2. Install the Engine

We suggest that you install the Axon Ivy Engine into a new folder called /opt/ivy/engine. Create the directory and change the owner to your current user

cd /opt
sudo mkdir ivy
sudo chown myuser:myuser ivy

Replace myuser with the name of your current user.


Instead of using your current user we suggest that on a productive system you use a special user called ivy. First, create a new user and group called ivy. Then, change the owner of the folder ivy to the user ivy. After that, login as user ivy and work with the new user.

sudo mkdir ivy
adduser ivy
sudo chown ivy:ivy ivy
ls -al
drwxr-xr-x 3 ivy  ivy       4096 Sep 15 11:26 ivy
login ivy

Download the latest engine

cd ivy
mkdir engine
cd engine
wget https://developer.axonivy.com/permalink/|version|/axonivy-engine.zip -O engine.zip


Axon Ivy Engine is provided in different packages:

  • Windows Preferable package for Windows which comes with a bundled Java Runtime.

  • All For all platforms with launchers for Windows and Linux systems, but without a bundled JRE. Therefore you need to install a Java Runtime by yourself. Ivy will pick the JRE configured via IVY_JAVA_HOME operating system environment variable or if not set fallback to JAVA_HOME.

  • Slim All Same as All but without a demo application.

  • Docker Docker Image for all platforms which can run Linux containers.

To install Axon Ivy Engine simply unzip the downloaded file AxonIvyEngine*.zip into a new AxonIvyEngine* folder

unzip engine.zip -d latest
rm engine.zip
cd latest


The most important folders of the Axon Ivy Engine are:

  • bin folder which contains all the executables.

  • configuration folder which contains the configuration files.

  • deploy folder which is used to deploy Axon Ivy projects.