3. Start the Engine

Start the Axon Ivy Engine by navigation to the bin folder and executing the AxonIvyEngine binary

cd bin

This will start the Axon Ivy Engine as a user process. On the last lines of the output a URL is displayed

[100%] Service ProcessModelVersion Portal/AxonIvyExpress$1 started [0ms]
Go to http://yourservername:8080/ to see the info page of |ivy-engine|.
|ivy-engine| is running and ready to serve. [9375ms]
Type 'shutdown' and confirm with ENTER to stop the running engine instance

Copy this URL. On your client machine open a web browser and navigate to that URL. This will display the Axon Ivy Engine main page.

Normally, you want to run Axon Ivy Engine as a daemon process and not as a user process. You can register and manage the Axon Ivy Engine daemon using systemd.