Package ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
Enum TaskProperty
- java.lang.Object
- java.lang.Enum<TaskProperty>
- ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.TaskProperty
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public enum TaskProperty extends Enum<TaskProperty> implements IProperty
The properties of a task- Since:
- 18.05.2006
- API:
- This is a public API.
Enum Constant Summary
Enum Constants Enum Constant Description ACTIVATOR_NAME
The activator name propertyACTIVATOR_ROLE_ID
The original activator user id propertyACTIVATOR_USER_ID
The original activator user id propertyBUSINESS_RUNTIME
The business runtime property (seeITask.getBusinessRuntime()
The case id propertyCATEGORY
The task category propertyDELAY_TIMESTAMP
The delay timestamp property propertyEND_TIMESTAMP
The end timestamp propertyEXPIRED_CREATOR_TASK_ID
The expired creator task id propertyEXPIRY_ACTIVATOR_NAME
The expiry activator name propertyEXPIRY_ACTIVATOR_ROLE_ID
The expiry activator role id propertyEXPIRY_ACTIVATOR_USER_ID
The expiry activator role id propertyEXPIRY_PRIORITY
The expiry activator role id propertyEXPIRY_TASK_START_ELEMENT_PID
The expiry task start element pid propertyEXPIRY_TIMESTAMP
The expiry timestamp propertyID
The id propertyIS_EXPIRED
The is expired propertyKIND_CODE
to categorize the taskKIND_NAME
to categorize the taskNAME
The name propertyNUMBER_OF_RESUMES
The number of resumes propertyORIGINAL_ACTIVATOR_NAME
The original activator name propertyORIGINAL_ACTIVATOR_ROLE_ID
The original activator user id propertyORIGINAL_ACTIVATOR_USER_ID
The original activator user id propertyORIGNAL_PRIORITY
The original priority propertyPRIORITY
The priority propertyPROCESS_CATEGORY_CODE
to categorize the taskPROCESS_CATEGORY_NAME
to categorize the taskPROCESS_CODE
to categorize the taskPROCESS_MODEL_ID
The process model id propertyPROCESS_NAME
to categorize the taskREQUEST_PATH
The request path propertySTART_TIMESTAMP
The start timestamp propertySTATE
The state propertySUB_TYPE_CODE
to categorize the taskSUB_TYPE_NAME
to categorize the taskTYPE_CODE
to categorize the taskTYPE_NAME
to categorize the taskWORKER_USER_ID
The worker user id propertyWORKER_USER_NAME
The worker user name propertyWORKING_TIME
The working time
Enum Constant Detail
public static final TaskProperty ID
The id property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty NAME
The name property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty CATEGORY
The task category property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty STATE
The state property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty PRIORITY
The priority property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty END_TIMESTAMP
The end timestamp property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty START_TIMESTAMP
The start timestamp property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty BUSINESS_RUNTIME
The business runtime property (seeITask.getBusinessRuntime()
- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility EXPERT.
public static final TaskProperty WORKING_TIME
The working time- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility EXPERT.
public static final TaskProperty ACTIVATOR_NAME
The activator name property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty ACTIVATOR_USER_ID
The original activator user id property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty ACTIVATOR_ROLE_ID
The original activator user id property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty ORIGINAL_ACTIVATOR_NAME
The original activator name property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty ORIGINAL_ACTIVATOR_USER_ID
The original activator user id property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty ORIGINAL_ACTIVATOR_ROLE_ID
The original activator user id property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty CASE_ID
The case id property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty PROCESS_MODEL_ID
The process model id property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty DELAY_TIMESTAMP
The delay timestamp property property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty EXPIRED_CREATOR_TASK_ID
The expired creator task id property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty EXPIRY_ACTIVATOR_NAME
The expiry activator name property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty EXPIRY_ACTIVATOR_ROLE_ID
The expiry activator role id property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty EXPIRY_ACTIVATOR_USER_ID
The expiry activator role id property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty EXPIRY_PRIORITY
The expiry activator role id property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty ORIGNAL_PRIORITY
The original priority property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty EXPIRY_TASK_START_ELEMENT_PID
The expiry task start element pid property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty EXPIRY_TIMESTAMP
The expiry timestamp property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty REQUEST_PATH
The request path property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty NUMBER_OF_RESUMES
The number of resumes property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility EXPERT.
@Deprecated public static final TaskProperty KIND_NAME
to categorize the taskThe kind name property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
@Deprecated public static final TaskProperty KIND_CODE
to categorize the taskThe kind code property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty WORKER_USER_ID
The worker user id property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty WORKER_USER_NAME
The worker user name property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
public static final TaskProperty IS_EXPIRED
The is expired property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
@Deprecated public static final TaskProperty PROCESS_CATEGORY_CODE
to categorize the taskThe process category code property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
@Deprecated public static final TaskProperty PROCESS_CATEGORY_NAME
to categorize the taskThe process category property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
@Deprecated public static final TaskProperty PROCESS_CODE
to categorize the taskThe process code property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
@Deprecated public static final TaskProperty PROCESS_NAME
to categorize the taskThe process name property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
@Deprecated public static final TaskProperty TYPE_CODE
to categorize the taskThe type code property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
@Deprecated public static final TaskProperty TYPE_NAME
to categorize the taskThe type name property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
@Deprecated public static final TaskProperty SUB_TYPE_CODE
to categorize the taskThe sub type code property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.
@Deprecated public static final TaskProperty SUB_TYPE_NAME
to categorize the taskThe sub type name property- API:
- This public API is available in IvyScript and Java. It has the visibility ADVANCED.