
User Settings provide options for configuring Portal applications:

Admin settings

User needs to have role AXONIVY_PORTAL_ADMIN to see this menu item, it is used to configure Portal configuration, see different Portal configurations in General concept

Global settings

Global settings for Portal can be set in Settings tab

HOMEPAGE_URL http://PORTAL_SERVER:PORTAL_PORT /pro/Portal/portalTemplate /1549F58C18A6C562/PortalStart.ivp

Portal administrator home page link.

Note: Only valid if there are not any registered ivy applications.

HIDE_LOGOUT_BUTTONTRUE/FALSE If TRUE (none case-sensitive), the logout button on top menu will be hidden, otherwise it will be shown. If this property is not set, the logout menu will be displayed by default.
SHOW_ENVIRONMENT_INFOTRUE/FALSEFor switch on/off the display of environment information.
HIDE_TIMETRUE/FALSE Set to TRUE to hide hours and minutes next to date.
SHOW_TASK_BUTTON_LABELSTRUE/FALSE Set to TRUE to show button labels from task list.
HIDE_CHANGE_PASSWORD _BUTTONTRUE/FALSE Set to TRUE (none case-sensitive), the change password option in top menu will be hidden, otherwise it will be shown. If this property is not set, the change password option will be displayed by default.
REFRESH_TASK_LIST_INTERVALNumber Task list refresh interval in seconds
CLIENT_SIDE_TIMEOUTINTEGER Client side timeout in minute, must be more than 1 and less than server side timeout (e.g. 25). If not set, default client side timeout is server side timeout minus 3 minutes.
EXPRESS_END_PAGETRUE/FALSE Display the custom end page at the end of each Express process. Default is true.
EXPIRY_CHART_LAST _DRILLDOWN_LEVELOne of these values: HOUR/DAY/WEEK/MONTH/YEAR Determine last drilldown level using in Task by expiry chart. Default value is HOUR.
ENABLE_SCRIPT_CHECKING_FOR _UPLOADED_DOCUMENTTRUE/FALSE Set to TRUE to enable script checking for uploaded document. Currently this function supports checking for PDF, Excel, MS Doc.
UPLOAD_DOCUMENT_WHITELIST _EXTENSIONEmpty or List of allowed extensions when upload document in Portal, which are separated by comma

Leave value empty if you allow all extensions.

If just allow some extensions, list out extensions here, separated by comma. Example: pdf, txt, doc, docx

If admin doesn't configure this setting, Portal will use the default extension list: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, xlsm, csv, pdf, ppt, pptx, txt ,zip, jpg, jpeg, bmp, png

HIDE_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT_FOR _DONE_CASETRUE/FALSE Set to TRUE to deny upload document after a case is done. By default, user can upload document independent of case status.
HIDE_SYSTEM_TASKS_FROM _HISTORYTRUE/FALSE Set to TRUE so that case/task note does not display any technical history entries for non-administrator users..
HIDE_SYSTEM_TASKS_FROM _HISTORY_ADMINISTRATORTRUE/FALSE Set to TRUE so that case/task note does not display any technical history entries for administrator..
HIDE_STATISTIC_WIDGETTRUE/FALSE Set to TRUE to hide Statistic widget from homepage and application menu.
DISPLAY_MESSAGE_AFTER _FINISH_TASKTRUE/FALSE Set to TRUE to display a feedback message after finishing a task.
DISABLE_CASE_COUNTTRUE/FALSE Set to TRUE to disable calling the Case Count web service to improve performance in case of big database.

Table 6.1. Global settings

Setup multi portals


Multi applications on multi engines is not officially supported, only an experimental mode is available.


There is 2 ways to configure portals: two levels and single level

  • Two levels portal

    • Used for related applications where we need an overview of all tasks and cases.

    • There is default application Portal.

    • Create new applications: App1, App2, App3... Deploy portal (kit, template ..) to new applications.

    • Configure multi-apps Portal on single server: login by Portal Admin. Configure 1 server then configure applications: App1, App2, App3...

    • Note that, do not add default Portal application, the default application (Dashboard) is reserved for displaying all tasks/cases... from all configured applications.

    • Dashboard menu only visible when login user exists in Portal application.

  • Single level portal

    • Used for independent applications.

    • Disable the default application Portal. DO NOT DELETE this application, it will be auto generated after engine restart.

    • Create new applications: App1, App2, App3... Deploy portal(kit, template ..) to new applications.

    • Configure multi-apps Portal on single server: login by Portal Admin. Configure 1 server then configure applications: App1, App2, App3...

  1. Add a new server

    1. Open Admin Settings by selecting the item in UserMenu on the topbar, if your page using layout of PortalTemplate .


      If your application does not use templates of PortalTemplate project, you have to create a page and use AdminSettings component inside.


      To be able to open Admin Settings dialog, user needs to have role AXONIVY_PORTAL_ADMIN .
    2. Click on New button to add new server.


      • Server path must be the link of the PortalConnector application (e.g. http://path-to-ivy:8080/ivy/ws/System/PortalConnector )

      • Web services authentication of the built-in PortalConnector of the Axon Ivy engine are configured as HTTP Basic . Therefore, when adding a new server using the built-in PortalConnector, use authentication type HTTP Basic .

      • The username, password are used by PortalKit to invoke the web services of PortalConnector.

        These are accounts of the application that deploys PortalConnector.

        The built-in PortalConnector are deployed to application System therefore use the username/password of system administrators when connecting to built-in PortalConnector.

        To create system administrators, refer to the document EngineGuide > chapter Configuration > Engine Configuration > System Administrators . E.g. in the latest EngineGuide, refer to this guideline .


      • In multi-Portal mode, Portal uses the External Host value as host value for task or process starts URLs. If this value is empty, Portal will use the host value as configured in the server path field. For other mode, Portal will use the host value of the web address of the engine for the URLs.

      • External Host value is returned from configured server's system property WebServer.ExternalHostName (you might want to change it via Engine's AdminUI ).

        You can sync this value by clicking Test Connection button, if WebServer.ExternalHostName is set the value would be updated, otherwise displays AUTO_DETECT .

        Configured server information is needed for calling service to get this value.

  2. Add a new application

    Choose Application tab on Admin Settings dialog and click on New button to add new application. Here you can choose application type either as Ivy application or Third Party application.


    • Application name is the name of the application when you create it. Display name is the name of the application to be shown on Portal UI.

    • If Active is not checked, the application will be disabled on the application menu. To prevent its tasks, cases and processes to be shown, you must leave the Visible box unchecked.

    • Portal link specifies the link will be redirected when selecting the application on the application menu. It could be an absolute link (e.g. or relative link (e.g. /ivy/pro/.../PortalStart.ivp). If your application could be accessed from multiple domains, use relative link so that you can access the link from different domains.

    • Absence planning if checked will enable absence feature for the application.

    • Mail notification If checked will enable email setting feature for the application.

    • For multiple languages of application display name, you need to create the "AppInfo/SupportedLanguages" CMS which defines how many languages your application supports. See the below "Language settings" for more details.

  3. Synchronize data

    After adding new settings (server, application), click on Synchronize Settings to synch new settings and information about users to registered servers. Close dialog (logging out may be required) and check if newly created application is available on left menu.


    In single mode, Portal detects the applications that have the login user in the current engine. Based on that, Portal will collect tasks, cases of those applications. In multi-portal mode, Portal will only collect on registered applications.

    By default, Portal will automatically synchronize user settings to registered servers at 5AM everyday. You can change the time when the synchronization start by going to AdminUI and change the value of the global variable PortalStartTimeSynchUserExpression of the application that will run the synchronization process.


    Synchronization process is needed to run on one application each server. If there are multiple applications registered per server, only one application needs to run this process. Select one application as you wish and set value for global variable PortalStartTimeSynchUserExpression. On other applications, set this value empty.

Change logos and colors

Open the "Design" tab and you can upload new logos or change new colors.


If you work in Designer, refresh PortalStyle project after change color to see the effect.


You can only upload PNG image type for logos.

If you change colors on Google Chrome browser, please reload page with no cache to get new colors.

Absence and substitute settings

  • Choose Absences from User Settings options.

  • To create new Absence, click New Absence to open the dialog as below:

    • till/from date must not be empty.

    • till date must be greater than or equal from .

    • till date must not be in the past (greater than or equal today).

  • User can edit or delete Absences by click edit/delete on the Absences list.

  • Deputies area will display all the information of deputy on each application.

  • User cannot set deputies for hidden roles.

  • All the items will be saved after click Save button.

Email settings

  • To configure mails of Portal applications, select Email Settings in User Settings .

  • You can configure one email setting for all applications or each application separately.

  • All the items will be saved when click save button.

Language settings

  • Language setting precedence:

    If user email language setting is application default, language would be applied by application email language setting.

    If user selects a language in email setting, language would be appplied by this selection.

  • To configure languages of Portal applications, select Language Settings in User Settings .

  • UI reads current languages settings for all applications.

  • To change language for application, select one in the languages dropdown list of application. When the change is saved, the language will be set for application (Click on the application in header menu to reload application and see the change of language).

  • For multiple languages, the CMS key /AppInfo/SupportedLanguages must exist in your application. From Portal 7.1, this CMS entry is moved to Portal Style. It contains list of all languages supported by your application, separated by comma.

    • Must not contain spaces
    • Same as display name of Locale
    • Separated by comma
    • Process model version, which has this CMS, must active
  • To add new language to Portal, what you have to do is

    • Add new language locale to cms entry of Portal Style /AppInfo/SupportedLanguages
    • Export all CMS entries of Portal Style to excel file
    • Add translation of new language for all CMS entries
    • Import file excel back, then redeploy Portal Style