivy objects containing other objects.
    Records are rows in DB tables.
    A Recordset is a data structure corresponding to a table from a a database.
    Time objects represent a day-time in IvyScript.
    A class for tree (nodes).
    A class for a typed tuple.
    Used by the CSLXmlClass to hold the data of the sys objects of the Xml class.