5. Configure the Engine

Now, let’s configure the Axon Ivy Engine with a license and system database.

To start with that you must first request a valid Axon Ivy Engine license. Either you get a license for your productive system through one of our sales personal or contact our support for time limited trial licenses. If you do not have a license you can skip this section and continue with the next section.

Moreover, you need to have a supported database server up and running with a database user that has the rights to create new databases. The configuration and creation of the system database differs a little bit depending on the database system you use. We will use a PostgreSQL database server.

Shutdown the Axon Ivy Engine first by typing shutdown and Y:

Go to http://ivy1:8080/ to see the info page of |ivy-engine|.
|ivy-engine| is running and ready to serve. [11596ms]
Type 'shutdown' and confirm with ENTER to stop the running engine instance
Should '|ivy-engine|' be stopped? ([Y]es / [N]o): Y
Stopping |ivy-engine| ...
[  0%] Stopping Server

Let’s install the license. You can do this by simple copy the license *.lic file into the configuration folder

cp ~/licence.lic /opt/ivy/engine/latest/configuration

To configure the system database, use the config-db command of the EngineConfigCli tool. Replace yourdatabasserver with the name of the host where your PostgreSQL server is running. Replace dbuser and password with the credentials of a database user that has the rights to create a new database on the database server.

./EngineConfigCli config-db org.postgresql.Driver \
jdbc:postgresql://yourdatabaseserver:5432/AxonIvySystemDatabase \
dbuser password

Now, let’s create the system database with the create-db command:

./EngineConfigCli create-db


The system database is used by Axon Ivy Engine to store configurations, users, roles, process instances, tasks and process data.

Next, define an administrator by modifying the ivy.yaml file of the configuration directory:

1# sample ivy.yaml which defines a single administrative account:
3  admin:
4    Password: 1234
5    Email: sudo@acme.com


Administrators can administrate the Axon Ivy Engine. For example, they can add or remove users, assign user to roles, enable or disable applications, etc. Therefore, you need at least one administrator so that you can later administrate the Axon Ivy Engine. The Email address of administrators are used to send mail notifications if license problems occur.


The Axon Ivy Engine internal web server provides connectors for the following protocols:

  • HTTP Protocol used by web browser to communicate with a web server. This protocol is not secure since the communication is not encrypted. Axon Ivy Engine uses port 8080 by default.

  • HTTPS Like HTTP but secure. It uses TLS to encrypt the communication between the web browser and server. Axon Ivy Engine uses port 8443 by default.

  • AJP This protocol is used to integrate Microsoft IIS or Apache httpd as reverse proxy server. Axon Ivy Engine uses port 8009 by default. AJP is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Axon Ivy Engine use HTTP or HTTPS to integrate a reverse proxy.

Have a look at the ivy.yaml to see what other parts of the webserver and its connectors can be adjusted for your needs.

Now, start the Axon Ivy Engine again as background process.:

nohup ./AxonIvyEngine &

Note, that the HTTP port of the Axon Ivy Engine may have changed. If you did change the http settings! So open again a web browser and navigate to http://yourservername:yourportnumber/. Note, that the header with the demo mode message is gone. You now have a production ready Axon Ivy Engine.